
Here we go again, help with multicolor Tahitian strand


Apr 10, 2017
From vendor: “It's an expensive item. I will provide details video and photos to you, it's non refundable. Ifyou have any doubts, i suggest you order something with smaller value to build trust.”

So no refunds.

I will post more photos and videos ASAP once I receive them. Will need everyone’s help in helping me to make a decision!


Jan 4, 2010
I think it has lots of amazing overtones, but this is in a light box of some kind. See how there are almost no shadows? That's what you get with a light box.

Some photoshopping/editing was probably done to reduce shadows and lighten the exposure in order to bring out the overtones.
In person, in normal indoor light, I expect you would still see some very nice overtones, but the strand as a whole will be darker and the overtones more muted. Any overtones will likely be much reduced in direct sunlight.
Remember, this is par for the course for Tahitians. Amazing colors in Tahitians are usually overtones.

Don't make any decisions until you get a direct sunlight photo. Request that the photo not be edited at all. Ask if it was edited. Don't assume.

6K is a lot to risk when no returns are allowed. I ask myself, " Why would the seller not allow returns?" My mind says, "Because they know it won't look that way in person." I could be wrong, but risk 6K? I wouldn't, but maybe you would.
Hope springs eternal, right? Maybe this is that impossible, rare Tahitian strand that shows its fancy colors in all kinds of light.

But probably not. Hence, a no returns policy. This stacks the odds all in his favor, and all the risk is yours.


Apr 10, 2017
I think it has lots of amazing overtones, but this is in a light box of some kind. See how there are almost no shadows? That's what you get with a light box.

Some photoshopping/editing was probably done to reduce shadows and lighten the exposure in order to bring out the overtones.
In person, in normal indoor light, I expect you would still see some very nice overtones, but the strand as a whole will be darker and the overtones more muted. Any overtones will likely be much reduced in direct sunlight.
Remember, this is par for the course for Tahitians. Amazing colors in Tahitians are usually overtones.

Don't make any decisions until you get a direct sunlight photo. Request that the photo not be edited at all. Ask if it was edited. Don't assume.

6K is a lot to risk when no returns are allowed. I ask myself, " Why would the seller not allow returns?" My mind says, "Because they know it won't look that way in person." I could be wrong, but risk 6K? I wouldn't, but maybe you would.
Hope springs eternal, right? Maybe this is that impossible, rare Tahitian strand that shows its fancy colors in all kinds of light.

But probably not. Hence, a no returns policy. This stacks the odds all in his favor, and all the risk is yours.

Thanks so much!!! Your points are excellent as always—Noted! I’m on the fence for all the reasons you mentioned. If additional photos do not sway me, I won’t buy.

But if additional photos in less flattering light knocks my socks off, I would likely buy undrilled and am thinking of offering the vendor to pay for return shipping and whatever restocking fee he/she thinks is reasonable because I get time is money, to see if that would be a reasonable proposal to convince the seller to be open to the tiny possibility of a return. Obv if I bought I would have to be pretty sure I won’t want to return, but to me to have no return policy at all for an online purchase makes me not want to buy at all.


Jan 4, 2010
He did say non-refundable but if you can get it in writing that he will allow a return and refund (possible less a clearly stated restocking fee), then the risk is lessened.

If you do end up buying it, I would not send money by wire transfer, or any other way that is not reversible if it turns out to be misrepresented. Protect your money.

My husband has been following this with me. He just said, "She sounds like she wants it too much."
Wanting something too much can make us ignore warning signs. We need to be aware of our vulnerabilities.


Apr 10, 2017
Soooo...being an ancient tech dinosaur I've NEVER uploaded a video to youtube before OR tried to link a video here, but in the name of pearls I gave it a go just now, so hopefully this worked? (Please do let me know if my personal info is visible lol as I'll want to delete it)


Jan 4, 2010
Lovely colors in overcast diffuse light. No shadows, did you notice?
Still no direct sunlight photo or video, though.

Is this enough? I mean, they are colorful. Does it really matter if direct sunlight makes them looks different?


Apr 10, 2017
Lovely colors in overcast diffuse light. No shadows, did you notice?
Still no direct sunlight photo or video, though.

Is this enough? I mean, they are colorful. Does it really matter if direct sunlight makes them looks different?

I think I’m quite taken with these. I think I have a pretty good idea of how this strand will perform in ideal real life conditions lol and I think that’s good enough for me.

But, my hubby here aka voice of reason says not to buy unless there’s a return policy. So I’m messaging the vendor and offering to pay a restocking fee that she thinks is reasonable in the unlikely event that I return this. We will see what she says.

You are so perceptive in saying that hope springs eternal. My gut feeling tells me I’ll love this, BUT, there’s no good reason for any reputable vendor to deny a return policy for internet purchases IMHO, or maybe I’m just outdated and old fashioned lol.

My hubby says, “You never know if these are dyed beads from someone’s basement” hahahaha. I mean, the world is full of surprises, some good, some not so good. I’m always a little wary of internet purchases.
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Aug 14, 2009
With an international purchase and return there’s shipping, customs, likely tax losses, and a lot of extra time lost on potential resale (compared to a domestic transaction). And tying the proceeds up for the duration of the return period. In addition to the extra risk that something’s lost or damaged in transit…

I really don’t think refusing returns on an international purchase is a sign of potential dishonesty or disrepute, often just a sign of a business that’s too small to bear the costs and risks associated with an international return policy…

But I actually agree with the vendor, it doesn’t hurt to buy something smaller and see what you think in-person before committing thousands of dollars. Build trust both ways.
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Jul 31, 2014
With an international purchase and return there’s shipping, customs, likely tax losses, and a lot of extra time lost on potential resale (compared to a domestic transaction). And tying the proceeds up for the duration of the return period. In addition to the extra risk that something’s lost or damaged in transit…

I really don’t think refusing returns on an international purchase is a sign of potential dishonesty or disrepute, often just a sign of a business that’s too small to bear the costs and risks associated with an international return policy…

But I actually agree with the vendor, it doesn’t hurt to buy something smaller and see what you think in-person before committing thousands of dollars. Build trust both ways.

I agree. I don't think it's a sign of dishonesty.

I love rhe video, and expect it will be lovely IRL. However, in sunlight it will look different (which you already know)


Dec 22, 2020
Agreed with all the points raised above.

This strand looks lovely! Absolutely beautiful colors! The video de-risks the purchase IMO, but it’s not my money on the line. This strand certainly looks like what you’ve been looking for. If the vendor is adamant about no returns, would they be open to holding it for you (with an appropriate deposit) while you make a smaller purchase first? They posted a lovely Tahitian pair with interesting colors earlier today…


Jun 2, 2018
Okay, so I am late to the party. The pearls look lovely in the video, but again notice that they are on a white background with good lighting. They will look different against the skin. Obviously skin tones differ but I think it would be of great help if you asked the vendor to have a couple of photos taken with the necklace up against the neck (as best as possible given that it is unstrung) in two lighting environments. First outdoors, direct sun (no shade) and indoors “office style” lighting.

Edited to add: having gone back and reread your posts it seems that the pearls may not be drilled in which case my comment about putting the strand up against the neck is not helpful. I was assuming the set had temporary stringing or could at least be put on temporary string and off the white cardboard.
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Jun 2, 2018
Notice also that the colours in the video look very different to the more desaturated colours in the photos. A change in look from different lighting environments is typical so you just need to be prepared for that. From the photos I strongly thought they were Fiji pearls but having seen the video I now think otherwise. They do look amazing in the video!


Jun 2, 2018
Another thought (which is not intended to dissuade you but to make sure you have considered all aspects) is that if the pearls are undrilled I presume you would want the vendor to drill them. Far easier for you to get drilled pearls strung wherever you are versus finding someone to drill them. Also, assuming they are undrilled, have you considered what would happen in the event of damage to a pearl or pearls during the drilling process? Will the vendor ensure any damage pearls are replaced to your satisfaction prior to shipping. The vendor may also not want to accept a return of a strand that has been predrilled if they ordinarily sell on an undrilled basis.


Aug 14, 2009
My first very helpful observation: That's a toilet in the background :eek-2::bigsmile:


Apr 10, 2017
In summary,

Pros: 1) I REALLY like the colors. Again, I've not yet seen this strand in the most unflattering light (direct sunlight), but I think this strand performs quite well in most other conditions (indoor light, etc).

Cons: After talking with seller, she says no returns.

My heart tells me to go for it, toilet in photo and all.

@yssie @pearlsngems @lovedogs @CMN @ShinyPleeease what do you ladies all think? Am I crazy to take the leap? Or does this strand FINALLY check all the boxes for me and I should go for it?


Aug 14, 2009
My second observation:
Lovely colors in overcast diffuse light. No shadows, did you notice?
Still no direct sunlight photo or video, though.

Is this enough? I mean, they are colorful. Does it really matter if direct sunlight makes them looks different?
^ this remains true. You're still seeing the overtones loud and clear, through all these videos. Those overtones are beautiful. But, yeah, they're overtones. A direct sunlight photo would be the most unflattering light you could probably request, since obviously on skin isn't an option here. Do you need that?

Point I'm trying to make is - you're not actually seeing "various lighting environments here". You're seeing "various locations/setups that all have flattering lighting".


Apr 10, 2017
Of note, shipping is via Fedex--anything I should know about customs?

Also, with regards to the good points @CMN brought up, I'm still waiting to hear back if these are drilled already.

Seller takes Paypal, which I suppose does carry some buyer's protection (ie if these turned out to be something CRAZY like dyed pearls--not just I don't like them. Although I've seen dyed freshwaters being passed off for Tahitians and these look truly like Tahitians to me in terms of shape, overtones, etc. But, I think years back folks WERE using dyed "chocolate" and pistachio Tahitians but I "think" that has mostly gone away...but correct me if I'm wrong! LIke @lovedogs mentioned, the overtone color in this strand is almost too good to be true...)


Jan 4, 2010
I agree with @yssie.

Lovely and colorful in indoor light! As expected. Indoor light is diffuse and brings out overtones.

Why have they not shown you a direct sunlight video yet? Did you ask for it?
You won't know what they do in sunlight otherwise.
Don't you want full information before you decide? It's a huge price to pay, not knowing.


Jan 4, 2010
Remind them. Ask again.
Tell them that you understand that direct sunlight/no shade will be less flattering, but you need to see it anyway in order to make a fully informed decision.

PayPal is good-- but do NOT use Friends & Family. Only pay using Goods & Services. That is the only way to ensure buyer protection.


Apr 10, 2017
@pearlsngems thank you! I will make sure to use non friends and family.

She said it’s cloudy for the next two days, and so I told her I’ll wait until it’s sunny, and if someone happens to buy it before me, then oh well, my loss. I want to be 99.9999999%sure before I buy.

Pearls are undrilled. She said drilling, stringing, included in price. She offered some clasps, I’ll likely purchase a simple matte 14k gold clasp for $115 from her and have her send me the complete strand.

@yssie not sure if getting sent a completed strand vs loose strands changes things at customs? I’ve never paid taxes/customs on anything overseas so not sure how that works.


Apr 10, 2017
Also, I’d prob ask to switch the order of the two pearls circled below just because the pink pearl is a lot bigger than the pearl currently in the center:


Not sure if anyone has any thoughts about any other rearranging? IMG_1082.jpeg


Jan 4, 2010
I agree with switching those two pearls so the larger one is the center pearl.


Jan 4, 2010
@pearlsngems thank you! I will make sure to use non friends and family.

She said it’s cloudy for the next two days, and so I told her I’ll wait until it’s sunny, and if someone happens to buy it before me, then oh well, my loss. I want to be 99.9999999%sure before I buy.

Pearls are undrilled. She said drilling, stringing, included in price. She offered some clasps, I’ll likely purchase a simple matte 14k gold clasp for $115 from her and have her send me the complete strand.

@yssie not sure if getting sent a completed strand vs loose strands changes things at customs? I’ve never paid taxes/customs on anything overseas so not sure how that works.

You should expect to pay Customs for drilled and strung pearls in that price range. I recall reading that undrilled, unstrung pearls would not be assessed Customs fees, but that was a while ago and the laws may have changed.

I absolutely agree with waiting for direct sunlight. I think it is likely that the pearls will appear light- to medium-gray in direct sunlight, but some of the pearls may still show a bit of color. This is the way Tahitian colors tend to behave. If that is not a dealbreaker, you will have a beautiful strand that has lots of color indoors, and outdoors on cloudy days or in the shade. Still a very lovely strand! But wait and see what video they send you in a few days.


Jul 31, 2014
My thoughts:

1. Ask for direct sunlight pic and don't take no for an answer

2. Pay regular "G&S" not FF with paypal

3. It's gorgeous but I want you to be fully prepared for how it'll look IRL before you spend 6k


Jan 4, 2010
Some sellers balk at accepting payment via PP Goods & Services because they then have to pay a fee to PayPal to accept the payment.

The fee is legitimate-- they are using PayPal services so why should they not pay for the service? But some sellers expect the buyer to pay the PP fee. The fee is higher for international/ cross currency sales.
I found this when I googled PayPal fees for international sales:

"How much does PayPal charge for international invoice?

"How much fees does PayPal charge per invoice? The cost of each payment received through PayPal is 2.9% plus US$0.30 for sales within the US. If working with an international client, you will pay a PayPal fee of 4.4% plus a fixed fee based on the country. More information is available on PayPal's website."

If your seller asks you to pay via F&F, tell them you can only pay via G&S and offer to pay the fee. This should eliminate their objection if it is purely monetary. (If they still object, ask yourself why they would want to deprive you of the PP buyer protections you are entitled to, given your willingness to pay the fee.)

When I bought my GSS from Cees, I paid the PayPal fee. I asked him to write the true price on the Customs label (some sellers will write a lower price on the label to save the buyer money at Customs, but this can cause you to have problems with Customs! Penalties etc.)
I also asked him to insure it at its full stated value, and added that I would pay any insurance fee if needed (which he did not ask me to do.)


Jun 2, 2018
I personally really like this strand but I do wonder whether the price is a bit steep. Whilst the colours are beautiful in the images provided the graduation is a bit hit and miss. For me that adds a casualness which I like, but I would usually expect a lower price for this type of matching. I am not up to date though on the latest pearl prices and I am aware that they have generally gone up quite a lot in the last couple of years.

As regards the swapping of the two pearls just get them to provide their opinion on the real life colour of the “bronze” pearl in most lighting conditions. I raise this as in some of the photos it looks like it may be too close in colour to the greenish gold pearl 5at it would sit next. Although in the videos the colours (ie the bronze pearl and the greenish gold pearl) look quite distinctly different.


Aug 14, 2009
@pearlsngems thank you! I will make sure to use non friends and family.

She said it’s cloudy for the next two days, and so I told her I’ll wait until it’s sunny, and if someone happens to buy it before me, then oh well, my loss. I want to be 99.9999999%sure before I buy.

Pearls are undrilled. She said drilling, stringing, included in price. She offered some clasps, I’ll likely purchase a simple matte 14k gold clasp for $115 from her and have her send me the complete strand.

@yssie not sure if getting sent a completed strand vs loose strands changes things at customs? I’ve never paid taxes/customs on anything overseas so not sure how that works.

Buying from Japan - you’ll save a bundle if you have them ship it as unfinished! Customs only on finished jewellery… From Japan. From other countries it might be different.
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