
Now I really did it :((


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls, I have read everyones posts but my mind is stuck on Jimmianne's post!!!

Jimmianne, You certainly have everyone here's attention with your few words about this man. Just the fact that your interested says a lot and the fact that you have mutual friends is an added bonus. At the very least you could up with a wonderful new friend. You can never have too many of those. I'm also hoping this turns into something special for you.

Junebug, I have had rings sized in less than two hours at my jeweler. I would definitely call David and find out what the hang up is. Didn't he promise the ring would be delivered to your home on Thursday? It sounds as though you will have a fun day today looking at houses. I can't wait to hear all about your house hunting. You aren't alone in the whole passport situation. I also wanted to cry when I saw my passport photo and that was nine years ago. I probably would have a heart attack if I were to get new ones taken today. I think many of us feel the same way about this whole aging process. Mirrors and cameras quit being my friend years ago. For what it's worth Junebug, I have seen a photo of you and think you look beautiful. I think you are way too hard on yourself. You are a beautiful woman inside and out!

I'm late for an appointment and will write more later. I hope everyone is having a wonderful day!


Jul 1, 2014
Hi NIRDIs: I posted some beauty shots over on Bubbles' thread just now, Bubbles bought Fanta soda for all of us and its chillin' ! :wavey:

Sharon, you can dunk that stoopid perfume card paper cut in some Fanta, it HAS TO kill anything it comes in contact with, I don't believe it has anything 'natural' in it (which is of course why its like crack in a bottle!).


Feb 5, 2014
Hi Girls,

A quick hello and hugs to you all. This week was crazy as usual. Well, if you write to me privately, I can tell you and also I can talk to you more, tomorrow I am not going to Budapest but yes going away for the weekend to visit my mom. Work and everything has been very busy and I have had little sleep getting home at 2 or so and getting up at 6 or 7.

I am upset that my Le Labo package not only has not arrived but it has not even left the US. This is crazy. UKmail is awful. I mean it has been three days since they picked it up for sorting and nothing has happened. I was doing this as a cheer up and now the wait, I was excited thinking it will arrive today or Monday at the latest, oh well.

I tried on a yellow set today, a top and a skirt but was not hot on it. Of course I have expensive taste.

I must start working on some projects or other stuff to keep my mind off of too much shopping. :rodent:

My perfume addiction has resurfaced some lately but that is fine as I am getting a lot of samples. Most make me sick though, I am just so picky. Trying to enjoy the nice weather finally though there will be rain the weather is definitely warmer.

My beautiful black Tod's patend leather heeled sandals gave me the worst blisters today. I have such problem feet.

I will try to read up on the thread but please do write whoever you feel like it. Have a great weekend girls.


Apr 19, 2004
azstonie|1431117235|3874161 said:
Hi NIRDIs: I posted some beauty shots over on Bubbles' thread just now, Bubbles bought Fanta soda for all of us and its chillin' ! :wavey:

Sharon, you can dunk that stoopid perfume card paper cut in some Fanta, it HAS TO kill anything it comes in contact with, I don't believe it has anything 'natural' in it (which is of course why its like crack in a bottle!).

hahaha that gem color is so vibrant it is positively nuclear! I think wearing the ring would provide healing properties--so PLEASE send it to me ASAP! :bigsmile:

My DS loves Fanta :lickout: --and he drinks it whenever we visit the US as it is illegal here. ;))



Jul 1, 2014
Seriously, its illegal in Canada?

Or do you just tell your DS this?????

I've got the Fanta in Waterford flutes over in my SMTB thread, does your DS mind Waterford? Prolly not if he only gets the Fanta every now and then hahaha :lol:




Jul 1, 2014
Hey Orsi!

Good to hear from you! Glad you're out there increasing the global economy heehee :sun: If you get time, check out Bubbles on her SMTB thread, I decided to throw open the curtains and bring her out to play at PS!

How are your allergies doing? Last night's news said Chicago (hi Callie) had the highest pollen counts EVER yesterday. What's blooming in Hungary/Vienna, the trees?

How is Sapphie? We have not heard about Sapphie lately :angel:


Apr 19, 2004

lol no can (only) buy it in specialty candy shops here....but you pay $$ for it! I buy it once in a while as a treat for my kid--but I'd rather buy imported wine and service it in Waterford!!

Nice pics tho!



Feb 27, 2007

Junebug, I definitely agree with you guys on no elective surgery. I like low maintenance plans. I don't remember that Lucy episode about passport photos. We were talking about that show today in the office - the one where the giant loaf of bread comes out of the oven. Great shows! I am pretty excited about my earrings too. The lady that takes care of the payments sent me a note saying she wanted to see them before they shipped because she's wanted some little EC studs for years. I am delighted to hear you are having a wonderful relaxing time and I hope you enjoy seeing the houses tomorrow. I hope you get news on your ring.

Missy, fences and lots of trees make the best neighbors. That is too bad they didn't bother to at least get in touch with you after your broke your leg. Some people. All of the reasons you mention loving to wear dangles is probably why I stopped; I have really thick hair and in the wind hear I would get earrings caught in my hair and either lose them or they'd be bent up. That is when I drifted towards mostly studs. I think the EC will be unique. I do have 1/2 ctw PC studs in WG that I wear sometimes too. I am anxious to see what the images look like from WF and of course to get the earrings delivered. Have fun at the beach house and maybe browsing through some estate jewelry.

Jimmianne, LOL at "Marcys". My husband would say that only applies to someone hitting a curb. Ebags has a brand like travel safe or traveler that are light weight, lots of pockets and designed for travelers. I thought I'd miss my Tumi bag but am still using the Fossil bag 3 weeks later. I need a hair cut too. That's cool you met a nice guy; one never knows about these things, right? You sound more excited about your trip. I think you'll have a blast.

Sharon, thanks for the ideas for travel wallets. How is your cut today? I've been picking up one Fanta when we go shopping. I always enjoyed orange soda.

Kristie, love your advice about guys looking for a mommy or a nurse. I will have to go check out your pretty new pictures of Bubbles. Fanta and Bubbles are a perfect match! Both look delicious too.

Callie, cameras and mirrors ceased to be my friend years ago too. I used to work at a photo lab so when I did pictures for my family I'd throw out pictures of me. The negative was fine but I usually left bad pictures torn up in the trah. Now with digital cameras that isn't a luxury anymore.

Ovi, have fun with your mom this weekend. What projects are you going to start working on? Rats the pretty yellow set didn't look good on you.

It's cold and raining here today. I went to the cemetery at lunch, parked kind of in the wrong spot and couldn't find the gravesite at first. It's raining on me, my feet and pants are getting soaked but I finally found it. Didn't stay long. Got my mom a pretty spring assortment of flowers for Mother's Day.

I met Marty for lunch.

We are getting 3 to 6 inches of snow tomorrow in to Sunday so should be a lazy weekend. I think I'll make rolls.

Take care.


Apr 19, 2004

Sorry for your wet feet--but the flowers for your Mom made me teary. In a happy way.

What's this about emerald cut diamond earrings? With your enviable collection, how will you be able to decide what to wear??!!

PS We had some sleet overnight, but nothing like where my Mom is a few hundred kms away--they got several cms. Glad it missed us!!



Feb 27, 2007
Thanks Sharon. I picked out a pretty assortment of pink and red flowers. I know my mom would love them. I was getting pretty upset when I couldn't find the grave but calmed down once I did. My tennis shoes are not good for wet feet. I am glad I have a blanket at work.

I have an emerald cut diamond RHR and have always wanted little EC studs so I have some in the works with Whiteflash. I am excited to see them. My collection gets cycled through but I do have my favorites.

Glad you aren't getting snow but it sounds like your mom sure got some snow. We've probably both got one more month of snow.



Jul 1, 2014
Marcy, I hope you found your mom's spot quick, that would've upset me too.

Junebug, that guy over in SMTB got his DBL ring today, where is ours----er, I mean yours?!?!?!


Feb 27, 2007
Kristie, I was really kind of in a panic which I generally don't do. Both Marty and my BFF gave me absolute HECK for walking around on well grass and mud without my cell phone too.

Here is a collage of my images from Whiteflash. My gemologist said they have great performance and she was very happy with them so I waived my right to see them before they are set. I am so excited.

The left column is E .41 ct VVS2 5.21 x 3.62 x 2.36
The right column is E .40 ct VVS1 5.21 x 3.62 x 2.29



Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls,

Sharon, I feel your pain with the paper cut. I have a baby shower to attend tomorrow. I wrapped the gift and as I was sealing the card this evening I got a paper cut on my lip. How can something so small hurt so bad?

Marcy, I can't wait to see pictures of your new earrings. They sound beautiful and are a very good choice. I wish I had hair thick enough to do damage to my earrings. Your story about the family photos had me laughing. My husband is always giving me a hard time about there being very few photos of me. My picture taking days were over once I hit 30. I will never understand these people that take selfie's all the time. I'm sorry you were at the cemetery in the rain but glad you were able to find your mom. It sounds like you had a hard day. I'm so sorry. Marty is right about you walking around in the wet grass in your tennis shoes. The last thing you need is to fall and hurt yourself. I'm a little envious you and Sharon are having cold weather. I'm not enjoying the warm weather this year. Cool sounds great to me!

Kristie, My husband picked up a 12 pack of diet Orange Crush this week and it's already gone. It was nice of him to let me have A CAN! I haven't seen Fanta soda here in years. Your Waterford looks beautiful. Is Finn feeling better today? Thank you for letting know about the pollen counts in Chicago. My allergies have been terrible the past few days. Now I know why as I'm very allergic to trees.

OV, Did you find anything you liked during your clothes shopping spree? The last outfit I loved on the mannequin, the sales girl laughed and told me it made me look like a linebacker. Not exactly the look I was going for. It was bad enough it was true. I really didn't need to hear her say it.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning NIRDIs!

Kristie, I am off to check the additions to your Bubbles thread as soon as I say good morning to everyone...Fanta orange soda and Bubbles are the perfect color match! Love the additional pics here. Please keep em coming. :appl:

Sharon, sleet, eek! Glad you didn't get much and hope your weather warms up this weekend. Haha I read your post and took it literally too. I was like huh? Fanta soda is illegal in Canada lol. Personally I have never even tried Fanta soda and I am sure it probably should be illegal given its ingredients (which I don't know but am thinking some of the ingredients may be questionable lol). If you come visit we will stock up for your dh though since he loves it so much. :bigsmile:

Marcy, your cemetery visit and the flowers you brought made me teary eyed too. Sorry you had difficulty finding your mom's resting spot and sorry you got wet too but glad you got to visit with your mom. Pink and red flowers are a beautiful combination. You are so thoughtful Marcy. (((Hugs))).

You're getting snow this weekend? Oy oy oy. Snow in May. :-o Stay warm and cozy and enjoy the white landscape. I am sorry I didn't get to open any emails yesterday and check out your emerald diamonds but I am going to check all of them out as soon as I am done posting and looking forward to seeing them! Love the pics you posted here. Looks like bright fiery stones and they are going to make gorgeous stud earrings! :love:

We had a busy day yesterday. Took all the kitties to the beach house yesterday AM, met with Julio, went cycling, went to Costco, cooked dinner and basically day was over. Today we are socked in with fog so I think we are heading to Lambertville. Not 100% sure but leaning that way. Not in the mood to cycle in wet fog yanno? In the past perhaps but now I don't need the extra slippery conditions.

Junie, how did it go yesterday? We are on pins and needles waiting to hear your thoughts re the house. And also a pear update of course. As Kristie asked, where is our umm I mean your ring? :cheeky:

Thanks for the too generous and kind compliment Junie but you are beautiful. Remember I saw your photo and you are...beautiful on the inside and out.

Thinking of you and wishing you a safe trip back. It's foggy here this morning and we can barely see a foot in front of us. Coastal fog all day prediction. Safe travels and looking forward to hearing from you. :wavey:

Callie, enjoy the baby shower today. You always have so many celebratory occasions to attend. I like that because it is fun to enjoy happy events. Have a great time today!

Ovi, sorry your perfume delivery got held up but it gives you something good to anticipate and it will get there. Any new dresses lately? I am sorry about the blisters your shoes gave you. Ugh, I feel your pain. I am still wearing boots because I HATE the way my leg looks and want to cover it up as much as possible. I wear dresses mainly so it will be impossible to cover soon because how much longer can I wear my boots. I mean it was 80 degrees here yesterday and I tried wearing regular ballet flats but yukk and I had to change back to boots. Plus my leg feels better with more support that the boots offer. Sigh. It might be a challenging wardrobe summer given my leg. But I am glad to be walking so not really complaining as much as just venting a bit. It is what it is and while I hate that expression it applies.

Have a good visit with your mom Ovi and please let us know how it goes.

OK Jimmianne, where are you??? Please share some (a few, one?) detail about this new man that may be in your life soon. The NIRDIs want to know and are sending cupid vibes your way! :love: Be careful, Puff has a jealous streak so just be aware. :rodent:


Dec 9, 2013
: )

I'm here, lurking. Wondering what kind of rolls will be baked during the snow storm! : )

Junebug I had to chuckle when I saw that we posted differing opinions at exactly the same time on Tyty's thread. Perhaps she should get both! :naughty:

And no teasing about men.. .The guy sat down next to me and kept interrupting my breakfast to ask me things : ) So I will go to the cafe at the same time next week since he indicated he is there after yoga. I think he would potentially make a great friend. He has a gentleperson's farm and is a widower. So enough about him! I have met several "potentials" over the past few years and I swear, the older we get the flakier we get. The fact that I am open to this person is a big step. My DD says I am not meeting anyone "right" because I don't believe it can happen. whoops! wrote more about this than intended. Obviously the universe is up to something.

AZ are you going to turn us all into Fantastics?! Lucky you to have that bright gem to match. Are you wearing it out & about? and getting compliments of course. My favorite was always Vernors Ginger Ale as a kid because it was spicy and made your nose tickle. Sort of the color of Joy if I recall.
Maybe we should all have a drug ... I mean DRINK of choice that matches our favorite stone.
or even better - find a new stone to match a favorite drink.


Jun 8, 2008
LOL Jimmianne, love the warm weather boots but the sun tan lines will be a biatch hehe.

OK on our way to Lambertville. Everyone have a great day!

Junebug, if you see this I emailed you!!! :wavey:


Jun 17, 2009
Hi everyone!

Just emailed you missy!

I was just finishing up a very lengthy post when my iPad froze and I lost the whole thing - I am beyond frustrated and feel like throwing it out the window right now. It took me forever to type on this darn thing. :wall: I will reply to everyone later, but just to update you guys, I called David and the ring had just been finished so he's sending it on Monday and I'll have it on Tuesday. I know, probably should have asked him to send it yesterday, I was initially a bit bummed but I'm ok now lol. I'll be home all day on Tuesday so that day actually works out well for me.

Still at the beach, looked at a few very lovely houses yesterday but Dh and I still prefer the one we were originally interested in. We're going back for another look today before we leave but we're thinking we're going to go for it!

Will check in later, I'm thinking of you all and hope everyone is having a great day!


Jul 1, 2014
I say go for it! You'll never find one you like better and you'll never forget this one either :lol: It sound lovely. And its in a super desirable beach area so you'll never want for buyers when you go to sell it.

I don't know if you've ever done this or would do it, but when I've bought homes that were not new construction, I've asked the sellers to buy a 2-year warranty on the appliances, the heating/cooling/plumping/electrical, etc. That way if something breaks in 2 years or less its free to you. Better Homes & Gardens used to sell these. Bob and I bought one for the buyers of our home in Anchorage because if something broke we just didn't want to even hear about it. I think the policy cost us all of $350. Cheap. The buyers were beyond appreciative. Never head boo from them after the sale cleared. :appl: Meaning the seller of your next beach house buys you a policy when your sale closes.

I cannot wait to see your ring!


Feb 27, 2007
Yes it has started. Big old wet snow flakes. I stocked up on some throw back Saturday soda though.




Feb 27, 2007
Happy Snowy Saturday!

Callie, ouch to cutting your lip! Is it better today? My hair is so thick I could never wear a ponytail. My pig tails have more hair in them than most people ponytails. Since it’s so thick it knots up easily too so I would have this long, dangly earrings mostly concentric circles or ovals or something along that line and they’d be on wires and they would get caught up in my hair. I bent up quite a few pairs of earrings that way. There are very few pictures of Marty and I together although we did get a nice one in Arizona last month. I know so many people that post selfies online almost daily. I sure wouldn’t do that. That is why Marty takes a killer rabbit with him on his trips; he gets pictures of the places he goes and puts the killer rabbit in the image. I am glad you got at least one can of orange soda.

Missy, we went to the store this morning and there are new rivers and lakes everywhere. It rained really hard most of last evening and all night. Now it’s snowing. You had a busy day yesterday. I bet the cats love the beach house. Boo for fog today but good idea to not go for ride in slick conditions. It makes sense your boots feel like more support for you. Do you like those short boots – like high top shoes? They might work good in the summer.

Jimmianne, I don’t know if I’ll get to rolls this weekend but we won’t go hungry. So far I’ve baked a yellow cake and will put chocolate frosting on it. Marty is brewing up homemade pizza; the dough is rising now. Tomorrow I’m going to make homemade biscuits for breakfast (Marty is making sausage and gravy to go with his) and then I’m making homemade beef noodle soup for lunch. I definitely think you should be at the café eating breakfast next week. None of us ever know what the universe has in store for us. I think anything is possible. The guy you met sounds quite nice.

Junebug, I am delighted to hear you liked the beach house so well. I will be very excited for you guys if you decide to go for it. Kristie made a very valid point; you wouldn’t have any trouble selling it when you decide to move on from there either. Tuesday will be here before you know it; I am quite anxious to see your ring.

Kristie, I can’t decide which of my throw back Saturday soda’s I want to try today. I am still so amazing at how much Bubbles matches Fanta orange. Are you and the Westies enjoying some sunshine for me today? That is a fabulous idea to buy an appliance warranty when you buy / sell a house. It was certainly a reasonable price and would give us all peace of mind.

Yes, they are expecting about 8 inches of snow here. I think a lot of it will melt on the roads and sidewalks though. Aak!

We are having a move / popcorn night today too. Good way to spend a snowy day.

Take care.


Jul 1, 2014
Squirt, OMG do I remember Squirt!!! :lickout: Grape Fanta, mmmmmmmm :lickout: :love: :lickout:

Marcy, I thought it was snowing was illegal after Cinco de Mayo, snork!!!!


Jul 1, 2014
Mother's Day is tomorrow.

You guys know I've had a tough road with my parents and my mom in particular the past several years. Its upsetting to say the least. The NIRDIs have not judged me and you've all been so kind and caring toward me and my problem. You've all been wonderful and even though I'm not a kid and you guys don't mother everyone who comes into your lives, you've been in a lot of ways like the mom I wish I had.

So here's to all you NIRDIs, the moms among us, the not-moms-but-caring-women among us!!! :love: :appl: :love:





Apr 19, 2004

Those drink pics are great, Marcy! My kid will be right over!! Because I have no wish to deal with Mother's Day crowds, we will (fine) dine out tonight instead. I will have something purple to drink but it won't be Fanta! :lickout: :cheeky:

cheers--Sharon :wavey:


Dec 9, 2013
azstonie|1431209078|3874605 said:
Mother's Day is tomorrow.

You guys know I've had a tough road with my parents and my mom in particular the past several years. Its upsetting to say the least. The NIRDIs have not judged me and you've all been so kind and caring toward me and my problem. You've all been wonderful and even though I'm not a kid and you guys don't mother everyone who comes into your lives, you've been in a lot of ways like the mom I wish I had.

So here's to all you NIRDIs, the moms among us, the not-moms-but-caring-women among us!!! :love: :appl: :love:
:love: WOW! :love:


Dec 9, 2013
canuk-gal|1431211262|3874617 said:

Those drink pics are great, Marcy! My kid will be right over!! Because I have no wish to deal with Mother's Day crowds, we will (fine) dine out tonight instead. I will have something purple to drink but it won't be Fanta! :lickout: :cheeky:

cheers--Sharon :wavey:
A woman after my own heart. I asked My DD if we could have our Mother's Day during the week when the whole world isn't out & about.
What drink is purple???
Here is the stone to go with it .



Dec 9, 2013
I think I'll order a Pink Lady to match my imaginary Tiffany ring. 158b454ab778a8cd7b224c7088eba320.jpg


Jul 1, 2014
Hi Jimmianne---did you ever see the roses that came with Swarovski cystals glued to the petals? I sent them to my mom one Valentine's Day (she threw away those crystals when the roses died!). I thought of those and got out some of my rings.

Happy Mother's Day to you, Jimmianne, and also to Junebug, and Sharon! (I hope I got all the moms!)


Jun 8, 2008
Happy Mother's Day NIRDIs!

Junie, Sharon, Jimmianne, LLJsmom, Sarah, happy happy mom's day to you wonderful women!!!

Callie, Kristie, Marcy, Ovi, happy mom's day to the best furbaby moms ever!!!

Kristie, I am sorry your mom threw away those beautiful Swarovski cystals. She has no soul, no heart. And what you wrote to us brought tears to my eyes and the feeling is 100% mutual. You guys all care so much I feel loved here and I love all of you very much. Thanks for being here and thanks for your unconditional support, friendship and love. (((Hugs))).

Marcy, how are you guys doing out there? What is the snow total update? I hope it has finally stopped snowing and that you can enjoy the winter wonderland in May. Have fun, stay warm and hoping those emerald cut diamond studs will be on your ears very soon.

Thanks for the short boot idea. It might be a good option if it isn't too warm out but I would feel strange (and too warm) wearing them in 80 degree plus weather. But a good option for the less hot summer days, thanks Marcy!

I wish I had the too thick hair problem. That would be lovely. Love thick lustrous hair. :love:

Junie, so excited about the beach house. After reading your latest update I am holding my breath that it worked out. Fingers and toes crossed! :pray: Also (im)patiently waiting for your DBL pear ring. Tuesday will be here soon enough.

And sorry you lost your long post. That is very annoying been there done that stupid technological stuff. :nono:

Jimmianne,I love your plan of after Mother's Day celebration. We usually do that for most "commercial" holidays where everything is so crowded including traffic jams. This year we celebrated Mother's Day before the actual day and we are celebrating Father's Day after. It works for us and I know you will enjoy your day with your DD.

My dh said something pretty funny yesterday and had everyone at Park Place cracking up when we were talking about health issues etc. He said "what doesn't kill you makes you miserable" LOL. :lol: There is some (too much?) truth in that but here's to hoping there is way more good coming in our lives. More laughter than tears and more happiness than sadness. Wishing love and laughter, good health and happiness to all you girls! :appl:

(((HUGS))) to all the NIRDIs. Hope you enjoy a wonderful day. :wavey:






Dec 9, 2013
Happy Mother's Day to everyone - Furbaby and Humanoid Moms!



Feb 5, 2014
Wow girls, so much has happened here again now that I have been gone. This weekend and this whole week was so busy, stressful and tiring and the trip took up like the whole weekend and had only enough time for a movie with my mom last night.

Wow and double wow, so much bling, I love your Bubbles Kristie, I keep thinking of you when you will write and missed you too Missy and Callie and the list goes on.

Right now I am on perfume hunt nonstop, it has taken over again, even without basenotes, if basenotes was still halfway as good as it used to be I would be there nonstop, nah, splitting my time.

I have never liked white flowers, ok neroli yes but just about nothing else and could never stand tuberose or gardenia and so wanted to but they gave me a a splitting headache. Now I really fell head over heels for AG's Un Matin D'Orage. Ok, there is no tuberose and I really feel there is more magnolia than gardenia and the whole thing is really like a spring meadow in the morning, think I have to buy this and of course I just ordered from Le Labo. But hey I cannot make bling for myself for a bit and then I must keep myself busy with some positive energy at least sometimes, not? :rodent:

Clothes shopping, nada again, I have had no luck Callie. I saw a pretty yellow set but normally I am into dresses and not skirt and top sets, this one was nice and I tried it on but somehow not perfect. That is ok, I can wait.

Of course yesterday started out awful with my missing my train and losing my sunnies so now I will be forced to buy new sunnies, what a pain. :shifty: Well, I did love my D&Gs but I have abused them and just a week ago scratched the lense and I guess I can hunt now but I am sort of not into forced shopping. I have wanted a pair of Burberrrys for ages but I am not absolutely crazy about their current design, well, I have to check them out in store as I have a weird nose and have a hard time finding the right sunnies.

How was everyone's weekend? Kristie, I will check your thread out and not sure why I am missing Junebug's ring but quite honestly I really just went through the thread like lightning.

I think because of my current position and a bit of functional depression I have a hard time designing and getting excited and coming up with ideas, I fortunately have some old ideas in place already. This is why I am trying to satisfy my senses with positive emotions stemming from fragrance. I think Sharon and I would be sniffing for hours. We really gotta do this GTG girls with all of us but how can I go??? Somehow it has to happen.
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