
Jessica Simpon...fat?

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Dec 16, 2007
Okay, we have all seen the pictures of Jessica Simpson taken this past week by now...high waisted jeans, black tank top, and double belt...the one where she looks thick and fuller figured than we'd ever seen her before...and the gossip world has all but exploded...

What do you think?

For me personally, I feel bad for her. Jessica Simpson isn't my favorite celebrity, but I think that the slack she's catching is absurd. As women we want to look good, feel good but what kind of example are we setting for each other when we attack someone for gaining 10 or 15 pounds? ...But, than again, we've been sending such a horrible message to woman for years that at all costs you need to be skinny, skinny, skinny in order to be beautiful.

It makes me sad, honestly. Sometimes I really believe obesity is one of last few acceptable discriminations...that there is just no "enough is enough" limitation when it comes to rail roading someone over their weight. You can say anything and get away with it...there is no universal breaking point.
I think it''s absolutely appalling that she''s considered "fat." It''s such an inacurate and unrealistic way of viewing peoples'' body sizes... almost like the media and much of society looks at people''s [especially women''s] bodies through a distorted lens that exaggerates any tiny curve or not perfectly toned place into a huge monstrosity.

Don''t we have anything BETTER to focus on?
I was never a fan before, but I am now!
She gained weight and put on some tight clothes as if to say " F**K OFF!"
Kudos to her!
I agree that she is nowhere near fat. However, her outfit was EXTREMELY unflattering. Her shirt was WAY too tight and it looked like the belt was cutting off her circulation. Plus, light-ish high waisted jeans with front slash patch pockets aren't going to look good on anyone but a very tiny woman.

So I don't think she's fat, but I do think she should fire her stylist. If she had worn a looser top with sleeves and a pair of skinny jeans I bet no one would have known she put on more than a few pounds.

ETA plus that old saying about the camera adding 10 pounds? I'd say the camera adds at least that, if not 20 pounds after working on several photo shoots.
she looked great then.. and she looks great now.

i wish her or ashlee wouldn''t even comment or make statements in response to this! it''s so absurd if i were her I wouldn''t even acknowledge it!
I have always been sick of the media obsession and obvious bias toward the size of women celebrities, without using the same yardstick against men celebrities. Although I haven''t seen or heard of the Jessica Simpson episode, I remember well the Kate Winslet and whats-her-name in the bathing suit out in the water. It sickens me.

I do have passionate views on the escalating levels of morbid obesity and the health/cost implications, but it''s insane to spend precious media coverage on declaring a celebrity "fat" for looking more like a woman than a 13-yr old tomboy with implants.

There are so many important things to report on that aren''t being reported on while we tolerate this worthless obession.

:::stepping off the soapbox:::::
Date: 1/30/2009 11:38:50 PM
Author: thing2of2
I agree that she is nowhere near fat. However, her outfit was EXTREMELY unflattering. Her shirt was WAY too tight and it looked like the belt was cutting off her circulation. Plus, light-ish high waisted jeans with front slash patch pockets aren't going to look good on anyone but a very tiny woman.

So I don't think she's fat, but I do think she should fire her stylist. If she had worn a looser top with sleeves and a pair of skinny jeans I bet no one would have known she put on more than a few pounds.

ETA plus that old saying about the camera adding 10 pounds? I'd say the camera adds at least that, if not 20 pounds after working on several photo shoots.

The outfit was shocking but she is no where near fat, heck I would be happy to be fat like her as I am sure other women would to.

SDL I agree with you Angelina used to look AMAZING before (tomb raider days) and now she is just too thin.

Italia I think in society you can't win, if your too skinny you get picked on if your too fat it is the same thing some people have issues gaining weight and struggle others have issues losing it. Either way it seems people think it is okay to comment and judge women for their weight and it is just not right.
I am sick of seeing that picture of Jessica and people saying she''s fat! The picture is taken in a very bad angle and she’s wearing an unflattering outfit but she''s definitely not fat.
She''s now what some people refer to as "LA fat." Means anyone who is not a size 0 or 2 in Los Angeles is fat. Including me. I''m pregnant now but pre-pregnancy I was a 6/8 and I always feel big here. It''s not fun. Ho hum. The media is so cruel sometimes. I think she''s gorgeous.
Date: 1/31/2009 1:44:40 AM
Author: Miss Fortune
She''s now what some people refer to as ''LA fat.'' Means anyone who is not a size 0 or 2 in Los Angeles is fat. Including me. I''m pregnant now but pre-pregnancy I was a 6/8 and I always feel big here. It''s not fun. Ho hum. The media is so cruel sometimes. I think she''s gorgeous.
That is so funny that you say that. The other day, my boss was just saying that she was California fat, but Midwest Haute!!
No offense to anyone in the Midwest.

So true about Angelina. She used to look very healthy, although always thin. Now she looks downright skeletal.
On the US Weekly website earlier this week a poster commented that, "...she''s gained so much weight that it must not be good for her health." I almost passed out when I saw that comment. I mean, she isn''t even close to overweight. To me she just looks like a normal girl and I live in NYC where there is a lot of diversity in weight. Some days I feel like I am super huge compared to the people I see and some days I don''t feel that way. I just feel so bad for her. The media is making such a big deal over this I bet she is 10lbs lighter very shortly.

If I were her publicist I''d have her stylist fired right away. For someone with her own line of clothes and shoes I almost think she should have known better to wear that outfit however the angle of all the pictures where taken from below. Everyone knows that angle makes people look like a giant.
Date: 1/31/2009 1:48:19 AM
Author: miraclesrule
Date: 1/31/2009 1:44:40 AM

Author: Miss Fortune

She's now what some people refer to as 'LA fat.' Means anyone who is not a size 0 or 2 in Los Angeles is fat. Including me. I'm pregnant now but pre-pregnancy I was a 6/8 and I always feel big here. It's not fun. Ho hum. The media is so cruel sometimes. I think she's gorgeous.

That is so funny that you say that. The other day, my boss was just saying that she was California fat, but Midwest Haute!!

No offense to anyone in the Midwest.


So true about Angelina. She used to look very healthy, although always thin. Now she looks downright skeletal.

and THAT is so funny because I'm originally from the mid west (lived in LA for 14 years now) and when I go back home to Indiana - people think a size 6 is super skinny. it's weird. Girls out here need to eat a sandwich sometimes. I say this as I pray I'm able to lose all my pregnancy weight!!! it's a sick trap!!
I''d rather look like this....

than THIS...ANY day of the week.

(rachel zoe and nicole richie)

Date: 1/31/2009 2:54:40 AM
Author: rockzilla
than THIS...ANY day of the week.

(rachel zoe and nicole richie)

ME TOO!!! Has anyone seen ''The Truth about Size Zero?'' in which British model/celebrity Louise Redknapp went on an extreme diet in order to fit into a size zero dress and to demonstrate how emotionally and physically draining such dieting is?
That is a really bad outfit choice for Jessica, it makes her upper half appear a bit meaty and wobbly and her thighs substantial and chunky - I bet in a more flattering outfit if she has gained weight it wouldn't be noticeable, but I wouldn't call her fat. If she wore something else she could look great.

But I double ditto Rockzilla that I would rather have Jessica's figure than look like the two thin ladies above.
What a sad state of affairs!

The media are getting worse, they''re sensationalising everything and getting away with it and there doesn''t seem to be anyone stopping them.

Its the media that now dictate how a woman should look, her weight, her hair, her makeup, her clothes..........if they''re not quite to their standard they print bad press, if it is, its good press........since when did they decide??

I love Kate Winslett not just because she''s a great actress but she stood up against the media when they printed a photograph of her on the cover of a magazine when they''d clearly photoshopped her to the extreme.

She caused a row and was on several TV shows and released a statement saying that she was upset that they''d elongated her legs to make her look 10ft tall, taken a stone off her all over and took out all her blemishes. She said, I''ve had 2 kids, so my boobs aren''t as pert, I have stretch marks and big feet, so don''t take a photo of me then doctor it, cos I''ll not be happy and your sending out the wrong message.


If Jessica Simpson is fat then I must be gargantuan!!
I think women are under FAR too much pressure to look skinny, it's sickening!

It's even worse in Hong Kong where anyone marginally over size 0 is considered fat. I was in betwen a size 0 and size 2 when I lived there and was constantly told *to my face* that I was "too fat" and needed to slim down!! My own secretary told me that I wasn't to eat anything on my wedding day lest I couldn't fit into my wedding dress! The HK and Chinese celebrities are stick skinny. I think they're like a size minus 2, serious!

The media and the constant pressure on celebrity to look stick skinny is no doubt having an adverse impact on young women IRL. It's time for the bloody media to stop this nonsense already!!
The thing about the tabloids is they really do have a knack for knack for giving what people want and then the mainstream media catches on. So are we asking for this somehow? That is what makes me sad.

I agree that Jessica is not fat. And let''s face it, the woman is absolutely beautiful. However, having followed her career since her first debut, I have a hard time feeling sorry for her. She''s made her life out of her looks. The more popular she was, the less clothes she wore in her videos and the more cleavage she showed at award shows. In a perfect world, she could have it both ways.

But this isn''t a perfect world.
I agree, I don''t think her stylist picked the best outfit for her figure... but who cares, she gets to snuggle up w/ Tony Romo... and I don''t think he minds!
She can''t be more than like a size 6-8. The average woman this day is about a 12-14, right? So I''m sure a lot of women wish they were "fat" like her. I agree I would much rather look like her than Nicole Richie any day. It is sad, sad that she gets ridiculed like that...sends a very bad message to our young girls.
Date: 1/31/2009 9:43:14 AM
Author: steph72276
She can''t be more than like a size 6-8. The average woman this day is about a 12-14, right? So I''m sure a lot of women wish they were ''fat'' like her. I agree I would much rather look like her than Nicole Richie any day. It is sad, sad that she gets ridiculed like that...sends a very bad message to our young girls.

Totally agreed. But she does need to fire her stylist, the outfit was pretty bad!
That is a horrible you know how HARD it is to wear high-wasted pants like that?

She does look like she gained some weight...but it''s like SO WHAT? She''s allowed...

And it''s easy to take a look at someone and rip each little body part apart...who can stand up to that kind of scrutiny? Nobody''s perfect...

I agree with NF though...she needs to fire that stylist - that is a hard outfit to carry off, no matter how good of a body you have...
I think most people with larger chests usually have larger bottoms, etc. so she was probably keeping herself unnaturally thin before and just isn''t able/willing to at the moment. She may be technically "overweight" according to the BMI chart, but I bet she''s around where her body wants to be.

There is a strange disconnect between our ideal of beauty and the average American woman, and many women go to ridiculous and unhealthy extremes to try to achieve that ideal. The Dove commercial is a good example.

But I''m going to go out on a limb here . . . sometimes I think the knee jerk reaction against what our celebrities and models look like is to say, hey, since most of us normal people weigh a lot more than that, then fat must be good. But two-thirds of America is overweight or obese, and probably a good number of the "normal" weight people still aren''t living healthy lifestyles. Even if we change our ideal of beauty to be more Rubenesque, we can''t eliminate the health risks associated with increased weight. The key to self-esteem for our next generation of women is to be knowledgeable about how to live a healthy life and then to be happy with what we look like when we do.
She is fat if we are going by entertainment industry standards. Real life? I don''t think so, not even close. Her outfit both the cut of her top & jeans is unflattering. I''m sure a lot of women would love to be as "fat" as Jessica
Does anyone remember the show newlyweds, when she went on a diet to promo her like... edible makeup stuff? and she was crying because she was soo hungry? Trying to fit into that hollywood image... I think she was too small for what her body''s "ideal is, at that time, and probably the Daisy Dukes video. I just think... that it is a shame THAT gets applauded, and THIS gets the media backlash.... what a shame.
Date: 1/31/2009 10:59:01 AM
Author: phoenixgirl
I think most people with larger chests usually have larger bottoms, etc. so she was probably keeping herself unnaturally thin before and just isn''t able/willing to at the moment. She may be technically ''overweight'' according to the BMI chart, but I bet she''s around where her body wants to be.

There is a strange disconnect between our ideal of beauty and the average American woman, and many women go to ridiculous and unhealthy extremes to try to achieve that ideal. The Dove commercial is a good example.

But I''m going to go out on a limb here . . . sometimes I think the knee jerk reaction against what our celebrities and models look like is to say, hey, since most of us normal people weigh a lot more than that, then fat must be good. But two-thirds of America is overweight or obese, and probably a good number of the ''normal'' weight people still aren''t living healthy lifestyles. Even if we change our ideal of beauty to be more Rubenesque, we can''t eliminate the health risks associated with increased weight. The key to self-esteem for our next generation of women is to be knowledgeable about how to live a healthy life and then to be happy with what we look like when we do.
Well, said phoenix...

It is so important to lead a healthy life, to exercise, and eat well...for the right if you''re doing that, accept where your body is comfortable being...
There''s a part of me that wonders if we just are asking all women to literally disappear.
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