
Now I really did it :((


Jan 23, 2016
Hello :wavey:
This week has been crazy and I have missed so much I have no idea where to begin to catch up.. mostly I have missed you though :)
I'll try to do better when I'm on my computer later today. But for now:
Missy, re kitchen design. If you are giving the designer a second try, I would be super specific. Make bullet points on what you want and say they are non negotiable. Also tell her you did not like the first design so she needs to start from scratch. My 2 cents: keep the brick wall but paint it white (or wall colour). Do not loose the window! Always include an island ;)) Personally, I think in you face fridge can work just fine, buy a pretty one and make it a feature on the brick wall? :) Island, sink centered on long side? I need everything to be as symmetrical as possible so please feel free to ignore me :)

Jimmianne, love that your DD thinks it's "her" cabin already :) I'm like that too... but I do try to ask even if we all know I don't really ask but just try to be polite LOL. I think she always gets along with you, it's just that when she is not happy you are her safe place to vent...

Marcy, I totally absolutely really really hate practical jokes like that !!! You are such a good sport! :) Happy you enjoy the new car :) :)

Rainwood, hello :wavey: Always something not working isn't there??? We are struggling with our "gardener" (read: automatic lawn mower). Grrrrr. ...

CJ, really nice hair and good colour :appl: :appl:

June, you are doing well, all things considered! You are soooooool strong, your body and mind must be so exhausted after YEARS of dealing with all this. You really deserve a holiday :) and a lot of pampering, spas, a diamond or two, new clothes for the holiday and amazing weather :appl:

Gypsy, how are you?

Missy, late happy new year :) And fingers crossed for Theo!

Re not so nice people: I know how they become not nice! They are raised that way !! Lots of nine year old girls gave me that insight, lol. But after not getting their will be screaming for a few hours, they were actually rather polite the rest of the trip LOL LOL I just told them straight up that I do not tolerate that kind of behaviour. And they just said "OK" and started to behave :Up_to_something: :confused:
So strange! They actually started buttering me up with complements instead :confused: LOL


Dec 31, 2006
Guys you are all too kind.

I thoroughly enjoyed hearing how gorgeous my hair and color are. ::)

(gave me a small window into what it must feel like for people who are super good looking hearing those kinds of things all the time. :cheeky: )

missy I'll see if I can find a picture of my hair color from before. (boy, you are demanding!) ::)

(and I'm sorry I missed wishing you a Happy New Year!)

Any news on Theo?

And BTW way back when when I said something about the markings on the marble I said spider veins, not spiders. lol. I've been meaning to tell you that but kept forgetting.

rainwood have a nice time in Canada for Thanksgiving.

marcy I like STARS and SPRKL. Or CURBY if you're feeling sexy :rodent:

I think the scratch on the car joke is only funny after, and only if it is done by people you really, really like. Otherwise I'd be super annoyed. (hint: I hardly really really like anyone, so chances are I would have been super annoyed :lol: )

I love that Snacks travels with you. And ouch on the killer rabbits gnawing on him between meals!

jimmyanne how old is your DD? I tried to think about at what age I would have assumed any home my parents owned would be mine too. ::) Although not any more I would have when I was much younger I think. Glad you're getting along with her again. I hate when I'm not getting along with DH it affects everything. I can imagine it's like that with parent/children relationships. Maybe even more.

june how are you. Is your vacation coming up soon?

scandi hi, nice to have you back! Glad your trip with all those children went well. :lol:

callie how are you doing. I've been thinking about doing Juvederm again...I wish it wasn't so expensive and that it would last so much longer. arrggghh. It's been coming into my mind to do a face lift - well, at first, a mini face lift - but when I looked into it looks like mini lifts don't last long at all. So not worth doing. I can't believe I'm even thinking about a face lift. Like it has made me realize more that I'm ageing, the fact that I'm thinking about it.

hi kristie! how are you? Did your legal stuff get resolved?

I plan on vacuuming today and maybe running the Scooba. Maybe. :bigsmile:

I wish I had like a whole month I could dedicate just to organizing and getting rid of stuff. There is so much stuff I'd love to get rid of, even though by most accounts we have minimal stuff and have minimal clutter. And what we do have most of it is DH's. :/


Dec 9, 2013
CJ - terrifying
or rather terrifyingly cute!

Torrential rains and wind, much flooding. I like it - a cozy day indoors while hoping everyone is safe.

My DD and BF travel across the country on weekends to stay with his large family. I think they are happy to think that they will have an extra hangout where there will be just me - but most of the time NOT EVEN me : )
It's funny - at first the plan was that I would buy a house and they would stay in it, but they didn't want to, so I went out on my own. Now it seems that I might get the practical arrangement I wanted in the first place. Except now I don't want to share my toy :wall: :lol:

East coast weather reports, anyone?
We are getting slightly hammered here.


Jun 17, 2009
Hi Nirdis!

Missy, it's cloudy and dreary here so I'm guessing it's the same at the shore, I hope you and Greg are finding something fun to do, or just relaxing for a bit. But I know our weather is nothing compared to what's going on down south, I feel so badly for everyone affected by it.

Keeping Theo in my thoughts and hoping he's doing ok in his new home.

CJ, your hair is beautiful! So shiny and the color is lovely.

Scandi, glad you survived the sleep over lol - sorry some of the girls were not well behaved at first but it sounds like they caught on quickly that you weren't going to put up with it. It's funny they tried to win you over with compliments, kids are very smart these days! I like your recommendation of pampering myself a bit, I think I might follow your advice ha!

Rainwood, I'm sorry about the heating system and that you can't get in touch with the person who originally did the work, I'm sorry to hear it's possible something has happened to him and it does make it challenging to get it fixed. Sending positive vibes that the people you're currently using can figure it out. Thanks for the good thoughts about the hurricane, I agree that the power and strength that's possible in nature is very frightening.

Marcy, very funny plaque you got Marty and it's great he loved it, and I love that feeling of finding the perfect gift for someone. Lol to your sister being so talkative, I think most of us have a relative like that. I know I do! Sounds like Marty has a lot of traveling coming up and I do hope the weather cooperates and there are no storms during that time. That's great that you can get a 5 letter plate, I like SPRKL for some reason, it can refer to both stars and diamonds ha!

Jimmianne, I'm glad dd's trip is going smoothly and she has landed. I always feel better when my kids get to where they're going and without incident! Oh goodness, I have SO much clearing out to do in my house, that's why it's kind of funny I made such a big deal over 2 shelves, it's a tiny fraction of what needs to be done around here. Unfortunately I'm going to need to focus on clearing out my mother's house at this point rather than my own, it's a daunting task and I'm not looking forward to it.

Not much going on with me today, this dreary weather has me feeling a bit down and unfocused. Life somehow seems easier when it's sunny lol. I hope everyone is having a good Saturday, I'll check in with you all later!

eta to respond to new posts -

CJ, dh and I are just doing a long weekend this upcoming weekend, hopefully things are back to normal by them - but the electric company shut off power to the island and it might take several days to power up again, so if there's no power by later on this week we won't go.

Jimmianne, somehow it slipped my mind you're in NC, I hope the hurricane doesn't do any damage or affect you too much and please stay safe. Yes, it's the perfect weather for a cozy day at home!


Dec 9, 2013
June, exactly. I couldn't sleep until she landed.
I wish I lived closer to help you with your Mom's house. It is daunting indeed, and emotional.
When you mentioned the two clean shelves and all the other things NOT cleared yet, I thought of this:

So I think it is very good to focus on those two shelves. : )


Jun 17, 2009
Jimmianne|1475942157|4084771 said:
June, exactly. I couldn't sleep until she landed.
I wish I lived closer to help you with your Mom's house. It is daunting indeed, and emotional.
When you mentioned the two clean shelves and all the other things NOT cleared yet, I thought of this:

So I think it is very good to focus on those two shelves. : )

Jimmianne, thank you for your kind words, your support is comforting!

And I love the Optimist's creed, it's very good advice! So easy to get overwhelmed, might as well feel good about what we can manage to accomplish.


Dec 9, 2013
June I love the optimists' creed because it is part of my history. When I was 17 I told my parents I was dropping out of college. They said OK and made me get a job as a sales clerk in a big department store. It was hard work & very boring for the most part.
I soon decided to go back to
But while working I took my coffee break in an old art deco diner next door that had the optimists creed painted on the walls. Looking back was a quite nice to have a coffee in that atmosphere.

May lose power here soon. The lights are flickering, the sky is dark and the rain is coming down in torrents/my yard and road are flooded. All is well and safe, but may be offline soon.
Makes me wonder what it is like on the coast if it is like this three hours inland.
I do love this weather if everyone is safe!


Feb 27, 2007

Jimmianne, I am glad your DD make it to France okay and was already on the train. Sorry it was hard for her to go; I am sure having a long distance relationship is difficult for her. Good idea to have some apple ale. I am liking STARS as well. How much rain are you getting? I looked at quite a few pictures online of the hurricane damage. Looks like the place we stayed in August probably had a lot of rain and wind. It sounds like your plans for you house in France and the kids will work out fine. Maybe our sisters could talk to each other! Stay safe. I hope if you lose power it’s not off long.

Scandi, I so agree that rude people start out that way as children and so many of them were never made to mind or respect other people. I think what you found though is those 9 year olds liked the boundaries you set for them. Sorry you had a crazy week.

CJ, those guys who are teasing me at work are buddies of Marty’s so yes I like them okay. They usually don’t talk to people so I guess it’s a good thing like like me enough to tease me. I am not a fan of many people either. STARS and SPRKL are my 2 favorite right now for my plates. Lucky for Snacks the Killer Rabbit’s teeth are felt. I’d like to convince myself Marty has more clutter here than I do but that’s probably not true - we both have too much stuff.

Junie, kids are smart these days and not much gets by them. I agree with Scandi you should pamper yourself. You deserve it. I like when I find the perfect gift for someone too. I do think all of us have a talkative relative. Another star plate could be TWNKL and yes SPRKL can work for stars and bling. As Jimmianne said cleaning out your mom’s house is a daunting and emotional task; I like her sign about focusing on the hole. Just work on one little piece at a time. Hopefully there is no rush for you to get it done. I certainly remember the challenge of cleaning out my parents house. If there had been a company or service that handled it for me I would have hired them. I didn’t want to do a garage sale; they are a lot of work and everyone haggles over the prices. Then you end up with very little for your effort. We donated some stuff to the local habitat for humanity, donated some stuff to the local meals on wheels and ended up throwing out quite a bit of stuff.

I went for a ride in my car this morning. I ran out to the cemetery, then drove through downtown, tried to get money from the ATM (funny story), bought a paper punch for work, ate lunch then drove around some more. I am so afraid of having a curby incident that I was about 15 inches from the ATM and couldn’t reach it. Ha Ha. I tried to get my Apple Car play work for my music and didn’t succeed. Will try again.

We had an error / issue at work this afternoon. I bet I’ll be writing 2 people up on Monday. That won’t be any fun.

Stay safe and warm from the storm.


Dec 9, 2013
Marcy, the next time you go out joy riding, head this way : )
I ended up with over a foot of water in my little "storm cellar" basement by the end of the day.
The power did go out but amazingly at about 3am it was back on. I'm impressed - often it takes days.

OMG wouldn't that be great if our sisters could use all that verbal energy on each other.

How is everyone? Missy are you getting any "interesting" weather up that way yet?


Jan 23, 2016
Good morning girls :wavey:
Never made it to my computer yesterday as my (our) Furbaby decided to go for a run on her own instead of together with us. .. :angryfire:
So scared for her. Had to look for her for ages before she decided to find me a little after the sun went down. Then we had to make a run for it as I didn't have a flashlight with me (because who does when you go for a walk with the family after breakfast? ??) and wanted to get down to civilisation before dark.... :devil: :halo: :lol: I was soooooo mad at her for scaring me like that! She has not gone off on her own like that since she was a puppy! Didn't have the gps on her so felt like someone in an old cowboy movie trying to find her track and follow it. Hard work!

Marcy, I love TWNKL - works for you, stars and bling! You have such a twinkling personality, see? Not kidding. That's why I love your daily reports so much :) Children are strange little creatures aren't they :lol: almost like little humans :lol:

CJ I agree with Missy :) Before picture too please :appl:
I'm sooooooo blond, lol, sometimes I would love to have dark brown hair so it could be really shiny - blond hair just don't shine properly no matter what you do with it :lol:

Jimmianne, that creed is really good, and not just the wording :) Applause to your DD for hanging in there! Must be had on her with a long distance relationship! But I hope she is happy today :)

Missy, how are you? And the weather? The feeding station is looking super good and so professional, please tell Greg :)

Rainwood, any progress? Fingers crossed it works out fast!

June, pampering is always a good thing :) Based on Marcy's comment I think I missed that you were gift shopping? I too love shopping gifts :) When we were in Edinburgh I bought tons of locally made cashmere scarfs for Christmas presents :lol: Never too much cashmere, right?? :lol:


Jan 23, 2016
Picture :) pretty pretty pretty nature :)



Dec 9, 2013
Hi Scandi - gorgeous scenery!
Glad you found your baby. That is awful when they disappear. They are out having a ball and you are in hyper-anxiety mode. At least it's good practice for having teenagers lol
It is cool that she has a gps, even if she didn't have it yesterday.
I haven't heard you mention your house lately. Are things coming along as you would like?


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! It's a stormy windy Sunday here and I hope everyone is warm and safe and cozy. I know a few of my PSers are safe from Matthew but have sustained property damage and my thoughts are with you and sending lots of PS ***DUST*** and good wishes your way.

Jimmianne, Oh no to water in the basement ugh. Hope that was all that happened and that your power is on for good now. How are the winds and rain by you today? Hoping it has calmed down.

Junie, how did your beach house fare? I am praying all is quiet there. I agree with all the girls and you should pamper yourself sweetheart. You deserve some delicious pampering and R&R and dare I suggest some bling too? :devil: :halo:

CJ, LOL well I never tried hiding that fact have I now. :lol: Please don't worry if you cannot find any good before pics but I always love seeing before and after pics because then you can see the difference the treatment makes. Nonetheless even without before pics your hair *IS* gorgeous and I suspect it is gorgeous both ways. :halo:

Thank you for your happy New Year wishes CJ! How is your weekend going? I am afraid to click onto your link but I will do it after I post my pics so I don't lose the posts. It can be difficult posting photos here and I often lose stuff so I think I will do more than one post with different pics just in case.

Marcy, I love driving for hours seeing pretty scenery and listening to good music. Yesterday was such a day for us. We drove over 6 hours and didn't get home till way after midnight but I enjoyed the driving. Well not the traffic part which we did get since we drove into the city in the morning but in the evening we drove to where Greg grew up to go to his HS reunion and that was pretty scenery without traffic driving and that was nice. Despite the horrid rains and wind which have worsened overnight.

Glad you didn't have any "Curby" incidents yesterday and LOL on being so far from the curb. Better safe than sorry though! You don't want to get STARS/SPRKLE/TWNKL injured this early in the game right? Be safe out there!

Sorry about the work error and sorry 2 people are now in trouble. Hope you were able to get things right and that all is OK now.

Happy Birthday to Marty! Today is Greg's birthday and I forgot when I woke up and didn't remember till 15 minutes after OMG. I feel so badly because we love birthdays and always make a big deal out of them with multiple cards and singing etc and also wishing happy birthday week the week before etc but well it slipped my mind! I have a card but no poem for him. And what am I doing? Posting here instead of trying to think up a poem. It has been a long weekend so far LOL but anyway Happy Birthday to Mr Marty and did I miss what you guys did for his birthday? Did you get him a gift? OK never mind I see you got him a plaque and he got himself a strength training seminar next weekend. I am intrigued about that if you care to share further.

Scandi, yay you survived all those kids and I quite agree. Nice people/adults are in the making from a very young age and their parents have a lot to do with how they turn out. Not all of course as genetics does play a role but I feel environment plays a very strong role. Brought up in a loving warm family and taught good kind values and you will have a kid who is a good decent person. Generally. It starts at home. Love your latest photos. Beautiful scenery and beautiful fur baby. Thank you for your happy New Year wishes!

Rainwood, hope your Canadian vacation and thanksgiving is going well and that you are enjoying your time with family and friends.

We had a long day yesterday. It was Greg's 40th! High School Reunion and we decided to go. It was fun and I know all of his good friends so it was nice for me as well and I got to meet some new people. I was disappointed his HS ex- girlfriend wasn't there because I wanted to meet her but oh well. I took some pics and with permission am sharing here. Greg has a good bunch of HS buddies.

First up are his HS photos and description in the yearbook. LOL I don't know who wrote these things but :lol:
Last pic here is his good friend Dean who I love too. Such a good heart and kind soul and an adventurous spirit. Greg and Dean rode thousands of miles cross country in 1981. They were cycling for over 4 months and camping along the way. And they still have a strong friendship today.

First pic are of Dean and Greg (and Paul who didn't go to HS with them) when they were young. gregdeanandpaul.png






Jun 8, 2008
Just a couple more pics. First one is of the 4 of them who were the closest during High School. I cannot believe how many people made it to this reunion. Pretty impressive. I have never been to any of my reunions. Sorry for some of the poorly lit pics. For some reason my flash wasn't cooperating.

Last 2 pics are with Greg's best friend from Catholic grammar School. He lives in PA now. Very nice guy.

I have kitchen design pics too but have to run right now. Will be back later. Have a good morning girls!






Jun 8, 2008
OK I have some extra time now thanks to the stormy weather so here are some of the kitchen design ideas by Jen. I don't know what I think. At first I hated it but maybe I just cannot visualize it? Junie I think I like your idea of sink not in island because I just don't think our island is large enough to have a sink and give me enough prep space on the island too. Also Greg and I think it would be a cleaner look without the sink in the island. I just don't know. Sharing Jen's latest design pics based on our options but not exactly like any of the options we sent her.


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Jun 8, 2008
Continued. She messed some of these up re scale and gave us more room than we actually have so it just isn't a fair representation of the space.


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Jun 8, 2008
Sharing just another few pics...the DAYS cat. :cheeky: They are closing today till next Memorial Day and I am sad.






Dec 31, 2006
Jumping in to say a couple of quick things...

Just by looking at the pictures I was going to say wow the new designs look awesome, everything looks so roomy! (then I read that she messed up the scale... :(

Love all the pictures of Greg, he looked so handsome!

How did your hair come out? Were you able to hide the rash?

I'm sure you looked lovely.


Feb 27, 2007

Jimmianne, I could be there in about 3-4 days. I bet I could get all my teddy bears on the back seat. Oh no to having a foot of water in your basement. Do you have a sump pump? Glad your power is back on now. So many places suffered damage from Matthew. NC and SC seems to be hit hard. It would be nice if our sisters visited for hours with each other rather than with us.

Scandi, oh no that your furbaby decided to venture off on her own. She was just exploring. Glad she came home okay. TWNKL does fit stars and bling. Thank you for the very nice compliment. I try to be nice and positive. Good one that kids are almost like little humans. Very pretty picture. Thank you. I wish I was there.

Missy, Matthew sure made it’s presence know up the entire east coast. Lots of damage out there. I hope the rain moves through there quickly. Your drive sounds lovely. Happy Birthday to Greg! I am sure you will come up with a great poem for him. Marty did have a nice birthday; my friends made him a cake that we had last night. I am glad you guys had an enjoyable time at Greg’s class reunion and that he is able to re-connect with many of this old friends. Very cool. Jen’s designs look great. Love your scenery pictures and the ice cream looks fabulous. Marty is very excited about the strength training seminar. I will post the link to it; he doesn’t really have much training in what he is doing so I think would like reassurance or suggestions to improve his workouts. The link

We had a nice time at our friend’s house last night. They were going to have us over to celebrate Marty’s birthday but it turned in to her family was all there and us. We know them all pretty well though so that’s fine. I have a bit more Freakshow than I normally drink so wasn’t feeling too good this morning then I remembered - oh yeah I had quite a bit of wine last night.

We played a few card games after everyone went home and got back to our house at 10:30. They were all sad we didn’t bring me car; but they live on a cul-de-sac and the streets are narrow so I didn’t want my car parked on the street.

Marty is playing golf and is bringing us something for lunch when he gets done. They just called and said my ring is ready to pick up but if I go get it now Marty will show up; if I stay here he’ll be here in an hour or two. Luckily I’m not lacking for RHR to wear so I’m in no hurry.

My dryer buzzer is crying for my attention so I guess I’ll go take care of it. I swear that is the most annoying sound in the world.

Have a fabulous Sunday.


Jun 8, 2008
Hi CJ and Marcy!

CJ I looked OK. Thank you for asking. My POD was not bad and I was able to cover the pinkness and my hair was OK. Not great mind you but acceptable. Greg said I looked great (of course what else would he say LOL he is a smart man haha) but objectively I looked acceptable but not my best if you kwim. Thanks for the compliments re Greg. He is a handsome man and even better looking on the inside. Kind sweet generous loving selfless and an amazing cook and chef to boot. And I appreciate him every single day. Even when he gets me mad. As men tend to do at times when it comes to their wives. :cheeky:

Marcy, I am glad Marty had a good birthday and yumm to cake! I am glad you had fun with your friends last night and I am sorry the wine didn't agree with you. Hope you are feeling all better by now. I feel you believe me and that is one of the reasons I don't drink. It doesn't agree with me. Yay for your ring being ready. Hope Marty is enjoying golf. I will check out the strength training link, thanks for sharing. I am doing laundry now too. Great minds. :bigsmile:
The only difference is our buzzer doesn't work so I sometimes don't remember I have to put the clothes into the dryer. But at least it is quiet. 8)

Yes, I wrote Greg a long birthday poem and I have to say it came out pretty good. He loved it.

It is still quite rainy and windy here and poor Sprite just ran back and forth across the backyard totally soaked. Poor sweetie. I hope she is OK. The poor ferals outside in the inclement weather makes me so sad. :( But so thankful they (and we) didn't have a hurricane to contend with this time!

Hope you are all, enjoying this Sunday and staying warm and cozy. I have the fireplace and heat on right now. :wavey:


Jun 17, 2009
Hi everyone, just wanted to check in quickly with you -

Missy, I'm glad you and Greg enjoyed the reunion, sounds like a lot of fun. Love the pics of Greg and his friends, thank you for posting them - he really hasn't changed at all since his teenage years and he looks great!

I think the plan for the kitchen looks pretty good! Even though it's not to scale, it does help me picture things a little better. I think I'm still leaning towards the sink not being on the island though.

Ah, too bad the shop is closing, it looks like such a cute place and I know you guys enjoy going there - I find things like that a little sad as well. The pics of the beach are just beautiful!

We haven't really gotten any news about our place specifically but we're getting reports that the island didn't get as flooded as last October and there isn't any major damage - lots of debris on the roads and a few downed trees. The power is not back on yet. Not sure if it's a great idea to go this weekend but I guess we'll see what the next day or two brings. Two of dh's former co-workers live there believe it or not, so they'll keep us updated.

Jimmianne, I can see why the Optimists' creed has special meaning for you, thank you for sharing that memory. Oh no, I am so sorry about the water in the basement, I know what a hassle that is. Happy to hear you didn't lose power for as long as you thought you would, what a relief! Thinking of your dd and hoping she's having a good time!

Marcy, TWNKL is really cute! Curby is good though too because it's your nickname. I think I still lean towards SPRKL, it's a tough choice and they're all good. I agree with you about doing a garage sale, I just don't think I have the energy or the patience for it. We're going to try to sell a few things but will probably end up donating some of it and throwing out most of it. My brother is going to have to get his own place (he's been living with my mother) and my siblings have agreed he can take what he needs for that. Sorry about the errors at work, I know it's not fun for you. I'm glad you're getting your ring back, and I'm hoping you're happy with it.

Scandi, I'm so sorry your furbaby decided to go for her own private run - you must have been so scared, (((hugs))). The scenery pic you posted is gorgeous!

Sending love to all my nirdis and thinking of you all! xox


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Junie, I am very relieved for you and hope that there is no damage at your beach house. I also hope by the time you get there all power is restored and I guess you will know more in the next few days. Days will reopen next spring/summer and they close every autumn/winter due to less people around. And since it is too cold to go cycling it is OK because I don't need to be eating ice cream every weekend LOL. Thank you for the kind words about Greg. He's holding up pretty well. :kiss:

Jimmianne, hope your basement has been cleaned out and all is good by you. I know you must be getting prepared for your long trip coming up and I know you are excited.

Scandi, hug your sweet fur baby for me. She was a naughty girl but now thankfully she is safe back where she belongs.
In fact, everyone please hug your sweet fur babies for me...Zoe, Maggie, Finn, Callie, Issy, Pom, and the rest of the furry crew OK. (((HUGS))).

Rainwood, Happy Thanksgiving.

Hope all you girls are doing well and have a good Monday. :wavey:



Jan 23, 2016
Missy, the pictures from your sycling trip - OMG :love: :love: :love:

Re kitchen designs, too bad she messed up the scale, makes it so much harder to get a good idea of what it would look like.. But I do love this one a lot more than the first one! Perhaps something a little off with the sink in that place in the island? (I love symmetry... . :lol:)

Everyone, I hope you are safe, warm and happy! I spent the lunch break buying new shoes for DH instead of talking with you girls - talk about horrible priorities! Didn't even find any shoes for myself!! (the ones that I liked were not in my size, but they would try to find these for me by Wednesday (in leather, not suede!) Do you like them?



Jun 8, 2008
LOL Scandi, yes those *are* horrible priorities. :lol:

And I LOVE those boots. I cannot wear the heel but those are just gorgeous and if I could I would wear those. Here are my closest thing to those boots and these are the Stuart Weitzman Lowland thigh high boots in suede. Love them and more versatile than you might think.



Jan 23, 2016
Missy, I love those boots! Might have to copy you :love: :lol: I did try on these Stuart Weitzman's:

But decided they were just too much.. :lol:

Yours are better! I do NEED a flat pair also!!



Jan 23, 2016
The first high heeled ones I posted are Gianvito Rossi, have not bought that brand before, but guess it should be OK. Are you happy with yours from SW?


Jun 8, 2008
Scandi, you know you are right...there's something about thigh high that flats seem to complement vs the high heel thigh high. I mean I know you can and would pull it off but combining the heel with the thigh high is a tough thing to pull off and still look elegant and classy. Of course we don't always have to or want to look elegant and classy. Time and place for everything. :cheeky:

Yes I love all my SW boots. They are all super comfortable and I think flattering to everyone.

Of course any look is better than this look don't you think. :knockout:


Here are a few more pics of the style I wear most often. The 5050 boot. The Lowland boots are very comfie too but I don't wear thigh high to work or any place like that rather I wear them on weekends etc. The 5050 boots I wear all the time in the cooler weather and they go with everything IMO. More versatile than thigh high generally. Top pic is the brown, middle pic the bordeaux color and bottom pic is the blue. I have them in many more colors too but these are the 3 colors I wear most often besides the black leather and black suede.





Jan 23, 2016
Missy, the bordeaux colour is fantastic!! And I love how you style them :)


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, I am confident you looked beautiful for the reunion. No worries there. I honestly don’t drink more than a glass or two of wine and the other night my glass just kept getting filled up. I can turn my buzzer off on my dryer but then I forget to take the last batch out. Marty couldn’t find his jeans the other day and that’s where they were. I bet Greg loved your poem; those are always so special. Hobbes for President and Snoopy too. Good idea. I remember your boot for your ankle. Your other real boots are fabulous.

Junie, glad to hear the damage around the beach house is mostly debris related. That is nice you guys know some people there to evaluate whether you should head that way yet or not. Hopefully your brother can furnish his new place out of your mom’s stuff. I know there was a local auction house that we could have used but they charge you to haul the stuff to auction, people bid on it really low (or it doesn’t sell at all) then they take their cut after which we’d split it 3 ways. I said no thank you to that. I did pick up my ring and it fits great. It doesn’t bother me anymore either. Now i realize I need to get my RG pink sapphire band sized to fit me because it is too big as well. Safe travels if you do decide to head to the beach house.

Scandi, great boots. We’ll forgive you shopping rather than visiting with us.

The bosses are upset with my team for the mistake. They have to go in to work to do their on call work now rather than doing it at home and I am supposed to write them up if they don’t use or follow check lists. My bundle of positivity (can you detect my sarcasm there?) kind of got nasty with a co-worker in front of my boss and he called her on it right now. She got all defensive and pouty. She said later she is sick of “this” and wants to find another job. Wouldn’t that be nice? One of the team was out of the office today so I’ll talk to them tomorrow. That will go well. Of course all my troubles vanished when I heard that throaty vroom of my Porsche when I started it to drive home.

We had steak, rice and veggies for supper. I had a dish of slow churned vanilla ice cream with some chocolate sauce. Mm ice cream.

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