
Leakage vs Azimuth misalignment in Ideal Scope image


Apr 17, 2018
Hello all,

As I’m trying to educate myself on the minor facets and finer implications of cut, I’m curious to know the difference in ideal scope images of diamonds that indicate true light leakage vs. possible azimuth misalignment (as I may have been misinterpreting a few). There are older discussions on this forum that explore this very topic of azimuth and yaw, but I’m interested from a layperson’s perspective in terms of analyzing ideal scope, or even ASET images (as I do not have access to fancy and expensive tech). Is there a way to interpret the possible azimuth angles for pavilion and crown facets from the degree of light red vs dark red areas as one can sort of gauge the degree of painting and/or digging from an ASET? Also, from what I’ve read, the Helium report can provide azimuth angle readings, but can the latest Sarine/Diamension Axiom? Hoping a few experts can chime in and hopefully I’m not taking everyone down a rabbit hole. Thanks!
IS will show some signs of extremes for example closing of the leakage dots at the end of the stars is an indication of a large amount of painting or digging but could also be tilt.
So you have to look at the arrow shafts they will be longer on the side of tilt.
Then you look between the arrows are they all the same? The wide ranging pavilion stones with twisted lowers will show a large difference in 1 or more of the areas between the arrows.
It has to be fairly extreme to show up on IS.
This was perfect! I have a new appreciation for the H&A viewer. However, is it possible to see yaw/azimuth misalignment in an ideal scope image if a H&A image is not available? Would it show up as lighter red areas? Thank you again.
ASET doesn't have the resolution for stuff like that, it covers hundreds if not thousands of virtual facets with one blob of color.
ASET doesn't have the resolution for stuff like that, it covers hundreds if not thousands of virtual facets with one blob of color.

Got it. I’ll be looking at H&A photos more critically now that I’m armed with this information.

Wow! I’m not sure what made me read this thread, but I’m glad I did. I read that too and then followed the links to the *gasp* glossary that I had no idea existed (lol), and read about symmetry and H&A. I think I learned a few things.

I do have a question that goes back to the OP’s original question: That link to the facet yaw thread is from 2004. Wouldn’t scanning tech and calc software have advanced phenomenally since then? Are they not able to provide azimuth angle readings? .... and I’m just a layperson, a relatively new consumer, so please forgive me - I may have missed the point entirely .... I think I fell down a rabbit hole ... have a headache now lol
I do have a question that goes back to the OP’s original question: That link to the facet yaw thread is from 2004. Wouldn’t scanning tech and calc software have advanced phenomenally since then? Are they not able to provide azimuth angle readings?
I dont recall when Helium came out but it was a large step forward in resolution of small changes but the largest producer sarin has basically doubled the base resolution in that time.
However a lot of potential resolution has been traded for speed.
There is a large trade off between scanning speed and resolution with any optical scanner.
The overall result is they can catch some but not all.
But the best way to see it is still to create a virtual image and look at it.
From 2005 both scanners were calibrated and ran by an experienced operator.
An educated guess would put the latest sarin close to helium from back then.
Wow! I’m not sure what made me read this thread, but I’m glad I did. I read that too and then followed the links to the *gasp* glossary that I had no idea existed (lol), and read about symmetry and H&A. I think I learned a few things.

I do have a question that goes back to the OP’s original question: That link to the facet yaw thread is from 2004. Wouldn’t scanning tech and calc software have advanced phenomenally since then? Are they not able to provide azimuth angle readings? .... and I’m just a layperson, a relatively new consumer, so please forgive me - I may have missed the point entirely .... I think I fell down a rabbit hole ... have a headache now lol

It were many improvements in 3D model accuracy since 2004.
Current Helium models are much more accurate than its were in 2004.
Main improvement in shadow scan for RBC and fancy cuts had been done between 2007 and 2015.
Since 2018 we have been started sales of scanners with combination shadow and reflect scans .
You could find the video about Reflect scan technology here
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It were many improvements in 3D model accuracy since 2004.
Current Helium models are much more accurate than its were in 2004.
Main improvement in shadow scan for RBC and fancy cuts had been done between 2007 and 2015.
Since 2018 we have been started sales of scanners with combination shadow and reflect scans .
You could find the video about Reflect scan technology here

@Serg, does your website provide a listing of diamond vendors/retailers, jewelers, and/or appraisers that have access to your technology. I would love to see it in action locally as it’s very fascinating and I like geeking out on tech. Thanks!
@Serg, does your website provide a listing of diamond vendors/retailers, jewelers, and/or appraisers that have access to your technology. I would love to see it in action locally as it’s very fascinating and I like geeking out on tech. Thanks!

You could find the list of Helium clients in the end of page
Few of them sold Helium scanners had been bought more than 10 years ago.
@Athena10X Why does it not surprise me at all to see you going down this rabbit hole? :lol:
How are you enjoying your FIC? Are you noticing much difference from your CBI?
@Serg I wanted to ask you - I know you have a soft spot for the stone with higher pavilion angles (as I do) and wonder why after all these years you still prefer them over the stones with 40.6 with high crown (as often preferred on PS) even with all your exposures?
@Athena10X Why does it not surprise me at all to see you going down this rabbit hole? :lol:
How are you enjoying your FIC? Are you noticing much difference from your CBI?

I have yet to see it in person. Still waiting for insurance to send funds to Jonathan. Then will work on CAD for custom setting. Will post photos/glamour shots once have in possession.
I have yet to see it in person. Still waiting for insurance to send funds to Jonathan. Then will work on CAD for custom setting. Will post photos/glamour shots once have in possession.
Great! Can't wait.
I guess I’m asking a question I posted in another thread, but for those who may be reading this one and not the other, if I have a GIA graded diamond and since the GIA may be using the Helium tech to grade symmetry, can my vendor ask GIA for a copy of the Helium report?
Skimming through, it appears that 80-90% of your clients are from India. Wonder what that implies...

Would it also be right to imply that a lot of superideal cut vendors source their diamonds from there, and India does have good cutters or cutting houses ..
I guess I’m asking a question I posted in another thread, but for those who may be reading this one and not the other, if I have a GIA graded diamond and since the GIA may be using the Helium tech to grade symmetry, can my vendor ask GIA for a copy of the Helium report?
No, as far as I know they will not release it. The data is for internal use only.
@Serg I wanted to ask you - I know you have a soft spot for the stone with higher pavilion angles (as I do) and wonder why after all these years you still prefer them over the stones with 40.6 with high crown (as often preferred on PS) even with all your exposures?

Are asking about Pavilion 41.2 Crown 33?
like ?
What exact proportions do you use ?
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Skimming through, it appears that 80-90% of your clients are from India. Wonder what that implies...

Would it also be right to imply that a lot of superideal cut vendors source their diamonds from there, and India does have good cutters or cutting houses ..

What, precisely, is the point you are trying to make? I’m coming up with a few possibilities and appreciate none of them; I would be happy to be incorrect.
I wasn’t making any point.
Just out to learn more. I’ve never known much about scanning technology and was wondering if there were any jewellers in my vicinity that is a client. As Serg, indicated a list, i was just surprised there were mostly in India

If there was going to be apology, it would only be to the thread starter if they felt I had hijacked the thread in any way.
Or Diamonds like Pav 41.2 Cr34.5 ?
see similar diamonds Pav 41.1 Cr34.8

and compare[]=25549&id[]=26035

First time I’ve come across the cutwise website. I like the optical symmetry filter; wish more vendors offered this option. Is this site specifically for vendors/retailers to source pre-graded diamonds from various cutting houses that use Octonus technology? Trying to figure out how a consumer could use this website as a resource. Thanks!