
My Star Ruby Ring Project with Seven Fingers Jewelry


May 8, 2014
Hello fellow CS PSers,

I wanted to share my journey with this upcoming ring project. I just sent out my stone to Tom at today. He has a pretty unique way of working so I thought I would start a thread to let others who might be interested know how he works. Kismet had an opal ring made by him and there is some info from her thread too, but I could not find anything more current.


I got in touch with Tom through his website back in July and we have mainly communicated through e-mail. I did get to set up one phone call with him to go over the highlights of what I wanted. I e-mailed him my inspiration pics too prior to the call. After the chat, he e-mailed me examples of his work that were not listed on his website to narrow down my likes and have an even better idea of what I wanted. I told him that I do not have a deadline for this ring and to just fit me into his schedule where he can. He gave me a price range for the cost of the ring through e-mail. He told me to send my stone to him in early Sept. and that the ring will be completed in two weeks after he receives the stone. He still does not take any money upfront and I will only pay after receiving the finished ring, if I love it.

A recent post this summer by a fellow PSer in SMTB (I forgot the thread, but it was about gold jewelry) reminded me of him and that is why I decided the time was right to finally try and set my stone by him. I have been trying to figure out who was the right person to take on this project and am very grateful to that PSer for the reminder. Also, I love Van Craeynest and he used to work for them. I have a jade ring that is in a carved gold setting and wanted something along those lines so this just seemed like the right aesthetic that I wanted for this stone.

So the setting will be a double bezel and have a freeform lotus flower theme. I decided on that prior to rereading about Kismet's ring, so maybe she did have some subliminal influences on that, who knows. I just know that Sally of HOW's settings were keen in my thoughts. It will be made in 18KYG with possible accent stones that will complement the look. I did ask about 18KRG, but he advised that YG would be best for my stone, which is definitely fine with me. :)

As for my stone, I am finally at the point where I can set it properly after finding it again. I had it stored away, so it was a nice surprise to see it after all of these years. This star ruby was a gift from my beloved paternal grandmother that has passed away 19 years ago now. I still miss her dearly. Below you will find pics of the stone, which was hard for me to capture the actual color of it though. It looks purplish pink to me and Tom referred to it as a star sapphire. I managed to get a cool fluorescence shot with the help of my husband.

I am so excited to see how the setting will turn out!




oooooh I'm excited to see how this one turns out! I also will have to check out seven fingers now, since I love those types of carved designs. I am usually not a fan of star stones, but this one is beautiful--I particularly like the color of the ruby itself. I can't wait to hear more about the project as you move forward! Keep us posted! :appl:

EDITED: OMG I just checked out the vendor's website---I am now drooling on my keyboard over how incredible his carving is!!! :lickout:
Ooh, how exciting! A Seven Fingers Project!! Can't wait to see this! :bigsmile:
I am excited for you. The ring will be one of a kind!
What a lovely project!! I was not familiar with this vendor, I had to look him up, and I also checked out Kismet's ring. His work is beautiful, and I think his process sounds pretty neat. It will be really fun to see how this turns out, thanks for sharing the experience.
Thanks for chiming in and showing your interest lovedogs, minousbijoux, LisaRN, and katharath! :wavey:

I wanted to include the inspiration pics (all found online by searching) that I sent Tom. I loved the full bloom and bud look of the lotus flower. The ring was to show the 3D effect I would like for the flowers to possibly look like if he could emulate it, but in his design capabilities, of course. Also he might incorporate the lotus flower pads/leaves in the design. I told him that the design does not need to be encased or have an outline to it, that is what I meant by freeform.



Oh, I am sure this will be amazing! Tom is such a great artist and a great guy to boot (tell him Beatriz sent hi, please).

In May, I got the chance to look over many of his pieces. They are just incredible. The pine cone rings particularly struck me - not only is every pine cone detailed and every needle just right, he even included that little gnarly bit at the end of the branches. His chasing punches are unbelievable.

Forgive the bad quality of the picture (and my dirty fingers, I was working).



Think it's been several years since anyone shared a Seven Fingers project or completed piece, so thank you for creating this thread -- I am thrilled for you!
Hi Lady_Disdain! I will definitely tell him hi for you. I actually haven't told him that I was sharing this experience with other fellow jewelry lovers, but was about to ask if I could use the pics of his other works that he sent me to look at b/c I don't want to be infringing on any possible copyrights. Thank you so much for sharing your pics. They are so beautiful! :love: It must have been so nice to meet him. He does come across as a humble person. I told him how excited I was to be able to talk to him about my project and he just kind of laughed it off sheepishly. I got a great vibe from him. :)

Hi MollyMalone! Thanks for showing your interest too. :wavey:
He is a great guy. He is so generous with his knowledge and a real artist. His work deserves to be in museums but he is too humble to do much self promotion.
Can't wait to see its completion. It's going to be gorgeous for sure!
Hi Chrono! I am very excited indeed. I just received info that Tom will send me progress pictures that I can share with all of you.
Tom received my stone today and here is his inspiration compilation that includes his other gorgeous pieces. :) I don't know how to turn the pic around while doing this on my phone. Well, at least y'all can get an idea, I hope.

Here you go.

It is going to be gorgeous!

Thank you so much for fixing the pic for me, Lady_Disdain! You are so awesome! :)
I'm already liking where this is headed, especially the cabochon ring on the lower right.
I love this project!!! I love love love the style of this jeweller with it's nature theme's and organic lines. And how special it must be to use a heirloom stone for this jewelry piece. I like!!

I will make sure to stay tuned in. Thanks for sharing your story and inspirations :wavey:
Wow, real art. I can't imagine how long it takes him to do all that painstaking work, but so happy he does!
Chrono|1441281122|3923002 said:
I'm already liking where this is headed, especially the cabochon ring on the lower right.

I totally loved that look too when I saw it, since mine is a cab as well.
Acinom|1441284951|3923021 said:
I love this project!!! I love love love the style of this jeweller with it's nature theme's and organic lines. And how special it must be to use a heirloom stone for this jewelry piece. I like!!

I will make sure to stay tuned in. Thanks for sharing your story and inspirations :wavey:

Hi Acinom! This is definitely a very special ring project for me. Isn't his work amazing for the nature/organic theme that I was trying to invision? I was also totally considering going the modern look all over the place about setting this stone until I remembered about Tom. Super glad I did!
minousbijoux|1441300278|3923148 said:
Wow, real art. I can't imagine how long it takes him to do all that painstaking work, but so happy he does!

Yes, I agree! I am definitely an art lover too, but am not in anyway talented in that field, so I just get to admire others works and purchase them when I can. :) Me too! I wonder how much time he devotes per day to each project, but to tell his clients that a ring project only takes him 2 weeks to complete for these masterpieces just blows me away!
Hello all interested CS PSers,

Tom sent me some progress pics today and shipped out my ring! :) Here is what he made for me! The details look amazing! I am so excited to see the finished ring in person!!!

He did not elaborate on what each step of the process was, but I was very honored that he allowed me to see what he was willing to share. I am fascinated with seeing his tools and set up too, even though I have no idea what is what. I will get to talk to him again when the ring arrives on Wed.




One last progress pic. :)

_lovesvintage_|1442879742|3930369 said:
One last progress pic. :)

Oh my goodness it is GORGEOUS! I love all the progress pics!!! So excited to see your pics when you have it in hand! He is a true artist, I love the organic look.
lovedogs|1442881095|3930378 said:
_lovesvintage_|1442879742|3930369 said:
One last progress pic. :)

Oh my goodness it is GORGEOUS! I love all the progress pics!!! So excited to see your pics when you have it in hand! He is a true artist, I love the organic look.

Thank you lovedogs! I was very amazed with the pics too. He is definitely a true artist who knows how to meld together organic themes.
Wow, that is amazing. Just seeing the progress is an eye opener as to how much detailed and fine work is involved. Any updates as to the estimated completion date?
Wow. :love: :shock: I didn't even know people and rings like this existed! Thank you for opening my eyes, lovesvintage. :D What a piece of artwork and how special it will be! I can't wait to see more.
Oh my goodness! How lovely! And he lives about 20 minutes from me! I can imagine a project with him in my future!
His rings are so beautiful. Do you know if he only does custom designs, or if he has already made rings to sell? Thanks :)
this is so awesome!

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