
Let it all hangout -- The Grumpies, whinies, complainies Get It Off Your Chest Thread....


Sep 10, 2003
Our holiday tradition:

In the morning, DH follows me around like a puppy. "Why are you still here" I ask. He says "I just want to be near you because I love you."
I say "Time to start chores." He says: "I've got to get to the hospital" and zips away fast as a greyhound chasing a rabbit and quickly forgetting he wants to be near me because he loves me.

This afternoon he'll offer to help me in the kitchen. It is important to my sanity to give him only simple tasks.
This means I would have to draw diagrams and make a video on how to pare potatoes and cut them into quarters.
But first, I'd have to give him a map of where the kitchen utensils are located along with photos of those utensils for ease of identification.
Then I'd have to verbally explain the diagrams and video about how to pare and quarter potatoes.
And he would expect me to stand by his side giving him "atta good boy" every time he managed to pare and quarter a potato being totally clueless to the fact that I'm busy preparing the rest of the dishes.
This one task would have to be started 6 hours ahead of serving time and in conjunction with me swallowing Advil by the handful to stave off a headache from the joy of all the help. :lol:
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Jan 4, 2010
On another forum I am on, there is a venting thread where the rule, specific for that thread, is that no one may reply to anyone else's posts. (Politics not allowed.)

The thread has been very successful; in fact, the first thread was closed after reaching 10K posts and now they're on their second thread.


Sep 1, 2009
I'm sick of a generalized whine from so many over how the year just sucks and nothing good can happen because of 2020. Yes, it is different. Yes, some things are bad. Yes, some people are having a very difficult year. I don't mean them. I mean the people who have not had their jobs impacted, who have still seen their family, who have vacation homes they have been spending time at, with more than enough $$ to cover any added expenses from delivery, and openly say that they are doing just fine. Then turn around and say that 2020 sucks because it is 2020 and because other people are struggling they feel they have to remember 2020 sucks.

Why!?! Why should people not enjoy those things they are able to even if it is 2020? Why can't people enjoy the sunsets or be grateful for what they have rather than constantly talking about how it is 2020 so it HAS to be bad?

(FB... So many people in the area I am moving out of are just constantly doing this. People who have had far more good in the year than bad but are constantly saying how bad it all is and being all cranky acting and looking because it isn't right to be happy if someone somewhere is struggling. Have empathy and help if you can, but that doesn't mean ignoring what could be happy memories!)


Sep 16, 2009
@TooPatient I’ve noticed the same thing and it drives me a bit batty.

I dropped a friend because she was going so far out of her way to act like her life was awful. I took it to be attention seeking behaviour, but it could be mental illness. She works in pharmaceuticals and her husband is a software engineer working for a company that makes software for schools. So business is booming for them and they didn’t take any kind of financial hit.

We’re in a few group chats and people in those groups had a harder time. One man was supposed to start a new job on the Monday that we went into lockdown. That didn’t happen and his employment paperwork excludes him from government assistance. He couldn’t afford to eat every day.

This girl was dead set on one upping him. He says he doesn’t get government assistance and she chimes in that she didn’t qualify either (meanwhile she’s employed so of course she doesn’t get an unemployment benefit). She complained that she couldn’t afford to go to the dentist, couldn’t fix her car, has to live in a small mouse infested house etc. She has 2 new cars, dental insurance, a 4 bed 3 bath house in the suburbs with a fire pit in the massive yard. There was a mouse in the garage, but oh well.

The guy living on water and whatever he could get from the food bank wasn’t impressed when she posted vacation photos.

Anyway I feel it’s less a show of empathy and more attention seeking.

Wait this isn’t about me? How can I make it about me?


Apr 19, 2004
This X 10000000

Dito for not seeing my whole family. My widowed mom is ALONE 24 /7 and following all the rules. Crossing fingers for that vaccine!!

Mine too!


Jan 14, 2003
I love my job but I hate working nights! I’m so miserable, tired, sleepy and hangry. But I’m too tired to get up and eat so I just lay here trying to fall asleep but now I have to pee. Of course now I’m also on PS posting this! Bahhh Humbug!!! I guess I should go pee pee.


Apr 19, 2004
I love my job but I hate working nights! I’m so miserable, tired, sleepy and hangry. But I’m too tired to get up and eat so I just lay here trying to fall asleep but now I have to pee. Of course now I’m also on PS posting this! Bahhh Humbug!!! I guess I should go pee pee.

Can you switch shifts? Working nights is a slog. Hope you finally fall asleep and have a nice rest.


Jan 14, 2003
Can you switch shifts? Working nights is a slog. Hope you finally fall asleep and have a nice rest.

Thank you! I can’t. I’m supposed to work nights on my holidays and on my weekend shifts. I’m on my way to work again now.


Sep 10, 2003
I've always cherished Christmas Eve over Christmas Day. I don't know why, maybe it has something to do with suppressed childhood memories. Anyway...after cooking most of the day and choosing to forgo dessert for a Manhattan, I dragged myself into the kitchen at 8 pm to make my cocktail and the *#$%!!&^%%$*** fridge ice maker is not working. Drink a warm Manhattan...sacrilege. Aha, I thought, I bought ice cube trays last year for such a calamity, found them in the pantry but the ice cubes didn't freeze by bedtime and I was too tired to wait. Sooooo, I did a pouty face feel sorry for myself because I gave up dessert for a cocktail for nuthin pity party and went to bed. Making up for it today :D


Aug 12, 2005
@Matata I don't know what delivery services are like where you live but here we have an app called GoPuff. They never close and they'll deliver things like ice, OTC meds, snacks, any convenience item you can think of, and oh yes, "smoke" items. Also (as an aside) sexy time toys, condoms, plan B, pregnancy tests, etc etc etc. Anyway my point was that should you ever find yourself in such a pinch again perhaps you may find an app in your area to bring you peace and salvation. ;-) I live in a college town and obviously GP has been a huge hit since its inception here. It's the modern version of borrowing a cup of sugar from a neighbor minus the weird apartment building and Mr. Roper.

House Cat

Feb 22, 2009
I really don’t know if it’s me or everyone else. They say if you think it’s everyone else, it’s usually you, but I’m awesome...sooooo.....


Sep 1, 2009
I need another day to pack, but the guys will be here today to do the move. DH is in bed sleeping while I panic and pack. I know it isn't his fault because lingering COVID issues, but I am still irritated because I have done 90% or better of this move myself. Yes, I have family in the area. Except about 4 hours one day, they have said they want to help just let them know when only to be busy, stressed, or otherwise just not feeling like it every time I have asked in the last three months.


Jul 27, 2007
I need another day to pack, but the guys will be here today to do the move. DH is in bed sleeping while I panic and pack. I know it isn't his fault because lingering COVID issues, but I am still irritated because I have done 90% or better of this move myself. Yes, I have family in the area. Except about 4 hours one day, they have said they want to help just let them know when only to be busy, stressed, or otherwise just not feeling like it every time I have asked in the last three months.

It's so hard when you feel like everything falls on your shoulders.. even if there are valid issues & reasons (your DH) mine suffers from chronic pain and honestly, it's a constant struggle to understand it's not his fault and it's worse for him than me but sheesh.. so I kind of think I get how you are feeling.


May 24, 2014
1) I am tired of adult acne, exacerbated by stopping birth control. It’s worse than when I was a teenager. I almost threw in the towel for accutane, but the doctor suggested another one I haven’t tried before. Let’s see if it works.

2) I have anxiety that my 71 year old dad will develop dementia, as that’s something my brother said we should watch out for. Well, his passion for Christianity hasn’t withered, though. :roll:


Jun 26, 2007
Well, his passion for Christianity hasn’t withered, though. :roll:

My mother is like this. She is 84, and she watches religious TV all day.
She's been doing this for 30 years.
I call her once a week, because she lives in another state.
Every time I talk to her, she gets all preachy with me. I don't need her to tell me to pray, or what Jesus said or didn't say.

I'm just sick of it. But if I tell her to stop she'll get mad, so I just grin and bear it, and try to change the subject.
I feel sorry for my Dad, who has to listen to this all day.


Jun 27, 2014
Turns out we'll need to widen the kitchen doorway if we want to fit a larger sized fridge.
Appreciate the old girl's fiddly bits- they're almost 196 years old
*also he promised me he'd keep the plastic up to stop the dust from going into the front room and kitchen. :roll:



Nov 2, 2012
Toothache, ugh. Trying to get rid of it with the Water Pic, floss, peroxide, salt water, antibacterial mouthwash and gum massage and ibuprofen, which usually work pretty well after a day or two. I hope so because I really don't like going anywhere during this pandemic.

Spring Day

Jun 21, 2020
Package was actually out for delivery a day early (today instead of Monday). Patiently waited for USPS, heard the truck so I ran outside as they pulled away and I opened the mailbox to no package. It says it’s still out for delivery.
I knew something was fishy when it said they were early.


Jun 8, 2008
Toothache, ugh. Trying to get rid of it with the Water Pic, floss, peroxide, salt water, antibacterial mouthwash and gum massage and ibuprofen, which usually work pretty well after a day or two. I hope so because I really don't like going anywhere during this pandemic.

Ugh, I'm sorry @seaurchin. :(
If it doesn't get better please make an appointment to see your dentist. You don't want to wait if it gets infected as that can become very serious quickly.

In the meantime some additional home remedies.


Jan 30, 2013
Can my menopause or peri menopause or whatever the hell it is just be done already? I'm sick of the angry flailing that my uterus is doing in its final throes. I can deal with hot flashes and night sweats but the cramping and pain is entirely unnecessary.

Also DS has been ill so I've had to care for him while dealing with this pelvic conflagration. To top it off, his main gift hasn't arrived despite having been ordered weeks ago.

Good thing XH has been calling daily to tell me exactly what to do. He's quite the champion at long-distance mansplaining. I might get him a ribbon and a small trophy.


Sep 10, 2003
My poor baby with feline urinary tract disease woke me up this morning as he was screaming while peeing blood. Fortunately I prepared for this prior to the holidays and have pain meds and antibiotics on hand from the vet because it's just karma that one of my animals will get sick during the holidays when the vet is out of down and the emergency clinic is so slammed they're turning people away.

So I'm feeding him, giving him meds, scooping the litter box, vacuuming the litter that he kicks out of the box. FTH (*ucktard husband) is preparing to go skiing, comes in from the garage and asks me if water should be running out from under our new fridge. It's a small, old, upright freezer that's been in the garage for 5 yrs. I go running out there and find $400 worth of frozen chickens (cat food) partially thawed.

I told him the freezer is dead and he asks me if it could be the circuit breaker. DFH (dumb*uck husband) is too dim to realize that we have a chest freezer plugged into same outlet and it's functioning.

Instead of asking me if he can help me unload one freezer into the other and clean up the mess, he just goes on his merry way.

He has done this our entire marriage whenever something goes wrong around the house he tells me about it and leaves me to get it fixed. Soooooo damn tired of it. We're going to have a chat when he comes home.


Jun 8, 2008
I am just steaming mad.

My pharmacist keeps screwing up and then telling me it's the insurance company. I take this one med for life and without it I would die. Literally.

I used to get a 3 month supply every 3 months. Well, last month the pharmacy delivers a 22 day supply vs the regular 90 day supply. No call to explain to me about this change. Nothing on their end. They Just deliver the 22 day supply. I call them and after much time wasted I call the insurance company who authorizes the full 30 day supply. I didn't bother asking why only 30 because at that point I am just relieved tp get the month supply.

So today I order a refill. And I called to make sure it would be the right number of pills. Unlike last time. What gets delivered? A 7 day supply. Seven day supply. Cannot make this stuff up. So after back and forth with the pharmacist who then admits oops yes he made a mistake but he can still only give me a 22 (and a half) day supply. WTF. And he also tells me that I must call the insurance company every single month to get an override to get a 30 day vs 22 day supply. Really?

I call my insurance company and get a really lovely woman on the line who helps sort it all out and she said I should be able to get a 90 day supply. She doesn't understand what is going on. Welcome to the club. She graciously calls Rich for me (the pharmacist) who refused to get on the phone with her and instead had her talk to his tech. Oy to the Vey. And tomorrow fingers crossed the 90 day supply (minus the 7 day supply I got today) will be go through and if it does I will get it delivered. If it doesn't the customer service rep told me to call her and she gave me her customer id so I could reach her.

Fingers and toes and everything crossed I can get this med and the right supply. I mean calling every 7 days for this med is not acceptable. I will die without it and should be able to get a 90 day supply every 3 months. Cmon!

End of rant.


Jun 8, 2008
@Matata I hope your sweet baby feels all better very soon.


Jan 9, 2015
I know I sound like a broken record, but wth is wrong with just keeping one's behind at home.

I've received multiple WhatsApp new year's wishes from all around the world.

We currently have a curfew and soaring numbers. Because of that pandemic. Remember?

At least ten families I know travelled intercontinentally . I'm kind of gobsmacked that's even possible. And next Monday they'll all be back to work and the supermarket with you and me.

House Cat

Feb 22, 2009
My friend mixed 5 households for christmas and then posted photos of the festivities on the internet. At a time when the rest of us are missing our families so dearly, this behavior is a slap in the face.


Jun 8, 2008
Vent. Compared to all else we’re going through this is nonsense but still I’m annoyed.

My delivery was *supposedly* scheduled by 1030 am today but I just spoke with UPS. And according to customer service nope. I guess I’ll see when it arrives if it’s written on the label and then I’ll know for sure.

Unfortunately I probably can’t wait so I’ll miss it. Insert shrug emoji. :/


Jan 9, 2015
Vent. Compared to all else we’re going through this is nonsense but still I’m annoyed.

My delivery was *supposedly* scheduled by 1030 am today but I just spoke with UPS. And according to customer service nope. I guess I’ll see when it arrives if it’s written on the label and then I’ll know for sure.

Unfortunately I probably can’t wait so I’ll miss it. Insert shrug emoji. :/

Are we talking about the package?
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