
I Got My 'Flu Shot. Post If You Get Yours. Or Not.


Jan 26, 2019
In the past have always gotten the flu shot every year, but not sure if it's needed this year if we are already social distancing isn't that prevention in itself? (that's my logic at least) lol. Also, I feel like there's a risk of getting Covid from going out to get the flu shot so I'll pass on it for now. When I have to return back to working at the office then I plan to get the flu shot before going back.


Jul 17, 2008
I will get my flu shot mid October. I have had shingles twice and it’s terrible. I had the Shingrex vaccines and no reaction. I highly recommen it.


Jul 13, 2007
I will risk it, because if I get the flu, my immune system will be further compromised, making it even easier to get covid IMO. But I will also be secluding myself at home again. I don't think we can even hope for a vaccine until the latter part of 2021. Maybe by Sept.-Oct. if we're lucky.


Jan 26, 2003
A little off-topic, but related to risking covid by going out to get a 'flu shot (@scouty). I had it out with my daughter and her fiancé last night. They insisted they were going to the wedding of a friend who had found a hotel where she could have dinner and dancing (for 100 people) with masks. My daughter's fiancé was vehement that it was allowed at this hotel and that they were going. I said they could do what they wanted, but that they had to quarantine at a hotel for two weeks at their own expense if they wanted to come back in this house because I deserved to be protected.


Jun 8, 2008
In the past have always gotten the flu shot every year, but not sure if it's needed this year if we are already social distancing isn't that prevention in itself? (that's my logic at least) lol. Also, I feel like there's a risk of getting Covid from going out to get the flu shot so I'll pass on it for now. When I have to return back to working at the office then I plan to get the flu shot before going back.

I was thinking along these same lines. Since we are being more careful about contact with others that means we are less likely to get the flu. And as soon as you go back to work get the flu vaccine 2 weeks before as that is how long full effect of the vaccine takes.


Feb 8, 2014
The flu shot is manufactured using inactivated virus. That means it is impossible for it to give you the flu. Of course, "flu shot season" is the time you're most likely to be exposed to the flu, and that results in many vaccinations coinciding with flu diagnoses - sometimes leading people to erroneously conclude that the vaccination itself was the cause of the flu. The flu season is also peak season for many other types of infectious diseases that may be confused with the flu. So it's common to get, say, a bad cold, think it's the flu, and attribute it to the flu shot.

I've been told this exact same thing by doctors, and I've also had doctors tell me they've seen it happen multiple times. Every organism is a little different than the rest so what works on most may not work on some. However in my case, and a handful of people I know, the flu vaccine DID give us the flu. Like @Queenie60 said, she had the shot twice and got the flu both times, and I had never had the flu before, or since, except that time I got the flu shot.

The outcome is not the same for every organism. Anesthesia is supposed to be safe for everyone, but every year ~35 people die from anesthesia. There are always exceptions and I'm sure it's within the tolerance of failure.


Jun 3, 2017
I had the flu when I was in college, over 25 years ago. It was terrible, like I wanted to die terrible. I was 19 and healthy and it was still terrible. When people say they think they had the flu, I always think, nah, you had a bad cold. You know if it’s the flu.

That being said, I don’t get the flu shot. I’m not an anti-vaxxer but just haven’t done it and probably won’t. Because it doesn’t protect against every strain, I don’t bother with it. Maybe my thinking is illogical but no flu shot for me.


Aug 16, 2007
I had the flu when I was in college, over 25 years ago. It was terrible, like I wanted to die terrible. I was 19 and healthy and it was still terrible. When people say they think they had the flu, I always think, nah, you had a bad cold. You know if it’s the flu.

That being said, I don’t get the flu shot. I’m not an anti-vaxxer but just haven’t done it and probably won’t. Because it doesn’t protect against every strain, I don’t bother with it. Maybe my thinking is illogical but no flu shot for me.

I had a similar experience. I never had a flu shot and when I was 21 and started working in a school I got the flu. 5 days in and out of consciousness, super high fever, body in pain, the whole works. Another 2 weeks to fully recover. I've gotten the shot every year since then. This past January I finally got bagged again, 13 years after the first time and getting flu shots ever since. I was only seriously sick for about 36 hours vs. 5 days. That was the difference. My Husband and 4yo got it as well, they get vaccinated annually and also were only "very " sick for about 1-2 days. We all felt normal within a week vs. 3 from my previous bout.


Jun 6, 2010
Thank you @Gussie @Calliecake @AGBF

I know that we will get through this, it’s just very scary. We had funds saved for 6 mo of expenses, but hadn't counted on COBRA being outrageously expensive, then there’s the $600/mo in tutoring to help our kids with virtual “learning”. The assessments are the same as in past years, but the amount of learning is greatly reduced so we are having to supplement in multiple subjects. I just keep praying for 2020 to end without any other issues. I can’t take much more!


Feb 29, 2012
I was able to get my second shingles shot and my flu shot today at Wal mart, so I’m done with that. Until next year......or if and when they get a covid vaccine that is useful.


Dec 1, 2013
I’m getting mine...along with my son and 94 year mother the end of September. I was told that we shouldn’t get it too soon...Getting my mom and son into a cvs for a shot will be stressful. I’m not looking forward to it. Too bad they don’t have drive through shots!

Several of the clinics in my area that have pharmacies attached are doing a version of drive through vaccines for patients.

If anyone does go to the pharmacy for theirs, please be patient as it might take a lot longer due to extra cleaning requirements, limits on how many patients can be in the room each hour, etc.


Mar 31, 2018
Several of the clinics in my area that have pharmacies attached are doing a version of drive through vaccines for patients.

If anyone does go to the pharmacy for theirs, please be patient as it might take a lot longer due to extra cleaning requirements, limits on how many patients can be in the room each hour, etc.

That would be wonderful if they had drive through vaccinations..


Apr 19, 2004

Drive through immunizations? Proper history? How do you monitor for reactions? Fainters? Screaming squirming toddlers?



Jan 26, 2003
Drive through immunizations? Proper history? How do you monitor for reactions? Fainters? Screaming squirming toddlers?

Allergic reactions.


May 29, 2018
My husband and I took my 90 yo Mom to get our flu shot at the pharmacy. Went early to avoid crowds which worked out great. No one there but us. Last year the higher dose was hard to get so we went earlier this year. We do get the flu shot every year.


Nov 2, 2012
3,621 my case, and a handful of people I know, the flu vaccine DID give us the flu. Like @Queenie60 said, she had the shot twice and got the flu both times, and I had never had the flu before, or since, except that time I got the flu shot.

But two things both happening is not proof that one of those things caused the other, even if there are reasons that it seems likely. After all, coincidences do occur. Also, I can think of a couple of other explanations for that right off.

For example, maybe someone could have already contacted a flu but not yet be showing symptoms at the time they get vaccinated. Or they could have contracted a different strain of flu than the one they were vaccinated against. Or perhaps the vaccination itself could have been left unrefrigerated or otherwise be faulty.

According to the CDC etc., a flu vaccination won't give you the flu. Of course, that doesn't mean they are right but just saying, I can easily think of other explanations that would fit equally well imo. Just interested in the topic btw, not trying to be argumentative. :)

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Feb 8, 2014
But two things both happening is not proof that one of those things caused the other, even if it is unusual timing. In other words, how do you know that the vaccine gave you the flu vs. you just getting a flu in spite of having been vaccinated?

For example, is it possible that you could have either: (1) Already contracted a flu but not yet been symptomatic when you got vaccinated? Or (2) Received a vaccine that did not covered the particular strain of flu that you contracted? (a vaccine doesn't cover all possible types of influenza)

Just curious, not trying to be argumentative.

You're right, it's not proof that one caused the other. But there's also no proof that it didn't. The coincidence that the one and only time I've ever had the flu came within days of getting a flu shot is too great to ignore, and the repercussions were dreadful....too much to risk again.

This incident is not the only weird medical thing that's ever happened to me. I have odd reactions to medications and anesthesia. I've woken up in the middle of every surgery/procedure with anesthesia I've ever had except one. And that one I didn't wake up in was because I finally figured it out and put the anesthesiologist on notice....but they don't all listen because they don't believe me. Last year I woke up during both a colonoscopy and endoscopy, he didn't learn after the first one and told me it's not possible after I warned him. Novocaine is like injecting me with water. My dentist has to use high volume Septocaine and keep injecting me through procedures. He charges me for the additional anesthesia and says he's never had another patient like me. My body metabolizes things weirdly. Like I said, every organism is different.


Mar 31, 2018

Drive through immunizations? Proper history? How do you monitor for reactions? Fainters? Screaming squirming toddlers?


Haha There would be my screaming 94 year old mom and a 35 year old son with autism with me.. haha I would just pull into a parking lot spot and wait for a reaction. The last few times I had a vaccination I just walked off and no monitoring..They have all our history info at cvs...I would be the fainter bringing them both in...:lol:


Nov 2, 2012
The pandemic has made me change my mind about getting vaccinated. I never gave it much thought before and who wants a shot, so I didn't bother.

But the thought of catching the flu and Covid-19 at the same time is pretty horrifying. (Small chance, I know, but still...)

And then the pandemic brings out the whole issue of how illness spreads and where it can end up - even before you know you're infected, and to places you won't even ever find out about. Some people are vulnerable- they might not vaccinate infants, for example. And some people with compromised immune systems can't get vaccinated, either. Others are at high risk but just can't get it together enough to get themselves vaccinated, for one reason or another. The ones closer to the edge can die from it, so now I'll just get the vaccination.
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Jun 8, 2008
You're right, it's not proof that one caused the other. But there's also no proof that it didn't. The coincidence that the one and only time I've ever had the flu came within days of getting a flu shot is too great to ignore, and the repercussions were dreadful....too much to risk again.

This incident is not the only weird medical thing that's ever happened to me. I have odd reactions to medications and anesthesia. I've woken up in the middle of every surgery/procedure with anesthesia I've ever had except one. And that one I didn't wake up in was because I finally figured it out and put the anesthesiologist on notice....but they don't all listen because they don't believe me. Last year I woke up during both a colonoscopy and endoscopy, he didn't learn after the first one and told me it's not possible after I warned him. Novocaine is like injecting me with water. My dentist has to use high volume Septocaine and keep injecting me through procedures. He charges me for the additional anesthesia and says he's never had another patient like me. My body metabolizes things weirdly. Like I said, every organism is different.

So true. Did you ever do a DNA test? I did and my genetic makeup necessitates me avoiding things like Novocaine and other types of anesthesia due to the way my body metabolizes things. It might explain your reactions.


Mar 22, 2017
But two things both happening is not proof that one of those things caused the other, even if there are reasons that it seems likely. After all, coincidences do occur. Also, I can think of a couple of other explanations for that right off.

For example, maybe someone could have already contacted a flu but not yet be showing symptoms at the time they get vaccinated. Or they could have contracted a different strain of flu than the one they were vaccinated against. Or perhaps the vaccination itself could have been left unrefrigerated or otherwise be faulty.

According to the CDC etc., a flu vaccination won't give you the flu. Of course, that doesn't mean they are right but just saying, I can easily think of other explanations that would fit equally well imo. Just interested in the topic btw, not trying to be argumentative. :)

You are correct. It is literally medically impossible to get the flu from the flu shot. The scenarios you and @inne described are what are happening in these cases.


Jan 4, 2010
I had influenza 3 times when I was younger. I was sufficiently miserable that I now get the vaccine faithfully every year, sometime between mid-September and mid-October. My husband and daughter do likewise. We're all planning to get our shots this year as always.

None of us has ever had a worse reaction than a mildly sore arm, and so far none of us has gotten the flu despite the vaccine's not being 100% effective.


Nov 20, 2012
I get it every year when I have my physical, usually early September.
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