
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 20th October till 26th October

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Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone! I was 100% back to my 1200 calorie routine today. I started the week 2 pounds up from Friday so yes I did scream when I saw reality staring back at me in those big, glowing, digital numbers. It doesn’t help to scream but I feel better anyway. I don’t foresee any deviation from my routine this week so I should be back to normal by the weekend.
The mall jewelry store called and said they have sapphires in for me to look at for my heart diamond ring. I asked Marty if he wanted to place any bets on if I would like them or not. He wasn’t going to take that bet – smart guy.
I put in the rest of my vacation days for the rest of the year. I can’t have the week of Christmas off because we are already down 2 people that day. I do have 5 days off over Thanksgiving though so that will be nice. Woo hoo!

, great opener my friend.I certainly need to keep in mind the scale is not the only gauge of how I am doing.My clothes fit fine so I shouldn’t scream when I see 2 extra pounds.I usually only buy my Halloween candy a few days before so it isn’t around the house to tempt me.
Miscka, how exciting to have a new boy friend and one who likes to eat healthy.Good luck with portion control this week.
Gecko, LOL at a cookie loving carnivore – fresh baked cookie are my all time fav.Too funny about the cute costumes.They are adorable.
Diva, congratulations for being down ½ pound and how awesome to hear your clothes are fitting better.
Dragonfly, dump cake is so good.Marty finished our chocolate cake while I was at school tonight so I wasn’t tempted when I came home.
ChargerGirl, congratulations on being down 4 pounds – that is great and how exciting to find your pants are looser.
Skippy, aren’t the leaves pretty?I was very chilly today.I wore my new fleece jacket with down vest and since it was windy my arms were pretty chilly.They did keep my body pretty warm though.The funny thing is I am such a neat freak and my new jacket and vest are baby pink that I worried about setting them down anywhere or hanging them up.I don’t want to get them dirty.I’ll be washing those babies frequently.
Zoe, don’t be discouraged that you aren’t losing quicker – slow and steady wins the race. Congratulations for being down 13 pounds.That is still about a pound a week which is a good, healthy weight loss.
PrincessDijon, isn’t it amazing how icky you feel after eating and drinking?I felt horrid yesterday after eating that rich cake.
Sharon, have fun riding the bike while enjoying some movies.
DeeJay, a trip to Peru sounds fun.Woo hoo for buying jeans in 2 different and smaller sizes.
Kimi, yippee for being back to your normal weight.
I Love Asschers, good for you increasing your work outs. Kimi already suggested what I would do – track calories and sparkpeople is great.

Rod, glad you stayed behind and held down the office.It’s not bad to spend some quiet time visiting with the boss either.
Tacori, it is nice when someone notices your efforts.
Have a great evening.


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Sep 26, 2006
wowza - I think I''ll do a team weigh in once a week (this will help keep me focused on the thread too!) I loved when I posted regularly and got to know everyone well, but then I kept coming and going, then the thread moved completely! But just to start off now that we''ve got a few more regulars posting for the team weight loss pool: CJ, LP, Kimi, DJ, FieryRed, DragonFly, SDL, Diva, Skippy, Rod, Marcy, ChargerGrrl, and Zoe on the weight loss scale for a combined team total of 372 pounds lost with the support from this thread!

While I am keeping track of our weight loss as a team, I also want to thank Lorelei for the reminder that numbers on the scale don''t necessarily mean anything. My weight certainly fluctuates +/- 3 pounds each week, even when eating healthy. I think it''s the milestones that really mean a lot - lower body fat percentage, increased muscle tone, cardiovascular strength (my weakness!!!), etc.

Marcy - I''m very excited to see your sapphires! 1200 calorie routine? How did you decide on that calorie routine? Do you keep track of the calories in every meal? It worked for me several years ago, but then I got tired of it and have never been able to get back into that kind of routine. It was nice and structured though, which is usually just what I need.

Rod - really? a class on the joys of boolean searches huh? How was your bonding session with your boss?

gecko - your puppy is SO cute. I feel so terrible when I forget a piece of workout gear, and then I''m so downhearted that I just don''t do anything! Like if I forget my goggles, I won''t even go into the pool because the water inevitably splashes into my eyes, which may cause my contacts to pop out, and I am nearly blind without my contacts. But what if you bring sneakers to work and leave them there? Do you have a spare pair?

dragonfly - dump cake? what''s that? whatever it is, it must have been yummy since there was ice cream.

skippy - we don''t have costco in the city, but the closest thing I do is a Trader Joe''s day. We stock up on wine, frozen foods, cleaning supplies, toiletries - I loooove TJ''s.

Zoe - hang in there! The self discipline and dedication is important in getting healthy.

Sharon - that is so cool that you have one of those stationary lap pools. I wish I could have one installed in my bathroom or something. I bought chlorine neutralizing hair and skin rinse - but I haven''t had a chance to try it yet b/c of my stupid bronchitis.

DJ - macchu picchu is on all of my friends'' MUST VISIT lists. DH and I are trying to plan a hike there. Can''t wait to see your pics when you return!

Well I read this news article on the effects of alcohol on women''s aging brains. Apparently, women who regularly or socially consumed even just a glass of alcohol suffered more loss of brain mass than women who did not drink. The effect was more pronounced in women than men. The difference in loss between the drinkers and the nondrinkers was very little, but STILL - I need all the brain cells I can get but I love having a glass of wine with dinner. So now docs are debating whether the benefits drinking wine (for cardiovascular health) outweighs loss of brain mass. And I don''t know what to do!!


Jun 25, 2008
You all are inspirational.
And thanks for the compliments on my puppy nieces.
I really do need to get another pair of sneakers and just leave them at work. I''ll have to work on that!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 10/21/2008 8:23:50 AM
Author: geckodani
You all are inspirational.
And thanks for the compliments on my puppy nieces.
I really do need to get another pair of sneakers and just leave them at work. I'll have to work on that!
Those pics made me laugh, thanks for posting them!

I will go shopping later and pick up some healthy type grub and some peaches for my pet bunny - he loves them!
Eating is going well - with the Hubs away it normally does.

Thanks Tac and everyone for your kind words about the openers. I try to find something that you can all relate to each week, and I am glad when I manage it!


Jun 15, 2006
Morning All!

Marcy, sorry about the weight gain, no doubt you''ll lose it right away.

Tacori, that rumor gives me permission to eat cool ranch doritos, not a good thing! ha ha ha

Asscher, there is no "easy" way to calculate calories, it''s just a matter of figuring out what you''re eating (amount/type of food) and adding up the cals. It gets easy after a while (you know that a salad with X dressing is Y calories or that P piece of bread equals Q calories, etc.). If that seems overwhelming, Tacori''s journaling suggestion is another good method of accountability, as you''re actually seeing what you consume in writing.

I have to get fingerprinting done this afternoon for my new job which means I have to drive downtown, so no workout for me. We''re having burgers for dinner, I hope.

Have a great day all.

Have a


Apr 9, 2007
Well, last night was a total carb-fest with my Cracker Barrel leftovers, so today I am going to try to do better. Oatmeal for breakfast, soy nuggets for lunch and fish and rice for dinner.

Dragonfly-now I wanna know what dump cake is too!

Charger-congrats on 4lbs! That is great.

Zoe-11lbs is a really big accomplishment. Plateaus can be so frustrating, but hang in there.

Tacori-grilled cheese is one of my favorites! I love that with my soup, or putting a little cheese and some Worsteshire (sp??) in my tomato soup. Hope you and Tessa are feeling better.

Asscher- Try Sparkpeople, or I used There is tons of information for all kinds of foods, it is very helpful.

Marcy-when do you look at the sapphires? I hope you find something you like! LOL @ screaming...sounds like something I would do.

CrownJewel- Oh no! re:brain loss. I love wine
...guess I will be a ditz in my old age!

Gecko-good idea on the sneakers! That seems like it would just make life easier. One less thing to think about!

Rod-Thanks, I am really happy
. What exactly do you do? Your class sounds interesting. I admit I would have been tempted to run out and see Obama! No one important ever comes to where I live, though. What is your favorite drink at Starbucks?

Hope everyone else is doing well!


Jun 25, 2007
OK Dump cake - Dump cake is pretty basic, you get your ingredients and "dump" them into a baking dish lol! We did cherry/apple with the blackberry syrup, and had cake mix and nuts on top. Here''s a basic recipe I pulled off of Allrecipes
NGREDIENTS (Nutrition)
* 1 (21 ounce) can cherry pie filling
* 1 (15 ounce) can crushed pineapple
* 1 (18.25 ounce) package yellow cake mix
* 8 ounces chopped walnuts
* 1/2 cup butter

* add to recipe box Add to Recipe Box
My folders:
* add to shopping list Add to Shopping List
* add a personal note Add a Personal Note


1. In a 9x13 inch pan mix cherries and pineapple. Sprinkle dry cake mix over pineapple, and cherry mixture stir until just combined. Then sprinkle walnuts over top. Drizzle top with melted butter or margarine.
2. Bake in a 350 degree F (175 degree C) oven for 35 or 40 minutes or until golden brown.

I''ll get our actual RECIPE tonight when I have the website in front of me. It''s a lot like cobbler, only with cake mix.
NOW Back to not getting myself fat

Last night I did 10 mins of various cardio including jumping jacks, jump rope, and lunges, Did lunges, squats, and curtsies, then did about 200 crunches. It was a good little 20 mins. Tonight I''m jogging at SO"s mom''s then going to do ab work again

Dee- how do you keep focused on the TM? I get bored easy on there
Skippy - how was your soup? Did he make it? You got some great stuff at the store!!
ILoveasschers - why no bike? You are doing great!
Tacori - I LOVE cupcakes
Marcy - screaming works your vocal muscles

CJ - thankyou for keeping track for us!!


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 10/21/2008 12:56:34 AM
Author: CrownJewel
wowza - I think I'll do a team weigh in once a week (this will help keep me focused on the thread too!) I loved when I posted regularly and got to know everyone well, but then I kept coming and going, then the thread moved completely! But just to start off now that we've got a few more regulars posting for the team weight loss pool: CJ, LP, Kimi, DJ, FieryRed, DragonFly, SDL, Diva, Skippy, Rod, Marcy, ChargerGrrl, and Zoe on the weight loss scale for a combined team total of 372 pounds lost with the support from this thread!
AWESOME TEAM and you are awesome CJ for doing that!!!
It really reminds us how far we have come and it is a great thread!


Jul 7, 2008
Hello all! Just checking in again.....

The good news is that I must have shed my excess water weight from the trip and I weighed in at 155.8 (around where I started before i went on vacation).

I still have a bit to go but then i remember i have only been at this change for 26 days now so it will take some time!

Have a good day everyone!


Nov 24, 2006
Last night we had chicken, spinach and a bit of TJ's spinach pizza, oh yeah and fresh raspberries for dessert.
haha Hubby is making soup tonight while I go to muscle hour at the gym (circuit training). I need to go Vote this week; I better show up as soon as they open so I don't have to wait too long. HAVE A FAB DAY, all!!!!

DEEJAY, you lucky duck, 2 of my good friends went to Machu Picchu and loved it, take me with you!!! hehe

ROD, wow, everyone left. That is nice your employer let them all go. Yay for a great sushi night!!!

TACORI hi thre dear friend!!! I have those moments of weakness too and I never know when they will strike!

ILOVEAsschers13, check out the; you are doing great!!

MARCY, oh no, you will lose those 2 lbs! Yay for Thanksgiving and shopping week off!

CROWNJEWEL, team weigh in is great. Which day??? great idea. I saw there was a costco in Long Island; is that far? I love Trader Joe's too!!!

GECKO, hehe, yay take the sneakers to work!!

LORELEI, your openers rock!!

KIMI, enjoy the burgers, yum!

MISCKA, haha carb fest, that made me laugh. yay for a healthy day!

DRAGONFLY, looks yummy!

PRINCESSDIJON, yay for the weight loss


Aug 19, 2008
Hi all!

Checking in!!!! I so love this thread. So much support!

So last night, I didn''t work out too much... Just some squats and crunches. I''ve also started taking multi-vitamins and fish oil. Thanks to all you ladies who are keeping me in check.

But pray for me in advance... My office is having their annual potluck on Thursday. Which means lots of junk food to fill up on.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Just popping in real quick before I take T on a walk. The good news is I lost another lb!
That means I have 8.8 lbs to get back to my pre-preggo weight (13.8 for my ideal weight but I think that will be more of a *long* term goal). I haven''t weighed this since my first trimester of pregnancy!!!! Yay! The disappointment is I really wanted to be back to normal by her first b-day party. It ain''t gonna happen seeing how it is in two weeks.
I feel upset b/c I *KNOW* I could have eaten better and worked out more. But I remind myself that this is a way of life NOT just a diet. I do not believe in constant torture techniques. Life is too short for that!

I''ll check back in later tonight. Hope everyone is having a healthy and happy day!


Aug 17, 2005
oh my, it''s almost lunchtime here and i haven''t had a chance to check in today!

this morning''s session was fun (there''s that F-word again...). i was sweating like a piggy!

THANKS to y''all for the congrats on my 4lbs. i''m proud of this (small) accomplishment, and promise (Rod!) that i''ll lose it safely and slowly. My bootcamp trainer recommends around 2 lbs a week for someone with my BMI.

I mentioned yesterday that one of my goals this week was to eat "leaner", so i planned our dinners for the week. We''re sticking with fish (cod, tilapia, salmon), and lots of green veggies (asparagus, spinach & broccoli). I found some great CL recipes with lots of flavor.

Dee- PERU?? too cool! you''ll get a helluva workout exploring Machu Picchu
Zoe- You are doing AWESOME! focus on how far you''ve come, and don''t worry about venting, we''re here for ya!
Skippy- hey muscle gal, have a great workout!
Kimberly- i tell DH that he powerwalks way too fast for my taste, and that sets him off running (what a tease!)
ILAsschers- try for calorie counting- they have a HUGE database
Rod- DH and i had sushi last nite (Monday) and I thought of you and Charlie
Tacori- hehe, i do the "happy dance" when my jeans fit straight from the dryer. Yahoo for your 1-lb loss!
Marcy- 2lbs is nothing for you! i''m sure it''ll be gone by the weekend
Crown- Don''t recall if i''d said it before, THANKS for keeping track of the group''s weight loss. It''s an impressive number!
Diva- Here''s some "healthy" PS dust for your annual potluck- my advice, STAND AWAY FROM THE TABLE!

Hiya PrincessD, Sharon, Geko, Lorelei, Miscka & Dragonfly


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kids!

Cold is getting worse, not better, so this will be quick. Did 65 gentle minutes on the dreadmill this morning.

Trying to wrap up the Peru trip (decided to throw in the Galapagos Islands while I'm at it) but of course no one ever calls me back...

Going to take a nap now that my cold medicine has finally kicked in (I'm sure as soon as I doze off that will be the moment my phone rings, ha ha).

And -- angel chorus please! -- I'm back at the weight I was before my surgery last year!!! 135 lbs, so down 22.5 since the beginning of July! Maybe only 10 more to go (although I will have to decide that along the way). Woo hoo!!!


Apr 30, 2005
Hi all!

Tac, you have done so well, that is excellent progress of only having 8 pounds to go!!!! Remember you have lost the weight the right way and it will stay off for good as a result! WELL DONE!!!!

WOO HOO DEE! Well done to you too!!
* angel chorus

I did half an hour on the treddy so plodding on as usual.


Nov 24, 2006
Wooo hooo on the weight loss CHARGER, TACORI & DEE*JAY!!!!

DIVA, I take fish oil too and my vitamins, awesome on the muscle workout! Bring veggies to the potluck!


Apr 27, 2008
Thanks for all the suggestions!!

Dragonfly- no bike because living in MI is not conducive to riding my bike all year round, unfortunately :( But I don''t ever ride the bus, I walk so it works out pretty good. I go to the biggest campus (I''m pretty sure) in the country and I figured it out on google earth that I ride my bike around 4 miles monday and wednesday, which are actually the days I work out, and just a mile on Tuesday''s. Also- I watch game shows when I am on the treadmill, like cash cab, family fued, wheel of fortune, jeopardy, and it tends to make the time go by faster! Music doesn''t really do it for me.

Wow- Tacori good job on the baby weight loss. My boss had her baby last Oct, and that was her goal too, but she hasn''t quite made it.

I have been trying to eat more fruit and green veggies, which I have been, and I have been eating the Greek Yogurt instead of snacks, so that''s good. Off to make rice and chicken for dinner! Oh and I am going for a walk after dinner tonight.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Ilove, I won''t make it to the 1 year goal either
But I remind myself I gained between 50-55 lbs!
I stopped counting at 50lbs but I am positive it was under 55 lbs. So I guess having only 8.8 lbs to go is pretty good. It is much harder than I thought it would be and I am hard on myself that I gained so much weight. The bulk came off pretty easily with time and nursing (still SLOWLY though) but the last 15-20 lbs have been hard work. So next time my goal is to gain less. Haha.


Mar 20, 2003
Oh guys, I''m so sorry I''ve been neglecting you!

School started up again, and then I got sick. I didn''t get better for a while, then figured out that I had just transitioned into allergies. I''m not much good when I don''t feel well, so working out was about once a week for a while there. I''d feel crappy, muster the energy to work out, then get super sore from not working out for a week, and so on and so forth . . .

I think I''m finally back in the swing of things.

Another change is that I''ve been cooking every night. In the past, dinner was always up in the air. It was like a staring contest . . . neither of us would do anything until one of us cracked and offered to cook or suggested we go out. But we''re in "recession edition" right now, and I''ve always wanted to be a better cook.

So now I''m adjusting to working out most days and cooking most days after work. That doesn''t leave much time for internet play. I guess that''s a good thing, right?

Oh, and those of you who remember about my dad . . . I''m still seeing my therapist, but now only every other week. I guess it''s a good sign that she thinks I don''t need to go weekly. I''ve recently gone off the pill to TTC, and I''m finding that I''m really emotional/borderline depressed the week before Aunt Flo, and then I''m relatively happy/normal the rest of the time. Interesting, right? It makes me a little nervous about getting pregnant since I know your hormones do all sorts of funny things then.

After dinner I''ll check back to see how everyone''s doing.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
phoenix I was kinda excited to be able to use the excuse of being preggo for any irrational behavior but I don''t remember any! I was pretty "stable." Though I do remember crying b/c I was so hungry it hurt and DH didn''t want to stop to get something. Finally he gave up. Haha. My point is don''t worry about something you cannot control or don''t know is even going to happen!


Sep 26, 2006
phoenix hooray for getting back in the swing of things. I''ve heard of some horror stories regarding pregnant women, so no matter how moody you get, I''m sure it could be worse. Besides, you''re such a lovely person that I doubt you will have much trouble when you are pregnant. a baby will be so exciting!

SDL, I remember the other day you mentioned feeling bloated, and you wanted to cut down on carbs to ameliorate the situation. If you''re drinking tons of water, make sure you are also balanced in terms of sodium and salt intake. That will make your body hold onto water like nobody''s business. Also if it were me, I would take a look at how much fiber I''ve got in my diet. When I feel bloated and yucky, I make sure to eat tons of dark green veggies. My focus usually is green veggies at every meal. It keeps my digestive system working smoothly, which is a nice way of saying you know what. I''m sorry to hear you are frustrated, but you are one tough cookie. You''ll make your goal with no problem. You must post your outfit for the event!!

I am trying to make a healthier quiche. I love the crust (oronoche?) so I am trying to cut down on the eggs and cream. I substituted with extra soft tofu. Let''s see what happens! I have to go put it in the oven now.


Jun 15, 2006
Hi All,

Dinner is now steak and veggies instead of hamburgers, I think I''ll make those tomorrow night.

SDL, perhaps you''re drinking too much water? I know the old adage (8/8oz glasses a day) but that''s a lot of water, especially if you drink other things in addition to it (milk on cereal, a soda with lunch, juice, tea/coffee, etc.). I am a big believer that our bodies tell us when to drink (we feel thirsty), just as they tell us when to eat (feeling hungry) and if we really listen we''ll give ourselves what we need. My aunt was drinking a lot of water and it actually made her sick, like had to go to the hospital sick because she was drowning herself. Totally disregard me if you think I''m off-base, just some food (or drink) for thought!

Phoenix, I am so happy to hear you''re doing well in regards to your dad. It won''t ever be easy, but it sounds like you are making great strides in a positive direction. Sorry you''ve been sick, and here''s hoping you''re pregnant soon.

CJ, let us know how the quiche goes, and post a recipe if you''re successful!

ILA13, sounds like you''be made some great adjustments in your diet, awesome!

Congrats on your loss, Dee! You looked fab when I saw you a few months back, I bet you''re looking even more stunning now! I''m so excited for your trip!

Charger, there''s a killer hill near our house, and its'' towards the end of the loop we walk, I ran up it backwards about a week ago just to annoy DH. He was less than pleased. Perhaps I should stop teasing him if I want him to keep going with me?!

Enjoy your walk, Tacori.

Have a great night, all.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone.We had another chilly day in Wyoming.I went out to the mall after supper and it was snowing on my way home.
My trip to the mall was not productive.The first jewelry store I visited had ordered in a sapphire for me to see that will be used as an accent stone for my ½ ct. heart shaped diamond.I requested an AAA stone, royal blue.Let’s just say if it is their idea of AAA they need to find a new source.He asked me what I wanted in the next stone they ordered in I told him better color, better clarity and a well cut stone.Then I continued on to the jewelry store where they were going to replace the garnet pendant I lost when their chain broke the 2nd time I wore it.The lady found my repair envelope that contains the broken chain and nothing else.She said the manager would call me tomorrow because she can’t find out anything about it.We’ll see how that goes.The funny thing is the guy helping me with the heart diamond project is who promised me the pendant at the other store. Fun!
We had grilled tenderloins tonight with baked potatoes.It was good on a cold night.
372 Pounds?We ROCK!

CrownJewel, wow your totals jumped with my number added in there!I did have to laugh. I have been overweight most of my life (like 98% of it maybe) so I chose 1200 calories because that is what doctors recommended to me over the years.I was very strict at first and I faithfully wrote down everything I ate for awhile but it’s such a routine for me now I don’t anymore because I add it up in my head.I eat about the same number of calories per meal and that has worked great.(BF – 200 cals, Midmorning snack 80 – 100 cals, Lunch 300 – 400 cals, midafternoon snack 80 – 100 cals, supper 300 – 400 cals then an evening treat 25 – 120 cals.)Some days I am right at 1200 calories and some days it might be more like 1400 calories but it worked for me anyway. The study on wine and brain cells is interesting.I am sure I killed many of them in college so maybe I should quit drinking all together now.
Gecko, great idea to keep some sneakers at work.
Lorelei, I love peaches too.You always find a topic for your opener that relates to me.I appreciate all you do for us.
Kimi, thanks for the encouragement about getting those pounds off – I passed on the wine with supper tonight because I am determined not to go over my calories until I get those couple of pounds back off.Based on what CJ said – it’s probably for the best.That is strange about your aunt drinking too much water.I wonder about drinking too much water but I sure like it.
Miscka, mmm for leftovers from Cracker Barrel.I found a trace of Cracker Barrel on my pants yesterday.Rats.Saturday morning I had pancakes with peaches and one of the peaches fell off my plate on to my pants before I even picked up a fork.I scrubbed it off as well as I could for the day and washed them.I wore the pants to work yesterday and you could see the outline of the peach.I put some shout it out on it last night so I hope it washes out this time.What do they put in their syrup that it stains that bad?Screaming does help when I weigh but it sure can freak Marty out.

Dragonfly, your dump cake recipe is just like mine.I made some this summer and took it to the in-laws and it sure disappeared quickly.I like that screaming works my vocal cords.
PrincessDijon, congratulations for being back to your post vacation weight.
Skippy, I hope your chicken was good last night.I bought some this weekend with lemon and herbs on it but had to freeze it because Marty played 2 rounds of golf.Maybe we’ll cook it this weekend. I am looking forward to my days for around Thanksgiving.
Diva, good luck at the potluck.Take some raw veggies and baked lays to help fill you up then just sample the other things that look good to you.
Tacori, congratulations for losing another pound.
Don’t worry about when you reach your goal, you are working towards it each day.
ChargerGirl, glad you had fun at bootcamp.Your lean meal plans sound great.
DeeJay, congratulations for being back to your post surgery weight.
Your trip is sounding more fun all the time.
SanDiegoLady, you new picture is great.You are looking lovely.
Don’t get frustrated at your plateau, I was always losing inches then and that’s a great thing too.Hang in there lady!
Asschers, it sounds like you walk a lot.Your rice and chicken sound great.
PhoenixGirl, it’s good to hear from you.I am glad to hear your therapist thinks you are ready for fewer sessions with her.I think that is good.Sorry to hear you got sick after school starts but it sounds like you are doing better now.Have fun starting to cook more.

Take care!





Dec 28, 2005
Hey, said a very tired and worn out Rod. Loooooooooooooooong day. I didn''t sleep well last night and woke up at 6 AM (what''s with that, huh??), got to work before 8, worked my butt off, didn''t leave the office till 6 PM, was really tired, but dragged my worn out self to the gym and found the energy, somehow to have a very productive workout. One of the trainers came up to me after I had just completed 60 pushups and three sets of 15 unassisted dips, followed by three sets of unassisted chinups (alternating grip) and commented that he''d been watching me over the last couple months and just wanted me to know I continue to amaze him with my hard work, but more importantly, he commented that my technique was really good! If ever I think I can''t drag my sorry self to the gym, it''s encouragement like that from a trainer that gives me extra drive to continue to improve. Had a nice healthy salad for dinner. Tomorrow''s not a gym day, so Charlie and I will have dinner at home tomorrow night.

I''m sorry for not being able to say hello to everyone, but it''s just too late.

I can''t remember who asked what I do, for a living, but the simple answer is I am a "Headhunter!" I place technology professionals. The training I did on Monday was to help the other recruiters in my office beter use the search tools we have access to by utilizing search logic created by a mathematician in the 1800''s by the name of George Boole. Aren''t you sorry you asked??

OK DeeJay, now the Galapagos Islands are being included in your journey?? To say that we are beyond jealous is simply an understatement supreme.......Deed a couple of friends to carry your luggage around? Huh.......Do ''ya?? Huh?

Michelle, please don''t be discouraged. You''re doing the right things. You''re getting some exercise, you''re eating healthy and you will overcome the plateau......promise!

YAY for the amazing amount of weight TEAM HLT has lost. Simply amazing, I''m telling you......Simply Amazing!

PS, know 2 pounds ''aint nothin! It could so easily be water retention. Don''t starve yourself, OK?

Again, sorry for not saying hey to everyone. I''m not into sports, but you know The Tampa Bay Devil Rays are in the World Series, which starts in Tampa tomorrow night, so.......GO RAYS!!


Nov 29, 2004
Quick check in, work has been insanely busy and I''ve had lunch conflicts so no gym time. I also found out today that my trainer is taking a leave of absense for a few weeks, she apologized and I told her I had felt bad that I wasn''t able to schedule sessions anyway, so its actually good timing. However whatever she is dealing with, I hope it works out for the best.


Feb 27, 2007
Rod, sorry to hear you had such a long day.What a wonderful compliment you received from the trainer at the gym.That is very cool.Thanks for the reminding me my 2 pounds could be water retention.Marty is cleaning out his big clothes right now.He has lost over 40 pounds now.I told him we’ll have to put that in our annual Christmas poem (it’s my form letter but rhymes) that we are both skinny now.
ppletini, my niece has been enjoying TAMU.She keeps telling me how warm it is there.


Sep 26, 2006
SDL, what about sodium? It shows up everywhere. Hypertension runs rampant in my family so I have to watch my sodium. I find high levels of sodium in so many products. Ugh.

On the other hand, thanks SO MUCH for the quiche recipe.

Just to report - my tofu quiche did not turn out quite so well right out of the oven. We each had a piece and DH loved it, but it was way too watery for me. I used tofu instead of cream. It may settle and turn out better tomorrow so I will report back again. :) Then I looked at the ingredients (duh, I should have started with that first) and the first ingredient in extra soft tofu is water. I don''t think it''s a good sub for cream.


Apr 30, 2005
Ok folks, I went shopping last night and curiosity overcame me - I bought a container of instant egg whites....
Are they ok in an omelette??


Nov 29, 2004
Marcy, I''m glad she is enjoying Aggieland! Its a fun place, and from I hear the area is really growing.


Jun 25, 2008
Date: 10/22/2008 3:49:52 AM
Author: Lorelei
Ok folks, I went shopping last night and curiosity overcame me - I bought a container of instant egg whites....
Are they ok in an omelette??
I like them! I use egg beaters, but I''ve used the whites too, and had good results.
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