
Now I really did it :((


Feb 27, 2007

@Austina yay for the packers starting. One step closer. I hope you sleep better tonight. I totally understand being OCD and stressed about the mess and chaos; that drives me crazy too. I was pretty gritchy when we were packing to move to this house.

@missy the autumn leaves are pretty - sadly I noticed the wind is already blowing leaves off here in town. Hoping I can get some pictures this weekend. Louie is a cutie and the ice cream looks delicious. Loved your post about life - a line that always stuck with me from the movie Meet Joe Black was “65 years, doesn’t it go by in a blink.” Life is short.

@mrs-b I hope you are having a good day.

@MamaBee great Halloween decorations.

It was quite lovely here today - 80 degrees, very light smoke and hardly a breeze. What a treat!

I have Friday off this week. Tried to get my car in for the 6 month service but the first appointment available was November 2nd. I know that’s only a month but I was hoping to get in before the snow flies. Oh well, I can cancel if it’s nasty that day.

Take care.

Marty's photo from this weekend - notice all the dead trees from Beetle Kill?

My sunset photo


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls! Happy (I hope) Tuesday!

@canuk-gal how are you doing? How is your mom? Thinking about both of you and continued healing wishes.

@marcy speaking of car servicing Greg is brining our car in today to Lexus for it's regularly scheduled servicing. We get a loaner so that is always weird driving around in a new car. Yay for being off Friday and sorry you couldn't get your car serviced sooner. Can you call for openings/cancellations? Do they do that? Ugh to all the dead trees :( Your sunset photo is beautiful.

@MamaBee and @mrs-b the Halloween decorations are happening here and I will take photos. Some pretty spectacular decorations. We ordered a baby skeleton to put on the back of our bike haha. It's arriving today and cannot wait to be able to cycle with it lol. Though it is rainy for the next few (rest of the week and weekend maybe) days so we shall see. Photos will have to wait til we go cycling because all the decorations we see are on our cycling route. I love Halloween and it's also my mom's birthday. Bwahahaha.

@MamaBee glad you and David got the flu shot. We have to get ours and usually we get it in September but this year I thought eh. It only lasts 6 months or so and with us wearing masks everywhere I decided to put it off til this month. Seeing our internist next week but I need a tetanus shot so not sure he can do both. Plus I only get the preservative free flu shot so not sure he stocks those. If not we will get it at our local pharmacy end of this month probably.

@Austina I am super excited for you and keeping good thoughts for the move.

@Slick1 hope you are having a wonderful week.

@bling_dream19 hope everyone is doing well by you and all going smoothly.

@sarahb good morning, hope you are doing well.

@springerspaniel how is Fred doing? Any way we can get more puppy photos?

Today is a very wet day. It's pouring at the moment. I have another ultrasound appointment which I am anxious about. Drink 32 ounces of water, don't pee and hope for decent results. This is in the continuing saga of my bleeding. Please think good thoughts for me this morning. I am praying my uterine lining looks to be OK.

Yesterday was a great day. We cycled and the weather held out. A few drops but we remained dry and the forecast was iffy so we took a chance. We live on the edge :lol:
And we got our ice cream which was even more delicious than usual. Sad that our friend M is leaving the ice cream place this week but glad for her as she is going back to school. We will miss her but already planning on getting ice cream with her outside on a regular basis lol.

Have a sweet day girls. Be well. Stay safe. Lots of hugs.

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Jun 8, 2008
Oh and LOL. Look at this motley crew as we rode up to the driveway yesterday after cycling. I think we were (well not really they wanted to eat as always lol) missed. :lol:

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May the day be meowalous and be purrrrrfect in every way. XOXO.


Jun 8, 2008


Jun 8, 2008
I am so down. My lining is thick. My gynecologist is not going to be ok with me continuing hormones. I’m on so much progesterone it doesn’t make sense. I am absorbing it too. Progesterone is protective supposedly of the uterus. I’m feeling defeated. I have been working so hard to make this work. It’s helping my bones and I’ve been trying to figure it out on my own. But here I am in another medical mystery. I will get a biopsy but that won’t allow me to continue HRT. That will hopefully show I am cancer free g-d willing but the fact remains if my uterine lining is thick and I am bleeding daily I might have to stop HRT. :(

Sorry for the crying. I’m just so tired. And when I got there today they couldn’t find the script so I had to call my friend the gynecologist and wake her so she could send another. I am upset I had to wake her. She said she had to wake up anyway but still. Sloppy on the part of the diagnostic center. Added to an already stressful situation.


Mar 31, 2018
@missy I’m so sorry…When will you catch a break. I feel so bad you are going through this…XOXO


Jun 8, 2008
@missy I’m so sorry…When will you catch a break. I feel so bad you are going through this…XOXO

Thanks sweet Joanne. I don’t want anyone to feel bad. I just feel so defeated. I have no doctor to turn to who can help me. I feel alone. :(


Mar 31, 2018
Oh and LOL. Look at this motley crew as we rode up to the driveway yesterday after cycling. I think we were (well not really they wanted to eat as always lol) missed. :lol:

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Screen Shot 2021-10-05 at 4.54.03 AM.png

May the day be meowalous and be purrrrrfect in every way. XOXO.

OMG Missy..Those faces are adorable…I didn’t even see Gracie at first! Hopefully they will give you extra cuddles today..XO


Feb 24, 2017
Honestly @missy, I don’t know how you keep going with everything that keeps coming up. I’m so sorry to hear of the latest issues, no wonder you’re so down. If there was just someone, anyone, who could at least give you a workable solution, then there’d be light at the end of the tunnel.


Dec 5, 2019
I'm a little (a lot) intimidated to post in this thread, as I haven't read all 892 pages of posts!

@missy I'm sorry you're going through these health challenges, I know it's really challenging and frustrating not knowing what is causing everything and having a clear treatment plan. I love your positivity and perspective despite everything that you're dealing with! I want to apologize in advance if I overstep with some thoughts/advice, I'm just hoping somehow they might help you or someone else. I'm sure you've thought about and tried all of these options (I don't know that much about your health history), but just in case it helps to spark a new idea, have you thought about these options?

1) Multiple Opinions from Top Specialists - I went to see ~10 specialists for my condition, even flying to see the top experts in their field (pre-COVID, but I would do this even during COVID times if needed with an abundance of precautions).

2) Mayo Clinic - Unfortunately the top specialists only had "hypotheses" and couldn't figure out what was wrong with me (I felt like I was dying and falling apart, fortunately that was not the case). I was very close to flying to the Mayo Clinic to see if their team based model of care would offer some new insights.

3) Concierge Medicine - Doctors and providers have a lot more time to spend with you and can dive into your health history, analyze your situation, etc. This helped me a lot, while it can be expensive (not covered by insurance, cash pay, and/or out-of-network), I think it can be worth it when other options have been exhausted.

4) Sharing your complete health history with trusted, medical friend(s) who have a vested interest in helping you find answers and solutions. I'm fortunate many of my friends are physicians and this has also helped tremendously.

Sending positive, healing thoughts your way!


Jun 8, 2008
Thank you @MRBXXXFVVS1 I appreciate you taking the time to post and share your thoughts.
And your kindness. XO.


Apr 19, 2004

Very warm day for Oct 5 in our neck of the woods. Too windy for my taste to cycle but walked instead. I see that the "S" word has disappeared from our forecast. Yay!

Not much else going on. Mom has her good and bad days. I won 22 bucks in the Lotto! WOOHOO! Guess that Tiffany Victoria diamond bracelet is still out of reach @marcy ?

@Austina keep calm and carry on. You really are living the dream; it just doesn't feel like it yet.

@missy hugs and healing vibes across the miles! That picture of your cats waiting to be fed was pretty charming.



Mar 31, 2018
4 of them here today @missy attacking the packing, they’re getting on really well.
Big love & hugs to you all :wavey:
Yay! Are you bringing anything on the plane? I know you can’t bring anything large..My mom flew out to Texas with a plant that I loved. She put it in a tote. It was a little parched when she got to Texas..but it perked up after getting tons of water poor thing! I would be wearing all my jewelry at once so it didn’t go with them!


Mar 31, 2018

Very warm day for Oct 5 in our neck of the woods. Too windy for my taste to cycle but walked instead. I see that the "S" word has disappeared from our forecast. Yay!

Not much else going on. Mom has her good and bad days. I won 22 bucks in the Lotto! WOOHOO! Guess that Tiffany Victoria diamond bracelet is still out of reach @marcy ?

@Austina keep calm and carry on. You really are living the dream; it just doesn't feel like it yet.

@missy hugs and healing vibes across the miles! That picture of your cats waiting to be fed was pretty charming.


@canuk-gal You hit the jackpot!
Is your mom out of quarantine from the covid case? Is she in a nursing home? My mom’s nursing home just had three more covid cases in the staff. Two are fully vaccinated. One is partially vaccinated. It’s so scary. They’re doing boosters on the 12th..TG


Feb 21, 2019
Nirdi shoutout!
Missy I'm thinking about you and just wish the answers and solutions will be found. Hang in there my friend. I know you're going to feel so much better hopefully soon.
Love and hugs to all!
My ring comes tomorrow! I'm super nervous and hoping I love it.


Mar 31, 2018
Nirdi shoutout!
Missy I'm thinking about you and just wish the answers and solutions will be found. Hang in there my friend. I know you're going to feel so much better hopefully soon.
Love and hugs to all!
My ring comes tomorrow! I'm super nervous and hoping I love it.

@bling_dream19 dream How could you not love it?! I saw it on IG..It’s so pretty!


Feb 21, 2019
@bling_dream19 dream How could you not love it?! I saw it on IG..It’s so pretty!

I always get nervous for custom work. I'm going to squash that and focus on happy and exciting anticipation! I told hubby I was going to go grocery shopping tomorrow and then realized, umm no I'll be glued to the front door!!!


Mar 31, 2018
I always get nervous for custom work. I'm going to squash that and focus on happy and exciting anticipation! I told hubby I was going to go grocery shopping tomorrow and then realized, umm no I'll be glued to the front door!!!

I think you will love it @bling_dream19..
If you’re anything like me you will have to stand by the window with no shower for fear you’ll miss the delivery!


Feb 27, 2007

Very warm day for Oct 5 in our neck of the woods. Too windy for my taste to cycle but walked instead. I see that the "S" word has disappeared from our forecast. Yay!

Not much else going on. Mom has her good and bad days. I won 22 bucks in the Lotto! WOOHOO! Guess that Tiffany Victoria diamond bracelet is still out of reach @marcy ?

@Austina keep calm and carry on. You really are living the dream; it just doesn't feel like it yet.

@missy hugs and healing vibes across the miles! That picture of your cats waiting to be fed was pretty charming.


@canuk-gal I won $14 so far on my current lotto tickets. We can combine that with your $22 and see what Tiffany will sell us. I have a feeling it won’t sparkle very much.


Feb 27, 2007
I am so down. My lining is thick. My gynecologist is not going to be ok with me continuing hormones. I’m on so much progesterone it doesn’t make sense. I am absorbing it too. Progesterone is protective supposedly of the uterus. I’m feeling defeated. I have been working so hard to make this work. It’s helping my bones and I’ve been trying to figure it out on my own. But here I am in another medical mystery. I will get a biopsy but that won’t allow me to continue HRT. That will hopefully show I am cancer free g-d willing but the fact remains if my uterine lining is thick and I am bleeding daily I might have to stop HRT. :(

Sorry for the crying. I’m just so tired. And when I got there today they couldn’t find the script so I had to call my friend the gynecologist and wake her so she could send another. I am upset I had to wake her. She said she had to wake up anyway but still. Sloppy on the part of the diagnostic center. Added to an already stressful situation.

@missy I am so sorry you are having so many medical mysteries. That is crappy something that helps your bones is hurting you in other ways. I can see why you are tired from dealing with everything. Mega hugs to you.



Feb 24, 2017
Yay! Are you bringing anything on the plane? I know you can’t bring anything large..My mom flew out to Texas with a plant that I loved. She put it in a tote. It was a little parched when she got to Texas..but it perked up after getting tons of water poor thing! I would be wearing all my jewelry at once so it didn’t go with them!

:lol: 4 huge suitcases stuffed to the gunnels, 2 wheeled carryons, handbag and I shall look like Mr T as I’m having to carry all my jewellery with me under lock and key. This is in addition to the 4 huge suitcases and carryons we took a few weeks ago.

Colin had to count my dresses for the inventory, I have 150+ that are packed plus the 40 odd I’ve already taken - I think I may have a problem :oops: He said if they go astray, no one will believe that one woman has so many dresses:mrgreen:


Jun 8, 2008
Ultrasound results in...My friend messaged me at 1AM. Got it at 5AM when I checked my email.
My lining is 7mm so I need a biopsy. My friend sent me the report via patient portal and also said next step is a biopsy. Which I knew but not sure if she will do it herself. I messaged her asking if she was comfortable doing it on me since we are friends. Not sure what her reply will be.

And this morning I finally bit the bullet and gave myself the synthetic progestin injection to maybe help stop the bleeding. It was my last resort and I am praying it works. It might not though since the bleeding doesn't make sense because my blood progesterone is at a good protective level. Something else can be going on and in that case the synthetic progestin injection won't help. Which is why I left it as a last resort.

And it still hurts. Ouch. It was over 30 minutes ago but it is a lot of liquid to inject. Way more than the E and T injections I am doing. But if it works the pain is nothing. I have been through much worse.

Thanks for listening girls. If you could please keep good thoughts for me. I am a big believer in good thoughts as you know and the power of positive wishes and healing vibes.

Happy Wednesday by the way!

@canuk-gal yay for the S word being gone and yay for mild temps and a nice walk. Continued healing vibes to your sweet mom.

@MamaBee thank you sweet friend.

@MRBXXXFVVS1 thank you again.

@Austina good luck continuing to be sent your way....smooth move vibes.

@marcy thank you. Much appreciated and I hope you are doing OK and know you have your share of medical mysteries too. Continued healing vibes being sent your way.

@bling_dream19 ooh so exciting...please share it when it arrives. I know you are super stoked. Thank you for your warm wishes.

@mrs-b thank you for sharing your happy update yesterday with me. It cheered me up immensely and may your healing continue.

@sarahb thanks for reading along. It somehow is comforting. Hope all is well with you.

So we actually cycled yesterday and didn't get wet woohoo. And Greg informed me we can cycle today so hoping for another dry day. Off to work out. Enjoy a wonderful Wednesday lovely ladies. Sending you many hugs and well wishes. XOXO.

OK so Greg took yesterday's ice cream photo as I was on the phone. LOL what a perspective. :lol:

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And when we cycled home Sasha was waiting. Not scared of us at all. As long as we do not approach her.

She likes that spot in front of our bike shed.

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Love you girls. XOXO.


Jun 8, 2008

Bwahaha ready to ride today! :errrr: :lol:


Jan 23, 2012
I am so down. My lining is thick. My gynecologist is not going to be ok with me continuing hormones. I’m on so much progesterone it doesn’t make sense. I am absorbing it too. Progesterone is protective supposedly of the uterus. I’m feeling defeated. I have been working so hard to make this work. It’s helping my bones and I’ve been trying to figure it out on my own. But here I am in another medical mystery. I will get a biopsy but that won’t allow me to continue HRT. That will hopefully show I am cancer free g-d willing but the fact remains if my uterine lining is thick and I am bleeding daily I might have to stop HRT. :(

Sorry for the crying. I’m just so tired. And when I got there today they couldn’t find the script so I had to call my friend the gynecologist and wake her so she could send another. I am upset I had to wake her. She said she had to wake up anyway but still. Sloppy on the part of the diagnostic center. Added to an already stressful situation.

Dear @missy
Apologies if I have intruded. I don't usually post here. Or know your whole story. I have only just recently got back to PS, and just randomly read some threads in the middle of the night when I can't sleep... I hope you don't mind, I couldn't help myself and just wanted to send you some hugs, healing vibes, good thoughts and love from the opposite end of the world. I hope you find some resolution soon. I know its terribly hard and exhausting chasing a diagnosis. I pray you are not in too much discomfort and the way forward becomes clear soon. You have such an amazing attitude and positivity. Will keep you in my prayers.
Love, S


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out! Wow yesterday I could have suntanned and today is sweater weather! LOL. Looks like rain?

@MamaBee the lockdown is still present, but all staff and patient have tested -ve. (they test every three days). A real drag. Mom is in active treatment.

@missy hope you get things sorted with your biopsy. Always something!. Your boney friend is cute!



Jun 8, 2008
Thank you so much @ringcat, I appreciate you chiming in and all good wishes and comforting hugs help. They really do.

@canuk-gal thank you. And haha yes he is isn't he. His name is Pythagorus. LOL blame Greg. :lol:

So it goes from bad to worse but I understand. I even gave my friend the out asking her if she was 100% comfortable doing my biopsy and if so let's schedule it. My girlfriend just messaged me she isn't comfortable doing the biopsy on me since we are friends and she gave me a name of another gynecologist in another practice. But of course their office is closed now. I am a little scared because I am starting on my own all over again without a gynecologist on board. Oy to the vey.


Apr 19, 2004

@missy I am glad you got a good referral and that is works out.

FWIW, I think Mr. P. Theorem could use a cheese or veggie burger!



Jun 8, 2008
GM girls, happy Thursday!

And it goes from worse to even worse but I have to laugh or I would never stop crying. One of my injectable meds, the only one left that might help me stop bleeding, is now no longer being made at the one pharmacy who was compounding it. They had to close their sterile lab so sent all the RXs to a sister pharmacy who has a sterile lab. BUT that sister pharmacy can only ship within their state. Can't make this stuff up. The pharmacist could see how upset I was when called yesterday for refills and he told me of the situation. His exact words. "We have a situation here " I'll say. Wow. Anyway he said find a friend in this state who they can ship to who will ship it to me. Wow that is a big ask right? I had no choice and was loathe to ask for this favor but so thankful to @Austina who immediately said yes. THANK YOU SO MUCH. Nothing is a given though as they are waiting for the raw ingredients needed to compound this relatively rare med. SO here I am. Not knowing if I will actually get this med that I truly desperately need but praying I will. And no matter what happens super thankful for my true friend Austina who without her help I wouldn't even have a possibility of getting this med. Oy to the vey. I am, to say with calm understatement, stressed to the max. One day at a time. One hour at a time. But I am not going to lie, I am overwhelmed. And I am hoping so hard things will ultimately work out. I just feel like I am in some sort of alternate reality. It is all just surreal.

@Austina good luck crating up all your furniture and I hope all goes smoothly from hereon in. Biggest hugs to my dear friend. Words can never express how grateful I am to you.

@canuk-gal that referral isn't going work out LOL. The doctor is in his late 70s and well let's just say questionable in a few ways. I did some research on him and I am just SMH. Maybe I will call just because I have no one to do the biopsy but I am very hesitant to say the least. For reasons I don't want to write here just because I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea. But it gives me pause. And I have doctors in their 80s but I don't know how I feel having someone in their late 70s do an invasive procedure on me. Are their hands steady? Oy. And LOL yes Mr P does need to eat something :lol: he is all (NOT) skin and bones. Minus the skin. Bwahahaha.

Hi to everyone else. Somehow I managed to have a decent day in between all the crazy stress and things going horribly awry. We had ice cream in between my tears as the pharmacy issue all went down as we rode up to get ice cream and I didn't want to disappoint Greg. But I was so not in the mood. Somehow I managed to get the ice cream down but I barely tasted it. Honestly how much more stress will I have to endure and sadly the answer is however much more I have to. Pulling up my big girl panties. IF ONLY I could stop this bleeding. :( That is enough doom and gloom from me. Thank you for listening and thank you for all your kind support. When things get like this a kind word and virtual hug really do go a long way. This world can feel so cold and cruel and any bright light and warmth is so appreciated. XOXO.

Leaving you with our ice cream of the day from yesterday. Another Greg perspective of our ice-cream as I was on the phone with the pharmacy. LOL. I have to tell that man how to snap our ice cream photo. :LOL:

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Have a sweet and peaceful day lovely ladies. Love to each and everyone of you.
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