
how much did you paid for your first computer? how about your first cell phone?

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Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
how many yrs ago? what brand?
I doubt any of us can remember that far back!!! lol My first computer was one my mom gave me. A laptop when I was around 15. I''m thinking it may have been a Sharp brand. . .did they make computers back then?
Computer: Over a mil. Univac. Back in the stone age.
Cell Phone: Over $1500. Cellular One car phone. 1984. [still have the same phone #]
Too much.

I was an early adopter of tech.

1st microwave from Sears $900

1st VCR $1200

286 computer, I can''t remember but it must have been close to $2K (and endless repairs and tech calls after)

Old brick cell phone $600

I no longer have to be the first. I typically wait till prices lower. Example 37" flatscreen, $599 instead of $5K
I've never bought my own phone or computer! My DH is a computer geek so he builds them for us as and when needed. Before my DH, my dad was the computer builder and I had one of his old ones.

Cell phone - my parents bought me one when I was in college in an attempt to get me to stay in touch and I used that one for several years. My mom, sister, and I were all on a family plan paid for by my mother. When I moved and was no longer on their plan I got my hubby's old phone and use pay-as-you-go for it. Ask again in a few years, I might eventually be on a contract cell phone that I can tell you a price for!
DF: as usual you have posted very interesting topic.I wonder what was your first purchase price? on computer and when?

As for me it was not exactly my computer ,but I was put in charge to get one at work place.It was years ago and don''t ask why I was to make this decision ,as I have been computer illiterate for ever and ever.In any case it was IBM and came with the lock so you could lock the hard drive and the cost was in neighborhood of 4k.I was sorry to part with it as it got older and any news software needed more up to date hardware.
As for cel phone I don''t have one.
i bought my first computer in 2001 it cost me around 1300
my first cell phone was in 1999 (?) it was freaking hugh lol
$1700 for a PC 286 with 16 mhz. in 1991

$600 for my first cell phone in 1992.

Bought a used 486 (I think it was a 486 and not a 386) in 95 for $500.

Cell phone - a giant qualcomm I think in 96.

Date: 2/21/2009 7:31:17 PM
Author: purrfectpear
Too much.

I was an early adopter of tech.

1st microwave from Sears $900

1st VCR $1200

286 computer, I can''t remember but it must have been close to $2K (and endless repairs and tech calls after)

Old brick cell phone $600

I no longer have to be the first. I typically wait till prices lower. Example 37'' flatscreen, $599 instead of $5K
i had to be first when i was a teenager
but not no more.
all my cell phone and computer are not paid by me so I don't know how much they cost...

my first computer is Pentium 3 and my first cell is Nokia 252
first computer I actually bought was a DEC in 95 p75 paid $2500 and still have it today, up until a year or so ago it was still in use as my firewall.
Has some before that and started out with a trash 80 in 83.

cell phone hmmm $40 in 2007 that I still use.
Before that had a work cell phone for 8 years.
I hate phones.
First computer...I think a NEC 8201, comparable to a Radio Shack Model 100 (these were like original type notebook computers...offering like 8 lines of text). If you would store data, it would be on tape used by a tape recorder. Around 1985. $400? Later, an early Mac, a 512 KE (E for enhanced from 256, I think).

First cell...I think an early Motorola clamshell. $300? Long time ago...
First computer: Dell Desktop Pentium 3 $4000 Dec 1998 Died in 2002/03 Blue Screen of Death

Cell phone: Free with 3 year contracts. Never bought a phone.
Our first computer was a Packard Bell, and cost about $2000 in 1996. My first laptop in 2001 was a Toshiba and cost about $2100. My most recent laptop (I go through them kind of fast) was bought in 2008 and cost $400.
The first computer I bought was my current one, it''s a HP Pavillion that I got at Best Buy for $1200 in 2007. Prior to this one, my parents purchased them for me.

I really want to buy the new HP TouchSmart tablet PC, but I really shouldn''t because I have a great computer already.

I''ve never actually paid for my own phone. We get our phones for free because Nate''s dad works for AT&T wireless.
We got our first computer in 2000 and it cost us around $1000 (give or take a few hundred).
My first cell phone was in 1999-2000 and I cannot remember...maybe around $50-$100.
1991, can't remember the make....It didn't do a lot!

First cell 1999, Vodafone.
My first computer was in 2006, a MacBook, which was around 1200 with all the accessories. My parents got me my first cell phone when I was 15 or 16, so I don''t know the cost, but in 2006, I bought a phone for like 300 dollars- NEVER again ha.

BTW- I have to share this with someone- I''m 21 and I saved all my money in high school so my parents expected me to pay for my own computer. My sister is graduating this year and what did my dad get her for her birthday? a MacBook. awesome right?
First computer, an HP laptop for $1200. It died less than a year after I got it from overheating issues.

First cell, $25! I am all about a good deal.
Apple 2si, 1991-92, around $1000?
My first computer (that I bought family had computers for as long as I could remember) was I think $950, including the bag, warranty and everything else I bought to go with it. It was a Compaq Presario laptop in 2002.

My first phone...well, the first I bought myself was free. My original first cell phone was a Motorola Startac that my parents gave me for my 16th birthday (1999). I have a feeling it wasn't free, since most phones were stick phones and huge, while mine was "small" and a flip-phone.

But...just for kicks...I remember going to the cell phone store with my dad to get my mom's first phone (a bag phone that came with a huge magnetic attena for her car). I don't remember the cost of the phone, but I believe her package was 20 minutes per month and each minute after that was .12 - things have certainly changed! I was in second grade the provider was Cellular One.
Date: 2/23/2009 12:05:01 AM
Author: Elmorton
My first computer (that I bought family had computers for as long as I could remember) was I think $950, including the bag, warranty and everything else I bought to go with it. It was a Compaq Presario laptop in 2002.

My first phone...well, the first I bought myself was free. My original first cell phone was a Motorola Startac that my parents gave me for my 16th birthday (1999). I have a feeling it wasn''t free, since most phones were stick phones and huge, while mine was ''small'' and a flip-phone.

But...just for kicks...I remember going to the cell phone store with my dad to get my mom''s first phone (a bag phone that came with a huge magnetic attena for her car). I don''t remember the cost of the phone, but I believe her package was 20 minutes per month and each minute after that was .12 - things have certainly changed! I was in second grade the provider was Cellular One.
yup, i remember paying Cellular one 20 cents per min.
First computer was almost 5 years ago--I spent about $2000 to get a Mac PowerBook (still have it). My first cell was a pay-as-you-go piece of junk, probably paid about $30 for it about 8 years ago. My most expensive phone is still not expensive--the one I have now was about £50 a year and a half ago.
Date: 2/21/2009 4:10:23 PM
Author:Dancing Fire
how many yrs ago? what brand?
My first computer that was just "mine" was a hand-me-down (from my brother) aleinware laptop, which I got when I moved to college in 2002. It was a powerful computer, too powerful to be in a laptop... the battery lasted about 20 minutes when it was NEW and it overheated. Yuck. It was $2300 new, I think.

I've since converted to macs
now I have a macbook pro that I bought when they first came out... I think February 2006? It's still runnin' great
It was $2200 or so, if I remember correctly.

My first cell phone was a cheapie samsung, the same one that Carrie had on Sex and the City YEARS ago (way in the beginning of the series). I think it was one of those $20 with contract ones. Got then when I left for school in 2002, too.
The first computer that was totally mine was purchased for me when I went off to college in 2000. It was a Dell desktop and probably somewhere around $800. Not sure though. My first laptop was also a Dell and I think that it was $1100 in 2003.

My first cell phone was purchased the summer between my freshman and sophomore year of college. It was one of those Nokia 2165 or whatever they were called that everyone else had. I think it was free with a contract. I now have a Sony Ericsson W580 and I love it so much. I am really looking forward to owning an iPhone eventually. My contract is up in October of this year!

My family bought their first computer when I was in 5th that was about 15 years ago.

My first non-home phone was a car phone my parents had installed in my car when I turned 16. It was from Cellular One (remember: the cellular customer you have called has traveled outside of...) it was about $900.00 to purchase and install which was bananas. Also, it didn''t have a contract, you simply paid an outrageous satalite fee per minute, ouch.

My first cell phone was a Nokia 5110...with the fun faceplates and stuff...
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