
Help the new guy!

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Novice Fire

Apr 4, 2003
Im really new at this.

Is it possible to evaluation this diamond from just this information?? if so what do you guys think?

1.48 carat
Color H
Clarity SI1
debth 58%
table 59%
Diameter 7.55 mm
no florencence
43.6 i Think was the pavillion debth, but not sure about that.
asking price is about 9k
Sorry, also This diamond would be set with 2 quarter stones on the side and ring is plat. thanks
this stone is a little shallow, I like the depths to be around 59%-62.5% and tables around 53-60% look for these specs.and you are most likely to get a nice stone!

Thanks, but with these specs, would you still call this diamond "ideal". classs 1 or 2 a or b????
i dont think that it is a 1 class for sure maybe a 2 class, i would not buy it, also you are paying about 2000.00 more that you could find similar stones on the net.

so you think 9k for this diamond is overvalued by about 2k?
Or others on the web. Don't stop at just one place to compare cut quality and price being offered. Prices offered by some vendors can be different by hundreds of dollars for the same stone.
On 4/4/2003 12:35:46 PM diamondsman wrote:

YES! check our site


This type of post just seems so out of line with the spirit of this board. This board is meant to be a neutral place to come educate oneself and to get unbiased information.

Saying "check our site"...with no other comments/information makes it feel as though you are simply trolling to solicit people, and that devalues this forum.

Leonid, is this in line with your guidelines?
Those were my thoughts exactly.
What was I suppose to say?????/check out your site????/or other sites????/I have checked on a stone that was similar on my site and found it to be cheaper?
his question was:"so you think 9k for this diamond is overvalued by about 2k",
I have seen many people reccommending sites on this thread, especially mara!
I was just comparing stones!
Stop being analitical , just because you think that it is a sales pitch, doesnot mean it is, I have been doing this for 30 years and made a very nice living without having to make this one sale!!! so please!!!!!!!
diamondsman just lost my respect.

I ran a simple search on PriceScope and saw the following:
1.46 H SI1
Depth = 62.1
Table = 58
Sym = vg
Pol = vg
Measurements = 7.24x7.28*4.51
Price = 6896-7505 depending on dealer
What was I suppose to say?????/check out your site????/or other sites????

Yes. If it were me, I would have preferred if you just pointed in the right direction or at least mention your site as one of a few and then let me figure out that you have the best prices.

I haven't necessarily lost respect for you diamondsman. However, I'd have a lot more for you if you didn't plug your own site without allowing for choice. I guess it is a little different when we (the consumers) recommend vendors to one another than when a vendor indiscriminately recommend themself. The manner in which you first responded was great. As a seemingly vulnerable novice buyer, I would appreciate more guidance rather than direction. That's what we are all here for, right?

So far my online experiences have been good and one of the best parts about all of this is being able to compare between all of the different vendors in price, service and customer satisfaction. This forum has been an invaluable tool for me in my research and really helped reinforce the kind of confidence and empowerment all buyers should have.

I'll now step off my soapbox and leave my 2 cents at the door.

Pricescope rocks!
Thanks for your thoughts Homer, At least you didnot loose any respect towards me
I did check other sites and have found that the one I mentioned was the one that had the biggest price spread out of all the ones I checked, therfore honestly thinking that it was beneficial for this inquiry!

as he specifically asked about the 2k difference.
Why don't we ask the person who started this thread what he thinks?and ask if he got offended???
If I did ,Sorry if I offended anyone!!
the person who lost respect for me, I just saw him reccomending other people in three different threads???I think that one would have been enough!I just lost respect for him'her
,I hope we both will not loose sleep over it.

this is my last comment on this regards
Sorry to come into this post all late but...DM has brought this up before so I figure I may as well address it once and for all.

I recommend sites to posters because I am a consumer. I don't sell stones, I am not in the from what I can tell, it's alright for people like me to recommend sites that they would suggest OTHER CONSUMERS visit. Not necessarily buy from, but If I post vendors and you are not one of them, I'm sorry. If AL posted 3 other vendors and you weren't one of them, I'm sorry.

But that is my perogative as a consumer on a consumer board for me to list sites I like for others to view. I mention the sites I really like and visit all the time. Plus they are usually the sites that have the most information for the consumer, which makes it easy for me to refer someone who is looking for both information and a stone to a few places and know they can get a good education AND purchase if they so desire.

I know everyone gets all in an uproar about who promotes who and/or why they aren't getting promoted, but who really cares. We are all here to educate and help consumers (like me!) who are looking for a stone for a special moment or just a really nice pair of earrings or similar. That's why I am here anyway.

DM if you are upset that I never mention your site, or no one else mentions it, take a look at your site to see what it is lacking that the other 'frequently-mentioned' sites have. That is just good business sense--you should constantly be trying to improve your level of customer service, your website, your quality of product, etc.

That said, I don't feel like you oversolicit in your posts...but please don't pull the old high-school trick of when someone calls you on your actions, you point the finger in someone else's direction.
On 4/8/2003 9:46
5 AM diamondsman wrote:
What was I suppose to say?????/check out your site????/or other sites????/I have checked on a stone that was similar on my site and found it to be cheaper?

Since you are asking what you were supposed to say, I will oblige. You could have simply said "Yes, I do think the stone is overpriced by 2K compared to similar stones." Or, you could have said "if you search this site (pricescope), you'll find diamonds of similar quality available through several vendors for an average of $2k less." I've seen Rhino, Whiteflash, and a whole host of other vendors handle it this way, and they are helpful to the inquirer without shamelessly promoting themselves.

his question was:"so you think 9k for this diamond is overvalued by about 2k",

And your answer simply could have been "Yes, I do think so."

I have seen many people reccommending sites on this thread, especially mara!

Yes, you have seen many people, including Mara, recommending sites. But guess what? Those other people...and Mara....don't sell diamonds! They have no vested interest in making the recommendations. They aren't saying "come see what I can offer you". You are a vendor. There is a difference, and I'm sure you know it.

Stop being analitical , just because you think that it is a sales pitch, doesnot mean it is, I have been doing this for 30 years and made a very nice living without having to make this one sale!!! so please!!!!!!!

Then why are you doing something that is clearly against the guidelines Leonid has for this board with respect to self-promotion?
So I was not offended...I am new to this site and DM gave out info to answer the original posting twice without mentione his site...

I took his comment 'Yes, check out my site' to mean yes, it is overvalued and you can see for yourself...I am not just saying that...

One would think that someone would check more than one site and infer that checking was a good thing...

Oh well...

Does the 9k include the setting?

The stone could perform well; it depends on the crown depth. Can you get a sarin analysis performed on it? If it does perform well, another plus is that it will appear bigger than it is based on its shallower depth. Using the cut adviser found on this site, it could *possibly* score a 1.6 "within brilliant ideal cut" (versus towkowsky or firey ideal cuts). It totally depends on knowing all of the angles and the symmetry and polish. Can you get more information?

Good luck!
I know I said I will not comment again,but I have to
Thank diane5006 ,for your comment,I couldnot have said it better myself, At leasT you are unbiased and you think on your own, not like other people who "lose respect" just because 2 other people commented!,oh by the way Mara, How did you decide that my site is not informative ?do you know how much money was spent on it?do you have any idea on my customer service handles customers?do you even know how much Diamond inventory I carry? Did you ever go in to see my site?? Believe me I have not had any complaints so far,And just for the record not even one return!!! Reason being that I tell it like it is about the stones I sell ,I will not sell anything That I think might bounce back at me!!I spend hours on the phone explaining everything ,describing the inclusions,the cut,the measur.,prices,etc...,so please don't talk about customer service ,without knowing anything about my co.and our customer service,unless you had called and had a bad experience!!!(WHich is unlikely).

I have seen you comment on many occasions about 1 particular co. Are you sure you are not affiliated to them somehow???

best regard to all!! and Again I would like to thank diana5006,for his short and direct comment on this matter!!(I hate long comments, Sorry about mine this time)
Your site looks pretty good, I've seen a lot worse. How often do you update your listings?

Novice Fire:

How's the search going?
Thank you homer j, I appreciate it .
I update it once a week!! somtimes more

that's the way we should keep this forum, friendly ,positive,informative,and give the best prices, to consumers.

"why can't we all live together in peace"
DM, I can quite honestly say that I don't care one way or another how much money you spent on your site or how your customer service is. Sounds like you are saying you never want to change anything about how you conduct business. No room for improvement? Sounds pretty arrogant to me. I'm glad you have never had a complaint or a return, kudos, you sound perfect.

By the way, you caught me...I am affiliated with WhiteFlash. Or wait, is it GoodOldGold? Or SuperbCert? Or NiceIce? I recommend them all pretty equally because I really like their sites and appreciate the level of information they give to the customer. I admit it, I like those four sites the best. Handcuff me and drag me away.

What irritates me about this entire thread is that I was not even involved in it to begin with. You posted a comment that someone construed as solicitious, and then when called on the carpet, you turn around and point the finger at me like a 12 year old saying 'well she did it first!'.

Sure we can 'live in peace' as you so aptly noted in your last post, maybe that should start with you?

I'm DONE with this thread.

NoviceFire, sorry to completely hijack your post but I'm sure it made for entertaining reading.
So far We are getting a lot of compliments on our website, most people say that it is user friendly very informative, and our customer service and prices are excellent!!!!!!!

I am a peacfull men, and always conduct my business in an honest and straight way!!!

I dont need you to reccomend my site as we are being reccomended from our customers word of mouth. If you notice I only comment in the early mornings, or late at night, most other times we are very busy, thank god!

with this said I will not comment on this thread any more,And I don't think I did anything wrong!

On 4/9/20038:32:23 AM diamondsman wrote: /[/img]>/[/img]>

oh by the way Mara, How did you decide that my site is not informative ? Did you ever go in to see my site??
Clearly, you are missing Mara's point. She wrote "If you are upset that I never mention your site, or no one else mentions it, take a look at your site to see what it is lacking that the other 'frequently-mentioned' sites have. "

In the interest of being fair, I did go to your site, and I did perform a diamond search. The ONLY information your website shows about a given diamond is:
Carat weight, color, clarity, the name of the cert lab, and the price. That's IT....nothing else. Zip, nada, zilch. Further, when clicking on a diamond, the report shown isn't even the actual cert for the diamond, it's a SAMPLE of what the real cert MIGHT look like.

These things are available on other websites that are not available on yours:

A picture of the actual diamond under magnification (or at all, for that matter)
A proportions measurement report (such as Sarin, etc.)
Brilliance scope/image scope/firescope images
Hearts/arrows images if applicable.
A picture of the actual certification (which includes plots of inclusions)
The diamond's HCA score
No crown/pavilion angles information, a KEY piece of information to any savvy

To answer your question, Mara likely decided that your site wasn't informative it lacks several pieces of information that can easily be found on other sites, and I agree with her.

In my personal opinion, I also feel the "how to buy a diamond" offering is extremely rudimentary when compared with tutorials offered on other sites. The information you give is the same generic info that can be obtained at any "maul" store. Example: Under cut, you state: "Diamonds that are cut too deep or too shallow lose light that spills through the side or bottom. As a result, poorly cut stones will be less brilliant and beautiful -- and certainly less valuable -- than well cut diamonds higher on the Diamond Quality Pyramid." That's nice, but where is the attempt to educate a consumer so he can judge if a diamond is cut too shallow/deep? No parameters, no guidelines, no ranges....nothing.

On 4/9/20038:32:23 AM diamondsman wrote:
do you know how much money was spent on it?

What does that have to do with anything? As long as your site lacks information that consumers are looking for, it doesn't matter if you spent $5 or $50,000 on it---it's not helpful to consumers like Mara or myself who want detailed information.

As far as your extensive diamond inventory and you've never had a return.....that's great information, but Mara never said you were lacking inventory, nor did she say the quality of your stones make them prone to returns. What she said is "I don't recommend your site because it lacks information that other frequently-mentioned sites have." Very simple.

On 4/9/20038:32:23 AM diamondsman wrote:
Believe me I have not had any complaints so far

Ah, but you just did....not about your product, not about your inventory, but about the lack of pertinent information specific to individual diamonds on your website. You have just learned in this thread that information-hungry consumers aren't finding what they want on your site. What you choose to do with that knowledge is up to you./[/img]>/[/img]>
You are wrong!!
I did not have any complaints from purchasing customers!! the opposite is true they are very happy and satissfied and most of the times they call back and said that we were extremely accurate on the description of the 4 c's, we believe in the human eye as oppose to numbers or pictures which do not do justice to the true look of the stone !! and I will repeat myself I will not sell anthing that I don't feel comfortable with (prefer to lose the sale) and that' is our key to success for 30 years, and what you mentioned about having the real certs on the site, it is impossible to insert real certs.on 30,000+ stones, that are listed on my site, and I don't know if any one else can do that.I think it is better presented the way we have it!!!!!
I hate reading long comments as they become boring after awhile , and as far as the informatioon on my site , we worded it, direct and to the point without fairy tales!!!

We just can't seem to put this issue to rest.

Without inflaming this more...
I guess it is impossible to list all those certs for diamonds that you don't actually have in stock. That's why I asked how frequently the listings refresh, I saw my diamond listed, but it could be that it hasn't refreshed yet. Not a big deal, this is standard in the industry, a lot of sellers try to sell diamonds they don't have in stock. It works out better for us that way. Doesn't bother me, as long as that gets revealed during the sale process.

Anyway, there isn't an enormous amount of information on the site, not nearly as much as some others, but still more than some out there. I'd say adequate enough to put in a phone call and ask for more information. By the way, that looks like an ascher diagram shown on the GIA radiant cert samples.
Yep you are right!
it is impossible to show all certs.
We have a huge inventory ,and it is impossible to scan all of them and show them all. as far as the info is concerned. I hate longgggggg tutorials, and that is the way we described ours "direct to the point without fairy tales!!"
I noticed also that when I am on these threads . I have no patience on reading long threads, as they become boring after a while!!

just my 2 cents!!
I rest my case!!!!!!!!!
First of all, NoviceFire, sorry your thread has been hijacked. Let us know if you need more information!

Re: diamondsman

I don't think Diamondsman's posts were just out of touch with the spirit of this board but that they are actually against its policies. If the moderators agree, he could end up banned or have his posts removed.

Aside from that, I would just like to add my two cents as a consumer. I believe in freedom of speech. As long as he is not breaking a rule (which he is, but anyway), Diamondsman should be allowed to say whatever he wants. However, I do agree that an informative site would draw more interest than blanket statements about disregarding numbers and having mysterious, unknown happy customers. I am sure that every vendor who visits here hopes that increased sales will result, but I feel that if you are a person who offers valuable advise and has an informative site, this will spread without your having to assert it even once, let alone over and over.

Here are the forum's policies (don't ask me why the letters switched to numbers when I cut and pasted; only policy #5 is listed below):{84E5951B-B1D1-4B9C-B093-1C73C057828D

This forum is, above all, a place for consumer assistance and education, not advertisement. If you are a member of the trade, please follow the following post content rules:

  1. Post helpful advice.
  2. Do not make blatant commercial posts or requests to visit your website.
  3. Do not use a promotional slogan in your signature. You may sign your posts with your name, credentials and company name.
  4. Do not create fear-based doubts in consumers' minds in order to scare them into using your services.
  5. Do not mention your products or services unless requested in the thread by a consumer.
  6. The above rules also apply to private message posting and emails to the forum members.
  7. It will be the sole discretion of Pricescope and its moderators as to what constitutes an abuse of these rules. If you are not certain about the content of your post, please send a private message to the moderator prior to publishing it.
Well, I was going to stay out of this one, but I'll weigh in...I got a PM from Diamondsman that went like this:

I would go fo a 2.33 fvs2 g.i.a cert. @ 16,955.00 8.04X6.41X4.83MM.
beautiful stone,and with the balance make a 3 stone ring in platinum,with 2 side stones,
all of these would probably cost you the same as the F.I.F

IF INTERESTED CALL ME @ 800 886-1515

Pretty spammy, but it didn't bother me too badly at the time. I mean, I politely thanked him in the thread for noting that my IF stone was no different to the naked eye than a VS2 stone and that he would purchase something bigger (or weightier). Again, I think the thread set me up and the PM was supposed to be the knockout punch. I'm not saying that what he offered me was a terrible deal or anything, it was just that my response in the thread made me sound receptive. I mean, if he's not supposed to do stuff like this, then that's the moderator's call--I wasn't going to mention it.

However, I think we're kidding ourselves if we think that this site can function as a totally "neutral" safe haven for consumers. I mean, at the least, the AGA guidelines are being "sold," therefore the stones conforming to those guidelines are being sold, the companies that cater to this market niche are being sold, the appraisers linked to the pricescope site are being sold, etc. I mean, I think it's good business to operate and maintain a site such as this, which combines solid information with a sales angle. That really doesn't bother me that bad, personally--we should just realize that many of the people populating this forum do have an agenda, and while it may not be blatant, it's present nonetheless, and most of it is in the name of good old American captialism.

Sorry for the rant. And the length. I'm going to make my purchase. Thanks to everyone in the forum for their kind advice and patience...I'll be signing off.
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