
I think I found my engagement ring - am I choosing well?


Mar 31, 2016
Hello, Newbie here!
My fiance and I went ring shopping today and I found a ring that I really love.
Now, I'm no expert so I was hoping to post the stats here and get some insight.
I know it's subjective what is good and what not but I just wanna make sure I'm not picking poor quality.
I've attached the GIA info, any help would be greatly appreciated!

I cannot read anything on the report - maybe blow it up, or write out the stats for us?

measurements 5.99 - 6.06 x 3.87mm
0.9 ct
color H, VS2, very good cut
depth 64.2% table 57% crown angle 37.5*
crown height 16.5% pavillion angle 40.6* pavillion depth 42.5%
star length 50% lower half 80%
girdle slightly thick to thick
culet none
polish very good
symmetry very good
fluorescence none
clarity characteristics crystal, feather
That's entirely too deep for a round. It looks like a .8ct. If it looks like a .8ct, might as well pay for a .8 ct. Kwim?

What's your budget?do you have a setting picked out already?
First of all, start looking at GIA Excellent cut only. Even the excellent cut range is broad, and some stones are much better than others.

These are measurements to help you stay in ideal cut territory with a GIA excellent cut stone.

table: 54-58

depth: 60-62.3

crown angle: 34-35.0

pavilion angle: 40.6-40.9 (sometimes 41.0 if the crown angle is close to 34)
diamondseeker2006|1459455450|4013854 said:
First of all, start looking at GIA Excellent cut only. Even the excellent cut range is broad, and some stones are much better than others.

These are measurements to help you stay in ideal cut territory with a GIA excellent cut stone.

table: 54-58

depth: 60-62.3

crown angle: 34-35.0

pavilion angle: 40.6-40.9 (sometimes 41.0 if the crown angle is close to 34)

Iknow DS will never recommend past 62.3 but my stone is 62.4 and it was the best performing largest stonen of all the stones I had choosen. So it can produce a well cut stone, too
yikes, I thought I picked a really nice one..
Honestly, they showed me colors from F to I and clarity from VVS1 to SI1 and I couldn't tell much of a difference.
I was wondering if I, as a layman so to say, would even be able to tell the diffence between this one and a better cut? Would it be worth it to spend more if they look the same?

My budget is around 5000 Eur, I haven't picked a setting yet.
DS will never recommend past 62.3 but my stone is 62.4 and it was the best performing largest stonen of all the stones I had choosen.

Niel 62.4 is not anywhere near deep like 64.2. Yikes. With a 37.5 crown?
ringo865|1459458093|4013882 said:
DS will never recommend past 62.3 but my stone is 62.4 and it was the best performing largest stonen of all the stones I had choosen.

Niel 62.4 is not anywhere near deep like 64.2. Yikes. With a 37.5 crown?
Right. Like o said, his is too deep, I was just saying he shouldn't automatically exclude ones that are 62.4
JJJ|1459456533|4013867 said:
yikes, I thought I picked a really nice one..
Honestly, they showed me colors from F to I and clarity from VVS1 to SI1 and I couldn't tell much of a difference.
I was wondering if I, as a layman so to say, would even be able to tell the diffence between this one and a better cut? Would it be worth it to spend more if they look the same?

My budget is around 5000 Eur, I haven't picked a setting yet.

It makes sense you couldn't tell the difference between VVS and si1 as, as long as you can't see it with your eye, what does that grading matter?

As for color, the d-i will be colorless to near colorless. As you put it, to a layperson, big difference? Not really.

But cut will be noticeable. This is what makes the diamond sparkle. This is what makes it look bright , this is what makes sure it's not too deep. At the VERY least, a layperson would want to care about that as that directly relates to how large the diamond looks. Your diamond looks smaller than my .84ct diamond becuase yours is deeper.

Brightness and fire also help keep the diamond looking as big as possible. This is also related to cut, so important

Are you shopping in us shops or just overseas
I was just shopping here in my city in europe but i will be in toronto&ottawa in a few weeks on business if that makes a difference. we could go ring shopping there..

thank you all for your help btw, i really would have made an expensive mistake here!
Is 5k for the diamond or all in?
Actually, thinking.... Probably blue Nile will be your best bet. Please show us some ideas of settings she likes and I can see what the best plan of attack is.
My price limit including the setting would be 5500 to at the very max 6000 Eur all in (including tax).
As for the setting, she likes simple and delicate (like the classic tiffany setting) or those that are smaller close to the diamond and then get wider (I hope this makes sense, i'm lacking the english vocabulary). it should be platinum too.

Something like these:


See there's a blue Nile UK, which if you google that should take you there. All their prices say vat is included, but definitely look into that because I'm not sure if you have any extra fees I'm not thinking off. Being in the US the finer points of that are lost on me.

But I went to blue Nile.UK site and seemed like you could get a one carat ideal cut i color vs diamond in a platinum setting (the one you posted above there) for your budget. But again, look into all aspects of pricing.

Eta now that I read your posts in sorry you're probably not in the UK are you. To your question about Canada; yes, they have a blue Nile Canada that works the same as I've described above, but there's the issue of declaring your items when you leave.
i just looked at the website, they ship to germany too and just add german VAT.
I'll browse the website and see what I can find in my price rage with the stats you guys have given me.
All this information is giving me a headache lol
I'll post the diamond here again once i find one if that's ok.
I hope you don't mind me chiming in... :angel:

I searched the parameters of I VS2 or higher, 5000 Euro and the parameters that Diamondseeker recommends and the stone below might be a good choice - Maybe you could ask them for additional images/idealscope. The largest for 5000 Euro was only 0.93 so not much bigger than the one below. Please search the stock number.


Stock number LD06376963
Price EUR 4,117.40 Price includes VAT
Carat weight 0.90
Shape Round
Cut Ideal
Colour I
Clarity VS1
Length/width ratio 1.00
Depth % 62.3%
Table % 57.0%
Polish Excellent
Symmetry Excellent
Girdle Medium to Slightly Thick
Culet None
Fluorescence None
Measurements 6.18 x 6.15 x 3.84 mm
HCA 1.7 (Ex Ex Ex VG)

Also, this setting has very nice prongs :)

Just my 2 cents, happy for others to make recommendations :)
I like that one! Do you guys think it matters that the cut is ideal and not signature ideal?
Also, will color I already have a yellow tint?
diamondseeker2006|1459455450|4013854 said:
First of all, start looking at GIA Excellent cut only. Even the excellent cut range is broad, and some stones are much better than others.

These are measurements to help you stay in ideal cut territory with a GIA excellent cut stone.

table: 54-58

depth: 60-62.3

crown angle: 34-35.0

pavilion angle: 40.6-40.9 (sometimes 41.0 if the crown angle is close to 34)

I've been browsing blue nile and man is it hard to find something with those measurements, i had no idea!
Does fluorescence matter?
JJJ|1459501566|4014073 said:
I like that one! Do you guys think it matters that the cut is ideal and not signature ideal?
Also, will color I already have a yellow tint?
Blue Nile Signature Ideal diamonds are not all super-ideal diamonds like the Whiteflash, Brian Gavin, GOG, HPD Hearts and Arrows. The one above should be an excellent performer- ask BN if they can provide you any images/videos/idealscope?

In my opinion "I" still faces up pretty white, as long as it's well cut. When I compare my mums I and E, honestly in most lighting, I can't see a difference and it's the sparkle that's important. But this is subjective, there are some people that want their D-Fs.

You can have a look at these videos from GOG - should help.

Good read about fluorescence.
JJJ|1459501566|4014073 said:
I like that one! Do you guys think it matters that the cut is ideal and not signature ideal?
Also, will color I already have a yellow tint?
On the BN site, the signature ideal stones are the ones they have in-house and examined to be ideal cut. The other stones that come up in the search results are "virtual stones", ones that BN don't own. If you purchase a "virtual stone" through BN, it is drop shipped to you directly. If you want to avoid all the VAT/customs mess and get a stone that is guaranteed to be ideal cut, the BN signature ideals would be the EASIEST option. But online jewelers such as Whiteflash, GoodoldGold, Brian Gavin, etc, do have experience shipping to outside of the US and will tell what the process is and how to handle VAT. Another option would be to have a jeweler in NYC call in some virtual stones stones ahead of time for you and for you to fly there to see them in person. Flying to Canada does not solve anything as Canada residents face the same issues as you.
JJJ|1459502825|4014077 said:
I've been browsing blue nile and man is it hard to find something with those measurements, i had no idea!
Does fluorescence matter?
Yep, most of the diamonds out there do not pass the criteria that DS posted!
Fluorescence comes in different intensities from none to very strong. Basically how much they "glow" under UV light. There are some cases where strong fluorescence can make a diamond milky or hazy under direct sunlight, but if you find a stone in which fluorescence does not have a negative effect, it will actually make a "lower" colored stone appear whiter under UV lighting, assuming the fluorescence is blue fluorescence. A lot of folks here on PS LOVE fluorescence, myself included! That said, I wouldn't buy a stone with strong fluorescence drop ship style, you being in the EU and all, because I'm not sure how the return policy would work.

I know this is all very overwhelming to take in all at once, but for a purchase this major, it's worth the effort ;))
Thank you for your input! This community is amazing, helping out a complete stranger!

I used the measurements given to me and I have narrowed it down to 4 diamonds on blue nile.


They all fit the measurements DS gave me and have an ideal cut (not signature ideal).

Any advice here or is it now just a matter of budget and personal preference?
To your question, does the layperson see a difference between a branded ideal stone and an excellent cut with good proportions? Typically no, the difference is small
My phone isn't opening up the gia reports so I have no idea the angles of the stone but specifically based on the table, I like the last one. I like small tables, they usually mean more fire.

But if I could look at the gia reports thisis what I would base it off of.

The lower girdle facets. Are they 75% or 80%? I like. 75%, that makes the arrows look fatter, which might be too much for someone new to diamonds, but makes it a tad more flashy, which I think is nice in diamonds under a carat.
What exactly are the angles? I like 34.5 paired with 40.8, however of course that's being really particular. And others have other favorites, this is just me.
Is the table small? 54 is small where 57 is personally as lathe as I would go.
The last one is 34.5/40.8 :clap: LGF 80%
I thought BN can provide real photos if requested?
JJJ|1459509233|4014090 said:
Thank you for your input! This community is amazing, helping out a complete stranger!

I used the measurements given to me and I have narrowed it down to 4 diamonds on blue nile.


They all fit the measurements DS gave me and have an ideal cut (not signature ideal).

Any advice here or is it now just a matter of budget and personal preference?
Angle and % wise, the ones you posted are fine. However, these GIA reports are "dossier" type reports which do not include a clarity plot diagram. Dossier reports are often requested for stones under 1ct. A clarity plot diagram will show you exactly where the inclusions are. That combined with a magnified photo of the stone will tell you whether the inclusions are visible to the naked eye and if there are durability issues with the inclusions. Unless BN can provide a photo of these virtual stones from which the inclusions can be identified, I would not be comfortable buying a SI1 blind. I would stick with VS1/VS2. I would, however, be perfectly comfortable buying a SI1 that has been fully examined, with full clarity information provided to me.
There is also the option of choosing this one: LD06525917
It's the most expensive but it fits the measurements and also has VVS2 clarity (color G).
Girdle slightly thick