
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 2nd March till 8th March

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Feb 27, 2007

Hi everyone.Grandma isn’t doing very well.They moved her to the hospital yesterday.We went up last night and she wasn’t breathing very well but seemed okay.Something her nurse said bothered me though – she said something about her not looking too well and that her wishes are to not revive her.I thought that a bit drastic but she must have known more than we did.This morning Marty’s mom called saying Lucille’s brother had been up to see her today and he called them saying he didn’t think she was going to make it.We were actually on our way up there and found they have her on this awful machine that is blowing 100% oxygen in to her lungs.It is very uncomfortable – she is crying.Her oxygen level was at 70% when they put her on it.It should be at 90%.We did talk to a doctor and he said if her wishes weren’t do not revive she’d be in ICU with breathing tubes.He said she has a large hiatal hernia that is pushing on her lungs, she has fluid on one side and that lung is failing.Marty’s folks are flying in tonight and we are going down to pick them up.Poor Marty doesn’t deal well with this kind of thing.I am glad his folks are coming home though.

Skippy, I thought your taxes were done already so glad to hear they weren’t stressing you out.Thanks for the well wishes for grandma.

Kimi, I am too cheap to pay for a gym when I can do other things for free so I am with you on that.Thank you too for thinking of grandma.

Well, take care.I don’t know when I’ll be checking in again.




Nov 24, 2006
Marcy, you, your grandma and family are in my prayers.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 3/7/2009 4:06:21 PM
Author: Skippy123
Marcy, you, your grandma and family are in my prayers.
Ditto Marcy.

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Marcy, I am so sorry to hear of Marty''s grandma. I am sending lots of prayers and dust her way, and also to you, Marty and his family. Please know I am thinking of all of you.

Love, Linda


Nov 18, 2004
Date: 3/7/2009 4:54:15 PM
Author: Linda W
Marcy, I am so sorry to hear of Marty''s grandma. I am sending lots of prayers and dust her way, and also to you, Marty and his family. Please know I am thinking of all of you.

Love, Linda
Me too. I will be praying for her Marcy. Sending healing dust her way. HUGS.


Jul 22, 2007
Marcy~ You and your family are in my prayers. May God bless you with strength and comfort during this time.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Hey everyone! It was so beautiful today so we took a 2 mile walk. Then T and I played outside all morning. I feel like today (when I was getting dressed) I might have noticed a positive change in my body. Of course I just ate my weight in cheese dip so who knows how I''ll look tomorrow!

Skippy, I still haven''t tried 30 min shred. I need to!

Marcy, how fun Marty is taking the class too! Sorry to hear about your grandma! You are all in my thoughts.

Muse, I thought about getting a trainer after I had my baby but chickened out. Haha.

Lor, it feels good to be sore from working out. Then you know you are doing some good!

lliang, it was almost 80 here today and I highly enjoyed it!

Kimberly, yay for your walk! Gyms are expensive but the cost actually motivates me to go. Plus I am really liking the classes.


Nov 29, 2004
Marcy, I''m praying for Marty''s grandma.


Dec 28, 2005
Hey.......we got in kind of late last night, so I didn''t get a chance to check in. It was a long work day as usual. I got home just in time to freshen up and head right back out to meet our friends at the Chinese restaurant for dinner. While we don''t usually go for Chinese, I must admit it was good. Really expensive, but good. We had hot and sour soup and we shared 3 entres. Charlie and our friends each had one glass of wine and I had one TsingTau beer and the bill with tip was over $160 for the 4 of us. Like I said, it was good, but waaay too expensive. Today was just about the most beautiful day you could ask for. It was sunny, with perfect blue skies, about 80 for a high and low humidity. We enjoyed breakfast on the terrace. Charlie gave me a haircut, then we went to a brand new deili that opened near us. It was amazing. I had a corned beef on rye with mustard and it was just terrific. Charlie had a grilled turkey with coleslaw and guacamole on homemade bread that was to die for. Then I had my car washed, followed by coffee under the oak. We didn''t hit the gym till 4 PM, but we worked out really hard. I really do enjoy it more when Charlie''s there as we can push each other and spot each other which allows us to do more free weights than we might do alone. We had sushi for dinner, so it''s been an Asian weekend for sure. Charlie''s working tomorrow and I have to be out of the condo tomorrow afternoon because we have a showing. I don''t think I''m going to the gym though. I worked my legs pretty hard and since I''ve been having pain in my right leg, I need to let it relax. I''ll probably just hang at Sbucks under the oak...........

Marcy, I''m so sorry to hear about Grandma. Charlie and I have her, you, Marty and his family in our prayers. Cyber hugs to you all. Life isn''t fair. We should be born old and get younger on our lifes journey, like Benjamin Button.

Lliang, if we ever come to Chicago, you''ll have to cook some authentic chinese for us!!

Steph, wasn''t it just the most beautiful day today??!! It''s day''s like this, that we''re so grateful to live in the Sunshine State!!

Hey dear Skippy.......I''m glad you got such a great workout the other night. Sore is a good thing and I think it''s great you''re going to make it a weekly regular date. Sorry about the 1/2 bag of chips, but sometimes chips can be such a treat!!

Museikchik, it''s nice to see you back and yay for continuing to work out!

How nice that you got to relieve some stress with the massage you got for V-day apple!

Yay for your 4th workout this week Tacori!!

Hey Kimberly!

Hey Lisa.........I hope all''s well with you!!

You too Linda!!

Sorry if I missed anyone. I hope everyone had a great Saturday and your Sunday is terrific.

I''ll check in tomorrow night...........

Don''t forget to set your clocks ahead an hour tonight..........


Mar 16, 2005
Hey, guys. Quick check in. Yesterday was such a nice day. I went for an early morning workout...I was resting my muscles from the day before so I just did cardio. Did 30 mins on the elliptical and 30 mins on the treadmill to change things up a bit. My legs are really sore this morning from all the running, so that is a good thing. Then we had a great day out and about enjoying this lovely weather. We went out to lunch, shopping and then to BJs to pick up lots of fresh fruits and a few other things. I'm not sure what we're going to do today, but I'm sure we will be outside to enjoy the beautiful weather again. Everyone have a great Sunday!

Skippy, your sports challenge class sounds like a great workout. Sorry the taxes were so stressful...I stress eat too, I'm really not sure why but it just makes you feel better to eat something salty or something chocolatly.

Rod, yes it was sooo beautiful out yesterday and it looks like another great day. I'm hoping all the cold weather has passed along now and we are in for nice warm weather for a while!

Marcy, Marty's grandmother is in my thoughts. I hope she has a speedy recovery.

Tacori, you are doing awesome with your workouts! We had cheese dip yesterday when we went out for Mexican. We hardly ever have it anymore, so it was a treat and I enjoyed every bite!

Kimberly, I am the same way with wanting to workout outside when the weather is nice. I am probably going to go on a walk/run here today outside instead of the gym because it is so beautiful out today. Hope you're doing well!

Hey, Linda, Kaleigh, Somthingshiny, Apple, Lling, Lorelei and anyone else I might have missed!


Apr 30, 2005
Hi all!

I am planning on another workout later so things are going well still.

Marcy I am thinking of you and Granny.


Nov 24, 2006
Good Morning, boo to losing an hour but yay to more daylight!!!
Yesterday hubby and I went to see the Watchmen; it was okay but the fun thing was to see that it was set in the 80s and all the jewelry. It was such a long movie; 3 hrs!

I didn't workout yesterday; my legs still hurt from all the squats, lunges and seated squat shuffles across the room from Thurs. Hopefully as time goes on I won't be as sore. I feel better today so my friend and I will be going for a long walk; probably an hour or hour and 15 mins.
That makes 5 workouts this week
Have a great week all!!!!

MARCY, think of you, Marty's grandma and your family, hugs and prayers outgoing.

KIMI, yay for walking and longer days! I love it, definitely puts me in a good mood! Hope your day is great!


SOMETHINGSHINY, how are you?

TACORI, woo hooo for gorgeous weather!!! Awesome on the 2 mile walk! Hubby ordered popcorn at the theater; I hear you on the cheese dip. hehe Do you have the 30 Day Shred? You should try it; it isn't too long and it gets you sweating quick. Yay for all your workouts!


ROD, sounds like a great time with friends, wow, that is expensive. How is your leg feeling? Have you thought of going to the chiropractor; I am going to mine on Monday. Hope your leg and lower back feels better soon. Rod, I usually get sore after a workout but this was beyond sore. hehe It hurt to sit down. I know it will get better but I felt like Godzilla walking. hehe

STEPH, yay good to see you! Yay for nice weather; I bet you will be taking Andrew to the pool soon! woo for your workouts girl! I hear you on being sore.hehe Sounds like you had a great day and enjoy your day today w/beautiful weather!

LORELEI, yay for all your workouts woman!!! Great job!


Nov 24, 2006
It is gorgeous outside and my friend and I walked 75 mins, yay! Then we went shopping at Target; it is fun to have a friend go to the store with you. I bought those Fiber one pop tarts and they are pretty good; I just had one. Have a great day everyone

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
My total for the week is 4 gym visits (an hour each) and 2 walks (3 miles combined) for the week. So that''s 6 times!

Rod, good Chinese food is REALLY good. Hope your showing went well. Are you moving cities or just homes?

Steph, sounds like you are doing great. have you lost all your weight? I can''t remember. This weather is super nice. Too bad it''s suppose to get cold soon

Skippy, I do have 30 day Shred and have never tried it. I am thinking I will add that in since what I am doing doesn''t seem to be working. I feel like I am sore almost everyday. Haha. I guess my body will get used to it. Yay for 5 workouts!


Dec 28, 2005
Hey........It was just the most beautiful day. we had breakfast on the terrace. For lunch I had an egg, peppered bacon and cheddar sanwich on a whole wheat enginlish muffin at Sbucks under the oak. If your Sbucks serves them, they''re really really good. Charlie had to be at work at 2, so I just sat under the oak for a long while as I couldn''t come home since our condo was being shown. When I came home, it was just so beautiful out, I had to go for a nice long walk along the bay. I cooked chicken and steamed veggies for dinner. we split a chocolate cupcake for dessert with a cup of decaf. I''m so not ready to start a new week. I really need to take a day or two off, but with the perm placement business so slowk, I just can''t afford to. I won''t want to go to bed at the right time tonight, nor will I be ready to get up at the right time. Ugh......

Sounds like you had a great day yesterday Steph! I hope today was just a good too.

Yay for another workout Lorelei!! I hope it''s not so cold in your workout room these days........

There''s not much chance I can Charlie to go see Watchmen Skippy. He hates superhero movies. Wow, 3 hours is long. Some reviews I''ve read, raved and other''s I''ve read panned it. I''ll just have to wait till it''s out on DVD. I''m glad you''re feeling better today. Thanks for asking about my leg. Today it hasn''t hurt as much. I''m absolutely convinced it''s a pinched nerve. I am a big believer in chiropractor''s and have a really good one. If the pain continues, I will go see him soon.

I hope everyone had a great Sunday. We''ll have our usual Monday night sushi date tomorrow night.


Feb 27, 2007

Hi everyone.Grandma seems better today.She is off the horrid machine and just getting breathing treatments every 4 hours.The doctor talked to my in-laws today.She has a collapsed lung and a blockage in her bronchial tubes.They can fix it with very invasive surgery that is quite painful but they can’t guarantee it will help her or that she would survive the surgery.My in-laws need to tell the doctor in the morning whether to do the surgery or not.It sounds like they will say no.No sense putting her through a painful surgery when the results aren’t promising.

Skippy, Lorelie, Linda, Lisa, Somethingshiny, Tacori, Rod and Appletini, thank you for your well wishes for us and grandma.I truly appreciate it.

Tacori, yeah for noticing a change in your body.All of your hours in the gym is paying off.

Steph, glad to hear you are enjoying some beautiful weather.I hope your legs aren’t sore tomorrow.

Lorelei, have a great workout tonight.

Rod, glad to hear your Chinese restaurant was good but hate to hear it was expensive.

Skippy, sorry to hear you are still sore but glad to hear you went out for a nice walk.Speaking of walking I never made it to the treadmill this week but I did go for walks at work and quite a bit this weekend.Put me down for 2 hours of walking.

Take care.


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