
Now I really did it :((


Jul 1, 2014
Marcy---dreams like that are surprising. I hope it wasn't bad, if that makes any sense???

That's exciting, your possible diamonds purchase from Blue Nile. :love: the color and size!


Feb 27, 2007
The diamonds are only .4 carats each but they get me to the 5mm length. My earlobes are small so I like smaller studs. The 1.36 and 1.37 is the LW ratio.


Feb 27, 2007
Junebug, I am glad things have calmed down and you feel better. I'll be here anytime. That dream was very unsettling I hope I don't remember any dreams tonight.

Kristie, that dream was so vivid. It wasn't awful but certainly tugged at my emotions.

I was looking at lower color EC but it doesn't make that large of a price difference in that carat range.


Jul 1, 2014
Good to know (the L-W) ratio. Still a nice impact on your ears!!

May your sleep be sweet and peaceful.


Feb 27, 2007
Thank you Kristie. I hope to have an uneventful night as well.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Junebug, I'm sorry you had family drama the other day and I hope it is resolved or on its way to being resolved. I hope you and your mom are doing OK and that peace is restored. Sending you big hugs and we are here for you if you want to chat/vent/cry or just talk and laugh about something else. Whatever you need and whatever makes you feel better.
Wish I could gift you that gorgeous pear because that would make you feel better. :love:

Very glad your dh and son are back home safely! :appl:

Jimmianne, I don't need 2 million acres like Ted Turner lol but well if I could purchase the 2 homes on either side of us I would be happy. :cheeky:
Our neighbors do wear bathing suits (not that I look) hehe.

I call the people who set our jewelry bench people too unless they did create the design and in that case I call them artists/jewelers.

Did you receive the sketches from the bench person who was contacting you yesterday? I hope you are thrilled with them and proceeding on to the lovely job of making dear chunky Joy a gorgeous setting worthy of her beauty. :appl:

Kristie, first of all I am sending you bucket loads of PS ***DUST*** for Finnie boy today! Good luck with his consult and hoping it all goes very well! Keeping him in my thoughts and prayers. (((HUGS))).

I think you made the right decision re plating Bubble's setting and it will look beautiful.

Good fences make good neighbors that's for sure so we are on the same page. :bigsmile:

Marcy, that was a disturbing dream you had Monday night and I hope you are feeling better about it now. Having dreams about loved ones who are gone can be unsettling especially when the message feels unclear or strange. I think it just means that your dad is glad you have settled the estate and that he doesn't need to be here on earth anymore that you and your family will be just fine and now he can rest in peace. That's my interpretation anyway. I hope you had sweet dreams last night and are feeling at peace.

That killer bear with those choppers would scare some sense into the killer bunnies don't you think? Jimmianne, that is a super vampbear. We need to get Marcy one of those (or maybe a few more) ASAP. :cheeky: Or perhaps take Teddy and Snacks to a cosmetic dentist and have teeth implants surgically placed and voilà instant vampire teeth. Do you think insurance would cover it? This is where we see if Obamacare really makes any difference for the positive. :shock: :cheeky:

I love those 2 ECs you found on Blue Nile. Such a great color. I love emerald cut diamonds in a high color so check there. And I think they are a great size for earrings too. I love the LW ratio. Good on all accounts. Are you going for it? I think they would make lovely earrings. :love: Does BN have a good return policy if you set them and decide they are not what you want?

Callie, ugh I am sorry you had such an awful neighbor and glad he is gone!
Thanks for your support yesterday. Hoping it all works out but there's always complications right? Just hope we can get this project done and that it doesn't cost double due to annoying and senseless rules IMO. Sigh.

And (Callie knows but for the other NIRDIs) I am happy to report I contacted Roxy (a friend who had a car accident Oct 2013 and I just found out about it) and she sounds great and we are making plans to get together. She has some metal (titanium actually) in her body too (neck) now after 2 surgeries. She is as upbeat and lovely as ever and really I cannot wait to see her. She is still undergoing PT 3 times a week and not yet back to work. She asked if she could go cycling with us down the shore when she is able to and of course I said YES. So happy she is on the road to recovery. :appl:

Ovi, hope your week is going well and better than you expected. Please let us know how you are doing when you have some time.


Dec 9, 2013
Marcy, I'm excited about your ECs! have you decided to have them sent?
I bought my first diamonds from Blue Nile and my only complaint was that it took a little longer than other vendors to get a refund for the one I sent back. But that was my first online purchase and I was a bit [a lot] nervous, so maybe the wait felt longer than it actually took.

Maybe your dream meant that you don't like where your Dad is. Or did it feel as though he was really there talking? It seems to me that sometimes the characters in our dreams speak our truth and every so often in a lifetime you have a dream that feels like a direct contact with loved ones. Those are so painful, but are like miracles.

When I was sitting at my Mom's hospital death bed I was so exhausted - days of being totally "present" for her, I just had to get away from the hospital. I went back to the house for a short nap. As soon as I fell asleep I dreamed that Mom came into the room. She was in her 20's and all dressed up. She said in an excited tone - "well, I've got to be off now!" Just then the phone rang & woke me up. My sister said Mom had just died. I'll always treasure that dream because I would like to think she was going to meet Dad, the great love of her life.

I hope you your Dad is happier next time you "see" him.

OV - good morning! how are things going over there on the other side of the world this morning?

AZ - come to NC for a visit! I think ALL of you should move here with AZ! :lol: 2 hours to the beach and 2 to the mts.

Missy, I would like to buy my neighbor's house too! He likes to target practice on Sunday mornings, which makes me nervous. Gunfire...a perk of country living!
By the way, did you see the article in the NYT last year about Siglinda
Scarpa the cat lady in NC? She's a real character & a well-known Italian potter who lives 2 miles from me and has 5 acres fenced in for stray cats - I think she has about 200? with a staff for their care and a vet.
It's wonderful to see all the kitties hanging out in the woods in a safe way.


Dec 9, 2013
:wavey: Hi Callie!

:wavey: Hi Junebug!

I'll catch up with your goings-on later today so I can respond in an informed manner. [must. start. making. chart. again.]


Jul 1, 2014


Jun 17, 2009
azstonie|1427300827|3852280 said:
Junebug, check this out! It *appears* to be a steal, look at the price and the metals/stone.

Kristie, great minds think alike, that ring is already in my favorites on 1st dibs! :D It's lovely, isn't it? See, it's rings like this that make me think I should go the route of just treating myself to several less expensive items rather than sinking the whole budget into one piece. There are some beautiful and fairly inexpensive pieces out there that will probably make me happy. Decisions…

Thank you SO much for thinking of me, please post anything else you happen to come across!


Jul 1, 2014
Is it just me, I think the price is great. Do you???

Ha, see above, I edited in another ring.

Junie, question re First Dibs: Why do they care what city you pick to look at the merch on line?


Dec 9, 2013
Can you call Jack Weir & Sons directly for more info???


Jul 1, 2014
I bet I could, that would mean I would have to actually TALK to a PERSON, heehee. That would make me more likely to buy it :lol:

I need more "fun" rings like a I need a hole/head.

I want a good sized OEC and I'm starting to get the pic that I need to roll my purchasing power into that one stone/ring.


Dec 9, 2013
h-m-m maybe a visit to Grace's photo gallery ...??
I think I'll take my own suggestion and pop over there
Let's see what we can find :Up_to_something: lol


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls, I hope everyone is doing well.

Missy, I'm hoping things go well with getting the garage approved. It just seems so ridiculous that they would argue about a garage and then let another homeowner put a pool in the front yard! I still can not believe that recieved proper approvals.

Junebug and Kristie, I guess great minds think alike. I forwarded that exact same ring to my friend that is looking for an aquamarine a few days ago. That ring is so beautiful She wants a solitare.

Kristie, You and I are in the same boat about wanting an OEC. It will be years before I can afford the size I want. Any Finn update? My baby is sending him kisses!

Junebug, I can't believe your son and his friend drove straight thru to NJ. I would have been a wreck until he arrived home safely.

Marcy, I love the earrings. Wow, those will be gorgeous! I hope your feeling better regarding your dream about your dad.

Jimmianne, Your story about the dream with your mom gave me goosebumps. I would have found that dream so comforting. Believe me, once I have the money I will be driving you crazing asking for help in finding an OEC.

OV, I hope things are going well this week for you.


Dec 9, 2013
I have company arriving in less than a half hour, and of course had to check in here while there was time instead of dusting.

Callie, what size is your dream OEC? When you DO start looking I'll be there living vicariously!

I never dreamed I would get Joy. I just sort of went down a slippery slope all of a sudden LOL
then sold my oval band, my ACA, my 1.2 OEC and a few other things and got the OEC ball rolling.

It was minute I was hanging out with my NIRDIs and the next minute I woke up in the middle of a phone conversation with Grace. :lol:

It's good that you know what you want! It may take some time but it will manifest : )
I truly believe that our dreams come true :appl:


Jul 1, 2014
Jimmianne, that sounds like an AA blackout story but instead of waking up with a hangover in a different state, you woke up with an OEC and a parrot, heehee!!!!!


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, I am okay today thanks. I originally thought the dream meant something else but I think it makes most sense that he doesn't need to be "here" anymore. Weird. I definitely think I need a vampbear and pull it out when I find the rabbits tormenting my bears. Should I sign Teddy and Snacks up for O care and get them implants? Sad thing is - it would probably be approved and some pour person that truly needs help would get turned away. Sigh. I submitted a form last night to BN on those EC but haven't heard a thing all day. I am thinking I might just go buy them and have a local bench person mount them for me. That way if I don't like them it's easier to return. That is fabulous news Roxy is recovering and in good spirits.

Jimmianne, I am kind of excited about the EC studs. Most of my dream I felt excitement at seeing my dad and being able to talk to him and honestly him saying "I don't like it here" would really be out of character for him. Someone at work said maybe I need to visit the cemetary and tell him I'm fine and it's okay to go. If for nothing else than me saying it. That is amazing about your mom appearing in your dream saying I've got to be off now. I hear so many stories like that. Our minds are either very powerful and helping us sort things out or know things we don't or there is some powerful ESP type of communication we touch upon in emotional situations. We all find the reasons that work for us. I am glad you treasure that dream. It sounds like both of our parents were meant to be together. Thanks for helping me explore and explain that - I know you are there too. I am like you selling things for my next purchase. I am getting more limited though because I've got rid of quite a few pieces I don't wear. Most of them weren't worth much anyway.

Junebug, I think whatever piece or pieces make you happy will be worth the hunt and fun of finding them.

Callie, an OEC is a good goal to work for someday. They are so beautiful. Did you have a warm day there? We had snow and rain; not too bad but chilly. I am anxious for the EC earrings especially in the price range that means I can maybe upgrade a few of my colored sapphires a little bit.

Kristie, I hope Finnie is doing well. LOL at your analogy of an AA blackout story and waking up with a beautiful diamond. Does that mean we should join BA - Bling Anonymous?

I slept sparingly. I guess I was kind of hesitant to fall asleep. Hopefully I'll sleep well tonight.

We had snow this morning but it's just windy and cloudy. Boo.

Have a great evening.

Take care.


Feb 27, 2007
Well I just got the standard canned response from BN that basically says that while the diamonds you are interested in appear to have similar qualities we would have to compare them side by side to see if they truly matched. Rather than offering to do that for me they want me to call in and ask them to have their suppliers find me a nice matching pair. Which I am sure means more money on them than I want to spend. Decisions decisions. If I go higher in price I'll pick a place that offers videos and images.


Jun 17, 2009
Oooh Kristie, love that spinel ring too! :love: You and Callie are my personal shoppers haha! I haven't noticed anything about picking a city? I've just been using the search box to bring up rings.

Too funny you found a ring you like! I don't blame you, it's beautiful - but yeah, it's frustrating when they don't supply much info. And would it kill them to include a hand shot? I did ask a seller a question about a ring on 1st dibs once, but I "think" I contacted them through their website, not on 1st dibs. You could give it a try and see what happens.

I hear you on saving for one important piece - but it's hard when you find things you like along the way! ;(

Marcy, I am very excited about your EC earrings! I'm sorry you didn't sleep well, it's understandable, I'm sure your dream stirred up a lot of emotions. I took the dream to mean your father is at peace where he is now. I wish I could comfort you better, but please know I'm thinking of you and sending thoughts of peace to you. I really hope you have a more restful night tonight, big big hugs.

eta: just saw your post about the BN response Marcy - gee, that was helpful :rolleyes: I don't know, what do you think? I'm not an expert but to me those diamonds seem pretty darn close in all measurements. I agree that if you are upping the budget might as well go with a vendor that offers images.


Dec 9, 2013
azstonie|1427313443|3852369 said:
Jimmianne, that sounds like an AA blackout story but instead of waking up with a hangover in a different state, you woke up with an OEC and a parrot, heehee!!!!!
:lol: That's my kind of hangover! My higher power is pro-bling, so I'd undoubtedly be a BA failure.

Did I mention that I wanted a parrot and kept looking on Petfinders at all the birds? But knew I would never actually intentionally get one.
then Puff just showed up.
It's true... be careful what you wish for! because "Puff happens".


Jun 7, 2014
Gosh I go out for a couple hours and miss so much here.

Marcy, I hope you are feeling better about your dream and you are feeling okay today. Hopefully you will be able to get a good night sleep. That seems to help everything! Are the two EC stone measurements close? It isn't like you will see the stones directly side by side.

Kristie, if I were you I would call the jeweler direct. I would describe the ring and ask what is the best they can do price wise. I would not mention where you saw the ring. When I was in California and inquired about a ring I had seen online the price the jeweler gave me was $10,000 less when speaking directly to the jeweler. I did not mention I had seen the ring on line. I'm sure they have to pay 1st Dibs a fee if it is sold thru them. I could not agree more that they need to show a picture of the ring on a hand. It is impossible to guess how a ring will look without seeing it on a hand. You would think they would realize this. They are selling rings!

Jimmianne, I think we all need to be attending BA meetings and you are correct.....we would all fail miserably!!! Thank you for offering to help search for an OEC. The problem is I am a size Ho. I would like a 4 carat OEC or very close to it. As you can see I'm not asking for much. I would have no problem with inclusions as long as the stone is still a fireball. The sad thing is before I found Pricescope I considered a 3 carat huge. When I was looking for our fur baby, I had two requirements. I wanted a female because so many of the males we looked at humped me and I didn't want a barker. We have a female who humps me and barks a lot! It was comical because she never humps my husband. Thankfully it only happens about once every couple of months now. I'm so happy she outgrew that little trick. I wouldn't trade her for anything!


Jul 1, 2014
Callie, that is excellent advice re price. I found a band I totally fell in love with at Levy's Jewels in Birmingham, Alabama. They have been in Gem Gossip, Callie, and her pics of their inventory looked great (their pics/descriptions stink but they probably don't spend money on their website, I HOPE they don't, lol).

I'll post a link tomorrow (I'm on my Kindle, no mouse to copy with) to see what you think a good price would be/what you think of the band.


Jul 1, 2014
Jimmianne, your dream of your dear mother is touching and wonderful and thank you for sharing that. I hope that my mom and dad become their happiest best young selves. :angel:


Feb 27, 2007
Junebug you do have some great personal shoppers. Thank you for your kind words and thoughts about my dream. That makes sense to me. I am pretty sleepy so hopefully I’ll sleep well tonight. Thank you for the hugs too! I can’t imagine those EC diamonds wouldn’t match well enough for earrings. I kind of felt if BN really wanted my business they would either have them brought in for an evaluation there or at least say why not buy them both and return them if they don’t work. I know I’ll pay more going with WF but I might contact them, they picked me out great studs and my ering.

Jimmianne, LOL Puff happens.

Callie, I am better tonight thank you. The measurements on those EC are very close so I think they’d work well as long as they are nice diamonds. A 4-carat OEC would be fabulous and huge. When I joined PS I had a ½ carat diamond and thought that was the largest I’d ever want. Your furbaby story make me chuckle.

Kristie, I’ll be anxious to see the band.

Yes, I’d bomb at BA. I can’t seem to stop myself.

Off to read.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning NIRDIs!

Kristie, OK I know today's the day for Finn's specialist evaluation. Sending you and Finnie boy tons of PS ***DUST*** for a good outcome. Keeping you in my thoughts!

And I love the choices you found for Junebug. Perhaps you might buy one of these lovely finds for yourself too? You know you want to. :cheeky:

I too wish more vendors would share hand shots. It's so hard to get the scale from measurements only and a handshot is so helpful. As well as profile view. We need the profile views too please. :appl:

Jimmianne, thank you for that link about Siglinda Scarpa the cat lady. I love that the cats are well taken care of and have space to be free. That's sort of what I envision if we were to ever have a refuge for animals who need a home. Like the Peace Plantation in upstate NY.

Thank you for sharing that dream about your mother. I like the way you interpreted it and it was very comforting and romantic to think of it that way. That's exactly what I would have thought too.

Hahaha "Puff" happens. Indeed!
That story of how Puff and you ended up together shows that some things are meant to be...

Any Joy updates? I might have missed them because there are a lot of posts here since yesterday morning. Is Joy getting a setting soon? Did your "new" ring box(es) arrive yet?

Junebug you have the best girls on your gem hunt! So exciting and lots of great possibilities. :appl:
Trip any day now right? WooHoo!!!

Callie, Let us know when the dream OEC hunt begins...when you and the other girls come to visit we should set an appointment up with Adam of OWD. A 4 carat plus fireball is not that tall of an order. It is all about timing and what is available when you begin your search. You never know what treasures he might have. I was surprised to find Bea as fast as I did as she was one of the first OECs I saw and at the time I was open to any old cuts i.e. OMCs too but seeing Bea sealed the deal for me and it was OEC all the way. Now knowing more about my preferences it could not have worked out better. I got lucky because I didn't really know what I was looking for exactly but when I saw Bea it was love at first sight. Just like Jimmianne and her Joy. Getting excited already thinking about all those gorgeous old cuts in one place. :love:

Marcy, I hope you slept well last night and wake feeling refreshed. Have you decided if you are going to pass on the BN EC diamonds? I know the service is less than stellar there but I wonder if you call up again and get a different rep and ask the questions if they might not be more helpful? I only dealt with them once but I found them very helpful. Of course the diamonds might not be in house but if they are they should be able to visually inspect them. Though I see the appeal of going with a more full service white glove company I also like the idea of saving money. Their return policy is very good. I had to return the diamond solitaire necklace I ordered from them (didn't lay right) and I got the refund immediately. So I guess one's MMV with any vendor but if these ECs are the right size and ratio I would give it a shot even with less than perfect service as you are saving money and can always return them. Or see if WF or another vendor can price match something similar?

Good luck and looking forward to seeing some EC diamonds on your ears soon! :appl:

Ovi, how is your week going? Hope all is quiet and it is smooth sailing for you.

Another rainy day here today (beats snow) and I hope everyone is enjoying relatively mild weather. It's another work day for me. Gotta earn that bling money. :devil: 8-)
Enjoy the day. :wavey:


Dec 9, 2013
Missy, Happy Missy Friday! When you didn't post for such a long time yesterday I was a tiny little bit worried. I knew you were at work, but still.

* * * * *
When I had my eye exam this week my doctor told me something that I want to pass along to all friends, here and at home. She said that a hot compress on the eyes with a gentle scrub every day helps with dry eye. She showed me a video of my eye lids, then a video of a patient with healthy lids. I've been using drops for years and had never heard that there was something I could to restore my eyes. She also said "dark leafy greens" and "hydrate" about 100 times : )
I think I'm probably 5-10 years older than my dear NIRDIs and have started having minor eye issues related to aging. I thought sunglasses offered all the protection needed, but it turns out some of the changes are health/diet related. I want everyone to be healthy & happy.

Yes! A four carat OEC : ) Just the thought of visiting Adam at the biggest candy store in the world scares Joy. But then - oh goody to see that my friends have the big'uns!
[Don't you guys gang up on Joy and make her want to be bigger. Warning: Joy is getting vampire teeth for Christmas :devil: ].

Have not heard from the bench guy [tears hair], but the ring box arrives today.


Jun 8, 2008
I'm off to work but just wanted to add a link you may find helpful Jimmianne.

Warm compresses are especially helpful for MGD and blepharitis. You can find info on this at the Dry Eye Zone that I linked above. Very helpful info. Let me know if you have any questions.
And yes diet plays a critical role. Not just leafy greens but omega 3s are important and in fact the ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 is something to consider as well. And it is always better to get these nutrients from diet and not supplements if possible.

LOL on that youtube video. My cats are guilty of this. If they can squeeze into it they will and let me tell you they have amazing skills at squeezing into places I would never have imagined they could fit hehe. :shock: :lol:

Sorry about not being able to get back here yesterday. Work is too busy for me to even check PS and though sometimes I can check my emails I often don't even have time to do that. By the time I got home last night the kitties were demanding my attention (and their food!) so I was kept busy till Greg got home and before I knew it I was ready for bed lol. Hoepfully I will have some time tonight to check back in. Enjoy the day and ooh keep us posted please on the ring box and Joy's setting. That bench person is going to contact you today. I feel it. :appl:
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