
I just wanna say -- the random comments thread


Jun 8, 2008
Except for the bat, I had a very nice birthday. DH took the day before my birthday off so we could have breakfast out (well, in the car away from everyone but still a treat) then go to a chocolate store I like. Then we went and did a wine tasting outside at my favorite winery. He baked a really chocolate cake for my on my birthday and made sure he did two so we could bring one to share with my grandparents today! They turned out delicious and even got praise from my grandmother who is a bit too honest with food reviews and was a baker for 40+ years so will call out every last flaw :lol: . My mom told me to plan on it cooking today (I always cook for my grandparents in Sunday) since she was getting pizza from my favorite pizza place for my birthday. She took my grandparents to a local nursery to pick out a rose for me to plant in my garden too.

Just when I figure he can't get it right, he surprises me. Nothing fancy. Just a bit of time together and noticing what I would enjoy. Oh, and getting to plant my tomato seeds while smelling chocolate cake baking was definitely fun!

Yay! Glad you had a lovely birthday for once. And happy birthday B! May all your wishes come true. XO.


Mar 31, 2018
Except for the bat, I had a very nice birthday. DH took the day before my birthday off so we could have breakfast out (well, in the car away from everyone but still a treat) then go to a chocolate store I like. Then we went and did a wine tasting outside at my favorite winery. He baked a really chocolate cake for my on my birthday and made sure he did two so we could bring one to share with my grandparents today! They turned out delicious and even got praise from my grandmother who is a bit too honest with food reviews and was a baker for 40+ years so will call out every last flaw :lol: . My mom told me to plan on it cooking today (I always cook for my grandparents in Sunday) since she was getting pizza from my favorite pizza place for my birthday. She took my grandparents to a local nursery to pick out a rose for me to plant in my garden too.

Just when I figure he can't get it right, he surprises me. Nothing fancy. Just a bit of time together and noticing what I would enjoy. Oh, and getting to plant my tomato seeds while smelling chocolate cake baking was definitely fun!

It’s sound like you had a wonderful birthday! :kiss2:


Sep 1, 2009
I need all of the prayers, dust, good vibes, and whatever else positive you can send. Just got a phone call about my grandfather and it isn't good. Looking like emergency surgery within the next couple of hours. Possibly tomorrow morning, but likely tonight.

PSA: if you have gas pain and can't pass gas, get to the emergency room and don't take no for an answer


Jun 8, 2008
I need all of the prayers, dust, good vibes, and whatever else positive you can send. Just got a phone call about my grandfather and it isn't good. Looking like emergency surgery within the next couple of hours. Possibly tomorrow morning, but likely tonight.

PSA: if you have gas pain and can't pass gas, get to the emergency room and don't take no for an answer

@TooPatient I am so sorry. I am sending your grandfather bucketloads of healing dust. Keeping him in my thoughts.


Jun 8, 2008
My grandma died 30 years ago today. I still miss her so much.
I hope you’re with Francesca, Fred, Billy, Buster, Apache, Oscar, Butch and Jesse, Harley, Blu.
I miss you grandma. ♥️ I can’t believe it’s been 30 years since I hugged you. :(


Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
It is almost funny. Next year will probably not be better. It usually isn't. Life just works that way :lol:

2021: only special celebration was a custom cake. Baker got COVID a few days prior so no cake.
2020: both of us sick with COVID
2019: I was sick

Almost every year one of us is badly sick. Been a couple of years I had bronchitis, a year DH had pneumonia, one year we both had pneumonia, one year was whooping cough. Lots of years of too sick to get out of bed but not actually diagnosed. Or maybe diagnosed but just more of the same? I think we have been healthy enough to even have dinner at home maybe 1/3 of the years? Many of those hit with craziness. Started my 30th birthday standing in the emergency room getting my little brother picked up. Had no idea what happened until I was there... turned out he drank until he was found unconscious. Drove his disgusting (empty beer cans and pee filled bottles) car to where he was living at the time only to find my mother's reaction had been to get falling down drunk after 10+ years sober. A couple of others were dealing with the courts for custody of my stepdaughter.
You name it, it happens. I laugh now and enjoy all the rest of the days. Birthdays just don't seem to be my thing!

But some dates in a hat and draw out new birthdays

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I need all of the prayers, dust, good vibes, and whatever else positive you can send. Just got a phone call about my grandfather and it isn't good. Looking like emergency surgery within the next couple of hours. Possibly tomorrow morning, but likely tonight.

PSA: if you have gas pain and can't pass gas, get to the emergency room and don't take no for an answer

How are things going ?


Jan 9, 2015
7 out of nine people in my household have Covid, myself included

Someone brought it home from having a coffee with a friend. Wasn't upfront and didn't self test, so we all caught it because isolation was too late (no problem in our home to isolate). Only DS (14 y/o ) and DD no. 2 (8y/o) are symptom free and negative...

It's a "mild" case,like a nasty flu for everyone so far. No respiratory issues ... DH has horrible muscle pain and headaches. Everyone has very different symptoms... nerves lying a bit blank....

Interesting fact: I have had the first symptoms thursday night and tested myself: negative. Friday the person who had the contact has mild symptoms and the gets word her contact is positive. She tests herself: positive. We test everyone in the house : DD 5 positive, no one else. We isolate and keep testing and everyone tests positive by Saturday apart from the two whoa are still healthy and me (I still have symptoms). We order a PCR, taken by a nurse in- home for everyone and she comes in Sunday. She pokes right through to my brain (JK, but it sure felt REALLY deep)!!
Positive for everyone except the "designed survivors"( they start calling themselves that :lol-2: ) and me. I go to the nurses office for another PCR monday morning (same nurse, same procedure) and finally show positive...
I wouldn't have had to isolate with my negative tests legally !!! Such a sh!t show that virus!!


Jul 24, 2003
7 out of nine people in my household have Covid, myself included

Someone brought it home from having a coffee with a friend. Wasn't upfront and didn't self test, so we all caught it because isolation was too late (no problem in our home to isolate). Only DS (14 y/o ) and DD no. 2 (8y/o) are symptom free and negative...

It's a "mild" case,like a nasty flu for everyone so far. No respiratory issues ... DH has horrible muscle pain and headaches. Everyone has very different symptoms... nerves lying a bit blank....

Interesting fact: I have had the first symptoms thursday night and tested myself: negative. Friday the person who had the contact has mild symptoms and the gets word her contact is positive. She tests herself: positive. We test everyone in the house : DD 5 positive, no one else. We isolate and keep testing and everyone tests positive by Saturday apart from the two whoa are still healthy and me (I still have symptoms). We order a PCR, taken by a nurse in- home for everyone and she comes in Sunday. She pokes right through to my brain (JK, but it sure felt REALLY deep)!!
Positive for everyone except the "designed survivors"( they start calling themselves that :lol-2: ) and me. I go to the nurses office for another PCR monday morning (same nurse, same procedure) and finally show positive...
I wouldn't have had to isolate with my negative tests legally !!! Such a sh!t show that virus!!

I hope you all recover quickly.


Jun 8, 2008
7 out of nine people in my household have Covid, myself included

Someone brought it home from having a coffee with a friend. Wasn't upfront and didn't self test, so we all caught it because isolation was too late (no problem in our home to isolate). Only DS (14 y/o ) and DD no. 2 (8y/o) are symptom free and negative...

It's a "mild" case,like a nasty flu for everyone so far. No respiratory issues ... DH has horrible muscle pain and headaches. Everyone has very different symptoms... nerves lying a bit blank....

Interesting fact: I have had the first symptoms thursday night and tested myself: negative. Friday the person who had the contact has mild symptoms and the gets word her contact is positive. She tests herself: positive. We test everyone in the house : DD 5 positive, no one else. We isolate and keep testing and everyone tests positive by Saturday apart from the two whoa are still healthy and me (I still have symptoms). We order a PCR, taken by a nurse in- home for everyone and she comes in Sunday. She pokes right through to my brain (JK, but it sure felt REALLY deep)!!
Positive for everyone except the "designed survivors"( they start calling themselves that :lol-2: ) and me. I go to the nurses office for another PCR monday morning (same nurse, same procedure) and finally show positive...
I wouldn't have had to isolate with my negative tests legally !!! Such a sh!t show that virus!!

Bucketloads of healing vibes to you and your family sweet @MaisOuiMadame.
Wishing you a speedy and easy recovery.


May 15, 2014
7 out of nine people in my household have Covid, myself included

Someone brought it home from having a coffee with a friend. Wasn't upfront and didn't self test, so we all caught it because isolation was too late (no problem in our home to isolate). Only DS (14 y/o ) and DD no. 2 (8y/o) are symptom free and negative...

It's a "mild" case,like a nasty flu for everyone so far. No respiratory issues ... DH has horrible muscle pain and headaches. Everyone has very different symptoms... nerves lying a bit blank....

Interesting fact: I have had the first symptoms thursday night and tested myself: negative. Friday the person who had the contact has mild symptoms and the gets word her contact is positive. She tests herself: positive. We test everyone in the house : DD 5 positive, no one else. We isolate and keep testing and everyone tests positive by Saturday apart from the two whoa are still healthy and me (I still have symptoms). We order a PCR, taken by a nurse in- home for everyone and she comes in Sunday. She pokes right through to my brain (JK, but it sure felt REALLY deep)!!
Positive for everyone except the "designed survivors"( they start calling themselves that :lol-2: ) and me. I go to the nurses office for another PCR monday morning (same nurse, same procedure) and finally show positive...
I wouldn't have had to isolate with my negative tests legally !!! Such a sh!t show that virus!!

I hope your symptoms remain manageable. I think a lot of folks are taking at home tests and show negative when they are really positive and don't bother going for a PCR. And even if they test positive at home, they don't report that anywhere so the case counts are not accurate. That why I'm very concerned about all the masks coming off. Agree with the Sh!t show statement. Staying vigilant is so important. Take care of yourself!


Sep 17, 2008
@MaisOuiMadame Lots of healing dust for your household and very glad to hear cases are mild!


Jan 9, 2015
Thank you @autumngems @missy @Lookinagain @Arcadian thank you for your support!

I'm so glad we're all vaccinated to the max and everything manageable so far with paracetamol only! Watching asthmatic DD like a hawk and amped up her treatment after a call with her pulmonologist...


Mar 31, 2018


Mar 31, 2018
We went to help out with our grandchildren last weekend because my son was on a business trip. They were sick..We left on Sunday evening. Monday morning we got hit with something. We have scratchy throats, runny noses…I have it worse with a cough and headache added to the list. My son just clears his throat but he won’t admit that he feels bad. He never does. We started testing last night..negative..I’ll keep testing us for a while. :/


May 12, 2020
We went to help out with our grandchildren last weekend because my son was on a business trip. They were sick..We left on Sunday evening. Monday morning we got hit with something. We have scratchy throats, runny noses…I have it worse with a cough and headache added to the list. My son just clears his throat but he won’t admit that he feels bad. He never does. We started testing last night..negative..I’ll keep testing us for a while. :/

That is a good idea. My son and his wife came down with symptoms, the Monday after Christmas, that were bad enough that he thought for sure it was covid. But Monday's PCR test results came back negative. Wasn't until he re-tested on Thursday that results came back positive. You would think that if you were sick enough for symptoms, your results would show positive? Made me wonder how many people test once, show negative, and return to normal behavior, all the while really sick.


Sep 1, 2009
How are things going ?

Got a call this morning that he is coming home TODAY. Yay and eeeek! We had been told Friday or later until this call. No nurses lined up. Still getting the living room ready. Just got things mostly ready. Still no care, but we will manage until that is sorted out. I am currently sitting here taking care of my grandmother while my cousin fixes the end of the wheelchair ramp and my mom & aunt are getting a wheelchair van to pick him up.

Stage 4 colon cancer so not much time, but we will be glad for the time we have.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I have thought about it and DH actually suggested that after last year :lol:

That could be fun
you probably could do with a bit of fun

make a real thing out of it
Like a gender reveal baby thing - im thinking aloud

Id say have a big party but stupid covid is still with us


Sep 1, 2009
That could be fun
you probably could do with a bit of fun

make a real thing out of it
Like a gender reveal baby thing - im thinking aloud

Id say have a big party but stupid covid is still with us

I told DH after our miserable wedding experience that I am NEVER having a party again. Will buy myself jewelry or go on a vacation just the two of us instead :)

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
That is a good idea. My son and his wife came down with symptoms, the Monday after Christmas, that were bad enough that he thought for sure it was covid. But Monday's PCR test results came back negative. Wasn't until he re-tested on Thursday that results came back positive. You would think that if you were sick enough for symptoms, your results would show positive? Made me wonder how many people test once, show negative, and return to normal behavior, all the while really sick.

This is big news here right now because we are fairly new to those at home tests
They recon there are 5 times as many people with covid as the offical count

We all kust have to go out there with the assumption that everyone else has covid and we dont wanna catch it / we have covid and don't want to pass it on


Mar 31, 2018
Got a call this morning that he is coming home TODAY. Yay and eeeek! We had been told Friday or later until this call. No nurses lined up. Still getting the living room ready. Just got things mostly ready. Still no care, but we will manage until that is sorted out. I am currently sitting here taking care of my grandmother while my cousin fixes the end of the wheelchair ramp and my mom & aunt are getting a wheelchair van to pick him up.

Stage 4 colon cancer so not much time, but we will be glad for the time we have.

@TooPatient I liked the post only because I’m happy he’s coming home. I hope he has much more time than anyone thinks he has…

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
@TooPatient sorry about the diagnoses (and that i missed your post)
I hope you can make him comfortable and you can all enjoy some quality time together as much as you can


May 15, 2014
You would think that if you were sick enough for symptoms, your results would show positive? Made me wonder how many people test once, show negative, and return to normal behavior, all the while really sick.
I think a lot of that is happening. Particularly with people who test too early. And/Or only use at home tests. I think it can take a few days after symptoms to show positive. A friend of mine took several tests after symptoms and wasn't positive on a home test until day 4. PCR the next day was positive.


Sep 1, 2009
@TooPatient I liked the post only because I’m happy he’s coming home. I hope he has much more time than anyone thinks he has…

I am hoping! DH says he is just stubborn enough he might surprise us all. I sure hope so!

This was within a couple of hours of coming home. He had eaten his chicken and dumplings and they were trying to hold hands. I looked over from the kitchen and one of them said they need to be closer together so they can hold hands. Not sure how to make that work with his needing the walker to get through (eventually, hopefully), but we did do a quick rearrange so they could be close for awhile. Married 62 years. Hoping they get to see 63 in May.

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