
Kryptonite - Columbian emerald from Lisa!


Jun 5, 2011
I "met" this stone the same day I met Mojito, 3 years ago. And, like Mojito, I thought it was beautiful, but that it would NEVER be mine. I recommended it to a few PSers along the way, who were looking for nice emeralds, because then, at least, I would get to see more pictures. For some crazy reason, this little guy waited for the stars to align, and now he's MINE! I'll consider it a delayed push present for my youngest, who was born in May, VERY shortly after I first saw it. :Up_to_something:

It's a 2.57 ct Columbian emerald, 8.92 x 6.03 mm. I really couldn't capture the glow, especially given that my only camera is my iPhone, but here's what I got...





What a nice emerald, it looks like a real nice blue-green color to what I see. You have quite the knack for acquiring some awesome stuff!
What do your other kid's push presents look like? :eek: ;)) :devil:
Xrisus, thank you! It is very blue-green, it can almost look blue in some lighting!

Freke, I never even heard of push presents before PS, lucky for hubby! :lol: Though middle kid is a diamond, and I got my OEC e-ring upgrade a couple of years ago (so, about 3 years ago after middle kid's birth), so I guess I'm "owed" something for Baby #1, born in October? How about a nice black opal? Or maybe a Paraiba tourm, especially since she'll be 9 this year, meaning I've had to wait so long??? :twisted: :Up_to_something: :naughty:
WOW! :love: :appl:
Yeah Paraiba sounds promising. Can't let the other two outshine the oldest!
Thanks, Elliot!

Freke, I do have a pretty killer rubellite...I suppose I should give poor DH a break, anyway! :cheeky:

Yep, gonna enjoy what I have, for a while!
LOL at the previous comments and WOW at that emerald. theres 2 I've been dreaming about for months now. 1 online and 1 I saw at a gem show and have lost the contact details for the vendor. heres hoping when i have our first child in a year or 2 one of them finds their way to me! thats one gorgeous stone :)
OMG & all that! I opened your thread, NKOTB, & groaned, "Oh, gawd." For me, the darn near perfect emerald. Size! Clarity! Color! Secondary color! Cut! The gem gods LOOOOVE you. I call 1st dibs if you ever ever decide to find it a new home -- even 50 yrs from now! Congratulations, girl.

--- Laurie
That is a stunning emerald, and I love how very bluish-green it is - I can only imagine how much it must glow! This stone + mojito + your other mints…beautiful collection just on the greens, let alone your other stones!
Nice colour and shape, thanks for sharing!

DK :love:
Yummmmm!!!! I love it!
:appl: :appl: :appl:
Wow, and I bet its even nicer in person. I adore bluish emeralds.
O. M. G.... (wipes keyboard) What a gorgeous stone! Everything about it is perfection. :love: :love: :love:
hippi pixi - can you secure the one online at some point? I will send you dust, as they say…May a contest prize, job bonus, pay raise, new job, new baby, or some other twist of fate lead to an emerald you love landing in your hands!! :)

Laurie - I have been extremely lucky lately, I'll admit it. Trying to enjoy the somewhat temporary nature of it (no endless flow of money here). I will definitely keep you in mind if I land in dire straits and HAVE to sell this puppy for some reason, though you'll have to settle for second dibs, as there is one other who beat you to the punch. ;)

Thank you so much, endless summer!

Thanks dk, YT, minoubijoux, and swissmiss! :D
NKOTB said:
I will definitely keep you in mind if I land in dire straits and HAVE to sell this puppy for some reason, though you'll have to settle for second dibs, as there is one other who beat you to the punch

Hey, look, when it comes to that emerald, I'm all elbows! Front of the line, please; 2nd dibs isn't good enough! :twisted:
This is one of my favorite PS rings. Congrats!
WOW. I won't bother saying anything else. Just WOW.
Super jealous right now, as I sooooo want an emerald cut emerald. Congrats on you two finding each other! :dance:
Wow! Wow! Wow! Your new stone is a stunner! I can't imagine the gorgeous color and glow you must see in person! :dance: What an amazing find! Congrats! :clap:
I missed this when you originaly posted but I hope it is never too late to say congrats on a beautiful emerald!
Gosh, that is absolutely stunning (close to dying from jealousy here :mrgreen:).
I'm glad things worked out so you could get this fantastic gem.

Edited to say I can't believe I didn't see this way back when you got it...seriously, how did something that gorgeous pass me right on by, without my having noticed. :o
Wow! That thing must be crazy bright in person if you can capture that kind of glow with your iphone! Congratulations! :love: :love:
I like this idea of push presents, I didn't get one for my first, but I will be keeping my eyes open for when my 2nd one comes along! :devil:

Do you have plans for a setting?

Who/what is Mojito (aside from a delicious beverage)? Is there a thread???
This popped up again! Thanks pregcurious, and theredspinel!

derbygal - do you want a deeper coloured one? Specific budget/specifications? Have you posted for help?

Thanks, rockinruby, PattyCo, and elle (I miss soooo much, as I jump on and off PS according to available time).

picante - already set: [URL=''][/URL]
Mojito is a gorgeous mint garnet, also cut by Lisa, that I sadly gave up (to another PSer, though, which eased the blow, lol): [URL=''][/URL]

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