
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Mar 8, 2009

FYI there are some $10-15 dresses on old navy maternity. I will be working up until the last moment so cheap work clothes are key. Head over and take a look! Also, it seems easier to find cheap maternity clothes than cheap baby clothes. I expected the opposite!

sugarpie honeybun

Feb 9, 2010

Awww. Love seeing the bumps! Everyone looks adorable. One of these days when I'm feeling remotely attractive, I'll muster the energy to take a pic and post mine. I haven't taken any photos yet. Poor 2nd baby is already neglected. :wacko:

China - we are planning to find out the gender this time around. We were surprised with DS, which was great, but this time we're thinking of doing it the other way. My anatomy scan is scheduled for Feb 1st. So excited.

Speaking of coffee... since finding out I was pregnant, I've also CRAVED coffee. Like, the darkest of dark sumatra at Starbucks can't satisfy my craving. I've limited my coffee intake to just under 2 small cups of regular strength coffee in the morning. I'd be lying if I said I didn't also sneak sips of soda during the day. I was never a big coffee/soda drinker, so this is very strange for me. I also now loooove Polar Dry Orange soda, which doesn't have caffeine, but definitely makes up for it with sugar.

I guess that's my dirty little pregnancy confession :devil:


Dec 23, 2009

Sugarpie, I haven't take any bump pics yet either. First baby, I started at like 8 weeks and did it every 4 weeks. Guess I better start taking some! Also, I LOVE Polar Orange Dry! It's in my fridge now. Citrus drinks have really been appealing to me so it totally hits the spot!

Meg, after i saw your post about Old navy, I went and bought a bunch of tops. I wish you could do the returns in store though! Boo! Keep us posted on your appt today! First baby, I told work after the first trimester.

AMC, sorry the jeans didn't work out for you. I find maternity clothes to be very inconsistent in terms of sizing. I actually went to the Gap and tried some on before I ordered online to get an idea of what sizes to order from them. Do you have a Destination Maternity near you? They have multi levels of price points so you can try on a ton of different styles and qualities of clothes. Are you still on the antibiotic? Has the nausea subsided?

Missy, yay for feeling flutters! It feels like butterfly kisses doesn't it?? Hope your blood pressure has been staying on track!

Muffdog, one thing I'm sure you have learned already is that EVERYONE has an opinion about EVERYTHING pregnancy or mommy or baby related. And everyone likes to share their opinion. Just nod and smile, that works for me!

PPM, cute bump! Glad the birthing center tour went well and that you feel comfortable there! That is huge!

Chinacat, how did your scan go? Please post pics!!!

Bright, how are you??!!! Thinking of you! Wednesday is both of ours big ultrasound day! It can't get here any sooner!

Hello to everyone else! I was so far behind! My DH was in Vegas last week so I didn't have too much free time!

AFM, I have officially moved into maternity jeans. Everything else fits fine. But jeans are always the first to go! I actually have a couple of pairs from my first pregnancy, but really only like 1 or 2 actually fit well. The other ones were cheap and the quality of the spandex is terrible so they don't stay up well. So I ordered some maternity skinny jeans from the Gap and I really like them. So I have two boot cut and one skinny jean at the moment. Not a bad start. I also just did some shopping for tops on Old Navy. I was surprised when I checked my closet on how little I actually bought the first time around. Last Friday was my last day of progesterone suppositories and baby aspirin. So I'm down to just a prenatal vitamin and a stool softener daily. Wednesday I have my NT scan followed by the blood work. It is the Sequential screen so I will go back in another couple of weeks for more bloodwork. I'm excited to see baby again and praying all scans are clean! 12w3d today!


Jun 30, 2008

Lizzy - My blood pressure has been good lately while I've been taking it at home. Thank you for asking!

I work on a horse farm, but I'm in the office. One of the vet techs came in the other day and said "Wow your bump is coming along!" I said "Yup it's getting there!!" She asked when I was due and then asked "Want me to do an ultrasound on you?" :o I knew they did ultrasounds on the horses here to check on their pregnancies, but it never crossed my mind that she could use the same one on me. Well I have to scratch the ultrasound idea at work for now. I set it up with my co-worker, asked DH if the time was good for him and he said he wanted to wait until our ultrasound on January 27th since we scheduled the appointment for a reason. Booooo. I thought it would be fun to take a peek early, but he wants to wait so now I have to wait! His missed the first ultrasound, so I don't want to do it again without him. I mean this one is free so why turn it down, but whatever! So then I had to turn around and cancel with her :(sad Hopefully she can do another one in a couple months or something.


May 17, 2009

re: bump size - Some days I don't think it's too bad and some days I feel like a whale. With ds I took a bump picture every two weeks starting at 14 weeks. I hit 14 weeks this weekend and took my first belly shot. What an eye opener! It's about the size of my 18/20 week pictures last time! I'm going to be huge!!

And speaking of huge... I had a lot of fun remarks after we told everyone at work that we were expecting. I had no less than 5 people tell me they'd already figured it out because they could tell my belly was getting bigger. Two people asked if we'd done IVF (one of which was my own sister :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ). And one person tell me that they thought I was pregnant and said, "That's why I asked you if you were planning on having any more kids, I was hoping you'd just tell me!" Oy. Yes, try to pry it out of me, that will certainly work. They were all good intentioned remarks so I can't be too upset, but people just don't think. When I told my boss that we were expecting twins she said something along the lines of, don't people often lose one twin. Yes, yes they do. Thank you for asking! :-o Again, I know she was just trying to come up with something to say because I'd basically just told her that they were screwed for our entire busy period, but sheesh!


Aug 17, 2007

Just checking in on my girls!

Sugarpie. SAME SAME SAME. We are having the same baby I think. ;)) I am CRAVING real coffee. So weird. Once I had my genetic testing done and moved safely into second tri, I have not been so strict about the caffeine. I do try to do decaf mostly, but I usually allow myself one cup of real coffee in the morning, and one cup of real tea in the afternoon. Excited for your scan! I'm really curious to see if we have the same kind of thing cooking.

Lizzy/SP/Kunzite- 2nd time around bump pictures. I took them pretty often first time. This time, I just took one this weekend at 21 weeks. I need to compare it and I'm sure it's bigger. My dad was like "Wow, you're really pregnant". Yep, yep I am. I think poor baby, but then I think, will he/she really care?

Kunzite- I'm dying at all of the inappropriate comments. That was pretty insensitive of your boss, but hey, I guess being confronted with such abundant fertility might have thrown her off balance. :cheeky: I'm amazed at what people say.

Excited for Lizzy and Bright's scans on Wed!!!!

AFM- My anatomy scan was actually pretty funny. The normal high risk dr that I went to moved practices, so I had to go to this woman I'd never seen before. I'd been warned she didn't have the best bed-side manner, but that she was very good at her job. It was interesting to say the least! Everything looked good, no worries on anything. But a few highlights:

-Nurse/technician was on the phone on hold and barely looked at me, just started taking measurements. After she finally hung up the phone, she said "Dr. A will do the scan, but from what I can see, everything looks good. No clubbed feet or deformed genitals." And walked out of the room. Ummm, good to know, didn't even think to be worried about those things!

-Dr A comes in. Starts quizzing me about my first delivery/pregnancy. Weirdly focuses on the size of O at birth. Goes on and on about how she never would have let me go that far in my pregnancy, wanted to know if I was a runner, etc. I'm not offended, but not sure why she keeps focusing on it. That baby was born two years ago and is perfectly healthy. She acted shocked at his size (he was 6 lbs, 8 oz, so not huge but not super small), and told me that the fact that my husband and I were right around that size at birth (7 lbs for me) had nothing to do with it. Ummm, genetics doesn't play a part? Ok.

-Praqctically yelled at me to stop walking my dog and then showed me all of her bruises and told me a horror story about a patient that had serious complications from falling while walking her dog. Point taken. No more walking dog.

-Asked me if I wanted to know the sex. I said no, but we had an envelope and were finding out, but wanted to wait for DH. She said "Good for you for finding out." ???? No one says that. I asked why and she went off about how even though she hasn't done an official study, in her experience observing her patients the moms that needed a big surprise in the waiting room were over-romanticising it and making it all about them and not the baby. She goes on about how those moms are the ones that are unprepared for motherhood and call her crying everyday and give up breast-feeding b/c it's "too hard". She said good for you, be prepared, motherhood is hard and who needs a moment, you get a baby. :-o

It sounds so so offensive, but she actually was really funny and matter-of-fact so it didn't sound offensive, if that makes sense. I absolutely don't agree with what she said- I do think that there are some moms that that is true for, but I don't think it has anything to do with whether or not you wait to find out.

If this had been my first baby, I would have been upset and bummed that I didn't get more of a "show". My last dr really took the time to show me the heart, the brain, the fingers, etc. This one, not so much. But since it's my second go, and since I've done testing and knew most likely all was ok, it didn't really faze me. BUT I didn't get any pictures! I totally should have asked.

So my PSA- ASK for pictures at your 20 week scan!


Jun 18, 2010
Re: Re:

lizzyann|1326745625|3104439 said:
AMC, sorry the jeans didn't work out for you. I find maternity clothes to be very inconsistent in terms of sizing. I actually went to the Gap and tried some on before I ordered online to get an idea of what sizes to order from them. Do you have a Destination Maternity near you? They have multi levels of price points so you can try on a ton of different styles and qualities of clothes. Are you still on the antibiotic? Has the nausea subsided?

Good news, the ebay seller takes back they will go. Now I don't have to worry about reselling them. We don't have a Destination Maternity. (quick search) The closest is about an hour away, so I'll have to make the trek once my clothes are closer to not fitting.

I finished the antibiotic last Friday and, if anything, the nausea has gotten worse. I threw up on both Friday and Saturday nights. FYI Taco bell tastes the exact same in both directions. Also threw up frozen yogurt...not sure how that's even possible.

Right now my big battle (aside from nausea) is constipation. Well, I should say it's still my battle. I had been drinking prune juice every few days, which worked really well...but now I throw that up. I called the doc and she said I should use colace, increase my fiber, and drink more fluids. She also said that constipation could be the cause of the increased nausea. I found that to be really interesting. I'm taking zofran for nausea, but it creates a side effect that results in nausea. Nice.


Apr 14, 2005

amc, glad you returned the jeans, but sorry the nausea is still so bad. I hope the new med helps with both issues! I bought some prunes the other day, but haven't tried them yet.

China, what an odd experience with your scan! I'm glad you've btdt so you weren't disappointed, but that's definitely a bummer that you didn't get any pictures! How soon is it reasonable to get scan pics? When do you find out the sex? How exciting! I'm glad to hear the Old Navy maternity jeans are decent. I was planning to check them out when the time comes. I also feel like I'm overtasting things too.
Oh, and I'm really happy to be here too. =)

Kunzite, I can't believe the comments of your coworkers, especially your boss! Really? :angryfire: Well, at least the announcement is out of the way. I hope things at work are going better.

Missy, how exciting that you're feeling flutters! Yay! That must be amazing! That's so cool that your coworker could give you an ultrasound! I'd have a hard time passing that one up too, but maybe your DH has a point about going to the doc first. (Then, it seems like your coworker's offer is fair game!) At least the 27th is right around the corner. And super cute bump, btw!

Lizzy, I know, I've been counting the days until Wednesday too! I can't wait to hear how your scan goes! Fingers crossed all looks great!
Thanks for keeping us posted on maternity clothes. This info will be a huge help when the time comes. I was hoping the Gap jeans would be nice. Have you told people about your pregnancy yet? Still so excited for you!

sugarpie, I hear ya on the soda! SInce I posted about diet coke tasting funny, I gave in to a craving & had one. It was SOO good. I'll try to check out the polar dry orange soda.

S&I & amc, that crib from costco looks gorgeous! Let me know how you like it!

meg, I hope your appointment today went well. Keep us posted! I'm sure my mom will start with the retail therapy too when we tell her. I'm just wondering how we can keep some of the purchases to a minimum as we have a small space.
Congrats on the new house! What an exciting time! Good luck with the renovations!

Muff, that's funny about sensitive pregnant women. You look great, lady! Also, good for you for not obsessing over the numbers on your genetic testing. Sometimes I fear that overanalysis only causes stress. (And I'm great at it!)

PPM, cute bump, lady! I'm glad you like your midwivery center & it will be a good fit for you

Hi to anyone I missed! :wavey:

afm, I've been a bit under the weather lately. I started getting some mild cold symptoms a few days ago (mostly sore throat), but no additional symptoms except for growing fatigue. I've also been waking up at around 4am, which has been fun. I was talking to dh over lunch yesterday about how I felt a little uneasy about not having morning sickness (like perhaps that was a sign of trouble). Well, I spoke too soon. We had friends over for dinner last night & I threw up. :nono: Fortunately it happened at the end of the evening & I made it to the bathroom, so I don't know if they noticed. (Everyone had been drinking, except for me!) I definitely ate more than I should have for dinner to be polite (I was feeling much fuller than usual), so I'll have to listen to my body more. I've not felt great today, but am trying to take it easy & eat small meals of bland things. If anyone else has advice, that would be great. I'm 6w2d today, so I guess this is right on schedule. I'm really hoping this isn't my new normal. It also makes me nervous because I want to make sure I get my metformin doses, not my toilet. (It doesn't have PCOS as far as I know.)

I have my scan on Wednesday. I'm still nervous about it & hope all goes well.


Dec 23, 2009

Quick question for anyone who has had an ultrasound after 12 it internal or external? I'll be 12w5d for my next u/s.


Jan 2, 2011
Re: Re:

lizzyann|1326760841|3104670 said:
Quick question for anyone who has had an ultrasound after 12 it internal or external? I'll be 12w5d for my next u/s.

Mine was external - I think most are at that point. Note that you don't have to guzzle water like you did for the 6w u/s. My tech actually said that I shouldn't have had so much because it made it harder for her!


Jun 18, 2010
Re: Re:

MuffDog|1326761067|3104674 said:
lizzyann|1326760841|3104670 said:
Quick question for anyone who has had an ultrasound after 12 it internal or external? I'll be 12w5d for my next u/s.

Mine was external - I think most are at that point. Note that you don't have to guzzle water like you did for the 6w u/s. My tech actually said that I shouldn't have had so much because it made it harder for her!

Funny, mine told me I have to! But I didn't for the 7w. Hmmm. Really looking forward to an abdominal u/s though, so much more pleasant than the other type!


Jun 30, 2008

Weird because I didn't have to drink a certain amount of fluid at my 6 weeks u/s but I have to drink a ton for my 20 week u/s. I'm seriously scared that I'll either burst and/or pee my pants. 64 ounces of water. Whoa!


Apr 14, 2005
Re: Re:

MuffDog|1326761067|3104674 said:
lizzyann|1326760841|3104670 said:
Quick question for anyone who has had an ultrasound after 12 it internal or external? I'll be 12w5d for my next u/s.

Mine was external - I think most are at that point. Note that you don't have to guzzle water like you did for the 6w u/s. My tech actually said that I shouldn't have had so much because it made it harder for her!

Hmm. I have a 6w u/s on Wednesday & nobody told me to guzzle water. (I wouldn't be surprised if my RE's practice forgot to mention it, though. :rolleyes: ) I was assuming it would be internal?


Dec 23, 2009

Thanks guys! I couldn't remember at what week it switches from internal to external.

Bright, for my 6.5 week u/s, they actually had me empty my bladder before doing the internal u/s. So I wouldn't worry too much about it.


Dec 11, 2008

My NT scan at just under 13 weeks was external.


Dec 23, 2009
Re: Re:

stephb0lt|1326762856|3104703 said:
My NT scan at just under 13 weeks was external.

Thanks Steph! At first I was worried that doing the NT scan at 12w5d might be on the late side, but from what I can tell in my research most people are pretty close to the 13 week mark.


Mar 8, 2009

Hi ladies! I hop everyone had a nice and hopefully long weekend for MLK day.

Missy, tht is SO exciting you've got flutters! Does it feel like tickling from the inside?? I cannot wait for that. Bummer about the u/s at work, but I think you made the right choice by just waiting to do it at the drs.

Kunzite, your boss is out of control! I can't even believe that! Insert foot in mouth! Honestly! Maybe your boss was so shocked that it was twins that she just didn't know what else to say and wanted to contribute some knowledge of twins! I feel stressed about telling ppl at work, so I'm wondering if you feel better now that it is out in the you get a little relief??

China, that's funny about your 20 week scan and the dr. I am surprised she didn't give you a pic, I feel like that is so routine when you get any u/s. Even in the ER I was given a pic!

Amc, sorry to hear you've been tossin the taco. Ugh. I can imagine that is the WORST on the way up. We had Chipotle the other night and I totally regretted it as it gave me a huuuge stomach ache - and it was even vegetarian! I too have been experiencing constipation. It's a tough thing to tackle because too much of anything can totally disturb the fine balance pregnant women seem to need. Maybe some non-caf tea at night might help. I know lots of calcium also helps for reasons I can;t remember, but Ive been eating at least one yogurt, one milk and one choclate milk a day and things have improved for sure.

Bright, sorry to hear you've been feeling under the weather and that you booted! But I will say, it is a great sign that things are going smoothly and developing as it should. I'll be thinking about you weds for your scan! Based on the vomiting, I have a feeling everything will be spot on! Have you decided when you might tell your family?? We told at 6 weeks because it was xmas, and even that was hard to keep a secret for just three weeks!

Lizzy, I just had an u/s at 9w5d and it was external. My doc said he could see everything wonderfully and didn't need to go transvag. I think it depends on the person, but he had no problem finding the beanut right away! I was also thinking of ordering Gap maternity jeans. I'm defiitely trying to do this all on a budget, as we're really working hard to continue saving! Very exciting you're done with baby aspirin and progesterone! A small victory! Finger crossed for a great NT scan on Weds!!!

How's it going Muff??

AFM, 2nd real prenatal appt today. I was an anxious balll of mess all morning. My anxiety has just been off the charts recently when I think about the baby, but I am trying to enjoy this - I don't want to miss out on being pregnant and enjoying this! Anyway, I had an external u/s and was measuring 9w5d with a HB of about 160. The Dr said everything looked great. He said that since Ive been measurign ahead at each appt, at the NT scan they will make a determination if my EDD needs to be adjusted. Right now it is 8/23, but I have a feeling I'll be bumped to 8/15. Other than that, I've lost 3 lbs since my last appt, most likely due to nausea and just not eating enough, so I'm going to start focusing on doing a better job snacking throughout the day. My NT scan is scheduled for 2/2, I still can't believe how fast things are moving!

We've begun to peruse CL for furniture and other baby stuff for cheap. I know we want a new matress and new car seat, but everything else we feel okay with used so we're looking around. On the house front, we are waiting to get out of attorney review so nobody steals our deal with a better offer. It's a small capecod home in the town I grew up in - it has great school systems. The house needs a new kitchen, new baths, new floors, new windows, etc and we hope to add a mudroom. It's a lot of work, but the home isn't very large so we think it can be done by June or so with the right contractor. The nice thing is our mortgage includes the reno costs, so it is nothing out of pocket which is nice. WE are excited, and even nervous about all of the decisions we will have to make and deal with, but feel it is the right thing. We hate renting and can afford to own, so we hope it pans out! If anyone knows of any great renovation resources, please share!

ETA, FWIW, today I had to give a urine sample at the Dr and emptied my bladder before my external scan. I really think it can come down to how sophisticated the Drs u/s machine is for things like this...


Mar 4, 2010

Hi ladies, I'm back. I think I've finally caught up with everyone's news.

Missy, I'm so jealous of the flutters you're feeling. I can't wait to start experiencing those myself, though I think that with my anterior placenta it'll probably take me longer to get there.

Kunzite, I don't know if I've already mentioned it, but congrats on the twins!

Bright, it's so nice to see you hear. I don't think we've chatted since the TTC thread, but I'm so excited for you.

Meg, good to hear that your antenatal appt went so well and that you got to see your baby and hear the heartbeat. I'm still bummed that we didn't get to hear it at our last scan.

Amc, sorry to hear about the nausea. I've been there... All I can say is that it really does get better.

And to everyone that I've forgotten, happy pregnancy!

AFM, at 14w6d I'm happy to report that the nausea is almost gone. I never thought the day would come :rolleyes:. And no more sore boobs! I also went in to have the blood drawn for the triple test today. I'm still a bit worried because I haven't managed to figure out whether the results are comparable to those of an NT test but I'm trying not to let it worry me too much. I also weighed myself and discovered that I've gained 3kg since the beginning of this pregnancy. I seem to be gaining just as much on my backside as on my belly - my mum said she got a huge a$$ when she was pregnant with me so this doesn't bode well for me! I'm going to try and attach a bump pic but given how I never seem to be able to post pics on PS, I don't know if I'll be successful.

Anyway, as I'm almost 15 weeks and definitely in the second trimester, I think it's probably time to move to the big girl thread. I don't think I can claim to be just barely pregnant any more :bigsmile: . I'll be popping in to keep an eye on everyone's progress, and I look forward to seeing you all in the preggo thread soon. :wavey:

Edit: I finally managed to post a pic!


Jun 30, 2008

Meg - Yup, kinda like a tickle on the inside! I've also felt the muscle twitches. I've had a couple feelings like when you go fast over a hill in the car and you get that funny feeling in your stomach, just not as intense.

Mayerling - I see a BUMP! Yay! I hope your appointment goes well today. I really haven't felt nervous for any of my appointments expect for the 6 week u/s one. Now I am getting nervous for my 20 week u/s. I guess it's part nervous/anxious/excited/terrified all in one. I'm excited to see DH's reaction. He didn't get too excited until he heard the heartbeat for the first time, now we talk about things more and when people ask about me and the baby he seems so eager to tell them everything haha. I'm terrified that something will go wrong, partially because of what happened to Michelle Duggar.

Oh and just a reminder...check your pockets before you wash things!!
I'm one to put things in my pocket and then forget about them. Yea, I put my prental and DHA pill in my pocket (I have no clue when this was) and apparently washed it :rolleyes: The DHA pill is plant based, not fish based but it still has that fishy smell. 2 of my pants I wear around the house kept having this weird smell, even after washing them and I couldn't figure out what it was!!! Well, I put on my zip up jacket this morning and went to put my phone in my pocket and there were the pills. Now I know what the weird smell was. I didn't notice til I got to work and I'm paranoid that people can smell it :oops: This won't be the last time this happens...soon I'll be washing/drying crayons, markers, candy and who knows what else!


Jan 21, 2010
Re: Re:

BrightSpot|1326758460|3104626 said:
S&I & amc, that crib from costco looks gorgeous! Let me know how you like it!

I have my scan on Wednesday. I'm still nervous about it & hope all goes well.
The crib and dresser/changing table are out of their boxes! They're both super sturdy pieces of furniture. The crib was easy to assemble, but definitely not a one-person job. I was mainly there to hold the pieces in place while my DH screwed in the bolts. The dresser was mostly one big piece. We just needed to attach the 4 little feet on the bottom, and the top changing table part had to be assembled. One thing I would have liked is for the drawers in the dresser to be separated into 2 columns of 3 drawers each, instead of only 1 column of 3 drawers. I think they would be easier to open/close if they were smaller. There is a little divider in each drawer though.

Here's a not-so-great pic taken from a Blackberry:

Bright, thinking positive thoughts for your scan tomorrow. My first scan was at 6w+3d, and the bean measured 5w+6d with a 111-113 heart rate. The tech had said that the heart had most likely just started beating a day or two ago! That's why I'm so hopeful that your scan will go well. Can't wait for your update! Oh, and it wouldn't hurt for you to show up with a full bladder in case your RE has a good enough machine to do an external scan. You can always empty your bladder if he ends up wanting to do an internal scan. My tech was able to see everything they needed to see externally.



Aug 17, 2007

Hi girls.

Quick PSA- ON and GAP are doing a 30% off online- use NEWYOU code.

Scans- I got pictures at every scan except this one. Bright, ask at your scan if they don't give you one.

Every scan I've had after 12 weeks has been external. But I needed a full bladder at the 12 week scans. In fact, they couldn't see what they needed to see and I was sent back out to the waiting room to chug water until my bladder filled. I would go with a full bladder just in case. And my scans were at a high-risk office with pretty sophisticated equipment and such. Sounds like every dr is different, but I wish I'd been told to come with a full bladder.

Bright- Yep, nausea/hung-over feelings right at 6 weeks every time for me! :appl: Not that you're feeling sick, of course, but that it's normal. First baby it was gone by 10 weeks, this one 14, so hang in there!


Apr 14, 2005

meg, well, the morning sickness seems to be gone (or dramatically improved) as quickly as it appeared. I did start taking B6 as recommended, and have been careful not to get too hungry or too full, but I'm a bit mystified nonetheless. As much as it sucked being sick, I did take it as a good sign, so I'm not sure if I should worry again. (Heck, apparently that's my go to emotion these days. :rolleyes: )
As for telling family, I want to do it in person. My dad's birthday is in early March, so that might be a fun time to do it (and hopefully safe?). We'll probably tell DH's family shortly after.
Congrats on a great appointment today! That's cool that they might move up your due date.
I've started looking at stuff on CL too. I don't mine getting a lot of things used, but I'm also hoping I'll get a few things at a shower. (It's hard to register for stuff on CL.)
Sounds like you have a great situation in your new house! I wish I could offer more than a congrats, but I haven't done any serious reno work.

mayerling, thanks so much! Yay for an end to nausea & sore bbs! Your bump looks great! (and so does your a$$--no worries!)

Missy, lol re: the fishy smelling pants!

S&I, the bedroom suite looks great! Thanks for posting a pic! Was it much more reasonably priced in the store? (I checked it out online.)
Thanks for sharing the info on your 6w scan. It makes me hopeful that I'll see something tomorrow. (I'm afraid I'll be pretty disappointed if I don't, but should temper my expectations.) I should be 6w4d tomorrow (calculated by my date of ovulation (CD18), not my lmp. Is this correct?) You're right that it's always easier to empty the bladder quickly than to fill it. :wink2:

China, thanks for the info on scans & m/s. Mine seems to have gone away, which is weird, but I'll take it.
Man, that's a great sale! I won't be needing stuff for a while (and am a little superstitious about buying maternity clothes so early, but I do love a good deal... :Up_to_something: )

Lizzy, thanks for the scan info. I hope all goes well for your u/s tomorrow! Keep us posted! When do you go in?

afm, I'm so nervous for my u/s tomorrow. Please send lots of positive dust that all looks ok!

Also, weird TMI question. I've been having a lot of watery CM since my bfp. Is that normal? I'm also using progesterone suppositories, so I wonder if this is affecting things.

In other news, I'm an aunt! My SIL just had a little (well, not so little--almost 10 lb!) girl today via c-section. I can't wait to meet her! :appl:


Mar 8, 2009

Bright, yes lots of CM and discharge are normal. It helps prepare your cervix to stretch at labor. I've actually had to wash underwear more than once to get it out, as I've had soooooo much of it. Lol. DH jokes that it looks like I blew my nose in my underwear. Gross.

Bright and Lizzy best of luck today! I will be checking back for updates!


Jun 30, 2008

Meg - The CM thing....hahaha I second that. Nice description! :tongue:

Lizzy and Bright - Wishing you both great appointments today with good news and I'm excited for you to see your babies!!!

19w3d today! It's hump day bump day ladies let's see em!!!


Aug 17, 2007

Popping in to wish BRIGHT and LIZZY fantastic appt/scans today!


Jun 18, 2010

Hi all! Happy hump day bump day!

My little bump actually looks smaller than last week. A lot of it was probably bloating. I drank a ton of fluids yesterday in an effort to help out the constipation, so that likely helped the bloat go down a bit. Also took colace and had some Fiber One for breakfast. While things are better, they still aren't anywhere near good. BUT, it's 8:39am and I haven't felt the need to take my zofran yet, so maybe my m/s is starting to lighten up? A girl can dream, right?

Bright & Lizzy- Can't wait to hear about your appointments!



Jan 21, 2010

Bright, the thing that made the Costco crib a better deal than the original one we were planning on getting from BBBaby was that the Costco one came with both conversion kits. The BBBaby one required you to buy a separate toddler bed conversion kit for $100 and/or an adult bed conversion kit for $180. I have no idea if we'll end up using the conversion kits, but it's nice to know that we have the option of doing so without having to spend an additional $280! I think both cribs were the same base price ($399) because the BBBaby one had a small changing table area attached to the side of the crib. It looked nice in the store, but I'm sure the Costco one is made out of better quality materials. Good luck with your scan today! When do you go in?

Lizzy, good luck with your scan today too! Are you getting the NT scan today?

ETA: amc, I had the disappearing bump early on too! I would stare at the mirror at night and think I was going crazy. Bump one day, gone the next. :lol:


Jun 30, 2008

Okay, I'm playing along! I feel like I'm huge with the bare belly for some reason. Good thing I don't walk around like this :lol:



Jun 18, 2010
Re: Re:

BrightSpot|1326862253|3105661 said:
Was it much more reasonably priced in the store? (I checked it out online.)

The only one they have online right now is pretty expensive, but the Alex model is only $399 (as S&I already said) in store. I emailed Cafe Kid, who makes the crib, and another model, Sydney, will be online in a couple of weeks. I really like that one so I hope it's priced the same.


Jan 21, 2010
Re: Re:

amc80|1326910268|3105968 said:
BrightSpot|1326862253|3105661 said:
Was it much more reasonably priced in the store? (I checked it out online.)

The only one they have online right now is pretty expensive, but the Alex model is only $399 (as S&I already said) in store. I emailed Cafe Kid, who makes the crib, and another model, Sydney, will be online in a couple of weeks. I really like that one so I hope it's priced the same.
Ooh, I saw the Sydney one on cafekid's website. I like that one too!
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