
Help me find a Rose Cut Pear Diamond!

Also- just making sure the back of the rosecut doesn’t touch skin makes an improvement.
I've been looking at a million turtles today and am starting to figure out what advice to give. But I'll gather my ideas and let you know maybe tomorrow!
Full disclaimer, not an artist here. This was my sketch/cut out attempt:
I definitely did the left side better.
- thinned neck slightly and removed traps.
- changed front leg/fin shape to go up then out. They get wider then taper to a rounded point.
- made the back leg/fins shorter.
- changed the shape of the back legs/fins.
Newest CAD!!!


I like this one sooooo much better.

Any changes?
Make the legs & tail a little thinner, top to bottom, like the head?

I think the CAD looks pretty true to life myself!
I like the newest CAD but I think I'd make the front legs/flippers a little shorter, they look a bit too long.

DKPV2019-08-30---TURTLE---54662 --1.jpg DKPV2019-08-30---TURTLE---54662 --2.jpg DKPV2019-08-30---TURTLE---54662 --3.jpg

I love it, but there's one thing I'm unsure about... And it's how the turtle hangs on the chain. I don't think I mind it, just in my mind I wasn't expecting to see the chain feed through to the other side of the front leg. Thoughts? I feel like I might be over analyzing. I love it way more than the one by Alex.
Would it be worth asking DK to see if the chain can feed back through the front leg? Maybe if he hung in such a way that his head was facing 1.30 instead of 3 o clock, it'd look less like he's hanging on?

Or is that being too nit picky??? I don't want him to have to remake it, when it seems like such a small detail.
Do you have it already or are these DK's photos? If you don't have it, I'd wait to see how it hangs while on your neck. If you do have it, can you take photos wearing it for us?
Do you have it already or are these DK's photos? If you don't have it, I'd wait to see how it hangs while on your neck. If you do have it, can you take photos wearing it for us?

These are DKs photos, so I don't have it yet. He asked me to approve it is ready to ship. So I was thinking this would be my chance to say something if it isn't how I envisioned. But it's also true that once I'm wearing it , it could be totally fine. Maybe I could ask him to take a picture of someone wearing the necklace?
It looks beautiful @Ontheblackrock15!

If something is not 100% up to your liking, I would definitely recommend that you speak up now and not wait until you receive the necklace. DK is super accommodating, so I would voice your concern and see what he says. A picture of someone wearing it is also a good idea!
yes, ask for a picture of someone wearing it. I think that will give you your answer.
Ooooh it came out really nicely! And I love the way it hangs. When will you receive it?
That is absolutely adorable! DK will soon face a wave of turtle projects, LOL
It looks great! :kiss2:
Ahhh such sweet, beautiful turtle necklace! Can’t wait for you to receive it!
There’s zero possibility the turtle hangs like that outside of careful orchestration right before photography. Or unless the chain is soldered to the tip of the turtle’s leg.

The turtle leg comes to a soft point (arrow) - why would a chain follow a horizontal path (underlined) out to the tip of a curved leg?


It wouldn’t. Physics. Here’s what will happen:
The chain will take the shortest path - which is side-by-side crossing the part of the turtle leg where the hole is, so the only metal between the chain is whatever is between {side of hole} and {exterior of leg}:


This means that the turtle is going to tilt pretty dramatically, so nose will be either angled toward the person in front of you or buried in your chest. The way the chain is set up right now the turtle most certainly will not stay horizontal with the plane of your shirt.

Have them fix it. They should understand the problem. They shouldn’t have sent it out with such an obvious design defect. There’s probably not enough room to pull the chain back through the leg, but soldering chain to tip of leg will work. If you aren’t sure what I mean - have them take a video of it and jostle it slightly, up and down as if walking, and it’ll reorient immediately.
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It's due to arrive on Wednesday... I had a busy wonderful weekend celebrating my birthday with friends and family, so wasn't able to ask DK for a video. I'll definitely report back on how it hangs. Fingers crossed it's okay!
...And I got a missed delivery notice from UPS. I'm working from home today, so I know they didn't even knock :(2
...And I got a missed delivery notice from UPS. I'm working from home today, so I know they didn't even knock :(2
Arg, that happened to me yesterday. I called UPS to give them a piece of my mind, and left irate messages on their IG account.

I hope you do too!