


Nov 3, 2009
Wow what a gorgeous and HUGE stone! :love:

Id personally get it certified and appraised AND see it in person before making any final decisions. Especially If you plan to possibly sell/consign it- the figures you were given are based on it being L color I assume, and if it's not, those figures will change.


Jan 9, 2006
Holy guacamole!!!!!!! It's so massive and beautiful!!!!!!!!!! :love: :love: :love:


Jan 11, 2006
Oh wow, in the same building as GIA. That does make that appealing other than the cost. Still, having a GIA cert would be valuable for insurance and for the possibility of reselling later. Plus you may be able to renegotiate the price if it comes in a lot lower than the L they have estimated. But maybe the independent appraisal would at least allow you to know the value and be sure the price is fair. Because GIA won't give you a value, just the specs. That is great that you'll be able to get the diamond while on your trip!


May 11, 2010
Wow, this stone looks amazing! Congrats :love: I'm sure Mike would be thrilled to work on it if you do manage to squirrel away the funds for one of his settings.

I do have to correct one small thing in this thread though - my stone cost a lot (and I mean A LOT) less than the $29K that has been quoted here, and it came with a GIA grading report. Since the GIA office is so close to your diamond's location, I think I would just bite the bullet and get it done, if only for peace of mind. Plus, insurance and whatnot would be easier with a GIA report too.

Best of luck. I'm thrilled for you!


Jan 11, 2006
Zahra, that pricing info is SO important for her to know, so thank you for saying it! None of us wants her to overpay for her stone if it turns out to be a much lower color than L.


Sep 30, 2010
diamondseeker2006|1337555823|3199928 said:
The best of vendors can be optimistic but simply mistaken about color.

I agree! This happened to me.


Dec 16, 2007
bright ice|1337560965|3199968 said:
GlamMosher|1337559418|3199957 said:
I think it looks beautiful justginger! I cannot offer advice on the certification issue, but for that size if the price was $25k-$30k, it still seems a bargain! I am not sure how much ZL's diamond was but that one is an O from memory? Does anyone recall what that was on JBeG for?

Face up it looks amazingly white/silver, esp as from the sides you can see the colour.

I hope you get it! I want to see!

(edited to add Dolly is much better now! She had me worried for a few days she was so sick. Poor little poppet.)

ZLs 4.09 O/P was 29K I believe.

And this could be a case and point. Diamonds are usually priced based on their true specs. If an O/P of similar carat was similar price... well, then it tells us something about what the diamond;s true specs may be. Diamond dealers are saavy and do not give away stones for less than their value. OWN cannot be any different. They are likely counting on you thinking it is a deal and not getting it appraised or the GIA report. I know that sounds like they are being shady, but I think you can only trust people so far when large sums of money are concerned. Buyer beware always.

ETA: And now ZL has corrected the pricing. That is more optimistic that the stone is higher in color than O/P, but I would be surprised at L color, which is still fairly colorless and valuable as far as diamonds go.


May 11, 2009
On one hand, GIA at $700. On the other, Neil at about $250, including shipping. His opinion won't mean anything to my Australian insurance provider, nor will the GIA cert. They demand a local appraisal in AUD, so that will have to be done again no matter what. Just thinking out loud. :))


Feb 15, 2007
OHMIGOSH this stone is gorgeous! Amazing! I love the faceting pattern.

I agree that it's worth it to send it to GIA or to get it appraised, at the very least. This is a big purchase, so you do want to know what you're buying even if you're already set on buying it. (When my jeweler found my current stone it was uncerted, and I fell in love with it at first sight. He sent it to GIA for me--actually, he paid for the GIA cert, will yours?--anyway, he sent it to GIA even though I was pretty sure I wanted that sucker on my hand ASAP. It didn't change my mind about buying the stone, but I'm really glad to have the GIA stats now.)

Are you going to set it in platinum?


Mar 3, 2012
Wow, congratulations, what a stone! I think I saw the video on YouTube and thought it was a beautiful cushion! I also bought a stone from Adam and couldn't be more pleased with the process, pricing, and of course the stone he sold me. I think getting it graded is a good idea, since it's loose and relatively easy to do. However if it's already EGL certified I wouldn't bother, if I were in the same situation. My own stone is an EGL L, a local appraiser rated it a K - and Leon is pairing H (!!!) french cut side stones with it! Just going off my recent purchase, if Adam thinks the stone is n L, I would be VERY surprised if it is as low as some are suggesting.

And as far as judging a stone's color from one face on picture, it is virtually impossible to do. There are many factors that come into color rendering, two of the biggest being the white balance reading on the camera's metering system when the picture is taken (which can vary GREATLY depending on lighting conditions). The other huge factor is that every computer monitor/screen/display is uncalibrated - this is like trying to weigh something when you scale is not "zeroed". Montor A will display differently than B, C, d, and so on. Comments on your stone's color from that one picture can't really be taken as accurate. Sorry, I'm not trying to discredit anyone, as someone who has some photography/photo editing experience, I wouldnt be raising alarm bells regarding color :)

As for setting, I vote for bostonjeff's Leon solitaire, or wintotty's French cut Leon :) congrats again!


Mar 3, 2012
OOPS! My apologies, it's late and I've been cooking/cleaning all day for a dinner party I hosted this evening :)

The stone I bought was EGL K, appraiser rated an L. My bad :)


Jan 1, 2012
I think its a beautiful looking large amazing diamond! Huge congrates there.

Now, not to nitpick, and I`m happy to be proven wrong, perhaps this is only academic too, but I dont see how an Australian jeweller would pay you $10,000 more than what you paid in a retail transaction.

I am from Australia and know about the price differences where by our prices are largely pushed up from our market size being smaller (we are an Island!), the value of the Aust $ and the dreaded GST.

However, the world wholesale market is pretty transparent and I find it a challenge to believe that a retailer would not only buy your stone for your retail price but would reward you plus $10000.

Maybe the numbers and stories are making you love the stone more because you are factoring in such a huge bargain.

The diamond industry is a bit too clever for one to get away at such a steal imo.

Make sure you check it out fully and with full disclosure of facts. Good luck with the purchase.


May 11, 2009
I definitely understand what you're saying Chloe and you raise good points. It is worth mentioning that Adam has stated my purchase price is actually what their wholesale branch would ask of a retailer. Take that as you will, I am always skeptical of "wholesale" prices, but that is what he said. Regardless,

1) I am not making this purchase intending to consign. This stone is for ME, so the potential resale value means little more to me than a safety net - in the case I flip-flop after the end of the return period. I would be happy to just get my money back with zero profit.

2) I am not only in Australia, but specifically Perth. The pricing here simply doesn't stay on par with the world market because it is so insular and enjoys next to no true market competition. I spoke with the jeweler, viewed the photos, stats, and videos together and he was happy to put the offer out there, as within his experience, he has sold smaller, lower colored (? depending of course on what the cert comes back as) for 20k more than the price of this diamond. He seemed keen for me to disclose where it was coming from, perhaps as a new source for his own business supply.

All of this is moot if things go as I hope and it's mine FOREVER! :bigsmile:

I am going to see what the prelim setting cost estimates are, and then decide where to send the stone . I *do* love the idea of getting a Sarin from Neil, just for the novelty! :lol:


Oct 2, 2008
My setting suggestion is Sholdt. Sturdy, well made, no muss, no fuss. Clean lines, showcase the stone beautifully.

They can make this setting for a cushion.

It will be a mix of that one and this one:

Less rounded than the round, more rounded than the princess. BEAUTIFUL profile view. NOT custom, but still an amazing setting that won't cost as much. And fits the bill - nothing that can't take a bit of a beating.


Dec 16, 2007
My suggestion about color is not based on the photos only, it is based on the price of the diamond. As I said before, it would be surprising for a retailer to sell a diamond for less than its market value.


Nov 24, 2006
oh wow, that is beeeautiful!

I have an L colored OEC in my avatar but I honestly can't comment on the video if I think it is an L. Keep us posted!


Mar 3, 2012
Dreamer_D|1337613813|3200213 said:
My suggestion about color is not based on the photos only, it is based on the price of the diamond. As I said before, it would be surprising for a retailer to sell a diamond for less than its market value.

My apologies Dreamer_D, I shouldn't post anything on internet forums late at night :) Rereading my post, I was sounding a bit harsh. I am sorry for that. I certainly did not mean to sound harsh or set myself up as an expert on old stones!

I do now understand that you are using retail comps as well. I guess my question would be, who is the best source for retail sales comparisons? At the time I bought my 2.64 OEC (under the list price stated on the OWD website), there were 2 or 3 other 2ct+ old stones at jbeg. I think one was transitional and 2 were OECs. I can tell you that one of the stones, which was slightly smaller than mine, was about selling for about 10k more than I paid. Can't remember the clarity on that one but I want to say the color was in the same range. I don't think that stone was sold. Another stone, which I saw in person so I know by my eyes was significantly lower in color than the stone I eventually purchased, was the same size (mm spread) and only slightly less than my stone. At the time of purchase I had all the stats in a spreadsheet for the stone I chose and the other stones in consideration, my OWD stone was a significantly better value (to me) than all the others I also looked at. (I still have that spreadsheet, but I don't want to discuss details since these are peoples' purchased or yet-to-be-purchased stones :) )

I am not trying to excessively promote any retailer, nor steer people away from another, I'm just saying that asking prices can be deceiving at times. I was *very pleasantly surprised/excited* with the quality of the stone I bought at the price I paid after looking online and in person at other retailers' stones. So I guess that is why I am not as surprised if justginger is getting a great deal on her stone.

One other factor to consider is that, OWD is the largest retailer of/has the largest collection of old stones. So for me that would put there retail comps as more reflective of market value than some others. I am thinking specifically of a beautiful old stone that was on consignment with a favored ps retailer - the stone started high and had to go lower and lower. I would think that a business dealing exclusively with old stones is going to know their product, and the market for their product, better than others. I could be wrong about this, and/or my logic can be faulty, but that's how I view things.

Again, I am not trying to be an OWD cheerleader or fangirl. I think justginger's approach to buying is stone is best - everyone should shop around and see what all the different retailers have to offer. It's better for all of us consumers in the long run.

And I do hope justginger's stone turns out to be the perfect one for her!


Dec 16, 2007
Friday no need to apologise, I was just clarifying because you are 100% correct that you cannot tell much about color from video and photos -- though you can tell a little I suppose.

Determining comps is really hard. I will say that most OECs are priced based on the same scale as modern RBs these days. So those can be used as a benchmark. But cut grades of RBs throw a spanner in those works. I usually look at OWD's posted prices and sort of average it out. I also use things I see on ebay that *sell*, not the listed prices of course.

It is possible OWD is offering diamonds are rock bottom prices and offering super deals to clients. But I am an uber cynic when money is concerned. Having been around the block I have learned that business is business, no matter how much you like a vendor. So nothing should be taken on their word. So maybe this diamond is *the one* for the OP, it is certainly gorgeous! But its size and beauty make it rare and desirable. I would expect it to be priced higher. So appropriate caution should be take IMO.


May 11, 2009
I finally decided: the stone is en route to Neil. I wanted a Sarin and a real person to discuss it and it's performance, plus a face up vs face down color opinion. I can't get that from GIA, even for that extra $450.

I am still a bit unsure of the status of the setting, time-wise. I suspect it will go into a stockie and have the prongs customized a bit. The bench will only have a few days; I think it is unrealistic to expect much more from them than that.

Adam mentioned that someone emailed them about the stone today, lol. :lol: It's not listed anywhere online except here, so I guess it was another lurking diamond poacher. Thankfully my name is all but inscribed on it! :love:


Jan 11, 2006
Excellent decision! I trust Neil and think it is a good solution for you since your insurance won't recognize the GIA report anyway.


Jan 28, 2009
Beautiful find! So glad you've found something you love! Can't wait to see it set!


Nov 24, 2006
Can't wait to hear what Neil says!!!


Dec 16, 2007
Well I can't wait to hear what he says!!


Aug 8, 2005
Good call.

FWIW, I think it's pretty but (and I'm only saying this since it's RT and you want honesty and it's a boat load of money) for a ring, a stone with an off center culet (and I see that in the pics and the video) would not be something I would be comfortable with, personally.


Sep 17, 2011
Gypsy|1337654620|3200665 said:
Good call.

FWIW, I think it's pretty but (and I'm only saying this since it's RT and you want honesty and it's a boat load of money) for a ring, a stone with an off center culet (and I see that in the pics and the video) would not be something I would be comfortable with, personally.
Tastes do vary. That's the great thing about all different diamonds available. My OEC I am getting from jbeg, the 3.62 they had, has an off center culet and it still makes me drool. :lickout:


Aug 8, 2005
armywife13|1337655104|3200669 said:
Gypsy|1337654620|3200665 said:
Good call.

FWIW, I think it's pretty but (and I'm only saying this since it's RT and you want honesty and it's a boat load of money) for a ring, a stone with an off center culet (and I see that in the pics and the video) would not be something I would be comfortable with, personally.
Tastes do vary. That's the great thing about all different diamonds available. My OEC I am getting from jbeg, the 3.62 they had, has an off center culet and it still makes me drool. :lickout:

I totally agree 100%. But since this is an RT thread I just wanted to point it out.


Sep 17, 2011
Gypsy|1337658032|3200694 said:
armywife13|1337655104|3200669 said:
Gypsy|1337654620|3200665 said:
Good call.

FWIW, I think it's pretty but (and I'm only saying this since it's RT and you want honesty and it's a boat load of money) for a ring, a stone with an off center culet (and I see that in the pics and the video) would not be something I would be comfortable with, personally.
Tastes do vary. That's the great thing about all different diamonds available. My OEC I am getting from jbeg, the 3.62 they had, has an off center culet and it still makes me drool. :lickout:

I totally agree 100%. But since this is an RT thread I just wanted to point it out.

I completely understand that, it is a fair point to bring up. It is one of those quirks that isn't for everyone.


Dec 16, 2007
armywife13|1337658264|3200698 said:
Gypsy|1337658032|3200694 said:
armywife13|1337655104|3200669 said:
Gypsy|1337654620|3200665 said:
Good call.

FWIW, I think it's pretty but (and I'm only saying this since it's RT and you want honesty and it's a boat load of money) for a ring, a stone with an off center culet (and I see that in the pics and the video) would not be something I would be comfortable with, personally.
Tastes do vary. That's the great thing about all different diamonds available. My OEC I am getting from jbeg, the 3.62 they had, has an off center culet and it still makes me drool. :lickout:

I totally agree 100%. But since this is an RT thread I just wanted to point it out.

I completely understand that, it is a fair point to bring up. It is one of those quirks that isn't for everyone.

I am not sure that I see it in the videos anyway Gypsy? But it is a good thing to add to the list of things to ask Neil about. Along with the usuals: color and clarity, nice even distribution of light play accross the face of the stone as the stone is in motion (with a particular eye towards potential under table darkness), potential towards white light versus fire, crispness of patterning etc.


May 11, 2009
Excellent list of things to discuss, thanks D. :wavey:


Jan 1, 2012
JustGinger, just wanted to say that even in Perth, Jewellers only have to make a few phone calls to any one or more of hundreds of suppliers and they will get wholesale lists and prices sent very quickly. There are wholesale price lists for Jewellers too on all their member only wholesale diamond sites. The world is a small place! Granted there may be a higher freight fee or it might take a few days to a week etc, but diamonds can be bought by jewellery retailers very easily from local suppliers and also from all over the world. There are agents that Jewellers go through who have inventry all over Australia and os too.

Now, selling the stock isn`t as easy.....but buying wholesale priced diamonds is not problematic for Jewellers.

I`m pretty sure that your jeweller was just genuinely curious about what you are buying from someone os. Perhaps he is just being friendly and also doing some research about what his local customers might be up to etc.

I know a little about jewellery because some of my family own jewellery shops.
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