
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers

inhisarms: Loads of baby dust to you!!!!

Kayleigh, thank you so much for sharing your story. I can't believe that happened to you, too.
I am so sorry you had to go through that devastating feeling of loss... and what a robotic OBGYN that man was! You should have bet him his practice, indeed! Good Lord. Yet how wonderful that your son was perfect and is now 19! Wow!!!! You are a young mama! It flies by, doesn't it? I read somewhere that your daughter went to Penn? That is so awesome and you must be so proud to have a future Ivy grad in the family. It is a fantastic and amazing school!!!! She rocks!


On another note, any of you new preggos feeling nausea and crazy fatigue?

These days, I eat ALL the time to avoid the waves of nausea that come with an empty stomach. And when it hits, I am forced to eat through the waves of nausea to quell the nausea. It's counter intuitive, but it works. I'm always so fearful of the nausea because once it grabs a hold of you, it doesn't let go for a while. I've got an arsenal of snacks and ginger munitions. I see it as a battle.
Today's score: Bliss 1, Nausea 0. I kind of miss the days when I ate only when I was hungry...

Last night, I made a huge pot of ginger tea. Sliced up ginger and added honey and lemon. I drank it all night long. It was delish! Oh... Am I the only one who gets up to use the bathroom like 4-6 times a night? Part of the reason is, after I go, I am really thirsty. So I drink a huge glass of water and the cycle begins anew. Aaack! But I can't not drink the water, right?

These days, I am in awe of pregnant women who work fulltime, manage families and do it all. I cut way back once I got pregnant. Now, most of the day I'm napping or eating to stave off nausea. The movie channel doesn't help me get out and about, either! LOL I keep planning on signing up for this amazing prenatal yoga class I keep hearing about but haven't mustered up the energy yet. And it's a couple blocks from my home! I also keep meaning to go swim in our pool, but I can't muster the energy. LOL. What happened to me? I'm sooooo lazy now and I just go with it because I figure that the body knows what it needs. But maybe I've gotten tooooo lazy! I should push myself to work out more! To go out while I can! I've turned into a hibernating bear. I want to be fit like all the awesome rockin' women in the preggo thread! They rock!


Anyone else turn into walking zombies? Walking nauseated zombies?

Hello, ladies, and congrats to all of you!

I''ve been perusing this thread a bit and thought I''d post. I got my BFP on Monday!

DH and I tried for almost 6 yrs to have our little guy who is now 3.5. We haven''t been trying to prevent pregnancy for most of the last 3 years. I really didn''t think we were going to have any more since we hadn''t even THOUGHT we could be pregnant in the past few years. I was just beginning to seriously inquire about adoption. So, it was a big happy surprise for us!

I just told DH last night and we told JT this morning. We don''t know when we''ll tell our parents yet, but I''m no good at keeping secrets.

I''m posting so early because we need lots of dust and prayers. I''ve had a few unsuccessful pregnancies and I was high-risk with JT.

My cycles are usually around 25 days, but my last period was so messed up (days of spotting instead of flowing) I really don''t know when we conceived. I took the test because I ate breakfast and immediately vomited. Since I only vomit when I''m pregnant I immediately went out and got a test. Of course I couldn''t wait til morning to pee on my stick so I did it yesterday afternoon!

For those of you who were working out and/or dieting when you got pregnant, What have you done?? I''ve only been watching calories and working out for 6 weeks or so and I''m not sure what I should do. I definitely want to stay active, but of course being previously high-risk, I''m not sure how that''ll go.

Lots of prayers and dust for all of you!!
Somethingshiny, I am so happy for you and your family! Congratulations!!!!! As you know, I was an exerciser pre-pregnancy; due to bleeding (a month before miscarrying and 5 weeks this pregnancy) it''s taken a back burner. I walk on occasion and eat healthy most of the time and will work the rest out after the baby comes. Congratulations, again!
Somethingshiny - Congraulations!!! What a wonderful surprise!!! Over the weekend, I was reading one of the earlier fertility issues threads (that preceded the Official TTC thread), so I feel like I 'm a little familiar with your earlier struggles in TTC'g. I cannot tell you how happy I am for you!! My eyes lit up when I saw the second line of your post. Really, so happy for you. Congratulations and tons and tons of dust to you!!!
Thanks, Kimi. I did talk with a nurse today while making my appointment (tues). She told me to get towards 1800 cals and stop doing all the squats, lunges, leg lifts, crunches, etc. Basically, stick with walking and swimming. I''ll talk to my dr more about it at my appt and see if there''ll be any changes.

LV~ Thanks! It still feels surreal. But, the same sort of thing happened with JT. We just kinda gave up and it happened, same this time. And, when we got pregnant with JT, DH had just gotten a good job. DH had been laid off since Jan but landed a good job last month! God works in mysterious ways!!
somethingshiny--Congrats! That''s wonderful news!!! Hope you have a sticky baby bean!!!
somethingshiny - aw, congratulations!!!! lots of sticky vibes going your way!
Somethingshiny, Congratulations! I hope you have a healthy and happy road to mommyhood for number 2. I''m not a hardcore worker-outer, but at my Dr. appt. last week I was told I can do non-strenuous exercise. I did about 20 minutes easy on the elliptical last night but it gave me motion sickness. I''m going to have to try the treadmill tomorrow. My yoga teacher (who used to be a labor & delivery nurse and is still and childbirth educator) said I can do regular yoga throughout my first trimester. I''m not sure if that helps but that''s what I was told.

Bliss, you are in good company! Morning sickness hit hard yesterday morning. What do you do (if I may ask, please don''t answer if it is too personal) that you are able to cut back on your work so much? I woke up yesterday, tried to drink milk to get something in my stomach, but couldn''t hold it down while trying to brush my teeth. It was awful. I went back to bed and cried for a few minutes b/c I felt so horrible. I couldn''t call in sick b/c I don''t want work to know yet. DH rubbed my back and gave me crackers until I felt well enough to finish getting ready for work. Mara, if you are reading, I consider this your fault
because I took your "milk first thing in the am" advice and it backfired on me big time! This morning I had perrier and saltines before getting out of bed and it was better, but not great. I''m also starting to get really tired. A friend asked me to go see New Moon with her on Sunday at 7:00 and I said no because it was too late. Oh well, I guess I need to do what I need to do these days.

I told my mom last night. She is excited but I swore her and my dad to secrecy until after Christmas. I told her we are taking this one day at a time and she understood. It is nice to have her to whine to now!

This is week (7-8) I miscarried last time. I am trying to stay calm but keep having anxiety attacks every time I go to the bathroom. TMI, sorry.
congrats something shiny! as someone who worked out 5 days a week before pregnancy, i have been a veritable slug this pregnancy. i just didnt feel great working out with my regular routine after about 11 weeks and most nights am so tired i just lay on the couch. like kimi i am trying to eat mostly well, not a lot of crap...and the stomach space is limited so i can't stuff myself even if i wanted to! and also figure i'll just deal with it afterwards. for now my body is doing what it wants so i guess that's ok.
hope that this pregnancy is an easy one for you!

newshiny, oooh sorry the milk backfired on you!! i actually would drink 1% choco milk because i liked the taste of it, i guess it has to be something that you LIKE tasting? i don't know i'd like tasting milk if i was sick, but choco milk was a-ok haha. i would also switch off the choco milk with apple juice which i really liked the sugary taste of at the time. so maybe if there is another drink you like?
veritable slug....great choice of words. Describes me to a "T" these days.
heehee Mara. I had yummy 1% organic choco milk too, but dh decided he really liked it (not something we normally keep in the house) and finished it! I didn''t have the heart to tell him I bought it for me only. I think I''ll stick to the perrier for now. I think juice will be too sugary for me.
Morning sickness help: Ginger Altoids. I don''t like the taste of ginger, but I could stomach these and they really helped.
Thanks Lanie and Jcrow!

NewShiny~ I''ve done lots of yoga for a couple years and only recently went to more difficult workouts. I think I''ll fall back into my yoga to at least keep me moving throughout this pregnancy. btw- I''m sorry for your previous miscarriage. Lots of dust to you for a healthy pregnancy!

Mara~ I know you used to work out hard and it''s probably best that a pregnant lady not do that much!

Kimi~ Thanks for the Ginger Altoids rec. With JT I had morning sickness all day for 7 months. I sucked on peppermints all the time because it was the only thing that I could find to soothe the feeling a bit. As it is, I''ve been nauseated since Sunday. Hopefully this will be temporary!

My appt is Tues, so hopefully I''ll get to find out how far along I am. The reason I say "hopefully" is because my dr is very prominent in this area and often gets called away from the office. Fingers crossed that I actually get to see him on Tues!!

I''m telling my mom tomorrow. My SIL is pregnant and due in Jan so my mom keeps mentioning that by next Christmas we''ll have X number of people so I''m just going to tell her she''s off by one. We''re telling DH''s parents on the weekend. JT wants to tell Nana and Papa that he''s having a baby. I''ll hold off on telling my dad and sibs for now.
Something shiny--congrats! That''s amazing. Isn''t it interesting what life throws your way. TONS of sticky dust to you!

Kimberley--mmmm, ginger altoids. I need some of those! I do find ginger truly helps for MS

And speaking of MS, mine is letting up a tad. I am 11 weeks at the end of this week so i am hoping the approaching end of the first tri will mean the end of evil MS!!!!
Hello my sisters!

You have been my rock during this short pregnancy...with lots of laughter and the sharing of special secrets all in the name of sisterhood. It's been a beautiful journey. I think ours is ending earlier than expected, but it has been a tremendous blessing. I posted this in the TTC thread in response to Kit, who also lost a baby to miscarriage... and didn't think I could say it any differently.

Now I know the true pain of having a miscarriage, or I will soon. Your post really stood out to me because your words conveyed such a deep love for your baby. In the several weeks I've had mine, I never knew I could love such a little thing so much. We had another ultrasound and it looks like the little guy isn't going to make it. He's smaller than he should be and his heart rate is slow. I had more blood work done today and another ultrasound scheduled for next week. We're waiting for nature to take its course while monitoring everything.

Last night, DH and I told him tearfully that even though we loved him with all of our hearts, if it was too hard, that it was OK to go to God. It was OK to let go because we'd see him in heaven one day. It just breaks my heart that he is still trying to hang on, even though the outcome looks grim. I don't want the bean to suffer. And I don't know when the last moment will be. Everything is so poignant and we went from such joy and elation to such sadness. I know God has a plan for everyone. I know in my heart we are thankful to have gotten pregnant. The doctor says we should have no problem going on to have a healthy pregnancy afterwards. But God, I really loved this little bean. And I wish we could have been his parents.

I'm going to give myself time to grieve and to love this little bean while we have it. Wow, life is such a miracle. I never knew how loved we were. Our family is so amazing. DH is so amazing. I love him so much. I love my family and friends so much. I know that one day when we have a healthy baby, we will always think of our bean and be so grateful to him. The bean taught us so much about love and how immense it is. How limitless life is and what a precious treasure it is to have and to hold each other.

The bean was a tremendous gift. It really opened my eyes to how blessed we all are, and how amazing people in the world are. It's all a huge miracle. It's so incredible, it makes me tear up. This little bean taught me so much! We were very lucky to have him. I am in awe of this new kind of love I have experienced.

I am wishing all of you ladies tons of baby dust, happy healthy baby dust!

I hope you all go on to have awesome amazing pregnancies and beautiful deliveries.

When I feel better, I'll pop back in and cheer you ladies on... urge you all to do your Kegel exercises and send you lots of love. I'll also be praying for my newly pregnant sisters faithfully!!!
I''m so very sorry to hear this.
You and your little bean will be in my thoughts.
Take care of yourself.
bliss, i teared up reading your news. I''m so sorry.
Oh Bliss, I am so very sorry
You are a wonderful, loving mommy and I will be praying for you and your baby!

Lots of love and hugs...
oh Bliss, I''m tearing up here at work reading your post. I''m so sorry that you''re having to go thru this! Gosh I wish I could reach out and give you a hug IRL. A cyber-hug will have to do this time...

I have faith that you''ll soon be back with more good news. Please take care of yourself!
Bliss, I am so sorry that you are having to go through this experience. I miscarried prior to my current pregnancy and it was one of the most painful and poignant experiences I''ve ever had. It brought some positives to my life as well; it strengthed my relationship with my husband and it madeus both truly aware how ready and excited we are to become parents. Please be kind to yourself during this time, and let those that surround you love you and treat you with kindness as well. Your positivity will certainly help you through, but remember it''s okay to be sad, and angry, and hurt as well. My best to you and your husband during this difficult time.
Oh, Bliss, I''m so sorry. No one should have to feel the pain of losing a baby. My second miscarriage was similar; bean was smaller than he should have been. I was assured everything would be okay, but I knew, deep down, that something was wrong.

I think of my two lost beans all the time and remember the happiness they brought me. And you will too, even as you rock your healthy baby boy or girl to sleep. You and your husband are in my thoughts.
Big *HUG* to you.
What you wrote is so beautiful. It really describes the miracle of life.
Take care of yourself. Hope you and your DH can find peace during this difficult time.
You and your baby are in my thoughts.
oh bliss, I am so sorry. You writing is beautiful, a real tribute to the wonderful parents that you and your dh are. What helped me most in my experience is knowing that we became parents as soon as we had our first bfp, and we will always be parents no matter what. Take all of the time you need to grieve and heal. I''m thinking of you.
Bliss, I am so sorry. I know you and your husband are going to come out of this as more amazing people than you originally were. I look forward to seeing you again and I hope you get feeling better very soon.

For now, I hope that your little bean will come out of this and next week''s appt will show more growth. Lots of dust.
Oh Bliss I am SO sorry to hear the latest update...but I will hope for the best for the bean. You never know. Please take care of yourself. Wishing you the best... hang in there. Donut hugs...
Bliss--*hugs* to you. You had me smiling and crying in your post. You have such an amazing attitude, your spirit just radiates from your posts. Your little bean (whether it be this one, or another little child) will be soooo lucky to have a mom like you!
Date: 11/18/2009 7:19:47 PM
Author: Jas12
Bliss--*hugs* to you. You had me smiling and crying in your post. You have such an amazing attitude, your spirit just radiates from your posts. Your little bean (whether it be this one, or another little child) will be soooo lucky to have a mom like you!
Couldn''t have said it better....**HUGS*
So sorry Bliss. Hugs. BUT if I recall, you are a late ovulator, right? Could that be why the doctor thinks he is measuring small? If she is going by your LMP, it will seem that the bean is measuring small, but you didn't O on day 14 right? Just keep thinking positive and having faith!!
Oh, Bliss. I''m so sorry! I know how hard it is to lose a pregnancy. I think the worst miscarriage is the one you know is coming. It''s so hard to know that your little one is trying so hard and you can''t help him. Obviously you love your baby immensely. The love you have for him doesn''t stop. You''ll always remember this baby, but hopefully, someday, you''ll only remember him with joy. I''m praying for you, your DH, and your bean. I do believe he will be waiting in heaven for you.
Oh Bliss, I am so heart broken for you and your husband. I am so glad that you are spending your time loving that little baby -- he/she will always be yours! Thinking of you and your little family tonight, wishing you all the best.