
Now I really did it :((


Dec 9, 2013
It's good to be home, on the couch in front of the TV with a big plate of you-know-who-made-them Christmas cookies!

BTW, with regard to our dear EC NIRDIs- can anyone else feel a case of diamond fever coming on? :naughty:


Jun 8, 2008
azstonie|1450892784|3965343 said:
LLJs, I have seen carre cuts with colored stones, I love carre cuts ANYWAY I find them. But I think the biggest bang for carre buck is having them with each other :sun:

Jimmianne, glad you're home safe and sound!!

Missy, Tommy is SUPERVISING the tree project, heehee!!!! You think he's your PET, he's really your supervisor!!!

Junie, Marcy, Peggy, stay warm and dry and safe!!!

LOL well we arrived back about 15 minutes ago and already all the kitties have taken their place under the tree. I only managed to catch a few of them so far but I will get them all. Haha. Fred was the first one under it before we left today to run errands but he was too fast. As soon as I got the phone out to take a pic he scooted. He's camera shy these days LOL. I did manage to catch Francesca and Bobby. 8)




Feb 27, 2007

Missy, I was going to say Merry Christmas Eve Eve - great minds think alike, right? The Sun was out when I ran out and picked up the Killer Rabbit jackets and I had to make sure I kept my eyes on the road not my right hand. I don’t have any bunnies at work; I should get one though so it would feel more like home. I am glad you and Greg are relaxing (rats that Greg is kind of still working but at least it’s from home) and you are getting to sleep more comfortable hours for you. Too cute Tommy is making himself at home on the tree. Your tree looks fabulous. I am sure the cute kitties will enjoy playing with the tree - I hope it doesn’t faint.

LLJsmom, I am behind on stories for the prize give away but will catch up on it tomorrow. I am enjoying everyone’s stories and special pieces of jewelry. A DBTY sounds interesting for your Carre cut diamonds - good suggestion by Missy. I don’t know if I’d do colored gems with it; maybe another shape or diamond to do a full eternity band. Of course going custom on that would be costly because of a setting fee per stone.

Kristie, aren’t Carre cuts classy looking no matter what they are in? Is it going to be chilly there all week? We have snow and cold in our forecast. Rats.

Jimmianne, I am glad you are relaxing in front of the TV today and dining on delicious cookies. It sounds like a perfect day rest up and try to adjust to your local time again.

Marty is on vacation until Jan. 4 too. I hope all 3 of you have fun while I am out slaving away. I am off through Monday but you know I’ll get paged for something - it wouldn’t be a holiday if I didn’t have to dial in and do some work.

We had a busy day at work but got to leave 2 hours early. I went by the cemetery on the way home and then did a few things when I got home. Marty went to Denver again because his watch came in yesterday. We made tacos for supper.

Have a great evening and Christmas Eve tomorrow.

Ready or not - Christmas is almost here.





Jun 17, 2009
Hey everyone!

Missy, we are all enjoying Gregs' cookies! A little too much as a matter of fact :oops: Oh well, it's the holidays.

I'm glad you're enjoying your vacation! It really is nice to get away from real life for a while and just spend time with dh, relax a little and sleep in.

Your tree is really pretty, and isn't amazing how cats can make a bed out of just about anything? :D Too funny! The kitties look so sweet under the tree, so cozy and cute!

Lol Callie, yes, those cookies are impossible to resist!

Marcy, I'm still so excited about your beautiful new EC :clap: Love the pics, that diamond is SO gorgeous!! :love: I'm really happy they were able to set it for you right away, that worked out so well. Your day sounds wonderful, and involves all my favorite things - shopping for bling, hanging out with the hubs, and going out to eat - now that's a good day! Your Christmas plans sound great, and the menu sounds delicious. Marty's watch is awesome, what a great Christmas this is for the both of you :dance: Sweet that you have off through Monday, that's a nice break.

LLJsmom, tough call on the carre band, I guess it depends on whether you think you'll wear it more if you make changes to it. I don't think I've ever seen a carre and gemstone alternating band, I'll have to look for pics to try to visualize it better. My mother is doing ok, although today wasn't one of her better days - but some days are better than others so we've just been taking it one day at a time.

Jimmianne, so great to hear from you! Glad you're relaxing and getting some rest…and enjoying cookies lol.

It took me all day to finish this post lol, just one of those days I guess. My ring ended up arriving before I left for my mother's so I got to play with it for a few minutes haha. Obviously my plan of waiting until Christmas went out the window. I"m really happy with it!I The EC is small and the halo is big but I love the overall look! I really like the rectangular shape on my hand. Here are a few pics





Mar 10, 2010
Jimmianne|1450896145|3965365 said:
It's good to be home, on the couch in front of the TV with a big plate of you-know-who-made-them Christmas cookies!

BTW, with regard to our dear EC NIRDIs- can anyone else feel a case of diamond fever coming on? :naughty:

Welcome back! :wavey: :wavey:

Once you get unlagged, you may want to scroll back a few pages.... :whistle: ;)) :naughty:


Dec 9, 2013
Andelain|1450940177|3965668 said:
Jimmianne|1450896145|3965365 said:
It's good to be home, on the couch in front of the TV with a big plate of you-know-who-made-them Christmas cookies!

BTW, with regard to our dear EC NIRDIs- can anyone else feel a case of diamond fever coming on? :naughty:

Welcome back! :wavey: :wavey:

Once you get unlagged, you may want to scroll back a few pages.... :whistle: ;)) :naughty:

Is it my Christmas present?!?! :naughty:


Dec 9, 2013
June, your ring is beautiful! It looks great on your hand -and nice coverage too!
You and it look meant for each other. :dance:
Very happy for you : )

Missy, I am sure your cats think the tree - and everything else about the holiday - were planned especially for them. They are looking quite pleased that you and Greg have honored their royal kittiness with their very own indoor tree : )

My cleaning person just emailed to say that she would be here this morning. Surprise! I guess she decided that she couldn't come on Christmas so she is showing up a day early. I had one of those OMG moments. Clearly I am so NOT ready for her, but it's a good thing she's coming. I need to pull things together at least a little bit. I unpacked on the kitchen floor and table and that's as far as I"ve gotten.

I have NO plans for Christmas except opening the box my sister sent and perhaps wrapping HER presents to get ready to ship.
I've had offers to join my friends but I'm happy to to stay home...
I feel as though the last 2 weeks were a huge Christmas, so no regrets about spending the actual day chilling out.
...and living vicariously through my NIRDIs who will undoubtedly have many reports of the day to share [I hope!].

off to tidy. ugh. I think I need a cookie lol

hugs, everyone!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls and happy happy Christmas Eve!

June, I am LOVING your EC ring. Your photos are incredible and really capture how it looks IRL. Which is GORGEOUS.

Looks incredible on your hand. I agree the rectangular shape is so flattering on your hand though many shapes are very flattering on you June! You cannot miss this baby coming and she is a quality babe for sure. Sold! :love:

Congratulations on your new EC ring!

Sorry your mom had a challenging day yesterday and I hope today is a much better one.

Marcy, you already know what I think of your new EC ring. It is GORGEOUS. Sharp, clear icy white facets you can drown in and just beautiful all around. And Marty's watch is also TDF! We are big Omega fans (especially my dh who has an Omega or 2) and I have always wanted a vintage Omega with a blue face but since I don't wear watches right now I guess I will have to wait. Anyway really LOVE both your purchases. Santa was good to you two this year but yes you surely deserved all that and more. :halo:

Haha also love those casino jackets but not sure the killer bunnies deserved anything this holiday. :wink2:

I hope you don't get paged by work at all this holiday season and that you can enjoy being with Marty uninterrupted. You're off today right? Have a wonderful Christmas Eve!

Jimmianne, you are quite right. Everything we do is meant for the kitties. We are here to serve them any way we can and keep them happy and comfortable. :bigsmile: I am glad you are enjoying the cookies. If you feel like snuggling up to your fur babies and watching a good movie today or tomorrow I highly recommend "Like Father Like Son". A Japanese film worth watching. I also enjoyed "Phoenix" and I also liked the Netflix Original series "Sensitive Skin". All very different but check out the descriptions and see if any appeal to you. Happy resting and recuperating
and I am so glad you had such a wonderful trip with your DD. :appl:

And a big hello and hugs to all the rest of the NIRDIs. :wavey:

Can you find the cat in the tree? :lol:




Apr 19, 2004
junebug17|1450937798|3965654 said:
Hey everyone!

Your tree is really pretty, and isn't amazing how cats can make a bed out of just about anything? :D Too funny! The kitties look so It took me all day to finish this post lol, just one of those days I guess. My ring ended up arriving before I left for my mother's so I got to play with it for a few minutes haha. Obviously my plan of waiting until Christmas went out the window. I"m really happy with it!I The EC is small and the halo is big but I love the overall look! I really like the rectangular shape on my hand. Here are a few pics

JuneBug--what a gorgeous ring! Seems to me everything you wear looks fabu on you! :appl: :love:

JimmieA: hope you are recovered from your jet lag--I looked up thread to discover some yellow gold beauties you purchased overseas. Hope your trip was great and enjoyed your family and friends.

Missy--the cat/tree antics are just what the Doc ordered. I needed a laugh after hitting my head on the door and I have a nice gash to prove it. At least it didn't need stitches. But I think a Tiffany Victoria diamond bracelet would ease the swelling, but I am certain Santa forgot. Oh well, there is always 2016! :bigsmile:

To Marcy, LLJsMom, CallieC, Azstonie, Ande, and all the rest of the fabu people who might drop in here--Merry Christmas! I will make some more butter tarts shortly....they do disappear!



Feb 27, 2007
Merry Christmas Eve NIRDIs!

June, your ring looks fabulous on you. I love it. It looks so classy and elegant and has a lot of finger coverage. It sounds like you love it. I am so excited for you. IMO I like this better than your marquis and I think your marquis was beautiful on you. Those cookies are so good. I am glad you mentioned them - they are on the table by my rings; I need to wander that way. Our outing on Monday was a nice day. We used to go shopping in Denver on weekends a lot but after Marty drives back and forth to DIA so much he doesn’t seem as anxious to go as he used to but it’s not like he’d tell me no. Thank you for the comments about my EC. I generally get really good service with that store and they go out of their way to accommodate me being out of town. Marty and I did go overboard for Christmas and sadly we’d already bought things before the ring and watch. Sorry to hear your mom didn’t have a good day; hopefully she’ll enjoy your family being there for Christmas. I like your nail polish color. I need to paint my nails today.

Hi Andelain! How is your beautiful ACA doing?

Jimmianne, I loved your royal kittiness story. That was perfect. Are you feeling rested yet? That will be nice to get your house cleaned today and then you can take it easy and enjoy vegging out. I am anxious to hear about your adventures on your trip.

Missy, yes Santa was good to us this year. The other Omega Snoopy watch has the blue face. Other than that they look a lot alike The Snoopy on the front is different on the original. We actually found one and almost bought it but at time a heavily discounted Omega was out of our price range. We’ve often talked about we should have figured out a way to get it when we saw it. Oh well huh? We have the new version. His watch is #630 out of 1970. I am off today; I don’t have to go back until Monday. I can luckily do my job from home is we have something to deal with over the weekend. Too funny your tree is harboring a cute kitty.

Hi Sharon, your butter tarts sound delicious. Ouch to hitting your head; I think a nice Tiffany bracelet would help ease your pain and mental suffering. I hope it feels better soon.

We kind of slept in today. I had sunshine coming in the house so took some pictures of my new EC ring right away. We went to the grocery store about 11 am - Marty picked the busiest one in town but since he was driving I didn’t mind it. I hate that parking lot. We had cheese, crackers, nuts and fruit for lunch. Marty made his BBQ sauce for the ribs Saturday. It smells fabulous in here!

I have one more present to wrap. Tomorrow we are going to have sirloin steak, baked potatoes, dinner rolls, salad and test a few of my assorted Christmas cookies that are in the freezer downstairs.

Then we have to pick up, get out the Christmas dishes, put the table together, get the Mac and Cheese ready to bake and then rest.

Have a great day and a wonderful Christmas tomorrow.



Feb 27, 2007
Natural light coming in the window; no direct sun but wow did the step cuts show in this image.



Dec 9, 2013
Marcy, I love it and I am really looking forward to seeing more photos!
It has such a sharp "lit-up-facets" pattern. I want to go back in the thread and figure out how you found it because
I have the feeling stones like this are not easy to find.


Feb 27, 2007
Jimmianne, I started a thread in SMTB with some collage photos of my EC ring. This is my 5th and I am sure my final EC. My first one was a well cut .55 carat which I upgraded about a year later. I kept working up in size but they either lacked in cut, color or clarity or a mixture thereof. I just made a collage of my 5 EC and will attach it.

Finding this was pure luck. You might remember when I got my EC studs I was considering upgrading the EC in my RHR but knew it would really cost me. I had a G 1.02 carat Si2. I could see some of the inclusions naked eye; but I didn't mind the color. Upgrading color, carat and clarity was going to add well over $1000 for each C so I just decided it wasn't worth it unless I found the perfect diamond. The place I bought my EC from might occasionally have one EC online in the specs I want and since it can be in anyone of their 15 or so stores I doubted I'd ever run in to it while shopping.

So I went in Monday to look in to upgrading a few of my sapphires but their supply was very well picked over for Christmas. They didn't have a thing I was even slightly interested in buying. I had brought all my rings and earrings to be cleaned and checked so while waiting for the salesgirl to bring out another round of gemstones I kept looking in the show cases. One EC kept really catching my eye; actually sparking from inside a plastic gem case and inside a glass show case. It was this diamond. There was a F VS2 by it about $1400 lower in price and roughly the same carat so I asked to see both of them. She took both of them out for us to look at and both Marty and I immediately gravitated towards the E. I had her check to see if she had any other colorless in that carat range in the vault but she only had near colorless.

While I was debating if I would spend that much money I pulled up the GIA certificate and saw the table and depth were in the really tight parameters I used when I was shopping for my earrings. They are tough to find but I read several places if you pick an EC with those specs they should perform well. I also wanted a fluorescent EC just because I thought it would be cool to have. I just looked on PS under the diamond search and went to B2C jewels as well and there wasn't a single E / F diamond in that carat range with those specs. When looking for my earrings I found maybe a total of 6 of them online.

Once I saw this one had the medium blue fluorescent listed and the table and depth in that tight range I said sold. I am very happy with it. Are you sorry you asked how I found it? :lol:




Jun 7, 2014
Missy, It sounds like you had a great day. I love the treasures you found for the beach house today. I hope your toe and leg are feeling beginning to feel better. Our dinner last night went very well. My niece surprised us with announcing that she has decided to have a wedding and we all are invited. Everyone was very happy to know we will be sharing her big day with her. Her ring looked beautiful and she was beaming as she spoke of her upcoming plans. I could not be happier for her. Very fun night. My husband joked that I was eating real food at dinner last night. He said it was the first meal in a day and a half that didn't consist of 10 cookies.

Marcy, Your stone could not be more beautiful. I am so glad you included us. It was such a fun day.

Sharon, I'm so sorry you hurt your your head. Are you feeling better now? You really need to buy the bracelet. Just tell your husband that you have a head injury and you have no memory of making the purchase. I hope you are having a wonderful holiday with your family. Your cookies sound delicious.

Junebug, This ring looks like it was made for your finger. It is beautiful. Is is pretty safe to say this ring will not be returned? I hope you have a great holiday with your family and your mom has a good day tomorrow.

Jimmianne, It sounds like you had a wonderful time with your daughter. We all missed you and are very glad you are back. As you can see a lot happened with the NIRDI's the past few weeks. It has been blingtastic around here. I'm sorry you missed the fun and excitement

Kristie, I hope you had a great night with that handsome husband. We need pictures of that beautiful band!!!


Feb 27, 2007
Callie, that is awesome your niece is going to have a wedding and all of you are being invited. She'll have a lot of fun planning everything. She sounds excited about it too. That is awesome. Too funny about having a real meal instead of cookies. Our stash is getting pretty thin; too bad I'm not. :lol: I was glad you ladies were there to join me in my excitement. Marty patiently follows me around jewelry stores and looks at things through the loupe but he saves his excitement for watches. It was a fun day.

I am off to bed now. :snore: :snore:

I hope Santa brings all of you a cherished treat. :wavey:

Merry Christmas to One and All.


Dec 9, 2013
Marcy, I am not sorry at ALL that I asked. Your response was a diamond lovers delight. I always read stories of the hunt with rapt attention!
Not only is it beautiful, but knowing the story makes it all the more special - to me & to all of us I know. :clap:

Merry Christmas!

I DID get a gift of my dreams. Now I have a story, less engaging, but perhaps fun.
It was five years ago next month that my Mom died. That first week when my sister and I were going through the house we found a set of TIffany mint julep cups on a tray. I was uber-into Tiffany silver then and went nuts to have them. Since we had already decided that I would get the diamonds, my sister said she deserved ALL the silver and would not let me have the cups.
For years I have asked her for them. NO.
One year she gave me a big blue Tiffany box and I got so excited - but it was a joke - inside was a horrible plastic cherub :angryfire: I didn't think it was funny. LOL
So guess what I got this year?! YES! the cups. She even took them to TIffany to be polished and wrapped.
Getting them really made this otherwise quiet Christmas special.
So, she is a good sister after all. haha. I will keep her. :lol:

See you all here later.
Off for my daily dose of Christmas cookies. [thank you again Queen Bee & G]


Jun 8, 2008
Merry Christmas girls!
Sharing a photo my friend Tom took of the tree at Rockefeller Center. Greg and I always make it there for Christmas season and plan on checking it out next week or the week after. In the meantime here you go. Beautiful tree.

Bobby was staying away from our tree last night and instead just hanging out on the stereo speaker staring at us. Cats are fun aren't they lol. Spooky sometimes too. :cheeky:

Sharon, oh I am so sorry about your accident and I hope you and your head are feeling much much better this morning! Thank goodness you didn't need stitches and yes I agree. A Tiffany Victoria diamond bracelet should be on the gift list for you today! I'm with Callie. If Santa didn't bring it you just need to order it yourself and then blame the injury. 8) Your butter tarts sound amazing.
I am wishing you a happy and healing Christmas and sending you lots of (((hugs))).

Marcy, I am still ooh la la over your EC purchase and love the montage you have posted here. I am going to check out your new EC thread now that I know you started one. It was meant to be that this almost literally fell into your lap when you were shopping the other day. What a beautiful collection you have. It was fun sharing snoopy ornaments yesterday LOL.


We found a great place that carries vintage glass ornaments but really have no need for any more. Even though our kitties (bad kitties) broke so many of the vintage 50s/60s glass ornaments Greg grew up with we still have many many dozens more left. LOL. How are the killer bunnies enjoying their new jackets? I'm on the way with moto jackets for the bears haha. Fair's fair. :wink2: Those ribs and the sauce Marty is slow cooking will be a huge hit I am sure this coming Saturday. How fortunate we are married to men who enjoy and are good at cooking. :lickout:

Callie, How exciting! There is going to be a wedding woohoo! Have they set a date? You know you owe me pictures of her gorgeous ring pretty please. :appl:
Congratulations to the happy couple! pretty%20heart.gif

I am glad you liked our purchases yesterday. I am not one to put things up with words on the walls but I am really liking this sign so it just might go on the wall. We'll see. And the picture frame I just had to get it was so romantic. You and me by the sea. Just reminds me of Greg and me so I had to get it. 1618626e2tat6mv78.gif 1144973q2eo3d4l4g1.gif

I hope you have a wonderful day. Believe it or not we might go cycling today LOL. It won't be as warm as yesterday when it hit 73 or 74 degrees here but it might be less wet so here's hoping. Supposed to be in the 60s and if we find a few hours of dry weather we are going for it. If we are able to it will be our first Christmas bike ride. bikebikebike.gif

Glad you are enjoying the christmas cookies and glad you are feeling well rested and almost all recovered Jimmianne. :appl:
We missed you and you have some catching up to do here. Lots of bling pics and purchases by the NIRDIs while you were gone...hope you enjoy catching up and seeing our new bling!

Merry Christmas girls! slider_grouphugg.gif


Jun 17, 2009
Merry Christmas everyone!

Oh missy, I laughed out loud when I saw the pic of the kitty in the tree! Too funny. Love the kitty on the speaker too, cats are a little mysterious and a bit spooky sometimes. And they love those high spots. That's great that you might be able to get a bike ride in, I am so loving this warm weather. Wishing you, Greg and the kitties a very relaxing and wonderful Christmas. (((hugs)))

Jimmianne, your plans for Christmas sound great to me - I woke up with a terrible sinus headache and would give anything to just be able to stay home today lol. How wonderful that your sister gave you the cups, I agree that she has redeemed herself! What a special Christmas surprise. I'm happy for you. Thank you for the nice words about the ring, I can't wait to wear it and as much as I liked the marquise I didn't feel that way about it. I'm just a sucker for a lot of sparkle. :oops:

Marcy, I love all the pics of your gorgeous EC, you have a great eye for diamonds to be able to spot this winner right off the bat, you chose a beautiful stone. :love: I love that it's an E, it's so white and bright. I love the pics of your different ECs, it's fun to see the progression of your upgrades. Of course your new diamond is my hands-down favorite. Good luck with all your Christmas dinner preparations, sounds like you and Marty are organized and getting things done.

Sharon, thank you for the compliment, you seriously made my day. I'm so sorry to hear about your injury, take care and I hope you're feeling ok. Personally I think it warrants a Tiffany bracelet :devil: I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your family! Oh, and your butter tarts sound fabulous, yum.

Callie, glad to hear you had a good time at dinner, sounds like you had a lot of fun spending time with your family. Very exciting news about your niece and her wedding, she sounds so happy. :clap: Thank you for your nice words about the ring, I truly appreciate it! I feel very comfortable wearing it and it just feels right on my hand.

Kristie, thinking of you and hoping you had a lovely Christmas Eve. Are you officially wearing your new band? Looking forward to seeing it on your hand!

LLJsmom, hope you are having a fun time with your terrific kids and husband!

Ok, off to try to feel like a normal human being, hopefully the Advil I just took will kick in soon :pray: . Have a wonderful day everyone!


Jun 8, 2008
Aww June I'm sorry about your headache and I hope the Advil takes it completely away so you can enjoy the day. Turns out we are not going bike riding. Just too wet here. Not worth the risk. I'm disappointed because the weather has been so mild but just too wet for safe cycling.

Have a wonderful day and (((hugs))).


Jun 17, 2009
Thanks missy! Feeling a little better thankfully, but looking forward to this day being done and driving home tonight lol, how's that for Christmas spirit :cheeky: Sorry to hear your cycling plans fell through…my husband is sympathetic, he was hoping to play golf tomorrow but it's probably just too wet. Boo.


Feb 27, 2007
Merry Christmas NIRDIs!

Jimmianne, that is so awesome your sister gave you the Tiffany mint julep cups you wanted that belonged to your mom. I am so happy for you. IMO her prank of wrapping a cherub in a Tiffany box was not funny but i am delighted she changed her mind. Sorry to hear about the 5th anniversary of losing you mom next month. Those milestones are hard. I am glad you liked my story. I’ll even finish the rest of it. I love reading everyone else’s stories as well; I guess it’s because we love bling so much.

Missy, I love the picture of the tree at Rockefeller Center. I would love to see that in person some day - so maybe you will get me to NYC! Cute kitties on the speakers; I wonder if they like the vibrations from the sound? They are just tolerating you humans because you bring them food and Christmas trees. I am still over the moon happy with my EC. I love vintage glass Christmas ornaments. I bet you saw some beautiful things. Those Snoopy ornaments are so cute. I will go check my tree; it seems like there were about 6 or 8 of those in a row. Then they ventured in to figures, then lighted / animated and now they are back to figures. Between Snoopy, Star Wars and Star Trek I think 99% of the ornaments on our tree are one of those 3 themes and come from Hallmark. Marty loved his Killer Rabbit jacket but I like the idea of coming up with something for the bears. Darn it you couldn’t do your Christmas first bike ride. That is pretty amazing it is so warm there though. Of course I believe that is because all the cold and snow is just hanging out here.

Junebug, I hope your headache gets better. You’ll be happy to get home tonight. Darn that your DH can’t play golf because it’s so wet. I can’t believe you guys are so warm though in December. I’ll send you some of this cold weather if you want. I keep thinking about how great your new EC ring looks on you; it is such a beautiful and elegant ring. I am so happy you got it instead of keeping the marquis. It sounds like you really love it. I will continue my EC story below here but I really think it all worked out as it should for me. You general don’t see an diamond sparkle and catch you eye through plastic and glass and from a few feet away. I don’t know how organized we are going to be working on Christmas dinner today. Marty is totally immersed in his new PS4 and game. He disappeared to the man cave about 90 minutes ago. I was just assessing both refrigerators to see if I can get 2 big pans of mac and cheese in them or if I should just make it tomorrow morning. I am trying to avoid lots of dishes tomorrow before dinner.

So just a bit more to my EC story if you are interested. If not skip over the rest of this. I’ve wanted bigger / better EC’s since i got that first one in 2009 and the place I buy them from allows upgrades of loose stones for full value of what you paid as long as what you are buying costs a $1.00 more. My ering was from them; it was a 1 carat G ASS0. When I was getting close to settling my parents very small / modest estate I decided I was going to buy myself a very nice sapphire ring from my parents with that money. Marty suggested I get a new ering and diamond because I’d wear it every day. I definitely wanted another AGS0 and thought I’d just go up in color. Marty convinced me if you are getting something new at least go up in size too so I was looking for F AGS0 1.25 - 1.5 carat. I combed through all of their diamonds on their website trying to find something to trade up to but they didn’t have anything as nice as the G I had; plus they seem to be moving away from AGS0 diamonds. I wanted to give them first shot because of the trade in for the diamond I had. I even emailed them with my desired specs but they gave me the canned - but all of our diamonds are picked for brilliance and sparkle.

So I moved on to explore PS valued vendors and narrowed down my choice to either Whiteflash or Crafted by Infinity. I definitely wanted a F because my maiden name began with F and of course this was going to be from my parents. CBI convinced me to looked at a G and while it was pretty I stuck to my original criteria - I want a F. Whiteflash had a few ACA F and I ended up with the one I have now.

Of course I still had my 1 carat diamond and ering and I thought “cool” I can get a killer EC by trading in the 1 carat diamond. I was pouring through their EC diamonds but never found one that sounded good enough to bring in for me to see. In the meantime WF offered to consider taking my 1 carat on trade towards my ACA. I sent them the AGS certificate number and they offered me about $850 less than what I paid for it so I agreed to trade it in from them because my ACA was lots more than I intended to spend. Sadly there went my killer EC upgrade from the first place - but trust me that thought was always still floating around in my head. I bet I’ve checked their EC inventory about 3 to 4 times yearly looking for that one killer EC. When I got my EC studs I really had the itch to upgrade then but again they didn’t have anything in their inventory with good specs.

Where did I learn those EC specs that worked so well for me? PS of course. When I was going to buy my first EC I poured through all EC threads (search tool worked great on old PS). I wrote down every piece of advice and specs they liked from people like Lorelei and Tndrstrm who seemed to be real EC experts. I know on fancy cuts you kind of have to see them as well but they really taught me what to look for - a big one for me was being able to see the step cuts all the way down from the top and that everything lined up well from the bottom.

And that concludes how we got here from those modest EC beginning in May of 2009. I now have my ACA ering and my Killer EC. What more could a girl ask for?

Wake up! I am through blathering now.

Off to at least do something for tomorrow.



Jun 17, 2009
Well, I made it through the day but I'm so happy to be back home - everything went ok but I just didn't feel too well. I think after a good night's sleep I'll be doing much better tomorrow. I put my pajamas on the minute I got home and am now very comfortably settled on the couch. Heaven.

Marcy, I loved reading your story about your diamond purchases. I smiled when you said you never completely let go of your dream of getting an EC diamond. It is clearly something you have been wanting and I am just so happy that it all worked out so well for you. I am really enamored by the E color, it's just gorgeous. IMO it is also a beautiful shape, the length and width are perfect. I can tell you are thrilled with your new ring, and it's so great you were able to put the information you've gotten from PS over the years to good use. You now have 2 fabulous and special diamonds and you're right, who could ask for more? :appl:

Thanks about the positive comments on my ring - I really am so happy with it and I had the best time wearing it today. I have a feeling my other rings are going to be neglected for a while lol!

My son got a PS4 for Christmas too, just like Marty! And just like Marty he is totally immersed in it, too funny!

It sounds like you're in good shape for tomorrow, good luck with the last minute preparations and have a wonderful time getting together with your family!

Hope all my dear nirdis had a good Christmas!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

June, I am sorry you were not feeling too well all day yesterday and I hope this morning you are feeling completely better.
How are you enjoying your gorgeous EC ring? That definitely satisfies the size need for all of us doesn't it? :love: It is OK to neglect some of your other rings for a while but remember we do have 10 fingers. :cheeky:

Are you resting and recuperating today or do you have other plans? And for NYE what are your plans?

Marcy, thank you for sharing the back story on your diamonds and the purchases. I really enjoyed them. I know today is a big day for you and I am wishing you lots of fun and hoping it all goes smoothly. I have spoken with the killer bunnies and they have assured me they will be on their best behavior. Of course we all know that their best behavior can be questionable. :cheeky:

I hope Marty kept his promise to help you last night and that you beckoned him from the man cave to do so. I agree with Junie in that you sound like you are in good shape today for your gathering. I know you will enjoy and have lots of fun. And I agree. Your killer EC and your ACA is a dream come true for anyone. :love:

OK I am still not convinced Tiffany and Co makes an official gun so if anyone has the link please share. All I could find (admittedly with a very cursory search) was that it is only Tiffany blue and couldn't find a modern day gun made by Tiffany. Now I did stumble across an antique gun from the early 19th century made by Tiffany that was studded in jewels or something like that but nothing like what we were discussing yesterday so please share. I don't think I told you girls this but Greg and I have been thinking of getting some guns and taking lessons. When I was younger we used to go Skeet shooting with my parents and it was fun. Of course we would NEVER use the gun for hunting. It would just be a hobby and also not a bad idea if you know what you are doing to have one.

Sharon, how are you feeling today? I hope your head is well on its way to being completely healed and that you have forgotten all about it and are enjoying a wonderful holiday.

We had a nice little hike yesterday since we couldn't go bike riding and not sure what we will do today. This is why I wished we lived somewhere like California (Hello LLJSmom!) because we could do something outdoors almost every day. I don't love being cooped up indoors because the weather is less than welcoming. It is gray and chilly and windy here today but I am thankful for being with my dh enjoying the day as it comes. All good. Sending holiday hugs and love your way girls. Enjoy! :wavey:


Apr 19, 2004

Morning ladies--anyone going out braving the Boxing Day crowds? :o My family dislikes shopping BUT, apparently, we MUST go out! Do they allow Frankenstein's at the mall? Thank you for asking--I am a little worse for wear but am healing well. Thanks for all the kind concern--and I WILL use that BRILLIANT line when in Tiffany's today. :bigsmile: We will enjoy a nice dinner out after getting some loot!

JB--I hope you are back to your sweet self today--and I say phooey to headaches! Enjoy your day MIssy researching Tiffany silver. I think I missed my calling as a Tiffany (or Cartier) archivist.



Feb 27, 2007

Junebug, I am glad you felt somewhat better after getting home and got in to your pjs. There is nothing like being at home in your comfy clothes when you feel bad. I sure hope you are doing better today. I am glad you enjoyed my EC journey; it’s been a long time coming. I am so glad you are enjoying your pretty EC ring. I can see why other rings will be neglected for awhile. When I get a new ring it’s probably about 2 weeks before other rings come out to play. Marty was up with his game until about 2:30 last night. He was supposed to get up at 6 and get the ribs going. I woke up at 7 and was going to do it but he got up. They were still slightly frozen too but he is cooking them on high. Those 2 crock pots are full!

Missy, I am glad you enjoying my EC story as well. It was kind of cool typing it out. Thank you for getting with those Killer Rabbits and trying to get them on their best behavior for company. Several of them are on a table by the front door - I don’t know if Marty intends them to great people or pounce. I am glad you got out for a hike yesterday. I don’t think I want to venture outside at all here today. I don’t want to start a gun debate but I don’t think it’s a bad call in this day and age to have a gun. IMO Glocks are my choice of gun. They are very safe and reliable and they will not go off accidentally. If I decided I wanted a gun I would get a Glock regardless of what color they come in. :lol:

LOL June and Missy - my diamond dreams did come true.

Just checking in quick before company gets here. We had about 6 inches of snow and wind so hopefully everyone can make it safely today. They are coming from 35 miles to 100 miles away. I did just get a call from my sister 35 miles north of us; they have drifts up to their roof and the road is closed so they aren’t coming. 2 down. 13 to go.

Too funny about the Tiffany gun. I think all of us were checking on that last night. Missy I found the info about the 1880’s Tiffany gun and Marty enjoyed looking through the pictures on the link you posted. We were wondering how many millions those guns would be worth now. I saw the Tiffany Glock listed on Pinterest quite a bit in the searches I did so I bet that is where I saw it. I did see one link that said it is not a Tiffany product but some gun store owner in Arizona was selling them that way with the Tiffany look alike bag and box. Tiffany has asked him to stop. Interesting the stuff you can find online.

I have lots of sunshine so I am taking occasional backlit pictures of my EC. It’s more fun than preparing and cooking for company.



Feb 27, 2007
Ready for company.






Feb 27, 2007
My favorite photo from this morning but I really must go get rolls wrapped in foil.



Jun 7, 2014
Missy, I hope you are having fun shopping today. The weather is cold and raining here. We decide to stay in and finish watching the last season of Downton Abbey. I ordered a few things online. We may venture put tomorrow. I still want to see The Big Short or Joy. We were supposed to go to the movies yesterday but ended up staying at my brothers house much longer than we had planned. We all had a good laugh yesterday. Driving to my brothers I was feeling bad because I only had one toy for my niece. I bought her lots of clothes. We were all amazed at how excited she was about her new clothes. She walked around caring her new outfits like a little fashionista. My brother looked at her dad and said she likes clothes and jewelry. You are in big trouble. I'm not really a gun person, but that gun is gorgeous. My husband also enjoys Trap shooting. He also would never hunt an animal.

Marcy, Did everyone love your new ring today? It is so much fun reading about your jewelry shopping. I wish I had a jewelry store that I could upgrade with spending a dollar more. The ones around here generally make you spend twice the dollar amount of your original purchase, and that's if they offer an upgrade policy at all. My husband joked that he was going to pay you not to tell me the name of your jeweler. I hope you are having a wonderful time with your family today. It sounds like you may be having some overnight guests. Although it sounds like a few of the men may be up all night playing games in the man cave!

Junebug, I hope you are feeling much better today. Don't feel too bad about changing into you pj's last night as soon as you returned home. I did the same thing last night and I wasn't even feeling bad. Did everyone like your new ring? I also love the elongated look of the emerald cut best on my hand. What did your daughter think of your new ring?

Jimmianne, What a great story about your Tiffany cups! I'm so happy your sister decided to let you have them. I would have loved to see your face when you opened the box. Are you helping to plan your daughters wedding? Have they decided where they will marry, the US or France? My niece had said she wanted to marry in California so I was very surprised she decided to marry in Chicago.

Patty, How was your Christmas? Did your whole family get together this year? I remember you all had a lot of fun together last year.

Kristie, What are you up to today beside staring at that gorgeous band? How are Finn and Maggie?


Feb 27, 2007
Callie, I think your niece is going to be expensive. She likes jewelry and clothes already. Sweet. I hope you make it to a movie tomorrow. Everyone did like my new ring today. I left it in our walk in closet most of the day because I knew I’d be cooking or doing dishes all day long. I am setting here with little gel ice packs on my feet. My knees are complaining next time I move I am heading for Advil. It was a great day though. My sister who was snowed out did finally show up about 4 so we got to see everyone. Everyone had a great time, we did a white elephant for the first time and it was really fun. That jewelry store I go requires you spend double on jewelry or settings if you upgrade but I think the gemstone or diamond upgrade policy is wonderful. How much is Jeff willing to pay me for my silence?

Everyone went home about 8. I am on my third load in the dishwasher and I think I have the last batch of hand dishes washed. I ate so much I don’t feel well. Marty’s ribs were a big hit. I made way too much mac and cheese but sent home the second pan with my nephew’s family who has 3 teenage boys. I am sure they’ll eat it in no time.

Marty retired to the man cave.

Yack at you tomorrow.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Marcy, what a lovely table and those cookies look delicious. :lickout:
I am glad you had a wonderful time yesterday and that everyone was able to make it. Glad the killer bunnies behaved. :wink2:
I am sure your nephew's teenage boys will appreciate that mac and cheese. Sounds yummy and I bet they will polish it off in no time.
Your ring is just stunning. Sigh. :love:
I am sure you will have a good day relaxing today and maybe stay inside given all that snow you had yesterday. Brrr stay inside where it is comfy cozy and warm. You have earned it!

Callie, Greg and I love Downton Abbey and I hope you enjoyed watching it yesterday. I never even heard of the movies you are thinking of seeing today. We are not up on the current movies and just watch what is on cable and Netflix these days. I prefer it to going out to the movies. People annoy me at the theatre. Talking like it is their living room, eating too loudly and dirty floors and seats and well you can see I am a scrooge when it comes to going out to the movies. It is just not the same experience for us as 2 or even 1 decade ago. By us it is no longer a pleasurable experience.

As you know I got a new blue leather moto jacket yesterday (a blue leather jacket has been on my wish list but has been challenging to find) but I had to order it at the store as they didn't have anything close to my size in stock so I never got to even try it on and it might not look good on me at all but Greg said just order it as the color has been so hard to find and if it doesn't fit back it will go. It is not coming till january 6th unfortunately so I have to wait. I am not patient that way hehe.

Your little grandniece is adorable and definitely a chip off the old block LOL. I am telling you she is a NIRDI in waiting lol. Our weather is also cold and rainy but we had a good run didn't we while it lasted.

What are your plans today?

Sharon, I hope you had a great shopping experience yesterday during Boxing day and that you scored some sweet deals. I also hope you are feeling great and well and healing nicely. I agree you would have made a wonderful Tiffany or Cartier archivist. :appl:

Leaving you with a picture of Tommy from just a few minutes ago. Bad boy. :devil: :halo:
Have a lovely day girls. :wavey:

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