
Help w/ X-Factor Chunk Cushion Cut from JA please!


Jan 20, 2016
Hello everyone. I have been lurking for awhile and taking the advice of this great community, but I am on somewhat of a time crunch at the moment (setting customization will take 6 weeks) and I want to try to make the best diamond purchase from James Allen the first time around.

I guess I'll start with this... my girlfriend is really wanting a rose gold setting w/ halo, and we leaned towards the pave settings with a thinner twisted shank. After intending to look around in store but buy online, we went into a Robbins Brothers store and found a setting that she fell in love with. After sitting down with the salesman I realized right away that it was way overpriced and basically left but was told they could do better and to give them a chance. After doing more research, I know of all of their tactics, certifications, etc., but despite the not great reputation I want to get the setting from there and find a great cushion cut to go with it. Unfortunately they want 6 weeks to add to the halo because the stone I'm looking for is bigger than the setting intended. I know that I could probably get it customized somewhere for similar price, but right now I'd rather just not deal with that part and keep the setting that we found there.

Now the hard part. After countless emails back and forth with the salesman, and turning down multiple offers, the warranty, etc. he finally convinced me to let him try two diamonds from their online inventory that he would pick out for me, requiring a 10% refundable downpayment, to compare to the online diamond that I insisted was way better value wise. Since I am almost 100% on getting the setting from there, the two 10% amounts together didn't exceed the setting price so its no harm to me to do it, and he said he picked out two very square 1.44 and 1.50 ct for me to compare.

Obviously I want to make the right choice, so if his 2 and the one I order doesn't look good to me, I'll wait. But by my own fault I didn't expect a 6 week turnaround time, so I'd like to make the right choice the first time around.

I'm pretty sure I like the chunky "x-factor" better than the crushed ice pattern which I am pretty sure I will see with his two. I am targeting around the 1.50 ct area, but obviously the cut is more important. So a great cut, larger surface area sized diamond is preferred. You all have the experience that I don't have, and I know in reality I should ask JA for the additional lab images (name escapes me), but in the interest of time I'll probably skip that.

TLDR: looking for best cushion cut, chunky "x-factor" style diamond from James Allen. prefer the best cut I can get, larger surface size over weight, and color isn't a huge issue bc of rose gold setting.

My search parameters: J-D color, SI1+ quality, top of budget is $6800 (unless I find a discount), table 56-70, depth 59-70, florescence none-faint. I am aiming for something that would look pretty square to the naked eye! ~6.50x6.50 seemed to be a good rough estimate for size.

#1) $5710 - this one seemed to almost be a hybrid. chunky looking but more crushed ice, smaller facets on outside. curious to hear everyone's opinion on this one and similar styles.

#2) $5830

#3) $6070

#4) $6170

#5) $6480 - faceting looked great, but seemed cloudy to me. not sure if it's the camera or not?

#6) $6600

Obviously if you all think you can find better in that price range, I am all for it. Those were my best guess as far as diamonds that met my search criteria. Assuming JA's refund doesn't take super long, I might use a second card and order two to speed up the process. I'll hang up and listen.


Mar 22, 2010
Do you mind me asking what the setting looks like? Is it possible one of the online vendors would have access to it or could make it??



Mar 22, 2010
I am not going to be much help with the cushion stone, But have you looked though James Allen settings

They have this one which is similar to the setting you are looking at

Or even ask if this one could be modified to add a halo

Maybe another option

I think you would get a much better setting if you chose something at James allen and they are all available in rose gold

If she loves that setting you could contact David Klass ( find his info on Facebook) he could create that one easily and it would be much better quality and should be doable in your time frame.

Just some suggestions


Jan 20, 2016
I had looked at the JA ones you mentioned first, and didn't really like them. One of the parts she really liked about the other one is the fancy looking stuff bridging underneath the halo.

I would consider asking him to make that ring... the only thing that worries me is its hard to know the approximate thickness of the bands at all parts, etc. and getting them right when I know she likes this one. I'll look into it though, thanks for the help!!


Aug 8, 2005
You are using very confusing terminology.

You want a modern faceted cushion. Without crushed ice faceting. With great performance. From JA.

I can help you with that.

Of the ones you picked these are the ones worth pursing. One of my friends has a very well cut J in a cushion and it's a lovely WHITE stone.

Now I'll to see if there is anything else worth looking at.


Jan 20, 2016
Awesome! I appreciate it. Sorry for the confusion, I'm sure it was a combination of being in a hurry and not knowing everything about it. I'm just trying to make as informed of a purchase I can, and I'm glad to have any help I can get!


Jan 11, 2006
I agree with the stones Gypsy narrowed down. Did you look at all the James Allen settings?

That stone is set terribly high in that setting. I would not advise it to be made like that. I feel like we can find you a much better one.


Jan 20, 2016
That 1.61 seems like a great deal at the price point. I'm leaning towards that one and maybe the 1.51 as well. I'm confident that both of those are great value.

As far as setting goes, I do believe it's set pretty high but is it meant to be like that? I'm not a big fan of halos but she likes them. When the halo is away from the stone enough to differentiate the two I think it looks good, but maybe that's not the point. Besides catching on things is there a negative to the high setting?


Jan 20, 2016
diamondseeker2006|1453352429|3978936 said:
I agree with the stones Gypsy narrowed down. Did you look at all the James Allen settings?

That stone is set terribly high in that setting. I would not advise it to be made like that. I feel like we can find you a much better one.

Also, yes. I've looked at them all and I believe she did too a few weeks ago. None of them really stood out to us, but I think online vs in person doesn't help I'm guessing.


Jan 11, 2006
autigers10|1453354251|3978953 said:
That 1.61 seems like a great deal at the price point. I'm leaning towards that one and maybe the 1.51 as well. I'm confident that both of those are great value.

As far as setting goes, I do believe it's set pretty high but is it meant to be like that? I'm not a big fan of halos but she likes them. When the halo is away from the stone enough to differentiate the two I think it looks good, but maybe that's not the point. Besides catching on things is there a negative to the high setting?

It may be meant to be like that, but it is a very poor design. That is a good way to knock the diamond right out of the setting, but more likely, the stone could be hit on something and chip it sitting up so high. If you look at well designed halo settings, the center stone should sit down right on or slightly above the halo. You shouldn't be able to see inside the halo, in other words. The other concern is that they are going to have to customize the setting to fit the stone you buy, and that could be a problem, too.

I agree that it helps to see settings in person, but after seeing probably thousands here, she could get a better one made by David Klass. I wonder if she has really seen many settings at this point? She might really benefit from taking a little more time to look at settings. Go to David Klass Jewelry on Facebook and click on Photos. He makes almost any kind of design. You could show him your picture but tell him you want him to have the stone set low to the halo. I think if he did CADs and then you came here to get advice on adusting them, we could help you refine the design to make it better, and I doubt it would cost more.


Jan 20, 2016
I'd definitely be interested in doing that if it was comparable in price. I just ordered the 1.61 ct that I mentioned earlier, and I might buy the 1.51 or any other that someone might find tomorrow to give me another option as well.

I'm not exactly sure how a custom setting order works -- can I provide the inspiration for him, tell him what I'm looking for, and I get an estimate? Or is there an upfront cost for even a quote?

Thanks for everyone's help so far.


Jan 20, 2016
Also one more thing. At least with the other setting, it was $2150+ tax + $500 estimate for expanding halo (this was without knowing any dimensions) + $250 mounting fee. My overall budget was around 9-10k, and assuming I keep what I just bought ($6400 after discount), It sounds like I have room to work with. With the RB setting I was willing to push the budget as a thanks for the help that I was given (he was a nice guy despite the company being overpriced in general), but obviously if I can do better and stay on the low end of that budget I'd be thrilled.

My question is this -- if I went with the previously referred custom designer on Facebook, would it be best to have him mount the diamond or send it to JA to mount? Price is obviously a consideration, but really as long as it's close I'd rather go with the safest option and most importantly any option that will help down the line, whether it's ring cleaning, resizing, etc. I know JA will clean when you pay shipping to send it, but I wasn't absolutely positive that they'd do the setting too if it wasn't purchased from them. Maybe they would do the full ring without problem, forgive my ignorance if that's common knowledge!


Aug 8, 2005
Whoa thats a lot of money on that setting. David.Klass.can definitely work with the budget. But how about this.setting just as it is:

It's a lovely high quality setting. You would get your stone insured through jewelers mutual online--very easy process-- then send it to BE and they wouldake the setting to the dimensions of your stone and set it for you.

The have excellent quality work and you'd be able to avoid custom. The setting is gorgeous and will be perfct with the stone size you are looking at. And thwy can do it in rose gold. She can get a twisted wedding band for it if she wants.


Aug 8, 2005
Alternatively and David Klass and Brilliantly Engaged both for qoutes for the below image. Specify a single halo around a cushion center, a gallery that allows a flush fit straight wedding band and rosegold metal when you request the quote.



Jan 20, 2016
Thanks for the replies.

I do like that last one you provided. I might try to get some quotes on that.

As far as the halo goes, maybe I didn't clarify earlier. I'm not big on halos (obviously it's not for me so ultimately it doesn't matter), but whenever the diamond is set high enough above the diamond to differentiate the two I actually think it looks good (which is probably why I liked the RB one). Obviously there is risk in setting it higher above the halo. Is this uncommon? Is there a reason to not have the diamond set higher than the halo? It just seems to take away from the diamond when it is flush like that, but I might be in the minority on that one.


Jan 11, 2006
Can you please trust us that the stone set close to the halo is just safer for the stone and a much better design aesthetically? For one thing, it gives the illusion of the center stone being larger as opposed to smaller. It just LOOKS better. And you only need to get a quote from David Klass because he will be the most reasonable for good quality. Trying to keep you close to your target price!

The ring Gypsy posted is what I was trying to find last night. It is a MUCH better design and so much more attractive than the one at RB. Like 1000 times better. If you did a poll here of which of those two people preferred, I can just about guarantee that the vast majority would choose the one just posted. The only thing I'd tell David Klass about that setting is that I want the halo slightly tilted and with no pave on the side of the halo edge (which can be prone to being bumped, too). He can make a very pretty gallery under the halo which she will like. I really think you'll be fine on the price and it will be a ring created custom for her. And usually, he is faster than 6 weeks unless you take a long time on the design, which shouldn't happen because if you post CADs, we'll help you with anything that needs adjusting!


Mar 25, 2010
ditto diamondseeker and gypsy on the setting


Sep 18, 2015
autigers10|1453358169|3978972 said:
Also one more thing. At least with the other setting, it was $2150+ tax + $500 estimate for expanding halo (this was without knowing any dimensions) + $250 mounting fee.

Forgive me being blunt...but...that is way too healthy of a setting budget to waste at Robbins Brothers. Please, please, please take the advice you are getting here and leave even the slightest thought of buying from Robbins Brothers behind.


Aug 8, 2005
diamondseeker2006|1453388850|3979065 said:
I can just about guarantee that the vast majority would choose the one just posted. The only thing I'd tell David Klass about that setting is that I want the halo slightly tilted and with no pave on the side of the halo edge (which can be prone to being bumped, too). He can make a very pretty gallery under the halo which she will like.
I agree with the above wholeheartedly. That said I believe it is always smart to get at least two quotes for any project.


Sep 22, 2015
I totally agree about the safety of the stone in that setting. It would definitely be something she couldn't wear often, that is definitely something to think about. And you do have such a great budget, i think a custom ring made perfectly to fit your diamond would do more justice to the diamond you so carefully selected vs making that setting work.

So, your thoughts about a halo made me think of a setting i like. I never used to be a halo lover (pre-pricescope anyway) and i really love this setting below.. You get the lovely array of diamonds framing the diamond but not entirely around it. Or a V shaped halo!
If this link doesn't work (blue nile is notorious for that) then try searching for the stock number, 53139

go custom! You'll get exactly what you want for that gorgeous diamond!


Jan 20, 2016
I sent an email to David today with all intentions of doing a custom made ring. I am still going to let him show me his two diamonds,but I am pretty confident the one (or two) will beat anything he can come up with at that price point.

One thing I forgot was that the ring is rose gold so that helps differentiate between the diamond and halo in my opinion. Hopefully David can take my ideas and envision something great. If there are any other custom recommendation in that price range, let me know. I will also probably order the 1.51 ct i mentioned tonight to give me two diamonds to compare to RB salesman's two. If anyone happens to find any others they think are good then let me know and I might do it instead.

Also, the tilted halo sounds like an interesting idea. Didn't know that was even common but it would definitely help show off the diamond more.

My gf is a nurse and can't wear it at work anyway, but I'll take yall's advice on the setting.


Jan 20, 2016
farrahlyn|1453415340|3979352 said:
I totally agree about the safety of the stone in that setting. It would definitely be something she couldn't wear often, that is definitely something to think about. And you do have such a great budget, i think a custom ring made perfectly to fit your diamond would do more justice to the diamond you so carefully selected vs making that setting work.

So, your thoughts about a halo made me think of a setting i like. I never used to be a halo lover (pre-pricescope anyway) and i really love this setting below.. You get the lovely array of diamonds framing the diamond but not entirely around it. Or a V shaped halo!
If this link doesn't work (blue nile is notorious for that) then try searching for the stock number, 53139

go custom! You'll get exactly what you want for that gorgeous diamond!

I'm on mobile, but searching for stock number didn't work for me.


Aug 8, 2005
Yes, the rose gold will give the setting some definition against the center stone.

Like this: (this is by BE which is why I recommended them for the second quote). BE and ERD are the same company. BE is just their new name.

And keep in mind that stone is an O-P in color so it will have even more contrast with the halo than this one does.



Jan 20, 2016
Wow, that one does look great. I just got my quote from David Klass, and we are looking at $1950, which sounds great to me. Thanks for the recommendation. Do you think I even need to get a second quote with that price? If his quality is never really questioned, then I am completely fine with that price, especially comparing to what I expected to pay.

On another note, the other diamond I get tonight might not be the 1.51 ct because it sounds like I have much more room in the budget. I'm thinking $7300 or less would be good. I might post a few as I did yesterday and see if anyone has any opinions.


Jan 20, 2016




#5) cushion brilliant

#6) another cushion brilliant

I thought the getting into the territory of the old timey cushion brilliant cut would be too expensive, but maybe not? if anyone can find one of those, I would love to order it as my 2nd option and then determine which one is best since I have never seen one in person before. there might be more in there that I overlooked, I was kind of in a hurry.


Jan 11, 2006
The tilt is just better than a flat pancake look. It's very subtle. I am glad David gave you a good quote! If you were to change to an antique style cushion, I'd recommend changing to a milgrain edge on your halo and shank. Those are going to be a bit harder to find in a nice cut, other than newly cut ones which are on the expensive side.

I do think going to I color will be a good choice if you stick with a modern cushion. But antique cushion and rose gold and milgrain...even better! I'll look quick and be back.


Jan 11, 2006
This is about the best old one I see at your price point, but it is not as good as some I have seen.

Ha! Look at close except for no halo! Look at the second picture to see the top view! This is one of the ideal cut antique cushions from Good Old Gold called August Vintage Cushion. I love this ring!

Victor Canera has this one:

(I don't like any of the new I color modern cushions you posted.)
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