
No one ever told me - the truth about parenthood

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Dec 9, 2002
Chickflick: Congrats!! I don''t think I''ve ever heard "doodlebug" and "ducttape" used in the same sentence in regards to a baby, but given my history with duct tape (there''s a thread on sibling torture, and I''ve also used it to baby proof hotel rooms) you are my kinda mommy!

Welcome to your little one!


May 2, 2006
Well, I''ve been a fully custodial stepmom to FI''s son for five months now. I feel fortunate that I never went through the baby or toddler phase (I wouldn''t know what to DO with them!), and I love my stepson-to-be to bits.

I''m becoming accustomed to the fact that if I say anything even slightly off, that stepson will pick up on it immediately and remember it forever, but if I ask him to get something done or explain a process to him - it''s in one ear and out the other!

I thought I was patient before he moved in. Well now I''ve the patience of a glacier heading out to sea.

And I''m learning to wear a whole lot of different hats - tutor, teacher, counselor, coach. I''m still fumbling my way around them.

But in spite of near-constant frustration, muddy carpet, broken dishes, poor excuses, temper tantrums, etc. it is SO rewarding. I love how excited he gets with a good report card, I love reading to him at night like my dad used to do for me, and I cherish the little cheap, tacky gifts and the hand-drawn pictures.

It''s certainly been some sort of rollercoaster!


Jan 16, 2008

8AM -- Olivia goes in Baby Einstein

Tigger & Pooh
Mickey Mouse Club House

Pee-pee-diaper-poo-poo-diaper change.

Olivia crawls around, babbles and plays for a while and then wants food!

Rice cereal w/ fruit. Eats w/ varying degrees of success from day to day.

Another pee-pee-poo-poo diaper.

Little Einsteins

Olivia grabs toy mallet object and attempts to be "gentle" to cat while blugeoning her & then Olivia hits herself in head w/ mallet *cries*.

Pee-pee diaper.

I brush my teeth and wow it''s early say, 11 AM.

Screaming.............just because.

Then a whirl of clothes changing, bottle, possible nap, more poop and I get dressed and prepare the diaper bag for the OUTING!

More screaming........I pick her up & put her down, pick up and put down. Bring her into the bathroom w/ me.

She flushes the toilet like 10 times and pulls out old dental floss from the garbage.


I am so glad that I have done a lot of living before having her because I could see feeling really jipped if I was in my 20''s.
I love our crazy life together and I always smile when I observe the things she does.

We are sorta trying for #2!!!!



Jan 16, 2008
ETA: I''ve hit an all time physical low that i never thought possible.

Hairy everything, no regular haircuts, manicures, pedicures.

Maybe its just me but I''m so darn tired. It''s sort of liberating to still be able to function w/o the added hassel of matching outfits
and perfume.

BTW, the kid always looks amazing. I guess my priorities are pretty clear.


Jan 26, 2003
Date: 2/25/2008 5:46:57 PM

Author: Fancy605

I obviously have no children of my own yet, but I do know one truth: all babies, no matter how adorable they are, eventually grow up and become 8th graders. shudder

When my daughter was a baby and a toddler I had a friend with children in high school and college. He told me I was just at the beginning of the learning curve and that it got harder, not easier. He was right. At least in my case, I find a high school kid who is full of hormones; volatile; emotional; and has access to the opposite sex, cars, etcetera to be a very big challenge. In eighth grade she was more under my thumb. :)



Nov 3, 2007
AGBF, I definitely agree and I can speak from plenty of experience. "Little kids, little problems. Big kids, big problems." Eighth grade was a piece of cake.


Dec 19, 2007
Date: 3/25/2008 8:58:46 AM
Author: Heidi137
AGBF, I definitely agree and I can speak from plenty of experience. ''Little kids, little problems. Big kids, big problems.'' Eighth grade was a piece of cake.
I agree, but as my mom says "little kids, little problems, but lots of them!!!". It is just different, I think.


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 3/25/2008 9:02:41 AM
Author: LitigatorChick

Date: 3/25/2008 8:58:46 AM
Author: Heidi137
AGBF, I definitely agree and I can speak from plenty of experience. ''Little kids, little problems. Big kids, big problems.'' Eighth grade was a piece of cake.
I agree, but as my mom says ''little kids, little problems, but lots of them!!!''. It is just different, I think.
This stuff scares me to death. Can TTot just go from a cute baby to a full fledged adult in a great healthy relationship and a fulfilling career (which can also help me afford to give mom and dad heaps of money?)

Someone once said that you are not just raising kids. You are raising someone to become a responsible, productive adult. Hopefully with this in mind we can lay down the foundation for later on in life.

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
I am so glad I read this thread.

From having been feeling excited for weeks that we had made the decision to start TTC in August - I woke up at 3am this morning in absolute terror and by 4pm I knew I absolutely could not give up my job/me time/freedom and that any child I have will always be late for school and badly fed, and we definitely can''t afford one.

I''m feeling a little more sane now - and it''s nice to hear that some people have been able to dread what they might have to give up and yet are glad they did.


Jan 16, 2008
Date: 3/25/2008 6:23:13 PM
Author: Pandora II
I am so glad I read this thread.

From having been feeling excited for weeks that we had made the decision to start TTC in August - I woke up at 3am this morning in absolute terror and by 4pm I knew I absolutely could not give up my job/me time/freedom and that any child I have will always be late for school and badly fed, and we definitely can''t afford one.

I''m feeling a little more sane now - and it''s nice to hear that some people have been able to dread what they might have to give up and yet are glad they did.
Hi Pandora,

I am the least pro-baby, goo-goo-gaga type person but, well, here I am with my soon to be 1 yr old & couldn''t be happier and more satisfied with life.

I never considered myself the epitome of "nurturing mommy" and went to school got several degrees, moved a lot, traveled, had a lot of sex and relationships,
bought a house and then.....................well, I changed my mind. And I found the right Y chromosome.

I grew more mature I suppose and really saw that I had a lot to offer. And I took that flying leap out there to get messy with life and see where I land.

So far so good. Yes I am tremendously sleep-deprived and have had other obstacles this year but we went to the park today to see the doggies and her face lit up as they swirled around her and licked her face. She just started chirping and at one point let out a high pitched squeal that got their attention and they all came rushing back toward us.

The kid doesn''t slow me down. We power shop together - she''s been in Tiffany''s more times than I can count and some of the SA''s know her by name.

She''s like this cute, buddy that needs to be fed and changed every so often and sometimes throws a fit just because.

I gave nothing up yet managed to gain a whole new world!

Now that''s a deal.
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