
Here is my story of BDG e-ring.


Feb 3, 2011
I feel heartache when I saw the post:

Here is my story:

I ordered half-round from BGD and they made a mistake and I got a Tiffany-knife. They said would send me a label to ship the ring back, but every time, the label didn't arrive next day in my email account as promised for unknown reasons. Meantime, I was struggling to buy another stone at the same time. Since I never saw half-round in person, and the knife looked ok, I was also tried to make my mind to ship the ring back. So I called and they said it's not in a hurry to make my mind for exchanging the setting. Then one of my family members got stroke, my life suddenly in chaos. When all settle down, I contacted BDG, I was told since I wore it a few months, the setting got scratched, I could only get around $130 for my setting as scrap. :(sad

So I ended up with this knife setting which I didn't choose at 1st place. And since I was forced to accept it unless I would spend another >$1300 to get half-round, I became less like this setting every day.

Comparing all online stores I tried, Bluenile is more professional. You pay one-way shipping for changing setting, and the stone (or with new setting) ship back to you free. WF charged me $40 to send my stone back to me when I spent only $20 shipping one earring to them to remove a setting. BDG, I have mixing feeling. I should admit that I didn't make decision fast enough since I have no trouble to return a setting back to Bluenile before after one or two weeks of wearing and BGD said I didn't need to make decision immediately. But it seems I am the loser at the end because of mistake they made.
Sorry for your situation although I am surprised that you would wear the ring for several months knowing you might return it. I guess if I was iffy about a purchase I would wear it around the house to see if I liked it enough to keep it, but I wouldn't wear it full time.

That is a pretty popular setting. Have you considered selling it? I am surprised that BGD was not on the ball about the shipping label and disappointed that they won't rectify their original error with a suitable fix. I hope you can get a setting that you love.
Sorry to hear about your family.

There is a big difference between a few weeks and a few months, especially since you used the item. Well, even then a few months is too long a time to expect a refund honestly. We all have our doubts when making purchases and mistakes happen. They offered to correct the mistake but you didn't take them up on it in a timely manner. That seems to be happening a lot on here lately.

It's a lovely ring anyway.
How many times did you contact them during the 15 day return period to request the return label? I can understand them overlooking it once, but if you contacted them multiple times, then that is odd. But I think when they said "take your time", they meant a few days and not a few months. You really shouldn't have worn it if you thought you might return it, though. If you have all the email requests you made for the return label, it might be worthwhile sending them to BGD. I feel like there was error on both sides, possibly.
I don't know how often you contacted BGD about the shipping label but I would have been persistant about it. I don't think you can expect a refund after wearing the ring for that long, sorry.
I'm sorry that you've had issues, but honestly you should have probably picked up the phone to call them to rectify the situation before the return period ended. I agree, you might have luck selling it.
It's their mistake and they absolutely should have sent the label. I'm really surprised they didn't. Also, they seem to be having lots of quality control issues lately.

But why did you wear it?
diamondseeker2006|1325550576|3093742 said:
How many times did you contact them during the 15 day return period to request the return label? I can understand them overlooking it once, but if you contacted them multiple times, then that is odd. But I think when they said "take your time", they meant a few days and not a few months. You really shouldn't have worn it if you thought you might return it, though. If you have all the email requests you made for the return label, it might be worthwhile sending them to BGD. I feel like there was error on both sides, possibly.

I agree with this.
In my post, I did agree I should take action immediately. Not like I didn't make mistake in this whole issue. But even I had shipped it back on time, I think they should fix the problem more than that as a decent company. What about the packing and trip to post office/fedex in a busy schedule? The anxiety, the waiting, etc. Since I didn't insure the ring before the setting finalized, I felt safer to wear it everyday than to leave it home. Not all PSers are rich people who buy several ct diamond and don't mind several thousand dollars.

I did contact them more than twice for the Fedex label in the returning period, and the label never showed up in my email the second day as promised. This added some stress since I felt "maybe" the knife could be a choice, plus the "take your time" comments (I did tell them over phone that I was wearing the ring daily at the time to see if I could accept the setting) . I actually spent several days on PS to make my mind on half-round. I am not sure anyone can understand the stress for uncertainty of something you haven't seen. You just started doubting what if the half-round is worse. I even in one email said I would like to keep the setting. But I don't need go thru this if I got the right setting at the first place. Then the chaos started. The travel, my job, etc. The edge of BGD knife actually is really sharp, you won't start notice the problem if you don't wear it. The edge of the knife started to show scratches.

In addition, the cold tone of the emails made me really uncomfortable. I specifically asked the stone to be set higher when I ordered the ring. I got a pretty low one comparing to the pictures I got from PS ( I sent the images to them). They denied, said that they set the stone as requested. How can that be? They even put the stone in a wrong setting! :?

I did ordered something else from BGD. I guess if the transaction is smooth, you won't feel any issue. But when dispute happens, it test the service of a vendor.

I thought I was over this thing since there are many other things I have to worry, my job, my kids, my family, etc. I didn't say my story here until yesterday I saw the post of the ring in half-round. Guess it won't over until one day I change the setting - I did think about 3-stones if you read my post a few days ago.

diamondseeker2006|1325550576|3093742 said:
How many times did you contact them during the 15 day return period to request the return label? I can understand them overlooking it once, but if you contacted them multiple times, then that is odd. But I think when they said "take your time", they meant a few days and not a few months. You really shouldn't have worn it if you thought you might return it, though. If you have all the email requests you made for the return label, it might be worthwhile sending them to BGD. I feel like there was error on both sides, possibly.
I guess I was spoiled by Bluenile. I did try another setting before from Bluenile. I loved the setting at the beginning and I wore it a few weeks before I finally realized that it had serious issue on the prong to clean the stone in the future. I was worried when I called them since the ring had been wore for a while. But they accepted the ring after inspection.

I didn't bother BGD any more after they denied the return. But I am curious what each vendor is going to do with the returned setting. Sell them as new setting?

Laila619|1325555419|3093787 said:
It's their mistake and they absolutely should have sent the label. I'm really surprised they didn't. Also, they seem to be having lots of quality control issues lately.

But why did you wear it?
Blue Nile does huge volume, I can only speculate it must be in the large multiples of any other vendor, and especially BGD who are actually a small operation. BN probably just scraps mounts returned worn like the one you returned. They can afford it because of volume. Smaller companies cannot afford this type of thing, they don't have the volume of sales. I assume all companies reuse unworn mounts, but actually don't know for sure. Anyone?

Listen, I am not defending BGD in the initial mess up. Yup, they messed up and it should have been fixed. They should have clarified for you what "take your time" meant to them, because obviously you misunderstood their return parameters. My guess is they never imagined that you would think it meant you could take a few months to decide! Poor communication on both sides, as you acknowledge.

But in the interest of consumer education it is important to point out what others in your situation should do to avoid being in your present shoes. If a mistake happens, get it remedied as soon as possible and certainly within the return period. If you are granted a longer inspection period, don't wear the ring. Insure it right away if you worry about it being home and not on your hand (no need for you to make snide comments about rich PSers :nono: Most of us cannot afford to lose or damage a stoen either, that is why I insure everything immediately). Phone and speak to someone in person if you have issues, don't rely on e-mail, especially if they do not follow through and do what they say they are going to do for you, like with the packing slip. And most importantly, don't let the issue go for two months.

I'm sorry this did not go as you hoped. If you are not happy, let your money do the talking -- buy from somewhere else!
I think given where you are now .. the best option is to try to put the setting up for sale on the pre-loved forum and see what you can get for it. Then select another vendor to take your business to. Alternatively, if you don't mind the setting then keep it and see if you can accept it.

No comment on BGD as my experience has not been great but I haven't dealt with Lesley or Brian who seem to actually be the "stars" .. I absolutely hope I can actually work with them one day but can't seem to get access to them.
OP, I agree with CharmyPoo given where you are now.

This is perhaps not relevant to the OP anymore, but hopefully it'll help others. My experiences with BGD have been positive overall, but I have to agree that the communication can be sloppy and lacking at times. I find that Lesley and Brian generally stay behind the scenes until you have very specific requests and questions that others can't handle or answer. But I have no trouble getting a hold of Lesley by email or Brian by phone after hours if you prefer to talk directly to them. It's almost like they don't need to rest. In any case, I do find that I have to stay on top of the communication with BGD and proactively ask for progress updates.
Not everyone on PS is rich. I am a dairy farmer/nursing student that works very hard for my money, probably will never get an upgrade, although I would love one:) I do think BGD did make a mistake, which should be rectified. The problem is that after they made the mistake you then wore the setting for 2 months.
once upon a time, you were here:


Most likely your knife edge is a beautiful setting. Maybe you can rekindle your love for it! I am sure it is beautiful. Every now and then I get wanderlust on settings, and then I snap out of it. (lol! I found your posts doing a search on tiffany settings!) Could the circumstances around your purchase time have influenced your feelings on the ring?
While BGD obviously made a few mistakes by first making you the wrong setting and then not emailing you the shipping label, I think you should have given them a call when you didn't get the label right away. If this is something that is happening a lot with BGD, well then hopefully they take a look at their customer service and make some changes. I just purchased a pair of studs from them and received excellent service from Denise, so I'm a bit surprised, however this was my only transaction with them so I guess its not saying much.

However, I don't blame BGD for not allowing you to return the setting at this point. I can't understand why you would wear a ring for several months if you planned to return it, even without insurance on it. I would rather leave an uninsured ring in a safe place at home than wear it out and about on my finger, especially one that I don't plan on keeping. I do think they are partially at fault for not specifying their return period when they told you to take your time. At the same time, if this was not clear, the question should have been asked before making any assumptions. I'm with some of the others that your best bet may be to post the setting on DB at this point.

Also, I have to add that I find your comment about rich PSers a bit rude and unnecessary. I am definitely not rich. And even for those that do have lots of money, it doesn't mean they have no problem throwing away money.
Hi Dreamer, you misunderstood my comments. I am not talking about losing the ring when I mentioned several thousand dollars. We saw a lot of expensive ring/diamonds here. Sometimes, people changed their settings even it cost several thousand dollars. But for other PSers, that's the amount for their whole e-ring. When BDG sent emails to you saying your >$1300 setting worth $130 now and you could spend another $1300 for the right setting and the mistake they made in a very cold tone, you just wonder that maybe BDG is so used to other clients, rich or not, who spent a lot on rings and don't care of this amount. Sorry if I made some PSers not comfortable with the comments. Nothing wrong to have money to spend on beautiful jewelry.

Your explanation made me realize that BDG probably wasn't eager to exchange the setting from beginning when they sensed that I might be able to accept the knife since they did mentioned in one email that it was more popular setting than half-round, etc. They definitely has no motivation to spend two-way shipping if they can avoid, not to mention the possibility of scraping the old setting. I mentioned the return period and got "take your time" reply. In this kind of situation, consumers are in weak position since most of us have daily jobs don't need to face different people every day for business transaction while a vendor is.

The ring was still in like-new condition with a little bit scratch on the edge of the knife which I think they could easily polish away. I took the final result for mistake I made. Just vent this story out if any other readers feel helpful in the future.

BTW, I strongly not recommend BDG's Knife setting. Knife is sharp and the whole thing kinda modern but not really delicate.

Dreamer_D|1325563882|3093858 said:
Blue Nile does huge volume, I can only speculate it must be in the large multiples of any other vendor, and especially BGD who are actually a small operation. BN probably just scraps mounts returned worn like the one you returned. They can afford it because of volume. Smaller companies cannot afford this type of thing, they don't have the volume of sales. I assume all companies reuse unworn mounts, but actually don't know for sure. Anyone?

Listen, I am not defending BGD in the initial mess up. Yup, they messed up and it should have been fixed. They should have clarified for you what "take your time" meant to them, because obviously you misunderstood their return parameters. My guess is they never imagined that you would think it meant you could take a few months to decide! Poor communication on both sides, as you acknowledge.

But in the interest of consumer education it is important to point out what others in your situation should do to avoid being in your present shoes. If a mistake happens, get it remedied as soon as possible and certainly within the return period. If you are granted a longer inspection period, don't wear the ring. Insure it right away if you worry about it being home and not on your hand (no need for you to make snide comments about rich PSers :nono: Most of us cannot afford to lose or damage a stoen either, that is why I insure everything immediately). Phone and speak to someone in person if you have issues, don't rely on e-mail, especially if they do not follow through and do what they say they are going to do for you, like with the packing slip. And most importantly, don't let the issue go for two months.

I'm sorry this did not go as you hoped. If you are not happy, let your money do the talking -- buy from somewhere else!
That's a few months before I made my purchase while I was trying to find a right setting. The main reason I put my eye on knife was not I like to let others think I have a Tiffany, but because I was looking for a nice 6-prong, and most time you find that on a knife setting. After examined the limited amounts of pictures on PS, I chose the half-round.

tulip928|1325613810|3094125 said:
once upon a time, you were here:


Most likely your knife edge is a beautiful setting. Maybe you can rekindle your love for it! I am sure it is beautiful. Every now and then I get wanderlust on settings, and then I snap out of it. (lol! I found your posts doing a search on tiffany settings!) Could the circumstances around your purchase time have influenced your feelings on the ring?
I'm sorry you're unhappy with it. I had a knife edge setting and I too found it very uncomfortable, but some people love them. You could try selling the setting on here, on the Preloved forum.
yrrp3738|1325661034|3094708 said:
The ring was still in like-new condition with a little bit scratch on the edge of the knife which I think they could easily polish away. I took the final result for mistake I made. Just vent this story out if any other readers feel helpful in the future.

BTW, I strongly not recommend BDG's Knife setting. Knife is sharp and the whole thing kinda modern but not really delicate.

But if they need to polish anything away it would not be like-new condition.
I would be majorly pissed off if I or my boyfriend saved up for months for a ring to find that someone had been wearing it for a few months and returned it. (Different if it's a known second hand, but if it's sold 'new' I would expect it to be brand new)
I don't know what the laws are there but as a business it is illegal to sell second-hand goods here if you're not a second hand dealer.

Thanks for your thoughts on the Knife edge setting though, how much sharper is it compared to the Tiffanys version of the knife edge? I'm looking at the same sort of setting but have nothing to compare it to here (Australia).
yrrp3738|1325661342|3094709 said:
That's a few months before I made my purchase while I was trying to find a right setting. The main reason I put my eye on knife was not I like to let others think I have a Tiffany, but because I was looking for a nice 6-prong, and most time you find that on a knife setting. After examined the limited amounts of pictures on PS, I chose the half-round.

tulip928|1325613810|3094125 said:
once upon a time, you were here:


Most likely your knife edge is a beautiful setting. Maybe you can rekindle your love for it! I am sure it is beautiful. Every now and then I get wanderlust on settings, and then I snap out of it. (lol! I found your posts doing a search on tiffany settings!) Could the circumstances around your purchase time have influenced your feelings on the ring?

Ahhh, I see. Yeah, I have some issues with my own setting and that's why I was surfing Pricescope again. I don't have the funds to have the diamond or the setting that I really want, so sometimes I find myself over focusing on my setting. Speaking for myself, by no means pointed at you. I must distract myself! :rolleyes:
yrrp, can you have the knife edge filed and rounded locally? They won't be able to recreate the profile of the half-round BGD because of the original distribution of material, but they may manage a rounded profile..?
yrrp3738|1325661034|3094708 said:
Your explanation made me realize that BDG probably wasn't eager to exchange the setting from beginning when they sensed that I might be able to accept the knife since they did mentioned in one email that it was more popular setting than half-round, etc. They definitely has no motivation to spend two-way shipping if they can avoid, not to mention the possibility of scraping the old setting. I mentioned the return period and got "take your time" reply. In this kind of situation, consumers are in weak position since most of us have daily jobs don't need to face different people every day for business transaction while a vendor is.

I think this is a really good warning and something consumers should be aware of: Vendors also have interests that affect their interactions with us, because this is business. We need to watch out for our own interests to make sure we get what we want. We *can* be in a weak position if we are not educated or knowledgable about how things work. That is why it is a good idea to seek advice on PS not after the fact, but when things are ongoing too! For example, another consumer in your position could have posted in RT asking advice *as soon as issues began*. At that time, everyone would have said the things we are saying to you now, but too late to help!

So nect time, post asking for advice or guidance when you are faced with the problem and are unsure about how to proceed, that way you won't be in a weak position.
Sorry to hear about your situation. I've had my own issues with buying from WF, and have decided not to accept any jewelry that is not exactly what I requested, or expected. I tried to take time to get used to my ring, partly because shipping was a hassle and they pushed me to see it in person. It has made be a more decisive and less trusting person, but I think that is good for me.

Chalk it up to a lesson learned. There were more important things going on in your life, and you chose those first, which I think was right. I think Yssie had a good suggestion about having the knife edge modified.

What are these quality control issues with BGD?