
I just wanna say -- the random comments thread


Aug 14, 2009
justginger|1358048465|3354288 said:
YT|1358047588|3354272 said:
justginger|1358047087|3354263 said:
YT|1358046576|3354259 said:
justginger|1358045975|3354252 said:
YT|1358034755|3354121 said:
This is bad. I'm bored and I've got an itch to buy something...

Me too - I'm all over ebay and rubylane like a bad rash.

Ridiculous, considering my newest purchase hasn't even arrived. Not sure what's put me in such a spending mood! :rolleyes:

Wow, exactly me right now. I have been going ebay and rubylane crazy. I also have a purchase that hasn't arrived yet. Is your's FK's transitional? Mine is also an FK purchase. Supposed to arrive Monday. When is your's supposed to arrive?

Yes, it's her trannie - supposed to arrive at the latest on Tuesday. I probably won't get it til the weekend though, with the dismal post office hours here. Unfortunate...Thursday is my birthday and I would have liked it then.

What did you get from FK?
I bought her violet pear spinal necklace.

I forgot that you are in Australia and it takes much longer. FK sent mine on Thursday to arrive on Monday.

I have a confession.... I already bought two things on ebay today...

Did you give in to any temptations?

ETA: YAY almost birthday!!! You're going to be 29 right? How do you feel about that? I will be 28 in May...

Two things on ebay?! Naughty!

I rarely give in to temptation for small items. I have learned over the last year or two that I do not appreciate colored stones or small purchases very much. I prefer to save up for big things I truly adore, which means that they are infrequent purchases. A ring I posted in your thread about the beautiful pieces from that ebay vendor has wormed itself in my head and I'm thinking of trying to recreate it now. Maybe in a year or two...

I am also keeping a keen eye out for an Argyle stone that I both like, and can afford. I need to like it more than the pink I have now, as DH thinks two pink stones are unnecessary and would like me to sell the first if I purchase a second.

And yes, 29 this coming week. Feeling good about it, actually. I was unhappy around 26/27 as I tipped over the middle of my 20s and started going towards 30. Now I'm quite happy with my place in the world and reckon my 30s will be every bit as good as my 20s. :))

Yeah... I'll be 27 in June (day of the GTG actually) and I sorta feel like I have six more months to enjoy my youth (and yes, I know that's ridiculous!) :rolleyes: I'm also getting behind on my Life Plan - I'm supposed to have a kid this year!

My unsolicited addendum..

Hope all the loot comes in soon!! :bigsmile:


May 11, 2009
Yssie|1358051399|3354322 said:
justginger|1358048465|3354288 said:
YT|1358047588|3354272 said:
justginger|1358047087|3354263 said:
YT|1358046576|3354259 said:
justginger|1358045975|3354252 said:
YT|1358034755|3354121 said:
This is bad. I'm bored and I've got an itch to buy something...

Me too - I'm all over ebay and rubylane like a bad rash.

Ridiculous, considering my newest purchase hasn't even arrived. Not sure what's put me in such a spending mood! :rolleyes:

Wow, exactly me right now. I have been going ebay and rubylane crazy. I also have a purchase that hasn't arrived yet. Is your's FK's transitional? Mine is also an FK purchase. Supposed to arrive Monday. When is your's supposed to arrive?

Yes, it's her trannie - supposed to arrive at the latest on Tuesday. I probably won't get it til the weekend though, with the dismal post office hours here. Unfortunate...Thursday is my birthday and I would have liked it then.

What did you get from FK?
I bought her violet pear spinal necklace.

I forgot that you are in Australia and it takes much longer. FK sent mine on Thursday to arrive on Monday.

I have a confession.... I already bought two things on ebay today...

Did you give in to any temptations?

ETA: YAY almost birthday!!! You're going to be 29 right? How do you feel about that? I will be 28 in May...

Two things on ebay?! Naughty!

I rarely give in to temptation for small items. I have learned over the last year or two that I do not appreciate colored stones or small purchases very much. I prefer to save up for big things I truly adore, which means that they are infrequent purchases. A ring I posted in your thread about the beautiful pieces from that ebay vendor has wormed itself in my head and I'm thinking of trying to recreate it now. Maybe in a year or two...

I am also keeping a keen eye out for an Argyle stone that I both like, and can afford. I need to like it more than the pink I have now, as DH thinks two pink stones are unnecessary and would like me to sell the first if I purchase a second.

And yes, 29 this coming week. Feeling good about it, actually. I was unhappy around 26/27 as I tipped over the middle of my 20s and started going towards 30. Now I'm quite happy with my place in the world and reckon my 30s will be every bit as good as my 20s. :))

Yeah... I'll be 27 in June (day of the GTG actually) and I sorta feel like I have six more months to enjoy my youth (and yes, I know that's ridiculous!) :rolleyes: I'm also getting behind on my Life Plan - I'm supposed to have a kid this year!

My unsolicited addendum..

Hope all the loot comes in soon!! :bigsmile:

Oh yssie, I remember that feeling well, even down to the kid thing (think I'll be about 33 when I have one now, in the revamped version of my life plan!). I remember thinking, "Sweet Jesus, I'm officially a 20-something!" Just try to roll with it, it will pass. Hopefully the MASSIVE bonus of having a birthday GTG will help soothe the transition for you.

And I don't mean to be rude so I hope I do not offend you, but I had no idea you were in your 20s. You come across (to me) as having a lot of life wisdom, and I generally think of that as coming with age. What a great combo - the freshness of youth and the wisdom of age! :))


May 11, 2009
YT|1358049610|3354300 said:
justginger|1358048465|3354288 said:
YT|1358047588|3354272 said:
justginger|1358047087|3354263 said:
YT|1358046576|3354259 said:
justginger|1358045975|3354252 said:
YT|1358034755|3354121 said:
This is bad. I'm bored and I've got an itch to buy something...

Me too - I'm all over ebay and rubylane like a bad rash.

Ridiculous, considering my newest purchase hasn't even arrived. Not sure what's put me in such a spending mood! :rolleyes:

Wow, exactly me right now. I have been going ebay and rubylane crazy. I also have a purchase that hasn't arrived yet. Is your's FK's transitional? Mine is also an FK purchase. Supposed to arrive Monday. When is your's supposed to arrive?

Yes, it's her trannie - supposed to arrive at the latest on Tuesday. I probably won't get it til the weekend though, with the dismal post office hours here. Unfortunate...Thursday is my birthday and I would have liked it then.

What did you get from FK?
I bought her violet pear spinal necklace.

I forgot that you are in Australia and it takes much longer. FK sent mine on Thursday to arrive on Monday.

I have a confession.... I already bought two things on ebay today...

Did you give in to any temptations?

ETA: YAY almost birthday!!! You're going to be 29 right? How do you feel about that? I will be 28 in May...

Two things on ebay?! Naughty!

I rarely give in to temptation for small items. I have learned over the last year or two that I do not appreciate colored stones or small purchases very much. I prefer to save up for big things I truly adore, which means that they are infrequent purchases. A ring I posted in your thread about the beautiful pieces from that ebay vendor has wormed itself in my head and I'm thinking of trying to recreate it now. Maybe in a year or two...

I am also keeping a keen eye out for an Argyle stone that I both like, and can afford. I need to like it more than the pink I have now, as DH thinks two pink stones are unnecessary and would like me to sell the first if I purchase a second.

And yes, 29 this coming week. Feeling good about it, actually. I was unhappy around 26/27 as I tipped over the middle of my 20s and started going towards 30. Now I'm quite happy with my place in the world and reckon my 30s will be every bit as good as my 20s. :))

FK's necklace is actually my very first purchase other than my Ering. I don't ever buy anything either.

Which ring were you wanting to recreate? The sapphire one or the one with all the bezeled diamonds around the center?

I also don't mind turning 28. I remember I was freaking out when I was 24 and was going to turn 25.

Your necklace is going to be beautiful.

That one! I can't stop thinking about it and all of its OEC goodness. But vying for prime position in my brain is FK's Holy Grail. There's a little voice whispering to not bother with piddly purchases that sap funds away from getting a giant, beautiful, solitaire OEC like her's. :o

Jeez. How many large diamonds does one girl need? Poor Poppy, don't tell her I'm having such thoughts. :nono:

Deactivated member 42515

justginger said:
YT|1358049610|3354300 said:
justginger|1358048465|3354288 said:
YT|1358047588|3354272 said:
justginger|1358047087|3354263 said:
YT|1358046576|3354259 said:
justginger|1358045975|3354252 said:
YT|1358034755|3354121 said:
This is bad. I'm bored and I've got an itch to buy something...

Me too - I'm all over ebay and rubylane like a bad rash.

Ridiculous, considering my newest purchase hasn't even arrived. Not sure what's put me in such a spending mood! :rolleyes:

Wow, exactly me right now. I have been going ebay and rubylane crazy. I also have a purchase that hasn't arrived yet. Is your's FK's transitional? Mine is also an FK purchase. Supposed to arrive Monday. When is your's supposed to arrive?

Yes, it's her trannie - supposed to arrive at the latest on Tuesday. I probably won't get it til the weekend though, with the dismal post office hours here. Unfortunate...Thursday is my birthday and I would have liked it then.

What did you get from FK?
I bought her violet pear spinal necklace.

I forgot that you are in Australia and it takes much longer. FK sent mine on Thursday to arrive on Monday.

I have a confession.... I already bought two things on ebay today...

Did you give in to any temptations?

ETA: YAY almost birthday!!! You're going to be 29 right? How do you feel about that? I will be 28 in May...

Two things on ebay?! Naughty!

I rarely give in to temptation for small items. I have learned over the last year or two that I do not appreciate colored stones or small purchases very much. I prefer to save up for big things I truly adore, which means that they are infrequent purchases. A ring I posted in your thread about the beautiful pieces from that ebay vendor has wormed itself in my head and I'm thinking of trying to recreate it now. Maybe in a year or two...

I am also keeping a keen eye out for an Argyle stone that I both like, and can afford. I need to like it more than the pink I have now, as DH thinks two pink stones are unnecessary and would like me to sell the first if I purchase a second.

And yes, 29 this coming week. Feeling good about it, actually. I was unhappy around 26/27 as I tipped over the middle of my 20s and started going towards 30. Now I'm quite happy with my place in the world and reckon my 30s will be every bit as good as my 20s. :))

FK's necklace is actually my very first purchase other than my Ering. I don't ever buy anything either.

Which ring were you wanting to recreate? The sapphire one or the one with all the bezeled diamonds around the center?

I also don't mind turning 28. I remember I was freaking out when I was 24 and was going to turn 25.

Your necklace is going to be beautiful.

That one! I can't stop thinking about it and all of its OEC goodness. But vying for prime position in my brain is FK's Holy Grail. There's a little voice whispering to not bother with piddly purchases that sap funds away from getting a giant, beautiful, solitaire OEC like her's. :o

Jeez. How many large diamonds does one girl need? Poor Poppy, don't tell her I'm having such thoughts. :nono:
Oh wow, that's gonna be quite the project! A big OEC and then all those tiny OECs! It's gonna be a stunner tho! No one else on PS is gonna have it!

Oh and I toooootally understand about FK's OEC, when she got it, I think I was the most jealous I have ever been in my life! Because she got a honker of an OEC but especially because she got the deal of the freaking century! I long for her OEC... There's a possibility I might snap and kidnap her at the GTG. You wanna join me in the kidnapping?

Oh and I won't tell Poppy, cuz Poppy will be in sunny Mexico with me!


Aug 14, 2009
justginger|1358054954|3354346 said:
Yssie|1358051399|3354322 said:
justginger|1358048465|3354288 said:
YT|1358047588|3354272 said:
justginger|1358047087|3354263 said:
YT|1358046576|3354259 said:
justginger|1358045975|3354252 said:
YT|1358034755|3354121 said:
This is bad. I'm bored and I've got an itch to buy something...

Me too - I'm all over ebay and rubylane like a bad rash.

Ridiculous, considering my newest purchase hasn't even arrived. Not sure what's put me in such a spending mood! :rolleyes:

Wow, exactly me right now. I have been going ebay and rubylane crazy. I also have a purchase that hasn't arrived yet. Is your's FK's transitional? Mine is also an FK purchase. Supposed to arrive Monday. When is your's supposed to arrive?

Yes, it's her trannie - supposed to arrive at the latest on Tuesday. I probably won't get it til the weekend though, with the dismal post office hours here. Unfortunate...Thursday is my birthday and I would have liked it then.

What did you get from FK?
I bought her violet pear spinal necklace.

I forgot that you are in Australia and it takes much longer. FK sent mine on Thursday to arrive on Monday.

I have a confession.... I already bought two things on ebay today...

Did you give in to any temptations?

ETA: YAY almost birthday!!! You're going to be 29 right? How do you feel about that? I will be 28 in May...

Two things on ebay?! Naughty!

I rarely give in to temptation for small items. I have learned over the last year or two that I do not appreciate colored stones or small purchases very much. I prefer to save up for big things I truly adore, which means that they are infrequent purchases. A ring I posted in your thread about the beautiful pieces from that ebay vendor has wormed itself in my head and I'm thinking of trying to recreate it now. Maybe in a year or two...

I am also keeping a keen eye out for an Argyle stone that I both like, and can afford. I need to like it more than the pink I have now, as DH thinks two pink stones are unnecessary and would like me to sell the first if I purchase a second.

And yes, 29 this coming week. Feeling good about it, actually. I was unhappy around 26/27 as I tipped over the middle of my 20s and started going towards 30. Now I'm quite happy with my place in the world and reckon my 30s will be every bit as good as my 20s. :))

Yeah... I'll be 27 in June (day of the GTG actually) and I sorta feel like I have six more months to enjoy my youth (and yes, I know that's ridiculous!) :rolleyes: I'm also getting behind on my Life Plan - I'm supposed to have a kid this year!

My unsolicited addendum..

Hope all the loot comes in soon!! :bigsmile:

Oh yssie, I remember that feeling well, even down to the kid thing (think I'll be about 33 when I have one now, in the revamped version of my life plan!). I remember thinking, "Sweet Jesus, I'm officially a 20-something!" Just try to roll with it, it will pass. Hopefully the MASSIVE bonus of having a birthday GTG will help soothe the transition for you.

And I don't mean to be rude so I hope I do not offend you, but I had no idea you were in your 20s. You come across (to me) as having a lot of life wisdom, and I generally think of that as coming with age. What a great combo - the freshness of youth and the wisdom of age! :))

I'm so hoping I can go!! Any realistic chance at all that you'll make it?

Oddly enough I've been right on track so far - engaged at 22, married at 24, by the numbers 27 seems like a pretty good time to have a baby! But... given that I'm having a hard time adjusting to having a dog around... reality disagrees, obviously!

Now I'm wondering if your Life Plan accounted for moving across the globe :bigsmile:

And thank you, I think? ::)


May 23, 2010
Sorry to interrupt the world's longest quote series :bigsmile:

But this has been bugging me; how tiny are these rings that people are selling on DB? I see rings sized 2.75, 3, 3.5 :shock:

How tiny are these people?

I have worn a size 7 or 8 ring since I weighed 108 lbs, so are these like mini people?

Not that that's bad (mini people, yay!), but Lordy! :???:

Am I ginormous and just don't realize it? :confused: :errrr:

Deactivated member 42515

iLander said:
Sorry to interrupt the world's longest quote series :bigsmile:

But this has been bugging me; how tiny are these rings that people are selling on DB? I see rings sized 2.75, 3, 3.5 :shock:

How tiny are these people?

I have worn a size 7 or 8 ring since I weighed 108 lbs, so are these like mini people?

Not that that's bad (mini people, yay!), but Lordy! :???:

Am I ginormous and just don't realize it? :confused: :errrr:
Hahha! Oh iLander, you just made me crack up hysterically out loud! "So are these like mini people?" hahah Mini people! I'm wiping tears from my eyes :)


May 11, 2009
iLander|1358216052|3355719 said:
Sorry to interrupt the world's longest quote series :bigsmile:

But this has been bugging me; how tiny are these rings that people are selling on DB? I see rings sized 2.75, 3, 3.5 :shock:

How tiny are these people?

I have worn a size 7 or 8 ring since I weighed 108 lbs, so are these like mini people?

Not that that's bad (mini people, yay!), but Lordy! :???:

Am I ginormous and just don't realize it? :confused: :errrr:

I'm not a mini person...I don't think! :shock:

I wear a 3-3.25. My grandmother had such small hands that I wear her wedding band on my pinky! So technically, our family tree appears to be getting fatter fingers over time. :))


Apr 2, 2006
True confessions time:

I'm watching The Bachelor - and I'm enjoying it! :oops:


Aug 25, 2009
heheh well enjoy your 20's while you have them! I turn 30 in mid june but I'm celebrating in Vegas the week ofthe GTG with all my girlfriends. I want to embrace my 30's and have it be even better then my 20's.


May 11, 2009
I sincerely doubt I will be able to make it this year, yssie. Perhaps next year, when I have more of an idea of what to expect in terms of ACTUAL studying requirements (Do I need to go to all the lectures, since they're available online? How much study time do I need a week? Etc.).

My life plan definitely did NOT include a move to Australia - and for the first few years it was a decision I regretted immensely. Now I can see it was a true blessing in disguise. I can't imagine what sort of a person I would be if I had remained Stateside - not someone I like as much as my current self, I don't think. :))


Aug 25, 2009
Sorry to go completely off topic (or is that possible in this thread), but Ginger can I contact you offline about New Zealand and Austrualia? I'm planning a trip there for next winter and I would love your input on stuff to do and places to see. Tips etc. Do you mind?


Oct 21, 2004
Sarahbear621|1358295491|3356424 said:
Sorry to go completely off topic (or is that possible in this thread), but Ginger can I contact you offline about New Zealand and Austrualia? I'm planning a trip there for next winter and I would love your input on stuff to do and places to see. Tips etc. Do you mind?

Interesting! That is the next big trip that I would like to take within the next 3-4 years. :bigsmile: Hope you get lots of good info!


May 11, 2009
Sarahbear621|1358295491|3356424 said:
Sorry to go completely off topic (or is that possible in this thread), but Ginger can I contact you offline about New Zealand and Austrualia? I'm planning a trip there for next winter and I would love your input on stuff to do and places to see. Tips etc. Do you mind?

Of course, Sarah. I still have a listing on LT for a black opal, you can use it to email me directly. :))


Mar 26, 2006
I am working full time, taking two college level accounting classes, AND the Becker CPA review all at the same time. The only feeling that sums it up right now is OVERWHELMED. And I don't even NEED to be a CPA. WTF am I thinking?


Apr 26, 2007
Dee*Jay said:
I am working full time, taking two college level accounting classes, AND the Becker CPA review all at the same time. The only feeling that sums it up right now is OVERWHELMED. And I don't even NEED to be a CPA. WTF am I thinking?



Mar 2, 2010
Circe|1358302200|3356513 said:
Dee*Jay said:
I am working full time, taking two college level accounting classes, AND the Becker CPA review all at the same time. The only feeling that sums it up right now is OVERWHELMED. And I don't even NEED to be a CPA. WTF am I thinking?


You just need a sparklie cape :D


Mar 26, 2006
Circe – I can’t thank you enough for that! Seriously, I’ve been really doubting my good judgment lately over piling all this on myself (for no good reason!). Plus, there's another component to it that I might actually do thread on, about the idea of career shifting at 42. God, I feel old even typing that... Anyway, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

Cozystitches – yes! I can wear it with my tiara on days when I need that double boost!


Nov 24, 2006
Dee*Jay|1358346518|3356769 said:
Circe – I can’t thank you enough for that! Seriously, I’ve been really doubting my good judgment lately over piling all this on myself (for no good reason!). Plus, there's another component to it that I might actually do thread on, about the idea of career shifting at 42. God, I feel old even typing that... Anyway, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

Cozystitches – yes! I can wear it with my tiara on days when I need that double boost!

I think if you career shift to accounting you will love it and you would be awesome! :bigsmile:


Feb 18, 2010
I just want to say that the news that Canada has sold Harry Winston to Swatch is very upsetting.


Jan 21, 2011
I am very sad today .My father died this morning ,he was 77 . he had some health problems but he was very active . he was visiting my brother when he fell down on the door step and died . my 6 year old asked me : mama is your age gone too much ? I dont want you to die !


Jun 8, 2008
Oh jeweln, I am so sorry! I am keeping you and your family in my thoughts and sending (((hugs))) your way.


Oct 4, 2011
oh Jeweln!!! oh my--- I'm so very sorry for your sudden loss!!! I hope you are ok and you have family with you to get you thru this most difficult time. My thoughts are with you ---- {{{HUG}}}}


Jan 21, 2011
missy & Enerchi,
Thanks for your good wishes . I have a big family and we were all crying together today .I dont know how I drove my kids to shool , I was not aware of my surroundings .my father was a very independent person .maybe it was good that he went this way instead of needing help in older age .


Apr 2, 2006
jewln - I'm very sorry for your unexpected loss. Hugs and strength to you and your family for the coming days.


Nov 24, 2006
jeweln|1358470021|3358252 said:
I am very sad today .My father died this morning ,he was 77 . he had some health problems but he was very active . he was visiting my brother when he fell down on the door step and died . my 6 year old asked me : mama is your age gone too much ? I dont want you to die !
oh I am so so sorry for your loss. Hugs and prayers to your whole family.


Jan 21, 2011
VRbeauty & skippy ,
Thanks .all day today I kept meeting people and thinking they dont know what I am going through .

Deactivated member 42515

Oh no jeweln!! I'm so so so sorry! I wish there was something I can do. Prayers go out to you and your family.


Mar 26, 2006
jeweln, my deepest condolences on the loss of your father. Biggest hugs to you and your family.


Jan 21, 2011
YT & Deejay ,
I appreciate your comments .
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