
HELP! Setting Question Galore!


May 1, 2011
Please forgive me for posting this in both "Show me the Bling" and "Rocky Talky." I wasn't sure where it would get the most attention :)

So.... after a tragic issue with my recent engagement ring (poorly craftmanship in two of the channel set walls leading to diamonds leaking through the setting on the sides) my fiance and I have managed to get a refund on our money and are having the ring remade with a different local jeweler. First go around, I was totally suprised by the engagement and had zero say in my ring. Luckily, my fiance did an awesome job designing the ring even if the jeweler who made it did not. So I really do love the original setting. But I am thinking about tweaking a few things in the new and final product sense I have the ability to be a part of the design process this time and I wanted to get some opinions.

This is the link to the original setting:


First, as college students, platinum is out of our budget. So, the question becomes, 14k White Gold or 18K white gold? I currently have 18k, but I know that it is theoretically less durable. I plan on mounting the center diamond in platinum, but we cannot afford to have the entire ring made in platinum. So, which metal is better? I will be wearing this ring (and the matching wedding band) every day for the rest of my life. Opinions on this please

Second- I am thinking about adding milgrain to the sides of the channel walls and to the sides of the bezels. I like the antique feel and I think that emerald cuts typically look good in antique style rings. What do you all think? What is the durability of milgrain? Is it something that I am going to have to worry about getting damaged especially since I cannot make the ring in platinum? How do jewelers handle polishing a ring with milgrain?

I like the idea of something similar to this with milgrain on the bezels and on the channel walls....

Third- I am also thinking about adding engraving to the sides of the band (about half way around the shank). What should I expect in terms of durability in engraved jewelry. Is it feasible with White Gold? I really love the looks of engraved bands and always wanted one. I would only want the engraving to go around half the shank and not the full shank.

I like something like this even though I'm not set on any particular pattern:


Any suggestions on artistic/vintage heads for the diamond. I don't mind the traditional one that I have now, but I figured I'd ask for any inspiration.

So please... thoughts, ideas, and answers to questions super welcome.... as all of this is pretty stressful to determine on my own and I know several of you are seasoned experts. Thanks so much in advance. I know I have lots to respond to and I'm so grateful for all your help.
People seemed gaga over your ring(s) when you first posted them, so I think the original design with plat. head and 14K (harder) setting would be best. The engraving etc. sounds too busy to me, but of course DO IT if it makes your heart sing!
I LOVE your original ering and am so sorry that you've had issues with it. I can see maybe adding milgrain to the edges of the band to create a vintage feel, but I wouldn't do both milgrain and engraving....maybe too much (at least for me). As for durability, I have no idea and will leave that to the experts! Can't wait to see what you come up with!
The Jared ring engraving/milgrain is not really my style but it certainly looks vintage and is beautiful, although a bit busy. I had milgrain added to a channel cut ring and it looked beautiful and delicate. I personally think that you should pick one or the other...your ring has so many beautiful details that you want any additions to add to it rather than make it seem overdone. However, the important thing is that YOU love your ring. If you love both, than go for it!
Beautiful ring! I would have to follow the sentiments of what others have posted here, I think from a visual point of view milgrain and engraving might be a bit too much, only because your ring is so detailed to begin with. I think milgrain could be stunning and add that little bit of extra antiqueness to it. Also keep in mind that if you add engraving to the edge of the engagement ring one whole side will be covered by your wedding ring. I don't know about rubbing maybe then too? What about a thin 'top' engraved anniversary ring later on or something like that? You could always get a right hand ring later too :naughty: lol.
But of course, yes if you love both go for both! Can't wait to see the end result!
Your ring has got to be one of the prettiest I have ever seen. I am sorry you are having issues. I have to say I am a sucker for milgrained bezels, so I would go for it and I really like the engraving on the last example ring. I can't wait to see what you end up with.
I think if it were me I would just do the engraving. Good luck!
You make a good point about the wedding ring covering up one side of my engagement ring, but I forgot to mention to you, that I am having both rings remade so I have the ability to put the engraving on both rings if I wanted to. I think when I get married I will have the rings soddered together just because they do tend to swirl a bit more than I would like on my finger. Perhaps that would help in terms of wearing down the engraving? I don't know... all thoughts. Please someone else chim in :) Everything you all have to say is helpful.
thanks for the link. Does anyone have a link to what unplated 14k white gold looks like?
I'd definitely go for the millgrain, I think it would compliment the style quite nicely. It does get worn over a lifetime of wear- millgrain is easy to get touched up though.

As far as engraving, there's a caveat: there's a lot of not-so-awesome engraving out there- to be honest, there's only a small handful of vendors who's engraving I am a fan of: Victor Canera, Greenlake Jewelers and... um, a few others I forget right now :bigsmile: . I'd *definitely* look at examples of the jeweler's engraving before requesting it and just assuming it's going to be what you want. (Personally, I'm very, very particular about engraving- hopefully you're not quite as picky picky about it as I am!)

If you search Yssie's posts her SMTB thread shows an unplated WG ring; I think your I colored emerald would be smashing in unplated WG too (she has a J round brilliant). It's typically a soft cream color, off white but not yellow.
Thanks for the insight LGK... if I opted for 14k unplated white gold, what would you (or anyone else) suggest I do with the end of the emerald cut? Right now, the head it platinum. I wonder how this would look with unplated white gold, but I have heard many many times that one is better off entrusting the security of center diamond in platinum than in gold... thoughts?
Hmm. I probably wouldn't mix plat & unplated WG- too much of a color contrast I think. Or not enough of one!

The first thing that came to mind for me, in terms of a cool profile detail on the basket that wouldn't be too fussy IMO, would be to do a surprise stone if you got a basket type head- a bezeled round to echo the bezeled round on the band. A la LoveStreet's, except with a round: [URL=''][/URL]

I love that idea, as it is a beatiful design, except for one thing.... there are 26 diamonds in my engagement ring/wedding set right now for a reason.... he specifically designed it that way to begin with because we met on May 26 and we are getting married on this upcoming May 26th. I would hate to ruin the thoughtful sentimentality of his original intention just to get something that was visually appealing. I think the sentiment it more appealing. But you're right, that's a lovely idea.