
Help finding a thread


Dec 12, 2008
I've been looking for a couple days now, off and on and I'm getting irritated w/myself that I can't seem to find a thread. I even went back and skimmed thru all my posts for the last two years and couldn't find the dumb thing.

It was a thread that either started out as having to do w/makeup or evolved into having to do w/makeup. Foundation specifically I think. I wanted to go back thru it and see if it would help me find some new foundation. I am at my wits end w/my skin. I remember posting in it a couple times, and Ksinger posted about Lisa Eldridge in it..and I even searched that woman here and still didn't find the dang thread.

Anybody know what thread I'm talking about?
I was thinking about you the other day when I bought my skin products. I am pretty acne prone 40. It was really bad when I was younger. I even took accutane, along with all of the usual antibiotics and creams.

You say that you are oily and have issues with cell turnover. I do too. Back in the 80's and 90's when tanning was still acceptable, I would have tan lines until the following year when it was time to start again. I am oily, oily, oily. The weird thing is that I get oilier under extreme weather conditions, if it is very cold or very hot, I am oilier. I think this is because my skin is reactive.

Another thing... I have allergies. I am allergic to cats, dogs, pollens, molds (boy oh boy) and now I am developing food allergies because of a ragweed allergy. This family includes honeydew, kiwi, walnuts. I had a tomato burn my mouth the other day...holy crap that better not be happening! Anyway, when I was younger, I didn't know how to keep those allergies under control and my skin paid the price. I broke out because of the irritation. I learned that I had to keep my animals very clean, including my kitties (oh they LOVE it!) I also get used to MY pets. I love Allegra.

I can't use any kind of soap with a drying action. If I do, I will break out. I know that feels counterintuitive, but irritation causes breakouts with sensitive, acne-prone skin. I was taught this by a really incredible esthetician. I thought she was crazy when she first started using these gentle, non-foaming cleansers on my face, but after a few months, my face calmed down. I havent had any cysts in years. The only thing I really contend with anymore is clogged pores because I use such gentle products and I have that cell turnover issue. I have been trying the most gentle retin-a once every 10 days, and i am trying to work it up to more often.

Have you ever tried to treat your skin with kid gloves? I know of some nice gentle products and I know that there are many users on this forum who could do the same.

I have seen the skin on your back from the tattoo photos, it is that beautiful, milky fair skin. That skin tends to run on the sensitive side.

I know this isn't any help with the foundation! I have been using redness solutions by clinique...I am always red because of the sensitivity. I love the foundation. It is really gentle and does the job. I use my real techniques brush to apply it. A tiny bit goes a long way. :))
Dammit Monnie, YES that's the one. Cripes. Thank you!

If I wasn't so horribly embarrassed I'd take pictures of my skin and show you guys.

I've tried going the super gentle route and it doesn't work for me. I end up w/in a short short short period of time completely unable to smile or even really open my mouth b/c the cysts get so bad on my face, they're one on top of the other, and they are so deep, I can feel them inside my mouth w/my tongue.

Over Thanksgiving break I did a 20 micron nano peel, and then in the weeks since, I've had people look at me in complete disbelief. Some tell me, oh, well how long did it take for your skin to get this bad again after that deep of a peel? "Um..I had it done 10 days ago" and then I get :shock: :? "Oh. Wow."

I took a day off work the beginning of the month and went to the city to see a dermatologist. It was a complete joke and I don't know if I'll go back to him or not. My husband was about ready to punch him and walk out.

I did get a prescription for Aczone, which has helped, so that I have just 6-8 cysts along w/the rest of the "regular" pimples, rather than the 15-20 I had before.

I took a couple pictures in the truck Thursday of the new foundation I'd tried, b/c it was overcast and I thought it would show better, the blinding white of my neck/chest, compared to the foundation on my face and upper part of my neck--but it didn't work. I could see it in the mirror in the truck but not in the pictures, really.

I don't know why my skin is so damn weird and such a strange color apparently!

marym, ha, the first one you listed as well, is it! Now how the hell could I not find it?? Gah. I'd found all those other ones!
packrat|1451255103|3966987 said:
Dammit Monnie, YES that's the one. Cripes. Thank you!

If I wasn't so horribly embarrassed I'd take pictures of my skin and show you guys.

I've tried going the super gentle route and it doesn't work for me. I end up w/in a short short short period of time completely unable to smile or even really open my mouth b/c the cysts get so bad on my face, they're one on top of the other, and they are so deep, I can feel them inside my mouth w/my tongue.

Over Thanksgiving break I did a 20 micron nano peel, and then in the weeks since, I've had people look at me in complete disbelief. Some tell me, oh, well how long did it take for your skin to get this bad again after that deep of a peel? "Um..I had it done 10 days ago" and then I get :shock: :? "Oh. Wow."

I took a day off work the beginning of the month and went to the city to see a dermatologist. It was a complete joke and I don't know if I'll go back to him or not. My husband was about ready to punch him and walk out.

I did get a prescription for Aczone, which has helped, so that I have just 6-8 cysts along w/the rest of the "regular" pimples, rather than the 15-20 I had before.

I took a couple pictures in the truck Thursday of the new foundation I'd tried, b/c it was overcast and I thought it would show better, the blinding white of my neck/chest, compared to the foundation on my face and upper part of my neck--but it didn't work. I could see it in the mirror in the truck but not in the pictures, really.

I don't know why my skin is so damn weird and such a strange color apparently!

marym, ha, the first one you listed as well, is it! Now how the hell could I not find it?? Gah. I'd found all those other ones!

Have you true an endocrinologist? My SIL went for something completely unrelated to her face and the MD asked her about her acne. She is 40 and has been dealing with cysts and gravely textured skin for the last 5 years. Her hormone panels were all out of wack. Way too much of a couple male hormones causing all sorts of problems including the acne.
I've not. it was suggested in the thread I have on acne tho, so it's in my head to do it. It actually was probably you who suggested it haha!

I did go see my provider-the day after I had that deep peel hahaha lordamighty I looked like I was on fi-yer! And I asked about hormones, allergies, etc. She ordered blood tests and called later to tell me everything was normal and I'm not allergic to anything. I've not seen the reports tho, and I think I'll ask for copies, b/c I know from things I've seen on health websites and other places that taken at a glance, things might look normal but in actuality they are not.

She did say if I want referrals to any other providers she would give them, so yeah, I think my next step is an Endocrinologist.

The dermatologist said "well. hmm..I'm not sure what to do w/you" took some scrapings off my face, threw them away, told me Accutane is the only solution and then carped on us for not having sex and asked the nurse if she thought we had a normal marriage. Then he suggested it might be rosacea and the same treatments apply b/c they're treated the same. I said well...why wouldn't it have cleared up then? Just changing the name of what we're dealing w/doesn't solve the problem if they're "the same and have the same treatments".
Hey Packie! Glad I could help (Marymm found it, too, right after I posted). I read through the thread, and noticed that one not mentioned there was Dermablend. Have you ever tried it? If you're looking for amazing coverage, it's highly recommended, has been for years. Um, I know this because one of my friends has done drag shows forever and he swears by it. It really is great stuff. I don't use it now but when I was in high school/college, he used to do my makeup before we went out and OMG that stuff is insane.

Question re your skin: is your acne mostly around parts of your face that touch your phone when you're talking? I get breakouts around my jawline, near my mouth, especially on the side of my face I hold my phone against. Those devices are filthy little buggers and perhaps bacteria is contributing to your issues (I'm pretty certain this is what causes mine.) I'm sure the answer is not that simple, but maybe try keeping your phone wiped down with alcohol pads and using speaker as much as possible if you use your phone to talk a lot as it could be a factor. P.S. that dermatologist sounds like an idiot!
Products like Dermablend give a heavy coverage they also block your pores which in turn creates more issues if you have acne, so it works well if it is for occasional use but will create more problems if you use it all the time.

I agree with the Lisa Eldridge suggestions she is a worldwide makeup guru this video has specific suggestions that might work for you;

I used to own a makeup company and had makeup artists that custom blended foundations, the only two products I would add to Lisa's list are Prescriptives foundations;

And some of Pola's two way cakes are O.K too.
packrat|1451255103|3966987 said:
Dammit Monnie, YES that's the one. Cripes. Thank you!

If I wasn't so horribly embarrassed I'd take pictures of my skin and show you guys.

I've tried going the super gentle route and it doesn't work for me. I end up w/in a short short short period of time completely unable to smile or even really open my mouth b/c the cysts get so bad on my face, they're one on top of the other, and they are so deep, I can feel them inside my mouth w/my tongue.

Over Thanksgiving break I did a 20 micron nano peel, and then in the weeks since, I've had people look at me in complete disbelief. Some tell me, oh, well how long did it take for your skin to get this bad again after that deep of a peel? "Um..I had it done 10 days ago" and then I get :shock: :? "Oh. Wow."

I took a day off work the beginning of the month and went to the city to see a dermatologist. It was a complete joke and I don't know if I'll go back to him or not. My husband was about ready to punch him and walk out.

I did get a prescription for Aczone, which has helped, so that I have just 6-8 cysts along w/the rest of the "regular" pimples, rather than the 15-20 I had before.

I took a couple pictures in the truck Thursday of the new foundation I'd tried, b/c it was overcast and I thought it would show better, the blinding white of my neck/chest, compared to the foundation on my face and upper part of my neck--but it didn't work. I could see it in the mirror in the truck but not in the pictures, really.

I don't know why my skin is so damn weird and such a strange color apparently!

marym, ha, the first one you listed as well, is it! Now how the hell could I not find it?? Gah. I'd found all those other ones!
:-( I read about your situation and I can't help but think that someday you will find a doctor who will see you and instantly know what to do and you will curse all of these other doctors for being so incompetent.

A friend of a friend had implants put in. She got a horrible staph (actually, I think it was MRSA) infection from the surgery. This infection went on for two years and nothing her doctors prescribed worked to cure the infection. Finally she gave up on them and went to see a naturopath. She was cured within weeks. We have found in my family that herbal medicine has worked much better than conventional medicine for many issues, not all issues, but many. I would never address anything serious without the guidance of an expert.

Also, I have been tossing around the idea of trying azelaic acid. It is indicated for Rosacea and Acne, kills P.Acne and Staph, and it also helps with cell turnover.

Rosacea and Acne are definitely NOT treated the same. If you have rosacea, you have to be so gentle with your skin. Just hop on over to any rosacea forum and you will see.

Did the laser peel do any good at all? Are you looking younger or smoother in any way?

I hope you can find a foundation you like! I am always on the hunt because I am so red, and oily. Someday I will get a laser treatment to get rid of all the redness, but I always have something else to spend my money on...
Monnie, not really only where my phone would rest. (well, and the fact that it's been going on so long) I have a complete aversion to the phone and only talk on it if it's absolutely necessary. Now we have iPhones and it feels weird on my ear so I avoid it even more!

I have wondered about Dermablend-I remember seeing a thing on HSN or QVC many years ago about it, but at the time I was tanning and on Accutane and BC pills so my skin wasn't too bad. It's been in the back of my mind for a long time, but I've always worried about clogging my pores. (like Arkie mentioned) And I don't know if there is a shade that works for weird pasty pink-white Swedish skin. I saw a youtube video, time lapse, w/a guy who was completely covered in tattoos and a team came in and dolled him all up w/Dermablend and you couldn't see a trace of ink. It was pretty neat.

I've got some samples coming from...Lily Something like that. And I've been looking on Pinterest for foundation for pale skin and there's been some that verge on white, so maybe something along those lines will be pale enough. Then it's just a matter of figuring out how to cover the red cysts I guess.