
MOBzilla Meltdown Moment

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Miracles, Just a thought, is the designer European or otherwise not North American? It could''ve been a unit conversion problem, inches v cm, problem. Still no excuse why they fouled up, but at least you''ll know how it happened.
Does this help? There was a phone number in NY on the webpage:
michelle roth design studio
150 central park south
ny, ny 10019
[email protected]


I think it''s the same designer, it looks like your daughter''s dress on the front webpage.

I don''t even know what to say- except that they better fix it and fix it good!
Yayayaya, Gypsy, you started the new job already!! Fun, fun stuff. That''s always so full of adventure. Wow, times flies.

I know that tape recording someone is illegal. More importantly to me, is that it''s unethical and sneaky and that is not my character. I would never do it. But I am bringing it and will tell her right up front that I wish to tape record the session and will politely ask for her permission. If she declines, I will turn it off. However, her declining will be recorded. That is perfectly legal. You simply ask for their permission on tape and if not granted, one has to stop. No problem. I am already allowed to us the camera and video feature.

My intent is not to challenge them or sue them or anything negative.(I get enough of that during the day job and I don''t want to spend memories of my daughters wedding like that, or any of my off time for that matter) My intent is to get what we paid for and have this right for my daughter''s wedding day. I am hoping that they will be reasonable and refund the alterations. The designer needs to be held accountable as well. But you can''t leave a message at the phone number and can only email and they haven''t responded.

I am writing down all the advice and will be presenting it tonight. I hope we get to go tonight. I had to call them just now and said rep was probably out to lunch (in more ways than one) and they called right back to infomr me that they were hoping to get the seamstress in by 3:00 to press and steam the tulle. They had to pull her off her other job.

So, with all the PS fairy dust and support, I am optimistic that this will go well. If I do have to go ape-caca, I will simply tell my daughter to step outside and get some fresh air, and then I will go for the juggler. Figuratively, not literally.

But you are right Gypsy, I have a lot of spare time in the evening that can be spent in front of their store if they persist. On the other hand, you''re right, people will only be glancing at my daughters dress because her radiant smile will take their breath away.
After the dust has settled, the designer should know that they have an incompetent retailer.
Date: 6/25/2008 5:45:56 PM
Author: mercoledi
Does this help? There was a phone number in NY on the webpage:
michelle roth design studio
150 central park south
ny, ny 10019
[email protected]


I think it''s the same designer, it looks like your daughter''s dress on the front webpage.

I don''t even know what to say- except that they better fix it and fix it good!
I tried that number this morning and you can''t leave a message. It''s maddening. The recording gives you Michelles brothers name as the info email which might explain why nobody ever responded to the previous emails my daughter sent directly the one on Michelles website. Soooowa, this morning I forwarded the email I wrote to Michelle to her brother''s email as well. Still no reply.

Choro: You''re right. I could go into more detail about what they had to say about bustling at the first fitting and this one, but I am drained and need to shower so I don''t stink up the salon when I get there this evening.
Hey miracles. I''ve been thinking about you and this situation all day. I even told my friend what happened, and she said they need to get you a new dress ASAP. Otherwise refund. So that''s another vote in that direction.

I really hope this goes well. And I think that the owner of the salon needs to be present. Do you have any big guys you can take with you? I would say FSIL, but that would be weird. Unfortunately, in this day and age, people still take men as having more authority or whatever BS than women. Plus a guy is pretty out of the ordinary for being in a bridal salon anyway. I know that when I couldn''t get anyone to pay me any attention before, I''ve brought my dad in, and all of a sudden people were jumping around doing whatever he said. Its total BS, but I guess we just have to deal with it.

Or, of course, you could just go Tasmanian devil on their patooties. That''ll get some attention.

How is your daughter feeling about all of this?
My daughter is apprehensive. She can''t see the back well and hasn''t seen what it looks like when she walks. Her dissapointment is in the designer as it should be. After all the Michelle Roth took her measurements and pronounced the size of the dress. She even asked my daughter "You wear a 4 usually, right" And my daughter said "Yes, usually, depends, it could be 6" Michelle said "But your are a 4 right now? and my daughter said "Yes". Michelle said "okay, that is an 8 in my dress" My daughter said "Are you sure?" Michelle said "yes, an 8 in my dress" and according to my daughter told the salon to order an 8.

I wasn''t privy to that entire conversation, but my daughter was horrified to discover just how BIG the dress was. I think all of us were. I have to admit that I dont think the clerk was that happy about it either, but what do I know, she was talking to the seamstress in spanich the entire time of the first fitting. With ever clamp all over both sides of her, I could see my daughters'' anxiety but also her trusting nature in that "It''s going to be okay, right Mom" kind of look she gives me.

I will ask tonight on how I can contact the designer directly. I don''t think I will be able to wait for my friend who speaks spanish, so hopefully tonight will be mainly about seeing the dress after the tulle is pressed and ironed and we can get a better idea of what we can do.

Thanks Freke. Oh, I did make that "Grilled Fish Taco" salad today for lunch...yummmmmyyyyy!

Wish us luck. If I can find a burly guy on my way to the salon, I will pay him to join us and know, burly...
Ugh sorry to hear what''s happened! After spending $4000, I would be furious. I do think that it looks great in the front, although I can see how it doesn''t sit right in the back. I hope that this evening goes well.
Hi Miracles - I just read this. I''m so sorry you and your daughter are dealing with this BS. You have every right to be angry. I hope everything works out to your satisfaction. Please let us know what happened.
I hope you guys get some kind of resolution tonight.

I''m glad you liked the fish taco salad.

Hee hee hee...I can just see you, "Hey big burly guy, want to hang out with me for an hour and be big, burly and intimidating? I''ll pay you $50." hee hee hee...Ok, now I''m giggling uncontrollably.

I''ll be waiting around to hear how it went!

...crossing fingers...
Wow..... what a nightmare. I''m so sorry you''re dealing with this. I totally understand. Something similar happened to me.

I won''t go through the whole horrible story. (You don''t need that right now!) But I just wanted to tell you that we were down to the wire.... And you know what? Everything turned out perfect
A LOT OF STRESS, tears, anger.... but my dress was gorgeous and fit perfectly.

I just wanted you to know that!!! And sending good thoughts and luck your way!!

P.S. If you need a "fightin Mom" to join your cause... My Mom would love to join you! She''s got some left over!!!
Mircales, how did everything go tonight?
15.gif's getting late...

...are there crime scene investigators involved?

...oh wait, I'm not involved...


They'd better give you good news or I'm going to have to use my stimulus check for a plane ticket to SD...and I'll pay the stupid $25 fee for baggage. One big bag of my pointiest shoes....
Sorry this is happening.

I would INSIST the designer be contacted and you get a BRAND new dress made the right way. Period. You spent thousands and this is b.s. to me.

I really hope they come through but I would not keep having them mess with this dress anymore. Sounds like nothing they can do will make it look right. I would not want to have them continue to mess with it.
I''m home!! I went to dinner with my friend, the spanish interpreter.
OMG, it was unbelievable. This "salon manager" does not belong in this job. Granted, my daughter''s dress is not the normal, silk taffeta, trumpet mermaid dress, but the gall of this woman.

So, I am going to make a long story short. When we got finally got there, and that was a nightmare in and of itself because the store sucks at communication, my daugher put on the dress. I could see that the steaming of the tulle helped somewhat, but the collapsing of the third tier on the dress was still very evident. I hadn''s said anything to my friend and she noticed it right away when I showed her the picture of the model in the dress. So, I felt a little vindicated, but the "Ritch" just stood by the sidelines watching us and never making any suggestions or confirming our valid observations. Just stoic as all get out. I saw that the sample dress was still on the mannequin, which was perfect. This was the dress my daughter had tried on when the designer was in the store. I went over to my daughter''s dress and inspected the layers inside and out, and then went over to the mannequin dress and inspected the third layer, inside and out and ....

Wow, what a difference!! The sample dress had a completely different "souble" layer of crinoline, which was extremely thick, dense and gathered in a way that held the tier up so it didn''t collapse. I took a picture of it. I then went over to "Ritch" and my friend, "Can you come and look at this?"

It was obvious that what was under the layers of the sample dress did NOT come on the ordered dress. This was the crux of the problem. And do you know what she said to me?

She said "Well, we had to alter that dress and we put that crinoline in there, it doesn''t come like that"

Okay, fine. But that is what we tried on, and that is why we bought the dress. So she asks if I want the seamstress to bring some different crinoline. REAALLLLYYY????? ARe you really asking me this? ::::Breathe Momma, Breathe:::::

My daughter is so funny. She is standing there silently the whole time, but I know she is thinking, "My Mom Kicks Arse". Sometimes I want to bonk her on the head and yell "SAY SOMETHING".
But hey, if she has me to do it for her, I don''t blame her. It''s healthier on the adrenals, I''ll bet.

So, then they bring in some crinoline and me and friend start directing the seamstress. Even as my friend gives the seamstress an explanation and instruction, then the salon manager says the same thing right after her. It was insane. We both felt like we were in the twilight zone. I can''t imagine that they could be such a high end boutique.

I won''t even get started on the bustle or the taking in at the waist, but suffice it to say that both parties are at fault. Both the designer, whom I can''t even get a hold of and the salon were willingly, intentionally, and blatantly having people try on a dress that has been altered and that won''t be the product you receive. I am disappointed in humanity right now.

But the good news is, my daughter''s dress is going to lay right, even if the dress won''t be what she tried on, and the back will be wonky, I know that I am not crazy, and that some people suck. More importantly, I feel that my daughter was proud my child.
You''re such a cool mom Miracles. My mom has had to kick some bootie, and every time I''m so proud of her. My dad has done it a couple of times, but it''s in his nature, so he doesn''t get the kudos from me. It''s just totally out of my mom''s character to to ape-caca on anyone.

Anyway, well I''m glad they kind of worked it out. What is the deal with paying for the alterations? I would still talk to the designer and anyone else you can get to listen to you. This is a very legitimate complaint and honestly I''m appalled at their customer service.

Now where are those pics?
The crinoline! I the idiots alterred the crinoline then have the gall to blame YOU and the DESIGNER for the problem. Whoo HOOO... I would have let them have it.

I would definitely, absolutely and 100% complain to ANYONE (including the BBB) about this. They should have just said... we had to alter the crinoline, so that may be causing the problem, let's see what we can do to make it more like the original.

It is very bizzare the the woman was repeating everything. Very bizzare. Surreal.

You should complain to the designer and have the line pulled from them. And post on yelp or any other review site.

Oh... and if they persist in being a PITA:

I take GREAT pleasure in pointing this out: It's JUNE. JUNE, JUNE, JUNE. Do you have ANY idea how badly LOCAL NEWS stations would SALIVATE over roasting a BRIDAL salon who screwed up a young, beautiful (model you say?), heartbroken bewildered bride's dress and REFUSED TO FIX IT.


Seriously. DEAD Serious. If you got the local news involved: I BET you that the designer would return your calls and that they would fix or replace that dress before you could say "EXPRESS SHIPPING."

Just something to keep in mind.

I would do it. At this point, actually I'd forget about them persisting in anything-- they've had their chances-- I'd call them first thing TOMORROW!
miraclesrule, I second Gypsy! Actually, based on the past few days I will listen to any legal advice Gypsy makes...

Anyway, I''m glad it''s going to be taken care of. You are one awesome mom! I wish I had one like you!
Same question as Freke. Who is paying for this?
Can you just swap the dress for the floor sample if it fits her?
Date: 6/26/2008 1:37:25 AM
Author: choro72
miraclesrule, I second Gypsy! Actually, based on the past few days I will listen to any legal advice Gypsy makes...
ROFLMAO Choro. Thank you for the faith honey, it''s very reassuring but honestly, don''t take anything I saw based on faith, especially in a legal capacity. The law is a screwy thing, its always best just to check with a lawyer yourself-- one who isn''t on the net, on a message board, and faceless and ultimately without any real accountability and one who has all the facts in front of them. But I am *blushing.*
I didn''t even think of going to the news, Gyps. Can we say FIRED to the sales lady?

I would do that in a heartbeat.

You know, it''s not often that I''m this vindictive about things, but with this-they don''t deserve your business in all honesty. I would drag mud all over their name, everywhere you possibly can. Even the drama you''ve been through is WAY MORE than you should have ever had to go through. It is total and utter BS. They need to give you a huge discount-not pay for alterations, throw in free shoes, free veil, free jewelry, free undergarments-because they aren''t making this right. And it disgusts me.

I was wondering the same thing as surfgirl. Would switching out the sample for her dress be doable? Would it at least take less alterations than her current mess of a dress?
I think they owed you the courtesy of saying that they modified the dress and YOURS would not have the same modifications ergo it would not be THAT dress your daughter tried on.

The designer has also been MIA.

I agree the local news or newspaper might like to hear from a disgruntled customer, as would the BBB. There might be other complaints as well, it seems like they are a tad incompetent and not customer service oriented.
The only good news is probably that at least it sounds like they are going to fix it..and yes Gypsy''s idea about the news is AWESOME! These people are just ridiculous. So sorry things went crazy Miracles.
Date: 6/26/2008 1:30:11 AM
Author: Gypsy
The crinoline! I the idiots alterred the crinoline then have the gall to blame YOU and the DESIGNER for the problem. Whoo HOOO... I would have let them have it.

I would definitely, absolutely and 100% complain to ANYONE (including the BBB) about this. They should have just said... we had to alter the crinoline, so that may be causing the problem, let''s see what we can do to make it more like the original.

It is very bizzare the the woman was repeating everything. Very bizzare. Surreal.

You should complain to the designer and have the line pulled from them. And post on yelp or any other review site.

Oh... and if they persist in being a PITA:

I take GREAT pleasure in pointing this out: It''s JUNE. JUNE, JUNE, JUNE. Do you have ANY idea how badly LOCAL NEWS stations would SALIVATE over roasting a BRIDAL salon who screwed up a young, beautiful (model you say?), heartbroken bewildered bride''s dress and REFUSED TO FIX IT.


Seriously. DEAD Serious. If you got the local news involved: I BET you that the designer would return your calls and that they would fix or replace that dress before you could say ''EXPRESS SHIPPING.''

Just something to keep in mind.

I would do it. At this point, actually I''d forget about them persisting in anything-- they''ve had their chances-- I''d call them first thing TOMORROW!
I love this!

miraclesrule, I am so sorry. You were right the whole time about there being something definitely off about the dress, and it took YOU figuring out the difference between the advertised dress and the ordered dress for the store to FINALLY answer your questions as to why your daughter''s dress doesn''t lay correctly. How infuriating!! It was there the whole time, and they wasted YOUR time but deliberately omitting the truth. I hope they get bad publicity from this. They deserve it.
Ugh, what a nightmare! If you are still trying to contact Michele Roth, here''s a round-about and kind of random way that could work.

Michele and her brother Henry host a podcast called "Planet Bride" (basically a radio show over the internet- you can download it for free though iTunes if you want) about weddings on the Wedding Podcast Network. The website for their podcast is:

On that website it says:

If you have any questions for Henry and Michelle send us an Email- [email protected]

Now, that''s the email address for the entire Network, not just the Roths'' show, but looks like the Network could pass along the email right to Michele. I''m not sure if it''s a fool proof way to get in touch with her, but it''s worth a try at least.

Good luck getting everything with the dress "straightened out" (pun definitely intended!)
Hey Miracle,

I''m sorry you are feeling so stressed about all of this! It sounds to me like it is more a sales person problem at this point. I am pretty confident if you can talk to the designer, it can be worked out to your satisfaction!

If you are happy with the new crinoline, then that is terrific, if not, I would suggest trying to call the designer directly. I"ve learnt in the past that lots of businesses put email addresses (and say contact us by email...and then never answer).

Good luck!
Glad that there''s some resolution but I was kind of thinking the same as surfgirl-could they not give you the sample if it fits your daughter perfectly? After they clean it of course at their expense.
Michelle Roth is not an innocent party in this. She was having a trunk show and she was fitting my daughter and everything. I have a picture of the two of them together that she posed for. But the whole time, Michelle Roth, KNEW that the dress my daughter was trying on was not the product my daughter would get. She should have told us that we would need to put extra crinoline underneath the purchased dress to get it to look like the sample dress. She didn't. She is as guilty of misrepresentation as the salon.

One of my daughters friends ordered the same dress for her wedding next year. The sad part is that we have to break the bad news to her.

The sample dress was not a viable option. That dress is a mess from so many people trying it on. Even has even turned a greyish cast and the beading is a nightmare. Everyone come down from L.A. just to try on this dress.

I woke up feeling somewhat better, but having to deal with this sales woman who is so dismissive with me and having to figure everything out on my own and bring my own interpreter...there is no way I am am not going to demand the fitting costs be returned. I feel so sorry for the seamstress, who I think is working very hard but is under the thumb of and and intimidated by "Ritch".

Today, I am intent on finding and getting a reply from Michelle Roth. If I have to post a full page ad in the N.Y paper, don't think I won't.
Nah, , it would be cheaper to call the salon in NY next week when she is there for her trunk show.

ETA: Even now, the crinoline that the salon has it not the same one in the sample dress, but it it helping. I may need to have them add another layer. Remind me to tell you the "bustle story" tonight. I think I will write the whole thing out and have it ready for some sort of expose on the wedding industry, tie it into economics and my beautiful bride and our city's beautiful landmark. Gawd, this woman. She refuses to repeat and acknowledge my instructions and vision. She absoulutely refuses. Last night because she refused to listen to my instructions on the bustle, I asked her to repeat back to me what I just said. She refused. She said why they couldn't do something "else" which I told her that I not what I just said. Finally, she just looked at me and the dress, and I said, I can draw it for you on this pad so we can be sure you understand the shape, and she said she didn't need for me to draw it. And I said "Well, we need to do something, but I still not getting a 10-4 vibe from you" I thought I held up for a long time before getting a bit pissy. It was mainly like, I'm not feeling the love, the connection, or your brain cells flying right now.
Date: 6/26/2008 3:14:29 AM
Author: SarahLovesJS
The only good news is probably that at least it sounds like they are going to fix it..and yes Gypsy''s idea about the news is AWESOME! These people are just ridiculous. So sorry things went crazy Miracles.
Ditto!!!! Again, you rock Miracles
NOt to mention I woke up with my vertigo that I get maybe every other year, if I get my head in a wierd position and it sets it off.

I think it was from being on my knee with my head tilted ackwardly up to try to get under my daughters dress and figure out what was going on underneath there. I should have hired a little person. I kept calling my daughter "7 layer dip" there was so much going on. Tilting my head to the left and looking up for a long period of time is vertigo just begging to happen.

So now, I feel queasy, but have to get to work although walking slowing so I don't hit into walls. Ugh.
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