I would appreciate any help anyone has in finding a Chubb agent that will issue me a stand alone insurance policy for a valuable item (engagement ring) I purchased. The ring was purchased just shy of $5k and I am located in Ohio, I have not had it appraised yet (should the appraisal value be listed or purchase price?)
I have called 10+ agents listed on Chubb''s website near Cincinnati and none will issue me a stand alone policy. They state it needs to be attached to a renter/home owners. I looked at Touchstone but the item needs to be 10k in value so this will not work.
Cind11 stated in a recent posted that they had a stand along policy with an agent in Ohio but I did not see an option to PM Cind11 to see if the agents name could be shared with me. (I can provide an e-mail address to send the information to if required.)
2008 Post
Also, way back in 2003 elmo posted that PLI Brokerage would cover but they are no w HUB International Limited and I am not sure if they are still a subsidiary Chubb.
2003 Post
If Chubb does not pan out (from the sounds of this post, it sounds like they might not be writing for <10k in jewelry, perhaps a few years down the road I will have that...) I am looking at Jewelers Mutual (recommended by many on PS) and Gemshield (recommended by my Jeweler). Any thoughts on the two. I called them and JM requires an appraisal while Gemshield will take a form filled out by the jeweler. Any advantages / disadvantages to these?
Thanks again for any help that can be provided, everyone was great help in aiding me in selecting my center stone.
I have called 10+ agents listed on Chubb''s website near Cincinnati and none will issue me a stand alone policy. They state it needs to be attached to a renter/home owners. I looked at Touchstone but the item needs to be 10k in value so this will not work.
Cind11 stated in a recent posted that they had a stand along policy with an agent in Ohio but I did not see an option to PM Cind11 to see if the agents name could be shared with me. (I can provide an e-mail address to send the information to if required.)
2008 Post
Also, way back in 2003 elmo posted that PLI Brokerage would cover but they are no w HUB International Limited and I am not sure if they are still a subsidiary Chubb.
2003 Post
If Chubb does not pan out (from the sounds of this post, it sounds like they might not be writing for <10k in jewelry, perhaps a few years down the road I will have that...) I am looking at Jewelers Mutual (recommended by many on PS) and Gemshield (recommended by my Jeweler). Any thoughts on the two. I called them and JM requires an appraisal while Gemshield will take a form filled out by the jeweler. Any advantages / disadvantages to these?
Thanks again for any help that can be provided, everyone was great help in aiding me in selecting my center stone.