
I Got My 'Flu Shot. Post If You Get Yours. Or Not.


Oct 23, 2011
I think I got the flu shot one year when it was a nasal spray? Is there such a thing? Anyhow. I’ve never had the flu. I’m always afraid to vocalize that. Lol. Superstitious. Maybe bc I’ve been teaching for 24 years, I’ve built up my immune system? Idk. Anyhow. My daughter is almost 22 and has never had the flu either. We have been diligently practicing social distancing for years when it comes to the flu. If anyone so much as coughs, I stay the heck away! I learned that trick early in my teaching career. When hubby gets it, he sleeps downstairs and I avoid him like the plague! This year, if I keep teaching online I will probably not get it.


Dec 6, 2014
I haven't for a long time, but I'm one of the lowest risk people. Young, non-smoker and with a highly boosted immune system. I also have minimal contact with people as I work alone.

I'd rather someone who needs the flu shot have access to it instead. I've been to the hospital twice this year and it's for the exact reasons I have previously given - to have something removed, or have something put back together.
Twice in a year is a lot for me, but not my worst :lol:

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
after the vaunarable peeps i plan to be at the front of the covid 19 vacine line


Apr 30, 2005
I almost never get annual flu vaccine.
I probably should, but have gotten it maybe twice in my long life.
I don't think I've ever gotten the annual flu; I'm so conscientious, healthy, and careful.

But today, with all the social isolation and masks/gloves/hand washing etc., I suspect we lefties who believe science and doctors and do what WHO and CDC recommend are much less likely to get not just C19, but regular flu compared to people who think they don't need masks or social isolation because Jesus, Allah, Thor, whatevs :rolleyes: will protect them, or believe those whacko conspiracy theories about the pandemic or, even worse, believe 45.
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Feb 24, 2017
I’ve never had a flu shot and in normal circumstances wouldn’t, but I imagine I’ll be required to have one next year when we, hopefully, emigrate.


Sep 3, 2013
I almost never get annual flu vaccine.
I probably should, but have gotten it maybe twice in my long life.
I don't think I've ever gotten the annual flu; I'm so conscientious, healthy, and careful.

But today, with all the social isolation and masks/gloves/hand washing etc., I suspect we lefties who believe science and doctors and do what WHO and CDC recommend are much less likely to get not just C19, but regular flu compared to people who think they don't need masks or social isolation because Jesus, Allah, Thor, whatevs :rolleyes: will protect them, or believe those whacko conspiracy theories about the pandemic or, even worse, believe 45.

@kenny ,

I have to go off-topic for a minute and comment on your post.

Just a suggestion, but perhaps you could read your post but replace references to religion and politics with references to sexual orientation, age, race, etc.

I know you have strong views on some topics (and a great sense of humour, which I love!), but if another person's views, behaviours or opinions aren't having a negative impact on me, then I believe in the live-and-let-live approach.

Yes, with politics, it could - in a different environment - be argued that enough people with the 'wrong political view' could impact the results of an election and, therefore, impact us. However, there is a political ban on this particular Forum.

With religion, mocking people for their beliefs isn't what I consider tolerant, understanding or appropriate.

I like you and missed you when you weren't here. I worried about you. I certainly wasn't the only one. You're a valued member of PS.

Sending you virtual hugs and hoping you'll feel less 'passionate', or at least less vocal and - dare I say arrogant - about some of your views.

Hugs and kisses! =)2


Sep 3, 2013
Having gone off-topic, the least I can do is respond to the question posed in this Thread.

Although I haven't re-confirmed this information, years ago, the flu shot (where I'm located) provided protection against three strains of flu, not all strains. The three particular strains chosen varied from year to year based on which strains were considered likely to affect the local area. Of course, viruses and bacteria tend to be negligent when it comes to keeping up with what's going on in the World of humans. So, sometimes strains of flu making the rounds and getting people sick would not be the same strains pre-selected by the medical community.

Based on my own health and discussions with my own doctor, I have never gotten a flu shot. I can't remember the last time I had the flu, but it was probably when I was a child.

I've had all my shots against lots of other stuff. The decision about the flu shot is one I assess each year, so down the road I might get the flu shot if I feel it makes sense for me based on factors at that point in time.


Mar 2, 2012
I just got the flu shot and my Tdap last week. I always had to get a flu shot when I was working; it was mandatory.


Jan 11, 2006
No flu shots for me. Good diet and a little vitamin C and D keeps me healthy through the winters. I've only had the flu a couple of times in my life. I focus on having a strong immune system. All the people I knew who had the flu last winter actually had the flu shot.


Apr 20, 2017
I have been getting a flu shot every year since 2006 when my son was in chemotherapy and it was recommended for us due to him being compromised. My kids are also immunized each year. I haven't had the flu since I can remember. My kids have had it a few times but it has been mild and lasted only a couple of days. I attribute this to the immunization. DH gets it relatively often as compared to us. He won't get the flu shot now but did when our son was sick. I'm not an advocate for the flut shot; just sharing what I have seen.

Since it's really hot in Texas and the flu season is late, we usually wait until October or November to get the shot.


Sep 1, 2009
I haven't really thought about it until now. DH usually gets one and I get one sometimes. This year, we will probably both miss the vaccine. We are not going out except for very rare occasions and limiting contact with others to almost zero. If we find ourselves going out more than recent months, we might decide to get them done.


Jun 8, 2008
I haven't really thought about it until now. DH usually gets one and I get one sometimes. This year, we will probably both miss the vaccine. We are not going out except for very rare occasions and limiting contact with others to almost zero. If we find ourselves going out more than recent months, we might decide to get them done.

Not to second guess your decision but could you check with your and your DH's internist or endocrinologist/pulmonologist? I think your DH has diabetes and breathing issues (I could be totally wrong though about this and I apologize if I am or if I am butting in where I am not welcome) and in that case it might become more important for him to receive the flu vaccination.

The preservative free vaccination is relatively safe unless one has contraindications for it. Anyway just a suggestion to check with your physician to see what their recommendation is. It becomes even more important to get the flu vaccine now during the pandemic. The last place one wants to end up is the hospital where if one is hospitalized due to the flu one is more susceptible to catching Covid 19 too.


Sep 1, 2009
Not to second guess your decision but could you check with your and your DH's internist or endocrinologist/pulmonologist? I think your DH has diabetes and breathing issues (I could be totally wrong though about this and I apologize if I am or if I am butting in where I am not welcome) and in that case it might become more important for him to receive the flu vaccination.

The preservative free vaccination is relatively safe unless one has contraindications for it. Anyway just a suggestion to check with your physician to see what their recommendation is. It becomes even more important to get the flu vaccine now during the pandemic. The last place one wants to end up is the hospital where if one is hospitalized due to the flu one is more susceptible to catching Covid 19 too.

Good point about not wanting to get both! That would be awful.

No diabetes. The breathing issues is "just" from COVID. Prior to all this, he was healthy. Although, we are now dealing with all this so the before is sort of beside the point.

DH doesn't want to go out to get the vaccine because that would mean going around other people just to get it. I suspect he Dr will want to see him in person at some point again so he'll get everything then. (Probably flu, pneumonia, and Shingles)

Funny side note here.... My posting got delayed because one of the cats tried to eat the scallions I have growing in the kitchen window and knocked a glass into the sink where it shattered. Whoever said cats are "easy" and less work than dogs never met my guys :???::lol:


Jun 23, 2005
I get a flu shot every year. I had the flu once years ago and it was horrific. I don’t live in a bubble and exposure can come in many forms. I think it will be better this year with masks and social distancing but the possibility of Covid and the influenza together would probably be catastrophic. However, I too will wait until late Sept/early October to get the shot hoping to maximize the coverage.


Jan 26, 2003
Based on what I have read in this thread, I have encouraged my daughter to wait to get her annual 'flu shot until mid September or early October. I have posted why I wanted to get mine now (fear of a fall covid19 surge), but I am impressed at how many people posting here have gotten medical advice to wait. That sounds like the best course for people who want to get the vaccination.

Deb :wavey:


Jun 6, 2010
My family of four just got ours. We get them every year because my Dad is immunocompromised from a kidney transplant and we can’t be around him without it (not that we’ve been any closer than 10 ft to him since early March).

We usually wait to get ours til late September but since DH lost his job, our insurance expires on 9/13 and both COBRA and ACA are well over $1500 each per month (I have the same genetic kidney disease my Dad does, so I’m considered high risk, ugh), so we may not have insurance for a while, as scary as that is....or we may just cover DH and the kids. Still figuring it out.

I guess I’m going with the motto “some protection is better than none” even if it doesn’t give us any protection from the flu past Feb/March.


Apr 20, 2017
My family of four just got ours. We get them every year because my Dad is immunocompromised from a kidney transplant and we can’t be around him without it (not that we’ve been any closer than 10 ft to him since early March).

We usually wait to get ours til late September but since DH lost his job, our insurance expires on 9/13 and both COBRA and ACA are well over $1500 each per month (I have the same genetic kidney disease my Dad does, so I’m considered high risk, ugh), so we may not have insurance for a while, as scary as that is....or we may just cover DH and the kids. Still figuring it out.

I guess I’m going with the motto “some protection is better than none” even if it doesn’t give us any protection from the flu past Feb/March.

Oh no, @yennyfire. I didn't know that your husband lost his job. This covid mess is just terrible. I am praying for yall. Hopefully it won't be long before he finds something. Hugs to you.


Sep 12, 2019
I never got the flu shot because I didn't realize that the flu was such a big deal. Then 6 years ago I got the flu and finally understood how people die from it. I was 34 and healthy, I wasn't in a high risk category, but it was awful. I had to take 3 weeks off work and it took even longer to fully recover. I had to get imaging of my lungs done because my cough lasted for so long my doctor was worried I had permanent damage. Since then, I've gotten the flu shot every year.

The predictions they base each year's flu shot on aren't always accurate, and no vaccine can provide 100% protection. But I'll do whatever I can to minimize the risk.


Jan 26, 2003
Oh no, @yennyfire. I didn't know that your husband lost his job. This covid mess is just terrible.

Nor did I. My husband lost his job twice during our marriage. (He is about to retire now.) It is enormously stressful! I hope everything works out soon.


Jan 26, 2003
I never got the flu shot because I didn't realize that the flu was such a big deal. Then 6 years ago I got the flu and finally understood how people die from it. I was 34 and healthy, I wasn't in a high risk category, but it was awful. I had to take 3 weeks off work and it took even longer to fully recover. I had to get imaging of my lungs done because my cough lasted for so long my doctor was worried I had permanent damage. Since then, I've gotten the flu shot every year.

The predictions they base each year's flu shot on aren't always accurate, and no vaccine can provide 100% protection. But I'll do whatever I can to minimize the risk.

I am sorry you went through that ordeal, @inne, but glad that you shared your story with us. I respect the wishes of those who choose not to get 'flu shots for good reasons. Sometimes they really should not be getting vaccinated. But I always hope that those people know how dangerous the 'flu can be.


Feb 8, 2014
I don't take the flu shot. I got it once in my early 20s because it was free at the medical center where I was working. I never thought to question it. I got the flu from the shot and it took me over two weeks to recover from it enough to go back to work, but the lingering effects lasted months. I've had doctors tell me that this doesn't happen and that I should get the flu shot. !!!!!!! It happened to me and it's the sickest I've EVER been! So no, no flu shot for me. I've been social distancing and germ-phobic for decades before covid, so I never had it before or since that stupid shot. I did get the Shingrex last year though as I've seen the devastation of shingles firsthand.

@yennyfire, I'm sorry to hear about your husband's employment. I hope everything rectifies itself SOON.
Apr 22, 2020
I’m due for mine at the end of the month, so I’ll get it then. I’m quite careful about getting shots on time - I tolerate them well, I reduce both the chance of getting a disease AND of giving it to others, and even if the protection is partial; something is better than nothing! I mean at this point the only thing I need to take is the occasional booster and flu anyway. I’m also eagerly awaiting the Covid vaccine - can’t come soon enough.


I will not get the flu shot, nor the shingles vaccine nor the Covid vaccine (should there be one.) Every time I have had a flu shot, I got the flu very badly. Never again. I do not trust vaccines.


Feb 8, 2014
I will not get the flu shot, nor the shingles vaccine nor the Covid vaccine (should there be one.) Every time I have had a flu shot, I got the flu very badly. Never again. I do not trust vaccines.

I don't trust them either. But I had chicken pox as a child, and I've seen the agony of it firsthand with my father. I was willing to take the risk for the hope of protection from that. We have hereditary traits in common, I don't want this to be one of them.


Sep 12, 2019
The flu shot is manufactured using inactivated virus. That means it is impossible for it to give you the flu. Of course, "flu shot season" is the time you're most likely to be exposed to the flu, and that results in many vaccinations coinciding with flu diagnoses - sometimes leading people to erroneously conclude that the vaccination itself was the cause of the flu. The flu season is also peak season for many other types of infectious diseases that may be confused with the flu. So it's common to get, say, a bad cold, think it's the flu, and attribute it to the flu shot.
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