
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 16th March till 22nd March

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Apr 30, 2005
Happy new week!

I just wanted to congratulate everyone on their continued progress and hard work - great job!!!

Things are going well food and workout wise, I am back on the wagon with a vengeance!! I am pleased to report that my muscle tone has snapped back and my middle feels much firmer as do my legs. It is subtle but noticeable to me. I have trained myself to look for tiny improvements here and there - it can be so frustrating if you are working hard and don't feel you are getting results or that people aren't noticing as much as you might wish but plenty of good things are going on behind the scenes even if you aren't quite aware of them! I also notice how much better I feel in myself when I am working out regularly, not only physically but mentally. Our bodies weren't designed to be sedentary and using them in the way they were meant to be used regularly is of tremendous benefit.

So do keep an eye out for positive changes, even small ones are incredibly worthwhile and they soon add up!

Also I wanted to add a quick reminder about water consumption, remember to try to aim for 2 litres a day. It can be hard but it is well worth doing not only because I find I feel better if I drink this amount or close to it, but it also is very helpful in aiding fat burning apparently.

Have a great week


Feb 27, 2007
Great opener, Lorelei. I know working out and eating right do make me feel my best!

Have a great day.


Jun 25, 2008
Good Morning all! I lost another 1.5!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Lor, thanks for another great opener.

gecko, you are doing AWESOME! I am so proud of you!

Last week started off great but ended kinda weak. My total was 3 gym visits and 2 walks. Hopefully this week I can up that to at least 4 gym visits and depending on the weather 2-3 walks. Going to class tonight so I am starting the week off right. Also need to come up with a food plan. Off to get measured for my BM''s dress


Mar 13, 2008
Lorelei, great opener. That''s fantastic you''re noticing some results. I don''t think I notice much on my appearance, but I definitely feel better. And from doing all the yoga I do, I''m MUCH more flexible. I also drink about 2 liters of water a day. I agree it does make you feel a lot better. When I was in high school I barely drank any water. Now I''m much better with my water consumption :)

Gecko, FANTASTIC you lost another 1.5 lbs!!!

Marcy, I agree with you I definitely feel better after working out etc. I get this feeling of accomplishment, that just feels good :)

The weekend was a great one. It was nice to see my family so elated after my brother''s successful campaign. On Saturday AM I got up and went for a 5 mile run with the dogs. Then spent the rest of the day cleaning up and running around doing errands. We had a BIG party on Saturday for my brother at my parents'' house. I didn''t get to eat much, so I got a little tipsy during the party. Normally I can handle 4-5 glasses of wine, but not that night. I think my parents did one of these numbers:
. It''s okay, first time I was like this in front of my parents.


Mar 18, 2008
thanks, Lorelei, for another awesome week-starter
I couldn''t agree with you more--it is SO important for us to notice the positive changes in our own bodies...after all, we are doing this for ourselves, and not for anyone else. It is so gratifying to know that I am respecting my body by putting good things into it and by making it stronger. I''m so happy for you that you are seeing changes in yourself--that is the best feeling!!

marcy: keep up the awesome work! I perused through your "Who''s Who" page, and I have to say--you are SUCH an inspiration!! it is so wonderful how you have transformed your body--you must be so pleased with your amazing work.

geckodani: WOW--you are on a ROLL, missy!!! Congrats!

Tacori: I have to say--now that FI and I are planning our meals out throughout the week, I feel so much more in control of what I''m eating and don''t feel as deprived as I used to when I used to "diet." I know you can do it if you put your mind to it! And listen, working out 3x and walking twice, especially when you have a little one, is nothing to sneeze at--you''re doing great, and it''s awesome that you keep setting the bar higher for yourself. But be proud of what you have done!

oh, and as a side note, have you posted what bridesmaid dress you''re wearing? I''m curious (I''m having trouble picking them for my own wedding)...

lliang: haha, nothing wrong with getting a little tipsy once in a while! (at least I hope so--since I tend to do it a lot, haha) It''s great that you got a workout in even with all that you had to do! Nice work!!!

...soooo, I have to say, I''m pretty darn proud of myself!! I went out shopping for wedding invitations with my mom on Saturday and we went to out favorite Italian restaurant in my neighborhood--and instead of a big bowl of pasta like I ALWAYS order, I got a cold seafood salad (with some olive oil and lemon)--and it actually wasn''t very good, so I didn''t eat much of it, haha...but I kept under my calories this week! I averaged out to under 1500 per day, which I think is good for me (even though that will be difficult to maintain--my goal is to stay under 1600), and now that my cycle (sorry if TMI) is over, I think I realized that I was retaining water a lot, because I''m down 2.6 lbs from my start weight (2 weeks ago)
I met my fitness goals for the week--50 minutes of cardio 4x, and 2 strength training sessions for upper and lower body I''m excited!

I measured myself this morning and hope to see changes in the weeks to come, since my real goal is to be smaller and fitter--not just lighter...I''m excited that I finally saw a change in the scale!

have a great week, everyone!


Jul 22, 2007
Lorelei~ Thanks for the reminder to look for small changes. I always seem to forget that.

Marcy~ I hope you and your family are doing well. You''re still in my prayers.

gecko~ yay for 1.5 lbs!

tacori~ good luck on increasing your gym time. I didn''t know you had an upcoming wedding. What do the dresses look like?

lliag~ Hi!

alli~ Great job on avoiding the pasta temptation. I think any time we go to our favorite Italian place, I must consume approximately 5000 calories of pasta. I can''t be trusted to go in and NOT get it, so we have to avoid the restaurant all together!!

Not much to report here. I''m quite irritated with DH. Usually he''s very supportive of my workouts (which most of you know take place in my living room with my yoga series on DVD). For some reason (I''m assuming the unemployed reason) he''s being completely pessimistic and yells at me when I''m trying to workout. Today he came up with something along the lines of "you''re a bad mom because you''d rather do something for yourself than play with your son."
While I understand that by taking care of myself I''m not only going to live longer for my son, but I''ll also live healthier and happier, it still sucks to hear that stuff coming from your husband. Okay, grumbling over.

I''m making some pizza tonight (couldn''t talk DH into the whole grain crust though...) But, at least I''m making it thin, right??

Have a great day, all!


Mar 13, 2008
Something, oh no! I''m sorry your husband is really down.
You''re right it''s probably the stress of losing his job that''s making things hard on you guys. Big hugs to you and your family. I don''t have any advice for you but I just want to let you know you''ve got support on this thread.


Dec 28, 2005
Hey........What a loooong, frustrating day at work. It''s tough right now. All day long I get calls from people who are laid off looking for a miracle and I don''t have any to give them. And we''re talking about really tallented people, who worked hard and have good skills. It''s disheartening..........At least I left work about 6:30 and met Charlie for sushi at favorite sushi place #2. Tomorrow''s an ''uber'' Tuesday, with the gym right after work.

BTW., for the pushup counters........yesterday, I did 120!

Great opener as usual Lorelei. When I first embarked on Rebuild Rod, I saw huge changes. Now, the changes are much more subtle and it used to bother me that I didn''t see the big changes I once saw, but I realize progress is good, no matter how small! And yes Mom......I drink my water for sure!!

Hey Marcy, I hope you and Marty are OK after last week.........

Woo Hoo Gecko!! Way to go!!

3 workouts and two walks is not weak Tacori!!

Yay for being mofre flexible and feeling better lliang!! LOL about getting a little tipsy.........

Good for you being good at the Italian restaurant, but I''m sorry the seafood salad wasn''t too good Alli.........

I''m sorry SS. Just remember hubby''s frustrated and taking his frustration out on you is the only outlet he''s got. I''m not defendingt him, but having been in his shoes myself, I know what it''s like. Just don''t take it personally. I hope the pizza was good........

OK....enough from me for today. I''ll check in tomorrow night, but ti will be a quick one after the gym.........


Nov 24, 2006
Good Evening friends! I have been busy with a few things; I didn't have a chance to go for a walk today. My family came over for corned beef, cabbage, carrots and potatoes for dinner. Hopefully I will have some time tomorrow to workout. hehe Hope everyone has a great start to the week!!

LORELEI, great opening lady!! Yay for noticing differences.

MARCY, how are you? I have been thinking of you and Marty. It would be fun if we were all in a decorating class; too funny about Marty being teachers pet in class the other day.

GECKO woooooooooooooooooo for your weight loss, woman!!!!

TACORI that is 5 workouts; you are doing awesome. Glad you had a great week and how was the BM dress? What color?

LLIANG, I agree I feel better too when I workout. Yay for your brothers campaign; awe, that is great you saw your family. Wooo for a 5 mile run; you are in uber shape woman!!! hehe to the tipsy.

ALLI,yay for planning your meals ahead of time; you are tiny I saw your pic in the curly hair thread. You should be proud of yourself on the calories at the Italian place! Yay for being down; wooooooooooooo , congrats!!!!!

SS, I am sorry about your workouts; sending you a hug. You are a great mom, hang in there honey and I agree with what LLiang says.

ROD, sorry about all the people being laid off needing jobs; it is very heartbreaking, I am praying hard things turn out soon. You are such a good soul. Enjoy your uber workout Tues.


Mar 13, 2008
Marcy, How are you and Marty? I''ve been keeping you in my thoughts.


Feb 27, 2007

Hi everyone.It was a long day for us.The funeral was very nice and she had a lot of people attend.I hope to sleep well tonight.

Geckodani, congratulations on losing another 1.5 pounds.Woo hoo girl!

Tacori, yeah for so many workouts last week.

Lliang, that is great yoga made you more flexible.LOL at having a few too many drinks in the front of the parents.At least you had fun.We are doing fine tonight.Thanks for asking.

Alli, thanks for the lovely compliment about my transformation.I ran in to a lot of people at the funeral who didn’t know who I was today.Congratulations for being down 2.6 pounds.Yeah for making wise choices at the restaurant.How exciting to be picking out your wedding invitations.Did you find ones you like?

Somethingshiny, thanks for thinking of us.I appreciate it.Sorry to hear about DH’s comments but I am sure he’s not really mad at you and taking care of yourself is certainly an important priority.I hope your pizza was good tonight.

Rod, I imagine you hear many heartbreaking stories.Yeah for 120 pushups.I think after today things will get better for us.Marty’s sisters are here another day.

Skippy, dinner with the family sounds great.Thanks for thinking of us.Cake class starts at 6 so hopefully you and Linda will show up.That would be so fun.

Take care!



Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
lliang, you should be very proud of your brother. I am so glad you were able to make the trip!

Alli, you are so nice to me! Haha. I guess 3 gym visits (2 walks) is pretty good. I feel like I should increase it b/c I am not losing weight. I will have to dig up a picture of the BM dress. I got to pick it out (my sister is decision phobic). It is flattering which is ALWAYS good! Yay for making better decisions (out to dinner) and being down 2.6 lbs! That''s awesome for two weeks. I am jealous!

SS, my sister is getting married this summer so I am the matron of honor. I''ll post a picture as soon as I can find it. I forgot the style number. Sorry your DH is being unsupportive. That stinks! You are a great mom and great moms need a little time for themselves. Sounds like he is depressed.

Rod, thanks for the encouragement. I guess I feel like a slacker b/c two of the gym visits were on the same day as two of the walks so I feel like I had too many days off (if that makes sense). Hope you have a great workout tonight!!!

Skippy, getting my measurements taken was DEPRESSING. The dress is a medium gray. Really pretty. I''ll post a picture after I find it. Hopefully you have time for a workout today!

marcy, hope you got a good night''s sleep! Must have been fun for people not to remember you b/c you look AWESOME!

As for me, I went to Zumba last night and plan on going tonight. I have to get T dressed for our gymboree class. I have a green shirt for her. I am such a dork!


Jun 25, 2008
Aw! Thanks for all the kudos guys- you make me feel really proud of myself!

lliang - Hee hee, getting tipsy in front of the parents is always interesting....

alli - Italian places are my downfall sometimes. Good for you for ordering a salad!

somethingshiny - I''m sorry to hear that your husband isn''t being supportive.
We''re here for you!

Marcy - ((HUGS)) I hope you rest well.

Tacori - Ugh. BM dresses. At least yours is pretty! The one I am being forced to wear is.... good in concept, bad in execution.

Hi Rod and Skippy and Lorelei and everyone else!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Here is the dress (don''t I look great in the picture? Haha) but mine will be in "sterling" gray. I could not find a clear picture of it online anywhere. The "weaving" is really flattering...holds me in. Haha.



Mar 16, 2005
Hey, guys. Quick post....Sis-in-law just left and about an hour or so, my dad and brother will be here! Whew! When it rains it pours as far as visitors here, but it is nice to see everyone. We had a great time with my sis-in-law. We went shopping a couple of times, movies, dinners out, and yesterday she laid out by the pool and I brought a picnic to her at lunchtime (I was not brave enough to get in that water yet!). Anyway, hope everyone is doing well...have to go get ready for my second batch of guests!


Jun 25, 2008
Tacori, I would kill for your dress.

Here's mine. The color is darker and more poo-like in real life.

Now picture that on a female weighing 217. Seriously. I look like I'm dressed in a tent. It's not so good. And it's spaghetti straps. Again, on a not so small female.

Oh, and I'm Casper's cousin when it comes to complexion, so the color..... yeah.....

Shoot me.


Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Gecko, you poor thing. This was actually my third choice. I really liked these two Jasmine dresses that were two tone but my sister loved this one. Since it is *her* wedding I figured that was fine
Haha. I think dresses like the one you are wearing are tricky on MANY body types. At least it looks comfy. I just looked at what size I have to order and am depressed again. Oh well. I have Zumba tonight.

ETA: since I am SO short and will probably have to shorten my dress at least half a foot the seamstress is going to make T a sash for her flower girl dress out of my leftover dress. That way they will match perfectly. She is going to be so cute.


Jun 25, 2008
Date: 3/17/2009 3:57:30 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Gecko, you poor thing. This was actually my third choice. I really liked these two Jasmine dresses that were two tone but my sister loved this one. Since it is *her* wedding I figured that was fine
Haha. I think dresses like the one you are wearing are tricky on MANY body types. At least it looks comfy. I just looked at what size I have to order and am depressed again. Oh well. I have Zumba tonight.

ETA: since I am SO short and will probably have to shorten my dress at least half a foot the seamstress is going to make T a sash for her flower girl dress out of my leftover dress. That way they will match perfectly. She is going to be so cute.
OMG T is going to be adorable!!!! How fun!

Yeah.... I think the bride was thinking that the dress would hide flaws and therefore be flattering - but on someone my size, I need something to give some shape, you know? (The bride is a stick.) On the smaller bridesmaids it will be fine I''m sure.
Wish she''d asked our opinions!


May 9, 2006
I don''t usually participate in this thread, but I love to read when I have the time. It''s very inspirational to read when I need the extra "push."

Anyway, had to come out of lurkdom to say to Tacori that I''m pretty sure that dress is the same one I wore for my sister''s wedding! We chose it because it really looks good on all body types. Very pretty. Is that the color?


Mar 18, 2008
oohhh, sorry for the threadjack here about the bridesmaid dresses--but Tacori, I LOOOOVE that dress! who is the designer? I would really like something like that (flattering on all body types) for my wedding, but my MOH has a strict "no strapless" rule...

speaking of being in wedding parties where you''re (the general "you" this case, meaning "me") the chubby one, my good friend is getting married in August and she''s having 7 bridesmaids--all of whom are wearing sizes 2-4...except for me and her SIL who will have just given birth

I think the dress is really pretty--it doesn''t look like pants in real life--it''s long and flowy...but it def does nothing for my seriously bottom-heavy figure!



Mar 18, 2008
mine will be in this color...


Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Thanks ladies!

Gecko, I am lucky my sister basically let me decide. Oh well. I am sure you will look great!

Burk, no it will be in "sterling" gray which is a medium tone. Your sister has good taste! Haha. I didn''t know you lurked BTW!

alli, the designer is Jordan I think the style is 1809. It actually DOES come with attachable straps so it might be an option. Lots of colors. The "weaving" acts like a corset and is really elegant in person. The other designer I really liked was Jasmine. I used Bill Levkoff dresses for my wedding.

Just got back from Zumba. So tired! It was a tough class tonight. Tessa did SO good. She did start breathing heavily like she was freaking out when I dropped her off but she didn''t cry. She was playing in the corner when I picked her up. Tomorrow is my day off from the gym but we are planning a 2 mile walk. I haven''t weighed myself in awhile (too depressing) but I do feel like my stomach is a tad flatter.


Nov 24, 2006
Back from muscle hour; we did lots of weights while doing step at the same time. We did way too many lunges tonight and push ups; I know I am going to feel it tomorrow. I did some walking around lunch time too. Hubby and I met for lunch which was nice; we had mexican food. This place has healthier mexican which is nice; the beans are whole and fresh ingredients, etc. Hope everyone has a great evening!! Sounds like everyone is doing well; Happy St. Patty's day!!

Those are pretty BM dresses; you should have seen one of the dresses I had to wear; purple w/a big white thing up top back in the early 90's. hehe Yay for beautiful styles now!

MARCY I hope you slept well last night; my sleeping has been bad lately. Have fun in decorating class!!! How was it? hehe

TACORI, that dress is beautiful; I think bm dresses run kind of smaller than the normal sizes at stores. Yay for Zumba!! Awesome on the flatter tummy!

GECKO, yay you should be proud!! Awesome! Pretty dress too! When is the wedding?

STEPH, yay sounds like a great time with family. Enjoy time with your brother and dad!!

BURK good to see you woman and your T avie!

ALLI hello! beautiful bm dresses!

ROD, hi friend I bet you had an awesome workout; have a great evening!


Dec 28, 2005
Hey......Take virtually any Tuesday and paste it here. The only thing different was our boss decided to try to cheer us up with a pizza lunch and since it was from my favorite pizzeria (and the one we went to Saturday night), I certainly had to join in. I ate three huge slices, so I had to work out even harder at the gym tonight. For the pushup count, I only did 100, but I increased the weight on everything I did, to burn more calories and I pushed myself harder on the elliptical as well. I''m sore and tired, but glad I pushed harder to overcome my indulgence from lunch. I usually don''t have pizza but once every couple months and here I''ve had it twice this week.......naughty naughty!

It''s almost 11 PM and I need to get ready for bed, so I''ll just have to offer a collective HELLO to everyone. Thanks for the fashon show Ladies!! I''m sure you''ll look stunningly beautiful in your dresses!!

See you tommorrow night!


Feb 27, 2007

Hi everyone.Happy St. Patrick’s Day!I forgot to wear green – rats.I did stick in my calorie range today.Yippee!

Tacori, how nice you got to pick out a flattering BM dress.I did sleep pretty well last night.T will look adorable with a matching sash.

Geckodani, you should be proud of yourself.I am pretty sleepy right now but hope to sleep well again tonight.Your BM dress is very pretty too.

Steph, my sister-in-law ended up staying with us so between having her here and going out to visit my other SIL and my in-laws we have been busy.Both of Marty’s sisters are going home tomorrow and my in-laws are here for another 10 days.Have fun with your second batch of guests.

Skippy, I hope you aren’t too sore tomorrow after you hard workout tonight.Sorry to hear you haven’t been sleeping well.I sure hope to sleep in this weekend and hope you’ll have that luxury too.Cake class is tomorrow night.I am excited to go learn how to make new flowers.

Rod, I am glad you enjoyed some of your favorite pizza.

Take care.




May 9, 2006
alli~I started the threadjack! I think that dress is pretty! My dress for my sister's wedding was almost exactly like Tacori's and it also had attachable straps and was very flattering on all the body types of her bridesmaids!

Tacori~Yea, some days (like yesterday) when I'm contemplating skipping the gym I check in here to get a little motivation. So, yep, I'm a bit of a lurker!
Sterling gray will be gorgeous!

Skippy~Why thank you lady!

I'll participate and add my day of HLT for today...went to step last night as usual for my Tuesdays. Great workout. Then came home and devoured some chips. I workout like a crazy person, but my food choices leave something to be desired. I need to read about all of the good food choices that those who post here make!


Jul 22, 2007
Thanks for all the support, everyone. It''s very appreciated.

Rod~ Thanks for reminding me that I AM his only outlet for venting. It''s weird because he really doesn''t have many friends. He''s worked so many hours and so much overtime over the last several years, his friends were basically his co-workers.

Tacori~ How exciting for your sister!! And, you''re right about DH. He is depressed. He was diagnosed several years ago and recently they''ve lowered his meds right before the lay-off.
btw-Super cute dress. It''s nice when you can be a BM who get to look pretty!

gecko~ By complexion, I think we''re related!! They call me Powder....

Hope all is going well for all of you. I have to fix dinner for a bunch of kids tonight and I''ll be crazy by tomorrow! My friend is having surgery in the morning so I''ll be picking up the slack for a while. Please keep her in your prayers (and me if there''s room!)

Have a great tomorrow!!

oh, almost forgot. I got a couple tops today and was pleasantly surprised to see that even after completely slacking on workouts and healthy eating, I was able to buy the same size as last summer.


Nov 24, 2006
Hi Friends!!! I went for a 45 min walk early in the morning showered before my nephew came over. Well I asked my nephew if he wanted to help with my flower garden that I needed help with the leaves; he was super excited. So I worked up a sweat and my parents stopped by which was perfect timing because they could watch my nephew for a little bit while I took a second shower;
I filled up a huge trash can with leaves. My nephew thought it was the funniest thing to see the bin so full; I am glad I got that done because my flowers are coming up. Oh my nephew watched; I didn't really have him help me but we talked about the flowers and the colors of flowers blooming. He did think it was fun to play with the broom though. Then hubby came home and we went for a mile walk because it is so gorgeous out!!

ROD, yum to pizza; I just love the stuff, I wouldn't be able to pass it up either and I bet since you are in fab shape you burned them all off. Yay for your uber push ups!!!

MARCY, I forgot to wear green too! ha! Yay for staying in your calorie range!

BURK, yay, I am glad you joined us; I every once in awhile lurk over on the mommy thread and it looks like you all have so much fun talking about the adorable kiddos so it makes me happy that some of you are coming over here!! hehe
Wooo for step; I use to love step aerobics!!! I love the crazy choreographed ones. You sound like you are in great shape! There are some good recipes in the stick up top.

SS, that is awesome, kudos for not gaining and finding new tops!! Prayers outgoing for your friend.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Okay my walk was shorter than I had hoped b/c Tessa was NOT into it. I met my friend and her daughter for dinner and ice cream and Tessa was SOOOO happy eating her vanilla scoop. Keep in mind I think it is only the second time in her life she had any and she OBVIOUSLY was loving it (and VERY messy and sticky). We walked around afterwards so that added to my earlier walk I guess. Going to class tomorrow night and plan on going to the gym again on Friday. The other two BMs tried on the dress today and both loved it. Phew!

skippy, you are right that formal dresses/wedding dresses do run small. Still! It is depressing.

Rod, sometimes pizza tastes SOOO good and you just cannot resist!

Marcy, hope your class was fun and Marty was still teacher''s pet. Haha. I am so jealous of you all who get to sleep in. Enjoy it a little extra for me!

Burk, she wanted army green at first
so I am excited about the gray. We are going to wear silver shoes.

SS, I am happy for her. She has been with her FI for awhile now. She also just got into her Phd program so life is good for her! Could your DH up his meds until he gets a job? I mean that is depressing alone but combined with already existing depression might take its toll. Hope your friend''s surgery goes well.

Skippy, your nephew is so cute! Glad he could "help" you with yard work which is a great workout.
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