
I just wanna say -- the random comments thread


Apr 30, 2005
justginger|1391523141|3607611 said:
I am really happy to see that Kenny is back. :))

Thanks, but actually, I'm rather forward. :D


Nov 17, 2009
kenny|1391841665|3610649 said:
justginger|1391523141|3607611 said:
I am really happy to see that Kenny is back. :))

Thanks, but actually, I'm rather forward. :D

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Sep 16, 2009
Talking to the in laws feels like being in an alternate universe sometimes.

Sil is bankrupt and she recently quit her job as unemployed people can get an earlier discharge. Fil just finished a long speech about how he's so proud of her. She's a smart girl. Most people get down when bankruptcy happens to them, but not her. She picked herself up and did the right thing.

Um on what planet is quitting her job the right thing?

And bankruptcy didn't "happen" to her. She spent on credit and bragged about it for years.

Ugh I really dislike these people.


Dec 31, 2006
Things that suck:


Things that suck more:

Cooking something in hot oil and getting oil ALL OVER the stove the floor, the countertop.

What sucks most:

After all that, the food not tasting that good. :sick:


Sep 1, 2009
"A" has a mother who is just making me mad today!

This woman sees "A" one day a week. Not even an entire day -- pick her up around 10-11 and bring her home again anywhere from 4-6. Breakfast here. More often than not, dinner here too. During those few hours they have together, "J" drops "A" off at an hour and a half long "art" class where "A" (who is exceptionally talented at art) gets to trace pictures and color in the lines with a bunch of 6-10 year olds while "J" gets coffee or a massage.

She couldn't even manage that the last few weeks!

She was "too sick" to spend the day with "A".... but not too sick to spend the evening having dinner with a friend and then the entire day at the football parade.
This week there was snow on the ground (roads all clear) so she chose to stay the night with a different friend and just couldn't bring herself to drive (or even let me drop "A" off for some time with her). Called later to let me know the art class was cancelled (gee.... thanks... I sort of figured when I sat in the parking lot with "A" and the instructors didn't show up :rolleyes: ) but she couldn't talk because she was out for pizza with a friend and her kid.

"A" is going to Disneyland in just a few days. DH and I offered to arrange for "J" to spend the evening with "A" doing whatever so they could have some time together. Nope. Not interested.

"A" is doing amazing stuff and her mother is losing interest in her. She wanted a baby to play with (direct words from "J") and now as "A" is growing and accomplishing it just isn't fun any more.

What a miserable thing for a parent to do :nono:


Apr 26, 2007
I am jonesing for another pet.

I used to have ferrets.

Is it wrong that I'd like to get another one?

Specifically, an ermine?

I could name him Herman?

He would be my vermin?

Herman the ermine my vermin! Wow, if only I could, a) get my husband to agree, or, b) learn to draw and make a fortune off the children's books, I would be delighted.




Feb 18, 2010
I would be afraid that with all the pet thievery going on
you would have your ermine stole.


Apr 26, 2007
VapidLapid|1392082523|3612383 said:
I would be afraid that with all the pet thievery going on
you would have your ermine stole.

Nah, I'm sure they'd just muff it.


Aug 14, 2009


Sep 1, 2009
Circe|1392083314|3612396 said:
VapidLapid|1392082523|3612383 said:
I would be afraid that with all the pet thievery going on
you would have your ermine stole.

Nah, I'm sure they'd just muff it.


So cute!


May 11, 2009
My brother found a stray puppy last year. Said he was adorable, and sweet, and would be adopted from the shelter quickly - their family already had 2, so wanted to get him into another home. Brother called the ranger, ranger came, brother asked how long a quick adoption of a good dog like this usually takes. Ranger said, "He's got mange, I'll be putting him down as soon as I can." My brother said, "Give him back then!"

Here he is now. Just look at that face. I can't imagine a human being not melting at the mere sight of him.



Nov 16, 2003
justginger|1392249579|3613913 said:
My brother found a stray puppy last year. Said he was adorable, and sweet, and would be adopted from the shelter quickly - their family already had 2, so wanted to get him into another home. Brother called the ranger, ranger came, brother asked how long a quick adoption of a good dog like this usually takes. Ranger said, "He's got mange, I'll be putting him down as soon as I can." My brother said, "Give him back then!"

Here he is now. Just look at that face. I can't imagine a human being not melting at the mere sight of him.

Aaaawwww!!! Too adorable OMG. Between this pic and the one of Circe's potential pet vermin (you know, the ermine named Herman) I'm getting sugar overload on the "sweet factor" today.


Aug 5, 2010
justginger|1392249579|3613913 said:
My brother found a stray puppy last year. Said he was adorable, and sweet, and would be adopted from the shelter quickly - their family already had 2, so wanted to get him into another home. Brother called the ranger, ranger came, brother asked how long a quick adoption of a good dog like this usually takes. Ranger said, "He's got mange, I'll be putting him down as soon as I can." My brother said, "Give him back then!"

Here he is now. Just look at that face. I can't imagine a human being not melting at the mere sight of him.

JG: that is one of the all time cutest faces for sure. So glad your bro took him in.

As a total aside, how does one get rid of mange? isn't that really difficult?


May 11, 2009
minousbijoux|1392252044|3613947 said:
justginger|1392249579|3613913 said:
My brother found a stray puppy last year. Said he was adorable, and sweet, and would be adopted from the shelter quickly - their family already had 2, so wanted to get him into another home. Brother called the ranger, ranger came, brother asked how long a quick adoption of a good dog like this usually takes. Ranger said, "He's got mange, I'll be putting him down as soon as I can." My brother said, "Give him back then!"

Here he is now. Just look at that face. I can't imagine a human being not melting at the mere sight of him.

JG: that is one of the all time cutest faces for sure. So glad your bro took him in.

As a total aside, how does one get rid of mange? isn't that really difficult?

It depends on what type it is - demodectic is easy, sarcoptic is hard. His was just demodectic. His immune system was obviously down, so a naturally occurring species of mites overpopulated. It wasn't contagious, just lots of good food, wormers, and medicated baths were all he needed. The sarcoptic version is like dog scabies - very contagious and harder to get rid of, so sad to see in street dogs. ;(

It seems the ranger couldn't have cared less in terms of identifying the problem, and discovering that it would almost remedy itself if the dog's overall health were improved.


Feb 18, 2010
I would like to be there when that ranger gets diagnosed with excema


Sep 1, 2009
justginger|1392249579|3613913 said:
My brother found a stray puppy last year. Said he was adorable, and sweet, and would be adopted from the shelter quickly - their family already had 2, so wanted to get him into another home. Brother called the ranger, ranger came, brother asked how long a quick adoption of a good dog like this usually takes. Ranger said, "He's got mange, I'll be putting him down as soon as I can." My brother said, "Give him back then!"

Here he is now. Just look at that face. I can't imagine a human being not melting at the mere sight of him.

:love: :love: :love:

Look at those eyes! So sweet!

I'm glad your brother decided to make him part of his family.


May 11, 2009
VapidLapid|1392254416|3613995 said:
I would like to be there when that ranger gets diagnosed with excema

:lol: :lol: :lol: Karma is a b!tch...


Mar 2, 2010
I have to share this here where you all will understand:

I went to the Tucson Gem Show yesterday. A friend had extra passes for the wholesale part, and I had a BLAST! Now I didn't spend much money but I learned several things about myself.
  • 1. I learned that I DO love the look that this ring will give sandwiched between my Cartier Trinity & diamond eternity
    bezel_sapphire.jpg This is HUGE because I was waffling between that one and a french cut (or princess cut) channel set band. I saw a lot of sapphire bands yesterday, and was happily surprised that the bezeled one looks great! I was able to try on an emerald and diamond version at the show (at twice the price!) and see how it looks with my set.
    2. I have found that a 2ct bezel tennis bracelet is perfect for what I'm wanting for everyday wear. I was also wondering about this because most of the advice was to go bigger.

I also saw the most :love: spectacular necklace. :love: It was very long, I'm guessing at least 32". Bezeled diamonds that were alternating sizes and were connected by one chain each. I'm pretty sure someone here has a bracelet made like that (I think from a necklace at one time) and I WANT it SOOOOOOO bad!!! However, the price was the price of TWO new Equinoxes and my credit card shriveled up at the thought...(actually it just laughed and laughed and laughed....) ;( ;( ;(


Nov 16, 2003
Good for you!! We totally understand how great it feels when you finally FINALLY are able to decide on what will work best for you, so I'm celebrating right along with you.

Oh, and don't you hate when your credit card laughs at you??? NOT cool at all :(( ! LOL


Apr 2, 2006
It's raining! Such a wonderful sound! :))


Jun 17, 2009
I love that band cozystitches! Post pics when you get a chance!


Sep 1, 2009
So much for that idea!

"A" has been in Disneyland for almost 4 days now. She's been in very few of the group pictures posted and is scowling in the couple she has been in. Didn't bother to ski on the day trip and hasn't bought anything but a JambaJuice.

They are heading to the airport in a little over an hour so she's about out of time.

She has gone places with this group before and claimed to enjoy herself. I've only ever seen her projecting hate and boredom in all the event pics but we tried to give hher the benefit of just bad pics. Now I really think she doesn't enjoy these activities...

So frustrated ;(


Apr 21, 2010
TooPatient|1392674914|3617239 said:
So much for that idea!

"A" has been in Disneyland for almost 4 days now. She's been in very few of the group pictures posted and is scowling in the couple she has been in. Didn't bother to ski on the day trip and hasn't bought anything but a JambaJuice.

They are heading to the airport in a little over an hour so she's about out of time.

She has gone places with this group before and claimed to enjoy herself. I've only ever seen her projecting hate and boredom in all the event pics but we tried to give hher the benefit of just bad pics. Now I really think she doesn't enjoy these activities...

So frustrated ;(

Apart from anything else, "A" is at that difficult age - and while she may not be having as much obvious fun as you'd like, even if her only rationale for going on these trips is that she prefers it over staying home, is that such a bad thing? It is okay to just have an okay time - not every situation will turn out to be SO MUCH FUN! She is getting out and about, having to engage with people along the way, has new experiences... and being willing to go is huge positive in my mind (as is not spending a boat-load of money on souvenirs that are meaningless).

And avoiding pics/taking bad photos in group shots - well, there are a lot of us out there - if you looked at all the group shots I've ever been in, you'd think I'd had very little fun and happiness in my life - when the real truth is, as a general rule, I look bad in group shots and try to avoid them.


Jun 8, 2008
I am feeling so down for the last few days. I thought I was fully recovered from having shingles 1st week of January this year but last Wednesday eve I started feeling funny again and by Sunday AM my whole body was burning. Back, chest, arms. So bad that I went to urgent care since my doctor's office is closed till tomorrow. They had no clue. Meanwhile I was able to get the last appt for tomorrow (thank goodness for online scheduling because no one is there to answer phones till tomorrow) but I think I already know what's going on. Either post herpetic neuralgia or another shingles outbreak (which I think is unlikely) but what I don't understand is why my whole body is on fire. I am scared I won't ever get better. :cry:


May 11, 2009
missy|1392683963|3617390 said:
I am feeling so down for the last few days. I thought I was fully recovered from having shingles 1st week of January this year but last Wednesday eve I started feeling funny again and by Sunday AM my whole body was burning. Back, chest, arms. So bad that I went to urgent care since my doctor's office is closed till tomorrow. They had no clue. Meanwhile I was able to get the last appt for tomorrow (thank goodness for online scheduling because no one is there to answer phones till tomorrow) but I think I already know what's going on. Either post herpetic neuralgia or another shingles outbreak (which I think is unlikely) but what I don't understand is why my whole body is on fire. I am scared I won't ever get better. :cry:

I am sorry you're feeling poorly again, missy. I'd give you a big hug (but a soft one so it doesn't make things worse), if I could. It is completely normal to jump to worst case fears when you're in pain. Try to remember that most people DO get better post-shingles...and second/third attacks aren't that uncommon. I went looking for the newest info and it appears that Mayo has concluded second/third attacks are as common as the initial one -- just under 7% of people suffer from them. Regardless, I'm glad you managed to nab an appointment for tomorrow, good thinking to check online. Make sure to let us know how you go, I'll be sending you lots of dust.

As an aside, my 'just wanna say' is that I HATE casual, negative use of the word 'retarded.' I wish people would stop using it, along with 'gay,' as an insult.


Jun 8, 2008
justginger|1392685077|3617408 said:
missy|1392683963|3617390 said:
I am feeling so down for the last few days. I thought I was fully recovered from having shingles 1st week of January this year but last Wednesday eve I started feeling funny again and by Sunday AM my whole body was burning. Back, chest, arms. So bad that I went to urgent care since my doctor's office is closed till tomorrow. They had no clue. Meanwhile I was able to get the last appt for tomorrow (thank goodness for online scheduling because no one is there to answer phones till tomorrow) but I think I already know what's going on. Either post herpetic neuralgia or another shingles outbreak (which I think is unlikely) but what I don't understand is why my whole body is on fire. I am scared I won't ever get better. :cry:

I am sorry you're feeling poorly again, missy. I'd give you a big hug (but a soft one so it doesn't make things worse), if I could. It is completely normal to jump to worst case fears when you're in pain. Try to remember that most people DO get better post-shingles...and second/third attacks aren't that uncommon. I went looking for the newest info and it appears that Mayo has concluded second/third attacks are as common as the initial one -- just under 7% of people suffer from them. Regardless, I'm glad you managed to nab an appointment for tomorrow, good thinking to check online. Make sure to let us know how you go, I'll be sending you lots of dust.

As an aside, my 'just wanna say' is that I HATE casual, negative use of the word 'retarded.' I wish people would stop using it, along with 'gay,' as an insult.

Thank you Ginger. I appreciate the hugs and dust. I am trying not to be scared as to what it could be.

And I totally agree with you on the use of those 2 words as insults. I work with the developmentally disabled (used to be known as retarded) population and I loathe when people use that as a slur. And ditto on gay. Gay should mean happy and carefree or homosexual. That's it.


Jun 17, 2009
missy|1392683963|3617390 said:
I am feeling so down for the last few days. I thought I was fully recovered from having shingles 1st week of January this year but last Wednesday eve I started feeling funny again and by Sunday AM my whole body was burning. Back, chest, arms. So bad that I went to urgent care since my doctor's office is closed till tomorrow. They had no clue. Meanwhile I was able to get the last appt for tomorrow (thank goodness for online scheduling because no one is there to answer phones till tomorrow) but I think I already know what's going on. Either post herpetic neuralgia or another shingles outbreak (which I think is unlikely) but what I don't understand is why my whole body is on fire. I am scared I won't ever get better. :cry:

Oh no missy, I'm so sorry! Very very gentle hugs to you - please try not to be scared, or panic - you will get better! I'm really glad you got a doctor's appointment so soon - it sounds like nerve pain, but the doctor will figure it out and help manage your pain. I'll be thinking of you, please keep us posted.


Jun 8, 2008
Thanks Junebug.I agree in that I think it is nerve pain (not sure why the urgent care doc had no clue) and just don't understand why my whole body is affected and why so long after I felt all better from my outbreak. My only real concern is that it will be forever because I think that's what can happen. :blackeye:

junebug17 said:
Oh no missy, I'm so sorry! Very very gentle hugs to you - please try not to be scared, or panic - you will get better! I'm really glad you got a doctor's appointment so soon - it sounds like nerve pain, but the doctor will figure it out and help manage your pain. I'll be thinking of you, please keep us posted.

On a positive note I find shopping helps ease the pain. :cheeky:


Mar 2, 2010
Um....I ordered my birthday present. :appl: :appl: :appl: I went with the bezel sapphire/diamond band....and did the double amethyst :naughty: I'll post pics when it gets here....sigh I have to wait a week and a HALF! :errrr: so long! LOL still before my birthday though, hmmm will I wait to open it....yeah right! :Up_to_something: ;-) :lol:


Sep 1, 2009
marymm|1392675911|3617256 said:
TooPatient|1392674914|3617239 said:
So much for that idea!

"A" has been in Disneyland for almost 4 days now. She's been in very few of the group pictures posted and is scowling in the couple she has been in. Didn't bother to ski on the day trip and hasn't bought anything but a JambaJuice.

They are heading to the airport in a little over an hour so she's about out of time.

She has gone places with this group before and claimed to enjoy herself. I've only ever seen her projecting hate and boredom in all the event pics but we tried to give hher the benefit of just bad pics. Now I really think she doesn't enjoy these activities...

So frustrated ;(

Apart from anything else, "A" is at that difficult age - and while she may not be having as much obvious fun as you'd like, even if her only rationale for going on these trips is that she prefers it over staying home, is that such a bad thing? It is okay to just have an okay time - not every situation will turn out to be SO MUCH FUN! She is getting out and about, having to engage with people along the way, has new experiences... and being willing to go is huge positive in my mind (as is not spending a boat-load of money on souvenirs that are meaningless).

And avoiding pics/taking bad photos in group shots - well, there are a lot of us out there - if you looked at all the group shots I've ever been in, you'd think I'd had very little fun and happiness in my life - when the real truth is, as a general rule, I look bad in group shots and try to avoid them.


I was very much the quiet teenager and still hate cameras and big group stuff. "A" is very much a camera person who seems to love group activities. That is why I was so worried seeing her looking so unhappy in the pictures.

Turns out it was nothing :lol:

The one picture posted was just after the flight (so up at 4am, through one airport, 2+ hour flight, through another airport...) and the other turned out to be about 6:30am after a night out late :))

She had a GREAT time. The rides were "lame" but there were a couple she enjoyed. She and a group of girls mostly just browsed through the gift shops at Disneyland. Skiing got called off due to lack of snow so they did a fun center thing instead that was "super cheesy but cool" They also got to do a couple of great hikes she really enjoyed too.

Important lesson she learned: Don't leave your purse in the hotel because you never know when you'll want your debit card! Turns out they had gone to "downtown Disneyland" the first day and there wasn't anything but a few places to eat and some "dumb regular stores".... Yeah.... downtown Anaheim (assume this is where they went?) is not Disneyland so those were just regular stores and all the souvenir places she'd been browsing online were actually IN Disneyland...

She had fun. That was what we wanted for her!
(I might see about surprising her with the Disney earrings she'd wanted when we take her to get her ears pierced :)) )
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