I've been lurking in this site for a while and educating myself about this entire universe of diamonds.
After much consideration, I've decided to get my gf a T&C Legacy "replica" setting with an "antique" style cushion cut. I've narrowed it down to two stones, and would appreciate your feedback. The first is an "August Vintage" from GOG, and the other is a custom-cut stone from ERD that is - apparently - a prototype for a new line of ulta-high-performance antique cushions that will be formally debuting sometime in the future.
Given the more traditional style of the setting, I'm really looking for a stone with a classic/antique feel, which is how I got this far.
Stone 1 (GOG AVC):
Link: http://www.goodoldgold.com/diamond/8625/

I have attached the full AGS Report, but to pull out the most relevant bits:
Carat: 0.88
Cut: AGS 1
- AGS Light Performance: 0
- AGS Polish: 1
- AGS Symmetry: 0
Color: E
Clarity: VS1
Facet Structure:

Stone 2 (ERD Custom Cushion)
Link: http://www.engagementringsdirect.com/DiamondCushionDetails.aspx?Item=63

Again, the full AGS report is attached:
Carat: 0.93
Cut: AGS 2
- AGS Light Performance: 1
- AGS Polish: 2
- AGS Symmetry: 2
Color: G
Clarity: VVS1
Facet Structure:

I was hoping to get both side-by-side but have to be on travel for several days so I thought I would pulse this community for your thoughts. Both seem really great to me, and price difference is negligible.
I notice that the pavilion facet structures differ on these two. How is this likely o manifest with respect to the look? The ERD stone looks a bit "sharper" and more modern to my eye, but obviously I don't have it in person.
Both GOG and ERD seem to get very good reviews across the board and have been very helpful to date, which is making my decision that much more difficult.
Also - Since I am looking for a T&C Legacy replica, do you guys have any suggestions? I see that Mark at ERD does the "Heather" and both Excel Diamonds and MDC Diamonds also have a Legacy replica. Is there a consensus about any quality or customer service differences between these? Any other Legacy-replicas that get very high marks?

I've been lurking in this site for a while and educating myself about this entire universe of diamonds.
After much consideration, I've decided to get my gf a T&C Legacy "replica" setting with an "antique" style cushion cut. I've narrowed it down to two stones, and would appreciate your feedback. The first is an "August Vintage" from GOG, and the other is a custom-cut stone from ERD that is - apparently - a prototype for a new line of ulta-high-performance antique cushions that will be formally debuting sometime in the future.
Given the more traditional style of the setting, I'm really looking for a stone with a classic/antique feel, which is how I got this far.
Stone 1 (GOG AVC):
Link: http://www.goodoldgold.com/diamond/8625/

I have attached the full AGS Report, but to pull out the most relevant bits:
Carat: 0.88
Cut: AGS 1
- AGS Light Performance: 0
- AGS Polish: 1
- AGS Symmetry: 0
Color: E
Clarity: VS1
Facet Structure:

Stone 2 (ERD Custom Cushion)
Link: http://www.engagementringsdirect.com/DiamondCushionDetails.aspx?Item=63

Again, the full AGS report is attached:
Carat: 0.93
Cut: AGS 2
- AGS Light Performance: 1
- AGS Polish: 2
- AGS Symmetry: 2
Color: G
Clarity: VVS1
Facet Structure:

I was hoping to get both side-by-side but have to be on travel for several days so I thought I would pulse this community for your thoughts. Both seem really great to me, and price difference is negligible.
I notice that the pavilion facet structures differ on these two. How is this likely o manifest with respect to the look? The ERD stone looks a bit "sharper" and more modern to my eye, but obviously I don't have it in person.
Both GOG and ERD seem to get very good reviews across the board and have been very helpful to date, which is making my decision that much more difficult.
Also - Since I am looking for a T&C Legacy replica, do you guys have any suggestions? I see that Mark at ERD does the "Heather" and both Excel Diamonds and MDC Diamonds also have a Legacy replica. Is there a consensus about any quality or customer service differences between these? Any other Legacy-replicas that get very high marks?