
How are you dressed for work?

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Oct 5, 2006
I was just wondering how you ladies and guys are dressed for work, clothes-wise, hair, shoes, jewellery etc., given your line of work?

I ask this because I used to be a real corporate person and when I was working in London for a large accounting firm several yrs ago (oh, I am old!
) and later in HK for a large MNC, I could only wear dark suits (black, dark navy blue and grey with an equally conservative blouse, hair had to be tied back if long (no wild colour or streaks or highlights) and shoes could not be more than 3 inches high for ladies and must always be close-toed (no sandals or open-toed shoes). The dress code was equally strict for the men. I understand that not much has changed since then
. When I was working, again, for another large a/c firm in Singapore, the dress code is a little more relaxed but still fairly low-key (translating to boring, for me at least
). Obvious or large/ noticeable jewellery would be discouraged. Of course, there are no written rules per se, but anything that sticks out will be frowned upon, sometimes literally

Today, however, I went to attend a meeting at a client's office, in my capacity as a freelance consultant, I was free to dress as I pleased, including dark red nail polish, highlights on my hair, my blingy 3 carat diamond solitaire, studs, open-toed high heel shoes, the works!
. Naturally nothing revealing, just clothes and accessories that I personally feel more appropriately reflect my personality and if the client doesn't like it, that's just too bad! He he.
I believe I should be hired and paid for my technical experience and ability and not be judged by the clothes I wear.
many places out here in the sf bay are pretty casual. my last job my wardrobe consisted mostly of layered tops such as button downs w/sweaters over them or just a sweater with a scarf, and jeans...jeans..and more jeans. shoes were boots or round toe pumps or similar. but very casual and lets you be stylish. i just went to an interview at a company where i will be hopefully taking a contract and the director was wearing khaki cargo pants and like flat hiking shoes...i was thinking sweet so it's casual here too! hehe. i love casual because then i don't need to have 2 wardrobes aka weekend vs week so it makes it much easier to buy clothes.

when greg first came out here from the east coast, he was so used to wearing suits, he even has 3 piece suits. of course he came to the one company out here that still wanted their sales and marketing employees to wear suits so he did for 3-4 years. but then the company finally got a bit more casual and then it was bought out etc and now he wears pressed khakis with button down shirts, but no ties, and stylish loaferish kind of shoes.
Sometimes I''ll dress up a little with pinstriped pants and button-up shirts, but my supervisor wears jeans, and I''m so much more comfortable in them.

So...I just wear what I normally would. I work with contracts - writing and reviewing them. My contact with the contractors is usually limited to phone calls and emails. need to project a professional appearance.

A lot of people in my office dress nicely. I''ve considered dressing up a little more.
I am lucky-I am required to wear jeans and sneakers to work. I usually just wear a t-shirt in the summer and sweatshirt in the winter. I work in a laboratory, so they don''t like us to wear anything nice.. lucky me!
My office is very casual. Anything goes, from torn jeans to evening wear.
I work from home so I can wear whatever I want.
However, I always make it a point to get dressed because it makes me feel more focused on work. Although I have co-workers who actually work in pajamas!! One thing about working home, I save a lot of money on dry-cleaning and suits/dresses. If I were to have to work in the office, it''s very casusal, i.e., khakis, comfortable slacks for women.
I work at a consulting firm and our dress code is "wear clothes when meeting with clients". Really.

So we always wear jeans and flip flops in the summer and jeans and cowboy boots in the winter. I guess it has turned into our unofficial dress code. I often wear cute summer dresses too because I like to, but I am the ONLY one in my office that ever does.

Depending on my client I occasionally will get more dressed up, but rarely.
Nearly every day at work I wear basically the same thing. Dress pants, a light sweater or short sleeve pull over blouse and a fitted jacket. My office isn''t truly professional...a lot of people around me wear jeans and flip-flops but I''m management and have to dress like my boss who is the 2nd in command. He wears dark pants, white shirt, tie & jacket every day.

I have fun shoes though. Probably inappropriate especially in summer. I love barely-there strappy sandals with 3" heels. And not just in black or brown. I''m sure people thing my shoes look like "going out" shoes rather than work shoes but I don''t care.

In summer, I''m known to swap the dress pants for a knee length skirt which I wear with no pantyhose and then the strappy sandals. I keep the fitted jacket on though whenever I leave my office so I don''t look too much like I''m going out to dinner.
I wear a suit everyday but can have fun w/the shoes, wearing any sort of heels, although others wear flats too. As long as its professional, it''s fine. Any color suit is fine, no problems w/open toe shoes. I usually wear gym shoes or flip-flops to work and home and keep the heels in the office.
No restrictions on hair although no one has anything too outrageous and whatever sort of jewelry we want, but again, most aren''t dressing too flashy and try to stay professional.
My company has a "business casual" policy without and really details on what that is. As most of you know, that can range from jeans to a suit without the jacket in most places. As I work in downtown Boston I try to be as put together as possible but not really dressed up. I wear lots of dress pants with button-downs or sweaters, skirts, not really dresses though. My hair is usually in a ponytail or down and I wear pretty casual jewelery (T&CO silver etc). Shoes depend on the outfit but more often than not I'm in my Dansko clogs because I walk a lot. Towards the end of the week I relax a bit. Thursdays and Fridays I might wear jeans or denim trouser cut pants with nice top/sweater but for the most part that's as casual as I go. In the summer I wear flip flops a lot which is a fashion no-no as well as a company no-no but I'm addicted to them! I think I'm much more casual in the summer than in the winter. Oh and to save money on drycleaning bills I rely on Dryell. It works great for in-between cleanings.
I work in a legal firm so I dress in corporate wear. Pant suits only. I have very bad scarring on both my shins from a bad bout ezcema and feel self conscious about baring my legs. It''s slowly clearing itself up so I can''t wait to get back into my dresses and skirts.

We have casual Friday - all practice groups except for the one I work in are allowed to wear jeans. Imagine what you would have to wear if you visited your nana - that''s what we wear on Fridays. I hate it how our group in the firm are the only ones banned from wearing jeans on casual day.
I used to work in downtown Boston at a publishing house and I wore a mixture of business casual clothes (most days) and more dressed up outfits, such as when my department met with vendors. One of my bosses wore suits everyday and I as always taught to dress in a similar fashion as your boss. I couldn''t pull that off really (it just wasn''t me), so I mostly stuck with business casual. I have since changed careers and as a teacher now, it''s a much more relaxed atmosphere. As long as it''s professional-looking, it doesn''t matter really. One thing I have never worn is heels. I can''t do it. I feel like I''m a little girl playing dress up in my mom''s shoes when I try them on. It''s a good thing I don''t have to wear heels for my job.
Hey Zoe, I''m a Development Editor for Pearson Custom, where did you work?
Hi HH (actually, it''s Stephanie, right?),

I used to work in the children''s production department for Houghton Mifflin (right next to where Shreve''s and FAO Schwartz were). It was a great company but publishing was not for me. I still miss it occasionally and I LOVED being in Boston. Where''s Pearson?
um how did you know my name?

Pearson is on the corner of Arlington and St. James, across the street from the Park Plaze.
I remembered seeing your name in a few posts that you wrote before. I only remembered it because you sort of look like someone I know but haven''t seen in years. Different person though.

Hi, I also work for an accounting firm!!!! I dress business casual because the state I work in is somewhat laid back. The people in my office who work for financial institutions wear suits. I usually dress in dress pants and a sweater or dress shirt. That is my general attire; if I am working somewhere where the client is wearing a suit I will wear a suit too.

I think it is best to dress like your client. My offices philosophy is to dress a step above the client. We never wear jeans unless it is the first Friday of the month and we are in the office. I think you should dress nice especially since they pay you good money. Those are just my thoughts.
I''m a substitute teacher. I dress business casual (and am learning to always wear flats!). Nice pants and a twin set or nice top. A lot of teachers wear jeans, but I can''t do it, it just doesn''t seem right to me. As a sub I have to do everything in my power to command a presence and if I''m dressed like the kids I just don''t think I can do that.
Aaahhh, it's so nice that most of you are able to dress not too strictly. Nowadays, I try to look professional but not too OTT conservative (just not me!
). I feel more happy dressed a bit relaxed and feel that I can perform better if I can be myself.

Actually thinking about it more, HK accounting profession's dress code appears not as strict as the UK's, the ladies do wear quite a bit of bling (good for them!
). But a lot of professionals in HK, I observe, do still also power-dress. I think some people really enjoy that and that's great for them, but not for me though
i work in a hospital and wear scrubs to work every day and dansko clogs. my hair is usually in a ponytail and i generally wear a plain titanium wedding band (it matches my husband''s) at work instead of my solitaire and eternity ring. my biggest decision in the morning is which socks to wear. i absolutely love it. it''s like wearing pajamas all day. i definitely consider it a perk of the job. it does make me sort of lazy in terms of my fashion outside the hospital though since i''m used to being so comfortable.
I own my own business so on days that I''m working from home, jeans, top, etc. I ALWAYS get dressed (meaning I don''t stay in my PJ''s all day). ! visit my clients 1-2 days per week, on those days, casual dress pants, boots or slings or heeled sandals, dress shirt or sweater. I have 3 kids to shuttle around in the morning and afternoon too, so I don''t do skirts.
The dress code for the company I work is business causal. So that means no jeans, tank tops or sandals.

I work for senior management and a typical outfit for work (what I''m wearing today) is a wrap dress with cami''s underneath and slingbacks heels. I actually like dressing "up" for work, though I wouldn''t mind jeans on Fridays! That would be nice!
I work in higher education, at the University of Pennsylvania. Most dress up. I wear a lot of skirts and button-ups or sweaters. Pretty much a Banana Republic type work outfit, everyday. I once came into the office, after class, (ON A DAY I DIDN''T WORK) to pick up applications to read, and the Dean (and my boss) asked why I wasn''t dressed for work!!!! I obv. explained I was just picking up stuff, and then she nodded in approval, but I made sure to NEVER EVER EVER do that again.....
I''m the same as you, novia! I work in an operating theatre suite, so just head to work in comfy trakky daks or jeans (or whatever!!) if I please, and get changed into LOVEY electric blue short-sleeved overalls at work, my black clogs and my oh-so-stylish pink butterfly print bandanna hat!
I LOVE not having to worry about what I wear to work, it''s just so... easy!!! Keeps washing at a minimum too

I also work 1 day a week at a jewellers, which strictly insists on a corporate dress code, ie. no skirt above the knee, everyone in collared shirts and suit jackets, closed toed shoes, hair well groomed... a far cry from my ''regular'' job!
i teach chemistry, so i wear clothes that don''t matter if they get ruined. walmart plus sizes do well. classy looking black jeans or dark skirt, lacy undershirt, with a fitted blazer. black birkenstock clogs (london) for shoes.

the science teachers have special permission to wear black demin from the principal. no blue denim is allowed.

last year we had a real problem with teachers show ing up for work looking like hookers or alternately, like they just rolled out of bed. New principal put a stop to open toed shoes, flip flops, denim, skirts above the knee, exercise clothes. Good for her!
I teach, and we are supposed to dress like professionals monday-thursday and we can wear jeans on Fridays. So during the week I do lots of dress pants, skirts, sometimes dresses, mainly from Ann Taylor or Limited or Express or similar. On Fridays I wear jeans-y outfits with cute tops or sometimes a school t-shirt.

The thing that gest me is we aren''t allowed to wear jeans during the week. But for some reason some people think it''s okay to wear things like matching sweat suits instead or little cotton coordinates. It irks me that my jeans are much dressier than what some people get away with, but whatever. I supose teachers aren''t famous for their senses of style. Anyway, I really hope I never become one of those that just gives up trying to look put together.
we have some very young male teachers who look like they just rolled out of their dorm bed to run to class. yikes. and the bedhead hair gel doesn''t help.

we have some teachers, still, who dress like slobs. exercise clothes irritate me. track suits.

I don''t know about other teachers but if I have a blazer on i have better control over my class.
I try to look quite smart for work - I have lots of fun suits in bright colours. I have a life-long addiction to roll neck sweaters and I must have them in every colour possible. I often do the smart black trousers with coloured roll-neck and then whatever jacket goes.

To be honest the only people that really dress up in Parliament are the interns! If you see someone who looks like they''re off to do the gardening they are probably a Lord, and if they have cheap and nasty suits that look like they''ve been slept in, they''ll be an MP

Most people in my office just wear jeans and a t-shirt, but I prefer to look a bit more dressed up for psychological reasons.

I think dress codes in the UK have really relaxed. My brother is a lawyer and wears pretty bright shirts and ties to work. FI is a director with a major oil company and I have never seen him wear a tie to work in nearly 3 years, just M&S suit trousers and a nice shirt or fine wool jumper.
last job 90% of the time it was blue jeans and black t-shirt before columbine it was black jeans and black t-shirt in the summer.
Jeans and long sleeved shirts in the winter.

When I worked from home black shorts and black t-shirt.
Next job: if I''m lucky it will be the same....
uniform style dress pants and nice shirt is my max tolerance level.
Wore a uniform and tie every work day for 8 years and hated it.
(armed security)
I hate dressing up!
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