
My Annette U Prong 20 pt, 3.6TCW from WF looks bad...

Those prongs look way too bulky and prominent. I'd want them sleeker and closer to the stone. Right now they're too high.

It's a very pretty ring, though, and it'll be even prettier once the prongs are fixed.
A few AU posters have told me that we have a FTA in place with US so you won't need to pay any duties but GST may still be applicable.

It's a long shot, but could it be possible that they've made a rookie mistake and sent you the wrong photos? Rather than rejecting the package outright, maybe a better option will be to get WF to agree in writing to reimburse you for all costs if you accept and then subsequently send the package back. Until you've seen the actual ring with your own eyes, there's no way to tell for sure that they've stuffed up on your ring.

Given WF's reputation on PS, I'd be very surprised if they don't come up with an amicable solution. Hope it all works out for you.
Wow, I actually thought the pictures were a CAD! I really hope WF makes it right and returning it won't turn into a big headache for you. I'm sorry, this must be really frustrating.
Either way, WF should eat any costs to you if it needs to be returned, including taxes, etc. Anxious to hear what Traci says....
decodelighted|1340338865|3221635 said:
Oh gawd - that thing is hideous! I can't honestly believe that they'd SEND that to someone! What is going on at Whiteflash? I think they should pay for the entire cost of the return as it is UNREASONABLE to expect you to accept that ring after *ordering* based on the pictures of their previous work. TRAVESTY.

Good luck getting this resolved asap. Believe me -- they'll have a PS ****storm on their hands unless they fix that monstrosity ... FAST.

DITTO. I mean HONESTLY that is awful. I have NO CLUE how anyone could see that picture and send it out. My mind is seriously blown over here! I'm sorry you're dealing with this but I'm sure WF will fix it ASAP. They can start working on your new ring before they receive that one back, I'm sure. That said, it never should have gone out like this in the first place.
Maybe it's a mistake - a production photo or something. There's no way they sent out a ring looking like that.
It looks completely unfinished, as if they polished and plated it without actually shaping the prongs or doing anything! I really hope this photo is in error!
Not only does it look unfinished, it looks like the frame is just too big for the stones. I called Traci, it's 9:30am in Houston Texas but it went to answering machine. I'll wait and see her email response as it's past midnight in Australia.

My husband had a look at the picture and even he can pick out the prongs are too large and square. He also thinks that the U looks very deep and not rounded like the example on Whiteflash website. He agrees with the comment that the ring looks like a cog off a machine. :D
snoopkat|1340362653|3221695 said:
A few AU posters have told me that we have a FTA in place with US so you won't need to pay any duties but GST may still be applicable.

It's a long shot, but could it be possible that they've made a rookie mistake and sent you the wrong photos? Rather than rejecting the package outright, maybe a better option will be to get WF to agree in writing to reimburse you for all costs if you accept and then subsequently send the package back. Until you've seen the actual ring with your own eyes, there's no way to tell for sure that they've stuffed up on your ring.

Given WF's reputation on PS, I'd be very surprised if they don't come up with an amicable solution. Hope it all works out for you.

Hi Snoopkat, when it is confirmed by Whiteflash that the picture is a real representation of the ring that's been sent out to me, I think I will just reject shipment. I don't want to pay GST the first time I accept and go through the bother of showing the paperwork to customs or customs broker that the tax on the item was already paid the second time it is shipped to me.
Hurrah! I've had a reply from WF. Vera from WF is looking into what could have happened during production and will try to recall the shipment. But Vera advised that in the event that WF can't recall it, I should accept the package and look at the ring. She advised it may look different in person and if I am still unhappy with it, they will take the ring back for repair/redo with shipping at their cost.

Don't think I will like this ring at all any better in person considering I've seen pictures of the same ring design on other Pricescope members' posts and WF website so I've let her know that I will reject shipment. And the thought of dealing with customs the second time round trying to prove that GST (tax) was already paid just boggles the mind.

I don't know, do you think the ring will look better in real life? Gotta say though if the flower shot did little to enhance the ring, don't know if ring life perspective will be any better. :D

Vera advised that the ring was shipped out because I didn't request customer approval before shipment. I just assumed that it was protocol that they would wait for my feedback before shipment since it is a customized item. At least, I'll know in the future. :|
Icy Melona|1340382641|3221861 said:
Hurrah! I've had a reply from WF. Vera from WF is looking into what could have happened during production and will try to recall the shipment. But Vera advised that in the event that WF can't recall it, I should accept the package and look at the ring. She advised it may look different in person and if I am still unhappy with it, they will take the ring back for repair/redo with shipping at their cost.

Don't think I will like this ring at all any better in person considering I've seen pictures of the same ring design on other Pricescope members' posts and WF website so I've let her know that I will reject shipment. And the thought of dealing with customs the second time round trying to prove that GST (tax) was already paid just boggles the mind.

I don't know, do you think the ring will look better in real life? Gotta say though if the flower shot did little to enhance the ring, don't know if ring life perspective will be any better. :D

Vera advised that the ring was shipped out because I didn't request customer approval before shipment. I just assumed that it was protocol that they would wait for my feedback before shipment since it is a customized item. At least, I'll know in the future. :|

No, I'd reject it. PSers know that macro photos can be unforgiving, but even God and all the derivatives could not erase the sins of that ring.
definitely send that thing back. even if you could convince yourself it kinda semi looks alright, you won't be happy with it in the long run and it'll bother you. i mean those pictures are already bothering me... :errrr: you don't expect to pay that kind of price and get something like that. bad form WF!
TravelingGal|1340383134|3221867 said:
No, I'd reject it. PSers know that macro photos can be unforgiving, but even God and all the derivatives could not erase the sins of that ring.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

OMG!! good one TGal!!!!
Icy Melona|1340382641|3221861 said:
Hurrah! I've had a reply from WF. Vera from WF is looking into what could have happened during production and will try to recall the shipment. But Vera advised that in the event that WF can't recall it, I should accept the package and look at the ring.

I highly doubt your opinion will change once you see it in person. I hope they can recall it.
Ditto to others - I would reject it. There is NO WAY it's gonna look any better in person than in those pictures. Sorry you have to go through the extra work/trouble to get what you ordered. So frustrating! :nono:
I am going through a similar situation with WF right now. I was sent a pic of my diamond studs after they were shipped and I didn't like the prong work either. I shipped it back and they covered all of the fees, including overnight FedEx. I'm anxiously awaiting pics of my re-set and hope they get it right. I wonder if they have a new jeweler on staff....Sorry about your ring. It is unacceptable and I can't believe it passed thru their quality control. I'm sure WF will rectify the situation.
TravelingGal|1340383134|3221867 said:
Icy Melona|1340382641|3221861 said:
Hurrah! I've had a reply from WF. Vera from WF is looking into what could have happened during production and will try to recall the shipment. But Vera advised that in the event that WF can't recall it, I should accept the package and look at the ring. She advised it may look different in person and if I am still unhappy with it, they will take the ring back for repair/redo with shipping at their cost.

Don't think I will like this ring at all any better in person considering I've seen pictures of the same ring design on other Pricescope members' posts and WF website so I've let her know that I will reject shipment. And the thought of dealing with customs the second time round trying to prove that GST (tax) was already paid just boggles the mind.

I don't know, do you think the ring will look better in real life? Gotta say though if the flower shot did little to enhance the ring, don't know if ring life perspective will be any better. :D

Vera advised that the ring was shipped out because I didn't request customer approval before shipment. I just assumed that it was protocol that they would wait for my feedback before shipment since it is a customized item. At least, I'll know in the future. :|

No, I'd reject it. PSers know that macro photos can be unforgiving, but even God and all the derivatives could not erase the sins of that ring.
Dear Icy Melona,
I know Vera has been in touch with you regarding our efforts to recall the package and advising you that if the package arrives to reject it. I want to express my apologies for the stress and disappointment this has caused you. The prong style is clearly different than the one pictured on our website. Please be assured that your ultimate satisfaction is our only goal, and that we will work with you in any and all ways possible to achieve that goal.

Your order has full attention at the highest levels of our company. You are welcome to contact me directly if there is anything I can help with during the process.

Icy Melona|1340376457|3221793 said:
Hi Snoopkat, when it is confirmed by Whiteflash that the picture is a real representation of the ring that's been sent out to me, I think I will just reject shipment. I don't want to pay GST the first time I accept and go through the bother of showing the paperwork to customs or customs broker that the tax on the item was already paid the second time it is shipped to me.

I think rejecting the shipment is much easier- you don't have to deal with getting it through customs a second time, which is still an absolute pain, and they'll charge you $50 for looking at it and determining that you didn't have to pay anything.
Texas Leaguer|1340401945|3222036 said:
Dear Icy Melona,
I know Vera has been in touch with you regarding our efforts to recall the package and advising you that if the package arrives to reject it. I want to express my apologies for the stress and disappointment this has caused you. The prong style is clearly different than the one pictured on our website. Please be assured that your ultimate satisfaction is our only goal, and that we will work with you in any and all ways possible to achieve that goal.

Your order has full attention at the highest levels of our company. You are welcome to contact me directly if there is anything I can help with during the process.


Well, looks like your problem is guaranteed to be solved IM - and thank goodness! :appl:

I have fingers crossed that the return process is as smooth and quick as possible!
Yep, Bryan is aware of this and they will take care of it! I definitely would refuse the package due to the tax issues.

I suggest not only showing them their own pictures on the site of how the prongs should look, but also provide any others that are like you expect. I will be very curious as to whether that setting is really for larger diamonds. I hope you can speak to someone who can answer that.
plummiecat|1340387346|3221915 said:
I am going through a similar situation with WF right now. I was sent a pic of my diamond studs after they were shipped and I didn't like the prong work either. I shipped it back and they covered all of the fees, including overnight FedEx. I'm anxiously awaiting pics of my re-set and hope they get it right. I wonder if they have a new jeweler on staff....Sorry about your ring. It is unacceptable and I can't believe it passed thru their quality control. I'm sure WF will rectify the situation.

I'm sorry to hear about your earrings but glad to hear that it's getting reworked. It seems WF is very quick to address and rectify any errors. :) I hope your earrings turm out as you wanted.
Texas Leaguer|1340401945|3222036 said:
Dear Icy Melona,
I know Vera has been in touch with you regarding our efforts to recall the package and advising you that if the package arrives to reject it. I want to express my apologies for the stress and disappointment this has caused you. The prong style is clearly different than the one pictured on our website. Please be assured that your ultimate satisfaction is our only goal, and that we will work with you in any and all ways possible to achieve that goal.

Your order has full attention at the highest levels of our company. You are welcome to contact me directly if there is anything I can help with during the process.


Hi Bryan,

Thank you for addressing this. Vera and Abraham are very helpful and accommodating so it's been very reassuring. :)
MqLove|1340405257|3222076 said:
Icy Melona|1340376457|3221793 said:
Hi Snoopkat, when it is confirmed by Whiteflash that the picture is a real representation of the ring that's been sent out to me, I think I will just reject shipment. I don't want to pay GST the first time I accept and go through the bother of showing the paperwork to customs or customs broker that the tax on the item was already paid the second time it is shipped to me.

I think rejecting the shipment is much easier- you don't have to deal with getting it through customs a second time, which is still an absolute pain, and they'll charge you $50 for looking at it and determining that you didn't have to pay anything.

MqLove, I had no idea about the $50 viewing charge, thanks for that information. :)
diamondseeker2006|1340412827|3222149 said:
Yep, Bryan is aware of this and they will take care of it! I definitely would refuse the package due to the tax issues.

I suggest not only showing them their own pictures on the site of how the prongs should look, but also provide any others that are like you expect. I will be very curious as to whether that setting is really for larger diamonds. I hope you can speak to someone who can answer that.

Hi Diamondseeker, thanks for that suggestion, it's a good idea. I did end up sending Vera a link last night showing pictures on PS of the same ring design with 20pt stones. I'm sure the ring will turn out just as pretty second time around. :)
ame|1340326137|3221478 said:
Holy moly those I would want that rectified....

Yeah, I agree, that doesn't look right. Come on, WF!!!
Enerchi|1340384095|3221877 said:
TravelingGal|1340383134|3221867 said:
No, I'd reject it. PSers know that macro photos can be unforgiving, but even God and all the derivatives could not erase the sins of that ring.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

OMG!! good one TGal!!!!
So true.
Was just going to chime and say to reject it given customs/taxes, but see that other PS'ers have already agreed and WF is already on it. Sorry but that ring looks horrible. I guess on a good note I imagine your 'next' one will be absolute perfection. Can't wait to see the pics!
Any update on the arrival and return of the WF ring?
Hi all,

Thanks for your patience and your help. I received updated pictures from whiteflash couple of weeks ago and I have been procrastinating over the ring. It looks alot better than the pictures of the original ring whiteflash sent through but I still have reservations about the ring. I still feel that the ring is too big for the diamonds and with the claws rounded out, it still looks alittle ungraceful to me. I think it may be that the diamonds still seem to disappear into the bulk of the ring and there seems to be abit too much gap between the diamonds and metal in the u-shape section of the ring. What do you think?

Please see pictures attached:


