
Now I really did it :((


Feb 27, 2007

You guys are doing great with adding lyrics to our song. The music is whatever sounds great in your head.

Callie, I doubt you saw much of the moon or Venus with the snow you were getting last night. There is a naked eye nova in the morning sky I keep getting up early to see and it’s been cloudy every day. I will keep trying. It is hard to find the perfect pair of sunglasses; they tend to be the first pair I break or loose too. Did it quit snowing yet? That pear is definitely worth drooling over.

Kristie, your sirloin, rice and cheese sound great and I bet that makes wonderful burritos. Jackson is a very pretty region as is Dubois. You definitely will be stranded off and on in the winter there. Yes, we still have our good old afternoon thunderstorms. I love watching lightning and taking pictures or those massive thunderheads. Your collection of gemstones is fabulous! The yellow garnet really caught my eye; that isn’t a color you see in garnet too often. Bubbles is becoming a frequent FedEx traveler. I am sorry there is further disappointment with your ring; I would probably have it plated. That’s interesting about the new improved white gold alloy.

Jimmianne, good idea to shop while your eyes adjusted so you could see to drive. My eye doctor takes the photos of your eyes instead of diluting them; that is work every penny plus they have images to compare with from your last eye exam. I almost ordered that Tumi phone case last night but decided I’d rather spend money on bling.

Missy, I hope your eye gets better soon. I did get some of those individual eye drop tubes. My spring allergies are kicking in already so I’ve been using the refresh drops in the morning. I love your images of women shoppers. I tease Marty he needs to develop and app that buzzes his phone when a charge goes through on our debit card. Sorry to hear you aren’t excited about having the garage built at your beach house. Hopefully the contractor has some good ideas how to make it as unobtrusive as possible. Greg will enjoy is workshop though. Marty uses our 3rd garage bay for his workshop.

Marty cooked his brats and my burger on the grill tonight and we have some rice and raw veggies with it.

All the rabbits were enjoying their supper when I got home. He said they knew the bears would be eating rabbits soon for Easter so they were getting even.

Take care.


Feb 27, 2007
Teddies were easy pickings for the killer rabbits.




Feb 27, 2007
No one was safe.



Feb 5, 2014
Hi Girls,

Wow I missed like a year of action here, I cannot believe it; it is either feast or famine, normally feast but of course when I am sitting here alone there is not so much action going on. Sorry that I was away, I will not be for so long but now again I gotta read pages and pages and try to respond to everyone and oh what I missed.

I only started reading and Missy I love your poems, hear us roar haha, what an inspiration, also loved yours Jimmianne.

Yes, Sharon I hear your point, there was a time I used every new Escada fume that came out but today I know it is mostly junk juice.:))) My sister still uses them a lot and so does my mom. I do still love lemon and ginger for the summer and would like a nice coconut but was not convinced by Creed when I tried it once. Will have to again and then use that with my organic coconut body oil. If only we were there.

The new Escada RTW collection is TDF to me, I really really want those orange wedge sandals and the orangy-yellow dress to go with it but at the moment I am not ready to drop over 1000 Euros on them. I am waiting to see if they have a mid-season sale, most likely not or if they do then all of this set will be gone by then. It is just that the reason I cannot justify it is that either I buy a new dress and it is wrecked in a wear or two due to unseen reasons or I lose weight or gain weight or whatever. Gaining weight, well, ok, I did, I finally gifted everything away and bought some new stuff and now of course I lost it and had to gift away the dresses I bought in the past six months. My friend Klári was happy she did get a beautiful black Escada from the outlets and a silk Burberry, stunning dresses but they were like huge bags on me now. Yikes.

Shoes are easier to justify as I can always wear them even if I drop a substantial amount and they last long. I prefer spending more on shoes and bags and not really go over 100 Euros on most dresses but really not more than 300 for the best. As it is I bet I have others in the closet that are huge now. Some of my favorites of course. Then I would rather spend on bling as that will last. I have a project in progress for me and getting ready for the next one after.

I love dresses and bought a new dress at the outlets on Saturday, I told Missy it is a grass green Ralp Lauren with tan leather accents, I have a bag that is absolutely exactly the same two color combination, great match and I love this bag, it was my first gift from my ex fiancee and it has not gotten enough wear.

I wanted to buy a yellow bag at the outlets and saw some beauties at Furla and Michael Kors, one Furla was only 130, great for the summer but now I decided to wait, I am stupid but we had like no time, not enough to make a lot of decisions and purchases.

It was great with the friends, great restaurant, one of my faves on the way home and great wine, we took two bottles home.:))) Then the next day some trip around here and palace visit, some art, some more food. I did enjoy it but timing was awful.

All the stress erupting and still going on, I did not even feel like writing. My ex still sabotaging the tax audit, my dad's awful wife forcing me to go to a meeting with them in Vienna, not my dad, but ex and his parents, WTF? NO. Not sure my lawyer is impartial now and acting in my interests so looking for a new lawyer and accountant. Awful story, feeling really betrayed and experiencing some anxiety of course. I need to cut dad, he has not been there for me anyhow and I feel that he is enjoying torturing me and ridiculing me. What kind of a parent? Now of course I have no clue if my lawyer has shared info with them or what is going on, if I can even half way trust my own lawyer, he is supposed to look out for my interests and represent me, not my father or his wife. He did convince me twice last week but he has all my documents and everything. I hope he does not disclose them unlawfully or else I may have to report him as well but I do not just want to fire him for no valid reason, wait it out. I am in disbelief and feeling betrayed very very badly about what my father did. He appears twice a year in my life and when he does, he causes great grief and turmoil, only making matters worse and making me believe that I am not lovable and not loved.

Out of the blue my ex fiancee appeared too texting and chatting and I felt it coming, it was odd, then as he entered he left too as usual.

I want to go to Prague badly. Maybe already in April if I can, at the latest in May, my cousin is waiting for me.:))) Today I think I will hunt for a bit of new makeup. I want to have some real nice shimmer for cheeks and eyes in the right color and texture that I have not had since EL Special ED Topaz Chameleon. I always buy makeup and then want to throw it out, I would like it to be just the right tone and texture and lots of highlights and shimmer. I also hate my current foundation. I want to change everything lol.

Any foundation recs? I seem to hate everything. Yesterday I tried Lancome's Visionnaire foundation and I sort of liked it. Not sure Lancome is that great for the skin though. Not sure I would like to spend La Mer prices on this. For now I may buy nothing but I want to try Bobbi Brown Shimmer Bricks for the above powder and my friend gave me their coral orange Art Pencil for lips, my color.

Ok this was lots of retail talk and I saw beautiful bling and stones posted by Missy and Kristie respectively and great posts already on other subjects, yikes if I had read everything I would fill out four pages by responding. I will do this though. Love and hugs to all, today I will wear fuchsia and yellow haha, very springy here.

:appl: :love: :wavey:


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning NIRDI girls! It's still so dark in the mornings here that I feel like it is the middle of the night (though often I guess it would be considered the middle of the night when I wake up lol) when I wake up. :snore:

Jimmianne, Kristie, thanks for the garage sympathy lol. Truthfully I am happy for Greg to finally get his garage having left the garage of his dreams when we left Sea Girt. I do miss all the lovely things he would make for us. And even more importantly it was wonderful seeing him in the happy zone as he was woodworking. It is something he is passionate about and truly loves doing. He needs to be creative.

Though he did take up other projects while the woodworking has been on hold due to moving and no garage. He taught himself to sew and I have been reaping those rewards ever since hehe. I am still waiting for him to sew me a beautiful dress and as I am writing this I reminded him of that and he assures me he is still going to make me that dress.

The garage won't be front and center and it will be as unobtrusive as possible and will sort of match the house. I am sure you have seen those matching garages. In Sea Girt our garage was in the backyard and it was perfect. Couldn't see it from the front and it didn't mar our house appearance. It would be ideal if we had room on the side to make it a side garage or backyard garage however where we are located now the backyard cannot have any garage in it because well it would block our water view so that just leaves the front of the house.

I will see if I have any pics in my computer that shows what I am describing. We are going to put it where our shed is now but of course it will be larger (if only it could be the same size as the shed that would be perfect for me but not for Greg lol).

OK Greg sent me pics he took yesterday when he went to the beach house and met with the garage guys. The pics are of the front of the house and the shed and what we are thinking of for the garage too. I will attach them here for you to see what I am talking about. Please feel free to offer any advice or comments as nothing has been agreed upon yet with the contractors.

ETA: OMG what is going on with pics and PS??? The pics posted upside down. OK let's see if I can figure this out. MY technologically challenged self. :doh:

Kristie, thanks for the explanation about white gold and their alloys. That makes sense. Any white gold rings (not necklaces for some reason but I think that 's because different parts of the body oxidize stuff at different rates with rings being affected more than other pieces of jewelry worn on other parts of the body) I have from long ago turned a yellowish cast if I wore them a lot. It is good to know the white gold alloys of today don't have that chemical reaction. I don't get why any jeweler would use anything different (especially because it is virtually the same cost to them) nowadays. :confused:

Marcy, the songs I posted are catchy especially the first 2 exes and ohs and Jeepster. I think I posted them because I wanted to share them with you guys as they are infectious with their energy and beat. The 3rd song I just posted because I love it and actually love Chris Isaak's music even though it is sort of country/rock. I guess I do like some country music when it is his songs. :bigsmile: If any of you NIRDI girls have the time check out the songs. They are fun.

I hope the refresh plus tears are helping you. That's what I am using now too and I *think* my eye(s) are feeling better now. I don't know what is going on with me and my body these last number of months. But I hope whatever it is continues to calm down! :pray:

Haha you and Marty crack me up. "No one was safe" loll. I swear you guys are so similar to our sense of humor and I know he probably cannot join us in October (though I sincerely hope you can!) but it would be great if you both could visit. I know we would all just "get" each other and spend the whole visit in tears of laughter. And those are the best tears of all dontcha think? :lol:
In fact I know whoever comes we will all have the best time laughing and crying and shopping and buying...hehe rhyming all the time now. You have turned us into poets Marcy. Questionable poets but poets nonetheless. :cheeky:

Ovi, that is all Marcy's doing. She came up with "I am NIRDI hear me ROAR" LOL. Genius. And she started the lyrics going too. :appl:
Oh wait, I think it might have been Jimmianne who came up with "I am NIRDIs hear me ROAR"...OMG where is that spread sheet keeping track of the NIRDIs and their daily lives when I need it??? :lol:

As you know I am so happy you had a good time with your girlfriends and wish that the other mess didn't get in the way but glad you still enjoyed yourselves. As for everything else I am sending you so many good luck vibes and PS ***DUST*** that everything will work out in your favor.

I wish I could recommend makeup to you but as you know I am makeup challenged. I will share with you what others have recommended to me though for their sensitive skin. Lily Lilo BB cream. People with skin issues seem to love it. I did order it and received it a couple of months ago but haven't tried it yet because I didn't want to try anything new on my reactive face. Here's a link.

I know you will look smashing in your fuchsia today Ovi and wish you a very happy and successful bright day! Sending you and all the NIRDIs lots of hugs and love as always.






Dec 9, 2013
Tunics & tights!
Tunics & jeans!
My new tunic is a little tacky and I love it. Plastic sparkles on top.

Don't know what happened to Tumi...I didn't see anything I liked and I used to. Maybe my purse days are over...
I agree - better to buy bling. I love Big Buddha styles and they are faux leather, but beautifully made, so that's good for the bling budget.
I decided to buy a stacker as a souvenir every time I travel. LOL So a NYC stacker coming up this fall! I'll be the lady with the great rings, a beat up old Tumi bag and a tacky tunic.

Bubbles is on the road again?! I did a double take when I read that. Best Best Best of luck with getting her to stay home from now on.
How long before you get her back?

Marcy, What about making a cute set of vampire teeth for your dear bear as a surprise for the rabbits?



Jun 8, 2008
Jimmianne, I cannot get the pics upright LOL. Trying again. Sorry for all the editing attempts but the pics are still upside down. :doh: :confused:


Dec 9, 2013
Missy, good morning. you must be editing...looking forward to seeing the photos.
I found PS a little feisty about photos this morning.


Dec 9, 2013
We can look at them upside down : )

I"m sorry you are having issues - that's a pain.


Jun 8, 2008
Jimmianne|1427195277|3851680 said:
We can look at them upside down : )

I tried 3 times but for some reason they are still posting upside down. So frustrating that I cannot fix my preview it is right side up. :confused:


Jun 8, 2008
Another Good thing I am not going to work today. ;))
OK in my preview it is right side up but it still posted upside down. What is that definition of insanity again... :lol:

Woohoo Success!!! No idea why it posted upside down in my post after I edited and edited to get it right side up because I didn't change it at all now and in the new post it posted correctly. I just don't get technology no way no how but at least persistence pays off...sometimes lol.

First 3 pics are of house and shed now and last pic is how we are going to build the garage but bigger. Similar style so it goes with the house if you kwim.






Jun 8, 2008
Jimmianne|1427195222|3851679 said:
Missy, good morning. you must be editing...looking forward to seeing the photos.
I found PS a little feisty about photos this morning.

Haha I'll say. That was a lot of work for not a lot of payoff lol. But at least it kept my mind off my skin issues and other things hehe. And at least I finally was able to make them right side up but no clue how because I just reposted them as they were. A lot of excitement for me this morning. My life could not be anymore boring I guess. :lol:

I just cannot look at upside down pics and didn't want you guys to either. 8)

How are you? What's new? Anything doing with Joy? Inquiring minds want to know... :appl:


Dec 9, 2013
My first thoughts are that yes, it will block the view of the house a bit, but it will look like part of the though the house is L-shaped. I love the design and think it's going to enhance your beautiful castle. I have layers of buildings here too and it makes some interesting spaces. How far from the house will the garage be?
Could you have a covered breezeway from garage to house [side door on garage]
Or if not, an arbor with vines between the buildings deep enough for some seating?


Jun 8, 2008
Jimmianne|1427196320|3851684 said:
My first thoughts are that yes, it will block the view of the house a bit, but it will look like part of the though the house is L-shaped. I love the design and think it's going to enhance your beautiful castle. I have layers of buildings here too and it makes some interesting spaces. How far from the house will the garage be?
Could you have a covered breezeway from garage to house [side door on garage]
Or if not, an arbor with vines between the buildings deep enough for some seating?

We are going to be building it a few more feet forward (width of new structure wider than shed) so it will block more of the house than the shed is blocking right now. Not sure how much more as that remains in question.

The problem is we need 5 feet of setback from where the shed is now due to town rules that the shed was not subject to as the shed has been there for almost a hundred years (and before the new rules were in place) or so I think. So the new structure will have to be at least 5 feet from the neighbor's property line whereas the shed is only 2 feet now. So if we go with a 14 foot width (shed is only 11 feet wide now) that is an extra 6 feet from where it lies now that will come forward and block the house. I am not explaining it well at all but basically it will block a few more of the arborvitae (and the house front view depending on your vantage point) than the shed does. So we are going to remove some and replant and just rework that whole area. Greg doesn't want much more of the house blocked than I do so hopefully it will be as aesthetically pleasing as it can be under the circumstances.

It won't come past where the arborvitae (i.e. closer to the house than the arborvitae) is now so not that much closer to the house. The shed is 11 by 16 (I think) and the new structure might be 14 by 24. We are going to extend more toward the street than toward the house but a little towards the house. Wish I could sketch here for you guys to show you more clearly and get your opinions because I know I am confusing you with my very poor explanation lol.

I don't want a breezeway to the house because that is just more structure on the property. It will not be used for our cars but rather just Greg's workshop and bike storage. Though if we ever wanted to retrofit it for an actual garage that would be easy enough to do. If we ever want it for resale that is. Otherwise it is not necessary for our lifestyle. I don't mind getting wet or cold from the car to the house. We are a short distance from the house when we park the car up to the kitchen door in bad weather anyway. Otherwise we can just park in front of our house on the street not blocking the house which is as I prefer it.


Dec 9, 2013
Missy thank you for asking about Joy. I don't mind talking about her. lol
Still in love with her, no question of "is this the right one". We do a photo shoot every day which is challenging because every photo looks good while I'm taking it, then most are bleh on the computer. It's magical to take her out in the woods and explore various lighting. I can't wait to have a setting because it makes me nervous that I'll lose her in the leaves.

[wow - the photo downloader is much faster now after the PS upgrade!]

joyf.jpg joye.jpg joyd.jpg joya.jpg p1110263.jpg


Dec 9, 2013
Your house is so pretty I can see why it's hard to have to cover it up. Fooey on setbacks!!!
I think I get what you are saying about the location of the new structure.
Could you sketch a little bird's eye view and take a photo of it?

WIth the house partially hidden you get the "slow reveal" which is nice because visitors don't see everything at once. So that might be a way to make it feel more positive.

There's always a trade-off with building, isn't there. While I love my addition, Puff's room now looks out on the space where the heating units & spa pump are - ugly ugly. The stuff of reality has to go somewhere : (

I'll bet Greg's excited though. It's a great project.


Jun 8, 2008
Oh what gorgeous pics of Joy and Puff too! :love:
Looks like Puff is upside down about his conflict over his love of Joy and his need for undivided attention from you. Quite the conundrum causing himself to get all upside down over the whole affair. :lol:

Joy has so chunky beautiful colorful bright facets. Such a beauty. :love: :love: :love:


Dec 9, 2013
All the time I was buying and returning diamonds I was looking for this prismatic chunkiness. Looking in all the wrong places... I had no idea that older OEC's were the answer.

ring boxes come soon!!!


Jun 8, 2008
Thanks Jimmianne, yes there are always compromises over function and form I guess. Our neighbors on the right have the ugliest 3 car garage blocking their whole house. They are lovely people and I like them very much as neighbors too but I wonder about their taste. They also have a pool in their front yard. :shock:

Thank goodness they have a very nice wood fence (not there at first and we were going to put one up to block our view of their pool if they didn't lol) in between their front yard and ours. Much needed. When they first put in the pool there was no privacy for them and honestly I needed that view blocked hehe. IDK what he was waiting for but I think he realized that we didn't love it so he put up a very lovely rich looking wood fence and I am very happy about that. :appl:

However the garage front and center is an eyesore IMO. But to each his own. Just wish we had lots more land around us so I didn't have to look at others questionable aesthetic I terrible for thinking that? :oops:

Back to Joy...any decisions yet? And yes she is definitely the *ONE*. How could she not be with that form, those facets, that face. She is a helluva looker that is for sure. :love:

YAY for the ring boxes coming!
And may I add you take amazing pics. That first pic of Joy with the prismatic effect is really WOW. :love:


Jun 17, 2009
Hi everyone! - was going to reply yesterday but had some family drama - everything is ok, just feeling a little drained - I'm afraid I'm hopelessly behind but wanted to check in quickly with everyone -

Missy, that pear is gorgeous! Talk about eye candy. Hope your eye starts clearing up soon, glad to hear it's not getting worse. Wish I had some constructive advice about the garage, but I love the pic you posted of how the garage will look. It is very pretty and will definitely blend into the rest of the house. It will be really nice for Greg to have a place to do his woodworking. Your addition to the NIRDIS song is very cute!

Marcy, love the pic of your mother's flowers! The roses are the most amazing color. I'm glad you like the light colored stone, because I really like it too! I hope one of the pairs of ECs work out.
Thanks for understanding about the situation with my mother, it's hard to force things on people, but I know that we eventually will have to get some outside help.
Love your NIRDIS song lol And your bear/bunny pics made me smile, so funny!

Kristie, thanks for your feedback on the spinels - I'm glad you think they are good possibilities. If you retire to the Carolina's you can visit me at the beach! Thanks for sharing your CS collection, you have beautiful gemstones. I love the tourms from Barry. I really like the yellow garnet too. They're all really pretty. Wow, Bubbles really is covering some ground. Have you decided what to do about the metal? I personally like a shiny metal so I'd probably go with rhodium plating. But as others have said, it's all personal preference and there's no right or wrong. That gorgeous stone will be beautiful set in any finish.

Calliecake, glad you found a dress, now the pressure is off and you can still look around, but at least you know you have something you can wear. I'll bet you look great. Hope the snow has stopped, this March weather has been crazy.

Ovi, glad you had a good time with your friends! I'm so sorry about the stressful situation you're in right now - I know it's complicated with lots of side issues, try to stay strong, I know it's very hard but I have faith that all of this will be resolved at some point. But I can totally understand how stressful it all is for you. It's hard when you feel you can't really trust anyone.
I smiled when I read you are waiting for a sale, I do that too lol - sounds like you could at least treat yourself to a pair of shoes, or a bag…what an enabler I am…

Omg Jimmianne, the vampire bear made me laugh, which I kinda need right about now! I hope you don't give the bunnies any ideas lol. Joy is a truly glorious diamond, love the new pics. I'm excited about her being set.

Hope everyone is having a good day!


Dec 9, 2013

glad everything is OK. If it made you tired it must have been a Not Fun Thing.

Missy, I don't know if a person can get enough land to not be bothered by neighbors. Even Ted Turner, with his two million acres, probably has a neighbor who puts plastic cows in their entrance landscaping where Ted can see them when he leaves his driveway.
Glad you don't have to see your neighbors swimming any more. I hope they were wearing suits!

I am expecting to hear from my bench person today [what DO you call these people? I don't want to call him a designer because I'm the designer and want all the credit =) ]. He said he would have 5 -6 sketches and we would go from there.


Jul 1, 2014
Jimmianne|1427209729|3851760 said:

Missy, I don't know if a person can get enough land to not be bothered by neighbors. Even Ted Turner, with his two million acres, probably has a neighbor who puts plastic cows in their entrance landscaping where Ted can see them when he leaves his driveway.
Glad you don't have to see your neighbors swimming any more. I hope they were wearing suits!

I am expecting to hear from my bench person today [what DO you call these people? I don't want to call him a designer because I'm the designer and want all the credit =) ]. He said he would have 5 -6 sketches and we would go from there.

LOL, Jimmianne Bob and I feel the same way---kind of a neighborhood "Hell is other people" outlook. Last time I was in San DIego I bought an enormous pirate flag for our front flag pole because I loved it and I knew our neighbor would HATE it. I fly it maybe 3-4 times a year at most :lol:

I call them bench jewelers, I started doing this to differentiate btw "jeweler" being used to describe or name the jewelry store owner/other staff and the actual JEWELER who did the work of fabricating the jewel. I've done the same thing for a couple of pieces and I claim all the credit for the design and aesthetics too.

Jimmianne, that stone is amazing. Love the pics. And really enjoyed seeing our NIRDI pal Puff this morning. We have some great NIRDI mascots between Puff, your mini ponies, Marcy's motley crue!, the Westies, Callie's sweet girl, Ovi and Missy's feline royalty/retinue and Junebug's adorable Zoe. Did I leave any furry ones out? I hope not!


Jul 1, 2014
Hi NIRDIs: I've decided to plate the ring I sent along with Bubbles to San Diego. It just doesn't look 'right' as it is so I'm going to bite the bullet and do it.


Jun 7, 2014
Missy, I don't think the garage is going to look nearly as obtrusive as you are imagining. I did laugh when you said the neighbors put the pool in the front yard. I can't imagine anyone wanting that just from a privacy prespective. Thank heavens for fencing and at least they were nice people. Years ago we lived next door to a neighbor from hell and it can really make your life miserable. After he moved I found out I wasn't the only woman in the neighborhood he was trying to frighten. You know it's bad when the landscapers won't leave your home until your husband arrives because they are afraid to leave you alone.

Jimmianne, How exciting about Joy's new setting. I can't wait to see how the finished ring looks.

Junebug, I hope your mom is doing okay and your family drama is over. I swear no one can escape family drama at some point. Did your husband and son make it home safely from golfing and playing in the band? Any new developments for the new ring? Are you still looking at colored stones. I'm sure whatever you decide will,look beautiful.

Marcy, I see the Bears are up to their tricks. How was work today? Has your weather gotten colder. We had 5 inches of snow yesterday but it's supposed to start warming up again tomorrow and we could get more snow on Friday.

Kristie, I'm glad you decided to go the direction you did with the ring. I think it will be beautiful. When do you expect Bubbles to arrive back home. She is quite the little traveler.

OV, I'm so glad you had a good time with your friends. I hope your lawyer drama begins to improve. This whole situation sounds like a nightmare. I can't wait for this to be over for you.


Feb 27, 2007

Ovi, I am delighted to hear you had fun with your friends, shopping and dining this weekend. I would definitely get a new lawyer and accountant so there is no doubt they are on your side.

Missy, Greg will be delighted to have his shop back. Marty loves to putter around and makes things too. I am glad your eyes feel better. Your body is probably just giving you heck for the rough year it had. It's like mother nature sometimes it likes to remind us who is in charge. You are a poet and didn't know it. Bad pun, I know. I am sure a NIRDI GTG would be full of laughter, tears and shopping. Your beach house is so pretty and the garage will definitely change the view but I am sure it will still look great just different.

Jimmianne, tunics work with about anything. I have the same style of purse from Tumi in 3 colors and it looks like they don't make it anymore. Color me sad. I may have to find another brand myself. I love the idea of vampire teeth for the bears. Thanks! Your new photos of Joy and Puff are fabulous. How exciting to be getting some sketches for Joy soon.

Junebug, rats for family drama; hope things are better today. My mom's roses were amazing. I have lots of pictures of them. They were really orange as buds but became more pink in bloom. I really can empathize with you on your mom so anytime you want to talk I can offer an ear and moral support. Glad you liked the song and bear / bunny pics.

Kristie, I like bench jeweler too; the guy I take stuff to certainly isn't a jeweler as in jewelry store. Too funny about your giant flag. We do have quite the variety for furbabies and faux furbabies here. And sparking jewels. That is why people stop us on the street and ask us how we got to be so darned cool. I think I'd have plated the ring too. When will you get it back?

Callie, I am glad that neighbor moved from your old place. Sounds like a nasty person. You are getting our warm weather then our snow; weird it's like the weather patterns from here head your direction. Ha Ha. Hurry up June! I am sure those rabbits are up to no good today as well.

That white 4 letter word is in our forecast tomorrow. Boo.

I had an awfully creepy dream last night. I was in my parent's house and found a billfold that was my dads full of old papers. I was going through it and he walked in and sat on the couch. I was all excited and happy to see him and asked him how he was and he said "I don't like it here" and then I woke up. Needless to say I didn't go back to sleep after that. I am okay today but it certainly is on my mind.

Have a great evening and day tomorrow.


Take care.


Feb 27, 2007
Jimmiane, I really need to get that bear with the teeth.


Dec 9, 2013
marcy|1427234726|3851967 said:
Jimmiane, I really need to get that bear with the teeth.
I agree :dance:
I tried to send you a pattern for vampire teeth when I sent the photo of the vampbear, but it wouldn't copy and paste. Maybe you can make teeth out of something around the house - just enough to scare the rabbits a little.


Jul 1, 2014
Vampbear is scary :-o I need one of those to keep the Westies in line!


Feb 27, 2007
Jimmianne, I should make up vampire teeth for all the bears.

Kristie, vampbear - :lol: :lol: :lol:

Here are the stats on 2 EC I found at Blue Nile. They are both GIA, E / F, very good cut. In my price range. I emailed BN to see if they thought they matched well enough for earrings and how much it would cost to mount them in YG studs. I know for earrings I'd do better maybe at around 60% depth but darned those are hard to find. BN don't offer ASET or even photos but the price is good.



Jun 17, 2009
Kristie, I think the ring is going to look pretty with the plating, really hoping everything works out. :pray:

Calliecake, yes, the guys made it home safe and sound, within an hour of each other. I enjoyed having a little time to myself but it was great to have them home. I was especially glad in the case of my son, since he and 2 other guys drove straight from Austin to NJ :???: That's a 23 hour ride - they took turns sleeping in the back seat - Things like this don't help my anxiety issues lol! I think I'm going to order that light spinel but I'll wait until next week.

Marcy, thanks, I'm feeling better now that things have calmed down - and thanks for your offer of lending an ear once in a while, I will probably take you up on that!

And I am so sorry you had such an unsettling dream Marcy, those kinds of dreams are upsetting and the emotions they create can linger for a while. Big hugs, hopefully you will be able to put it out of your mind soon.

Those ECs look like they could work out really well - Wow, they seem well matched to me - and a great size and color! Exciting, I hope this works out!
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