
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers

Hi LV- feeling better thank you for asking! However, kind of nervous right now- I have been temping since getting my BFP out of habit, and today temperature dropped a lot
Took a test today and line is still very dark (much darker than test line) so hoping everything is okay. Think I will stop temping since its making me nervous.

Wish you lots of luck at your apt today!! Dont worry about not feeling symptoms its still very early and sometimes can take time for symptoms to show. Your so lucky to be able to have betas done during the early stages of pregnancy- my doctor wont even see me for another 2 weeks!
Lucy - I hope that temp drop means nothing at all. I tried googling it, and there is not a lot of information out there about post-BFP temps. I wouldn't read anything into it at this point, but it is so hard, when all we have are signs! I can't believe you have to wait 2 weeks for an appointment. It's too bad they won't just order some blood work for you, but every office has their own procedures. I don't even have an ob/gyn at this point.

I am grateful for all of the testing that I receive at my RE's office. I just heard back from them. Beta is up to 102! She said it is right where it should be, so I will have another blood test next Monday, and then an ultrasound the following week. Eeee.
wonderful!!! so happy for you!!!
Thanks, Lucy! I just called and made an appointment with an ob/gyn. They want me to come in at 10 weeks!!! I will meet at 8 weeks with "Kim" who will discuss insurance and will advise me to take prenatal vitamins!

I may call another large practice ob/gyn to see if I feel a bit more comfortable with their office and procedures.
aqua--what a neat way to tell your family, so special! I''m so glad your parents are so happy for you, I''m sure your MIL will come around!

I had what I''d call a consultation today, did a urine test to confirm I''m pregnant. I also had blood drawn, the Dr. said she should be able to call me tomorrow and give me an estimated due date....not sure how relaible that will be though??? She did tell me that since we are unsure of the due date that I will have an ultrasound in the next few weeks since it is "medically necessary" to have a due date so insurance should cover that one as well as one at 20 weeks, so that made me happy.

I also found out she delivers 90%+ of her patients babies...which I was pleased with, I have no idea what is normal, but I know sometimes you can just be stuck with the on-call Dr.

Hope everyone is having a great day!
Lucy, I''m 9 weeks today and my temp dropped in my 5th week. I know I should have stopped temping when I got my BFP but I couldn''t help myself. A week and a half later, we had an ultrasound and saw the heartbeat.

I would say just ditch the thermometer.

Hopefully, all is still well and we''ll hear the little bean''s heartbeat next Monday!
AND, NOW, I have symptoms. So weird. I came home from work at around 7:30 and went immediately to feed the cats. I hadn''t eaten since around 12:30. When I bent over to put the food down, TMI ALERT, I felt vomit rush up my throat (can''t believe I just wrote that!!) Yikes. No nausea, no warning, nothing! Then I had dinner, weird, I know - no nausea. And, now I have the chills!

I need to be better prepared with snack foods at work so that I can have something at around 3 and hopefully avoid this again.

Anyone else having symptoms?
LV - love the pretty new avatar. if all had gone well with me, I would have also only gone in for the 1st time at 10.5 weeks, with the u/s at 9.5 weeks. next time I''m demanding an earlier ultrasound so at least I can prepare if it''s bad news. but I think they only do that if you have a history of m/c.

the waiting sucks, I know, so hopefully you have better luck with another ob/gyn.
Welcome Lucy and Loves Vintage and a big CONGRATULATIONS to you both!!!

Thanks Noel, Something Shiny and Luther and everyone for your support with the dreaded ILs! Unfortunately the story only got worse that day and ended up with MIL coming to visit us (even though we requested she didnt and she lives on a farm 1 hr away). She brought FIL with her and managed to turn it all into, not being about a grandchild and financial concerns (which were totally unjustified anyway), instead it somehow became all about her ending up alone, when she separates from FIL. She has been talking about this for ages (e.g. announced it a couple of days before our wedding last April....anybody seeing a pattern here?) but nothing comes of it. AND he was sitting right there next to her! Crikey!! I know its important not to be too judgemental and try to be understanding of her but she certainly drives me crazy!!! Anyway, that day was horrible, but she has since managed to respect giving us some time so that is something to be grateful for!

Anyway enough about that!!!

Thanks for all the responses on abdominal vs vaginal US. Tomorrow is the big day!!! I am quite nervous, and with the tragedies so many women suffer it definitely makes me wonder if Ill be one of the lucky ones! Although, it is definitely so inspiring to gain strength from all the stories from every woman who has gone on to share their story. My mum says she dreams about us having a healthy baby so Im drawing a lot of positivity from her!

As for symptoms, the tiredness doesnt seem to be so taxing at the moment, and I seem to be waking earlier (have been for a few weeks now!). Anybody else become more alert in the mornings? MS is more ES (evening sickness) but even that isnt anything to complain about at the moment. Not that it was much to complain about before anyway! I guess I am lucky, but again I cant help but question ''what does it mean'' if you dont have very strong symptoms. My bbs are sore when I lie on my tummy, so I rest them on a pillow! Hugs also get painful! One other possible symptom is total lack of interesting in any loving... poor DH!!!! Can someone else chime in on this one? I think its a combination of lack of motivation for much, wanting to avoid any bleeding (even though I know if it happened afterwards it would be because of BD, but I know it would still play on my mind), and general feelings of ''bleh'' at times. Maybe I am also just being a moody wife, but for today at least pregnancy is my exucse and im sticking to it!! haha.

hope everyone is well!! and congrats something shiny on your graduation from first tri! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!
puppmom- Oh my gosh!! Cant believe your 9 weeks already! Congrats!!! Almost through the first trimester- that must be such a relief!! thanks so much for your imput- after 7 months of temping it has just become a habit. My temp skyrocketed back up this morning so I think yesterday was just a fluke or something. I am now officially going to put away the thermometer!

Aquagirl- Good luck on your US! How exciting!

LV- Waiting until 8 wks to discuss prenatals vitamins and 10 wks until 1st visit seems a bit strange...if you do not feel comfortable or get bad vibes, I would definetly call around to find another OBGYN as they will be overseeing your care for the next 8 months or so. Regarding symptoms, I read that its because all the hormones are surging and fluxuating in the body causing nausea....yea definetly no warning though!


My temp skyrocketed back to normal today and had no signs of spotting or cramping so I think everything is okay. Also took another FRER preg. test today and the line was so dark it was almost black!! (I have been taking 1 every day since getting BFP to make sure the line was getting progressively darker). Gonna stop both temping and taking HPT since everything looks okay and no need to do it anymore. Besides my bout of random nausea I feel a constant pressure on my lower abdominal area and BB''s tingle sometimes...think it means both are growing
Lucy, I''m glad you can end temping and POAS on a high note!
Yep, 9 weeks yesterday! It doesn''t feel real for so many reasons. First - I haven''t told anyone except DH''s parents and that''s only because they were going away for 6 weeks. Second - I''m SUPER anxious about this pregnancy. To put in bluntly - I''m afraid I''ll miscarry. I''m generally pretty high strung and anxious person so I guess that, in combination with the hormones and worry that come with pregnancy, has really gotten to me. Some days are better than others though and I think I''m generally getting better at dealing with the anxiety. I have an appt next Monday - hopefully we''ll hear the heartbeat and I''ll feel even better. I''ll be 10 weeks then so I''m not sure if hearing the heartbeat is a definite. Lastly - My symptoms are mild and they come and go. Sometimes my bbs are more sore than others. My queasiness comes and goes - some days I feel so good that I forget I''m pregnant!

Aqua - how exciting! Good luck tomorrow! We can''t wait to hear how things go!

LV - my BFF is pregnant and due two weeks after me. Her doctor wouldn''t see her until 10 weeks either. I agree that if you''re not comfortable with that and it''s a deal breaker, maybe look for another practice. Most of these early visits are just reassuring for us since, if anything were to happen, there''s nothing the doctor can do to prevent it anyway. But heck, I LIKE reassurance! Not even discussing prenatals till 8 weeks is just plain silly.

Luthergirl, Congrats! How exciting that you get to see your bean soon! Here''s to a happy and healthy 9 months for you and your baby!
i got in to be seen at 6 weeks and then 8.5 weeks. i would have mentally been such a mess waiting til 10. i''d see if someone else can see you earlier but that''s me.
puppmom- I too am a pretty anxious person- i think your feelings are normal and I''m sure a lot of pregnant woman struggle with that- I know since I''ve gotten my BFP, I have thought about that daily. However, from what I''ve read the majority of miscarrages occur before the eighth week, and considering you are 9 weeks think your chances of miscarrage are very small. Im sure everything will go great at your ultrasound and once you hear the heartbeat your anxiety will dissipate.
Wish you lots of luck at your US and so excited for you!!
puppmom, 9 weeks is awesome, congrats! It must feel better to get closer to the "safer" zone...although I''m sure the worry never quite fades, and yay for an ultrasound next week!

lv and lucy.lucy, how far along are you two? I hope the bebes are growing strong!

aqua_girl, how was the ultrasound???

The dr. called yesterday and estimated I was around "6.5 weeks or so"...we''re doing an internal ultrasound next thursday, 1/14 to confirm a due date. It will be so nice to hopefully see the baby and hear a heartbeat. This whole process is so nerve wracking, I''m just afraid something will happen since miscarriages are so common

It also seems like my symptoms come and go, and have never been very bad to begin with....maybe I''m lucky but it also worries me a little bit...but I also know I''m not very far along.

wishing health and happiness to all!
Luthergirl - 8 days until your U/S!! I bet you can't wait!! It must feel great to have it scheduled!

I am about 4.5 weeks, so just behind you!! I'm trying to eat nutritiously and limit stress. There's not much else I can do at this point, right? I had noticed that my appetite has decreased significantly, not due to nausea at all, but just because I can't seem to finish my typical meals. I am trying to be good about bringing healthy snacks into work, though.

Other than that, haven't been experiencing any new symptoms either.
Ladies, I have five words for you...


Those early weeks are anxiety provoking for us all. But so in the entire pregnancy. Faith is a word I repeated to myself often. Blind faith.
why no posts the past 3 days?

total baby boom on the TTC thread!

anyone know what happened to oobiecoo? hope she is ok.
I thought this thread had died so I just posted on the PG thread. We just got out BFP this morning and now we''re relaxing at home after calling my mom and some gfs. I''m not good at keeping secrets so I had to tell my friends. My symptoms are random and I think half are psychosomatic. So far the biggest are exhaustion combined with insomnia, being hungry all the time and being bloated. No real boob involvement yet except for a minor bout with random soreness earlier this week.

So please send sticky vibes my way!!!
Yeah, HH!! Congratulations! Sticky vibes to you!
Hi Everyone,

I am joining this thread as another barely pregnant PS''er. When I say barely, I mean it! I am 4 weeks pregnant. As many of you know, I had a m/c in August at 11 weeks, so I am cautiously optimistic. I am so glad I have this thread because other than parents, my sister and 2 very close friends who can relate, we are not telling anyone and would like to avoid doing so until possibly like 14 weeks. It''s tough to keep it under wraps for so long, so I am glad I have my PS gals

I scheduled a Dr. appointment for the 15th, and I am prepared to get down on my knees and beg if I have to for a u/s some time around 7 weeks. Last time she didn''t have me scheduled until 14 weeks for my first u/s, and at my first trimester screening at 11 weeks I found out I had miscarried. Not going through THAT again!! Any advice as to the optimal timing of ultrasounds in the first trimester? What about HCG tests?? TIA.

I have a bunch of work related events coming up and it''s going to be so hard to not be drinking. I work for a big 5 consulting firm and the culture is definitely not receptive to people who don''t drink--like there is something up if you''re not drinking. If you keep skipping out on events, after a while people will wonder why you are anti-social. Some people are so insensitive, when I was pg over the summer I went to one I couldn''t get out of, complained of a "tummy ache," and just had ice water. A woman I worked with, who was pregnant herself, asked me in front of everyone, What are you, pregnant?!? I managed to stammer out a No. It was so awkward. Anyways, any advice on this?
club soda with lime, it looks like a gin and tonic.
huge congrats HH and Kit! best wishes for sticky quickly growing beans.

re: faking out the work drinks... i hated those Q''s too but i rarely drank anyway so i think less people were suspicious. i did water a lot since i drink it anyway (and would blame a cold or dehydration from flying if it was a biz trip) but you can also go the club soda lime route and fake a vodka tonic. also some restaurants have non alcoholic wine. recently i got a glass of ''white wine'' grape juice and they gave it to me in a wine glass.

also random note, but your placenta isn''t fully formed and working on the kid until something like 7-9 weeks... and my dr said that is why they typically don''t worry about ''whatever you did before you found out you were pregnant'' kinda thing for food/drink...because up until that point the egg sac is what is feeding the kid so it''s self contained. so if you find out at 4 weeks and want that last glass of wine, i guess you COULD have it now! lol. though i drank a wine here and there throughout the pregnancy, i know it''s not for everyone.

funny though the last time i had a few sips of wine i got a horrible headache. blah.
Kit - congrats! don''t know if I congratulated you on the TTC thread. there are so many BFPs I can''t keep track anymore.

regarding first u/s, when I get pregnant again after this m/c I will ask for one at about 7 weeks. that is when you should be able to see the heartbeat clearly on the u/s. I asked the ob if I could do this the next time around, and she said it shouldn''t be a problem but that I need to keep in mind that even though the heartbeat looks strong at 7 weeks, that doesn''t mean that when I come back at 10 weeks that it''s guaranteed to still be like that and of course there''s nothing that can be done to influence it either way. but I totally agree with you that it will be better to know sooner than later. and I''d probably try to get one every week until you reach 10 weeks, which is when if you see a strong heartbeat chances are slim that a m/c will occur.

regarding drinking, I''m not a big drinker, but I always say "I''m driving" which is true because I take my car everywhere. otherwise you can say you quit because it''s just not healthy or that someone you know was an alcoholic and passed away recently... ok, you''d be lying. how about that you had alcohol poisoning recently or that it didn''t sit well in your stomach so your doctor told you to stop for a while?
It''s the new year...say you are not drinking as your new years resolution....
Congrats HH and Kit!

Nothing much new to report from me....just waiting for my US on Thursday so I finally can figure out how far along I am...thinking I''ll be 7-8 weeks, but it''ll be nice to know, and see the baby!

As for "drinking" I second the sparkling water/fruit. You could also ask for NA beer/wine in a glass. If you wanted to be creative you could always ask for some sort of juice or juice/sparkling water in a martini or margarita glass. Being the DD works too.
Congrats, HH and Kit! Good Good luck and lots of healthy baby dust to both of you!!

RE: US. My doc ALWAYS does first US between 6 and 8 weeks. (actually, all of my docs have) So, this is what I would strive for.
Congrats and welcome Kit & HH!! Wish you both a happy and healthy 9 months!

Kit- I say go with shirley temple (ginger ale/ grenedine) if your at an event with people drinking!
love those!

To the ladies with upcoming US- how exciting and good luck!!


Im 5 wks (yeaaa!
) and am anxiously awaiting my pre-natal consulation next monday (at 6 wks). If everything goes okay I will have my first US and meet with my OB the following monday (at 7 wks). DH & I told my sister last week in confidence and she was so excited! She took me to the bookstore and bought me a bunch of baby books (which was kind of frightening in all honesty since I just got my BFP). We will not tell anyone else until week 11-12. Finding it really hard not to tell our parents though!!

BTW- Based on my LMP due date is Labor day (haha!!) ....they may go by O date though which would be later DD.
Thanks for the advice on drinking, ladies! Good tips and info on the fetal development.

As for the u/s, last time I didn''t ever get to hear the heartbeat, so this time I really want to hear it at 7-8 weeks even though I know it''s no assurance of a good outcome. It''s just kind of something I want to do, and seems like the consensus among most women I talk to including you all here! I doubt I can get one every week--I think that might be pushing it with my Dr. I am okay with just one at 7-8 weeks. If there''s no heartbeat then, that''s just how it goes, but I don''t want to have to wait so long to find out, KWIM? Plus, if the baby doesn''t make it and there''s a similar pattern between miscarriages, then that will help with a diagnosis. I just think, more information = always better. I feel like at this point I am rehearsing my "case" to my OB...

In the meantime, my friend who had 3 m/c prior to having her DS is mailing me her fetal doppler, which she said I could use successfully at 8 weeks. It''s a professional grade one, old but still works, and it''s made the rounds among her pg friends. I think having this, and being able to just check in, will ease my mind. I won''t use it until I hear the heartbeat at the Dr.''s office though, just so I don''t freak myself out. I''ll report back to you ladies in case you are curious.
Kit re: the doppler, also see if your Dr can show you how to use it if you have it with you. I say this because my Dr showed me the ''diff'' between the sounds of the placenta, the sounds of my own heartbeat and the sounds of the babies at a previous appt. The nuances are small and I am not sure I would have known to differentiate placenta vs hb of baby on my own. My own HB sounds slower so that was a bit obvious. But if your friend''s doppler comes, maybe take it into your appt and see if they can show you how to ID baby. Congrats again!
I just made my OB appointment. They''re making me wait until 2/10, which is in my 8th week. DH is going to be bummed, he wants me to go this week.