
Now I really did it :((


Jun 8, 2008
Here is a pic of the jacket I ordered at Short Hills yesterday. Looks more blue IRL.


And we have decided we are going to Lambertville today (hope I don't fall in love with any more bling though!) and out to dinner to a restaurant that is very special to us as we went there often when we were dating. The restaurant is in Lumberville which is not too far from Lambertville so it should be a nice day. Depending on how awful traffic is however. Have a good day girls. :wavey:


Jun 17, 2009
Hiya everyone!

Missy, thanks, I'm feeling much better and I happily spent yesterday just hanging around the house doing nothing lol. Did a little laundry and went out for a quick bite to eat with dh. Well, I did spend a good part of the day picking at the gift baskets people sent us and I absolutely have to stop or I will gain a ridiculous amount of weight. I would have picked at Greg's cookies but they're long gone ha! (thank you again!) No special plans for New Years - in fact dh is usually in bed before midnight and I just hang out. We'll probably just go out for an early dinner somewhere. I'm not crazy about NYE because I don't like my kids being out and of course my daughter wouldn't dream of not going out for New Years. Thank goodness for Uber. Last year my son just had a few friends over and it was very low key so I'm hoping he ends up doing the same thing this year.

I'm a little afraid of guns but I think it would be fun to shoot at targets at a gun range! I say go for it, it sounds like something you and Greg would enjoy doing.

I hear you on feeling couped up and antsy with this rainy and chilly weather. It would be better if at least the sun was out. It feels like it's been gray and drizzly for a long time. ;(

Marcy, after seeing your pics I guess I shouldn't be complaining about our weather! :oops: I'm really glad things went well yesterday, sounds like a good time was had by all. Sorry to hear about your knees acting up, I'm hoping after some rest they're feeling better. Your holiday table is beautiful and those cookies look SO good. I can't believe those rabbits are attacking right in front of everybody haha! I forgot that dh bought himself Madden Football for the PS4 so now we have 3 people immersed in video games lol! Your EC looks particularly gorgeous in your last pic, it shows off those beautiful facets and the icy white color perfectly! Omg it is such a beautiful stone :love: I hear you on taking pics, much more fun than doing chores :))

Sharon, I'm so glad to hear you're feeling ok, I'm sending tons of healing dust your way. Sounds like you had a fun day planned with your family - it's so nice to go on an outing as a family once in a while, I love it. Hoping you had a great day and came home with a few goodies!

Kristie, hope you're having a good holiday so far! Thinking of Finn, how is he doing? And I would love to see pics of your new band too!

LLJsmom, I hope you are enjoying your fabulous new 5 stone! What a great idea it was to have this made - Omg it is SO gorgeous, those 30 pointers give such awesome finger coverage and it looks amazing on you! :love: My mind was blown a little when I saw your pics. I love the setting too, it's exactly what I would choose for myself. I love that the metal extends just a tiny bit past the stones, that is such a great idea and such a good way to protect the diamonds from chipping.

Callie, I'm glad you had a good time with your family! So cute about your niece, she reminds me so much of my daughter, who also showed at an early age that she'd be into clothes, purses, and shoes haha. She really liked my ring, but interestingly she's not that into bling…yet! But she gets that I really enjoy it. She said she liked the double row of diamonds and I mentioned it's called a double halo and my dh kept saying double helix all day lol. Staying in and binge-watching Downton Abbey sounds like the perfect activity for a cold and dreary day!

You know, I agree with you on the rectangular shape, I think this shape looks the best on my hand out of all the other rings I have and I think it's the main reason why I like this ring so much.

Jimmianne, hope you're doing well and getting back into the swing of things! I'm still feeling so happy that your sister sent you the cups. :clap:

I tried posting a few pics but for some reason they won't load, I'll try again later - eta, looks like maybe one posted but it's a bit wacky right now, might be my internet, I'll post more later

Hope everyone is having a good Sunday!



Jun 17, 2009
Missy, we must have been posting at the same time! That is a great pic of Tommy in the tree - Oh he is so bad and he doesn't care! :lol: Love it!

Love your new jacket! :love: I have to buy some cute clothes, I dress like such a frump.

The day you have planned sounds wonderful! Have a fabulous time!


Oct 24, 2012
Junebug, I only read this page so far. I love your ring. It's beautiful. It's really well balanced visually. I don't usually love the airine in the halo, but it really works. Congratulations!! Serious finger coverage, and it's really beautiful! :love: :love: :love:


Jun 7, 2014
Missy, I love the jacket and completely agree with Greg. If you don't like it when it arrives you can alway return it. I'm finding it hard to believe it won't look good on you. EVERYTHING looks good on you! So what are you thinking of the show you have been binge watching?
I can't wait to hear all about your shopping trip today! We haven't been out to the show for years so hopefully will make it to one during the next week. I admit I also prefer watching movies at home. Tomorrow is my test and they are calling for an ice storm here. I may reschedule. The thought of driving 45 minutes away in an ice storm isn't sounding too good to me. It is supposed to start around noon and my appt is later in the day.

Marcy, I'm sorry your knees are acting up today. If sounds like you were on your feet a large part of the day yesterday. It's time to sit down and stare at your ring now! Your day with your family sounded wonderful. I bet your a Mac and cheese is already long gone. Three teenage boys have a way of cleaning you out of house and home very quickly. Ate there any left over ribs!

Junebug. I'm glad you are feeling better. I have some bad news for you and Missy since you seem to get our weather as soon as it leaves my area. They are calling for an ice storm here tomorrow afternoon. Yep, you read that correctly. We went from having warm weather, to cooler weather, now a freaking ice storm. I pray they are wrong on this one and I hope this is not headed toward you and Missy.
I think the reason we both love our pear shaped diamonds is because they are also an elongated shape. My little niece was a riot over Christmas. We are hoping to have her for a day this coming week. Too funny about your daughter loving shoes and purses too. They start very young, don't they! Are you wearing your new ring today?

LLJsmom, I hope you are having a great holiday! My our five stone is gorgeous. I can't get over the difference five points a stone make in the way the ring looks. Talk about lots of sparkle! I need to get my five stone out of the safety deposit box!

Kristie, Are you caught up with RHBH? Are you enjoying your new ring?


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, I’ve snacked on a few cookies today; they were still good. I am being pretty lazy today just getting up now and then to work on a few things. It looks very cold out there so I was happy to stay here inside where it’s toasty warm. Your new jacket looks great. I hope you like it and it fits when you get it. How was dinner in Lumberville? That is nice you go back there sometimes. Did you see anything you wanted to buy in Lambertville? That is funny their names are so close. It sounds like a great outing for both of you. The picture of Tommy in the tree is awesome.

Junebug, I am glad you are feeling better and had a nice day hanging around the house and having lunch with your DH. I like low key NYE plans too. We’ve been invited to a party but so far I haven’t responded. I’d rather stay home, rent a movie and have some popcorn. Those silly rabbits were getting quite a bit of attention yesterday. The teenagers are highly amused by them. I am sure Marty will look in to getting more games for his PS4. I will tell him your husband like the Madden football. I think the shape and coverage of your new ring is perfect on your hand. It looks fabulous. Your new picture is great. I am pretty confident your daughter will eventually love bling but shoes and purses can be almost as expensive.

LLJsmom, are you enjoying your new band? Your 5 stone ring is so pretty.

Callie, I prefer watching movies from home too. You can rent them only a few months after they start in the theaters so I can wait that long. Oh no for having tests tomorrow - I hope they go well. I hate to hear you might have ice out there though. If it’s icy it sounds like you can reschedule. I really did enjoy the day with my family yesterday so it was worth all the work. Marty and the family were all really helpful so I don’t have any complaints. Do get out your 5 stone ring and wear it. You and LLJsmom can enjoy them for me. I like that style but I don’t like them on my hand.

I need to make myself a calendar reminder for next year - do not wash the green tablecloth with anything else. That things BLEEDS green. Last year and then again this year I washed some of my dish towels with it and they are no longer white - they are green. Rats.

I started my day taking some more pictures of my new ring. Marty laughed at me when he got up and found me taking pictures again. I’m like “what?”

I am taking it easy today since my knees are griping at me about how much I did yesterday but I get up frequently because I don’t want to get stiff from not moving. I’ll get better.

We had leftovers for lunch and I think we’ll do snacks or pantry grazing for supper.

Do I have to go back to work tomorrow? I suppose so but at least it’s a 4 day week. Then it’s a long haul until the next holiday.



Jun 17, 2009
Thanks so much LLJsmom! I'm glad you like it, I'm really enjoying wearing it. I just adore your 5 stone on you, it really does look perfect on your hand.

Callie, I'm sorry to hear about the ice storm, I just hate those. I'm hoping they're wrong. If it's looking bad you should definitely reschedule your appointment. Hopefully it will go in another direction and we'll all be saved lol. Oh yes, I've been wearing my ring since Christmas! I think Marcy is right, it takes about 2 weeks for that "new ring" feeling to wear off.

Marcy, that's a shame about the tablecloth! That happened to me one year with a red one :(sad Your reply to Marty about taking pics of your ring was so funny! Taking pics is half the fun when you get a new piece of jewelry! It's always kind of tough to head back to work after a break but it's great that you have a 3 day weekend to look forward to.

Speaking of pics, I've been snapping a few too so I hope you girls don't mind me posting a few more - and this is it, I promise!

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Dec 9, 2013
The more pictures the better, June. I hope the new ring feeling lasts all year : )

I went to a womens' party yesterday - it was so much fun. We played a gift game where you pick a gift from under the tree. If you don't like yours, you can "steal" someone else's. The large bottle of Baileys got a lot of attention and was stolen quite often. At the end of the game we hid the bottle from the woman who had determinedly won it. So - silly stuff

Coming back to PS has really given me the fever for a nice new-old diamond. You girls! :wall:

I wish had taken better photos while on vacation, but the set up was not conducive to picture taking. ALL the jewelry is in the windows with just a desk inside. They would buzz in and talk to one person at a time. So here are my poor shots, but they were good enough for me to remember what I want from where LOL
the antique cushion made me tear-up when I tried it on. It was 7k, so no impulse buy.

The moi et toi with two 3 carat OECs wanted to come home with me. I also liked the ruby and pear-cut old diamond.
a few more-

img_1910.jpg img_1930.jpg img_1908.jpg


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Junie, I am so glad you are feeling better! I agree with everyone that your new ring really complements your hand and looks so gorgeous on you. The impact it makes is WOW. :love: You should be their spokesperson because I cannot imagine it looking this fantastic on anyone else. Icy white, gorgeous step cuts you can drown in...It was meant for you!!!
I also love your nail polish color. Sophisticated. Is it a grey color? Really love it.

I hear you about NYE and feel the same way. I hope your son decides to have a low key evening at home and your DD too. And whatever they end up doing that it won't be far and it will be easy to take a safe uber taxi home. A quiet evening at home for you and your dh sounds absolutely perfect. And I wouldn't mind being asleep well before midnight if that worked out that way. My problem is I am always to wound up that evening with all the driving and excitement to fall asleep earlier even though we are usually home well before midnight.

We have to go to my sister's in Long Island and I really don't enjoy the evening at all. We leave very early making the trip out there not even worth it LOL but what can I do. She is working that day so won't even be home before 6PM and asked us not to come before 7PM which leaves us only about 90 minutes or so of visiting time when it takes us at least that long each way to get there LOL. We do plan on spending the NYE day as we always do-a tradition at this point I suppose. And that is to go to Tanger outlet in LI and shop till we drop haha. Makes the trip to LI worth it even though my sister is about an hour-hour and a half from the outlets. I am just sad we have to leave the beach house in a couple of days. I sort of want to come back Friday New Year's Day but I think Greg is tired of all the traveling and would probably appreciate a rest.

Callie, I am sorry you didn't sleep well the night before and I hope you had a good rest yesterday. The movies can wait.
I am thinking of you and really hoping there is no ice storm by you today. Either way I know everything is going to work out and if you go for your ultrasound today I am sending you bucket loads of good luck dust that it goes super smoothly. In fact I want all the tests you have to endure to go quickly, painlessly with 100% normal results. And to that end I am sending huge truckloads of ***DUST*** your way!!!

And thank you for that lovely compliment. But believe me there are plenty of things that don't look good on me haha but it is lovely of you to say.

Marcy, how are your knees feeling/doing today? I am sorry all that work on your feet for your company wreaked havoc on your knees and I hope you are feeling sweet relief today. Has the snow lasted or is it melting? It probably doesn't get as black by you as it does by us the day after a snowstorm. It doesn't stay looking pretty in the city for very long.

I am glad the cookies are still good. Honestly they last for many many many weeks in the fridge. :bigsmile:

I hope work goes well for you today and that you enjoy your short workweek! Is Marty still off this week? Have you decided what you are doing yet re NYE? I vote go to the party early and come home and watch a movie eating popcorn with Marty. That way you can enjoy some time with your friends and spend the rest of the evening curled up to Marty enjoying a movie.
Best of both worlds.
Or just stay home which is what I would do if I had the choice and you don't think your friends would be upset. I am sorry that green tablecloth bled green over everything. :knockout:
Haha that is the way to start your day off right. Taking pics of your beautiful EC ring. :love:

Dinner in Lumberville was lovely thank you for asking. I almost took a picture of our meals haha but Greg said please don't. :cheeky: I had a lovely sea bass with lots of delicious additions (it was in a sort of bouillabaisse) with a wonderful artisan lettuce salad and Greg had filet mignon with clam chowder soup to start. And they make a mean chilled Manhattan and the whole experience was quite enjoyable.

And as many of you know I got my earrings altered woohoo. The bench jeweler (in Lambertville) was lovely as can be and he also advised me not to cut the wires too short and a bit of length curved is very feminine and also lends to the safety factor. He changed the bend so it lays better on my ear and he also taught me a few things. One that I was surprised to learn is that lever backs are not a good option. That is because eventually all lever backs will fail as they have a little plastic spring mechanism that allows them to close and after time that plastic spring mechanism breaks and you can lose your earring if you don' realize it when it happens. So he recommended sticking with french wire. And he also told me (because Greg asked) that platinum is the same price now as 18K gold.

We also had a lovely visit with the wonderful ladies at Park Place who were just raving about my new earrings. They noticed them right away and could not stop complimenting how beautiful they are. I know they are being genuine too. I have known them for 15 years or so by now and they don't give false compliments and wouldn't have said a thing if they didn't think they were beautiful because I didn't point the earrings out to them. They also told me they sell pieces to Lang Antiques and I thought that was very interesting!

Jimmianne, thanks for sharing those lovely bling pics. I'll take one of each please. :love: :naughty: :cheeky:
Sounds like you are getting back to normal routine and that all is well. :appl: Glad to hear it. I don't really like that party game of stealing gifts. We played it once at work and honestly I think it is mean spirited but that is JMO and I didn't steal anyone's gifts when I played and in fact I was the last to choose but I decided to just take the last gift left under the tree. I just don't enjoy games like that. I know I know it is all in fun but I guess I am too sensitive. I wish I was tougher. :blackeye:

Have a great day girls and Callie, I am sending lots of good luck dust and happy thoughts your way and lots and lots of (((HUGS))).


Dec 9, 2013
Missy I'm with you. I was next to last picking a gift and just kept what I got. I took the smaller box because I don't want stuff
...and very interestingly one of the women I DON'T know was rudely & persistently teasing me about diamonds
["you took the small box because you hope it's a big fat diamond"] : (
I wasn't wearing much bling so I now assume that people I know - FRIENDS- talk about me and my diamond fetish even to people I don't know. Oh well.
I'll stick with the gentle NIRDIs.
Who can talk about my diamonds all they want haha

I am making yogurt! First time. Coffee yogurt. I will let you know how it turns out.

Happy day, everyone :wavey:


Jun 7, 2014
Missy, Thank you for including us in your fun day today. I'm so glad the ladies in Lamberville had the chance to see your beautiful earrings. Their reaction doesn't surprise me at all. The earrings are gorgeous! We are going out to dinner with friends on New Years Eve. I'm sure it will be a lot of fun. In all honesty I probably prefer staying home on New Years Eve. We chose the restaurant because you are able to order off their normal dinner menu and the food is always great there. I understand how you feel about making the long trip especially if you will be spending twice as long in the car. Hardly seems worth it for an hour and a half visit. It has been freezing rain and sleeting since 6:00 AM today. A perfect day to stay inside. I sure hope this isn't headed your way.

Marcy, Have you been able to get warm? I used to hate it when the office was freezing all day. Please know we can never have too many pictures of your beautiful ring (hint hint).

Junebug, What a great surprise to see pictures of your beautiful ring. I'm so glad there is no chance this one is going back. It's definitely a keeper.

Jimmianne, Thank you so much for posting the pictures. Wow what a fun store. I love antique jewelry. So many beautiful pieces!


Feb 27, 2007

Junebug, great pictures of your beautiful ring. It looks so perfect and elegant on you. Post all the pictures you want. I made a collage of my new EC with 20 pictures on it and it is way too much bling in one photo. I think your new ring might take more 3 to 4 weeks before you pull out another ring. Your nails look good too and that does remind me I need to get my nails painted too. I got them filed and ready to paint Friday but that’s as far as I got which means I probably need to file them again. Don’t you hate that when you ruin some clothes in the wash?

Jimmianne, what fabulous jewelry you got to see. Your gift exchange sounds fun; that is kind of what we did with my family and it was pretty amusing. I like the idea of Baileys as one of the gifts and too funny it was so popular. I had to chuckle about that woman giving you grief about diamonds - especially since she must have just heard about it. Some people huh?

Missy, sorry you have to drive so far on NYE then turn around and come home after about 90 minutes. You and Greg have certainly been exploring and going places this week. I can understand why you want to stay at the beach house. Our snow is still around it hasn’t gotten warm enough to melt any of it yet. The side streets are drifty or have really thick ice on them. Parking lots have big snow drifts. Most of the snow around her stays white. I like your idea of going to visit our friends on NYE then come home and watch a movie. We rented the Minions; it was cute. Your dinner sounds like a very nice time and quite delicious. I am so glad you found a jeweler you like and that he was so helpful with your earrings and information. Small world those ladies sell things to Lang Antiques. How could they not love your fabulous earrings?

Callie, I don’t mind going out for dinner on NYE but it always is so darned cold I’d rather just stay home. Hopefully your snow and ice storm will be gone by then. I heard they cancelled over 900 flights out of there today. I’ll post a few of my new pictures but that 20 image collage is too much for even PS. I have it as the lock picture on my iPad mini and I swear I need sunglasses for it.

So Marty had a smirk on his face and I finally noticed he moved my bears around. Real observant of me huh? I do have a favorite bear that is always on the love seat by me and he put another bear by me and moved the other one over by him.

The only snow drift I had to go through was in our driveway this morning. It was still there when I came home. Today’s high was in the 20’s and that is the warmest we’ll be this week.

I am watching my football team getting creamed. Rats.

Take care.





Feb 27, 2007
Okay I painted my nails but they look like a little kids did them. I'll be digging out a Q Tip and nail polish remover in a while to clean off the excess. You'd think I had wine for supper.


Dec 9, 2013
Marcy, these latest photos are fabulous!
Congratulations once again!!!
I am not envious I am not envious I am not envious LOL
but of course not. the "E" or "J" words do not exist between NIRDIs.
I am just happy for you, love seeing it shine : )

by the way, the yogurt is really good.
A $20 machine, a quart of milk, instant coffee, only 2 tsp sugar total for 7 servings, and a cup of plain yogurt for starter.
*Feeling proud* and *healthy*

hi from Puff


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Marcy, be still my heart. :love: Please post more pics of your EC. I am enjoying every single photo of your new beauty. :love: :love: :love:

I am sorry the snow is still around making it messy to commute and that it is so cold by you. The weather has been changing here for the worse and it is a very windy wet cold storm here today. Winter has arrived and I am not thrilled by that fact. I am thinking I might need to splurge and get a super warm coat I have had my eye on now that never goes on sale. I have so many winter coats though I am not sure it will be worth the expense to get this one but I think it would be the warmest coat I ever owned so maybe...I know I better make my mind up before they sell out in the color I want (navy) because they end up selling out every year in every color. Not sure if I want to spend that much when I have so many coats I hardly ever wear but with the cold upon us I am feeling my resolve not to spend more money on coats weakening haha.

Marcy are you working NYE? Sorry your football team is losing and I hope they made a comeback after you posted.

Callie, glad you stayed inside yesterday during the ice storm. I hope you all enjoyed the aquarium photos and sorry for photobombing you all yesterday afternoon haha. The only girls who didn't get to enjoy them is Jimmianne and Sharon so I am going to try sharing a few here in case they are interested.

How is the weather by you today? Are you venturing out?

Jimmianne, Puff is looking good! What a sweet baby. We visited the local aquarium yesterday and I took lots of pics. Sharing a few for you and Sharon. Sharon, I hope your healing is almost complete and all is going smoothly!


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Jun 17, 2009
Aw missy, thanks for the nice words, they mean a lot! Glad you like the nail polish color, it's quite edgy for me lol! Yes, it's a darkish gray with a hint of taupe. Only problem is it's a cheaper brand and started chipping pretty quickly, d'oh.

LOVE the pics from the aquarium! I really enjoyed them. Thanks for posting them, makes me feel like I was right there with you and Greg. The pic of Greg is so cute, he's a good sport! :dance:

So glad you had a nice outing and an enjoyable dinner, sounds like fun - and happy to hear you received heart-felt compliments on your earrings, of course they are drop-dead gorgeous but it's still nice to hear it from other people, especially people who are well versed in antique jewelry ha! So interesting about the lever backs, and thinking about it, it makes sense - the lever back has a mechanism that has the potential to break, no chance of that happening with the wires. I'm glad he was able to adjust them for you :clap:

I don't blame you for leaving your sister's a bit early, you have a long drive home and I wouldn't want to be driving home too late on NYE either. I'm hoping my daughter stays close to home too but knowing her she's going to want to go into Philadelphia, in which case she'll take an Uber taxi - ugh, why can't they be old like me and be happy to just sit at home???

Jimmianne, love the pics of all those gorgeous pieces! :love: Oh my good gosh such a beautiful array of bling! And yanno, IMHO that is actually not a bad price for the antique cushion ring - just sayin' :devil: It is to- die -for fabulous! :love: Right up my alley, halo and all haha!

I'm sorry you had to deal with rude comments at the party - stick with us NIRDIS, we will completely encourage and support you in your continued wearing and buying of diamonds lol - The more diamonds the better as far as we're concerned! :D

Glad your home made yogurt was a success :appl: Sounds delicious! :lickout:

Aw, thanks for the pic of Puff, he's adorable and I love him!

Marcy, thanks for the compliments on my ring. Your pics of your EC are fabulous!!! :love: Omg what a gorgeous diamond, it's so bright and lively! It's very photogenic too, it looks terrific in every pic. Sorry you are dealing with such cold and snowy weather, our weather has gone down-hill too but at least no snow yet so I'm happy about that. I always have to clean up my nails when I polish them - it takes me longer to fix them than it does to put the polish on!

Dh sympathizes with you on the subject of football - Dallas Cowboys, need I say more? ;( The poor guy looks forward to football season all year too.

Callie, sounds like you're staying in and avoiding that ice storm! Hopefully the weather has improved by now.

Shout out to LLJsmom, kristie, Sharon, and Sunstorm, hope you're all having a good day so far -

See you all soon!


Feb 27, 2007

Jimmianne, thanks for the compliments on my photos. That little ring holder is out of a ring box and works great to get shots of rings with Sun coming in from behind; it’s just the right angle. Thanks for the picture of Puff. He’s a cutie. Are you caught up on sleep or still kind of tired? That’s great your yogurt turned out good. My favorite is plain old vanilla custard.

Missy, okay you asked for more pictures. I will post that 20 photo collage I made. I swear that thing could glow in the dark. Good thing all of these aren’t on film; it would cost me a fortune to get all these photos developed. I vote you get the nice warm winter coat you want. It will be nice to have it when you need it. I see some cold and snow is heading toward the NE. My football team did win in overtime. I was so excited. Yes I am working NYE. I enjoyed looking at your photos again on my laptop. Cool stingray and shark photos - those 2 creatures are best to view on the other side of sturdy glass.

Junebug, I told Marty my EC was very photogenic. It’s like it can’t take a bad picture. The forecast here finally has us slightly above freezing on Sunday. I am so excited. To be honest usually this time of year we are below 0 with wind chill down to 30 or 40 below so this is honestly a heat wave. You might be in the path of the storm heading towards the NE. I usually have some overflow on my nail polish but as soon as I get out of the shower in the morning I can peel it right off. Last night’s was pretty bad though. My team did win last night but it certainly could have gone either way. I subscribe to NFL stuff on FB because the comments are often pretty funny and yes I see Dallas get picked on a lot. We hardly know what to do on Sunday after football is over.

Not much exciting going on here. I was really busy at work today. I got to work on my new task so that was a nice distraction but kind of wore me out mentally just because I am not used to doing it. My team leader who I’ve talked to easily 4 times this month about complaining about mistakes other team members make and says she found all sorts of mistakes and what should she do about it. I asked her to bring me her paperwork. It was 4 - 4 mistakes out of maybe 2400 items. Really that is a ton of mistakes? She is better than my problem employee was but she sure bought in to his vision of how things should be. Funny thing is she makes quite a few mistakes as well. Onward through the fog on that anyway.

Marty made veggies, oven fries and burgers for supper. We are going to a NYE party / pot luck so now I have to decide what to have Marty make for us. He volunteered to take care of it for me. I am thinking of what requires the least amount of clean up on my part not what sounds good.

Take care.



Jun 7, 2014
Missy, Too funny about wanting another warm coat. I bought a few coats two years ago that were more expensive but beautiful and so warm. I'm using the last one this year. I want to find one exactly like the one I am currently using when it's really cold out. My husband is giving me a hard time for buying the coats I bought a few weeks ago. Now that it is getting cold I'm beginning to see his point. Cute coats that aren't warm don't do you much good if you live in Chicago. I have a feeling you aren't the only NIRDI who buys a new coat soon.
We babysat my niece today. I felt so bad for her mom tonight. Her engagement ring is a halo with the tiny diamonds on the band. I was telling her she needs to be careful because the tiny diamonds can become loose fairly easily. She looked down and noticed the band is missing a tiny diamond. She had only had the ring for an hour. We had dinner together tonight and she picked up the ring at the Jewelers after dinner. The poor girl had two flat tires on her way to work this morning and lost a stone in her ring tonight. Do you have any plans for tomorrow? Did your new jacket arrive?

Marcy, Of course you need to name this diamond!!! She truly deserves to be named. I'm so glad you posted more pictures. Please quit thinking you are posting too many pictures. I don't think you are posting enough pictures!!! June, are you reading this. Please post more pictures! I'm sorry you are also having miserable weather. It was much better in Chicago today. It's supposed to be pretty cold on NYE here.

Junebug, Your new ring pictures are beautiful! Do you plan on naming this diamond?

Kristie, I was happy to talk to you tonight and so, so glad sweet Maggie is feeling better. Hopefully she just slept wrong last night and it will not be an issue going forward. Do you have any suggestions for names for Marcy's and Junebugs new diamonds? You always come up with the best names for jewelry!


Dec 9, 2013
Yes, this diamond wants a name!
Something as elegant as she is perhaps?

Missy, I love the caption "handsomeseacreature".
When I think back on those photos of him floating in the bay?
It is entirely possible you are living with a magical beast - a Selkie!

& that jacket is terrific.

June, I hope you have all the social obligations out of the way and can hibernate. I feel like staying home too, and with this weather it seems like a good idea. The universe is telling us the sap's down, both for trees and for people : )

Does anyone here wear "your Daughter's Jeans"?
My friends invited me to go to Nordstroms to look at them today.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! Happy New Year's Eve eve!

June, sorry the nail polish is chipping but just love that color. One of the reasons I don't wear fingernail polish. Too high maintenance for me lol. I'm so lazy. Even going gray because I just don't feel like keeping up with the coloring process. I am a bad NIRDI I know. :oops:

I am glad you enjoyed the aquarium photos. LOL I wanted to take you girls along with me and that was the best way I knew how though I ended up photobombing you girls re text haha. Thank you for being such good sports! :bigsmile:

Would love more pics of your gorgeous new ring June. How funny a coincidence that you and Marcy bought gorgeous EC rings at the same time. NIRDI fever. :love:

Marcy, OMG thank you for indulging me. Your collages and pictures are so beautiful. I think you are right. Your EC cannot take a bad pic. :love: Looking forward to seeing what you decide for her name. Lucy (from Peanuts) because she is icy cool and sharp? :cheeky:

Glad your weather will be warming up for NYE though for most of us that is still brrr cold I get that is warmer than usual for you at this time of year so woohoo for that!

Those oven fries Marty made sound delicious. Pics next time so we can drool along? :cheeky:

Yes, shark pics are best from the other side of the glass I agree. They had a touch tank with the stingrays though so I don't think these stingrays actually sting...

Callie, the blue leather jacket arrived yesterday (we left for Brooklyn early afternoon as we decided it was time to come back) and it was waiting for me so it arrived a full week early. Only problem is the length is just too short for my taste. The waist is big but Greg can fix that no problem as it fits in the shoulders. However I realized this AM what I didn't like about it and that is the length. It is a full 2" shorter than my BCBGMaxazria leather jacket and therein lies the problem. Not flattering on me IMO. Cuts me off at the waist.

Attaching a pic (after we pinched in the waist to where it needed to be just to see how it would fit so because of that it looks slightly lumpy which Greg assured me it would not after he really alters it) because I know you want to see what I am talking about. It's a shame because it is a lovely blue (cannot see that from my pic unfortunately but it is) and the leather quality is nice too. Not as buttery soft as my BCBG (and for the record it was the same cost so not a bargain) but I would have kept it if the length was right. Oh well back to the search for blue leather jacket. Or maybe I should just skip that and put that money towards that winter jacket I have been considering... :think:

Also attaching a pic of my current BCBG and Michael Kors Moto jackets so you can see the difference. No comparison. Much more flattering with those extra 2" in length.

I hope you enjoyed a lovely day with your grandniece yesterday. She is one lucky little girl to have her Anunt Callie there for her. I am so sorry about your niece's ring. That is crazy. Is that the same awful jeweler who tried to cheat you? Ugh, very sorry and I hope she gets it resolved to her satisfaction.

Jimmianne, haha you noticed that caption. Yes he is a handsome creature (to me anyway) sea or landlocked. He is my sweet handsome booby. :love: Believe me it was not easy convincing him to pose for that pic LOL. Especially because all the kids were doing it every time we passed by but I was persistent. I told him it was for the NIRDIs and so he couldn't refuse. 8)

Never heard of those jeans but I don't wear jeans so I am out of the dungaree loop. Do they still call them dungarees or is that so 70s/80s lol. Good luck shopping and let us know what you think.

So we are back in Brooklyn and right now the super is here trying to fix our leaking and very noisy radiator. But I have a feeling he is not able to right now as he and Greg have been chatting for a long while and I don't hear work going on. Nothing is a simple fix is it?

Last night we heard the biggest crash and our sweet dear Francesca had managed to push my Hamilton beach electric clear tea kettle over the edge of the granite counter smashing it all over our floor. What huge mess. Glass all over. So my dh took charge of clearing it away and ordered me to stay put knowing what a klutz I am lol. So now today on the agenda is finding a replacement. I overnighted it from Amazon but because it was last night it won't show up till tomorrow afternoon so I want another anyway just in case this happens again. I don't know how an 8 lb kitty can push something like that all across the counter but she did. Little angel. :halo: :devil:

I also want to organize my coat closet today if time permits and Greg said he would help me with that. I need to see exactly what I have as I know I have so many winter coats long and shorter and lots and lots of jackets. I keep buying multiple coats each year and then seriously forgetting what I have. Last year I thought I had 2 Canada Goose coats but could only find one so I need to really search. I am so disorganized. :blackeye:

I hope everyone has a good day and stays warm and cozy. (((Hugs))).






Feb 27, 2007

Callie, you are so right that cute coats don’t tend to be warm. I have a Land’s End coat that is so warm I can barely stand it if the temperatures are above zero but boy do I love it when we get the sub zero weather here. Your poor niece. She had a rough day. I know buying your settings from a local jeweler isn’t popular on PS but if I had a halo or pave ring I would buy it where I have a local or nearby warranty on it. I am glad you enjoy my pictures. I am thinking about a name for my EC. I had to tell my ACA today I still loved it because it was feeling neglected. I am glad it warmed up there today. I am excited we should be near 34 on Sunday.

Jimmiane, I am thinking of a name that implies or sounds elegant or really bright. I have 2 names in mind but I am still working on it and of course welcome suggestions. Did you go shopping?

Missy, keeping your nails painted does take some time and I was better at doing it faithfully when I worked 2 jobs. I swear I got more done then when I had absolutely no spare time. I think it’s pretty cool Junebug and I got new EC diamonds in the same week. Sweet. Lucy is a good name. I’ll keep that one in mind. Marty likes to make pretty meals; I will try to get some pictures - sadly I’ll think of it after I dig in for a few bites. I do see what you mean about the extra length on the jacket but now you can go back to shopping for a new jacket. Oh darn, huh? OMG to the super strength Francesca pushing the tea kettle on the floor. I bet it was a big mess. Maybe she saw a bug.

It was another busy day at work. We went out for supper tonight since our cleaning lady came today. I like to have a clean kitchen for at least one night. We had a horrible waitress but we weren’t in a hurry and the food was good. I saved half of it for my lunch tomorrow.

It was 15 out when we got in the car to come home from the restaurant. Thank goodness for seat heaters.

Have a great evening and Happy New Year’s Eve tomorrow.



Oct 24, 2012

Hope you guys are all doing well this close to year end.

Missy, I saw your pics of your jacket, and I agree. The length isn't right. Are you returning it? The BCBG one is more flattering. I'm sorry about the huge crash. That must have scared the heck out of you. It's so nice of Greg to shoo you out of the kitchen and do all the cleaning. Broken glass makes me so nervous. Speaking of jackets, we went to REI today and bought the kids new down jackets, cause it's turning out to be a really cold winter in the bay area. And that means low 40s in the morning, and not getting above 55 during the day. I know. We Californians are such wimps. I wear two down jackets inside the house sometimes. Thin ones though. We waited in line for 30 minutes, while there were only 2 people checking out customers. Of course, there were 5 empty registers, and one woman who was looking up God only knows what.

June, I saw your new pics. I love them of you drinking coffee. Seriously, that ring has MAJOR finger coverage. I love it. I am craving a huge finger coverage ring, but not at the top of my priority list. I especially love the wrap-around-your-finger kind of ring, which you totally get from the split shank. I do love split shanks. My very first love was Victor's Anne Marie. I craved that ring. It spoke to me the second I saw it. It looks great. I think you should do a SMTB thread on it. It's COSTCO!!! And it ROCKS!!!

Marcy, I saw your CRAZY collage too. That EEEEEEE. I DIE. just DIE. You know what's weird? I see that color, or lack thereof, and think...winter. Snow. Ice. It's amazing. Love your pics btw, of your party setting. I love seeing people entertain. It's so heartwarming. :)

Jimmianne, love your bling pics. That is such a fun game, stealing presents. It can get ridiculous and silly, in the best way. Did I tell you guys about "forehead cookie"? So my family plays that game too. And when you want to steal someone else's gift, you need to challenge them. If you win you get it. If you lose, you don't. One of the challenges is called "forehead cookie". Each person puts a cookie on their forehead, and by facial twitching and movement alone, you must move the cookie to your mouth and eat it. No hands or any other help allowed. It is hilarious to watch my grown 30+ year old cousins defend their iTunes gift card to the death. And so funny that these women talk about your bling obsession. My running friends laugh at me too. I tell them...wait till you hit mid-life. And I wear my bling anyway. Whatever, I love all bling. I don't discriminate.

Callie, hope you are doing well. Christmas was a local affair for us. No trips or travel. I discovered that I save a lot of money if I never leave the house. Redbox all vacation long. We are cleaning up a ton of stuff for donation, which I will do by 12/31 to get my tax deduction.

Kristie! How are you! How are Finn and Maggie doing? How was your Christmas?

So I bit the bullet. I reserved the J, IF today. I talked to GOG and they said the J SI2 was beautiful and said it was eye clean from 4 inches. However, even knowing that, I was still nagged by knowing my diamond was that blemished. I have major mind clean issues. I don't need a IF, but I can't live with this particular SI2. However, I've never owned an IF, so that is really cool. If I like it, I will probably have Derco's set it in a bezel for me. I'll probably get it sometime late next week. I have never owned an AVR before. I'm excited. And I do love wearing my five stone. So easy and comfortable. I forget I have it on. The bling factor is out of this world. I like it so much more than my Tiffany soleste. (I feel a little bad about that, but can't help it.) Yup, diamond fever is definitely going strong.

Hope you all have a great last day of 2015! I'm running at 7 am. Looking forward to it.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls and Happy New Year's Eve!!!

LLJsmom, I LOVE your choice! :love: I am so excited for you and it will be gorgeous. I totally get the mind clean issue and I agree it is cool to have an IF stone. When do you expect it? I hope you love it and I think an art deco bezel will be amazing. If you keep the AVR who will be designing the bezel?

40-55 degrees can be cold too (heck thas been our weather this late autumn/early winter) and you definitely need outerwear at those temps. Glad you bought some warm jackets at REI but what the heck to that long wait. I guess they are not used to getting a run on cold weather gear that that REI haha.

Have a great run this morning!

Marcy, I'm with you. I keep the seat heaters on from September to June practically lol. It just feels so good.
Yay for getting another meal out of your dinner from last night. I love it when that happens. There is a Spanish restaurant I love to go to in Newark that serves unbelievably huge portions and I take what I don't eat home and it gives me enough lunch meals for days. I mean 3-4 days. Love that.

Today is our NYE marathon shopping day at Tanger outlet. Woohoo! It is an exhausting long day but we woke up early so we could get a head start haha. I'm a bit sleepy but ready to shop. :bigsmile:

June, I hope you have fun tonight and that your kids enjoy while remaining safe.
Callie, have a good celebration with your friends and family.
Kristie, glad everyone is doing well by you and fingers crossed it remains that way.
Sharon, have a lovely time this evening celebrating the New Year.
Sunstorm, hope you are enjoying your travels.
Jimmianne, I hope you have a lovely evening planned.

Have a great NYE today girls and wishing all of you a happy New year filled with joy, love, health and prosperity. :appl: :appl: :appl:


Dec 9, 2013
15 degrees! I would need more than seat heaters...

No shopping yesterday. The weather was awful, pouring rain, low visibility/fog and flooding. I visited my grandbunny, took a brief stop to a boutique mall to buy a folding tripod iron base for my cute galvanized metal table top and got some silver wire to repair the two antique chain-mail purses I got in France. The bead shop showed me how to make my own little jump rings production-line style to make the repairs. Too much information haha but when your day is that sparse you have to make the most of what you DID do : )

I have been looking at diamonds non-stop. You guys! yes, you with the ECs. Thanks for the diamond fever! Love diamond fever where "anything is possible", no stone goes unturned : ) and reality takes a back seat for a while.

Happy New Years Eve!
No plans here.
Any New Year's resolutions to share? :dance:


Feb 27, 2007
Happy New Year's Eve!


Apr 19, 2004

What a fun thread--pictures of rings and cuddly creatures and clothes! Doesn't get any better than that!! :appl:

Missy--Greg is such a cutie and good sport! I adored those turtles catching a ride on each others backs.... :)) I like your jackets, but I know what you are saying about length.

June--the shape of your new ring suits your finger so well. You have great finger real estate and I am happy you found a nice ring to home there. You know what they say, location, location, location!

Marcy--your photography skills are excellent! I love the subject matter as well; outstanding choice on your latest upgrade. We've had some snow in the last week and cold temps, but warmer than usual. I can handle (most) anything as long as I see our big, wide, bright blue sky.

JA--it made me sad to read about some ladies rude comment to you. Do people know how they sound? Anyway--that comment will put her on the naughty list!

LLJsM--A JIF! I love IF's! Great choice. You have such gorgeous jewellery; I hope your Soleste doesn't feel lonely!

CallieC: Hope your New Years is fun!. My bump on the head did not yield a new bracelet, but I am recovered. Got my husband thinking tho! :saint:

AZ--hope Groovy help you ring in the NY!

Shout out to everyone else! :wavey:



Jun 17, 2009
Happy New Year's Eve girls!

Missy, I'm wishing you and Greg a safe trip to your sister's and hoping you have a lovely time getting together with your family! You look great in all of the jackets, you have such a nice collection. I understand that you don't care for the length of your new jacket though, if it doesn't look and feel right to you no sense in keeping it. I like the bling that's showing up in your pics! :love: I can't believe that tiny kitty could push something so heavy off the counter! She was apparently very determined :cheeky: Have a great time shopping, I'm hoping you find some good deals. :dance:

Marcy, I love your collage! :love: :love: :love: It's true, it's impossible to take a bad pic of it. Your EC is just so beautiful, I'm still so happy you found it and are enjoying it so much. A pretty sparkly really can make life a little more fun and give us a little extra joy to brighten our days. Your party sounds like it will be fun. How great Marty is taking care of everything, that's awesome and a nice break for you! Ugh, sorry about the aggravation at work, I agree that 4 mistakes really doesn't constitute a "ton" lol. I'm glad the weather is better than normal, and I hope it continues for as long as possible! We've been lucky with the weather too, and even though it's getting colder it's still pretty mild.

Jimmianne, no plans here either - if you're up at midnight let's check in with each other! Ah, diamond fever, it's a wonderful illness lol! A great distraction, that's for sure.

Callie, I hope you have a wonderful time going out to dinner tonight! Oh your poor niece, she had a rough day - the missing stone should be a quick fix, but a shame it happened right after she picked up the ring.

LLJsmom, I'm VERY excited about your new AVR! :dance: I think you made a really good choice, it's really the best fit for your personal preferences and I agree that it will be very cool to own an IF diamond. :appl: Can't wait for pics!!! Thanks for the nice words about the pics of my ring, I do like the finger coverage and I love the shape of it on my hand.

Kristie, any special plans for tonight?

Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year!

ETA: Sharon, we were posting at the same time - wishing you and your family a very Happy and healthy New Year! Glad to hear you've recovered, and let's not give up hope on that bracelet! :devil: the new year holds lots of possibilities haha - thank you for your kind words about my ring, I really appreciate it!


Oct 24, 2012
Hi Sharon! Nice to see you here. So you discovered our own little support group, huh? As if all of PS isn't one BIG support(/enabler) group... :lol: Happy New Year to you!

When I committed to that IF, I was thinking, "What am I doing, paying $550 extra for something you cannot see?!" But then I knew myself well enough that I would be thinking when I was wearing it, "Definitely not forever. When can I upgrade to a higher clarity?" So I figured I would bite the bullet now and go all out. You would think being on PS for 4 years would cure my mind-clean illness huh? I could have used the $$ on the setting. I'm a sicko... :loopy:


Jun 7, 2014
Only have a few minites so I will be back to post later.

LLJsmom, I'm so glad you made the decision to get the higher clarity stone. Imagine how you would feel every time you looped the stone. You would not have been able to get past the mind clean thing. It's not worth saving $550 if you are going to be unhappy two weeks after you have the diamond. By purchasing the higher clarity stone you saved yourself a lot of aggravation. You made a very smart choice. I can't wait to see the pictures of you wearing your beautiful necklace.


Jun 8, 2008
Happy New Year girls! It is 2016! Woohoo!
Just a quick run by post because we are heading out to see the tree at Rockefeller and also going to Bryant Park.

I hope everyone enjoyed a lovely day and evening last night and I cannot wait to hear all about it.

Sharon, I am sending you extra hugs and I know this is going to be a good year for all of us. I just know it. :appl:

Junie, I hope your children are back safely and had a lovely celebration and I hope you enjoyed NYE too!

Marcy, how was your evening? Did you visit your friends and then enjoy a movie too?

LLJsmom, loved the diamond you chose. Beautiful and cannot wait to see the finished pendant. I love the rose gold.

Jimmianne, did you buy that ring? Ooh la la cannot wait to hear all about it. :appl:

Kristie, love that dinner ring. Great purchase. :appl:

Callie, I think you should buy that beautiful handbag. I know it is expensive but I thought it was meant to be the way it happened...just saying. Anyway if you decide not to I know there are other gorgeous handbags in your future but if you do get it today I am so excited for you! And you know I am voting for you to purchase it. :bigsmile:

OK we are off to see the tree. Just a little while ago Tom texted me a picture from our 1995 Alaska trip. Haha I LOL'd when I saw it. I used to wear things so big and baggy but I swear that was the style then. :oops: :bigsmile: Anyway I like the pic because it is a happy pic and we were so young. Well not so young but compared to now LOL.

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