
Now I really did it :((


Jan 23, 2016
Good late morning girls :wavey:

Hope you will all have a good day! Kindergarden is closed today, so I'm practicing my positivity along with you Marcy... :lol: Working from home is OK when I'm home alone - otherwise - not so easy.. Oh well. Parents meeting at school tonight, that should be fun! Not. They are always discussing really unimportant things like what kind of food should be allowed when you send with your kids food to school. For example: Jam is a big no-no beacuse it is unhealty and if one child has jam on his/her sandwich, then the other children will want jam too! Oh my... I will bring coffee in a thermocup and try very hard to keep silent.

June, re your mother's house. When we have done similar things in our family, usually the immediate family first take the stuff that they want. Then, the whole big family of uncles and aunts and children and who-are-these-people have been invited to pizza and "let's get this done" and everybody helps packing up things for charity and taking a few keepsakes that they want for themselves. Usually, it is amazing what people want.. So the stuff normally gets cleared away pretty fast.

Missy, the dress/skirt in your not-so-nice-to-have-a-broken-ankle picture is so sweet it almost makes up for the ankle :) I love your boots. I think I will by one pair of black suede lowlands as well as the high heeled ones that I liked. Thank you :D :D :halo: Thank you for the pictures of the reunion! So interesting to see!! Kind of fun :) So how about you??? I'm sure you looked beautiful, but proofs please :lol: :lol: :lol:

Marcy, oh no. Such things at work are not fun!! Guess the mistake was big/had a big impact on something. People are funny that way - often they react a lot more when the result is bad than when the work is badly performed.. I hope today will be better. Good thing you have your beautiful new car :D I do love that wroooom sound. Kind of miss it in our Tesla, but the acceleration kind of makes up for it. They should have added a fake wroooom sound... I heard that some companies do add a fake "close door" bang (by adding two hard knobs or something to click together when the door closes) to make the doors appear heavier than they are.. LOL

Jimmianne, the house is coming along! Sloooooowly :lol: But it is coming along, so no complaints - yet. We are having problems finding a carpenter firm to do the floors, as the one we had opted out and we can't hold them to it due to the delays. So I worry that there will be more delays now. But we still have a few weeks to find someone who is willing (and able..) to do it. We have one lead, so crossing my fingers that it will work out. They have been here to get an idea of the work and we are currently waiting for an offer from them. I'll try to get a picture for you girls one day, perhaps Friday. Don't want to go in there right now as they are working on the roof.. and I don't want to risk getting anything dropped on my head... LOL. And I do need daylight to get a good picture. Or any picture at all really :lol: :lol:

Ciao bellas! S


Dec 9, 2013
Marcy, I love it....Porsche therapy. People make me crazy. I don't know how how you do it, but yay for that person wanting to find another job!

Hi June! :wavey: Don't work too hard.

goodmorning Scandi. Glad things are moving along on the house, even if very slowly. Yes, please take pictures when you can.
If people make us crazy, working on houses comes in as a close second. All you NIRDIs are so brave! : )

I thought of "Us" when I went to the attorney with my young friends yesterday. I noticed the young attorney had a nice fountain pen and I mentioned it. Next thing I realize is he has lots of pens on the table and they are all nice. Since I am a fountain pen nut we got into a very animated discussion of pens - and then he brought out even more. I love the passion of obsession! the thing that brought US all - NIRDIs and PSer together.
I immediately had to go home and buy a new fountain pen. lol

Missy, is it my imagination or is there such a thing as a beautiful boot obsession??

hugs to you guys and back later. must go obsess over the candidates, the new morning hobby.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Scandi, So glad your house is coming along despite it being slow going. It is still progress especially compared to the big hiccup of the oil spill. Hope you find a carpenter very soon to do the floors.

Oh no to your little one being home because Kindergarden is closed. I can imagine how hard it would be to work with her around. My nieces make so much noise and can be a huge distraction but LOL I love them. However I wouldn't love working while they were in the house...Sending positive vibes your way! And hope the meeting goes well at school tonight. If you want to send jam with your children then you should be allowed to send jam. My goodness it seems they just have to make things up to justify meetings and the such. :roll:

Yay for buying the Lowland boots in addition to your other option. I know you will love it and it will look great on you!
Thank you for the lovely compliment about my boots. Yes I love all the colors of my SW boots and I accessorize to the best of my abilities. It's amazing how often I wear the blue and the bordeaux so much so that I have 2 pairs of each color. 8)
Please share pics of your new boots when you get them. I know you won't regret buying both.

Speaking of buying I unintentionally bought an evening dress for that black tie wedding we have in December. I say unintentionally because we were not shopping for that but somehow while I was waiting for Greg who was trying on leather jackets at Nieman's (but he rarely wears coats or jackets so he was just trying on for fun I think) I tried a few evening dresses on and I bought one. And I was not dressed yesterday for trying on evening dresses as I had too many clothes on for that but oh well I siezed the moment and bought a (final sale) dress. I will share pics at the end of this post.

Thanks for the comment about that sweet white dress too. I really love that dress but rarely wear it. It is a good summer dress. Last time I wore it was with that boot. :knockout:

Junie, I hope your brother adjusts to living on his own OK and that he is able to take comfort from some of your mom's possessions. I know I find comfort when I use my grandma's pocketbooks. It allows me to remember happy memories of her and the time we shared. I still miss her. I hope things get cleared out easily and painlessly and that everything falls into place. Hoping you get away this weekend to your beach house and that all is good there. I feel so badly for all the people who were affected by Matthew. Hurricanes are terrifying events and Mother Nature is merciless.

Jimmianne, I love that. Boot obsession yes- I have it and bling obsession too. We all do to some extent and it is that passion that gives us pleasure and it is OK. Fountain pen obsession is interesting and I wonder how many people share that interest. Greg used to have a fountain pen interest too and in fact I used to buy him special fountain pens while we were dating. But it has been many years since he used any of his beautiful fountain pens or even looked at his collection. Those pens can be very pricey. I used to love getting love letters from him written with the fountain pens.

I am not paying any attention to politics or this upcoming election anymore. It all makes me ill. So yes I am just burying my head in the sand for now and I am voting for the only candidate I can despite not being a fan of hers. It doesn't matter because I couldn't ever vote for that horrible man. :knockout: This dirty business of politics is just too much for me. :knockout:

Marcy, I hate that work is getting in the way of your peace and quiet there and am very happy for you that you have the vroom of your beautiful blue Porsche to keep you upbeat and cheerful. I hope that disgruntled coworker of yours does find another job so she can take her bad attitude away from you and your bosses. I hope today goes more smoothly and that all remains calm. Thank you for the lovely words about my boots and such. I do my best but also accept that I am not the same as I was 20 years ago and that is OK. I have to accept it because I have no choice. I cannot control my skin and its weird reactions. Just last night I had a terrible experience which I will share.

Last night we were watching a scary movie on Netflix called Housebound. And all of a sudden I started getting an intense itching and burning too on my right hand and then many hives started popping up and then on my left hand and then an itching all over my body. Thankfully the hives were just on the backs of my right and left hands but it was intense and got swollen and was scary looking. And not knowing what caused it freaked me out and I kept thinking my whole body was going to break out in hives at any moment. It was very unpleasant and the swelling was not pretty. I took a Benadryl which I loathed to do since the last time I took it was the time right before I got an intense burning all over my body and part of me feels it might have been the Benadryl but that's crazy right? Anyway I had to take something because I was scared the hiving and swelling would continue if I didn't.

I have no clue what it was that caused that and I still don't feel out of the woods because I don't know why it happened. I wasn't eating or drinking anything and the cats were not on me or licking me (I hive when Tommy licks me but he didn't) and my whole body is still sort of itchy and I have some residual redness and swelling on the back of my hands this morning. Weird and very scary. I hate having these mystery things going on with my body.

Part of me thinks could it be fleas because last week I was playing with a cat we came across while cycling. This sweet black kitty came right up to me and allowed me to pick her (him?) up and hug her and rub her belly. Such a darling and I know better not to handle a strange kitty but she was so so sweet I couldn't resist. Of course she could have had fleas or worse but when we got home I put everything on high heat for a while and hoped that would take care of it. Do you think it could be that? IDK and Greg seems fine but who knows. Sometimes I don't have good judgment. Even all the while knowing I shouldn't be handling this strange cat I was. That was Friday though and would it take all these days to have a flea reaction?

That was my excitement of the evening last night and I am hoping it doesn't repeat! Ugh. I am still itchy.

OK time to distract myself and hopefully you girls will enjoy it too with some pretty dresses. I am planning on wearing it with the shrug I have because I don't like being so exposed. Thank you to Callie and Kristie for helping me make the selection while I was in the store. LOL the NIRDIs are always with me.

This dress was option 1 but Greg preferred the other dress I am sharing below this one.



If I was alone at the store and Greg wasn't with me I probably would have left without either dress because I really wasn't sure about either of them. But once I got home and tried it on again I think I made the right decision. However I think Greg will have to line the dress as my skin is so sensitive and the lace is not soft enough for my delicate skin. LOL I am a real pain in the butt aren't I!!!

(((HUGS))) to all of you wonderful girls. Love you all and have a good day!






Jan 23, 2016
OMG Missy! I'm with Greg :) You look fantastic! :love: :appl:


Dec 9, 2013
Scandinavian|1476197240|4085590 said:
OMG Missy! I'm with Greg :) You look fantastic! :love: :appl:

total DITTO!!


Dec 31, 2006

You look so lovely. And I love the hair (at least I love the back) - sophisticated.

Both of you, so stylish. :appl:

Love it.


Jan 23, 2016
Hello :wavey:

Not much going on here today, just work :wall: :lol:
Missy, how are you feeling today? Any more itching? I have no knowledge of flees, thankfully..

Hope you will all have a good day :) Hugs!


Dec 9, 2013
Missy the silhouette of your dress is beautiful. I really like the pattern on it too. I didn't catch where you will be wearing it???
Alas no news here either - but after what some of our NIRDIs have been going through, no news is good!
Fun that Greg was a pen collector. Did he have a favorite? I love the Fountain Pen Hospital in NY. Quite a bit of eye candy there and wonder if that place was ever on Greg's radar.

My DD is happy is France. I am so excited & relieved to be going back & also a little horrified that I've spent four uncomfortable months just waiting to go back. I finally got my head on straight here, but was so homesick for such a long time. I know we must learn to bloom where we are planted! I wish you were all going with me. 2 1/2 weeks - still time! :naughty:
Oh dear, i can't seem to get any takers for the initial "pulling up the carpets and seeing if the heat works" cold & rainy winter party : (

Happy day everyone.
Issy posing at the street fair. She was a little anxious as you might tell, but sat and stayed like a champ.


Jan 23, 2016
Good morning Jimmianne :wavey:

Issy is just soooo sweet! She looks like a true sweetheart and for sure a true beauty!! If I ever feel "lost", I know my heart is where my dog is :)


Dec 9, 2013
Scandinavian|1476268070|4086059 said:
Good morning Jimmianne :wavey:

Issy is just soooo sweet! She looks like a true sweetheart and for sure a true beauty!! If I ever feel "lost", I know my heart is where my dog is :)

I know exactly what you mean!

How's your weather?


Jan 23, 2016
Jimmianne|1476268378|4086060 said:
Scandinavian|1476268070|4086059 said:
Good morning Jimmianne :wavey:

Issy is just soooo sweet! She looks like a true sweetheart and for sure a true beauty!! If I ever feel "lost", I know my heart is where my dog is :)

I know exactly what you mean!

How's your weather?

Cold but nice :) The grass is starting to freeze overnight, but no snow in the city yet. The mountains are getting a bit of snow, though :appl: (I like snow.. as long as the sun is shining lol)


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Scandi, thank you honey about the lovely comments re the dress. Greg is going to hem it for me as it is way too long and also line it for me since I am very sensitive to the lace. Lucky my dh is so handy and willing to do that.

Glad things are going well for you and that work is just work. Quiet is good. Sounds like your cool weather is upon you as our is upon us. We did go cycling yesterday and it warmed up to high 50s but the sun was out so it felt good. Today is more cloudy so I will be colder while cycling. Summer is truly gone and winter is coming. Brrrr.

Thanks for asking about the itching and now I don't think it is fleas. I had another itching incident last night and I think I have become allergic to corn. And I love popcorn and eat it almost every night while watching movies. Air popped and it is a satisfying accompaniment to enjoying a good movie. Last night I made some and we began watching a movie and then my hand started itching again this time on the palm. I stopped eating the popcorn and got some ice and after 30 minutes or so the itching went away. I wasn't brave enough to try eating the popcorn again but will do that experiment tonight probably.

It would be a bummer to suddenly develop that food allergy as I already cannot eat so many other things. I have given up (for the most part because I do cheat with Days Ice Cream in the summer on weekends) most dairy, wheat, gluten, etc. I have to eat low sodium (which crosses a lot of food out for me especially at restaurants and almost all frozen entrees) no added sugar, no spicy foods and I know I am leaving lots of things out but my mind is blank right now. Just basically a no fun diet if I cannot enjoy my popcorn. Grrrrr.

Of course in the long run it is not a big deal and there are so many people dealing with many worse things so I am embarrassed even to complain about it. A friend of ours just had his stomach removed due to a huge cancer risk and the biopsy showed it was positive for cancer so he was very fortunate as the surgery was curative and he is good now. Except he has no stomach and forever the way he will be able to eat is changed. He was very depressed about it until the biopsy proved he did the right thing and removing the stomach was the only course of action. The surgeon said if he hadn't removed it he wouldn't have made it to age 50. Anyway my point is if I am allergic to popcorn no big deal. But I have to find a substitute. Tonight I will see if I am really allergic or not.

Jimmianne, I am happy your DD is happy and having a lovely time with her FI in France her new home town. And you will be there very soon and I am sure will enjoy your home away from home.

I love that sweet photo of Issy. She is such a beauty. Big hugs to her from me please.

I will ask Greg if he ever went to the Fountain Pen Hospital in NY.

Thanks for the dress love. I am planning on wearing it (unless I find a dress that is a pretty blue color as that would be my first choice) to a black tie wedding we are invited to by one of Greg's associates. He and his partner married 2 years ago but they never had the reception and they are having it in December. I like them both very much and we have had them over to our beach house and I know it will be a fun party. They said they are having a surprise guest. LOL Milennials. :bigsmile:

CJ, thank you for the lovely compliments. I enjoy hearing them and appreciate them. LOL about my hair. I washed it Saturday afternoon and the photo from Monday shows it up in a pony tail because it needed to be washed. I put it up that morning and just left it. How is your sweet fur baby doing? Did you go to the veterinarian make up appointment yet? I meant to say in another post (but there are always so many things happening here at once I sometimes forget) that the veterinarian's office should have warned you about not being late and when you called to say you were running a few minutes behind they should have also taken that opportunity to say you might have to wait till others are seen. Hope your week is going well.

Junie, hope all is well and that you are planning your getaway with your dh. Thinking of you.

Sharon, hoping the snow has settled down and that you are enjoying Thanksgiving leftovers.

Marcy, hope work is steadily improving this week with each day.

Hi to everyone else. Hope the week is going smoothly and everyone is enjoying some peace and calm before the rush of the winter holidays are upon us...not that much longer now if you can believe it. It is going fast. Have a great day girls. :wavey:


Apr 19, 2004

Missy, you look stunning in that dress! Great choice!! :appl:



Feb 27, 2007

Scandi, I beg to differ with you. Kindergarten was not closed because all those children were all at work. I hope parent’s night went well. Marty works from home and sure gets bored. He has a room downstairs off the man cave that is his office. He is too easily distracted not to get away from everything else. I am going to have to go test drive a Tesla sometime. I am intrigued now. Good deal the house is finally coming along. Four years ago we were watching our house being built. We drove by daily to check the progress on it.

Jimmianne, Porsche therapy works pretty well. I still can’t wipe the smile off my face. I don’t know how I put up with people at work either. Remember that PITA employee I had that pretty much told my boss I didn’t go my job and pretty much thought he should be running my department? I saw his new title today - it was some executive blah blah blah - I told my boss I was sick now and going home. Ha! I remember you love fountain pens; Marty does as well. Glad to hear DD is all settled in and you’ll be in France soon too. I know you are excited. Will you be staying at your new house right away or do you need to do some work on it first? Issy is so cute and sweet looking.

Missy, oh no that you had such a bad case of hives. How very strange, scary and certainly miserable for you. I hate when you have no idea what triggers a reaction either. I hope you continue to get better. Oh no to the possibility it might be popcorn. I swear I have as much Benadryl cream around as I do vanilla chapstick. I have a tube everywhere. I will take a small antihistamine when I get really itchy. Your dress is beautiful and you look fabulous in it. Can you find a full length black slip so the lace won’t be so itchy? I hate to hear about your friend’s diagnosis.

Hi CJ and Sharon!

We went to supper last night with some friends. The 4 of us drank 2 bottles of Malbec and sat there and visited for a few hours. It was nice.

I had my talk with my team yesterday pretty much telling them they needed to use and follow procedures and check lists or be written up. I told them if their PA from last year said you needed to work on … and you still have that problem don’t expect to get the same rating. They didn’t say a word when I was done. Today they were very quiet, working hard, came and asked me some questions and this one task none of them ever do right showed up and the guy running the email box got out his procedure and did it perfectly. I went and told him great job. Hopefully this woke them up.

Marty is making crock pot lasagna for us tomorrow. I am anxious to see how it turns out. I want a quick and easy supper since the Broncos are playing at 6:25.

I drove my car in Sports Plus mode today - wow. It’s quick and doesn’t even sway in a corner.

Have a great evening.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! I am finally getting into vacation (2 weeks in lol) and sleeping past 5AM. Too bad we go back to reality Monday. Does it take anyone else a long time to start relaxing on vacation and sleeping later than their usual wake up time?

Sharon, thank you! That is a lovely compliment and I appreciate it. How is everything by you? I hope everyone is doing well and healthy. (((Hugs))).

Marcy, I am intrigued. Crock pot lasagna. Please let us know how it turns out. Greg is going to make lasagna when a good NIRDI friend visits us soon and I have never heard of the crock pot version. Of course I don't cook so take that with a grain of salt. :bigsmile:
I forgot about your Benadryl that a cream? I hate the pill because it makes me feel so lethargic and just drugged up and I don't how I feel after taking it the next day either. I will look into if their is a topical though when the reaction is systemic I guess only an oral antihistamine will do the trick. Sorry you deal with these pesky hives too. Thank you for the dress compliment. It's not the train/skirt of the dress that is slightly itchy but the bodice (even though it is lined) so Greg will figure something out. It is not very itchy at all but after wearing it for a while I start feeling a bit itchy and that is par for the course for me and my sensitive skin. Nobody else would feel itchy at all in this dress and when I tried it on it was fine. It is not going to be a big problem to fix (I hope). Glad your talk with your team knocked some sense into them and they are working hard, quietly and well now. Good going Marcy.

Rainwood, thinking of you and hoping you are enjoying your trip and time away. And hope you are having some yummy leftovers too. That's the best part of Thanksgiving IMO. The leftovers. :lickout:

Hi Junie, how are you and how are things going? Thinking of you. (((Hugs))).

CJ, thinking of that sweet fur baby you and your dh rescued and hoping that he recovers fully. Biggest (((hugs))) to all of you.

Hi to everyone else and have a great day! :wavey:


Dec 31, 2006
missy, yes, it takes me a looong time to start truly relaxing. And just like you, by the time I start, it's time to get back. :/

Oooohh you're having a NIRDI visit! How fun! Take pictures of the lasagna Greg makes! (see, no pressure to take pictures of anything else.) 8)

Thank you so much missy <3 :pray:

Any news on Theo? What about the kitty your parents are taking care of?

Did you find out about the popcorn? I know how much you rely on it as a decent snack. :/ I hope you figure out you can still eat it even if in the scheme of things it's not a huge problem. (and OMG on your friend having his stomach removed.)

Oh, I see, I had assumed you had taken that picture on the way to the way to the event. And, well, your ponytail looked awesome, I'd kill for my ponytails to look like that. :)

Thanks for acknowledging the veterinarian lateness thing - yes, I think they could have done a better job all around.'s effective. When I showed up for the rescheduled appointment for my little girl, I was sure to be parked at least 10 minutes before, and same when I took the little guy yesterday. However, I did sit in my car until 3 minutes before :D I didn't want to give them the satisfaction. Mature of me right. But it's the little things that make me happy sometimes. haha (and thanks yes, my girl is all good. :) Although I'll probably take her and my boy once this thing with the rescue is over because everything he has can be highly contagious. So even though we're taking precautions...I'd hate for anything to happen.)

marcy good for you for laying down the law for your team (although I'm sure it's not the first time!) I hope it lasts and they continue to follow procedure.

If not, thank goodness for the Porsche :)

Sorry to hear that the person you complained about actually got...a promotion? :/

And SO glad to hear the Killer Rabbit's teeth are felt :lol:

I have some clutter too it's impossible not to have SOME. Situations change, things we use change, things we like change, and unless you're on top of every single paper in your file cabinet, every single broken thing in your house, every single piece of clothing that doesn't fit/don't like any more etc., you're going to have some. Takes time to maintain and life doesn't always give you the time to stay on top of every single thing immediately. But I'd say for most people's standards, I have minimal.

jimmyanne issy is absolutely gorgeous.

june (hope you had a wonderful weekend with your DH, even if it was short. Now you have to start planning your next one. :D

hi scandi! hi calliecake! hi kristie! hi Gypsy!

Hope everyone is doing great, and that I didn't miss anyone.

Hugs to all of you :wavey:

Have a wonderful day.

ETA Rainwood! Sorry I forgot to mention you! (BTW - I cracked up when you told scandi that having thin ankles automatically means you have a pretty glamorous life :lol: I completely agree!) Hope you're enjoying Thanksgiving time.


Jun 8, 2008
Hi CJ! I hope your sweet kitty is improving and recovering and I am keeping him in my thoughts and prayers. Biggest hugs to you for taking care of him and doing everything you can. (((HUGS))).

Theo is doing well with his new parents. SO happy about that.
So far no luck finding a home for my parents FeLV+ kitty who's name is Zeke. Thank you for asking.

Hope you and all the other girls are having a nice evening. :wavey:


Jun 8, 2008
Callie just wanted to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY EVE tonight and I hope you are having a great evening. Tomorrow is your birthday so in honor of that special day I wrote you a poem. It's getting harder and harder to write these LOL but I hope you enjoy it. Big hugs!!!

Today is the birthday of our dearest Callie
You are always a sweetheart and the most generous ally
Loyal and kind, lovely and sweet
Protective and strong, nicer than anyone you could meet

We are so lucky you are here
our sweet friend and NIRDI dear
Sharing our adventures through life
The good and the strife
The sweetness and the sorrow
and all of our tomorrows

Here when we struggle
with challenges and life's tests
Here when we celebrate
Full of passion and happiness
You are a true friend
Who we so greatly appreciate
Your enthusiasm and love just doesn't abate

A wonderful woman in every way
Good hearted and generous
Strong, kind and wise
We want you to know
How dearly we prize
Your caring and friendship and support of us all
Always here to catch us whenever we fall
We want you to know and believe when we say
How much we love you in every single way

Callie the sweetest of girls
There are no diamonds or pearls
That could ever compare
To our lovely NIRDI dear
There are no sapphires or rubies
Better than our groovy Callie cutie

A gem of a girl that is who you are
The brightest of any shining big star
Your friendship is priceless
Way above a D diamond that is flawless
You are much more valuable to us
And yes you deserve a big fuss

Today is your birthday
The sweetest of days
and we want to celebrate
This very important date
and show how much we adore you
and hope all of your dreams come true

Have the most amazing day today and all year
We hope you know how much we really do care
You deserve all the happiness in the world
You are a very special and lovely good soul

We love you sweet Callie and happy birthday!!!!




Mar 29, 2005
Hi, everyone! So much happened while I was gone that I'm not sure I can keep up!

Missy, sorry to hear about the new skin problem. I hope it isn't popcorn since that's a favorite treat of yours, but corn is one of the top 5 allergens so it is certainly possible. I find that I react to things more in combination or if I eat a lot of something or frequently. I have a suspicion that peanuts are a mild allergy, but I can eat a modest amount with no problem and I think there are other things in that category. It could also be a combination of a mild food allergy and stress - you were watching a scary movie the first time you had the reaction!

Love the dress for the wedding. You look fabulous in it. And Greg at his HS reunion looks very handsome - better preserved than his buddies!! We went to my 10th and DH's 20th where he was voted 'Least Ravaged By Time' which guaranteed I wasn't going to my 20th. Haven't been to any of the later ones. And there's something about lawyers being very particular about their writing implements. I'm not a fountain pen person because I don't have the patience for it, but I am very picky about all my pens.

Oh, and a NIRDI visit soon. Yay for the lucky NIRDI who is NY-bound!

Marcy, I'm glad that Porsche therapy continues to work its magic, and fingers crossed your employees stay more conscientious for at least awhile! And yikes at snow so early. I'd never make it where you are because I hate to drive in snow.

Jimmianne, glad your DD is happy in France. She seems to have mixed emotions about it if I remember correctly. When does she plan to head there permanently? Or does she? And I'll bet she and her fiancé will really enjoy your house in France. It will be nice to have someone who can visit when you aren't there. Now if you can just find someone to trust to do the work on it!

Scandi, I'm glad you got your dear puppy back after her unauthorized trip on her own, and that the house is now coming along again after the log fiasco. And it sounds like you've been busy, busy , busy. When do you usually get your first snow in town? I have fond memories of Stockholm but they are all green and sunny except for that 20 minutes where we were pelted with rain and hail the size of peas while waiting for the boat to the Vasa Museum. It came out of nowhere!!

CJ, I envy that your clutter is minimal and under control. I need to do a serious de-clutter top to bottom. I've done bits but never seem to find the time (or interest) to tackle bigger projects. I need to get Marcy up here when she's feeling bored. Maybe she and the Porsche are ready for a road trip!

Sharon, hope you had a great Thanksgiving. Did you celebrate Sunday or Monday? We did Sunday and then went into the city on Monday before I came home.

Callie, happy birthday!!! Hope you are having a great day.

Hi to everyone else as well. Hope all is well.

Here a few photos from the Canada trip.

First up was a trip to Butchart Gardens which was created out of an old quarry. It had rained heavily in the morning but the gardens were still gorgeous:






Mar 29, 2005
And here are some showing how the rain added a kind of extra dimension to the gardens:






Feb 27, 2007

Missy, how is your rash tonight? The Benadryl I buy is a cream. I get the extra strength is for itches, bug bites, I sent you a link in email to what I buy. I’m allergic to everything and it doesn’t bother me. I generally use it on hives and it seems to curb the itches and those spots go away quicker. Darn that you are finally sleeping in and now you are going home soon. I slept quite a bit on our vacation - mostly because my allergies were bad. The crockpot lasagna turned out great. I liked it a lot. Easy too! I hate itchy lace; maybe a camisole would work too. Of course I know Greg will figure something out for you. The dress is so pretty.

CJ, I am good at relaxing right away but have difficulty getting back in to the swing of things when I return to work. I hope your recused furbaby gets better. My team has been pretty focused and decent this week. Who knows what they are like when I’m not in the room. I don’t think that guy got a promotion I guess I just saw his title and I was offended. I’m over it. Yes those felt teeth can really tear things up. Good deal you have minimal clutter. We were in our last house 17.5 years and holy cow did we have crap we didn’t need or want. We filled 3 giant construction bins full of stuff. We should have thrown out more.

I’m watching the Broncos. They aren’t starting out well again. Rats.

My day? Work was total heck. Supper was delicious (mm crockpot lasagna). Drive my car home with a big smile on my face and my Audi bear (Ace) strapped in on the passenger seat - PRICELESS.

Have a great evening. Marty leaves in the morning. Who will cook my suppers?



Mar 29, 2005
And then a few days later, it was a perfect fall day:

It is not going to be perfect fall weather this weekend. We are getting the remnants of a typhoon with heavy rain and winds tonight and again on Saturday with just the usual terrible weather in between. I need to be ready for another power outage!
If you don't hear from me for a few days, that's why.

Keep calm and carry on, NIRDI's!




Feb 27, 2007
Part 2

Happy Birthday, Callie. Missy I love your poem.

Rainwood, beautiful pictures. I love flower macro shots. I am not a fan of driving in snow anymore either. Hopefully it will be painless in the Porsche. The gardens are gorgeous and the fountain is really cool.


Dec 9, 2013
I had a great day yesterday and the icing on the cake was being invited to teach art classes at the senior center starting in December. They said their classes have become lackluster, so I think I'll do a journaling experiment with the students to get things moving again. I'm an expert at losing and then finding art mojo and also am top-notch at procrastination so I have a lot of experience to share with them. lol

Happy Birthday, Callie!
Missy, what a thoughtful and sweet poem. I hope you are making a notebook of all your poetry.
NIRDI visit?! woo hoo!

Rainwood, thanks for posting all those beautiful photos. That garden is perfection. Isn't it nice that someone goes to all that trouble so we can enjoy without having to get our hands dirty or do any weeding? : )


Jan 23, 2016
Good morning from Scandinavia!

A bit cold here today, and grey. I didn't think that was allowed?? It should be either cold OR grey.... ???

Marcy, sounds like you had a good talk with your team! Or at least that the team understood what you were telling them! What is crock pot lasagne? I'm so curious.. I just know the normal lasagne... :oops: Sports mode is always good :appl: So weird the way some people are successful at elbowing their way up in the world!! Not exactly a personality trait that should be rewarded.. Why was work "a total heck"? Really don't feel you deserved that right now!

Missy, you sure know how to pick the right DH! Cooks AND fixes dresses! Wow! :) :) How are you doing re popcorn?? I don't actually like popcorn ( :shock: ) but I do know what it is like feeling that the only thing left to eat are boiled carrots... :wall: So happy to hear about Theo!!!

CJ, how is that sweet kitty of yours?

CJ and Rainwood, to set the record straight, my very skinny ankles makes my legs look BIG, not glamourous!! :lol: :lol: :lol: On my not-broken ankle, I can almost close my rather short fingers around it.. :lol: (My fingers are also thin, but rather short, which makes them look stubby, lol :lol: :lol: Oh how I look lovely... Nah, no worries, I'm actually pretty happy with being - and looking like - me :) )

As for the glamour part, tonight will be spent in a cabin without indoor plumbing... :shock: (Read: dog training tomorrow morning :lol: )

Callie, happy birthday!!

Rainwood, we will normally get a few small showers of snow like material from now to December. But normally, the first real snow is sometime in December. Until then, just enough slush to get the roads icy and dangerous for driving or walking.. :lol: Yes, the summer rain was a bit weird this year. Fells like the climate is changing somewhat the last few years. Stronger winds and more/heavier rain. And oh my! Canada sure is pretty too!!


Jan 23, 2016
Forgot: nothing new here except me shopping - and that is not really news is it.. ?? :lol:

Bought this, and whilst it does not look exactly like this on me, I'm very happy with it :)

EDIT: Good morning Jimmianne :wavey:



Dec 9, 2013
Hi Scandi : )
nice dress!!


Apr 19, 2004
HI Rainwood:

Some small regrets not revisiting the gardens again when in Victoria this summer. Thanks for the photos--it is as wonderful as I remember.

Hope all are otherwise well--hiya NIRDI's! :wavey:

PS that slip dress is gorgeous Scandi--I love that style on me. (except for my too obvious clavicles.... lol) ankles or clavicles, can't win)



Jun 17, 2009
Hiya girls!

Missy, I'm so sorry about your allergic reaction, I'm hoping it's not a corn allergy, I know how much you love popcorn. My gosh, how stressful and scary to experience an outbreak like that. I'm thinking of you and really hoping it was just a random one-time occurrence.

I'm so sorry to hear what your friend is going through, that is a major health issue for sure and will have a big impact on his life…and yes, it does help to put things in perspective, I remind myself of that when I am going through a rough time… things could be worse. But it's still understandable to feel a certain way when we are dealing with a difficult situation and it's only natural to react to what we are experiencing in our own lives.

You look fabulous in that dress! You are going to "wow" everyone at this event, I can tell you that! I'm so glad you bought it. I hear you on the itchy lace, these days my first priority for clothing is comfort lol.

Love your boots! They are so flattering on you. The bordeaux color is really pretty.

I love your poem for Callie! You're really good at writing them. :clap:

Really happy to hear Theo is doing well! I'm hoping and praying that adorable kitty at your parents' house finds a forever home soon.

CJ, I'm thinking about that sweet rescue kitty and hoping he's doing ok. I'm also thinking about how wonderful you and your dh are. Thank you so much for helping him, it is just so great of you.

Jimmianne, I'm excited for your trip to France even though I will miss you very much, and I hope you can keep in touch with us. France has a special place in your heart and I'm glad you are finally getting to go and spend some time there. Yes, I wish all the nirdis could come with you! LOVE the pic of Issy, what a sweetheart and I want desperately to reach into the picture and pet and cuddle him!

Scandi, that jam story kind of irks me - I just think the school is over-stepping their authority and a parent should be able to decide what their child will or won't eat. And to worry about the other childrens' reactions…well, that is life unfortunately and somebody is always going to have something you want haha! I hope you made it through the meeting, and I hope things went well with your little one at home and you were able to get some work done. I don't think I ever mentioned this but my husband drives a Tesla and he loves it. Glad to hear some progress is being made on the house and I hope things can start moving at a quicker pace soon. Love the dress you bought!

Callie, I hope you had a wonderful birthday filled with lots of love! You deserve the best and I really mean that!!!

Marcy, I'm really sorry for the aggravation at work, I am just so glad your new car is bringing you so much happiness that it distracts you from it all! Marty's crockpot lasagna sounds great, lasagna is one of my favorite foods but unfortunately dh and ds don't like it so I don't make it, but I like it so much I should just make it for myself lol. I'm glad to hear your ring fits well now. And I'm sorry about the game, hugs :(sad

Rainwood, thank you for posting those beautiful pictures, it makes me feel like I was there! The gardens are just beautiful and I love the artistic flair of the close-up pics, you have a great eye. And the pics looking out at the water…amazing! I hear you on the de-cluttering…I chip away a little here and there but the time is coming when I need to get very serious about clearing out my house. At this point I need to focus on my mother's house though, that has priority right now. Trying not to think about it too much because it's just too overwhelming!

I am so sorry about the bad weather heading your way, sending good thoughts that you manage ok and that you don't lose power! Thinking of you.

Dh and I are in SC now and it's a sunny and warm day today. Unfortunately the hurricane knocked down a tree in our front yard but it didn't hit the house and that's the important thing. Other people weren't so lucky unfortunately. We had an ice cream cake in the freezer and it completely melted - made quite a mess but my nice dh cleaned it all up. Very grateful we had so little damage, it could have been a lot worse. I woke up with a huge sinus headache and just felt very out of sorts and am feeling a little better now but I have a feeling I'm just going to take it very easy today. I guess I'm in a good place for that lol.

Thinking of all my nirdis and hope everyone is doing ok!


Dec 9, 2013
Issy is a perfect companion. Her fur is soft like angora, she is wicked smart and very affectionate. Also very goofy which makes me laugh.
I will miss you too! It was very sweet of you to say that.
I'm glad to hear the only damage for you was a tree, although that is a pain to take care of. How are things going otherwise?

Missy, I just got my Roomba out of storage and had forgotten how much I like it. "She" is working as I type - good deal!
Are you still using yours and liking it? I am thinking the Roomba might not clean to your standards. I used to have standards, but I gave them up haha
When you mentioned fleas and red bumps I also recalled that cats sometimes share poison ivy oils with us..

:wavey: Hi Sharon. Hope you are doing well.

Rainwood, fingers crossed that you get through the weekend without a power outage. Do you at least have water and good books in case there is one.
Is your sinus headache better?

Callie, CJ, AZ. Hi! how's your weekend? Inquiring minds want to know.

Is anyone losing sleep over the election? I often want to comment briefly on it, but didn't want to start a political discussion to overtake our serene thread. I just feel very sad and unsettled by what is going on, but instead of ignoring the media I find it hard not to check the news multiple times a day and read every comment every reader has made. ugh. A bad soap opera. I like ours better!

Here's where I am going to be scrubbing floors [a block past the "big house"] in 2 weeks.

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