
Now I really did it :((


Feb 27, 2007

Callie, shopping for your niece sounds like a lot of fun. Did you get her any jewelry since she loves yours? She will be very happy on Christmas. I loved it when my nieces were little; I always seemed to buy them more things than anyone else. I never knew what to buy for my little nephews. Our tree definitely has more Snoopy ornaments on it than anything else but Marty always buys me the new ones that Hallmark puts out each year so he contributes to my collection. I hope your family dinner goes well.

Missy, I hope your family get together is fun today. I am sure your nieces will brighten everyone’s day. Thank you for the compliments about my photo collage; for some reason I like making those. My reindeer wind chime ornament didn’t show well; it’s on the upper right. It’s one of my favorite ornaments. It’s 3 little reindeer hanging off the top and dangle and clang like a wind chime. I have a snowflake one but it broke and Marty hasn’t been able to get it working quite right again. I did not take pictures of the candy cane cookies; it’s not like I have a new camera or anything. Ha Ha. I definitely prefer using our home theatre over going to the movies too. Most movies are out on pay per view in 2-3 months then I can relax at home and my popcorn is definitely better than the movie theater.

Jimmianne, LOL to your diamond not being just another pretty face. I have a ½ carat heart diamond that is on a WG sapphire semi-mount and I keep thinking of going up in size on it. I wore it this week and I honestly have a soft spot for that diamond because every time I wear it I know I want to keep it. You are so right about the NIRDI’s being together for so long. Very cool. The hospice I donate to is incredible for our small town. They only have maybe 15-20 rooms. They are very nice though. Each room has a bed with all the necessary hook ups and monitors, a desk, recliner, couch, window seats (with cushions where you could make a bed to sleep), your private bath, TV and every one of them has a fabulous view of either a beautiful garden or trees, bushes and grass. The nurses and help there are angels on Earth. For such a sad place to be they make things as peaceful and easy on you as humanly possible. They’ve received many donations from me since my mom was there. Thank you for the kind words about my collage.

Sharon, your road trip sounds scary; I am glad you made it home okay. Sorry you didn’t make it to your mom’s house though.

I got up about 8. We were cooking breakfast in shifts so by the time Marty then his sister were done I decided to go with cereal.

Part of my evil plan we to get Marty and my SIL to go grocery shopping and they suckered for my plan. I got them to run all of my errands for me today. Woo hoo!

I am almost done with laundry and got some Christmas M&M cookies made and in the freezer. We are going to ride around again tonight to look at more Christmas lights. I found a map on FB with some of the best spots in town so we’ll check out a few more places.

I like to mess with my SIL. She is so much like Marty it’s kind of scary. We keep our Christmas dishes in the room she’s staying in so I told her I was going in there to look for something and I didn’t plan on rifling through her stuff trying to find money or anything. She says well don’t be upset because it’s messy. So I reassured her that’s fine, I won’t even look. I walked back there and screamed. Sadly she never takes me serious.

Marty is cooking burgers on the grill for supper today and making oven fries. It’s actually in the 40’s and not windy here today. Something’s wrong but we are expecting snow tomorrow.

Take care.


Feb 27, 2007
I was looking through some old pictures and found 2 I thought were good for Christmas Eve.

Another picture of the tree outside at our old house and our Christmas tree at the old house with a Diamond topper. That was my .75 GIA XXX that I traded in less than 4 months.




Jun 7, 2014
Marcy, That last picture made me LOL!!! My little niece is getting lots of clothes, a glittery purse, a couple pairs of shoes and boots and Barbies. I went the clothes route because well she needs them and everyone else bought her toys. It's a pretty safe bet that our gifts won't be her favorites which means I'll just have to spoil her throughout the year. I hope you are having a great time with your family.


Dec 9, 2013
4f0c2d58a51c87160452258017a6b7c1.jpg 381920.jpg

Merry Holidays!!!
Have a :dance: happy day! :dance:


Dec 9, 2013
Me too [laugh] I wondered how a 0.75 would make a tree topper.
Oh! you meant a 750.0!


Jun 8, 2008
canuk-gal|1482598283|4109388 said:

No place like home for the holidays....well we tried to get "home" to see my Mom. We changed travel days due to the changing weather forecast...but it wasn't to be. We are sad. :((

Highways littered with accidents--and backed up for kms by one small rural community. White knuckles all the way. Turned around and came home...3 hours for nothing! And of course my cupboards are kinda bare....

I think we got 15 cms of snow and 10 more is predicted. It IS a white Christmas!


Awww Sharon, honey, I am so sorry you didn't get to go "home" this Christmas. Big hugs to you and your family and I hope you get to go visit your mom soon. Stay safe and warm and thinking of you this White Christmas and sending love and good thoughts your way. :wavey:


Jun 8, 2008
Merry Christmas girls! It is not a white Christmas by us but it is a dry Christmas (as in no precipitation!). A bit above average temps today but getting colder in a few days and by New Year's Eve it is supposed to be quite chilly. Please skip what I wrote below if you want to read some holiday cheer. ::)

Well I could have used a drink or 2 yesterday LOL (as in not dry) but since I don't really drink I suffered it sober. :wink2: It wasn't that bad but honestly my mom upsets me like no one else can and of course pushes all my buttons and I feel so misunderstood by my family and that makes me sad. We stayed the minimum amount of time and then left and yes I am a bit blue but not in a good way. It was a long day traveling to Brooklyn (first we went to our apartment to get mail and check on things since it had been over a week since we were there) and then left for my parents house. We were the first to get there and it was nice chatting with my parents and they loved the cat house Greg made for them. They placed it outside on their deck and put food in it and bam the ferals came and ate. So adorable. That was the highlight for me.

Food was the lowlight for me. Because my mom didn't prepare anything I could really eat besides a salad and grilled veggies which true she made that mainly for me (thought my nieces love grilled veggies so not just for me) but where is the protein? I mean is it so hard to prepare something I could eat protein wise? She made a chicken and turkey rice dish and of course potato latkes and her famous Swedish meatballs. But nothing I could have protein wise and that aggravated me. And it isn't so much about the food per se but what it means. Like I am not worth the energy and trouble to make something I could enjoy. That's what hurts my feelings so much.

It was only the immediate family so how hard to make something besides meat for me? I don't think I am being unreasonable and given the distance we traveled and all we do it wasn't asking for too much. Plus if I had known I would have brought something I could have eaten yanno? Sorry if I seem like a spoiled child but I don't agree and it hurts my feelings. Yes I am still hurt and today is their 53rd anniversary so I have to suck it up and call them but I wish I could just go a few days without speaking to my mom.

But it was nice seeing my sister and my nieces and my BIL and it was fun seeing their excitement at opening the gifts and they seemed to love everything. My parents got them this egg that hatches that I never heard of before and LOL what will they come up with next the toy companies. LOVE that and want one myself. My father got to the store at 6AM the day it came out to snag one. They only allowed one per customer but if they ever come out again after the holidays I am definitely getting one hahaha. Oh to be a kid again because they have the best toys! Well I wouldn't want to give up my bling but you get the picture. :lol:

Scandi, hope you had a great Christmas Celebration yesterday!

Marcy, LOL you evil SIL you. :lol: I love your sense of humor and you and my dad and I have a similar sense of humor I think. Too funny! Hope you had a good night and hope your snow is pretty today and not a hassle. And I hope you are all having a grand time together. Thank you for the Christmas photos. Love the diamond on the tree. Perfect size. :cheeky:

Callie, hope dinner went well and glad your niece loved all her clothes and shoes. You are the best auntie!

Jimmianne, happy holidays and love the Snoopy wishes! Hope you had all happy blingy dreams last night dreaming of your beautiful new asscher. And again I love your sentiments. Thank you for always saying what I feel in my heart.

Isn't it nice that we have been together so long and shared so much. It's a heartwarming thought for Christmas Eve 2016.
I hope everyone is feeling the spirit of the holidays today. Just think, the NIRDIs are the part of our family that never argues or act crazy

Yes true dat! And even if/when we do argue we always resolve it so well and with love. It's the family that always shares respect and love without conditions and that's a good family. (((HUGS))).

Hope everyone had a great Christmas Eve and will have a lovely Christmas Day! Hoping all your family interactions go smoothly and that there is only love and cheer. That is my Christmas wish for you all.

And I want to say thank you to each and everyone of you who posts here and shares their hopes and dreams and just their everyday thoughts and day to day life with us. You make PS the nicest place to be and a warm loving safe haven. I love you all and wish everyone the best in health, happiness and love. And let't not forget the bling. :bigsmile: (((HUGS))).





Jun 8, 2008


Jun 8, 2008
Some pics.

Last pic is the feral cat feeder in its new home on my parents deck.
First few are pics of the girls opening their gifts. Can't help smiling when I see them enjoying the holidays. I totally get why many people have kids. Seeing life through their eyes makes everything sweeter. :love:






Dec 31, 2006
Merry Christmas!

or should I say, Merry Holidays!

How are you guys I know I have *so much* to catch up on! I'm sorry I have not been updating. I'll be back later for that right now I just wanted to keep everything Holiday-ish. ::)

First I feel like sharing some totally random thoughts with you guys because every time I had them I thought of sharing them with you!

- First, Target saved MY BUTT this year! I did 99% of my shopping online with them. They were offering 2-day shipping for FREE up until 4 P.M. on 12/21. So I got everything by 12/23, for free. I got Christmas lights, all the toys we needed to get, and a new tree skirt. The only thing I didn't get from Target were some gift cards for my niece, which I got at the local supermarket.

We did gifts for the kids only this year and it was AWESOME. I am hoping that the adults who push for gifts every year realize how much less stressful and nicer it was to just get gifts for the kids.

I did get my relative who lost her husband this year a photo book of all pictures of him. She really loved it.

- Got away with leaving a message on the answering machine for one of the people we have to call and for the other people we happened to call when they were opening gifts so we had to talk to only one person. :bigsmile: yay. Although...we were asked to do a Skype session some time this week so we'll have to do that. They wanted to do it yesterday (Christmas Eve) or today but I said no (I was nice and gentle about it I'm not scrambling or pulling away from relaxing to do a Skype call. I've hated it when we've done that in previous years.

OK you probably didn't think this was too bad of me - but what if I told you the Skype was to see our friends' kids? Now you probably will think that's terrible of me. :lol: but I don't discriminate. I don't want to Skype. Ever.

- DH got called in to work for a few hours so he won't be home for a while so I'll be alone here with the kitties. It's been a LONG time since I've spent Christmas Day at home, alone. So fun. We're going to celebrate when he gets home, we haven't opened our gifts yet (we do small gift exchanges, little thoughtful things more than anything).

Anyway I'll be back in a little bit for more update type stuff but just wanted to send you all a big hug and hello.


Feb 27, 2007
Some of you have already seen this but there is a few revsions

Merry Christmas and / or Happy Holiday to You,
I’m not as skilled as Missy but I do write poetry too.
The NIRDIs are a collection of diverse and wonderful gals,
We’ve developed a bond that became stronger than just being pals.
We are located here and there from all over the globe,
Sharing our troubles and triumphs with each other never gets old.
Missy started our long and on-going NIRDI thread,
When she broke her ankle and she was stuck in bed.
We commiserated with her and tried to lift her spirits,
And we wished we could help her if only she lived near us.
Missy worked hard and was soon back on her feet,
Which all of us thought was pretty darn neat!
As more of us joined the NIRDIs and followed along,
NIRDI-land became our daily stop to keep us going strong.
We’ve shared our bruises, our fears, our joys, and our tears,
And we’ve welcomed everyone’s new bling with a round of cheers.
From OEC, to marquis, to pears, round, asscher and emerald cuts,
Trying to pick out new jewelry is fun but can kind of drive us nuts.
We’ve dreamed of that perfect huge piece of bling,
Always looking for the jewelry that makes our heart sing.
But diamonds and gemstones are not all NIRDIs discuss,
Keeping up with our fur babies is a definite must.
We talk health, diet, shopping, clothes and shoes,
Purses, movies, books and things that give us the blues.
We may disagree sometimes or have one of those days,
But NIRDI friends just say no worries we all get that way.
I am sending you best wishes for a wonderful 2017,
Hoping it will be one of the best years you’ve ever seen.
All my best to my NIRDI friends,
From Marcy and yes this is the end.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi NIRDIs! Merry Seasons Greetings! :wavey:

Did you get any presents today? If so, what did you get?

Callie, I am sure you niece will love the glittery purse and enjoy her new clothes. I know you’ll have no problem spoiling her all next year.

Jimmianne, I think a .75 carat would get lost as a trip topper but a 750 carat would be something else.

Missy, rats you didn’t have a white Christmas but nice weather is a treat this time of year. I am so sorry your mom doesn’t plan some protein for you when you go eat with them. That is awesome the feral kitty house was a hit and drew a crowd right away. The word is getting around about Greg’s marvelous kitty houses. I am glad your nieces loved all their presents; being around young ones is always fun at Christmas. Your nieces are adorable.

CJ, glad shopping at Target online got everything to you on time. The photo book for your relative who lost her husband sounds like a very thoughtful gift. I am sure she will treasure it. Good idea to only get presents for the kids!!! I finally got my family to quit getting presents for adults about 5 years ago and it sure made a difference. Less stress, less money, less confusion on Christmas. A few people are still squawking about it though. I love it when the necessary phone calls turn out to be quick ones. I have a sister who would keep me on the phone for 2 hours if I told her my house was burning down and I have to go now. Have fun with your DH later opening presents.

We’ve had a busy day but uneventful. We all cooked our own breakfasts. Marty’s sister is on the same diet he is on. Marty made the compote for cheesecake and my SIL and I started peeling 10 pounds of potatoes. Marty got the mashed potatoes made and in the pan to cook tomorrow. We pulled out all of the Christmas dishes so other than setting up the table tonight we are as ready for tomorrow as we are going to be.

We opened our presents this morning. Marty painted me little pictures of some of my teddy bears and a few of his rabbits. They are mounted in a metal frame. I also got some tri-gold dangle earrings, a few Snoopy charms, a cargo holder for the back of my car, adapters for my laptop including my SD card reader and a Snoopy tote bag. Santa was good to me.

We are having steaks and baked potatoes for supper with some cheesecake and a few cookies.

I’d best get busy since Marty and my SIL are putting together the big table.




Dec 9, 2013
marcy|1482705064|4109570 said:
Some of you have already seen this but there is a few revsions

Merry Christmas and / or Happy Holiday to You,
I’m not as skilled as Missy but I do write poetry too.
The NIRDIs are a collection of diverse and wonderful gals,
We’ve developed a bond that became stronger than just being pals.
We are located here and there from all over the globe,
Sharing our troubles and triumphs with each other never gets old.
Missy started our long and on-going NIRDI thread,
When she broke her ankle and she was stuck in bed.
We commiserated with her and tried to lift her spirits,
And we wished we could help her if only she lived near us.
Missy worked hard and was soon back on her feet,
Which all of us thought was pretty darn neat!
As more of us joined the NIRDIs and followed along,
NIRDI-land became our daily stop to keep us going strong.
We’ve shared our bruises, our fears, our joys, and our tears,
And we’ve welcomed everyone’s new bling with a round of cheers.
From OEC, to marquis, to pears, round, asscher and emerald cuts,
Trying to pick out new jewelry is fun but can kind of drive us nuts.
We’ve dreamed of that perfect huge piece of bling,
Always looking for the jewelry that makes our heart sing.
But diamonds and gemstones are not all NIRDIs discuss,
Keeping up with our fur babies is a definite must.
We talk health, diet, shopping, clothes and shoes,
Purses, movies, books and things that give us the blues.
We may disagree sometimes or have one of those days,
But NIRDI friends just say no worries we all get that way.
I am sending you best wishes for a wonderful 2017,
Hoping it will be one of the best years you’ve ever seen.
All my best to my NIRDI friends,
From Marcy and yes this is the end.
:love: !! :appl: :appl: :appl: !! :love:


Dec 31, 2006
marcy! I love love love that poem! :love:

I was cracking up at all the naughty stuff you do to your SIL. Hilarious.

missy I'm sorry you felt like your mom didn't care to go out of her way for you. It doesn't make sense that she's so kind and loving but would do something like that to you. Is it possible she thought you could eat the chicken or turkey? :(

I know Greg had a colonoscopy not too long ago, and I hope you've decided to have one too. On another post I read he needed a biopsy but I didn't see an update on that. Maybe I missed it. Hope everything's OK.

Love the house he made for the ferals for your parents.

And your cute

rainwood I think for this particular relative whatever we did worked OK for her even though I *totally* could see what you're saying that asking "how are you doing?" is a very loaded put you on the spot question (so much so that I agree I will stop asking it and use other things). BUT - I have a feeling this may have something to do with it - this person is VERY people oriented, like total extrovert so I think she just has a very high tolerance for people. But I did understand all the points you brought up.

Butchart Gardens was absolutely gorgeous :)

callie how is your Christmas Day - I hope you found a little joy somewhere today.

scandi - missy said exactly what I feel when I read any of your posts - your sunshine personality just comes through. I saw that you posted some pictures of yourself in that white dress and it looked so pretty on you. If I go visit you will you sing me Christmas Carols too? :bigsmile:

hi june glad to hear your DD's boyfriend seemed nice. I hope you're enjoying your day today, I know you had said you were feeling a little bit down I hate when I feel like that around that holidays. I almost didn't decorate this year but then last minute decided to do it and I am so glad I did. It's so nice to have the house lit up with little lights. I don't do a lot I keep it simple but it does make a difference.

kristie, jimmyanne, lljsmom, gypsy, sharon, everyone, hello!

Hope all of you are surrounded by love and warmth and joy today.


Feb 27, 2007
Thank you Jimmianne and CJ!

CJ I am still picking on my SIL. It's fun. :bigsmile:


Dec 9, 2013
marcy|1482717927|4109596 said:
CJ I am still picking on my SIL. It's fun. :bigsmile:

indeed, that's one of the joys of holidays!

I can't believe it's Monday. The days have all mushed together and feel like an endless Sunday.
I have a gregarious mouse in my TV room : (
Two nights ago he saw me and ran back under the TV.
Last night he saw me and just shrugged.

I love Marty's painting. I'm glad to see he is making art - - - those rabbits are enjoyably disconcerting. Please tell him he has a big fan on the East Coast.

Missy, please don't take your Mom's oversight to heart. My Mom never could get with the "dietary needs" program of other people. She couldn't understand that it was anything but a "picky" preference and for my cousin, who is a strict vegetarian, she would give him a plate of lettuce and then ask him how he could survive on lettuce LOL


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! Happy Boxing day!

And welcome back CJ! Glad you are well. :wavey: Glad all the gifts arrived on time (yay Target) and that everything worked out. What a thoughtful gift for your relative who lost her dh. I have never skyped either and never want to Skype. Nor do a video chat. Or anything like that. It is either old fashioned phone call for me or visiting in person but nothing video related please. Thank you for the (((HUGS))) and right back at ya. And as for my mom no CJ. I have not eaten meat i.e. turkey, chicken, pork, red meat etc (fish on and off however) for over 35 years LOL.

Thank you for asking about Greg's colonoscopy biopsy. I don't remember if I updated here but all was OK!!! Unfortunately he needs another biopsy but this time on his thigh as a mole the dermatologists were watching has changed and needs to be removed and biopsied. His latest mole safe flagged it so we are going in January 3rd to get it biopsied. Fingers crossed it is nothing and he will be A-OK. :pray:

Jimmianne, I feel the same way. It is a mush of days all together and I have lost track of what day of the week it is without checking first. Perhaps this is what retirement feels like? How are you feeling about your lovely asscher? LOL about your mom. Did you ever see the movie Mother? With Al Brooks. :lol: Funny movie and your mom sounds a bit like the mother in this movie. :cheeky:

Oh no to the mouse poor little guy. He is probably terrified. I hope he makes it out OK. I have a soft spot for rodents. They are so cute and their lives so difficult especially in the city. Those subway rats break my heart. I know I am strange for loving them but I just do. Their sweet little faces and whiskers melt my heart. :love: :halo:

Marcy, I am so glad you shared the poem with everyone. You know how much I LOVE your poem. It is a masterpiece and makes me tear up every time I read it. Fantastic poem!!!
Marty has quite the talent and I love his painting. Hope you had a great dinner with everyone last night.

We had a wonderful day yesterday. The weather was so beautiful and sunny and mild. In the 50's and no wind which never happens at the beach. We enjoyed a nice long walk on the beach and it was a perfect Christmas day. Albeit unusual weather. Of course I will share pics. 8)
I love that we have trees and greenery on the beach. Well not greenery so much now being December but I just love that we have trees and plants and stuff and not just plain beach and sea. It makes it so much more interesting IMO.






Jun 8, 2008
Some more pics from yesterday.

I will be back after more coffee to share something Greg has been making over the last week or so.





Jun 8, 2008
Greg has made 5 docking stations (well working on the last one today) for us and as gifts. They are made of Mahogany and Epay and he used the extra wood he had laying around from other projects. They work great and I love them. We charge our iPads and iPhones on them and he made the first space wide enough for my huge iPhone and case to fit perfectly. Sharing the last one he just finished yesterday with our iPads in them. I was using my iPhone to take the pic so couldn't include it in the pic but it goes in the first (widest) slot.

OK that's all from me this morning folks. Have a great day and hugs to all of you. And Scandi big hugs for all your love and support as always and to all you girls. XOXO.




Jun 8, 2008


Jan 23, 2016
Greetings girls :wavey:

Tons of family and food, and PS will not let me post from my phone.. (??)

Todays walk with furbaby :)



Jan 23, 2016
...and I'm back... well. My phone + PS are friends again lol

Thank you Santa!




Jun 8, 2008
Aww so pretty Scandi! The NIRDIs did pretty good in the bling department this year for sure. :love:
Love the scenic photo from your walk. :sun:


Dec 9, 2013
Scandi - what lovely bling. I can see those earrings and necklace being perfect with your beautiful dresses :love:

I got a whole bunch of stuff from Zappos today; clothes, boots, wallet ... some keepers and some senders-backers. My favorite was the Vivienne Westwood phone-wallet. I thought Westwood was just an artist [her art is my computer screen saver] and was excited to discover that she designs as well.
The wallet is just big enough for the large iPhone to fit in the back pocket. I love that it has a spaceship[?] logo : ) [easily amused]. Now I can't wait to get dressed up for my haircut tomorrow and carry my funky purse.
I cleaned and moved the big rugs into different rooms, then worked in the garden. I think this is the mindset just before New years every year. Tonight was so beautiful, warm like a sweet summer night with pink clouds as the sun set. I suppose this means snow or something soon LOL

goodnight all. "see" you all tomorrow.


Feb 27, 2007

CJ, I had some more fun with my SIL; she actually had to come back for another night. She left here about 4:30 to 5 and came back because neither of her headlights were working. One of them went out about 10 days ago and changing the bulb didn’t fix it. She has an appointment Thursday already. I was giving her grief that I can’t believe I had to put up with her invading out house another night.

Jimmianne, agreed picking on people is part of the fun of holidays. My sisters played well together yesterday too. Too funny your mouse doesn’t run and hide from you anymore. Marty keep sticking his stuffed mice around the house. He is going to have fun with them. Our first house had mice and I was always worried I’d get up in the middle of the night and step on one of them. That freaked me out the most. I will pass on your compliment to Marty. I think he gets better all the time at his paintings. Good point about people sometimes don’t understand the dietary needs of other people. Your phone wallet looks great. I just ordered some leSportsac Snoopy stuff. Marty started it he got me one of their Snoopy tote bags. I sent you an email tonight; let me know if you don’t get it since some of emails have been lost out there in cyberspace.

Missy, sending mega PS dust for Greg’s biopsies to be A-OK. Thank you for your kind words about my poem. I find if a poem doesn’t get me misty eyed at least once I need to keep working on it. Thank you also for the compliment about Marty’s paintings. That is wonderful the weather is decent there. Your pictures are fabulous. The beach looks completely deserted. Greg’s docking stations are such a great idea. They look terrific.

Scandi, your earrings and necklace are really pretty. The picture from your walk is very pretty.

The family dinner and get together yesterday was really nice. Marty and I must have fed them well and shown them a good time because people stayed until 10:30 last night and some of them had a 2-hour drive to get home.

Our 4 roasts varied wildly; some were tender and tasty others were kind of fatty and chewy. Strange. The Pioneer Woman’s mashed potatoes were fabulous. I will make them again. How can anything with cream cheese be bad, right? Not a soul noticed the rolls were salty and people had seconds so they must have tasted fine. The 12-year-old even asked me if he could take some home with him so I told him he could go ask Marty if he wanted to keep any of them; if Marty said he didn't want any then the rolls were all his. I bet he ate a dozen of them today. :lol: I got out baggies and encouraged people to take home cookies and candy to get them away from me.

Dishes were a day long chore yesterday but we’ve got all the Christmas dishes put away already but one pan. Woo hoo! I loaded the dishwasher 4 times and washed many things by hand. One of my sisters and her daughter helped with each round of dishes. My feet, knees and hips were pretty sore last night from standing at the sink so long and running back and forth doing things. I was better by supper tonight until I stood in the same place again for about 45 minutes. I just took Advil so I will be better the next time I move. It’s heck to get old and achy. For supper we had leftovers and threw out everything else except the mashed potatoes. Marty is going to make us Shepard's pie tomorrow with hamburger and the potatoes.

My sisters and I went through a big box of Christmas decorations last night that were my parent’s and that was kind of fun and sad. I took 2 glass ornaments I remembered (a drum and a bell) and some knit ornaments I made for my parents years ago. I’ll put them up at work next year. We all picked a few things we wanted and then let the grand kids pick what they wanted. One of my nephews didn’t come to dinner so they took the box home for him and his wife to go through then they are going to donate the rest to charity. Of course I couldn’t sleep last night and got to thinking about many Christmas past which of course made me sad. I think I feel asleep at 1 and then the stupid wind alert went off at 2. Short night.

Tomorrow is hump day already. Sweet.

Have a great evening.


Dec 9, 2013
Marcy, no email yet : (
It IS heck to get wise and achy ['s wise, not old. haha]

I get the feeling Marty should get an agent and quit his day job. Like the Westwood & Snoop logos, I could see those rabbits on a plethora of designer goods! :dance:
oh...whoops. I guess that would not be too nice for bears : (

Here's to torturing family! :appl:

Missy, When I saw that shadow photo of you & Greg, and the photo of him with your shadow as photographer I thought how lovely it is that you have each other. I miss having someone special and it is heartwarming to know that there are couples like you in the world. It's inspiring.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Jimmianne, LOL you and Marcy and I are all easily amused. And I love your funky wallet. Perfect that it fits exactly what you need it to fit. And (((HUGS))) to you. You are inspiring to me. Making a wonderful rich life for yourself. I don't think I could be that brave and strong and I admire and respect you. And I wish one day you will find your partner in crime again to share life's ups and downs with and you never know right?

Speaking of emails (as in you still waiting to receive Marcy's email) OMG I have not received an email back from either vendor I wrote to...what the heck is going on? They could both be off I suppose but not to respond? Maybe they are sick of me? I am sorry Jimmianne because there isn't much to do here in January it's so darn cold and I cannot tolerate outside too much. And we have a bling mission anyway so WTH. ;( Hoping to hear from them soon and if not by next week I will email them again. Won't resort to calling them till mid next week if I have not heard.

And I wish I could share your mindset of cleaning before the New Year. I am very far from that mindset right now and believe me I shouldn't be. I have so much to do and yet I cannot bring myself to do anything. ::)

Marcy, it doesn't surprise me that your guests stayed late. You and Marty are wonderful hosts and gracious and entertaining and cook a great meal. Heck if the NIRDIs were visiting we would probably never leave if we didn't have NIRDI fur babies to get back to that is. :cheeky:

Hope your guests helped you out with all that loading and unloading and washing of dishes. Though if you are like me the only helper I want in the kitchen when cleaning is Greg as he does it super efficiently and knows where everything goes. :!: Sometimes other people with their good intentions just make it harder. Well you know what they say about good intentions... :lol:

Hope your feeling no achy body parts today. I'm with Jimmianne. Achy body parts come with wisdom. Some of us NIRDIs (me included cause man I am achy) are pretty wise then... :cheeky:

Hope your SIL's headlights on her car get fixed ASAP. I am glad you and your sisters shared some sweet though sad memories of Christmases gone by...I know they are bittersweet but hopefully the sweet outweighed the sadness. I am sorry you didn't sleep as long as you would have liked the other night and here's hoping tonight is filled with sweet dreams.

Thank you for the mega dust for Greg's biopsy in January. We appreciate that!

Have a great Wednesday girls. Can we call it hump day if we are off from work Marcy? Anyway wishing you all a wonderful last week of December. Soon it will be 2017 and I hope it will be a year filled with good things for us and happiness and lots of love and well a bit of bling but most importantly health and happiness. (((HUGS))).

Sharing a photo of our view last night at dinner. The food is so fresh here and so reasonably priced. It is our go to restaurant when we feel like an easy place to go. When you girls visit me at the shore we will take you here. Their biscuits are TDF. Worth breaking my dietary restrictions for at least for an occasional time or two or three... :lickout:



Dec 9, 2013
missy|1482929274|4109996 said:
Good morning girls!


Speaking of emails (as in you still waiting to receive Marcy's email) OMG I have not received an email back from either vendor I wrote to...what the heck is going on? They could both be off I suppose but not to respond? Maybe they are sick of me? I am sorry Jimmianne because there isn't much to do here in January it's so darn cold and I cannot tolerate outside too much. And we have a bling mission anyway so WTH. ;( Hoping to hear from them soon and if not by next week I will email them again. Won't resort to calling them till mid next week if I have not heard.
Totally flexible [well, in my MIND anyway lol]...
After all - I am the girl who went all the way to France to scrub floors.
oops! wait a second! that wasn't an offer haha
Whatever is open or whomever responds THAT is where I would like to visit : )
and if that turns out to be Swarovski, well I am positive anywhere [indoors] will be fun!


Jun 8, 2008
Jimmianne|1482930072|4109999 said:
missy|1482929274|4109996 said:
Good morning girls!


Speaking of emails (as in you still waiting to receive Marcy's email) OMG I have not received an email back from either vendor I wrote to...what the heck is going on? They could both be off I suppose but not to respond? Maybe they are sick of me? I am sorry Jimmianne because there isn't much to do here in January it's so darn cold and I cannot tolerate outside too much. And we have a bling mission anyway so WTH. ;( Hoping to hear from them soon and if not by next week I will email them again. Won't resort to calling them till mid next week if I have not heard.
Totally flexible [well, in my MIND anyway lol]...
After all - I am the girl who went all the way to France to scrub floors.
oops! wait a second! that wasn't an offer haha

Whatever is open or whomever responds THAT is where I would like to visit : )
and if that turns out to be Swarovski, well I am positive anywhere [indoors] will be fun!

Ummm too late, I accept! :cheeky: :devil:

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