
need help with custom ring....opinions PLEASE


Jul 5, 2008
So I have posted before and finally I am working with Mark at ERD to redesign my engagement ring...

This is the inspiration...

Mark sent me the CAD yesterday and I am not in love with his creation - it is very similar but not as close as I would like it to be...what do you all think???? Please help :cry: :cry: :cry:



The main difference I see is that - in the inspiration picture the diamond is set in a prong setting and the girdle is set above the halo, and the cathedral shank ends lower than the halo- whereas in the ERD pics the stone seems to be more bezel set and the cathedral "shoulders" of the shank comes all the way up to the top of the halo.

Just express what you want tweaked.
I think it's lovely but it's definitely different than your "inspiration" ring
Amy'sBling - don't you think that the filigree portion below the halo on the CAD is too big compared to the inspiration ring...and how can I tell how wide the shank will be? I asked Mark but I don't feel that he is as responsive as I felt prior to us starting this project...
Amys Bling|1312656912|2985506 said:
The main difference I see is that - in the inspiration picture the diamond is set in a prong setting and the girdle is set above the halo, and the cathedral shank ends lower than the halo- whereas in the ERD pics the stone seems to be more bezel set and the cathedral "shoulders" of the shank comes all the way up to the top of the halo.

Just express what you want tweaked.
I agree with Amy's Bling.

The other change I perceive is that the shank of the ring appears thicker. It might look better to make it a little thinner, and more curved. It will look more delicate if you take out one row of diamonds and make the shank thinner by that width.
I also feel that the CAD ring lacks the general rounded-ness of the inspiration ring; that is the biggest detail to me.
Your inspiration ring is all about soft edges but the CAD has hard lines.

How about asking for the shank and shoulders to be rounded off - that would help. I love the profile of the basket of the CAD but prefer the version where the diamond is held high above with prongs rather than bezel set. Setting it higher will add to the roundness of the design. So perhaps think about whether you want it bezel or prong set as that will make a huge difference to the overall look.

One thing that may bother you is that the shank in the CAD comes up right to the top, whereas in your inspiration ring it doesn't. I actually like it coming up to the top but this is a matter of personal preference. It will feel more substantial like that but you'll also see more diamonds.
On the inspiration ring, the pave on the shank and cathedral appears somewhat curved, so that only the middle row sit flat and the other two sit at slight angles. On the CAD, the pave is just three straight rows.

Another difference - above and below the filigree, there is a clear line of metal on the inspiration ring. This is not maintained on the CAD, giving it a slightly different look there as well.
wow! you guys have some really great suggestions! I will forward these off to Mark...thanks for getting me a little closer to my dream ring!!! :appl: :appl:
nysurg said:
I asked Mark but I don't feel that he is as responsive as I felt prior to us starting this project...

I'm sorry I don't have any advice on your setting, but I got this impression as well when I worked with him and I sympathize. Have you tried calling? Sometimes he is more accessible by phone.
mogster|1312667485|2985592 said:
nysurg said:
I asked Mark but I don't feel that he is as responsive as I felt prior to us starting this project...

I'm sorry I don't have any advice on your setting, but I got this impression as well when I worked with him and I sympathize. Have you tried calling? Sometimes he is more accessible by phone.

i don't have anything more i can add than what has been suggested already on your setting - i just wanted to say that i also had this experience with mark (and ended up returning the setting as a result - it was not custom though). i thought it was only me!

definitely talk with him AND email until you feel certain he is giving the details the attention you would like. best of luck, that's will be one heck of a gorgy setting!! :))
Had the same experience as well, and finally just gave up and took the ring (second casting) as was.

It looks like in the CAD the band is not a "domed" pave, but just a triple row. If they dome the ring more, the band will be thinner.
that is a great suggestion - i will also let him know. there is NO way I will pay for something that I am a 10000% happy with because everytime I look at it I would just absolutely be sad. I will keep trying and I will send Mark an email expressing my opinion about all of this. He has to understand this will affect future business not just this transaction.
shameless bump :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty:
Another thought is that the three row pave on the shank sits directly on the flat part of the shank - your inspiration ring has the three rows curving down on the profile part of the ring so that it can also be seen from the side. I think some of the other problems with the ring may be that CAD's don't look exactly like a ring will turn out. These do all seem to be flat edges - nothing rounded - but may just be the nature of CAD's. The stone definitely doesn't sit up as high as it does in the inspiration ring and again, gives a rather 'flat' impression.

It's a work in progress and he's got the basic idea. Hopefully he will be open to tweaking suggestions - good luck!
I have no other suggestions from what PP stated...I am wondering how much of the bulkiness is due to it being a CAD rather than a wax or the actual ring? Some things do not translate as nicely in computer-world as they do in real life. Regardless, keep on changing until you get the ring of your will be a stunning piece, I'm sure!
@MissGotRocks and Mrsacornblue - I was thinking that it had to do with CAD too, but the gallery of the ring you can definitely see curves there and Mark asked me and we discussed that it looks better with curves on the shank...unfortunately I think that he just got it wrong...

Is it wrong to be so picky when you are paying so much money - I am sorry but I think that this is the most personal and expensive piece of jewelry that I will ever own (for now :naughty: ) and I want to get it right...I sent Mark approx 6 photos of the inspiration ring from multiple angles and this CAD is not really even close...I have already put down a substantial deposit so I will keep working with him but future business....I am not sure... :?
nysurg|1312733820|2985871 said:
@MissGotRocks and Mrsacornblue - I was thinking that it had to do with CAD too, but the gallery of the ring you can definitely see curves there and Mark asked me and we discussed that it looks better with curves on the shank...unfortunately I think that he just got it wrong...

Is it wrong to be so picky when you are paying so much money - I am sorry but I think that this is the most personal and expensive piece of jewelry that I will ever own (for now :naughty: ) and I want to get it right...I sent Mark approx 6 photos of the inspiration ring from multiple angles and this CAD is not really even close...I have already put down a substantial deposit so I will keep working with him but future business....I am not sure... :?

No, it's not wrong to be picky and I'm sure he would want it to be exactly what you want as well. Discuss some of these points with him and see if he can come up with a new CAD rendering for you.
I like Mark's version. The inspiration setting has the diamond set so high. It's just my opinion but when the head is already high it seems unnecessary to put the stone in prongs even higher. However I like the band shape and smoothness of your inspiration. Its hard to tell, though, because CAD drawings always look sharp edged.
CADS are always a little clunky in my opinion. I worked with MArk and he was excellent. Just communicate what you want and he will make it work for you.
nysurg|1312733820|2985871 said:
@MissGotRocks and Mrsacornblue - I was thinking that it had to do with CAD too, but the gallery of the ring you can definitely see curves there and Mark asked me and we discussed that it looks better with curves on the shank...unfortunately I think that he just got it wrong...

Is it wrong to be so picky when you are paying so much money - I am sorry but I think that this is the most personal and expensive piece of jewelry that I will ever own (for now :naughty: ) and I want to get it right...I sent Mark approx 6 photos of the inspiration ring from multiple angles and this CAD is not really even close...I have already put down a substantial deposit so I will keep working with him but future business....I am not sure... :?

no, not only are you shelling out good money for this- but i am assuming that this is for an Ering that your going to be wearing everday and you should LOVE it.
I like everything about the inspiration ring and not much about the CAD. There are a lot of substantial differences. I like the prong setting, more delicate filigree, rounded shank, etc.....
I actually really like the CAD...I like it much better than the inspiration ring because it is not as high. I would maybe ask to make the shank more rounded
Thanks guys for all your comments. I sent Mark an email on Saturday with all of the changes and some of the suggestions for the CAD. I have yet to hear from him. I also called him today to see if I could talk with him regarding the email and confirm that he understood the changes but of course not in the office...we will see. I am not sure how busy he is with other projects at this time but maybe he should have additional help as everytime I call other than to confirm that I wanted to proceed with the project - I haven't been able to talk with him - just via email. We will see how this comes out and I am hoping that I will end up with what I wanted. I would hate to go through this process only to (a) hate the custom process and (b) hate the final product! Thanks for all the ideas/support and keep them coming!

This communication (or lack thereof) issue is a red flag. Designing a custom setting takes a lot of back and forth and already you are noticing an inability to communicate with Mark. If it's not too late, maybe you could find another designer who is more accessible. I fear there is a chance you are going to be disappointed. I hope it works out for you, good luck!
even though I actually like Mark's version, unless you have put down a deposit that is un-retrievable, I would suggest considering taking your custom $$ elsewhere.
Lack of communication this early in the project would be a massive red flag to me.

Either that, or phone again to discuss your changes to the CAD, and also mention your concerns about timely communication (in a polite and congenial way of course). If you like his response and the modifications to the CAD, then stay. If you don't, I would walk.
Well - spoke with Mark and I am feeling a little better about the process. I discussed with him all of the details mentioned on here and more and he said that he was going to redo the CAD and send me another set of photos by Wednesday. Hopefully, it will be more on track.

The only issue that we came up with was the prongs...I really like the stone to sit up a little and not too flush but I don't like the prongs of the inspiration ring. He suggested claw but I am thinking that the stone may be too loose....any thoughts on double claw prongs??? Thanks!
Single prongs with claws are fine. You setting is busy enough without adding double claw, IMO.
I love your inspiration setting! I had a similiar experience with Mark with a simple solitaire setting that I orderd from his website.He thought it was perfect and I thought it was very uneven. I found it very hard to get in touch with him and don't think I received the service that some others have gotten that maybe also bought a diamond from him. I did get back a full refund. If you continue to be unhappy and you do not live locally where you can talk to him in person, in my opinion, I would ask for my money back. Don't settle you should be able to get the design you want.
So here's the update...I spoke with Mark and felt that he was very responsive in the last few days...I wonder if he was been trolling PS. :naughty: :naughty:

Anyway - he promptly sent me a new CAD yesterday, after he promised it would be ready by Thursday so I think we are doing good. I do think that the CAD is much closer but the shoulders still seem to come up too high - maybe drop them by 1mm or 2. Width of the band will be 2.6mm, is that too wide? What do you guys think??? Also there are double prongs in this CAD...

monique 1.jpg

monique 2.jpg

monique 3.jpg

monique 4.jpg