
my oec upgrade


Jul 3, 2011
hello everybody. i am new to the forum but i have lurked here for a while :love: i have been married for almost four years now and this is my upgrade. i have had this ring for two years now(loooong story). hope you guys like it

i have actively looked for something like this for two years. i was very specific about wanting a 8 to 9 carat range certified OEC in the near colorless range. i have been told by several dealers that it is extremely difficult if not impossible to find something like that. they showed me several large stones in K-L range but i stuck to what i wanted. ^ months later my DH(then FI) decided that we might not find my dream ring-ever so we went ahead and got married with a temp ring.

so a year and a half into our marriage, we finally found one!!!! it sparkles like crazy and throws bold white flashes all over!! (hope i dint ramble) :bigsmile:

note: i have nothing against warmer colors. i own a j colored stone myself. its just that in an OEC i wanted a near colorless stone.

8.52 carat OEC H color
vs1 clarity
symmetery - good
polish - good(if i remember right)




Wow, that is an incredible stone! Thank you so much for sharing pictures - it's a treat to admire!
oh dear lord.... what a stone~~
What an amazing stone!!! That is just incredible!
:shock: :o :love: More pics please!!!!!
Hmm, that is a lot of bling!
My goodness that is a rock! Thanks so much for sharing it with us!
:love: Goodness me, there are no words to describe how completely amazing that ring looks, I would love to see more pics!
WOW, what a diamond! It's beautiful. How heavy is that thing?
WOW! That is an amazing and unique stone! Where did you wind up finding it?

I'd love to see more photos and close-ups too!
Wow. Um that's huge. Do you wear that every day?
Wow! That's quite a stone! Is it in it's original setting or did you have one made? Would love some really close up shots of the gallery and shank if you get the chance...
Wowza!!! :o
wow- what was your temp ring?????
Hi frenchgirl- I suck at taking pictures :(( I will try to improve my photography skills and upload somemore :bigsmile:
Holy Moly Rock! wow...that's huge and yes very pretty :love: . May I guess you finger size would be 4.5 - 5 ?? that look HUGE on you little finger.
Hi guys,

Thanks a lot for your kind comments. Initially I was skeptical about posting my ring here coz in the real world, I am used to mean/sarcastic/wily comments about a lot of my jewelry. Most people look at it as is that really necessary. But I look at it as if you really like/want something and you have the means to get it with out compromising on anything important then why not? If you don't, then that's fine too. I strongly believe in the saying "while you are judging someone, remember that a thousand eyes could be judging YOU.." anyway, I'm extremely blessed in everyway and thanks everybody for making me feel welcome.... :love: :love: :love:

kittyGoLightly, MissGotRocks...thanks a's my pleasure sharing with you guys

Brightice, supergirl10, lbling...thanks a lot guys :D
Bright's not that heavy as I got it set in white gold and not platinum and I got used to the weight and size pretty quickly :naughty:

Loves Vintage: I live in India and apparently the first diamonds were mined in the Golconda mines here in India until the mid 1700s until they got exhausted) so the old diamonds here are called Golconda diamonds. My jeweler found this one for me. A client of his was actually selling this (an heirloom piece)..was a stroke of luck. It is so unique and different from the new stones. It has that romance/mystery attached to it...I would like to fantasize that this was given to a loved one ages ago.... :oops: :love:

yennyfire....the original setting was at least 70 years old, it was very worn and waaaaay too I got a simple new setting..nothing elaborate.will definitely post more tomorrow.and thanks for the compliments :bigsmile:

Amys temp was a 1.5 G vvs1 that my MIL got for me as a wedding present. Now that stone is in a pendant in a blackbead chain (the black bead chain is a symbol of a married woman in Hindu culture...not that we younger people wear it on a daily basis anymore but it's nice to have to wear once in a while)

Luckky.....looks like you are a pro :appl: yesssss my ring size is 4.5!!!!
OH MY GOODNESS!!! (Jaw drops to the floor). Now that is a diamond!!! What a gorgeous stone, I can't wait to see more pics.
Your diamond is stunning :love: After I have stopped drooling on the keyboard, I'll be back for another look! Please try to post some other pics. We need to see more :appl:
*jaw hits floor*

holy crap

That's huge.

And perfect!

It's lovely. Congrats!
Can we see a photo of your ring w/the wedding band?
Wow! that is amazing :love:
WOW!!! Super congrats to you.

You love it, you wear it!! I'm with you on that! :)

oh my. OH MY. :lickout:
I declare! That stone is unbelievable! You go lady -- enjoy her, she is a showstopper!!! :appl:
That stone is just beautiful!!!! I love the chunky facets - i would love to see some up close pictures of that! Congratulations on your jewelry and your marriage :appl:
Whoah... That is a huuuuge ring and gorgeous on your finger.
A small thread jack here - where in India are you from and do you live there currently? I am from India too and don't find many Indians in India wear such huge rocks or even an ER so I am pleasantly surprised that you and your husband went to great lengths to find it given that there is no awareness in India among the general public when it comes to certified diamonds. I see a lot of diamond jewelry with small diamonds in necklaces, bracelets and other jewelry but never seen anything so big. And I can see that your 1.5 carat stone must look great with the black beads and I have 2 of them and one of them is with small diamonds and other with plain gold. I would love to see your black beads necklace . Please post some pics.
:love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
Oh good lord! I've never seen anything like it. How's about a zillion more pictures?
Wow, how super cool! :love: :love:
Kudos for being comfortable getting what you love and enjoy instead of worrying about what everyone else would think!
I love that self confidence.

I can only imagine what that looks like in sunlight. :sun: :sun: :sun: :sun: