
Help find Chubb insurance in Ohio - (elmo/Cind11 any agent suggestions)

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Dec 14, 2008
I would appreciate any help anyone has in finding a Chubb agent that will issue me a stand alone insurance policy for a valuable item (engagement ring) I purchased. The ring was purchased just shy of $5k and I am located in Ohio, I have not had it appraised yet (should the appraisal value be listed or purchase price?)

I have called 10+ agents listed on Chubb''s website near Cincinnati and none will issue me a stand alone policy. They state it needs to be attached to a renter/home owners. I looked at Touchstone but the item needs to be 10k in value so this will not work.

Cind11 stated in a recent posted that they had a stand along policy with an agent in Ohio but I did not see an option to PM Cind11 to see if the agents name could be shared with me. (I can provide an e-mail address to send the information to if required.)
2008 Post

Also, way back in 2003 elmo posted that PLI Brokerage would cover but they are no w HUB International Limited and I am not sure if they are still a subsidiary Chubb.
2003 Post

If Chubb does not pan out (from the sounds of this post, it sounds like they might not be writing for <10k in jewelry, perhaps a few years down the road I will have that...) I am looking at Jewelers Mutual (recommended by many on PS) and Gemshield (recommended by my Jeweler). Any thoughts on the two. I called them and JM requires an appraisal while Gemshield will take a form filled out by the jeweler. Any advantages / disadvantages to these?

Thanks again for any help that can be provided, everyone was great help in aiding me in selecting my center stone.
You can't email/PM here, sorry.

And I think Chubb does have a 10k minimum, but not 100% sure on that.

Many of us have JM and are very happy. I recently damaged my ering (last year) and had to make a claim. It was absolutely painless and I was able to work with my preferred vendor very easily. If you know you will replace the ring (rather than wanting cash) JM is the way to go IMO. Very good prices and super easy to work with. The cash payout is the only reason some people prefer Chubb which isn't really an issue if you know you'll replace the ring.
Thanks for the info. Yes, I will definitely be replacing the ring and wanting to use the local jeweler that custom designed it and still has the wax mold (also wanting them to re-order an AGS0 princess cut stone for the center if it is lost/stolen).

Was your insured through JM at the purchase cost or appraisal cost? As I stated I have not gotten it appraised yet so I do not know if these two prices will significantly differ.
I have Chubb homeowners/auto/boat/jewelry. They include $5000 with no deductible in their homeowners - it sounds like that would work for you if you switched your homeowners/renters to Chubb. I've had 2 claims - a pair of earrings $1600 and house dammage $40,000 and they were so easy too work with and quick both times - just my 2cents.
I have jewelers mutual and I am happy with it though I''ve never filed a claim. The cost varies state to state but runs around $10 per thousand of coverage. I believe it''s alot cheaper than chubb. I''ve never heard anything negative on here about them either.
Date: 2/24/2009 11:20:20 AM
Author: Saint0453
Thanks for the info. Yes, I will definitely be replacing the ring and wanting to use the local jeweler that custom designed it and still has the wax mold (also wanting them to re-order an AGS0 princess cut stone for the center if it is lost/stolen).

Was your insured through JM at the purchase cost or appraisal cost? As I stated I have not gotten it appraised yet so I do not know if these two prices will significantly differ.

I insured mine for the "retail" price (which was a tad more than the purchase price to account for inflation), but my appraisal was also from the vendor who made the ring and I asked him to do retail pricing rather than inflated.
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