
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Nov 5, 2007

I've been taking a calcium supplement! Aye! Urg, another thing to add to my list of questions for the doc tomorrow.

Welcome Dandi! I didn't start feeling anything besides small crampy twinges until week 7 or 8. Then I got nauseous and bloaty and uncomfortable. That lasted a week and besides eating like a cow, I feel nothing again at 11.5 weeks!

Good luck at your scan today, MP! Let us know how it goes!


Nov 24, 2009

Hi ladies, quick drive-by post. I had the NT scan and everything seemed to look good with the baby, so I feel very relieved. The NT measurement was normal, and we could see the nasal bone. We asked if the tech had any guess as to gender, and she said there's an 80% chance it's a boy! And it did look like a boy nub from what I've seen on other sites. We'll see if she's right in a few weeks! Here's a pic (didn't get a good one of the "nub" unfortunately).



Nov 12, 2004

Hi everyone!!!

Checking in! Hope you're all well!!

Hi MP! :wavey: I'm so happy your NT scan went so well today! Look at your little babe!! So cute! I also had my NT scan today (told you, we're on the same schedule) and everything looked great! The perinatologist told me that he's never seen such low risk numbers in someone my age!!! I was happy to hear that. I also elected to do the MaterniT21 test, so I will get those results by next week.

I'm just so thankful that everything looks great so far. I got a ton of pics, some extra ones for my Mom and Dad, whom we plan on telling by this weekend. I'm so excited to tell them, but also kind of nervous!!! Isn't that crazy? Our family dog has been very sick.. Ironically, he started having seizures the week I found out I was pregnant. He is so so important to us, has been in our family for the past 12 years, so we are all devastated since the vet believes he has a brain lesion/tumor. We don't know definitively, but all of his symptoms point to this. So, we are pretty sure we don't have a lot of time left with him. He is stable right now on meds, but... We are just hoping for a miracle. That's why I have been extra hesitant to tell my parents about the pregnancy- I am so afraid of something going wrong- it would just be another thing they would have to handle, and I didnt want to put them through that. I'm hoping that the news of a healthy pregnancy will shine some light on this very sad time...For those of you that have pets, you can fully understand how painful this is. :blackeye: It just really sucks.

Sorry for the me-centric post, I hope everyone is feeling great. Welcome to JG & Dandi!!! So happy for you gals!!! :appl:


Nov 24, 2009

Dani, we definitely are on the same schedule! So glad to hear that your risk is really low. They picked my finger today, so we won't know the results until next week probably. But having seen that the little "guy" looks good and is measuring correctly, I feel much better. I just hope the numbers don't give me cause to worry when I get the results. So sorry to hear about your family dog. That is so hard :blackeye: They really do get to be part of the family. It's too bad the timing isn't that great, but I'm sure your family could all use some good news right now!


Nov 12, 2004

I know, MP!!! Not that I ever wanted this to happen, but why does it have to happen when I'm pregnant? It's terrible. Its going to be so hard for all of us to lose him when the time comes. I'm hoping that the docs are wrong, maybe its not so serious...maybe he developed epilepsy as an older dog, and its not a brain tumor? Who knows? The vets say that's a possibility, although not as likely as a brain lesion. Everytime I think about the situation I fee like I'm going to vomit. :blackeye: Like I said, we're praying for a miracle.

I had my blood taken 2 wks ago, so everything would be ready to go for when I got there today. Dont worry about your numbers....Can I ask, how old are you? I'm 33, and the doc told me my numbers were like a 22 year old!! Of course, my goofy hubs had to chime in on that one..."Well, see now, that's why I married her!!!!" UGH! He's such a goofball!!! :kiss:


Nov 24, 2009

Dani, I'll be hoping for the best for the little doggie. I know how hard it is.... I'm sure it will lift everyone's spirits to hear about a baby on the way!

To answer your question, I'm 31, so my odds shouldn't be too high yet. I don't care if the odds aren't better than my age. I just don't want something ambiguous.... Your husband's comment was funny BTW :)

One more picture because it's just too cute not to share....



Nov 5, 2007

LOL, Dani! That's funny what your hubs said! Sounds like something mine would say... So glad both you and MP had great scans! Weight lifted, right??

So sorry to hear about your dog though, that's never easy. Perhaps your pregnancy will be a spirit lifter? I always like to think like that.


Nov 27, 2010

MP, your baby is so adorable. Love the foot. I am so happy your scan went well today. I'm sure the blood work will confirm all is well. Congrats to you and DH!


Nov 27, 2010

Dani, congrats to you on your NT scan and your youthful scores! Amazing news! Also, very sorry to hear about your family dog. I hope he doesn't have too much pain.


Jan 9, 2006

Hey JGator and sunnyd, thanks for the warm welcome ladies! Oh I do hope I follow in your footsteps re. the lack of nausea! Thankyou both SO much for the reassurance, it makes me feel a ton better!! I must say I have been off my food the last week, but I think that's just nerves! :bigsmile:

mp, thankyou for the lovely welcome, and OH MY GOODNESS! That is one mega cute baby you have there, you're so clever! That is he cutest foot I have ever seen. Hope you're keeping well!

Thankyou Dani! I'm glad everything is progressing well with you, have fun telling your parents! I'm so sorry about your beloved doggy, I know the pain of nursing a sick pet and it's just so hard. It's so selfless of you to not tell your parents in case something goes wrong, but of course this news will be an amazingly happy boost for them! Sending your precious doggy healthy healing vibes, and thinking of you my dear.
Hello to all the other beautiful mammas-to-be!! :appl: :wavey:


Mar 8, 2009

MP that foot is tooooo darn freakin cute!


Nov 12, 2004

Thanks, girls, for your support. I'm hoping that our great news will shine some light on this very hard time. It just feels like he's a ticking time bomb...Everytime my phone rings I freak out. It just sucks so bad :blackeye:

MP- That pic of the babe's foot is so super cute! I love it! I can't believe the tech told you that there was an 80% chance that its a boy! Crazy! I wonder if my tech (or the doc) was leaning one way or another? I did tell them as soon as they walked in that we don't want to know, but still. I'm so curious and keep looking back at my pics and checking "the angle of the dangle" LOL! Oh well, patience is a virtue.....

Thanks so much JG, Sunny, & Dandi!!! Hope your all feeling well! :))


Feb 8, 2012

monkey those are adorable pictures!!! :love: Glad to hear your scan went well :appl:

dani I'm sorry to hear about your family's doggy. I think you should tell your parents, it will be such a pick-me-up for them and give them something positive to focus on. The prospect of becoming grandparents has been such a tonic for my parents.

Dandi congratulations and welcome!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: I didn't have a single symptom for the first few weeks - it freaked me out a bit and I worried all was well, but it was fine. It seems to be very common to have no symptoms at all for the first while. My symptoms kicked in with a vengeance at 6 weeks but hey you may be lucky and not experience anything yucky at all!

Hope you are all keeping well ladies! :wavey:


Jun 23, 2011

I have ZERO business lurking here, but I do it anyhow. :oops: Dani, I had to comment about your family pup. My parents just lost their Lhasa of 15 yrs to pretty much the same thing you're describing. He had a good 5 months and a pretty bad 6th month before he passed. It helps to keep them comfortable, remove as much stress as you can (it tends to bring on the seizures in some dogs) and the vet hopefully can (or has already) given your parents medication for him to try to control the seizures. As it progresses he'll need to have pretty constant supervision (they get tangled in legs of chairs, bump into things, fall's sad, but it's just confusion that the tumors cause). As long as they can control the seizures and keep him comfortable, he can still have a pretty decent quality of life for a while. It's just VERY hard on caregivers. :(sad

It's heartbreaking, but I do think that your pregnancy will give your parents some "new beginnings" hope and happiness. Yes, it's sad to lose our furry kids, but they will be able to focus on having their (first?) grandchild and all of the wonderful things that brings. I'm so sorry that this very brief, amazing time in your life has had a shadow cast over it and I hope it lifts somehow, soon. *big hugs*

Since I'm already posting, omgosh MP I can't tell you how happy it makes me to see your BABY! I'm so happy for you, really and truly. I can't decide if I want to tickle or eat that foot, too stinking cute!

I'm going back to lurk mode now before I drive myself insane. I hope to join all of you in the coming months though. :))


Nov 24, 2009

Thanks for the sweet comments about my little Bumby. Even after seeing the pictures on the screen, I still can't seem to wrap my mind around the fact that little being is growing inside of me! It's the weirdest thing! But I feel so blessed right now that all seems well with the little one.

Dani, I know, isn't it crazy that the tech was even willing to hazard a guess this early? She was also pregnant, and I'm thinking she must be pretty confident in her assessment, because she said that she was so confident of the sex of her baby after her ultrasound at 12.5 weeks that they told their families that same day. I'm trying to keep an open mind and realize that it is still not a sure thing, but we are going to be mighty shocked if we find out in 6-8 weeks that we are actually having a little girl! So, have you decided how and when you are going to tell your family about the baby? BTW, you should post a picture or two from your scan!

Tammy, thanks for the sweet comments. I can't wait for you to be here posting pictures of your little one. Thinking of you!

Dandi, how are you feeilng? Is it starting to sink in yet?

Sunnyd, when's your NT scan? Hope you're still hanging in there.

AFM, today is DH's birthday, so this morning, I gave him a card and present from the baby. The present was a little onesie that says: "Daddy and I Agree: Mommy is the Boss." Tonight, we are having his family over for cake, and we are going to announce the pregnancy by giving his mom a present to open (after DH opens his), and the present is a sonogram frame that says "coming soon" with a picture of the baby from yesterday. I don't think they suspect anything, so it should be a fun surprise.


Nov 5, 2007

Sounds like a great surprise, MP! I'm sure they'll be so excited!

My NT scan isn't until 4/16! I'll be 13w4d by then. I'm sure everything will be fine, but it's such a small decision making window, yanno? It worries me a bit. But that was the earliest they had an appointment available! I'm excited to see baby looking like a baby!

Happy hump day ladies! My 12 week check up is today, woohoo!


Nov 12, 2004

Thank you so much Buttons and Tammy, I really appreciate your well wishes for my little Eddie boy :blackeye:

Tammy, thank you for sharing your story. This has been so hard for us. Our boy has been in great health up until 8 wks ago. My mom called me one day right before the seizures started and mentioned to me that she felt that his hearing was really going, but we just attributed it to his age (12). Like I said though, he had been in great shape and was still running around like he's was a puppy. Then, out of the blue, my parents called me frantic, telling me he had a full tonic-clonic seizure. He then proceeded to have 2 more over the next 12 hours. We really though the end was coming very soon. Of course, being a nurse, I figured that he probably had cancer or some other reason like a brain tumor that was causing these seizures. When we brought him to the vet, they ran some blood work and said everything looked perfect. The vet said he either a( has a brain tumor/lesion or b) has developed epilepsy. He also stated that reason b is not as common, especially for a dog his age. He gave us the choice to do a CAT scan of the brain, but we elected not to do it because the treatment is the same (we would not do chemo/surgery/radiation at this point) and the vet agreed with our decision. He then was started on Phenobarbital to suppress the seizures, and he had been doing great, and did not have another one till the other night. I think we initially though maybe it was a fluke, maybe it would never happen again....So when it happened again on Sunday (my mom said it was mild, but still) it all kind of knocked us back into that feeling of that he really is seriously ill and its just so heartbreaking. I understand what you mean about it being so hard on the caregivers....everytime I speak to my parents they sound so mentally exhausted, besides the fact that my mom has padded everything in the rooms where he stays -anything that can potentially cause damage if he has a seizure and hits into it.
The main thing is that we will not let him suffer in any way, shape, or form. The minute he seems like he's in pain or when his quality of life is so affected that he really does not have one, we will have to let him go. Its just so hard though.....

Anyway, sorry for that novel. Thanks so much for listening. Please everyone keep my boy in your prayers!!


Jun 30, 2008

MP - That sounds like a cute onesie :tongue: Good luck and have fun telling DH's parents tonight. What a fun and exciting time for all of you!!! Happy birthday to your DH too!


Nov 24, 2009

Missy, thanks! The onesie is pretty cute. It's the first thing we've bought for the baby. My husband got a kick out of how tiny it was. Can't believe how close you're geting now lady. Hope you're feeling good.

Sunnyd,I'm sure everything will be just fine with your babe. The good thing about having the scan at that point is that he or she will be even more developed and looking like a real baby. You're gonna love it. It is very surreal.

Dani, continuing to send good thoughts for your dog. Hoping he is able to live as long and pain-free of a life as possible.

Hi to Dandi, JGator, Katamari, Rachel, and anyone else I'm missing. Hope you are all doing great!

AFM, we made the big announcement to DH's family, and they were ecstatic. DH's mom was really confused when we said we had a present for her, and then she didn't have her reading glasses, so she couldn't read the "Coming Soon" on the frame, but when she figured it out, she just started bawling. It was quite a production :) Apparently, my SIL and MIL have been speculating for some time and analyzing whether I've been drinking, etc. Pre-pregnancy, I rarely drank when I was with them, so that wouldn't be a very good predictor anyway. I'm glad they know now, but I must say that it is sort of bittersweet not having this little secret with DH anymore. I kind of liked our little cocoon, and it is strange that everyone is going to know soon and be giving their opinions and advice....

ETA: I also found out that one of my cousins and his wife are expecting right around the same time as me. Apparently, our mothers, who were both supposed to keep it quiet, couldn't resist sharing ultrasound pictures a few weeks back. I don't really care that she shared the news, but my mom CANNOT keep a secret!


Nov 27, 2010

MP, congrats on telling DH's family. Sounds like they are thrilled. Your mom sounds like mine which is why she doesn't know yet. :naughty: We haven't told anyone except my dentist (had to avoid x-rays on my last dental checkup). My mom is a huge worrier though so I think the less total time she knows about the pregnancy the better. She still worries every time I get on a plane. And, I used to fly for work every week. I probably gave her a lot of grey hair.

Sunny, your NT scan is exactly one week before mine. Can't wait to hear all about it.

Dani, I really hope your family's dog can remain comfortable and pain free. Sending thoughts and prayers to him and your family.

Buttons, hi, hope you are feeling well.

AFM, one week till my next ultrasound and 18 days till the NT and/or CVS scan. It's been a week since the last ultrasound and it's killing me. This is going to be a long 40 weeks. Contemplating getting a Doppler...


Jun 30, 2008

MP - Glad that went well!! I didn't realize you posted about the reveal yesterday so I was a day behind! Haha. I am feeling good during the day, sleeping is getting a little interesting. And apparently I've started to snore :lol: Whoops! They say that happens with the weight gain and nasal congestion. Also, getting into and out of bed is a sight to see, not for me but DH always laughs haha. I'm thinking about getting the breathe right strips again, they seemed to work for me before. Oh and my dentist said I should be wearing a mouth guard at night because I'm apparently grinding my teeth at night while I sleep. So I'll be wearing a goofy strip on my nose, a mouth guard, and hugging my huge body pillow. Wow how attractive! :shock:

JGator - I totally know what you mean. I had an u/s at 6 weeks and not another til 20 weeks and I won't be getting anymore the rest of my pregnancy. It's tough waiting, but once you start feeling baby movements it helps a lot! I bought a doppler, mostly because I loved to hear the sound and the nurses at my appointments only let me hear it for about 20 seconds at the most.

---30 weeks 4 days


Mar 13, 2008

MP, Awww!!! What a cute way to tell your ILs!!! They must be thrilled. Sounds like you guys are really starting to enjoy the pregnancy now. Fantastic :)


Jan 21, 2010

MP, that foot pic of Bumby is just too cute! Congrats on a great NT scan!


Nov 24, 2009

Thanks S&I and LC! LC, I hope you are loving having your little guy here, and S&I, you are so close! I'll be thinking of you!

Missy, you're looking great. I've been told by DH that I occassionally snore as well when I sleep on my back. I usually sleep on my tummy, so it's not a problem, but I know I won't be able to do that for too much longer!

JGator, your next ultrasound must be coming up soon! I'll be thinking of you because I know it is nervewracking, but I'm sure your little one is hanging in there just fine! And hopefully you'll get to share your exciting news soon!

Hello to everyone else! Hope you are all doing well!

AFM, I'm planning to tell the head of my department about the baby in about 45 minutes. I know it is going to be a super uncomfortable conversation because he is such a formal, unfriendly person. Wish me luck! Then I guess I'll start spreading the word to my secretary and the other attorneys I am working with and letting the word spread through the grapevine. Yikes. Other than that, nothing too exciting. We're still waiting to hear back on our NT results once they get the blood tests back, and I've got a regular appointment tomorrow (because the doctor was out of town last week).



Feb 15, 2007

I am just barely barely pregnant, but I'm too excited to join this thread to wait!

DH and I decided to start trying on the 25th of March, which was CD13 for me, so we went for it and yesterday I got a BFP. We are THRILLED, but a bit surprised at how quickly things are moving along. I think this technically makes me 3 wks 6 days right now, since my last cycle began on 3/13. Is that how it works? ANYWAY, I know it's so, so early, but I'm just so overjoyed I wanted to pop in and say HI. So, hi, everyone!

I have now begun obsessing over everything, and being very concerned about this baby sticking around for the long haul. Here's hoping!


Nov 5, 2007

Welcome and congrats Haven! Sticky dust to you!! Your date sounds right to me, CD1 = pregnancy day 1. That's how I got my bonus week, since my cycle is longer.

How was everyone's Easter? I have a ham sammy for lunch, I'm excited to eat it!! My inlaws got little presents for the babies in the family - my niece and our little peanut. An outfit and a blankie and a stuffed beach ball. I can't wait to find out the sex already, I just don't like any of the gender neutral stuff!! I hate being patient!!!

I actually STTN last night without having to pee. Woohoo!! LOL.


Nov 27, 2010

MP, good luck spreading the news today. My ultrasound is on Thursday.

Haven, welcome to the thread. Let us know if you have any questions. You might check out the thread about foods to avoid. There are a lot of suggestions there. I have avoided all caffeine, sushi, deli meats, alcohol, raw oysters, and probably some other things. DH is sticter about it than I would be, but I figure I don't want to blame myself if anything goes wrong. I have had a sip of coffee a few times and it was sooo good. I might let up on the caffeine rule in the 2nd trimester. :naughty:

Sunny, I am so jealous you slept through the night. I have been getting up 2-3 times/night. I can't wait for this phase to be over.

AFM, I am particularly anxious this week. I counted the DPO that I was on my MC, and today is the same number of DPO for me on this pregnancy so I should be feeling good that I made it this far, but I'm just so anxious to have a healthy, sticky baby. Thursday's ultrasound should help...only 3 more days - I can hold out till then. DH wants to wait to get a Doppler till after our NT/CVS on April 23.

10 weeks and 1 day


Nov 24, 2009

Haven, welcome! This is definitely the place for you. The great thing about the way pregnancy weeks are calculated is that you're suddenly 4 weeks pregnant before you even know what hit you. I would be a complete hypocrite if I told you not to worry, but honestly, chances are everything will go smoothly for you and the baby. We've all been there and understand the worry, so you're in good company. Sending you lots of sticky dust!

Sunnyd, our baby started accumulating a wardrobe this weekend too! So far, everything will work for a boy or girl, but I tend to think the gender neutral stuff is more boyish. Are you going to ask the tech to guess/predict the baby's sex at your NT scan or wait for the anatomy scan? Lucky you getting to sleep through the night without using the restroom! I haven't been able to do that in weeks!

JGator, I've been wondering how you were doing as you approached this time in your pregnancy. I'm sure it is scary, but I am so hopeful for you that this little one is a perfectly healthy little baby. The ultrasound will be really reassuring. Our doppler arrived when I was 11 weeks exactly, and we were able to pick up the heartbeat that day, but it was a little tricky at first to figure out where the baby was and to distinguish the sounds. Now that we know about where the baby is positioned and how it sounds, it is much easier. And let me tell you, it has been really reassuring on those days when I get anxious.

AFM, I just told the head of my group and the head of my department. They were nice about it and at least pretended to be happy for me. Now I guess I'll let the word trickle out to the other people I work with. I found out there are at least two other associates who are expecting within or a month or so of me, so that made me feel better! Now, I guess the cat is out of the bag, and that feels good. I didn't really like feeling like I was being sneaky or something.


Apr 28, 2008

Monkey, CONGRATS on a great NT scan!! Yay! You must be so relieved and happy. I like how you told the in-laws, so sweet.

JGator, we are due date buddies!! :) I'm 10w1d today, and due November 4th also. And we also have our NT scan scheduled for April 23rd. Crazy huh!?

Haven, congratulations!!


May 18, 2008
Congratulations Haven! Very excited for you :)
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