
My upgrade journey and my new ACA


Jan 13, 2021
I wanted to share my upgrade journey because I've gotten so much knowledge & enjoyment from reading stories while on and off PS for 15 years. If you're not interested in the novel skip to the pictures!

For literally my entire adult life I have wanted a "big" diamond engagement ring. We were so poor when we got engaged that we used a half carat earring that my mom gave us as a center stone. I picked a flashy setting that I loved at the time to compensate for the small stone, with three sided pave and a million little stones. The setting absolutely swallowed up my stone.

I had two other stones between then and now. Each time the stone got a little better in cut quality, but I spent way too much in the process by staying with a local jeweler. I also kept using the same setting and the prongs were a mess by the end.

Fast forward to our 15th and I wanted to try upgrading yet again. I knew I wanted to work with a super ideal vendor with an upgrade policy and choose WF. I looked at stones and bothered Michelle on and off for months with questions and image requests. I was trying and trying to make it work but every stone I was looking at required settling on some aspect. It didn't help that I wanted a smaller(ish) table and fatter arrows. I already felt like I had settled every time previously. My dad passed this year, and that combined with how the pandemic personally affected our family just made me realize that life is short and sometimes hard and that I deserve to allow myself this extravagance. I have trouble treating myself and jewelry is my one "thing". So I way upped the budget and went for it!

WF was absolutely incredible to work with. So very patient with me at every step. And I didn't make it easy on Michelle! They even took in my old stone as a trade in. This way I could compare color and confirm that the new stone was a little whiter. Yes, I lost quite a bit since I had overpaid for it in my last trade in, but I didn't care. The security of knowing I have the upgrade policy was incredible.

So here she is, my new 1.95 J VS2 ACA in the Valoria Petite setting! Everything is perfect! The stone, the setting, the height, the prongs. They completely honored my requests and made a slight correction to a small imperfection that I noticed in the macro photos.

I had consider going with a lab stone but I'm so glad that I went with a natural diamond. I'm a one ring kind of gal and this just feels so special to me! I've spent a lot of time over the years feeling guilty and selfish that I wasn't happy with what I had. And it took my husband a long time to understand what this meant to me so there were complicated feelings there too. So it feels so good to have something amazing at the end of all that! To me this ring represents not just my commitment to my husband and our marriage, but also his patience, understanding & love for me, and my commitment to treat myself with love as well.

She is absolutely beautiful and looks great on your hand! Perfect finger coverage! Enjoy every second and Happy Anniversary!


Apr 29, 2016
Congratulations! And what a wonderful story of hard work. Not only is it a symbol of your marriage and anniversary, it's a symbol of your growth! I'm so proud of your achievements and hope you are too. Enjoy your new ring!

What a kind thing to say! Thank you for those nice words. I am proud of where I have come, in many ways. This is just one of the more fun ones!


Apr 29, 2016
Congratulations and Happy 15th anniversary, @Decision_Decisions. I am so sorry to hear about your dad; I am sorry for your loss. Take care.

Thanks so much for saying that! He died of a terrible disease and suffered in a way I wish no one ever had to. My dad loved motorcycles and in a way it was like my jewelry journey. He always wanted to get something new, change it a little, enjoy it, trade it in for something else, repeat. I'm glad he had those things in life that gave him pleasure, like jewelry does for me.


Apr 29, 2016
Congratulations! It’s beautiful. My new upgrade is also a J VS2 1.61. It’s a joy to watch sparkle. Enjoy!! E15CEB73-3A3A-4188-A011-97B8E7C8D144.jpeg

That is gorgeous! I was actually considering that J and the other 1.6ish stone that was in stock at the same time. They were both so beautiful and clean and white! I can see why you love it, it looks great on your hand!


Apr 29, 2016
Beautiful diamond ring on a beautiful hand. Whatever you went thru, it was worth it.
Geez, these WF Js are killer!

Thank you! The hands get more wrinkly every year so that was another reason not to wait until the 20th to go for it!! The J's are really incredible. I compared the J's I was considering to several I's and honestly I couldn't really tell a difference from the pictures. I would be lying if I said I never saw any tint, but most of the time all I see is white and sparkly. And when I do notice tint it's not even from the side where it should be most noticeable, it's more from the top which I think is just because the lighting in my house is quite warm. Outside especially it is amazingly white to my eye. Definitely whiter than the non-super ideal K I upgraded from.
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