
#TBT Not even off my cold, lifeless new 4.01 ACA in DK custom

Oh @mrs-b, it is simply breathtaking! It is perfection in EVERY way. I love how the shoulder detail came out and THAT HALO is... well, there are no words :geek2:

Congratulations on the result, the anniversary, and the love that you and your husband continue to have for each other :appl:
@AV_ let's hope it's option 1. :))

Thank you, @meely! I am still totally in love with your ring, too - so unique and special! And yes - the melee in my new ring is amaaaaazing and the halo is SO fine. Very pleased with how this turned out!

Hi @Lykame - I'm glad you like it. I added the roundels and the milgrain because this ring is just too formal to be super modern and slick. it needed just a hint of old world charm, so hopefully I've achieved that for it. As for video - I've tried! But all I get is blur. :blackeye:
I'm not sure where to being MrsB.... first - your flowers are gorgeous, happy anniversary, he's a keepah and you are too! very thoughtful of him and kind, happy happy anniversary now to the RING.

The ring is stupendous.. the gold is perfect and I mean that, it's perfect, the halo is perfect, I love a halo such as yours, there are no perfect rings but yours is my idea of perfection. Your wedding bands are really exquisite.. DKlass does an awesome job to be sure. Wear them in good health, you deserve it, my SIL has Crohn's and it's a hella pain for her and I send you healing vibes for this.. Here's to many many many more wonderful anniversaries for you and the Mr.

Hi @Lykame - I'm glad you like it. I added the roundels and the milgrain because this ring is just too formal to be super modern and slick. it needed just a hint of old world charm, so hopefully I've achieved that for it. As for video - I've tried! But all I get is blur. :blackeye:

I think 'old world charm' is exactly what I was trying to describe - so, success!!! Definitely think you've achieved it.

Awww - I bet you are doing yourself a disservice, but I do understand. I have tried doing videos of my diamond too, and you just cannot easily capture what you see in real life... then that gets quite frustrating as then you're doing your diamond a disservice...! :wall:

Can't win, eh! :)

Best wishes,
@mrs-b your new ring looks even more beautiful on your hand! The ACA is breathtaking and no other setting would have complimented it better! Gorgeous! :love:
I keep coming back to look at the pics. Those new hand shots are amazing. I can't get over how perfect the setting is and how even though the diamond is so large, the setting just makes it look so delicate and and it's absolutely perfect on your hand. It truly is a work of art..i agree that you really knocked it out of the park
New photos from this morning - worn with my yellow gold anni band, which is in the Triumvirate. (ok - that name's just a joke, but it certainly makes me laugh!)





It is gorgeous! Congrats on your latest beauty. Having been checking this thread for hand shots and it’s really stunning :appl::appl::appl:
First off, Happy Anniversary!!!

You chose such a beautiful design for your ring. I love everything about it. I’m about to go back to yellow gold and I’m so excited! Does yours have a satin finish?
Just now seeing your new halo. It BIG :bigsmile:, and very, very beautiful. :love: And I LOVE the wedding band with the holly leaves. I love holly, and that is so unique for a ring design. Is there a story behind that?

Love, love your set. Wear it in good health. :appl:

*waving wildly to miss Maise!!* :wavey:
Stunning!! It is perfection on your hand!!
@ccuheartnurse - thank you! But...CADs? You're doing a new project? How did I miss this?! Care to share, or is there a link somewhere? And thank you for your congratulations - 34 years ain't nuthin'!

@ILikeShiny - I'm so glad you like it. :)) I have to be honest - it's far more delicate than anything I normally wear, so I'm wondering how to clean it! Any suggestions would be very appreciated; I don't see myself taking a toothbrush - even a super soft one - to that halo!! And thank you for alerting me to the halo.

@Matthews1127 - I saw it too! (finally...after you and ILikeShiny told me...!) :bigsmile:
Hi @Tekate - so nice to hear from you :)) He is a keeper, and I am incredibly lucky in every way. We went out to high tea yesterday afternoon and, when we arrived, our table was covered with pale pink rose petals. The ring is great - but the man is better. :kiss2: Thank you for your kind words.

@Lykame - truly, I'm not doing myself a disservice! My video attempts all came out kinda...gray. i think I kept moving my phone and everything was just blurry and sad looking! I have a Samsung S9 - and the buttons are in ALL the wrong places for me; most of the time when I was trying to get a decent video I'd only succeed in turning the damn thing off! In the end I gave up and decided just to stare at it. :mrgreen:

Thank you, @SimoneDi - I'm really glad you like it! I'm really relieved everyone seems to like this setting; you know how hard it is to get ring settings right - soooo many variables! Anyway, thank you for your encouraging words. :wavey:
Thanks, @goldenfire! i think it looks 'right' because it's exactly the right proportions for my hand. it doesn't look...clumpy?...on my hand at all, and it sits up high, which is proportional to the diameter. I like it! :bigsmile:

Thank you, @icy_jade. I'm always self conscious taking hand shots. I am nowhere NEAR those long, slender, size 4 fingers that look so awesome with rings! Most of all, I just want to do it justice, although a ring as lovely as this one can compensate for a LOT! :love:

Hi @Ellen. Holly is close-ish to my name and also has wonderful Christmas associations for me. it has other, more personal, meanings as well, so is a perfect detail to put on a ring I treasure. Thank you for your kind words.
Just got back in town to see your new DK reset--wear your new ring in good health! And BTW, welcome to the halo club!:wavey:
@ccuheartnurse - thank you! But...CADs? You're doing a new project? How did I miss this?! Care to share, or is there a link somewhere? And thank you for your congratulations - 34 years ain't nuthin'!

@ILikeShiny - I'm so glad you like it. :)) I have to be honest - it's far more delicate than anything I normally wear, so I'm wondering how to clean it! Any suggestions would be very appreciated; I don't see myself taking a toothbrush - even a super soft one - to that halo!! And thank you for alerting me to the halo.

@Matthews1127 - I saw it too! (finally...after you and ILikeShiny told me...!) :bigsmile:

If done right [and I'm very sure it is] there shouldn't be an issue using a baby toothbrush on the halo. I use one on all of my haloed rings.
Woohoo! How could I have missed this amazing result!
I loved your ring as it was and even voted to not implement any changes. I was so wrong! After the changes it looks even more refined. I love the classic detailing on the schoulder and the milgrain. And I can’t believe the craftmanship of the thin halo. Your ring and set look gorgeous on you. Amazing diamond!!!
@ILikeShiny - I'm so glad you like it. :)) I have to be honest - it's far more delicate than anything I normally wear, so I'm wondering how to clean it! Any suggestions would be very appreciated; I don't see myself taking a toothbrush - even a super soft one - to that halo!! And thank you for alerting me to the halo.

I asked Caysie if I could put mine in an ultrasonic cleaner and she said absolutely, and that I could do it every day if I wanted to. I sought my appraiser’s advise as well (David Wolf) and he said that halos/pave settings constructed with high integrity withstand ultrasonics fine, and to just do the occasional check of the prongs (he said once a year or so).

I usually clean my ring once or twice a week; when I do it I run it through a short cycle in the ultrasonic (with water and a squirt of Dawn “Platinum” liquid soap) just before going to bed, let it soak overnight, and then run it again in the morning for a longer cycle. It comes out blindingly clean every time!

If I’m running out somewhere important and notice my ring isn’t sparkly I’ll take my toothbrush with a dab of toothpaste to it for about 10 seconds, focusing on the pavilion area. That usually perks it right up, enough for me not to frown at it while out :mrgreen2:
@kgizo - thank you! I'm liking it more and more as time passes, which is an excellent sign! :))

Maisie - no - not a satin finish. Just a regular ol' high polish.

Thank you, @m-2-b - you are most certainly the queen of halos! Your rings are SO glorious, and I'm happy to be in any club you're in!
@Catmom - ahhh - this is very good to know! I've been looking at that pave and thinking "ummmm...." :?: I'll give it a go when I've bought a soft toothbrush and let you know how I go!

@Acinom - thank you for the encouraging words. :wavey: I have to say - I wondered if I was getting it wrong. And I'm with you - the prongs on that halo are MINUTE! Building that must have given someone a royal headache!

@ILikeShiny - wow! - seriously? In the ultrasonic?? I mean, I would rather clean it that way - because I'm lazy! - but I don't know if I'm game!
Just a couple more photos. I've really been trying to capture the level of light return and shine that comes from this ring! But it's just beyond my photography skills. These are about as good as I get - and this shows less than half how sparkly this ring is! Clicking on them so they expand gives at least some idea.



This one is probably the shiniest, but it really doesn't reflect how amazing it is on the hand. I officially give up!

@ILikeShiny - wow! - seriously? In the ultrasonic?? I mean, I would rather clean it that way - because I'm lazy! - but I don't know if I'm game!

Yep! Cheaper (construction-wise) jewelry can’t withstand the vibrations but yours should be just fine.

You can also soak it in rubbing alcohol and then wipe it with a cloth if you’d rather do that.

It is perfect!:love:
It is a great size.
The halo is sublime.
It is perfect!:love:

Ok!! The hand shots did me in!! I’ve officially died & gone to heaven over this honking beauty!
Happy Anniversary, my dear!! May you both enjoy this sparkler for a lifetime!! I love the roses!! It was the perfect added touch to a perfect day!!
DK executed this design, perfectly! I thought it was spot-on, when I saw it on IG!! Of course, I knew it was!!
I enjoy gawking at your collection! This Christmas is bound to be “Merry”!! Deck the halls, the walls & your fingers!!! :love::love::love:
Happy anniversary, @mrs-b! I wish many more years of happiness to you and DH, who sounds like a doll.

Holly is stunning! I adore yellow gold anyway but it’s superb here. And I am not usually a halo fan but I may have been converted! You have such exquisite taste.
Congratulations Mrs b! What a wonderful collection you have! Happy happy anniversary. I love the flowers your hubby sent, he really did it up right. The ring is stunning and I love all the details you added. It is an amazing piece and I adore your whole wedding collection. I am so happy for you that you were able to design a piece that ticks all your favorite boxes and that has made such a stunning set. I hope you have many many more years of marital happiness. I am thinking that is a no-brainer with a husband who so supports your love of sparklies and kicks it on anniversary bling WITH flowers. Smart man. :love:
Ahhh! It's stunning! I saw this in DKJ's IG feed and figured you must have updated!

I love the milgrain and shoulder detail- it makes me wonder if my ring is lacking a little detail below my side stones.

I also LOVE the bands- and love the holly motif- that is going to be a gorgeous stack!
Lol - thank you, @canuk-gal! i think it's perfect, too. :))

@Matthews1127 - thank you for all those kind words! I love roses and was so pleased to get these gorgeous ones! DH also arranged to take me out for high tea at a local restaurant. When we arrived, the tablecloth was sprinkled with pink rose petals - so lovely! :kiss2:

Thank you, @eapj :wavey: I think my ring is stunning, too - it is SUCH an eye-catcher! I spend a wicked amount of time staring at it, and it twinkles back at me every time. :)) And yes, DH is a total doll. Best gift I've ever received.
It looks marvelous on you Mrs-b - your pictures are wonderful! So glad you had a happy anniversary and so happy for you that you love your new ring. It really is beautiful!