
Looking at buying a diamond (pics)

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Am I right in saying that as I am going for a "J" colour, that opting for "med blue fluorescence" will whiten it up a bit? I can get the same grade diamonds without the fluorescence for the same money.
Date: 2/20/2009 3:23:19 PM
Author: Postie
Am I right in saying that as I am going for a ''J'' colour, that opting for ''med blue fluorescence'' will whiten it up a bit? I can get the same grade diamonds without the fluorescence for the same money.

It might, but it might not. Won''t hurt anything though, so might as well get the fluor and try to help the color if you want!
Date: 2/20/2009 3:23:19 PM
Author: Postie
Am I right in saying that as I am going for a 'J' colour, that opting for 'med blue fluorescence' will whiten it up a bit? I can get the same grade diamonds without the fluorescence for the same money.
A J colour with medium to strong blue fluorescence " may" face up a little whiter, however this is on a case by case basis. Generally speaking some experts believe medium blue fluorescence and above can have a beneficial effect on near colourless diamonds by aiding them in having a whiter appearance face up. Personally I feel that blue fluorescence can add interest to a diamond so I am a fan of it.
Date: 2/20/2009 3:15:48 PM
Author: Postie
I''ve asked, but I don''t think they have. They seem to have tens of thousands of diamonds listed.

Are those stones from BlueNile?
No, but why do you ask?

I''ve seen some on there also.
Postie am I right in thinking you live in the UK? Have you considered using a UK company? Dr Indira Marchant is in London and she deals with Infinity diamonds. (as well as other shapes). Well worth contacting her. She is a lovely lady. Her prices are no more expensive than the US.
Yes, I live in the UK and the diamonds that I am considering are also UK supplied.

I will take a look at that link.

She doesn''t list loads of diamonds on her site. She prefers to either speak to you on the phone or email or in person to find out what you want. Then she calls in the stones and you can choose. I highly recommend her.
I''ve left my details and requirements with them

Am looking forward to receiving the diamond mentioned in the first post within the next 10 hours
Its very exciting isn''t it! Where is the diamond coming from?
The one I have coming is a from a private seller in the UK.

Very much looking forward to getting my mits on it
I am looking forward to seeing pics of it.
Some quick snaps. Just a normal camera + 10x Loupe.

Excuse the quality:

Very bad lighting used. Will use something better next time than a nasty yellow halogen:

Didn''t have any tweezers:

What do you think of it?
A quick one without loupe, as the sun was going down:


Not sure tbh:

What is the clarity grade of this diamond?
Thats it with the pics for now, apologies for the poor quality.

My thoughts on this diamond:

1. It's certainly not eye clean from the side view.
2. It is completely eye clean from table view.
3. Cut, in my eyes looks to be decent and so too is the polish.

I am ignoring any seller claims as to the 4Cs as it doesn't have a cert - therefore just opinion (which I am disregarding).

I will have to compare it's sparkle and fire next to another diamond (pref a Ex cut GIA). It's just over 1ct in weight and is priced very keenly (half the price of the cheapest GIA 0.80ct, VS2, J, EX/EX/EX).

Thoughts welcomed.
The reason the inclusion visible from the side doesn''t bother me is because when it''s set in the setting I have my eye on (open sided) the claws make it look like that anyway (and that was on a VVS2).
I think maybe you could do better than this one for your lovely lady
Uploading a video...

Hopefully captures it better than my rubbish pics
How do you feel about this diamond? Thats the most important thing. Do you feel that you got the best diamond you can for your money?
I spent many hours looking at it yesterday, being taken in by it sparkle/fire

In the flesh it is a very nice diamond, seems well cut and with a good finish.

The small inclusion is reflected within the diamond because of its positioning and is more pronouced than I would like.

But, the inclusion I guess could be said to give the diamond character - it is afterall a piece of nature.

The stone is beautiful and lovely to see and sparkle, even when I forget it sat there at the other side of the room it just seems to catch my eye with lovely sparkle. The pics/video dont do it justice.

I''m unsure of whether I could live with something that I know has a visible inclusion, but in terms of value, it seems great (half the price of the alternative 0.8ct/VS2/J/EX/EX/EX).

I am kind of hoping that a 0.80ct VS2 J EX/EX/EX Gia Diamond will blow me away with alot more sparkle and fire, because that would make the decision much easier. If they look they same in terms of cut/sparkle/fire it will be a tough one to call...

I assume by the silence on here it''s not a great diamond by PS standards as it doesn''t come up clean on the 10x + magnified pics...I do quite like it though...

Will know more tomorrow when I see a GIA diamond in the same lighting as this one...
What is the clarity grade of this diamond?
I am regarding everything as "unknown" as it is not certified, so anything stated would be just opinion.

It''s a shame that the settings I like leave the sides of the diamond exposed. Most settings would cover up the inclusion.

The inclusion is small, but reflects to make it look bigger than it is. Completely eyeclean from top.

I guess as you can see the inclusion from the side that would immediatley put it into "L" clarity gradings? Will know more tomorrow.
Date: 2/20/2009 2:01:10 PM
Author: Lorelei
Date: 2/20/2009 1:10:55 PM

Author: Postie

I have the diamond pictured in post 1 coming to me tomorrow.

GIA Certs for the other two will be here on Monday.

The IdealScope dealer in the UK no longer supplies them

I will keep an eye out!

What a pity about not being able to get IS in the UK easily.

I do not know if he will sell them, but I believe Paul Slegers in Antwerp has some IdealScopes. He posts here as Paul Antwerp. You might also contact Dr. Indira Marchant in London, she may have some there at her office.

I rely heavily on grades assigned by reputable labs to ensure that what I am buying is worth the price. People who know a lot about diamonds can afford to rely less on these, and probably find some great deals as a result. It all depends on your comfort level and background knowledge, but personally I would never consider a stone that isn''t accompanied by a grading report from a reputable lab, or at least an evaluation from an independent appraiser. That''s just my comfort level, and yours may be quite different.

Do you plan to have it appraised prior to purchasing?
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