
Healthy Living Thread


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, yes that white stuff materialized. I think it's about 4-5 inches but with drifts it is hard to know for sure. Yes, we have a long way to go. Only 5 more months or so. :lol:
Glad your local women's march went well. The one here was well attended even in the cold and snow.
I think it is a good thing to discuss and explore what other people think. It sounds like TR based his vote on what he thought was the best direction for the country; not some sinister; bigoted or misogynistic reason. I have friends of all political persuasions and my view on politics is always "clowns on the left, jokers on the right; here we are stuck in the middle again".

Rod, I am glad one of us is enjoying warm and sunny weather. It's obviously you instead of me though. Chicken and mac and cheese sound great. I haven't made homemade mac and cheese for years; since Marty isn't eating much pasta I'd have mac and cheese lunches for weeks. That wouldn't be that bad though, right?

We stayed in all day because the world looked white, cold and icy. Sadly I have to venture out to work in the morning. I made homemade beef noodle soup for lunch and have 2 cups left for lunches this week. We also indulged in a mini cheesecake for dessert.

We rented Blade Runner 2049 last night. Not my favorite type of movie but it wasn't bad. We've been watching the NFL playoff games today.
I got all of the laundry done; Marty should find a laundry service in California so he doesn't bring home so many dirty clothes. Ha Ha. I was laughing when I was hanging up his shirts; he always asks me which color I like and every shirt he has that fits him right now is some shade of blue. He good wedding ring is almost fitting him again. I don't get the bulking up and cutting theory but I guess that is what strength training does. Sadly when he lost all that weight to begin with he threw out most of his clothes.

Take care.
Curby Snowbound


Feb 27, 2007
Rod, I missed your earlier post. I was delighted to see a teenager show up at the meeting interested in astronomy. There is a local junior high school teacher that really does a lot with his students in astronomy so we occasionally get someone in the club who's interest was sparked by him. If our club had more people we would do public star parties; that really generates interest in the club.
Glad you enjoyed a nice movie at the theater. Our local theater just recently remodeled and put in power leather recliners. They are really nice. I might go to the movies more often. I usually wait for them to come out on PPV since I can watch them for free; I'm cheap and my popcorn is better.
It does sound like your body might want more iron. As a kid I always wanted liver; my sisters would give me the death glare when I suggested it. As I got older though I didn't like it.


Dec 28, 2005
Marcy, I'm sorry it's so cold and snowy. It was simply a beautiful day down here. Sunny, blue skies, low 70s and no humidity. I did home projects today. I guess the cold took a toll on the grout in our master shower, which does happen to be on an outside wall. It cracked in a few places. Nothing serious, but when I noticed it, I couldn't not see it. So, I got in there and took the grout out (no easy task mind you) and re-grouted. I didn't want to caulk it, and we have enough grout from when the house was built that I could likely grout a few master bathrooms and then some.

Then I moved to the spa and scrubbed the sides down, put the weekly spa chemicals in and decided it was time to replace the replaceable filter, which wasn't as much a chore as I imagined. Then we went to the grocery store and got what we needed for dinner.

The homemade mac and cheese was simply terrific! The chicken came out great and Charlie also made a fresh cucumber, sweet onion and tomato salad. Yummm. This morning Charlie baked sugar cookies. I've been trying to avoid sweets since the new year, but how could I resist a freshly baked cookie. I simply couldn't.

After dinner, our next door neighbor came over for a cookie and glass of wine. He's a great neighbor and we usually get together at least once a week.

I don't want to go to work tomorrow, but alas, I must. I don't envy you driving on snowy streets to work, so I'll count myself lucky that my commute is short (we live 3 miles from my office) and it will be clear and sunny. Tomorrow it's supposed to be 80 degrees!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, clowns on the left, jokers on the right is about how I feel most of the time with all this. And five more months... Bite your tongue child!

Rod, did you use one of those sharp triangular tools to get the old grout out or a dremel? I need to do a little grout replacement in my master shower but I'm still considering my options (a year later, LOL).

Yesterday I did the balance of the cow bag lady's accounting with the exception of a sorting that needs to happen so I can confirm consistency with certain things. I decided that would be easier here with two big screens than on my tiny laptop so I'll do it some time today. Then I went up to TR's. It was crazy foggy and I honestly probably shouldn't have done it (or certainly not at the speed I did, in retrospect). Thank god for GPS because you couldn't see the signs until you were pretty much right under them. I think I ran at least one stop sign between getting off the highway and TR's house because I literally couldn't see them, but there really were no other cars out. This morning the commute in was three hours... yes, really, three hours. Two accidents, one by him and one closer to the city. The good news is there wasn't anything on my calendar until 10 so it was OK, but UGH!


Dec 28, 2005
Three hours???? He'd better be worth it. LOL No, I didn't use a dremel or anything fancy. Just an old fashioned screw driver and some elbow grease, did the trick.

It was foggy here this morning as well, but nothing like what you described. It's going to hit at least 80 degrees today. Yay!!

You can see I'm really into work this morning as I'm writing you. NOT!

Is it 5:30 yet? :lol:


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I feel that way all the time. Sad but true. Your drive to TR and back sounds scary. Glad you made it safely in both directions. Marty took me to work today and I can't say I was sorry he did. I might ask for Marty's Uber service again tomorrow.

Rod, enjoy that warm weather for me. That was a good idea to do the grout again in the master shower. I totally get that - once you see it you will always look at it and keep thinking "I need to fix that". So you may as well do it and do it right. Well done, Sir. It sounds like you accomplished a lot of chores this weekend. Tell Charlie to send a cookie my way; I am hungry for sugar cookies. Maybe I'll get mine made this weekend.

We ended up with about 7 inches of snow and lots of wind. The loop I take around town to get to work was really drifted and icy but Marty took me in this morning and picked me up tonight. I'll see if I can talk him in to going to dinner tomorrow night and providing his chauffeur service again. I know he won't mind but we will see.

Work was busy today. I am working on updating our procedures / process book so it will be ready next week when we have our team meeting. Time will tell how they react to their new responsibilities and less micro management. My boss definitely believes in sink or swim.

I had some leftover soup for lunch which hit the spot on this chilly day. I am baking a potato and mini meat loaf for supper. I ate my raw veggies already. I was hungry.

Take care.


Dec 28, 2005
I tried to work today, but found it almost impossible. For one thing, my jobs all have candidates interviewing and I just don't have any jobs that aren't as we say, covered. I set up a bunch of interviews, then spent the rest of the day playing on the net and helping people with iPhone issues on the Apple Discussions forum.

7 inches of the white stuff is too much. Smart idea having the Marty Uber service take you too and from work. I'm sure he'll agree to help you tomorrow, especially if the roads are still icy.

I don't envy you having to create new processes and procedures for annual meetings. We don't have anything formal at all in my office of misfit recruiters. We don't even have an HR organization. There are no limits whatsoever. And the rules change on a whim. But I have to ask you. You work to create these procedures, but do they actually get followed? Of is it just a motion you have to go through?

Dinner was a full repeat of last nights dinner. We had enough chicken left over to make chicken salad, which is what I'll take for tomorrows lunch on toasted sourdough with Swiss Cheese and a Fuji Apple for desert.

Stay warm tomorrow.........


Feb 27, 2007
Rod, I hate days like that where you have to find things to keep busy. At least you set up a lot of interviews.
I am with you that 7 inches of snow is too much. I'm not worried my car will get through the snow; I'm worried about that idiot behind me stopping. If they slide in to the bumper of the pickup it will hurt their car more than it will hurt the truck.
It's nice your company is not that formal with procedures but that's not good the rules can change on a whim. Our last company was very procedure happy. I haven't got a feeling yet for the company we are with now. As for my employees; that has been one of their problems is not following procedures. I did ask my boss today about letting my team fail; he is with me I should stop that but only at the last minute. The biggest change we are doing is assigning a specific task to a person for the entire month. They will have to handle it all and be responsible for it if something goes wrong. Two of them will struggle because they always need help getting their work done. I am lifting the requirement they turn in task sheets, use check lists and notify me of issues or errors they found and fixed. I told my boss these lists and procedures have been added to, altered, and implemented over the years to protect them from themselves. It's time to throw it all out and see how they do without me hovering and helping. Like Dee Jay said people are often micro managed out of necessity. Time will tell if I was wrong to try to keep them from failing. Marty has been telling me for years I need to let them fail. They really complained about me micro managing them and they aren't allowed to grow or take on new challenges. Be careful what you ask for, right? If they excel with this maybe I'll be out of a job. Who knows?


Feb 27, 2007
Rod your lunch tomorrow sounds divine. Mm.


Dec 28, 2005
Marcy, I'm not a big believer that procedures actually help people excel in any way shape or form. People excel because they want to and they've been empowered to excel. There's an old saying, "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." People aren't that different. If they've been trained well and given the necessary tools, it's up to them to be successful and those who aren't or won't use what's been given to them, should find another line of work. Personally, I will never ever ever work in a micro-managed environment. Thankfully, my office is so far removed from that it's actually funny. Oh and I really only have to work for 3 more years and 2 months - not that I'm counting! LOL


Feb 27, 2007
I agree with you Rod. I am sure hopeful this will encourage my employees to step up and shine.

The countdown has begun for your retirement. Cool.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kids!

Rod, I'm "retiring" March 5, 2030. That's the day I turn 59-1/2 so I can access my retirement funds without penalty. It's a Tuesday and there WILL be a party! You and Charlie and Marcy and Marty will of course have to be there! ("Retiring" for me means that I will no longer make life decisions for financial reasons. I may--and likely will-- keep on working in some capacity, but if so only because I want to.) I just did the date calculator... 4,425 days. Ugh. Maybe I shouldn't have done that...

Curby, I'm always afraid of the people on the road around me more than I am afraid of my own driving in the snow. You can also tell the people who grew up somewhere else because at the first flake they turn into the absolute worst drivers ever. Ever. But yet they insist on venturing out... ??? If you can't drive in the snow PLEASE stay home; it will be best for all of us!

Last night I went home at a normal time and did not much... A load of laundry, put a few things away, but that was about it. I was kind of tired from staying at TR's the night before so it was nice to go to bed early. Of course then I wide awake from 5 to 6 this morning, but fell back asleep until 7. I should have just gotten up. Today I've got three training sessions and a bunch of annual certifications to look through. These annual processes are relatively mind numbing at times. Oh well, somebody's got to do it and last time I checked that someone was ME.

Alright kids, off to do something productive!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Happy to report my commute in from TR's this morning was only about two hours as opposed to three the other morning, LOL. At least he sends me on my way with a cup of coffee.

Today I am committed to plowing through the rest of the certifications (that my peeps have turned in so far anyway), I've got Big Bros/Bis Sisters late afternoon, and after that I have to go see the shoe store lady. It ain't gonna be pretty... And I'm afraid she's gonna cry (again). I don't really know what to do when women cry... ???

OK, another cup of coffee and then certifications, here I come!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, at least you have a plan for your retirement date. I'll mark it on my calendar - Party at Dee Jay's!
There are certainly a lot of idiot drivers around that don't know how to drive on snow.
Darn those annual processes rolling around again - but hey you've only got 13 more to go. :lol:
That's nice of TR to get you on the road with a cup of coffee.
I'm always at a loss of what to do with someone who starts crying. Three of my employees occasionally do that. Joy!

I used Marty Uber again yesterday and then we went out for dinner. We split a bottle of wine and I admit to committing alcohol abuse; that last inch or so of wine wasn't going down. Marty manned up and finished it for me. After supper we went to Hobby Lobby and wandered around the store.

I worked up revising our procedures today so got everything printed out since the printer seemed oddly silent at about 3:30. I hate to hog the printer that much when the morning rush is on.

Take care.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, LOL on pointing out that I only have 13 more annual processes to go, ha ha! Maybe that is the number I should put on a post it note on the side of my screen rather than the 4,000 + days I have to go!

Yesterday I did Big Brothers/Big Sisters and then went back up to the office and stayed until about eight going through stuff. I figured I either had to do it yesterday or Monday, and since I didn't really have anything to do last night I just plowed through. Of course there will still be OTHER stuff to do on Monday, but at least not THIS. I find that I work a lot more since that the CB is gone. He used to pick me up every night from the office with dinner waiting, but now I have no qualms about saying, gee, I think I'll just do this one more thing...

Today I need to finish the shoe lady's accounting and set up appointments for my client on Sunday. I am also hoping to have a big catch-up lunch with my neighbor since I haven't talked to her in ages. That would all require me getting out of bed first though... ugh. And tonight the plan is to see TR.

Alright, shower, here I come!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, 13 does sound way better than 4000 something.
Did you get a new little sister?
Phooey you work later now, you'll have to knock that off. Marty used to have dinner waiting for me before he started his gym and strength training. Now it's fend for myself. Darn.
Did you catch up with your neighbor? I had my weekly meet my friend for lunch today. Fun times.

Not much new here. I have to get up early tomorrow because we are dropping Marty's pickup off for an oil change then dropping him off at home and then I'll head to work. I should get off work at 3 pm tomorrow so at least I'll have a short day.

I just spent over $200 on Amazon. That darn prime makes me order things I could easily pick up at the store. Over $100 of it was for 2 water filters for the refrigerator. Then I had to get some more vanilla lip smackers and some Neutrogena hand creme. Marty ordered a stainless steel drink shaker for his protein shakes. Those plastic shakers get very nasty smelling (for 2 reasons the protein shakes stink anyway and Marty doesn't always rinse them out).

We watched some classic funny movies tonight. Uncle Buck and Grumpy Old Men.
Take care.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Friday kids!

Curby, Amazon is the devil! I used to go on there and just order sh!t because I could. I got mad at them and cancelled my prime subscription so no I don't do that. My neighbors noticed when my package delivery dropped off, LOL. I did get a new Little and she's just as awesome as my last one -- maybe more so! I've totally lucked out with this program because some people have ended up with fVcked up kids. It can be a little heartbreaking.

So I did have lunch with my neighbor yesterday, but not until about 3:30. That meant no dinner, but it turned out fine because I came out to TR's and then he and I went out for a few drinks with friends of his. I think I'm being exhibited to a select few to see if I'm acceptable, ha ha. Right now I'm still here because there was no point going back into the city with horrible morning traffic. I just made nine showing requests for Sunday and I'm working through the rest of the shoe lady's accounting, so I've got plenty to do. We're going to have lunch and then I'll head back into the city. His two dogs are here keeping me company!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Saturday kids!

Yesterday TR came home at lunch and took me on a tour of his town (which is about 70 miles north of me and that I'd only been to one other time before meeting him). Then I headed home via a suburb that was kind of on the way because I had to get the emission test for my car (do you have those Curby and Rod?). Once I got home I Sat Myself Down And Finished The Damn Accounting. Well almost... I finished going through all of the transactions for 2017, which is the vast majority of it. There is still some analysis to be done, but at least the large mechanical part of it is finished. And I went to bed blissfully early and slept like a baby!

I've got sheets in the washer already while I have my coffee and PS. Off to the shower soon and then the TR and I are going to have an adventure in the morning and watched a movie--or MovieS--in the afternoon. Keep in mind I haven't seen a movie in literally 20 years so this will ALSO be an adventure. Oy. I forgot about all the things that go along with dating someone new...

Alright! Let the day officially BEGIN!


Dec 28, 2005
Hey and Happy Saturday,

I've got your retirement party marked DeeJay. I hope they let us leave the home in 2030 to attend!! LOL. And you're stoked that the commute was only 2 hours? Sorry, but that's cray cray. That dude needs to move closer to you. Yes he does.

Marcy, glad to see winter is still messing with you. I have to stay off Amazon Prime, EXCEPT when I'm top biller for the month as they give us our bonuses in Amazon rewards. That's when I go there and have some fun. Unfortunately, this isn't my month. A member on my team finally had a better month than me. But I'm happy for him.

Today was Gasparilla. I know I've written about this in years past. If we were younger, we'd likely go, but it's just a huge bash, with beads, boobs and booze. Charlie had to work from 8 to noon this morning. I took him because Pottery Barn is too close to the parade and he was sure when he got off, traffic would be backed up in every direction. Fortunately, it's 1 mile from home, so he walked home. We had pancakes and sausage for lunch. No pancake mixes for us, we learned long ago, homemade pancakes rock and are actually so simple to make.

We've embarked on a project to upgrade the hidden hinges on all the cabinets in the house to be soft close. Buying them online. Easy. Installing and adjusting them? Yikes, not so easy. But we're half way through the kitchen, though I must admit there were a few cross words lobbed in the middle of this.

All we managed to do was slip out get some cat food and what to cook for dinner. Jumbo lump crab cakes and nice big salad with a homemade dressing. Yumm. Tomorrow we're getting together with my brother and SIL for dinner. I don't feel like cooking, so we're going out for an Italian dinner.

We're Netflixing Moms Night Out. It's a hoot.

Have a great rest of your weekend.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, so when you said you went on a tour that stupid Gilligan’s Island theme song went off in my head. I hope you enjoyed the tour. Our state quit doing emissions test maybe 40 years ago. The wind takes care of any car emissions. Ha Ha. Yeah for finishing the damn accounting. So far I have one of my necessary tax forms. I still have no idea how well Marty has tracked his business expenses; he sure doesn’t have any income.
Good deal getting your sheets washed today.
So are you and TR going to the movie or watching one at his place? I rent movies all the time but only because the price is right. Right now I have on Geostorm. Not impressed.

Rod, you are glad to see winter is still messing with me? I know you are glad it’s out west and not visiting your neck of the woods.
That’s nice to get Amazon rewards at work. It seems like you can find almost anything on there.
I do recall hearing about annual huge bash and I’m with you - I’d avoid it too. I love your description of it too. It’s nice Charlie can easily walk home from work.
I agree homemade pancakes are the best. I went out for breakfast this morning and had a Belgian waffle with whip cream and strawberries.
You’ll enjoy the soft close hinges but sadly things usually don’t turn out to be easy and of course a few colorful metaphors must be uttered in the process.
An Italian dinner sounds great. I have Wednesday off this week and might go enjoy lunch at an Italian restaurant.

Marty got up about 4 and left by 4:30 this morning. There were an accident in the mountains so he took a mountain pass to get around it. He said it was very pretty up there. He and his sister and company enjoyed the snow tubing. He said it was very safe. I’d been giving him a hard time about how dangerous that was to do. He is about an hour out from home according to my stalking app.
My cleaning lady had to leave an hour early but amazingly she got everything done. Makes me wonder why she can’t do that all the time.
My sister and BIL got to town about the time she left so I met them for lunch then we came back here to visit. She picked up another one of her sapphires rings from the jeweler downtown. It is really pretty. The sapphire is something she found in a gem tailings bag and had cut. It’s a teal blue color.
I made snickerdoodles for work on Monday and then had popcorn for supper.
I did get most of my laundry done so I’ll be bored when Marty heads to DIA tomorrow because my weekend chores are done.

Take care.
Curby / Marcy


Feb 27, 2007
Here is a picture of my sister's ring. It is YG with diamond accents (a Stuller setting). I'd say the sapphire is about 5 x 7 mm.



Dec 28, 2005
Marcy, I realize I said I'm happy to see winter is still with you. That's what I get for typing and watching a movie at the same time. It was supposed to be I'm sorry winter is still with you. Just had to clarify that. Forgive me?


Feb 27, 2007
No worries Rod - I figured that is what you meant but I was just checking. :lol:


Dec 28, 2005
Thanks! :oops:


Feb 27, 2007
Rod, I am totally willing to share winter with you!


Dec 28, 2005
While that is most generous of you, I must decline your gracious offer!!


Feb 27, 2007
Okay fine, Rod but don't say I didn't offer.


Dec 28, 2005
Trust me, I won't! LOL


Feb 27, 2007
Ha Ha. Look what I found on FB.

Screen Shot 2018-01-28 at 12.43.16 PM.png


Feb 27, 2007
Good morning Kids! Happy Sunday.

Marty is on his way to the airport and then he'd headed back to LA.

I am baking some cheese raviolis for lunch and have no other plans for today. Probably just watch movies and work on my scarf. It is snowing again but that's not expected to last long. Maybe I'll try to finish a book I'm reading. I am sure my relaxing Sunday will zip by way too fast.

Take care.
Curby / Marcy
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