
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Nov 24, 2009

Bright, LOL. I realize I sound completely neurotic. Funny thing is I tried to call to reschedule this morning, but the only other time available next week that would work for me and DH was with the same doctor! It's destiny I guess. It is a reputable hospital, so I'm sure he's qualified. Just not what I expected. I have called several times in the past week to try to reschedule appointments or ask questions, and I said to DH last night that I hoped that they weren't noting in m chart that I was a "special patient." DH said not to worry because he's sure they already did that a long time ago! :roll: Anyway, I'm really pulling for you lady! So ready for you to move back over to this thread, hopefully this cycle! It's definitely your turn!


Apr 14, 2005

Mp, lol! I totally empathize with analyzing everything to death. How did you find out he's a figure skater?
That's definitely unexpected, but as long as he doesn't show up in his tights, I think you'll be ok. Hoping everything goes well & sets your mind at ease.

Ok, back to ttc-land again for me. Continued dust to everyone. I hope I can join you again soon.


Nov 12, 2004

MP, they definitely put a couple gold stars on your chart just to designate you as a "special patient" LOL :lol:


Nov 5, 2007

Figure skating doctor, huh? Haha, well I'm sure he'll be delicate and graceful with you! :cheeky:

I'm back in my regular pants this week. Bloat is retreating for now, woohoo!! I really want to go shopping for new clothes though, I haven't gotten anything new in months, it feels like! I'm a bit of a clothes horse, so it's weird that I haven't. Haha.


Nov 24, 2009

Sunnyd, I've been suppressing my desire to get a new spring wardrobe too. I just feel like I don't know what will be fitting me in a few weeks. And maternity clothes intimidate me, so I'm holding off until I absolutely need to get them. I haven't figured out how all of the sizing works, etc. I think I'm still in denial that things are not going to be fitting me soon. Glad your bloat has subsided. I find that my stomach looks almost normal in the morning (although slightly less flat than it used to be), but by the end of the day and after I eat dinner, I've definitely got the bloat factor going on.


May 18, 2008

Fisher: I am so glad to see you back. Your update on the early losses thread is heart-wrenching, but I am so glad that you and P are doing better. I have no doubt in my mind that you two will be blessed with a sibling for Miracle!

You are so lucky to get to see your little bean at so many appointments! I am glad to hear that your 10 week appointment seemed fine, and hope the same is true for your NT! Also, congrats on deciding to be Team Green. I am sure the mystery will pay off in the end. I totally don't feel pregnant, either. I'm not sure when it will hit me. Maybe when we start being public about it? Are you still snacking on your Nutter Butters? I am so glad they delivered for you. So far, everything I have craved, when I actually had it, it didn't do anything for me. Actually, there was one exception--an Arby's roast beef sandwich. Isn't that gross. It was devine, though.

Buttons: Yay for getting some maternity jeans--and on a huge sale! I actually am also wearing leggings and empire dresses most days. Your work dress code sounds miserable. I don't know anything about European maternity shops, but here in the States, I would try ebay or consignment shops for suits. I assume that most women who have to buy suits during pregnancy want to recoup some of the cost, if possible (I know I would), so that seems promising to me. I hope all went well with your work project and that everything pans out the way you want it to! Also, a huge congrats for finally starting to feel a little better.

MP: We had our NT scan and genetic counseling on Monday. To be honest, I really appreciated it, because it was the most straightforward interaction I have ever had with a doctor. Everything was discussed in terms of odds, means, and standard deviations. I felt like they were objective and were very clear about this being step one of four and they could only know so much at each stage, and nothing with certainty (steps two and three are blood tests--one at week 12-14 which I just went ahead and did then, another between weeks 16-18, and then the anatomy scan at 18-20). We were told the conditions that could be detected and with what accuracy for each test. They also took, like, 56 images (though we only got a couple printouts). And, because my LO apparently only wants to face my spine, the tech had to shake my belly like crazy to get it laying on its back or facing any other direction. That, on a full, drank-32oz-of-water bladder was not fun, but seeing the LO being all active sure was. We did get low probabilities for everything at this point, but I think that even if we had heard unfavorable news, we still would have been happy we got it done. This said, of course, coming from someone who never doubted it and didn't have to have to work with a competitive figure skater. LOL! :tongue:

RachelK: Glad to hear you are also making the transition to maternity clothes, too! I wish all shirts were as long as maternity shirts, as someone who already had a big enough chest and a long torso. I have been so cold during this pregnancy, I don't know how you deal with the refrigeration at work all day! I am glad you get to wear layers. I always wear compression shorts under dresses in the summer, because I want to prevent chafing (Can you believe that some people's thighs don't touch when they sit down? I cannot even imagine that!). I already am planning on some maternity compression shorts. I assume that maternity Spanx are similar. I can't guess they would be the same tightness as regular Spanx. Also, I am at 13w6d today. I had a dr appt at 13w3d and she called it my first 2T appt, so I am going to go with that. Congrats on making it to the 2nd Tri, even if it is this weekend! I am jealous that you get to celebrate with acupuncture. It sounds lovely! Hopefully you hear some conclusive news about your house, too!

Sunny: Back in your old pants?! Lucky ducky. I also love buying new clothes, but am sad that these will not be forever clothes. I don't like buying special purpose clothes. And, let's be honest, a lot of maternity clothes are pretty sad and fuddy duddy. I am trying to find enough regular clothes that can pull double duty, at least for the 2T, though because I do love me some shopping!

AFM: Had the NT scan on Monday and all was well. DH got to go, too, and it was very cool to see our little fetus (who he calls Limey, which has stuck since it was lime-sized. I am pressing him for a better nickname). It was moving like crazy and really looked like a baby. On the huge screen, it is a bit hard to remember it is only about 3.5" long.

I also got my hair dyed, finally, since my dr said it would be okay in the 2nd trimester. Goodbye gray! Oh, and I have terrible acne. Like, huge, nasty, mountain zits all over my face right now. Now that I got my gray covered, I look like a pubescent 14-year-old. But, the nausea is mostly gone as is the constipation. I am still somewhat tired, but if this is what the 2nd tri is going to be like, I say bring it!

Here's the pic from our NT scan at 13w3d: katamari.13weeks.jpg


Nov 5, 2007

It's a baby! Congrats on moving up to the next trimester, Kata and Rachel!

I spoke too per usual! My pants are being held up today by the inside button. No hooking for me! Haha, the outside hooks, not prostitution. That sounded funny when I read it back.

I feel you on the zits. The major ones look like gaping flesh wounds at the moment. And just when I think I might get a break with a clear day, another crops up! It's quite sad. My next doctor appt is next week and I definitely plan on asking what I do about this mess. I feel so gross!


Jun 18, 2010
sunnyd said:
I feel you on the zits. The major ones look like gaping flesh wounds at the moment. And just when I think I might get a break with a clear day, another crops up! It's quite sad. My next doctor appt is next week and I definitely plan on asking what I do about this mess. I feel so gross!

My skin is finally starting to clear up at 20 weeks. It's definitely not where it was pre-pregnancy, but I'll take any improvement I can get.


Oct 18, 2007


Sunny D and Katamari - I'm right there with you in the zits department. I wouldn't say these are my worst (those were reserved for the fall / winter roes of PCOS for me) but new ones keep cropping up, and I'm also being blessed with scattered pinprick chest zits, my favorite (LOL) I keep absent mindedly picking these little buggers so my chest is not a pretty sight (well besides the huge boobs!) - sad face.

I wore official maternity pants for the first time today! A cute pair of jean capris, and it was very nice. They're from motherhood and the panel is really thin like pantyhose almost and I think I'll prefer that to the thicker ones. I folded the panel down which was somewhat uncomfortable and shifty but I'm not quite ready to have it fully up. I don't really need the panel yet although 2 coworkers have commented on my 'bump' so I must be looking different.

I had some not so lovely news yesterday at work, and then on top of that a coworker is leaving and a few other really irritating things happened and I unfortunately threw a bit of a fit and stormed out in a huff. It was lunchtime and I just went for a drive and get a starbucks but I was so mad! I listened to my "I'm mad" music really loud in the car that I always put on when I'm particularly riled up and that helped too. I'm normally very mild mannered so I think everyone was pretty shocked.

My company is really small and what I found out is that we will be losing our disability insurance months before my due date due to non participation. We don't have the minimum of 10 people on the plan so we're being dropped. Great, just what I needed to hear. I don't even know if it's worth checking to see if I can buy disability on the open market and if I'm eligible already being preggo if it would be worthwhile. The lady that does our HR was also acting like it's totally normal to go back to work 6 weeks after having your baby! To me that's absurd and just not normal. 12 weeks seems so short to me but I know that's what most people take. I suppose I'm the one with strong feelings so it rubbed me the wrong way.

I don't love my job and I bring home a fraction of what DH does, so the job isn't what it is to me that it is to other people / families. What I bring home goes towards debt service on our revolving debt almost exclusively ( we racked up quite a lot moving from St Thomas in 2010). DH and I actually talked at length last night about me not going back to work. Deep down that's what I want, at least at first, and our new house is going to be affordable enough that I think we will be just fine if that's what I decide to do. In a way even though I know it's sneaky, I will probbaly plan to go back part time, and then if my heart's not in it I'll quit / take extended leave. Maybe I will just not plan to go back, I don't know. I really don't want to have to pay for my health insurance during the 6 or 12 weeks and that's why I would go back at all! I know that stinks but I feel like this company really has us over a barrel - we get basically zero paid holidays (produce is a 365 day business) and no paid vacation until after 1 year of service, so right now I have a whopping 5 days of paid vacation to show for my 14 months of service.

My boss lady tried to assure me that what we don't get in good benefits we do get in 'I've got your back' type small company flexibility, but that can be revoked or changed at any time on the boss' mood and I would really prefer a concrete sick leave plan for instance.

Once we get some more details on exactly what our expenses will be when the house stuff is finalized in the next month, I'll be able to plan with more certainty.


Thanks for listening to my rant / ramblings about the work situation. I do know that I have it better than some and I should consider myself lucky, which I do, and try to keep that in mind when work is driving me up the wall.

Pregnancy update is basically good, checked in with the peri and I should get my NT results tomorrow or Friday. I'm still getting the racing heart and I am thinking of pushing to see a specialist when I see the midwife next week. It's bothering me (as in I want to know why I feel so oddly) and I want to know if something is wrong.

I think I'll 'graduate' to the big girl thread over the weekend. See you all there soon!!


Nov 24, 2009

Oh my gosh! I've got two huge pimples on my cheek right now too! Glad I'm not the only one. I feel hideous.

Katamari look at you baby. Wow it's amazing how fast they change!


Feb 8, 2012

Hi ladies!

To everyone suffering with acne, my sympathies! I have terrible skin at the best of times as I have what my dermatologist told me is untreatable contact dermatitis, which causes acne on my face, shoulders, chest and upper arms. My chest and upper arms look like a pepperoni pizza, but funnily enough my back and my face are clearer than they've ever been since I was, oh, 14. Funnily enough, my face was its usual messy self for the first trimester, but for the last two weeks it has really cleared up. I hope you all get similar relief!

Has anyone heard the old wives' tale that bad skin in pregnancy = a girl and good skin = a boy? Any correlation for ye ladies?

fisher I am glad to see you posting again, I have been thinking of you a lot. I posted in the other thread too. I am very much looking forward to seeing you posting on this thread again, and I am praying that it will be very soon.

rachel I'm sorry to hear about your work stress. I agree with you that 6 weeks is ridiculous. I'm self-employed so technically I don't get any leave, but I do plan to take three months off and then ease back in slowly. Anyone in full time employment over here is entitled to a full year off and their job is protected. They may not receive full pay during that time, but they have job security. I am always dismayed when I read about the scant maternity leave you ladies in the US receive :(sad Thanks for the advice re maternity wear. I am crafty too, but my thing is knitting and I can't sew to save my life. I have been making myself an empire line wrap cotton cardi though, I think it's going to turn out really nice. And you have inspired me to see if I could buy a cheap jacket and have it altered - maybe insert a zip in the side seams and a stretchy panel behind it, or buy a little Chanel style jacket with no buttons and sew in a ribbon to keep it closed just under the boobs. Lots to mull over! Glad to hear the pregnancy is going well, and yes definitely mention your heart racing to your midwife if it is worrying you. You don't need to be stressing out about that on top of everything else.

katamari thanks for the tips re my horrendous work dress code! My work thing got pushed back till May, which actually suits me better. And I got some other good work news on Monday so all is good here :bigsmile: I badly need to get my roots done, might treat myself to that next week. Are you or your DH British? Just wondering because of the Limey nickname... Your ultrasound picture is adorable, you have a wee dancer on your hands there! :love: Unlike my baby, which was curled up facing the wall like an extra in the Blair Witch Project :cheeky:

monkey and sunnyd I have been itching to buy some cute Spring/Summer things too! We have a heatwave going on here and I would love to go out and buy some nice new tops, but I know I need to save the money for the evil expensive maternity suit jacket :(sad Oh well. On the upside my mother told me the other day she has a blue maxi dress with a smock top that she bought last year but never got round to taking up and that she thinks it would make a gorgeous maternity dress and I can have it if I want it. Yay!


AFM yesterday was a complete wash-out thanks to a vicious migraine (ended up taking paracetamol after all my home remedies failed). But on the plus side the viral infection appears to be mostly gone. I am still coughing a teeny little bit at night but have no more sinus/throat pain. Yay!

Today, it is back to just the usual dull headache. Tonight I am meeting up with my girlfriends for some dinner, then afterward I am bringing one of them to a make up lesson at a Benefit counter as a birthday treat (I managed to score two places at this make up workshop for free when I bought a Mother's Day gift for my Mum). Then we are going back to the second girl's home for tea and biscuits. I haven't seen them in a few weeks and I am really looking forward to a good girly catch up!!! :bigsmile:

I think I may transfer over to the 'big girl' thread 'full time' over the weekend, but I will keep checking in here :wavey:

No other news here. Take care ladies!

~ 15 weeks 3 days


Jun 18, 2010
Re: Re:

Buttons|1333028559|3159035 said:
Has anyone heard the old wives' tale that bad skin in pregnancy = a girl and good skin = a boy? Any correlation for ye ladies?

Yes. It was one of the many reasons I thought I was having a girl. Turns out sucky skin can be a boy as well.


Nov 5, 2007
Re: Re:

amc80|1333039285|3159154 said:
Buttons|1333028559|3159035 said:
Has anyone heard the old wives' tale that bad skin in pregnancy = a girl and good skin = a boy? Any correlation for ye ladies?

Yes. It was one of the many reasons I thought I was having a girl. Turns out sucky skin can be a boy as well.
I've heard this as well, the reason being that a girl steals her mother's beauty.


Jun 18, 2010
Re: Re:

sunnyd|1333042422|3159191 said:
amc80|1333039285|3159154 said:
Buttons|1333028559|3159035 said:
Has anyone heard the old wives' tale that bad skin in pregnancy = a girl and good skin = a boy? Any correlation for ye ladies?

Yes. It was one of the many reasons I thought I was having a girl. Turns out sucky skin can be a boy as well.
I've heard this as well, the reason being that a girl steals her mother's beauty.

Tell that to this little boy! Horrible skin, greasy hair...and when I shave, it grows back within the day. I feel so sexy right now :rolleyes:


Nov 27, 2010

Hi, everyone, dipping my toe into the JBP thread. I was here back in Aug/September 2011, but I had a MC in October. I am currently 8 weeks and 6 days according to my ultrasound from today. Looking forward to getting to know you all. Here is the blob photo from today. The doctor said the ultrasounds look more like babies once we get to 10 or 11 weeks. I am looking forward to that.

8 wks 6 days ultrasound.jpg


Nov 5, 2007

Welcome JGator!!!


Nov 24, 2009

JGator, yay, great to see you finally ventured over here! So happy everything went well at your appointment today and that you were able to see your baby again and everything is looking good. I hope that as you get further and further along in the pregnancy, you will feel more confident. I'm still hoping that for myself too!

amc, you seem to defy all of the old wives tales :) My symptoms are a little schizo, so I have no idea, but I can't wait to find out.

Buttons, 15 weeks already? Wow. Sorry you still continue to suffer. This baby better be very well-behaved when he or she is born to make up for all the headaches!

Rachel, I hope work was better for you today. Sorry to hear about the benefits issue. Six weeks definitely doesn't seem long enough, so I hope you find a solution that works for you. I'll get 12 weeks paid maternity leave, but even that doesn't seem like enough :(

Sunnyd, I had a tight pants day as well! I pulled out my bella band for the first time, and it was nice not having the botton of my pants poking into me all day. I think I need to resign myself to the fact that certain of my pants are off-limits now. I've been a little more nauseous this week, so I've been having to eat more, which is resulting in a thicker waist!

Hope everyone else is doing well! Nothing exciting to report for me. We listened to the baby's heart again last night, and DH found it right away. So amazing!


Feb 8, 2012

Ha ha, sounds like there are lots of little boys out there who have no interest in playing along with that particular old wives' tale then! :lol:

JGator welcome and congratulations! :wavey:

monkeyprincess you're getting to be quite the expert with that Doppler eh? :bigsmile: I keep telling the baby it better be very cute to make up for everything it's put me through... ;))


AFM I had a wonderful evening yesterday, it was so nice to catch up with my girlfriends and have a girly evening. They told me my boobs are huuuuge - I knew they had grown but didn't guess it was that much! - guess it's time to investigate some maternity bras then! :cheeky:

~ 15 weeks 4 days


Jun 18, 2010
Re: Re:

monkeyprincess|1333063611|3159482 said:
amc, you seem to defy all of the old wives tales :) My symptoms are a little schizo, so I have no idea, but I can't wait to find out.

I know, it's crazy! But I had my anatomy scan yesterday and he's definitely still a boy!


Mar 4, 2010

I'm like amc. Nausea, bad skin, high heartbeat, and it's a boy!


Aug 12, 2005
Re: Re:

sunnyd|1333042422|3159191 said:
amc80|1333039285|3159154 said:
Buttons|1333028559|3159035 said:
Has anyone heard the old wives' tale that bad skin in pregnancy = a girl and good skin = a boy? Any correlation for ye ladies?

Yes. It was one of the many reasons I thought I was having a girl. Turns out sucky skin can be a boy as well.
I've heard this as well, the reason being that a girl steals her mother's beauty.

I've had perfect skin all during my pregnancy, and I am having a girl. I used to have some problematic skin, too, even in my thirties! And I just have to say here (not directed at you SunnyD) that I absolutely abhor the saying "girls steal your beauty." What a horrible old wives tale! I certainly did not steal my mother's beauty, and my little girl hasn't stolen any of mine--in fact, I feel more beautiful and fit and powerful with each passing day that I am pregnant! I'm going to miss it!


Nov 24, 2009

Hi ladies! Hope everyone had a nice weekend. Any news with anyone?

Buttons, that's funny that your friends noticed your chest :) I still don't think mine have gotten much bigger yet, which I'm totally fine with!

AFM, I have my NT scan tomorrow afternoon, so I'm looking forward to seeing the baby again and praying all looks well. Assuming all goes well, we will be telling my husband's family about the baby on his birthday on Wednesday. I think they're going to be really excited! I was such a slug this weekend. I've just been so tired and unable to stay up much past 9 or 10 lately, and then I wake up all tired and not wanting to get out of bed. I thought this was supposed to happen earlier and be better by now! Hoping I get over it soon because it is so hard to focus at work! Have a great start to the week!



Nov 27, 2010

Sunny and Buttons, thanks for the warm welcome!

MP, good luck tomorrow at the NT scan. I'm sure it will all go well. I have been taking some evening naps lately too.

AFM, feeling a bit more nausea lately and heartburn. What are you ladies taking for heartburn? My previous OB said to take Zantac, but my current one says Tums anytime or Zantac in the 2nd Trimester or later. says Zantac is safe but not Tums. I have scheduled an NT scan and a CVS for April 23 - 3 weeks from today. We are going to do the NT scan first, and if they find any measurements off, we will get the CVS test done the same day. My doctor said the risk for Down's is higher due to my age - 40. I think my DH wants the CVS to find out if we have another chromosomal problem (Trisomy 9) as we did in the MC, and I just really want some reassurance that all is well so we'll see what the perinatologist finds in the NT scan. We will tell our families after we get the results from the test on the 23rd. We haven't told anyone yet, and it's killing me! I hope times flies by quickly between now and then. I have 2 work trips coming up back to back in mid-April so that should help. I just hope the nausea subsides by then.


Nov 24, 2009

JGator, I fortunately have not had much heartburn so far, but I know the list my doctor gave to me suggests Tums. Hope you find some relief.

Question for everyone, when do you plan to tell your employer about your pregnancy (if you haven't already)? If all goes well tomorrow, I'm thinking it's probably time to share the news with my supervising attorney and some of the other partners I am working with, and then letting the word spread to everyone else. I just know it will be an uncomfortable conversation, and I just wish I could avoid it, but I better buck up and do it soon. We are taking a couple of days off to visit my family for Easter, so maybe I'll do it when I get back next week. It's weird that nobody here knows, not even my secretary!


Jun 18, 2010
Re: Re:

JGator|1333379228|3161707 said: says Zantac is safe but not Tums.

Really? Every baby book I've read, not to mention my OB, said Tums are perfectly safe.

monkeyprincess said:
Question for everyone, when do you plan to tell your employer about your pregnancy (if you haven't already)?

I told my boss at about 12 weeks, the week before my NT scan. I knew I'd have a lot of doctor's appointments coming up, so I wanted him to know. I told everyone else the day after the scan.


Nov 5, 2007

JGator I've been taking Tums when I need em, I've not heard that they were bad. Weird! So much conflicting info out there...

MP, I told my boss last week. He said he already knew and was waiting for me to come to him! Ha! I don't know if I believe him, but he suspected all of the doctor's appointments I was making.

We made it FB official last night, so the word is out now! Woohoo!



Nov 27, 2010

MP, I'll probably tell work after the NT/CVS at/around week 12.

This is what says about Tums - I think I'll stick with them in the first trimester though and follow my doctor's advice.

SafeFetus Drug Search
The dose of calcium is within the recommended dietary allowance (rda) in pregnancy but should be avoided in the first trimester because of potential teratogenicity.
Safe in the last two trimesters if chronic high doses are avoided.
The use of calcium in pregnancy may cause fetal hypomagnesemia, increased deep tendon reflexes and increased muscle tone.


Jan 9, 2006

Hello lovely ladies! Mind if I dip my toe in? :wavey:

I found out last week that DH and I were fortunate enough to conceive on our 2nd cycle of TTC. I'll be 5 weeks pregnant on Thursday, so it's super early of course, at this point I'm just trying to remain optimistic that things will continue to travel smoothly. I love the TTC thread and the ladies that post there, and will definitely stay around there to cheer them on, but I do feel a bit uncomfortable posting about obstetric appointments and such, when I know a few of them are having a really hard time.

So, here I am! I did a HPT on CD 13, the day AF was due, which was a strong positive. I went to my GP the next day for a HCG which came back at 150, and I have an appointment and scan with my obstetrician on May 2nd, it seems SO far away! My BBs are a bit sore but other than that I feel very much myself, the lack of signs is honestly a tad disconcerting, but I'm just going to have to go with the flow for now. I'm hoping it's just way too early for symtpoms! DH is terribly excited, but I've asked him to keep a lid on it at least until we've had the scan.

I've had to tell two of my bosses at work because I work in the OR with alot of x-ray, orthopaedic cement, cytotoxic substances etc., which I cannot be exposed to. I love keeping our little secret, but it won't take long for everyone else to figure it out when I'm constantly avoiding certain operations! My best friend knows as my 30th birthday party was Saturday night, and lots of my friends were kindly filling my champagne glass all night, she was my wingman and downed most of them for me! She's a good woman :bigsmile: I think a couple of people may have cottoned on when they overheard DH order me a 'mock'tail, but ah, whaddya do?

I'm looking forward to getting to know you all, and to picking your brains for advice! :loopy:


Nov 24, 2009

Dandi, welcome! I went through the same worry over lack of symptoms. I drove myself crazy! I do think you're just too early to be feeling much of anything at this point. If you're lucky you won't get it at all, but it seems like most people around here start to get symptoms around 6-7 weeks. I only had mild nausea from about 8-9 weeks, and sporadic bouts once in awhile after that. Even at 12.5 weeks, I sometimes feel completely unpregnant. Looking forward to having you around and following your pregnancy!

JGator, hmm, I didn't realize there was a worry over getting too much calcium during pregnancy. You learn something new every day. I'll probably start telling people at work at the end of this week or early next week. I kind of like having it quiet at this point and not having to discuss it with anyone, but I guess it is about that time.

AFM, NT scan later this afternoon. DH and I listened to the heartbeat again last night, so I feel less worried giong to the appointment today. I must still be pretty anxious about it though because I was up so much last night and could not shut my mind off. I'll report back after the appointment.


Nov 27, 2010

Dandi, Welcome! I think the first symptoms I had were slight cramping and gas. You likely will not get Morning Sickness till week 6 if you indeed get it. I have been pretty lucky so far. Mild nausea the past few weeks, but it goes away when I eat something.

MP, good luck today. Can't wait to hear your report back on the NT scan.
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