
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Nov 9, 2007
Lulu, How did it go with the family?
Hope all is still awesome. Sorry to read that your first u/s wasn''t the greatest. Well, luckily you will have many more!


Apr 4, 2008

Sorry I went missing for the past few days, but it has been one heck of a rollercoaster ride. And throughout, I’ve been thinking of you all.

*deep breath*

So…On Thursday, I had my first OBGYN appointment for just over a 5 week pregnancy. It started off great! Lots of smiling babies in the office, having a blast chatting with the expectant moms and new moms. Go get changed, meet the doctor - who is beyond fabulous. We have a grand old time. I get weighed, give some blood and get all settled for my little gift pack of literature, goodies and vitamins...waiting for the ultrasound. The doctor said it was so early that she probably wouldn't be able to see anything anyway, but wanted to check just in case.

So I go to the ultrasound room and get comfy. She performs the t/v ultrasound and says, "Yup, it's too early to see anything but just thought I'd check." And then she starts checking everything else... says, "Hmmmm...there's something I want to check." Does more checking...and then says that she wants me to go in right away for a more sensitive ultrasound at the radiology clinic next door.

At this point, I was really worried. She told me that she wanted to rule out any abnormalities and that it was possible that I had an ectopic pregnancy. Here's where my world started to slow down...

I walk out and her staff is just amazing. Her office manager sits me down and gets me an emergency appointment in the next 5 minutes at the radiology clinic. I'm sitting there thinking, "Oh my God. My baby." And I'm texting DH and he's in the dentist chair freaking out and asking where the clinic is so he can run over. I asked tentatively if they could reschedule the ultrasound at the radiology clinic so that my husband could come and I got a LOOK - that communicated that it was a potentially serious condition. A "don't mess around with this it could be serious" look that sent my heart into my stomach. It was awful.

I was holding it together at the radiology clinic, getting a more sensitive ultrasound... the technician was awesome and really compassionate. She said it was too early to tell... there was evidence that the baby had implanted in the uterus but it could also be ectopic because it was hard to see, being so early. They wanted me to wait for my blood tests and do another ultrasound.

So DH runs over and I'm crying, just devastated. We went from SO happy and ecstatic to shocked. I have never cried so hard in my life. I just went straight to bed and cried for hours that turned into days. Just heartrending sadness and grief. I was so sad for this little life inside me and sad that he/she wouldn't survive. It was really awful not being able to mourn completely yet still clinging to hope, afraid to love the baby too much if bad news came.

So we told our mom just broke down. She was devastated and crying through the whole weekend and praying. I asked my close friends to pray for us. Worst weekend ever.

Monday morning, as promised, my OBGYN calls me and says, "Your blood work came out...and it's EXCELLENT! I think we can rule out ectopic pregnancy and can you come in for an ultrasound in one week exactly just to make sure?"

I was sitting there with DH, who took the day off to be with me...and we didn't know whether or not to be overjoyed or terrified all over again! Once the shock of all this wore off, we were tentatively happy again... trembling with a great love for this tiny little bean. We are so happy right now. When things were bad, we consoled ourselves with the thought that at least we got to be parents to this tiny life, even for a short time. I'm halfway between disbelief and the joy is starting to peek out from behind the clouds again. Sometimes I catch myself rubbing my tummy and talking to the baby again, starting to hope once more. And it’s comforting. I’m almost afraid to believe it’s really OK.

Despite the traumatic events that took place, I am really grateful to my OBGYN for being so proactive and so careful/on alert for everything and anything. Had it really been an ectopic pregnancy, she would have caught it early enough to save my fallopian tube and even my life. She really has a great state of the art approach to everything... I am grateful to her for being extra cautious... even though it was emotionally crazy for us. Poor DH was more traumatized than I was. He couldn't eat or sleep well for days.

So that’s why I was gone for the past few days… I was a weeping jellyfish staring at blank walls. I didn't even come near the computer for days. This baby making is really a rollercoaster ride. I had no idea I could love something so tiny so much. It really is limitless.

So anyway, ladies... please send dust our way for this next hurdle...and many more to come! And major dust to you all!!!!!!!!!! I am praying for you all and sending happy dust your way!!!!!

WHEW!!!! Crazy last few days!


Jul 6, 2005
aww bliss. I''m so sorry for your last couple of days and so relieved to hear that your blood work came back great!! I can completely relate to the very high high and the very low low. I was diagnosed with an *abnormality* at our first ultrasound -- Basically a blood clot that can result in a higher rate of miscarriage. I know just how excited with anticipation you were at the first appointment and how difficult it must have been to hear that something might not be right. I did the same thing as you though - pretty much had heart-to-hearts with my belly, willing the little bean to stick around and the clot to disappear. we chatted a lot
. fortunately, for both of us things seem to be alright. but the first trimester is a doozy! hope the good news keeps on coming!!

swimmer - thanks for asking!! fake thanksgiving was great. the weekend involved lots of tasty food and a friend''s surprise 30th birthday party which actually was a surprise. My husband surprised me though by doing a complete 180 and asking me if we could tell his family. I''m right around 8 wks and when we first got that positive I wanted to tell someone - secrets are tough
- but he wanted to take a more "wait and see" approach. Then, we get to his mom''s house and he just couldn''t wait to spill the beans. His excitement is very touching and I agreed to share. His mom, brother and brother''s girlfriend were so excited. champagne toasts (cider for me) all around. some tears. lots of hugs. a very nice moment.

now i''m in a bit of a pickle because I haven''t told anyone in my family. I''d prefer to do it in person, but we won''t see them until Thanksgiving. Not sure if my mom would be insulted being told three weeks later. Might just tell her over the phone.

dreamer - thanks so much for being happy for us!! means a ton having your support along the way and now. and hunter in-a-box is just too cute.

mara - i think that i might just have to try the chug-a-lug approach to regularity. thanks for the suggestions. the nursery looks smashing!


Nov 13, 2007
Bliss- I''m so sorry to hear about all the drama that LO has already been thru, but very glad to see that things are looking up!

lulu- Congratulations! We told my parents 2 weeks after DH''s, because I wanted to put together a little gift and do it in person. You be surprised how much people don''t care about anything else, when there is a little one to be excited about. My parents were happy that we waited to see them to share. personally, I would wait and do it over Thanksgiving!


Apr 4, 2008
Lulu!!!! CONGRATULATIONS! 8 weeks!!!!! It must be SO hard to keep it a secret. I know I'm biting my tongue a lot when I want to tell everyone. Wow, I cannot imagine the heartbreak you must have felt for your little bean when they found a blood clot. I hope that little clot dissolves or is just a harmless little dot for the duration of your healthy, happy pregnancy. Heart to hearts with the baby - priceless! I love your fake Thanksgiving idea! LOL.

meresal, thanks!!! You are amazing for waiting to tell your parents! I couldn't help it and called right away. They must be bursting with excitement! I still remember your trip to NYC when we were LIWs! How time flies! And now we're knocked up! Wow! You're going to be such a stylish and pretty mama.

Mara: I am CRACKING UP over your post in the Preggo thread. It was about how the doughnut shop closes early? And if it does, push your belly up against the glass and cry? THAT IS SO BRILLIANT! I snorted over that one! Yes, very attractive - but thankfully I was home alone when I snorted with laughter.


May 9, 2006
Bliss~So sorry about your rough weekend. Happy to hear things are looking good now!


Nov 18, 2004
Oh wow, sorry to hear you had a rough weekend.
Glad to hear that everything is excellent.
Sounds like you had a pretty good team of OB and nurses behind you.
Continued dusts to you and all you newly preggos.

Can''t wait to see your newly developed bellies.


Apr 4, 2008
Burk, thanks! Your belly bump is SO cute!!!! I can''t believe how tiny you are! Your little daughter is precious, too. Lucky mama! How are you staying in such great shape? I want to look like you when I start to show. You have the prettiest figure!

lili...THANKS! Awwww, your daughter is soooo cute! I can''t wait to have one, too! Much love and luck to you, too! HUGS!


Jan 9, 2004
I''m glad things are looking better for you. I am sending lots of good dust your way!

Your situation is the reason why I waited until 6 weeks to even call the doctor. Just not knowing how things are going to go is really, really hard. I''m just laying low, waiting until my Thursday appointment. My emotions are all over the place. I want to be so excited, but I am so scared at the same time. Such conflicting emotions all at once. Its exhausting. Or, maybe I''m just exhausted from staying up too late last night watching Monday Night Football.

Lulu, yeah for telling DH''s family! I would just have to tell my family too. I might tell my parents after my appointment if all goes well. A friend is lobbying that I wait until I get to see them for Christmas, but that''s just too far away for me.

I had a girls'' get together Friday night and it was pretty obvious that I wasn''t drinking. They pretty much have me figured out. I confessed to 2 of my BFFs, but not to the whole group. Oh well. I''ll tell them when I am ready.

Does anyone else have chills? I have waves of them at random times. I googled (of course), and it looks like they are normal. Just wondering if anyone else experienced them.


Apr 4, 2008
NewShiny! Thank you so much!
Yay for you! So you have a Thursday appointment? Oh, I am so excited for you. I am sure it will go great and you might even get to see your little blueberry! Or is it rice grain at 6 weeks? I understand how the nerves are crazy. I know way too much about ectopic pregnancy than I ever thought I'd know. Read every article it seems online... read forums about it... wow, being a mommy-to-be is a big job, isn't it? I thought I'd only start worrying about the baby once it was born!

How excited you must be! DH stays up late watching Monday Night Football, too! I usually watch TV in the other room and pop in from time to time for cuddles. So you're going to wait until Christmas? Your willpower is AMAZING! Hmmm... I guess once we get to week 14 I won't freak out as much. But it still feels so early! We're only telling our parents. I told a few super close girlfriends because I asked for their prayers. That's it! Once I start showing, though... The cat will be out of the bag! (Wonder where that expression came from? Did people really put cats in bags? Sounds so mean!)

I'm exhausted a lot, too. How many weeks are you? I'm thinking that since the first day of my last period was Sept. 29, I'm 6 weeks along on the gestational schedule... which for some reason, they all seem to go by. Seems like hardly anything. I guess 8 weeks to go until the first trimester mark has been reached? Oy! Seems so far away!

NewShiny, I don't have any chills... but I hear that's normal. Lots of temp fluctuations during our first trimester! I have weird food aversions... and boob soreness comes and goes now. Oddly, no morning sickness yet. I wonder if I will escape it? I feel nausea sometimes, but have never thrown up. Is that weird? Too soon? I figured it's too soon because I take after my mom for almost everything and she threw up her entire first trimester! Yikes!


Nov 17, 2004
Bliss..... so sorry that your worrying has begun already. But how wonderful that your bean seems to be sticking so far!! Sending you continued sticky thoughts


Jan 13, 2005
Oh Bliss, I''m so sorry to hear about your rollercoaster of a weekend, but I''m so glad to hear that things are looking up!!! I bet you can''t wait for that followup ultrasound!! I will send happy, healthy, in-the-uterus vibes to your little bean!!

Lulu - fake thanksgiving sounds fun!!! hehe!

Mere - like you, we haven''t told my folks yet because we want to tell them in person! We will see them a week from today, so that''s when we''ll do it. eeee!

Lili - I can''t wait till I have a belly to show you guys! hehe! I took a pic the day I found out (only 3 weeks 2 days! LOL) and then again at 4 weeks. Nothing to show except a bit of lovely bloat.

NewShiny - I''ve also had a couple get-togethers with the girls and was obviously not drinking....fortunately, both times I had a good excuse OTHER than being preggo, so haven''t had to let the cat outta the bag to everyone yet! I just don''t want hardly anyone to know before my parents do, for fear that it''ll accidentally slip out on Facebook or something, because I''d be really sad if my parents felt like we were telling other people before them. We did have to fess up to one of my BFFs and her hubby the other night at dinner, though, because I didn''t have an excuse for not drinking and she knows me so well that she woulda figured it out anyway.
And YES, I have chills! Or really, temperature instability. Really hot at times (usually in the mornings), really cold at others. Weird.


So we''ve been calling the baby "peanut." :) And last night, we found these precious little terry bibs that we''re gonna use to tell my is in pink and says "I love Grandpa" and the other is in blue and says "I love Grandma." We''re gonna wrap ''em up and have them open their "gift" exactly one week from today...I can''t WAIT to see the looks on their faces. My dad is totally gonna cry...he''s a big softy.


Nov 17, 2004
Date: 11/10/2009 7:26:38 PM
Author: HOUMedGal


So we''ve been calling the baby ''peanut.'' :) And last night, we found these precious little terry bibs that we''re gonna use to tell my is in pink and says ''I love Grandpa'' and the other is in blue and says ''I love Grandma.'' We''re gonna wrap ''em up and have them open their ''gift'' exactly one week from today...I can''t WAIT to see the looks on their faces. My dad is totally gonna cry...he''s a big softy.

aww, I love that HMG! My mom is going to die when we get pregnant. Especially since I told everyone adamantly that I was never having any babies

(And why am I posting in the barely preggo thread anyway? haha)


Jan 13, 2005
Date: 11/10/2009 7:34:58 PM
Author: icekid

Date: 11/10/2009 7:26:38 PM
Author: HOUMedGal


So we''ve been calling the baby ''peanut.'' :) And last night, we found these precious little terry bibs that we''re gonna use to tell my is in pink and says ''I love Grandpa'' and the other is in blue and says ''I love Grandma.'' We''re gonna wrap ''em up and have them open their ''gift'' exactly one week from today...I can''t WAIT to see the looks on their faces. My dad is totally gonna cry...he''s a big softy.

aww, I love that HMG! My mom is going to die when we get pregnant. Especially since I told everyone adamantly that I was never having any babies

(And why am I posting in the barely preggo thread anyway? haha)
Yeah, I don''t think you''re gonna make it till March.


Oct 30, 2002
lol bliss you do what you gotta to get a donut. sorry to hear about your bad weekend... it is definitely stressful in the beginning. i won't lie and tell you that it gets easier... it felt like forever to get to the end of first trimester and feel more 'safe'. but then mentally i felt even more invested than 'oh it's so early i won't get my hopes up' but then i didn't really feel better until almost 20 weeks! don't know why. but i guess after every time i met with my dr and asked her risks for miscarriage and they were so low...i started to feel more and more hopeful. they say after you hear the heartbeat (8 weeks?) that your chances drop to like 2% or something. not like i had any reason to think that it wouldn't stick...but your preggo mind likes to play tricks on you. now that i am 28 weeks i feel so much more relieved with every week that passes. i guess this is just the START of many years of worrying so much about the little creatures we are growing.

lulu...yep plug and chug works for me hahaha.

HMG...there are way worse things to drink first thing in the AM than 1% choco milk. plus it's 1% ! and it's calcium. hehee. i used to think i was being so good drinking it.

you ladies who feel so tired, i felt the same way in the first tri, i would go to sleep at 9 every night...sometimes earlier. rest while you can and embrace the sleep. when i was nauseated it was one of the only times i felt GOOD (sleeping)!


Nov 17, 2004
Date: 11/10/2009 7:38:44 PM
Author: HOUMedGal
Date: 11/10/2009 7:34:58 PM

Author: icekid

Date: 11/10/2009 7:26:38 PM

Author: HOUMedGal


So we''ve been calling the baby ''peanut.'' :) And last night, we found these precious little terry bibs that we''re gonna use to tell my is in pink and says ''I love Grandpa'' and the other is in blue and says ''I love Grandma.'' We''re gonna wrap ''em up and have them open their ''gift'' exactly one week from today...I can''t WAIT to see the looks on their faces. My dad is totally gonna cry...he''s a big softy.

aww, I love that HMG! My mom is going to die when we get pregnant. Especially since I told everyone adamantly that I was never having any babies

(And why am I posting in the barely preggo thread anyway? haha)

Yeah, I don''t think you''re gonna make it till March.

You''re telling me! I just posted this in the TTC thread, but we''ve already been tempting fate lately
I just figure we''ll make it work when it happens!


Nov 18, 2004
Date: 11/10/2009 8:18:16 PM
Author: icekid

Date: 11/10/2009 7:38:44 PM
Author: HOUMedGal

Date: 11/10/2009 7:34:58 PM

Author: icekid

Date: 11/10/2009 7:26:38 PM

Author: HOUMedGal


So we''ve been calling the baby ''peanut.'' :) And last night, we found these precious little terry bibs that we''re gonna use to tell my is in pink and says ''I love Grandpa'' and the other is in blue and says ''I love Grandma.'' We''re gonna wrap ''em up and have them open their ''gift'' exactly one week from today...I can''t WAIT to see the looks on their faces. My dad is totally gonna cry...he''s a big softy.

aww, I love that HMG! My mom is going to die when we get pregnant. Especially since I told everyone adamantly that I was never having any babies

(And why am I posting in the barely preggo thread anyway? haha)

Yeah, I don''t think you''re gonna make it till March.

You''re telling me! I just posted this in the TTC thread, but we''ve already been tempting fate lately
I just figure we''ll make it work when it happens!
You are so not going to make it till March!!!
Best of luck to you!!!


Nov 9, 2007
Bliss what a rollercoaster indeed! your love and joy are inspiring. go bean go!

Icekid, yeah, you will be preggo so soon!

Lulu, that is so sweet he wanted to spill the beans. I suppose it depends on your folks. My mom would have been upset to have not known for 8 weeks (the next time I would have seen her) while my in-laws we called her and told her on the phone first and then told the ILs in person since they live nearby. (also, FIL would have told my parents even if I told him not to) There is no perfect way to do the telling when we live in such a far flung age. Good luck, your folks are going to be so thrilled!

I need some insight here, I told some dear friends last night, am 15 weeks tomorrow, and they just assumed that this was an "oops" baby and not the product of many fertility treatments well over a year of only thinking about getting pregnant...but I didn't correct their thinking and now I feel badly. It was so rough while friends were getting pregnant just by making eye contact with their DH or BF I felt so very isolated and now I'm perpetuating that myth that it is easy to get pregnant? I feel like I betrayed my 4 month ago self. So now the question is, to share that this baby was a very very very hard fought battle that really isn't anywhere close to being over?

New Shiny, I hear you on holding off... I'm meeting my obstetrician today. She is strictly high risk and won't see anyone till they are more than 3 months. Her NP and midwives are awesome and I've been to them 2xs, but the office was firm, there is no point in meeting the Doc till "you are really pregnant." I almost canceled my appt when I heard that condemnation of my gummy bear, but the desk ladies' demeanor isn't really that important to me. Perhaps that is part of why I still don't really believe that I'm pregnant. Just not sure when this will seem real...have had 6 ultrasounds, my boobs are taking over boston, and purchased new preggo jeans. Hoping that this feels real before the baby shows up. When/how does it start to feel real?


Apr 14, 2006
Oh my goodness, Bliss. Just read your scare! How wonderful that it''s nothing at all, but gosh, I bet you had a hard set of days without knowing. Thank God all is well, though. Indeed!

I love that this thread is here. I always liked the past ones that were created, because the tension is so much different in the first months than in the last. I hope this thread continues as more and more newly preggos join the ranks!

Swimmer, I''d never thought about how to tell friends after a long struggle that you''ve conceived... It makes sense to not want to add to the false reality that everyone has a simple time getting knocked up. My problem is that I''m far TOO open and it seems like everyone knows we''re trying for our baby. Haha. Funny, though, no one knows we''d done Clomid. That''s what really led me to know that it wasn''t right for me, I think. I mean, if I''m willing to tell people about how much my heart aches for a baby, but not that I''m taking a med. to get that baby, then that tells me something (and everyone is different, I''m just saying, for me, this was true). Hmm. I bet your friends will respond with lots of love and support if you do tell them of the struggle. But I imagine one may feel "slighted" that she didn''t know of the struggle during the process. I have friends like that... but I know it''s with the best of intentions because they want to be supportive through everything.

15 weeks. I''m amazed at how fast time flies. Totally and completely. Are you going to find out the gender? I guess LovelyLulu will be past first trimest in a couple weeks, herself. Wowzers. Seems like with all the build up to pregnancy, once it comes, it zooms.

Congratulations to all the new mommies!!


May 9, 2006
Date: 11/10/2009 4:51:33 PM
Author: Bliss
Burk, thanks! Your belly bump is SO cute!!!! I can''t believe how tiny you are! Your little daughter is precious, too. Lucky mama! How are you staying in such great shape? I want to look like you when I start to show. You have the prettiest figure!

Bliss, you''ve officially made my day! Thanks for the kind words about my belly and my little girl. I am very blessed. As for staying in shape, I''m a volleyball coach so I have been playing volleyball most every day up until last week. Now that the season is over, I have started walking and doing low impact cardio again. I''m fairly lucky in that I''m tall (5''10")so there''s more places for the baby to go!


Jan 13, 2005
Date: 11/11/2009 8:29:43 AM
Author: swimmer

I need some insight here, I told some dear friends last night, am 15 weeks tomorrow, and they just assumed that this was an ''oops'' baby and not the product of many fertility treatments well over a year of only thinking about getting pregnant...but I didn''t correct their thinking and now I feel badly. It was so rough while friends were getting pregnant just by making eye contact with their DH or BF I felt so very isolated and now I''m perpetuating that myth that it is easy to get pregnant? I feel like I betrayed my 4 month ago self. So now the question is, to share that this baby was a very very very hard fought battle that really isn''t anywhere close to being over?
Swimmer, here''s the way I see it....How this baby was conceived is no one''s but yours and your husband''s business, so if you don''t feel like telling anyone, you certainly don''t have to. But if you feel as though you are being untrue to yourself by allowing the "oops" baby assumption to perpetuate, then perhaps you should say something to them. You could even just walk the middle line and say "You know, we have really wanted this baby for a long time, and it was no accident we conceived when we did" without going into the gory details, if you don''t want to.
Just do what feels right to you.


Jan 9, 2004
So, we have successfully crossed the first bridge. We saw the teeny flicker of a HB yesterday. I had a major anxiety attack in the exam room and broke out in hives and everything, but I calmed down pretty quickly after seeing everything was okay. I go back again at 10 weeks.

Bliss, we are only a couple of days apart! My LMP was 9/26. It might even have been 9/27. I''m not exactly sure since that''s when we were flying back from Hawaii and I was super jet lagged and I wasn''t sure about the time changes. When do you go back to the Dr.?

Swimmer, you brought up a very interesting issue that is near and dear to my heart. I know that when people find out (if we are lucky enough to make it that far to tell people), I''ll get comments like, "its about time!" I think there are some people that I want to know that we''ve been trying for a year and we had a loss. Others, I could care less what they think. But I do think its important to acknowledge that having babies is not an easy process for everyone. I personally don''t think its talked about enough. I know how alone and upset I felt when it seemed like everyone around me was getting preggo but I wasn''t. Then again, you may be a very private person and keep it to yourselves. It isn''t anyone else''s business, as HouMed said. I guess it comes down to what you feel comfortable sharing. It seems like the couple you went to dinner with are close friends. I think I would have told them about your struggles, but maybe it wasn''t the right time. I''m sure if the right moment comes up, then you''ll be able to share.


Jun 25, 2007
First, congrats to you all on your BFPs! What a wonderful time this must be for you!

Now, I must hijack your thread to ask a question - on your BFP cycle, what was your BD timing around O? My DH and I have been trying to take it easy and make this fun so only get on the floor when we''re up for it. Last night, we were both just exhausted and didn''t BD. This morning, my temp spiked and I''m pretty sure I O''d yesterday so I''m kinda bummed. Just wanted to hear the BD pattern of you preggos.

FYI - we BD O-3 and O-1.


Jan 13, 2005
Puppmom, fertilityfriend and ovusoft differed on the day they said I O''ed on our preggers cycle...if you go with fertilityfriend, then our timing was O-3, O-2, O-1, O, and O+1. But if you go with ovusoft, then it makes it O-4, O-3, O-2, O-1, and O.

Either way, your timing sounds pretty good!! :) I think O-1 is the highest probability day from what I''ve seen.


Sep 6, 2007
Hello ladies. I have been reading this thread, as well as the TTC, in hopes of collecting as much information as possible so when it comes time for DH and I to start trying, I will be armed and dangerous! haha.

I just have a quick question... what does the O- and O+ with all the 1, 2, 3, etc, mean? Forgive me, as it''s probably simple to figure out but yeah, my head isn''t working tonight.

And Congrats to you lovely ladies! Hope you all have healthy pregnancies and babies!


Jan 9, 2004
pupp, I didn''t chart the month of our bfp because we were traveling so much, but I think we only did it around O-1 or O day. We were visiting my parents so we weren''t able to do it any more during the crucial O week. Lucky for us, once was all it took!


Apr 4, 2008
Thank you for all the support...
It means more to me that I could ever say.
Prayers for you all and lots of dust!!!!

totally feel you on that. If you want to talk about it, I think you should feel free to. Or you could perhaps emphasize how much you've been hoping for this baby. That might open the dialogue. Some people feel uncomfortable talking about it, so... I was at the gym the other day and there was this GORGEOUS pregnant woman on the treadmill. She said hello so I said hello and told her how beautiful her baby bump was. She just glowed. We chatted about all the pregnant people in our building (five!!!) and she was so excited about her baby. But then later in our conversation, I shared that I was pregnant, too and added, "Wow, it's such a miracle to even get pregnant these days... we feel really lucky." And I feel like she just closed up after that. But man, her belly bump was gorgeous at 7 months!

Puppmom! Hello!!!! Thanks! Welcome!
For us, we BD'd on O-2, O, O+1, O+2....then crazily, I felt CF a week later (which is normal) so we BD'd again.

inhisarms17 Congrats on TTC! I think O-2 would be 2 days before ovulation...O is the day you ovulate and O+2 would be 2 days after ovulation. Some say it's best to BD the day before ovulation, on the day of ovulation and for a couple of days after that for good measure (if you can) since the sperm can live in your fallopian tube for a day or two...hanging out for the sighting of the Great Pumpkin (egg).

Anyone, please correct me if I don't have that correctly!

The other things that I did faithfully after reading the TTC thread that I feel worked was:
Cut down on caffeine drastically (no more coffee, only 1 cup of black tea a day, not green bc I needed the folic acid!)
Stopped stressing about getting pregnant (easier said than done, but about 5 people told me I was getting in my own way)
Ate pineapple during the implantation window
Drank relaxing herbal tea that had antioxidants like roobios.
I started taking prenatals a year before I wanted to get pregnant bc I heard the sooner the better if it's in your system.

Also, I didn't chart per se with complete temps. I charted based on CF only. It was my first complete month of charting just with CF and I figured that if it didn't work, I'd graduate to the charting with CF and temps. But my CF was ironically like clockwork and I could tell immediately when I was about to ovulate and when I was ovulating. TMI, I know!

On another note... Anyone else feeling super nauseated? I made the mistake of bragging to DH last night that I hadn't lost my cookies once and maybe unlike my poor mother who tossed her cookies through her 1st and 2nd trimesters, I was the exception to the rule. Hello, karma! Today, I woke up the sickest I have ever felt. Didn't throw up, but felt like I was on the boat ride to Hades with the waves rocking and rolling. Just got my arsenal of original ginger chews, teas and snacks. Ginger chews saved my life.

Oh, and I bought this tea called "Get Maternal" but had to toss it out of my cup when I found out that it had stinging nettles in it. I know red raspberry leaf tea is supposed to be a tonic for the uterus but upon looking that up, too... I found that SOME say both cause miscarriages in early pregnancy, along with the stinging nettles. Though for centuries midwives have been prescribing it, I still feel like I shouldn't have it until later in the pregnancy.

I'll stick to my roobios, which was really awesome pre-preggo and up until now.

I MISS COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Nov 9, 2007
Thanks Hou, NS, and Bliss,
I appreciate the understanding tremendously. Still just starting to tell folks anything at all. Hoping all is going fabulously for everyone! It is pretty freaking amazing to be pregnant. Hugs all around.


Sep 6, 2007
Date: 11/15/2009 8:29:16 PM
Author: Bliss
Thank you for all the support...
It means more to me that I could ever say.

Prayers for you all and lots of dust!!!!

totally feel you on that. If you want to talk about it, I think you should feel free to. Or you could perhaps emphasize how much you''ve been hoping for this baby. That might open the dialogue. Some people feel uncomfortable talking about it, so... I was at the gym the other day and there was this GORGEOUS pregnant woman on the treadmill. She said hello so I said hello and told her how beautiful her baby bump was. She just glowed. We chatted about all the pregnant people in our building (five!!!) and she was so excited about her baby. But then later in our conversation, I shared that I was pregnant, too and added, ''Wow, it''s such a miracle to even get pregnant these days... we feel really lucky.'' And I feel like she just closed up after that. But man, her belly bump was gorgeous at 7 months!

Puppmom! Hello!!!! Thanks! Welcome!

For us, we BD''d on O-2, O, O+1, O+2....then crazily, I felt CF a week later (which is normal) so we BD''d again.

inhisarms17 Congrats on TTC! I think O-2 would be 2 days before ovulation...O is the day you ovulate and O+2 would be 2 days after ovulation. Some say it''s best to BD the day before ovulation, on the day of ovulation and for a couple of days after that for good measure (if you can) since the sperm can live in your fallopian tube for a day or two...hanging out for the sighting of the Great Pumpkin (egg).

Anyone, please correct me if I don''t have that correctly!

The other things that I did faithfully after reading the TTC thread that I feel worked was:

Cut down on caffeine drastically (no more coffee, only 1 cup of black tea a day, not green bc I needed the folic acid!)

Stopped stressing about getting pregnant (easier said than done, but about 5 people told me I was getting in my own way)

Ate pineapple during the implantation window

Drank relaxing herbal tea that had antioxidants like roobios.

I started taking prenatals a year before I wanted to get pregnant bc I heard the sooner the better if it''s in your system.

Also, I didn''t chart per se with complete temps. I charted based on CF only. It was my first complete month of charting just with CF and I figured that if it didn''t work, I''d graduate to the charting with CF and temps. But my CF was ironically like clockwork and I could tell immediately when I was about to ovulate and when I was ovulating. TMI, I know!

On another note... Anyone else feeling super nauseated? I made the mistake of bragging to DH last night that I hadn''t lost my cookies once and maybe unlike my poor mother who tossed her cookies through her 1st and 2nd trimesters, I was the exception to the rule. Hello, karma! Today, I woke up the sickest I have ever felt. Didn''t throw up, but felt like I was on the boat ride to Hades with the waves rocking and rolling. Just got my arsenal of original ginger chews, teas and snacks. Ginger chews saved my life.

Oh, and I bought this tea called ''Get Maternal'' but had to toss it out of my cup when I found out that it had stinging nettles in it. I know red raspberry leaf tea is supposed to be a tonic for the uterus but upon looking that up, too... I found that SOME say both cause miscarriages in early pregnancy, along with the stinging nettles. Though for centuries midwives have been prescribing it, I still feel like I shouldn''t have it until later in the pregnancy.

I''ll stick to my roobios, which was really awesome pre-preggo and up until now.

I MISS COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks, Bliss! That''s what I had thought but I wanted to be sure.

Hope all is well ladies!


Nov 18, 2004
Oh Bliss,
I am sorry I missed this. I had the same thing happen to me. My son is now 19. I was at the appointment, the doc said I will bet my practice that this is an ectopic pregnancy. I was so devastated. I had to wait for more tests, and was waiting on pins and needles. I lost a baby about 3 months before, so was like NOOOOOO. This can''t be. Thank god, when I went back all was fine. I switched Docs after that. Mainly because his demeanor was so matter of fact. I should have taken him up on the bet to bet his practice... But found a wonderful OBGYN who delivered my son. Glad all is well with you and your little bean!!! HUGS!!!
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